Names of ballroom folk modern dances. Types of modern dances. Names of modern dances. Modern dances for children

Even in ancient centuries, people who did not know how to write, count or speak correctly expressed their emotions, feelings and desires through ritual dances. This is human nature, which became the ancestor of modern dance. With the development of humanity, many types of dances began to appear, which became more diverse and refined. This type of creativity is developing to this day. Contemporary dance is about self-expression through rhythmic movements and emotional delivery to music. In this article, let's look at what types of dances there are.


Ballroom dancing is a group of various dances performed in pairs. They, in turn, are divided into two programs: Latin American and European. Let's take a closer look at what kind of dances there are in this group:

  • Waltz is a dance that gained its popularity at the end of the 18th century in Europe, causing a storm of protest among conservative Englishmen. Until this time, a woman and a man had never embraced in dance. However, this dance survived persecution, striking everyone with its grace and beauty. Today, the waltz is considered a classic, and its varieties are included in the European program ballroom dancing.
  • Viennese Waltz is a very sophisticated ballroom dance that has been very popular in Europe for many years. It is part of the European program for sports ballroom dancing. This dance includes seven figures alternating with each other.
  • 3.Argentine tango- combines a dozen different performance styles. Initially, this dance gained its popularity in Argentina, and then throughout the world. Argentine tango is a very lively and emotional dance, and one of its varieties is constantly used in the ballroom program.
  • Quickstep is a ballroom dance that is compulsory in the European program. The quickstep or fast foxtrot combines dancers' sliding steps, jumping, bending and quickly changing positions. This is a dance with a very lively rhythm, requiring mobility and lightness from the dancers, has time signature 4/4.
  • Rumba is a ballroom dance, originally from Cuba, that makes up the Latin American program. Its peculiarity is the smooth, sensual and erotic movements, as well as the wide steps characteristic of this dance.
  • Foxtrot - this dance is included in the European ballroom program, starting from class C. It appeared in the United States in 1912 and is named after Harry Fox. Foxtrot is characterized by alternating slow and fast steps, creating a large number of various variations. This dance is considered difficult to perform due to the complex nature of the movements.
  • Cha-cha-cha is a Cuban dance that makes up the Latin American program in ballroom dancing. A fast, cheerful, playful dance, considered the youngest of all in the program, and is performed starting from class H. Having learned several movements of this fiery dance, you will be able to pleasantly surprise and please all your friends and family.

Folk dances

Folk dance is folklore performed in certain traditions characteristic of a given area, having certain costumes, music and movements. The varieties or styles of dance are very diverse, differing in historical significance. Any folk dance began its formation in the distant past, under the influence of the traditions of its people. Let's take a closer look at what kind of dances there are in this group:

  • Hopak is a well-known and very common Ukrainian dance, having a musical time signature of 2/4. He dances very energetically and fervently, with squats, swings and trick elements. A mandatory attribute of this dance is men's trousers.
  • Quadrille is a Russian dance performed in pairs. It gained its greatest popularity in the 19th century. The ancestor of this dance is considered to be the French quadrille, which became widespread throughout the world. Today there are several varieties of this dance, for example: Ukrainian, Russian, French and Latin American square dance.
  • The Gigue is a very old dance, originally performed to the accompaniment of a violin. Western Europe. At first, the size of this dance was 4/4, later various variations began to appear, for example 6/8. The jig is considered a dance of Irish peasants, performed mainly with the feet, and was later adopted by English sailors.
  • Tarantella is an Italian folk dance performed both in pairs and solo. It is very elegant, rhythmic, graceful, performed at an accelerating tempo and has a fiery, Italian character.
  • Mazurka is a Polish, very rhythmic dance with a very fast tempo. It originated from Polish peasants and spread throughout Europe in the 19th century.
  • Bolero is passionate spanish dance, which originated in the 18th century in Spain. Traditionally, the melody for it is performed on the guitar using castanets.
  • Cancan is a very energetic dance that originated in France in the early 20th century. At one time it was considered an obscene dance and was not performed publicly. However, gradually the cancan turned into a comic and very cheerful dance. Bright smiles and fiery music were loved by the audience different countries.
  • Polka is a folk dance that originated in the Czech Republic in the 19th century and is in 2/4 time. The name of the dance comes from the Czech word - half, thanks to the small steps performed in the dance.

The most popular folk dance styles today are East Dance and Spanish flamenco. There are many dance schools, in which these dances are very popular.

Modern dance

Modern choreography characterized by a wide variety of directions. Plastic movements, rhythmic music, expressive emotions are embodied in modern dances. Let's take a closer look at some popular dance styles.

  • Breaking is a street dance that originated in New York. This dance is generally divided into upper and lower breaks. The performance requires dancers to have dexterity and good physical training, and good feeling rhythm and plasticity.
  • Hip-hop is by far the most popular dance in youth culture. Street philosophy supplemented this dance with some elements of break, jazz, and pop. Characteristic feature his are improvisation and experimentation.
  • Jazz is a harmonious mixing of various dance styles. It originated from indigenous African-American dance in the 20th century. The dance is performed to jazz music both solo and in a group.

In addition to the main dance styles that we have considered, there are very young and recently emerged modern dance styles which are already very popular among young people are: go-go, table and strip plastic.

Striptease, Strip plastic, Pillon

Striptease is the art of seduction... It is interesting because it can reveal femininity, sensuality and sexuality in the dancer. Becoming on par with a man, the woman of our time increasingly forgets to be a woman. Strip classes refresh your instincts, break the shackles of constraint, and teach you to express feelings and emotions. Pole classes, in turn, provide amazing physical training.

Difficulties: Skills Required rhythmic gymnastics, good stretch and a beautiful figure.

Upper Break Dance, Dup Step, Popping, Electric Boogie

Dancers of these genres are real “dance magicians”, originating from the art of pantomime. What they do is amazing! Not for nothing, today there is no one cooler than breakers in modern dance. In their performances we see the highest level of control over the body, the most complex elements, so unimaginable that sometimes it’s even painful to watch. Delight bordering on horror!

Difficulties: To really achieve something in breakdancing, you need to dedicate yourself to it. And you need to be extremely careful, there are some injuries.

Go-Go, Waaking, Vogue

Just what you need for fashionistas who crave the stage! The highest degree of posturing and acting. They play on the grace of shapes and lines, which advantageously reveal the beauty of a half-naked body. Vogue and Waaking are "pathos for white people." Vogue style is characterized by the posing of models, it imitates catwalk walking. The Waaking style, which took a lot from Vogue, is dominated by hand movements (the name itself translates as “waving hands”), many of the movements they borrowed from locking. Go-Go is a freer style, in which the previous two were mixed and elements of other styles, such as strip, were added. This is the most popular style of dancing nightclubs.

Difficulties: excellent physical qualities and moral readiness to perform on stage in practically underwear are required.

Jazz Modern, Contemporary Dance

A modern interpretation of ballet that preserves aesthetic traditions, but gives freedom and flexibility of technique, abolishing the rigid standards of the classics. These styles are based on choreography. Most of the higher educational institutions under modern dance presents Contemporary. But the paradox is that this genre is completely unsuitable for dancing to modern dance music. This is a purely stage dance technique.

Difficulties: to achieve success in this style, you need to practice since childhood.

Classic. Choreography

The highest "theatrical" form choreographic art, the embodiment of the highest aesthetic ideals. This is an exclusively stage dance, focused on the viewer. It is characterized by strict standards and high requirements for performance techniques, many of which are carried out to the limit of human capabilities. In terms of complexity, the elements of ballet can only be compared with the elements of breakdancing.

Difficulties: professional pursuits ballet does not pass without a trace. Extremely high demands leave an imprint on the formation of the body, especially because you need to practice ballet from childhood, while the body is still pliable. Possible damage to ligaments, tendons, joints, overdeveloped individual muscle groups and much more.

Latin American dancing, salsa, hustle

These directions are extremely popular today. It's not just dancing, it's leisure, communication, discos. These styles bring people together: energetic, passionate movements, exciting swaying of the hips... Although these are mostly pair dances, they are organized in such a way that you can easily change partners and make new acquaintances. And they do not require special training; they are quite simple to learn.

Difficulties: on initial stage For lovers of difficulties, there are few difficulties, the main thing is to find a suitable partner.

Lower Break Dance

The low break is a masterpiece of our time, bordering on the impossible, going beyond the limits of human capabilities. It incorporates the elements and style of Hip-Hop culture and is performed to DubStep or Hip-Hop music. The technical essence of the style is control of “torque” in all possible positions, i.e. continue to rotate when changing position on any support points, even on the head. This is the most complex acrobatics superimposed on the rhythms of music. Suitable for short, stocky dancers.

Challenges: It is extremely difficult to prevent injuries


Spanish folk dance with obligatory traditional costumes. Flamenco is particularly dramatic and attracts a fairly mature audience. It is a spectacular and expressive genre, filled with passion. He is characterized by a specific choreography of his hands, active tap-dancing trills and luxurious steps in the flounces of chic skirts in the gypsy style.

Difficulties: a keen sense of rhythm is required

Oriental dance, Tribal

The art of seduction, erotic dance of the east (ancient striptease). It is performed in specific costumes with ringing scales, which enhances the musicality of the dance and synchronization with the music. Oriental dance is rich in all kinds of techniques in plasticity, rhythm, abounds small details and decorations. Truly professional dancers fascinate with the beauty of the curves of their half-naked body and clear, finely drawn movements. Unlike other styles, “oriental dancers” delight with the expressiveness of their curvaceous forms and their ability to advantageously reveal the features of the female figure.

Difficulties: minor shaking, vibrations, harmful to the not yet formed female body.

Basics of modern dance, improvisation for the dance floor

Modern Dance Base- dance format for the dance floor, suitable for music of different genres. This is a universal dance technique that can be combined with any style, type and manner. No need to memorize dance sequences and performances, the dance is built on the principle of a designer: there are basic elements and rules for how they are combined with each other. Having studied several movements and learned how to combine them with each other, you can improvise under different music, a few months of training is enough for this. The entire dance is based on rhythm, plasticity and coordination of movements.

Difficulties: to achieve beauty and ease in improvisation, it takes time to restore atrophied muscle groups.

Shuffle, House, ElectroDance, Tecktonik, C-walk

Active styles for expressive youth: techniques with swings and jumps to music with a direct rhythm. Extremely energy-consuming, attract a lot of attention and require a lot of space. You will be unlucky if you find yourself next to such a dancer on a packed dance floor, fortunately this does not happen often, but at street festivals these styles have become a hit! These techniques turn you on - you just want to join in and start dancing. But there are not enough dancers for long, because... the set of movements is not particularly large or varied, and all are quite energetic.

Difficulties: finding a place to perform them

R'n'B, Hip-Hop

Initially, R’n’B is the culture of funk, jazz and soul. She also contributed to the emergence of rock and roll. Subsequently, R’n’B and Hip-Hop began to actively mix, because they are both part of African American culture. Today, R’n’B as a dance includes any possible techniques, but all of them are performed in a particularly pretentious manner, in the obligatory ultra-fashionable outfit. R’n’B classes are an excellent solution for those who want to “show themselves.” This style gives self-confidence, a feeling of one’s own coolness and sexuality, it is a cure for complexes and insecurities, which young people so lack; that is why this is a purely youth movement.

Hip-hop, however, is a serious direction, where the pathos are justified by the really cool training of the dancers, who do not neglect breakdancing.

Difficulties: constantly psychological pressure within the team, where the spirit of struggle and competition reigns.

Ballroom dancing

Pair dance with strict choreographic standards. Dancers are completely attached to their partner, who is extremely difficult to replace.
Flaws: injuries, occupational diseases. Considering that this is professional dance to participate in competitions, the departure of a partner almost always entails the collapse of the dancer’s professional career.
Advantages: fully reveals the topic of interaction with a partner. Highest form possible pair dance art.


This is the most ancient, and at the same time the most modern style of dance. It is constantly changing, as the standards of femininity and masculinity change. You can dance it in different ways, but the meaning does not change. This is a dance that arouses sexual interest, allowing you to enjoy your image, the effect you produce. This is the most emotional style of dance, in which the characteristics of male and female movements are maximally expressed. There is a very fine line here that separates the most beautiful and the most disgusting. Therefore, a highly qualified choreographer is simply necessary.

Club dance

Broad concept " club dance"includes a variety of movements of different styles. They can be performed synchronously or solo. Club dance today is divided into 2 directions: to music with a straight rhythm and to music with a broken rhythm. Straight rhythm is classic electronic music like Disco House, Techno, Progressive. Broken rhythm is a break beat, breaks, R’n’B, Hip-Hop.

Jazz - Modern

Originating at the time of the relevance of ballroom dancing, modern jazz is a combination of classical techniques, street dance styles, and jazz improvisation.

Top break dance

A combination of all “old school” styles, such as plastic, slides, king-tat, robot. Break Dancing is exciting, vibrant, and colorful. For this reason it has become very popular. Break dancing first appeared in the South Bronx (Big Up's to da Bronx!) in the 70s. At first it was danced on those laid out on the street cardboard boxes, which turned the sidewalk into a stage. Street dancers mixed aerobatic dance with martial arts and disco dance, and each performer crafted his own style. Music flowed from portable stereo recorders. Now this is a personal way to get in shape and have fun!


A dance technique that allows you to excite a crowd of spectators using standard artistic techniques, wide, amplitude movements that capture attention, courage and play. One of the main elements of Go-Go is the expression of sexuality and a minimal amount of clothing.

Street dance

In the early 70s in the United States, a huge number of groups were formed dancing in the streets, which later turned into culture. It incorporates a popular form filled with elements of various dance styles.

Stage, power style of synchronized dance, allowing you to work on quality and endurance. A large number of synchronized sequences of popular movements and courage are presented.

Power dance style for the stage, where movements are performed with full force and at high speed. This style features a large number of “wide” movements, swings, rotations and turns.

Slide man (Moon Walk)

All kinds of moonwalks in all directions. This technique is perfectly combined with plastic. The style is based on moonwalks, which give the illusory effect of gliding across the floor. The style includes more than 20 types of gaits. Swimming or sliding on the floor is an illusion created with your feet. This creates the feeling that you are trying to go in one direction, but you are actually moving in another. A classic example of this effect is the 'Moonwalk' made by famous Michael Jackson. Factual illusion is an old Pantomime trick.


As a result " psychedelic revolution“In the late 60s, a culture of music, fashion, and dance emerged. The manifestation of one’s individuality in this form is still relevant today. The disco style influenced many other styles that appeared later.


It has gained great popularity all over the world thanks to the music it is performed to. This super-fashionable dance style helps you acquire not only a beautiful sports uniform, but will also provide an opportunity to show “aerobatics” in clubs. The style evolved from “Hip-Hop” and became more diverse and complex. The abbreviation “R&B” stands for “Rhythm and Blues”. As a rule, it is danced at the level of improvisation.


Trance as a stylization of dance technique, with a softer nature of movements based on specific features electronic trance music, mainly absorbed movements that anyone can perform without special physical training. This is a dance of deep feelings that are not always clear to others.

Dance has always been associated with the spiritual side and mental state of a person. It is worth noting that even holidays and rituals were never held without a corresponding dance. Nowadays, there are a huge number of styles of this type of art, each of which has its own characteristics.

A little about the history of dance

As mentioned above, dance is an art form that existed in ancient times. Literally everything had its own special style of dance: everyone ritual, every holiday or event, not to mention individual peoples and tribes. In any case, it has always been important for a person, and earlier dances were more sacred character and in certain cases could only be carried out knowledgeable people who put deep meaning into this action. Today, the art of dance is accessible to everyone, and the world knows a huge variety of dance styles and trends.

With the development of humanity, choreography also developed. Early with her help shamans they caused rain and performed rituals, then, era after era, it became more diverse and colorful, various peoples created own directions and styles, they selected appropriate outfits for them, and began to divide them into men's and women's. Each style acquired its own rhythm and movement.

WITH old times The most famous and widespread movement was folk dance, which was performed at all holidays and other events, but now this style is preserved only on stage, although in a number of countries it is still popular and performed at weddings and other celebrations. Today, modern rhythms, youth trends, corresponding to modern music.

How modern dances appeared

Modern styles dances began to appear in the first half of the 20th century, gradually displacing ballet art into the background. At first they penetrated the masses unnoticed, but then various schools began to open that no longer adhered to the old rules. Thus, the ballet that for a long time held leadership positions, began to be relegated to secondary roles.

In general, that period was characterized by unpredictable changes not only in choreography, but also in music. First began to gain popularity free style, where all conventions were absent, and they were replaced by freedom and improvisation.

Styles Popular Today

It is worth noting that choreography never stands still, and even today the emergence and formation of new dance styles is proceeding at an active pace. But speaking more generally, it is worth highlighting several styles that emerged at the end of the 20th century and are still popular today. and here is their description:

Some of the dance styles presented are created primarily only for girls, but for the most part they can be performed by both sexes.

Today, choreography should be free, modern, permeated with improvisation, and street dance has all these qualities. It is interesting precisely because it is performed by non-professionals and includes movements from almost all dance styles, even classical ones. An interesting combination of one style with another, adapted to each other, filled with unusual beauty, so the well-known hip-hop, popping, and many others stood out here.

Dancing for girls

Due to the fact that choreography still attracts more female attention than male attention, among the various dance styles there are a number of specifically female ones:

  • Bellydance, also known as oriental dance or belly dance. This style has gained unprecedented popularity among girls due to its color and incredible beauty. This is for real women's direction in choreography, which not only develops plasticity, but also strengthens women Health. Belly dancing can be soft and smooth and at the same time rhythmic and filled with many movements;
  • Strip plastic is another popular style that develops the grace of the female body. Thanks to strip plastic, stiffness and complexes go away. This is a fairly frank dance, reminiscent of a striptease, but excluding the element of nudity;
  • Go-Go dance is a club dance that combines rhythm and elements of strip dance;
  • and, in fact, just a club dance, which includes elements from hip-hop, funk, go-go and many others. Here, both a combination of several styles and the separate selection of one of them is allowed.

In addition to these styles, such styles as modern, vogue, booty dance and many others are also popular. It is almost impossible to list all the styles, because there are very, very many of them, but they all have the right to be noticed, since each of them has its own beauty and grace, its own unique rhythm and accent. Dance has always been, is and will be an integral part of a person’s life, because emotions and state of mind are transmitted through it.

Concept Street style dancing (or street dance) is usually used to describe dance styles that developed outside the walls of dance studios, on the streets, in schools and clubs. Street dance encourages the use of improvisation, contact with the audience, and interaction between dancers. This style of dance is characterized by freedom of movement and form, which allows dancers to independently develop and experiment, creating unique individual designs. Music is of great importance, setting various dance directions, as well as the emotions and sensations on which the dancer relies.

Street dance

The most common styles of street dance are hip-hop, popping, breakdancing, locking, house, R`n`B and others. However, they are rarely found in their pure form. Street styles are characterized by improvisation and mixing of elements. If there is no opportunity to study at dance studio, you can try to do this at home using video tutorials and tutorials. However, we should not forget that for a dancer, the main thing is the audience, interaction and communication, which allows you to get maximum drive, without which street dance cannot exist. It is also necessary to remember that, although modern dance styles love improvisation, the skill of the performer is mainly assessed by the quality of his performance. basic elements, which go in combination with “style” - elements invented by the dancer.


Street style dance, called popping, is based on the technique of rapid muscle contraction and relaxation, causing vibrations in the body - pop. The movements used in this style are usually built on sharp contrasts, replacing rigid robot-style movements with smooth, free and flowing ones. Basically, this style is performed while standing, as opposed to, for example, breaking.

Breaking (or b-boying) appeared in America in the 60s - 80s of the last century. This Street style dance originated in New York, in the Bronx. This dance is part of hip-hop culture. In Russia, breakdancing has long been divided into lower and upper. This division appeared in the Soviet Union, when very fragmentary knowledge leaked to Soviet dancers from behind the Iron Curtain. “Bottom” breakdancing is based on performing various tricks on the floor and requires good physical preparation.


Krumping is the most aggressive Street style dance. It is based on the dancer releasing all his emotions, mainly anger, using releases and isolation movements. Crump looks quite tough and allows for the use of physical contact between dancers. Used mainly during dance competitions and battles.


Originating back in the 80s, house began to gain popularity in Europe only recently. House attracts viewers with its positive energy, rhythmic style and dynamism. Based on the dancer's good understanding and interpretation of the music. House style originates from old school hip-hop, mixed with ragga, step and many other styles. House is divided into three parts: footwork (footwork, it is given, perhaps, greatest attention), jacking (body work) and lofting (work on the ground, that is, on the floor).

Locking is a positive funky dance style. It is filled with dynamic and precise movements, emotions and fun. The dance is based on “locks” that close positions. Big role The performance involves facial expressions, pantomime, and humor. Originated in the 70s in Los Angeles.

So, it doesn’t matter which style of dance to choose, the main thing is good mood, explosive energy and positivity.

Street dancing is an unusual interweaving of trends that captivate the dancer and the observer of the dance. Street dance was born thanks to the dancer’s desire to stand out and not be like anyone else; such people gave the world new trends.

The concept of “street dancing” arose based on the place where it was performed. The birth of the dance took place on the street: in a club, in a schoolyard, in the courtyards of residential buildings and on the outskirts of the city. Street dance does not imply the presence of any performance standards; the main thing in dance is the manifestation of individuality.

How did street dance styles appear?

The 70s in the USA, the last century, are considered the time of the emergence of the styles of bray dancing, pop locking, and locking. Modern trends such as hip-hop, funk, krump became famous already in the 80s. Young people of that time often gathered to organize dance battles - competitions. At first the battles took place spontaneously, but over time they became real competitions among those who loved to devote themselves to music and movement. The participants invited spectators and support from friends in advance. Currently, competitions have already reached the world level and are held in different places on our planet. The most famous are: Juste Debout and Battle of the Year.

At these competitions you can see an improvised dance, as well as a ready-made performance. The development of street dance does not stop; new directions, trends and elements in dance are constantly appearing. Traditional style merges with street style - this gives impetus to the emergence of new original forms dance, a striking example is street jazz.

Beauty and freedom of expression in street dance.

As already mentioned, street dancing combines various styles and directions, but each has its own characteristics and technique of execution. They can be called “dances of the soul”; the mood and feelings of the dancer give rise to movements and the desire for improvisation. Through dance, performers show their individuality and, inherent in each, originality. Improvisation is main feature street dance. Even a pre-prepared performance does not set strict limits for the performer; he can always succumb to his feelings and turn the performance into a real masterpiece, stunning the audience with his skill.

Now street dance is a very large number of different directions, which you can familiarize yourself with on our website, as well as see photos and videos that interest you.