How the Internet affects health. The influence of the Internet on human physical and mental health

The influence of the Internet and technology development in general on the development of human mental abilities. The Internet is a fundamentally new means of telecommunications, characterized by high speed information exchange. In this regard, a new level of relations between man and computer, man and man through a computer arises.

How does this affect the human psyche? There may be a noticeable increase in the speed and volume of data perception, the discovery of new capabilities of the human brain, and a fundamentally new perception of previous information. Is it true that children who spend a lot of time at the computer develop much faster than their peers? From the point of view of common sense, computer scientists have more intelligent and logically correct thought processes. This allows them to express thoughts more clearly and accurately and to organize themselves. But at the same time, isn’t the element of humanity and imaginative thinking lost in them?

On the other hand, Internet users have a wider circle of “communication” and greater access to world information, including humanitarian information. And again, a paradox arises: in the modern world, not all information is immersed in the abyss of the Internet, but so far only a small part of it. Will all information remaining outside the Internet be lost to those connected to the network, if only due to lack of time?

Is there a relationship between immersion in the Internet and human mental improvement?

The more “advanced” a person is in computers and on the Internet, the better, more harmonious, more logical and more broad-based the personality develops. One of the most important functions of the Internet is the ability for people to communicate online. The Internet here acts as a medium in this new form of human communication. The online mode of communication has its own characteristics: it is not an epistolary genre, but it is not a real conversation either. This is a fundamentally new type of communication. The ability to conduct a dialogue with a remote interlocutor in real time allows for individual psychotherapy. Communication in the “virtual” space is characterized by the following specifics. The exchange of written messages replacing verbal communication is a slow process. A person has time to think and give his thoughts and words the form he needs. A lot of useful information discarded during the typing and editing process is lost. Although there is an opinion that on the contrary - the exchange of information becomes more intense in the sense of the ratio of the content of the text to its volume. In this regard, new problems arise related to communication between people via the Internet. Does the Internet affect a person's emotional and spiritual development?

One of the first and important problems is the replacement of social-hierarchical guidelines with mental ones. What could this lead to? Firstly, to the creation of certain subcultures, social groups of people united by common interests (and sometimes goals), behavioral norms (established for each specific case depending on the level of communication and other factors), as well as the presence of a stable structure of interaction within this group. Another sign of the identification of social groups - common status and role prescriptions - is a separate topic of conversation, because in this case, we can state the birth of a new society with its own laws, norms, rules, customs, hierarchy, goals and interests. This new reality may be radically different from the one that could be created by the same people in “real reality”.

The issue of role-playing and the “stratification” of the personality structure is raised.

A person can be one person in the “new reality”, he can be several, he can be of any gender, age, religion, etc., if these characteristics, of course, are appropriate and usable in a given situation. “I am real” and “I am virtual” - how do these two categories interact? The problem of “masks”, which exist even in the absence of “virtuality”, and with it acquire even greater scope and significance.

It probably doesn’t make sense to study the problem of “virtual” relationships independently of real life, since one way or another, these two worlds have to intersect, and since our main, real life has not yet been buried (or emancipated) by computers, it should still be tied “ virtuality" to reality.

Thus, problems arise when two realities intersect: computer and real.

The consequences can be positive (improvement of the social-hierarchical structure of society), and just as destructive (the difference between the structure of the computer and real worlds can lead to the erasure of the framework of habitual adequate human behavior in reality, to the uncertainty of real life guidelines). As for the “stratification” of the personality structure of specific individuals, both constructive (emotional, spiritual improvement of a person, self-study and soul-searching) and destructive indicators (personality degradation) can also be observed here.

Municipal secondary education institution

"Secondary school No. 6"

O. Murom, Vladimir region

Interim certification
2010 – 2011 academic year year

Abstract on the topic:

“The influence of the Internet on the life of modern man.”


student 8 "G" Klimova Yulia



Korchagina Elena Nikolaevna



Every person has a computer at home, every second person has a computer connected to the Internet. Nowadays you can't do without a computer. Its influence has a detrimental effect on us, from the simplest games to electromagnetic radiation.

Today, the computer is an integral part of everyday life. People spend most of their time (including free time) on the computer, and there is no hiding from it. Computers surround us everywhere: at home, in stores, in offices. Without a computer it will be extremely difficult for a person.

Usually it all starts with a simple thing: a person logs onto the Internet for the first time, he wants to find out what he can find there, what it is all about. There is an interest in everything that happens there - the thirst for information leads to more and more sites, chats, etc. Next, a person learns that the Internet is not only a “book with pictures.” At any time there are millions of people on it, and the Internet is like a subworld - an alternative. You can participate in it and influence it. Thus, about a quarter developed addiction after six months of communicating with a computer, and half after a year. Everyone gets hooked on their own. Many people “hang out” in chat rooms and chat for hours about nothing with virtual interlocutors.

It is especially easy for teenagers to get hooked on the Internet (according to my own communication experience, the majority of “Internet travelers” suffering from this addiction range from 15-23 years old).

Do you, a person who spends hours on the Internet, ever wonder: does an at first glance harmless computer network do him any good or harm? My job is to reveal to people the whole essence of what this Internet really is.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is, first of all, a huge variety of computers and programs. Among the latter, you will find not only those who can solve your specific problems well, but also many more whose abilities you will probably find it difficult to even imagine at first. Today the Internet has about 112 million subscribers in more than 150 countries. Every month the size of the network increases by 7 - 10%. The Internet forms the core, as it were, and ensures the connection of various information networks belonging to various institutions around the world with one another.

The Internet itself has been around for quite some time. However, only quite recently - around 1990 - the Internet finally gained the critical mass of users and resources necessary for the network revolution taking place before our eyes. High-speed modems, allowing ordinary users of personal computers to enjoy all the benefits of the Internet without restrictions, appeared even later.

However, this is only part of the answer to the question “what is the Internet.” The Internet today is not only a huge number of computers, but also an incredible number of people , for whom the network is a fundamentally new way of communication, which has almost no analogues in the material world. Man is a social being, and communication with others like himself is one of his primary needs. Perhaps, until now, not a single technical invention (except for the telephone) has produced such a revolution in this activity as ancient as the world - human-to-human communication.

So, one of the important dates in the history of the Internet can be considered 1957, when a separate structure was created within the US Department of Defense (DOD) - the Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In the 60s, DARPA's main work was devoted to developing a method for connecting computers to each other. It is very important that he headed the first research program dedicated to the global communication system, launched by DARPA on October 4, 1962, J. Licklider (see Appendix No. 1), who published the work "Galactic Network". Also, one of the important people who are directly related to the discovery of the Internet is Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researcher Lawrence Roberts (see Appendix No. 2)

There is no doubt that the explosive growth of the Internet would have been unimaginable without the World Wide Web. In 1989, at the European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN, Switzerland, Geneva), Tim Berners-Lee developed hypertext document technology that allows users to access any information located on the Internet on computers around the world.

Why do you need the Internet?

The Internet provides services to people. There are thousands, if not millions, of all kinds of services on the Internet. The main Internet services are:

· Access to the information.

· Communication.

Access to the information.

Before the advent of the Internet, traditional sources of information were:

· mass media (both paper (newspapers, magazines) and electronic (radio, television));

· journalistic literature;

· scientific and specialized literature;

· documents of official institutions;

· materials of conferences, round tables and other forms of direct public discussion - text, audio and video;

· analytical research, marketing reports, market reviews;

· directories, catalogs, personalities, data banks, encyclopedias;

· interview;

· graphics, video and audio recordings.

The Internet suggested the following sources:

· online media;

· online literature;

· chats, forums, sites whose content is formed according to the forum principle, and other forms of indirect public discussion;

· web statistics collected and processed by specialized sites;

· online directories, catalogues, personalities, data banks, encyclopedias;

· video and audio podcasting.

Communication via the Internet.

Features of communication via the Internet:

· Anonymity. A person online can and does show greater freedom of speech and action (including insults and obscene language), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

· Voluntariness and desirability of contacts. The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.

· Difficulty in the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a persistent desire for emotional content in the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in describing emotions in words (in parentheses after the main text of the message).

· Desire for atypical, non-normative behavior. Often, users present themselves from a different side than in the conditions of the real social norm, and play out roles, scenarios, and non-normative behavior that are not realized in offline activities.

If you stop and think for a minute about how many means and methods of communication there actually are in the world today, you will have to admit that there are quite a lot of them and, most importantly, a considerable part of them are in one way or another connected with modern technical capabilities and, in particular , with the Internet. Agree that e-mail, all kinds of forums organized in the network space, numerous Internet magazines, etc., and the Internet itself, for many, have become no less important aspect of everyday life (and the communication inherent in it) than television or telephone, and sometimes they (the Internet) completely displace their “backward” brothers.

The influence of the Internet on humans.

The first thing to consider is the impact of the Internet on human health.

Internet – human health.

Internet and vision.

In fact, it is not the Internet that has a bad effect on vision, but the computer, but the Internet is definitely to blame for this. Let's look at the statistics of whose vision deteriorates more. (see Appendix No. 3)

This means that those users who communicate on the computer are more likely to worsen their vision. Such users communicate using the Internet, which means the Internet negatively affects our vision. Vision deteriorates due to greater fatigue, when a person sits at the computer for a very long time and continuously, vision weakens. Vision also deteriorates when reading from a monitor screen.


Computer and poor health.

· A person working at a computer for a long time must maintain a relatively motionless position, which negatively affects the spine and blood circulation throughout the body (blood stagnation). Blood stagnation is especially pronounced at the level of the pelvic organs and limbs. With prolonged disturbances in blood circulation, tissue nutrition is disrupted and the walls of blood vessels are damaged, which in turn leads to their irreversible expansion. This dilation of blood vessels is observed, for example, with hemorrhoids.

· Long-term use of the keyboard leads to overstrain of the joints of the hand and forearm muscles.

· Working at a computer involves processing a large amount of information and constant concentration of attention, therefore, when working at a computer for a long time, mental fatigue and impaired attention often develop.

· A person working at a computer is constantly forced to make decisions on which the effectiveness of his work depends. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to predict the consequences of one or another step (especially against the background of chronic fatigue). Therefore, long-term work at the computer is often the cause of chronic stress. Note that the need to process a large amount of heterogeneous (and mostly unnecessary information) also leads to the development of stress.

· Reports of computer addiction are increasingly appearing. Indeed, prolonged work at the computer, surfing the Internet and computer games can cause such mental disorders.

· Working at a computer often absorbs all the attention of a working person and therefore such people often neglect normal nutrition and work from hand to mouth all day. Improper nutrition leads not only to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract, but also to mineral and vitamin deficiencies. It is known that it is not the lack of vitamins and minerals that negatively affects the metabolic process in the body, which leads to a decrease in a person’s intellectual abilities. A decrease in work efficiency, which in turn causes the need to spend even more time at the computer. Thus, a kind of “vicious circle” is formed in which long-term work at the computer is the starting point that determines all subsequent violations.

This is directly related to the Internet, because a person will spend more time at a computer only when he is on the Internet, a person will absorb a large amount of information, communication, and he will lose track of time, and his health will deteriorate every minute.

The Internet is an addiction.

Computer addiction is no less dangerous than drug addiction, as it leads to a significant disruption of adaptation in society (inability to work, inability to start a family or simply take care of oneself).

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level: the disorder is not included in the official classification of diseases DSM-IV.

Researchers provide various criteria by which you can judge Internet addiction. So, Kimberly Young gives four signs:

· Obsessive desire to check e-mail.

· Constant desire for the next access to the Internet.

· Complaints from others that a person spends too much time on the Internet.

· Complaints from others that a person spends too much money on the Internet.

Ivan Goldberg provides a more detailed system of criteria. In his opinion, Internet addiction can be established if 3 of the following points are present:

· The amount of time you need to spend on the Internet to achieve satisfaction (sometimes the feeling of pleasure from communicating online borders on euphoria) increases noticeably.

· If a person does not increase the amount of time he spends on the Internet, the effect is noticeably reduced.

· The user makes attempts to give up the Internet or at least spend less time on it.

· Stopping or reducing the time spent on the Internet leads the user to poor health, which develops over a period of several days to a month and is expressed by two or more factors:

1. Emotional and motor arousal

2. Anxiety

3. Obsessive thoughts about what is happening on the Internet now

4. Fantasies and dreams about the Internet

5. Voluntary or involuntary movements of the fingers, reminiscent of typing on a keyboard.

K. Young, while researching Internet addicts, found out what they use most often. Let's look at the diagram (see Appendix No. 4)

Prevention and treatment of Internet addiction

What to do? What not to do: punish, turn off the Internet, deprive others of pleasure. All these actions are not only useless, but also harmful, as they push the teenager to run away from home.

What needs to be done: support the teenager in overcoming life’s difficulties, teach new ways to overcome crisis situations, teach the ability to regulate their emotions, build relationships with peers, and manage their time.

Who to contact: mandatory consultation with a psychotherapist (identification of possible depressive disorders) - joint psychocorrectional work of a psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist.


Gaming addiction.

The next “computer disease” is gaming addiction, it applies to those who play online games, that is, games on the Internet.

Gaming addiction is an alleged form of psychological addiction, manifested in obsessive passion for video games, computer games, and online games.


· absorption, preoccupation with the game (memories of past games, planning future bets, thoughts about how to find money for the game);

· nervousness and excitement during the game, increasing bets;

· inability to interrupt the game as long as there is cash;

· experiencing anxiety or irritation when it is necessary to limit bets or stop the game;

· using games as a means to get rid of unpleasant experiences;

· attempts to win back the day after a loss;

· lies and attempts to rationally justify one’s behavior in order to hide the true degree of one’s involvement in the game;

· using illegal methods of obtaining money (forgery, deception, theft or embezzlement) to continue the game;

· deterioration of relationships at work, in the family, with friends;

· borrowing money from others to pay off existing debts caused by gambling.

If you have 4 or more symptoms, this is already a disease...

Treatment methods:

Without giving free rein to your emotions, try to consider in detail the real appearance of psychological dependence. And then take care of yourself: look at yourself just as carefully, evaluate your own strengths and needs. Or the strengths and needs of someone you care so much about. Please note: this is not as easy as it seems. Not only do we know those around us quite poorly, we often know ourselves poorly. First, at least admit there is a problem. This is already a big victory. Then the choice is yours.

Positive functions of the Internet.

We have looked at some of the negative aspects of the Internet, but you can also find positive ones.

We can communicate with people who are thousands of kilometers away from you, we can exchange information at a distance, we can make all kinds of purchases without leaving home, etc.

Let's look at the useful features of the Internet.

Online shopping.

Nowadays, shopping through online stores is becoming very popular; you choose the product you need, put it in the online shopping cart and pay using a card, ATM or web wallet. It is very comfortable.

Internet commerce is developing very actively. First of all, you buy something that can be used to work with a computer or any other office equipment: printer cartridges, paper in packs, computer literature, some types of applied entertainment software. However, it is becoming increasingly easier to purchase other types of goods on the Internet: clothing, groceries, household supplies, stationery, technical

Buying online is convenient. But there is a downside to this service. Buyer forums are full of complaints about an imperfect delivery system, inflated prices, complex multi-step ordering systems, a small range, and long waits for delivery. And, most importantly, the likelihood of fraud (that is, that the goods will not be delivered).

Internet money.

Now at this time it has become popular to have an online wallet. This is a kind of wallet, but we cannot see or touch it because... it is in an interactive space. It is visual, but the money it contains is a real means of payment. With this money we can pay for other goods from online stores. This wallet can be registered on various resources. The registration scheme is simple - enter your data. Resources that provide us with the opportunity to have such a wallet are listed in this list:





The Internet has both positive and negative features.

Positive features of the influence of the Internet on humans

Earn money online, job search.

Possibility of payment and ordering many services via the Internet.

Show up, show yourself to the world.

Chat with people, find old friends, classmates.

On the Internet you can always get the latest news on any topic.

And these are just the main advantages. The needs and requests of Internet users are very different. Some want to get new software. Others are looking for certain documents they need for their professional activities. Still others connect online to receive email. The Internet helps everyone.

Negative features of the influence of the Internet on humans

On the Internet there are:

Suicide clubs.

Drug clubs.

Clubs that train novice terrorists.

And much, much more... In such clubs you can order your own death, learn how to select and inject drugs correctly. So what? After all, everything is possible here and nothing will happen to you for it.

If vision and hearing can be damaged by a keyboard, mouse or monitor, then the psyche is primarily affected by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that “addicts”, something from which it is impossible to tear yourself away, something without which many can no longer imagine their lives - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or to games.

It is no secret that it is harmful to breathe in cities, modern food is generally harmful, going to bed late and getting up early (without sleep) is also harmful. Studying statistics at a university is also harmful (for health), the conclusion is: “Life is harmful, and then why do these studies about the harmfulness of the Internet”?

You need to know when to stop everything. There is always a middle ground.

A person always has a choice. And in most cases, he himself decides what is good for him, what will affect him, what he wants to get from it...

A computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, it can help in trouble, or it can add a bunch of problems, it can help you find like-minded people, or it can lead to loneliness.

The choice is yours!

Appendix No. 1

J. Licklider

Appendix No. 2

Lawrence Roberts

Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 4


Sergey Simokovich. "You bought a computer."

Yurieva L.N. Bolbot T.Yu. "Computer addiction"

V.P. Leontiev Directory "Internet"

Guzenko E.N. Suryadny A.S. "Personal computer. The best


B.G. Zhadayev "Internet for Beginners"

Preston Gralla "Tricks. Internet"

Magazines "F5. Internet as a way of life"

How the Internet affects health

Should we reject the benefits of the Internet? An Internet user is aware of the latest news from every corner of the earth. You can look for a job, do business, and even find a foreign spouse without leaving home. The world has become closer, more accessible. What a pleasure it is to just browse websites! It’s impossible to stop, you want more and more. You don’t notice the minutes and hours, you forget about everyday affairs, about those around you. Truly the World Wide Web. A web that draws in and captivates. We admire this amazing achievement. We are confident in its absolute safety. However, not everything is so harmless; there are already reasons for concern.

Psychophysiologist L.P. Grimak, in my opinion, very accurately called the chapter on the influence of cyber means on the psyche “sorrowful hypnosis of joy.” This can also be called hypnosis of charm. Prelest in church language has a slightly different meaning: deception, illusion.

The Internet is not only a business partner, not only an ideal tool. Cyberspace is also a powerful source of pleasure, readily catering to our whims. With the Internet, everything is simple: you wanted to know something, were afraid to ask about something, then feel free to tap the keys. Knock and let it be opened to you. This is a powerful genie, an endless reservoir of illusions, capable of making the most daring dreams come true, even the dream of reincarnation and the return of youth.

Illusions are generally a dangerous thing. Cybernetic illusions are doubly dangerous because they are too similar to reality.

Psychological virtual reality is the processes occurring in this moment in an altered psyche, caused by virtual stimuli, and not by real environmental influences. This is an artificial stimulation of pleasure centers, similar to alcohol and drugs. However, there are no “free pleasures” in nature. Any regular stimulation of pleasure centers increases their threshold of excitability; in other words, to obtain the same “high”, increasingly larger doses of the stimulus are required. This is familiar to anyone who has lived with an alcoholic or drug addict.

Sooner or later, virtual joys confront a person with the problem of the most difficult ingratual. One of the features of virtual joys is the possible development of neuropsychic changes in the body, which are called cybersickness. In narcology, something similar at the psychophysiological level is called abstinence, or withdrawal.

Everyone feels the influence of the Internet on the psyche. But out of ignorance, the problem is not formulated - it seems to the person that this is not directly related to the Internet or that this happens only to him. Avoidance does not solve the problem, it only makes it worse.

In society, the process of personality formation is built on a certain social hierarchy. We perform different life roles in different situations. Each of us is once a child, once a father, husband, boss, subordinate, passenger, patient. The number of roles is endless. Accordingly, various stereotypical forms of behavior with other people are formed. Communication via the Internet allows you not only to maintain complete anonymity, but also to portray a personality that you are not. When this virtual theater of reincarnation and mystification drags on too long, a person often loses his individuality and loses touch with reality, and ceases to navigate the social hierarchy accepted by society. The usual scale of social hierarchy becomes useless. A “girl” in her real life may well be a man, a “teacher” becomes a teenager from the 7th grade, a “boss” becomes a simple clerk.

It is well known that actors who live many other people’s lives on stage often in real life cease to understand who they really are, continuing to play their roles. The characterological characteristics of computer scientists are also known, their inability to feel living people. They are used to dealing with a machine that immediately fulfills their whims. A living person with his weaknesses and shortcomings becomes incomprehensible to them, often simply uninteresting.

A person on the Internet is forced to abandon most of the various communication stereotypes. In order not to be completely helpless and vulnerable in reality, he is forced to change his understanding of the social hierarchy and create various new stereotypes of behavior. And then ideas not only about society are distorted, but also about the role of society in the life of the person himself. An illusion of one’s own independence from society, complete autonomy, arises. However, social hierarchy, as a rule, is the basis of social relations and, most importantly, contains one of the fundamental social concepts - morality. When moral criteria are erased, it is dangerous.

As a rule, online communication attracts precisely those people who already experience a lack of communication for one reason or another. They will most likely try to transfer the experience of artificial, devoid of variety of emotions online communication into real life and, of course, will suffer another failure, which will again drive them to the computer - a world where minimum requirements are imposed.

One of the most serious dangers of anonymous network communication is the stratification of the personality structure. Only two places in life - the stage and the Internet - provide such an unpunished opportunity to perform in many guises. At the same time, you can appear not only as a wonderful altruist, highly moral and pure, but also as a fiend of hell - with undisguised aggression and impulses to immediately satisfy the most immoral needs. This layering has its positive aspects: the opportunity to meet such depths of your own “I”, spontaneously thrown onto the monitor screen, which you did not even suspect. If you know how to think and evaluate, then you use new knowledge in order to cultivate in yourself what will be accepted in society, and to suppress and fight what is absolutely unacceptable in the sphere of communication or at least simply complicates relationships with others.

However, any violation of integrity, the cultivation of many contradictory personalities in one mental structure can be fraught. Suffice it to say that the name of the mental illness that everyone has heard of - “schizophrenia” - comes from the Latin schysis - “splitting”, when there are several dissimilar personalities in one psyche. Maybe we shouldn’t have gone so deep in our reasoning, but the fact that a person has several mailboxes in which it is so convenient to appear in different guises should be alarming.

There is no need to aggravate or provoke unnecessary fears and concerns. Of course, the impact of the Internet on our psyche cannot be called unequivocally positive or negative. The consequences are always mixed, shifted in one direction or another depending on the predisposition of a particular individual. But it’s still worth considering that in the United States, where 85% of the population have personal computers in their homes and relevant statistics have been kept for a long time, tens of thousands of different cases of quite serious social conflicts arising due to the departure from our real world to the World Wide Web have been noted.

A person on the Internet absolutely cannot prove the fact of his own existence. Unfortunately, photographs, various descriptions of life activities, and all sorts of scanned documents are not proof.

There is no time on the Internet. What was written many years ago remains forever, and even when the author has matured or simply changed his ideas, the texts remain, continue to carry their emotional load, and the old and the new remain equally significant.

There is neither you nor me on the Internet. Only thoughts are real. They are the only material ones, they are swallowed up and often taken into service. A person who has thrown his ideas into virtual space will no longer be able to cancel them, saying that it was yesterday or it will be tomorrow. Everything that hangs on web pages is today.

The Internet gives you unlimited freedom to speak out. Everyone - a fascist, an exhibitionist, a pedophile, a serial killer or a madman with delusions of grandeur - can openly express himself and his views on life. Evil responses and objections can be arrogantly ignored: “You, wretched ones, cannot comprehend my bright personality.” Such a wonderful opportunity to shout to the whole world, relieve your soul, and vent your anger! Say, write, draw, swear, show off - many people realize for the first time that they can do this only after becoming acquainted with the Internet. It turns out that it is so easy to become a Creator, so easy to find those who will follow you and worship you!

By the way, it is destructive ideas that have a special appeal. For a very long time, the website of the St. Petersburg suicide club hung on the Internet with huge forums in which there were least of all doubts about the advisability of suicide, but there were a lot of various pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-psychological delights that could charm (seduce) an immature soul. I think that the most suggestible users could well adopt and subsequently put into action what for the idea generator himself was nothing more than a game of a perverted mind. When we are faced with the tragedy of suicides of the same type (as happened when children suddenly began jumping from roofs), it is always worth looking for the source of “charm” - destructive ideas. It may turn out to be not only a totalitarian sect, but also an Internet site.

The influence of cyber games on the psyche of children and adolescents is a separate important topic that goes beyond the scope of this article. But parents should remember that any children's games are training in social roles, which the child tries on for himself, like trying on a new dress. Then, in adult life, he uses them. When these are games that make you think, increase intelligence, teach love and humanism, it’s wonderful, many thanks to their creators, because by playing, a child learns life. When these are thoughtless, stupid “shooters”, you need to think about who you are ultimately raising, so that later you don’t have to wonder why your offspring hates “foreigners” so much, kills a tiny Tajik girl or a dark-skinned student on the street.

An equally dangerous type of Internet addiction is addiction to cybersex. It can be considered just innocent entertainment for a lover of unusual sensations. Innocent until sexual experiences with real partners begin to seem insipid or difficult, since they require serious emotional costs.

In RuNet, publications about Internet addiction appeared in 2000, when the Internet became widespread in Russia. It is now obvious that we have received a fairly powerful mechanism without instructions on the necessary safety precautions.

You can name a number of symptoms, each of which should alert you to Internet addiction. Excessive time spent online, anxiety when it comes to returning to the real world, lying about the amount of time spent in cyberspace, anger when trying to tear oneself away from the computer, complete indifference to reality.

Despite the harmful consequences of Internet addiction, approximately 54% of patients do not want to reduce the time they spend online. Some of them consider themselves completely hooked on the Internet and even flaunt it. The remaining 46% have made several unsuccessful attempts to get rid of addiction. Unfortunately, almost all of them experience serious discomfort - “ingratul” and eventually resign themselves to the impossibility of living without the Internet. I repeat: when it comes to the psyche, there are no free pleasures, you have to pay for them.

Cyber ​​addiction is considered a disease, akin to gaming addiction, which we will talk about next time. Cyber ​​addiction is difficult to treat, just like other addictions. There are still few specialists professionally involved in the treatment of such conditions. The situation so far looks like the well-known phrase: rescuing drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.

Having already written several articles about the harmful consequences of modern technologies, I quite clearly understand the ingratitude of the undertaking. It may seem that the author is a fierce opponent of progress and calls for returning to life in a cave or joining the ranks of anti-globalists. On the contrary, I am a big fan of modern technology and am even happy that I lived to see the era of the Internet, and I often regret that I will no longer see much of what young people have to live with. However, I am also convinced of the need to popularize information on the problems of cyber addiction. Every user receiving Internet services must be notified about them.

If there is a threat to our mental health, we have the right to know about it. Awareness involves self-control. It's time to realize that we are all already included in the network and it is already interacting with us. I am afraid that the same situation will repeat that happened with drug addicts, when all countries were researching, treating, alerting society to the enormous danger, and we blithely prospered, believing that this would not affect us. As sad as it may be, they are a peculiar consequence of the progress and growth of technology.

Of course, Internet addiction is not a virus generated by cyber reality; it is simply a not entirely conscious choice of a particular weak person. The only scary thing is that the Internet is turning into one of the most common human obsessions. This means that humanity is becoming weaker than the Internet, which it itself invented.

A huge army of users is connected to the Internet. How many of them already have a damaged, twisted psyche, God knows. They mixed with the whole society and became part of it. The Internet is changing them today. And by tomorrow they will be able to change society.

Municipal budgetary institution

"Department of Education of the Kansk City Administration"

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5, Kansk


"Positive and harmful

Internet influence

per person"


Mutovina Alexandra

student of class 6A


Natalya Nikolaevna Pavlova


The relevance of research. Nowadays, the Internet is becoming increasingly important. The Internet is everywhere, on your mobile phone, on your home and school computer, in the library, on your TV, in the store, and even in your car.

The most important thing on the Internet is wireless and wired networking. Nowadays, it will not be difficult for an Internet user to write any report, abstract, article, essay, research work, because all the necessary records that should be used in the work can be easily found on the Internet.

The global database is a great time saver, but do not forget that excessive use of the Internet can affect our psyche. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: "everything is good in moderation". Excessive interest in the Internet can have a detrimental effect on the everyday, educational, social, work, family, financial and psychological spheres of our lives, as well as cause a disorder such as Internet addiction.

Research problem. What impact does the Internet have on a frequent network user, what consequences does it cause?

Purpose of the study: creation of an electronic resource of the positive and detrimental influence of the Internet on humans using computer technology.

Object of study: electronic resource the influence of the Internet on humans.

Subject of study: website builder as an electronic resource.


1. Explore scientific views about positive and harmful effects of the Internet on people in Internet articles.

2. Interview real users of my school and how the Internet affects them.

3. Systematize and To classify the collected material.

4. Create an electronic resource on this topic.

Research methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, survey.

Significance: to familiarize students in my age group with the impact of the Internet on their lives, using clearly illustrative pages of the site.

After launch of an artificial satellite in the USSR Lands in 1957 Ministry of Defence USA considered what does America need in case of war? reliable information transmission system . The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has proposed developing a computer network . The development of such a network was entrusted to the University of California at Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Center, the University of Utah and the University of California at Santa Barbara.

The first idea was born 2 September 1969 in the laboratory of Len Kleinrock at the University of California at Los Angeles, it had no basis in any prospects and became the birth and beginning of the Internet. The first server was ARPANET computer Honeywell 516 had 12 KB of RAM, which transmitted meaningless test information between two computers over a gray cable three meters long. The experiment was observed by a group of 20 researchers.

A month later to the "home" network University of California at Los Angeles Stanford joined research institute. It is between the University of California and this institute October 29, 1969 was transmitted over the Internet first in history word. It became just one syllable: “LO”. The fact is that the researchers transmitted the “connect” command from one computer to another - “ LOGIN“, but one of the computers froze right after the second letter and the system “collapsed.” And before the end of 1969, the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Utah joined the new network.

This is how the first computer network appeared ARPANET(English: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) uniting four scientific institutions. Funded it is at the expense of the Ministry of Defense USA. Then the ARPANET network began to actively grow and develop, and scientists from different fields of science began to use it.

History of the Internet


Internet Events Brief


- the network was used to forward email, and the first mailing lists, news groups, and bulletin boards appeared.

- The first program for sending email over the network was developed, the program immediately became very popular.


- The network became international after the first foreign organizations from Great Britain and Norway connected the transatlantic telephone cable.


The transition from NCP to TCP/IP, which is still used to connect networks.


- a domain name system (DNS) has been developed.


- Internet Relay Chat protocol (real-time communication) has been developed.


- the birth of the concept of the World Wide Web, the development of the HTTP protocol, the HTML language and the URI.


- first connection to the Internet via a telephone line (Dialup access).


- accessibility of the World Wide Web.

The introduction of the NCSA Mosaic web browser.


- The World Wide Web is becoming the main provider of information on the Internet.


- An attempt was made to censor the Internet by a number of countries. Government authorities have made serious efforts to technically block user access to certain servers and sites of a political, religious or pornographic nature. Sites that are popular among sexual minorities are specifically prohibited.


R New technologies are being developed that should replace the “old Internet”, expand its functions or create national computer networks.


- The number of users regularly using the Internet amounted to about a quarter of the world's population.

Widespread development of the mobile Internet.

Modernization and development of wireless and fixed broadband Internet access networks.

Intensive development of the “third generation” network, Internet media.

At one time, even science fiction writers could not imagine how in just a few decades a computer network would change our world and our culture.

The Internet has changed beyond recognition. If previously, using the Internet, you could only send letters, and then it was used for military purposes, but nowadays anyone can download a file, send an email, and much more.

To identify the positive and harmful effects of the Internet on humans, I looked through several scientific articles on the Internet. And based on them, I developed a survey questionnaire, which I conducted among 100 students of different age groups from 10 to 17 years old in our school.


Answer the questions

1. How old were you when you first accessed the Internet?

2. For what purposes do you use the Internet?

Underline whatever applicable:

    • Contacts,
    • My world,
    • Classmates,
    • ICQ,
    • Mail agent,
    • Acquaintance;

Information about idols;

On-line games;

Video conferencing;

    • books,
    • pets,
    • air/train tickets,
    • gifts, gifts
    • car;

Job search;

Payment of utility services;


Enter yours if it is not on the list: _______________________________

3. How does the Internet negatively impact you?

Write down your answer options:

4. Do you consider yourself an Internet addict?

Underline whatever applicable: yes, no, I don't know.

5. How long can you go without Internet communication? ______________

6. How often do you play on-line games?

Underline whatever applicable: every day, 1-2 times a week, 1-3 times a month, I don’t play.

7. Do you feel the need to search for information on Internet sites?

For example, in a text translator, Wikopedia, search engines like: Google,, Rambler, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex.

Underline whatever applicable: very often, often, rarely, never.

8. What physical discomfort does your body experience when working at a computer for a long time?

Underline whatever applicable:

      eyes hurt,

    • arm muscles,

    • sleep disorders,

      changing sleep patterns,

      neglect of personal hygiene.

9. Do you skip meals while working at the computer?

Underline whatever applicable: yes, no, sometimes.

10. Where do you think an Internet addict should go to get help?

Write down your answer options: ___________________________________________

11. Have you ever visited porn sites?

Underline whatever applicable: yes, no, sometimes.

12. What do you think needs to be installed on a computer with Internet access to avoid negative and unwanted information?

Write down your answer options: ___________________________________________

13. Why do you prefer privacy on the Internet rather than chatting and playing with friends live?

Write down your answer options: ___________________________________________

Analysis of results

To 1 question “How old were you when you first went online?” Many guys answered that they first worked on the Internet a year or two ago.

To question 2, “For what purposes do you use the Internet?” First place was shared by the categories of study and communication, second place by news and dating, third place by online e games. The guys also added their own answer options: watching movies, listening and downloading music.

Those who are new to using the Internet have not yet felt the negative impact of such - 36 people, more experienced ones noted: decreased vision - 48 people, deterioration in well-being - 21 people, irritability from the slow operation of the Internet - 19 people, lack of time for housework and study - 15 people, do not get enough sleep - 14 people.

To question 4, 24 students do not yet consider themselves Internet addicts, 48 ​​categorically answered that they are not, and 28 confirmed their addiction.

10 open question 39 people left unanswered because they do not know where an Internet addict should go to get help. 16 students decided to seek help from their mothers, grandmothers, older brothers, and computer science teachers. 37 students gave advice to contact an administrator, psychologist, psychiatrist or doctor, but they did not know which one. 5 look for help on the Internet, Wikopedia, the only answers are to limit yourself to the Internet or break it, but this is not a solution.

WITH The ratio of the age category of students who first accessed the Internet is the youngest age of 8 years and the oldest category of 16 years. People begin to actively use the Internet at the age of 12-13 years.

Maximum Students can live without Internet communication for more than a month (these are those who do not have Internet at home), the shortest interval is 6 hours, these hours are probably spent sleeping.

The good news is that only a few people play on-line games every day - 5 out of 100 people. 32 people do not play them at all, while others play 2-4 times a month.

60 people quite often turn to search engines to do school homework, translate text from a foreign language, prepare an essay, a report.

Among the physical inconveniences, when working at a computer for a long time, the guys identified, in descending order, pain in the eyes - 87 people, back pain - 76, arm muscles - 69, sleep disturbances - 28, changes in sleep patterns - 12, neglect of personal hygiene - 5, with migraines are unfamiliar.

From the diagram of skipping meals, it can be judged that the Internet and work on the computer keep kids busy and sometimes they forget to eat.

Of the 100 respondents, only 57 had never visited porn sites; the rest had visited them at least once, and then by accident. This means that about 60% of students know how to protect themselves from negative and unwanted information. Here are their answers: you need to install an antivirus, anti-spammer, and filter.

I wanted to know, but Why do students prefer to be alone on the Internet? Most continue to communicate with school friends who left school or city for one reason or another. Or they are looking for new acquaintances, and then actually meet, communicate live, about 50% of them. This way they save time. There are those who are embarrassed to communicate live, they feel uncomfortable and feel more relaxed in virtual communication. Or is it more convenient to transmit and receive information, download books, music, movies.

Let's consider positive the influence of the Internet on humans. The Internet has given people the opportunity to receive the latest news, gossip, and information about idols. Play very interesting and exciting on-laine games.

Video conferences have become very popular. With their help, people can not only hear each other, but also see. Thus, they can resolve important issues without changing their workplace and saving both their money and time.

On the Internet you can find a job that will be highly paid and enjoyable. You can quickly transfer documents to a partner, receive a newsletter, quickly find out the latest news, for example, from the stock exchange, and this is very valuable in business.

The Internet makes shopping easier. They are cheaper in electronic form. When ordering goods and services, you can view the description, photo in detail, and check reviews for this product. Sell ​​a car, buy a pet, find entertainment for the weekend, pick up a tour.

Communicate online via social networks “VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”. This way, former classmates, old acquaintances and childhood friends who have not seen each other for many years can communicate again, look through photos and give each other gifts. There are dating sites where lonely hearts can find each other and live a long and happy life if they are lucky.

We should not forget about disabled people, sick people, people who do not have the opportunity to have real contact with other people. The Internet allows you to communicate with real compatriots and other people living in other countries. This makes it possible to study the culture, customs, and history of other states. The Internet provides enormous opportunities for education, because you can find sources of information here that are not available in any library. The network allows you to quickly find an answer to your question.

What a harmful influence can the Internet bring to man? Due to the impossibility of tracking user actions on the Internet, he is faced with unwanted, obscene information that harms him. It would be nice to filter out all negative information, but this is not yet possible.

Mainly, a person becomes Internet dependent on modern computer technologies, and psychotherapists were the first to face this problem in 1996. Internet addiction is compared to drug addiction - physiological dependence on drugs.

Internet addiction has manifested itself in the fact that people prefer to live on the Internet, actually abandoning real life, spending most of the day in virtual reality. Thus, a person avoids solving the problem “here and now”, and chooses a more comfortable psychological state, postponing existing problems “for later”. Avoidance of reality begins to dominate the mind, and a person not only fails to solve problems that are important to him (for example, everyday, social), but also stops in his personal development.

I will give examples of several types of manifestations of Internet addiction:

- virtual dating - redundancy of acquaintances and friends online, constant new acquaintances;

- obsessive need on the Internet - playing online gambling, constant shopping or participating in auctions, participating in various discussions on forums;

- endless travels across the network -searching for information on databases and search sites;

- gaming addiction - compulsive playing of online computer games.

According to various studies, about 10% of users worldwide are Internet addicts today. Russian psychiatrists believe that there are currently 4-6% of them in the country.

The risk group includes, first of all, users who have problems with work or school, family or friends, experiencing difficulties in communication, seeking to escape from real life. The incognition of Internet users provides them with an excellent opportunity to create online personas, escape from emotional problems or from simple life difficulties.

At the initial stage, Internet addiction may manifest itself in the fact that a person feels emptiness, depression, irritation outside the computer. May lie to others about his activities. Due to increased time spent on the computer and online wellness, does not have time to do any household chores. Appears n obsessive urge to constantly check email. Inability to stop spending money online.

Staying at a computer for a long time also provokes physical symptoms: overstrain of arm muscles, dry eyes, headaches, migraines, back pain, irregular nutrition, skipping meals, sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns, neglect of personal hygiene.

At the initial stage, it is important not to scold the “patient,” which will only lead to increased addiction, but to consult a psychologist. N and today on the Russian Internet there is an Anonymous Help Service for Internet users, offering online psychological support using ICQ - a network analogue of the “helpline” and the “Virtual Psychological Service”.

Treatment of Internet addiction is similar to treatment any other addiction (for example, drug addiction, alcoholism , gambling addiction). It consists in switching a person to the joys of the real, not the virtual world.


Universal accessibility of the Internet within reasonable limits, subject to the rules and recommendations for working with it from various specialists (for example, a teacher, parent, psychotherapist) will only benefit any person.

An educated, cultured person will independently “filter” negative and unwanted information. In educational institutions, parents at home must take measures to block access to this kind of data. You just need to be more careful and not give in to provocations from other Internet users. It is a selective approach to the operation of the Internet that will help avoid harmful influences.


During my research, the following applications were used:

    word processor Word,

    Power Point presentation,

    browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome,

    search engines Yandex, Google.

The design of the website pages was developed, the information was structured in the form of diagrams, tables, diagrams on the topic under study.

The goals that I set for myself were fully realized.

The results of my research can bring real help to both beginners and experienced Internet users and avoid the possibility of turning to highly paid psychotherapists of expensive clinics for the treatment of Internet addiction. Therefore, any student should familiarize themselves with the materials of my research either during school lessons that require regular access to the Internet (for example, computer science, MHC, biology, geography), or during class hours.

The prospect for the development of the work is to further systematize the material and develop instructions on selective work on the Internet.

We don’t even think about the colossal influence of the Internet on modern man, on his daily life and way of life. Have you sometimes imagined what you would do if suddenly your Internet was cut off? What will your day look like?

Online stores payment and ordering services

It's good that many enterprising people... Some have opened them, while others are happy to shop there. We meet many well-known companies for the first time on the Internet, their advertising catches our eye more and more often, initially we may not notice it, but believe me, in real life their advertising works!

After spending over an hour at the post office paying bills and buying ten holiday cards to send to family and friends, you realize that life without the Internet is very sad. If you had access to the Internet, you could pay for all services without leaving your home and send e-cards to friends in a few minutes - it would be much cheaper!

Access to the network is also useful for booking plane tickets, vacation spots, tours, football, cinema or theater tickets. Over morning coffee in a few minutes, without leaving home, we can book a ticket and even buy it. Without access to the Internet, it is difficult to say whether there are still seats or if all tickets have already been sold out. Yes, life without the Internet is very difficult!

Earning money on the Internet

This is our theme! How to make money without access to the global network? No way... No Internet - no income. Having in hand, we need access to the network. Without this, there is no way to make money either from or from. What to do at bookmakers? Well, maybe he goes into their bookmaker booths on the street. But this is very inconvenient...


As a rule, when reading a book, you may not find all the necessary information in one textbook; most likely, various ones will help you find it on the pages of different sites on the Internet. If you want to download a book for yourself, no problem, find it on the Internet and read it! In real life, you need to get ready and go to the store or library to get the book you need, with the Internet everything is much easier! Don't forget that having an electronic version of the book, you can organize all the knowledge on one computer and quickly access it if necessary. And you don’t need to carry ten books with you, you can just take and view all these books on your tablet or laptop, which is much easier to carry in your bag.

We'll all meet again

Imagine this situation: we do not have access to the Internet and cannot pay bills this way - we must pay at the post office in banks and other institutions. But now, when you leave the house more often, you can meet your neighbor from the fifth floor. Out of boredom, you will talk to her about how to cook dumplings and about her daughter. Other people will join your conversation, each of them will share their recipes for holiday dishes and secrets from their personal lives. Perhaps this is the only advantage of the lack of Internet. You can communicate with real people live.

I can’t imagine a day without the Internet, probably like many of you. However, it is worth remembering that everything has its good and bad sides. Skype should not replace our family meetings and meetings with friends. Instead of letting your child sit on Facebook all day, you should talk to him and his friends, invite them to tea at your house. The influence of the Internet on the life of a modern person is enormous, but still, remember about the people who surround you!