Igor talc died due to ordinary male stupidity. Seven famous musicians killed with firearms Security guard of Aziza Malakhov

Biography and episodes of life Igor Talkov. When born and died Talk, memorable places and dates of important events of his life. Quotes from a musician and actor, Photo and video.

Years of life of Igor Talkov:

born November 4, 1956, died October 6, 1991


“Tomorrow I’ll go into battle again,
But I know for sure that I will return,
Even after a hundred centuries
To a country not of fools, but of geniuses.
And, defeated in battle,
I will rise again and sing
On the country's first birthday,
Returning from the war."
From Igor Talkov's song “I'll be back”


His parents met in the zone where they were repressed. His older brother, Vladimir, was born there. Nevertheless, Igor himself always grew up as a cheerful and kind child - red-haired, freckled, cheerful. The biography of Igor Talkov should have developed as the story of a talented and sought-after performer, which he was, but, alas, Talkov’s death cut short his bright star path.

Since childhood, he wrote poetry, played the piano, guitar, accordion, and learned to play the bass guitar and violin. After school, he moved from Shchekino to Moscow to enter theater school, but, alas, he was unable to enroll. I had to go to serve. The service played a big role in Talkov’s biography. Then, in the army, the cheerful Igor began to understand what a deplorable state the country was in. It was a time of destruction of ideals. He began to become interested in the history of his country, its past and present. At the same time, he became interested in music, performed in various musical groups, and worked in musical theater. Finally, he began to perform on his own. In his work one could feel love for the country and empathy for its fate and tragedy. In the last years of Talkov’s life, it seemed that he seemed to sense his imminent death and was trying to have time to tell his listeners as much as possible.

On October 6, 1991, Talkov performed at a concert at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. There was a quarrel between the director of the singer Aziza, one of the concert participants, and the administrator of Talkov’s group over the order of going on stage. A scuffle ensued, during which several shots were fired. One of the bullets hit Talkov’s heart. He died almost instantly. The arriving doctor confirmed the death of Igor Talkov. The cause of Talkov's death was an injury incompatible with life. The news that Talkov was killed shocked his fans. A long investigation began into who killed Talkov; the main accused were Aziza’s director Igor Malakhov and Talkov’s administrator Valery Shlyafman. The investigation showed that the last shot was fired by Shlyafman; he was accused of the death of Talkov, but at that moment Shlyafman had already left for Israel, and the murder case was suspended.

Talkov's funeral took place on October 9, 1991; Talkov's grave is located at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Hundreds of his fans came to say goodbye to their beloved singer at the funeral of Igor Talkov. A monument to Talkov may soon be erected in the Tula region, in the city of Shchekino, where the musician was born.

Igor Talkov has always been very deeply interested in the history of Russia

Life line

November 4, 1956 Date of birth of Igor Vladimirovich Talkov.
1973 Writing the first songs of a musician.
1974 Graduation from high school.
1975 Admission to the Tula Pedagogical Institute, where Talkov studied for a year.
1976 Talkov's performances on the professional stage.
1987 Performance of Talkov’s song “Chistye Prudy” by David Tukhmanov in the “Song of the Year” program.
August 22, 1991 Talkov's speech on Palace Square in St. Petersburg during the putsch.
October 6, 1991 Date of death of Igor Talkov.
October 9, 1991 Funeral of Igor Talkov.

Memorable places

1. Secondary school No. 11 in the city of Shchekino, where Talkov studied.
2. Tula Pedagogical University (formerly the Pedagogical Institute), where Talkov studied.
3. St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts (formerly the Krupskaya Institute of Culture), where Talkov studied.
4. Nakhabino, where Talkov served in a construction battalion.
5. Palace Square in St. Petersburg, where Igor Talkov spoke during the August putsch.
6. The Yubileiny Sports Palace, where Talkov’s murder took place.
7. Moscow Youth Palace, where farewell to the musician took place.
8. Vagankovskoe cemetery, plot No. 25, where Talkov is buried.
9. Igor Talkov Museum in Moscow.

Episodes of life

Shortly before his death, Talkov starred in the film “Beyond the Last Line.” In the film, his character dies from a gunshot wound to the stomach. Two months after the end of filming, Talkov dies in exactly this way.

One day Talkov was flying on a plane with his group to Tyumen for a concert. The plane hit a zone of turbulence, everyone began to worry, and the musician began to calm everyone down: “Don’t be afraid. As long as you are with me, you will not die. They will kill me in front of a large crowd of people, and the killer will not be found.”

Still from the film with the participation of Igor Talkov “Beyond the Last Line”


“Live, don’t be afraid of anything. The more afraid we are, the longer it will take us to reach a normal human life.”

“You have to fight with yourself. Fighting - winning. Victory is self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is a force that helps you find the only true path to your happiness.”

The plot of the series of programs “Secrets of the Century” about Igor Talkov


“While candles are burning all over Russia in memory of Igor, he lives next to us, in every Russian soul, in every heart that aches for our Great Russia, which he loved so much.”
Dmitry Ivanov, musician

“In general, he was a completely selfless person. But, despite the large number of positive traits, the character of this man was very complex. He was sharp and very independent. Immediately before Igor died, I felt that it was very difficult for him. All his external conflicts somehow sharply escalated, he began to withdraw into himself, and alienation appeared in him. He was lonely, and this is a large part of our fault; we should have had enough sensitivity and understanding to forgive him for being wrong and making some mistakes, because he was an extraordinary, very talented and vulnerable person, he was a Poet. And it is always more difficult for such people to survive in this world, especially without the support of friends.”
Andrey Dmitrishin, musician

“Reality is not enough for every creative person - he has an inner world hidden from others. And Igor was all wide open, his whole life was a stage. And if someone wants to know everything about him, let him listen to his songs. They are autobiographical. There is so much pain and sadness, kindness and warmth in them...”
Andrey Blinov, Talkov's manager, friend

“Igor left us, taking with him his dreams and hopes. But the soul put into the songs remains with us, and we will preserve and protect it. After all, as long as the Soul is alive, the Poet himself is alive.”
Mikhail Skubilin, former director of the Talkov group

Now it’s clear: Igor Malakhov fired the fatal shot!

Now it’s clear: Igor Malakhov fired the fatal shot!

In a month, all TV channels in the country will remember Igor TALKOV. On October 6, 1991 (25 years ago), the singer was shot dead in Leningrad. The charge was brought against its director, Valery SHLYAFMAN, after which he fled to Israel. On the Promised Land, he changed his last name, becoming VYSOTSKY, and tries in vain to prove his innocence. There was another suspect in the case - singer Aziza's lover, kickboxer Igor MALAKHOV. The court found him guilty under the article “Illegal possession of weapons” and gave him only three years probation. Recently, at the age of 53, Malakhov died without giving a single interview in his entire life.

Three years ago I tried to talk to Igor Malakhov(which follows Shlyafman changed his last name, becoming Rus). Then he ended up in a Moscow clinic with cirrhosis of the liver. Igor categorically refused to talk. Neither his mother Galina Stepanovna nor his actress wife wanted to talk to the press. Ksenia Kuznetsova, who gave birth to two sons from him.

I found their family in a remote village near Moscow, where they lived in a huge log mansion. As soon as she saw my correspondent’s ID, the crazy mother unleashed two equally crazy dogs on me.

And this summer, fate brought me together with a former employee of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, a retired lieutenant colonel Sergei Valeriev. From several conversations with a policeman, this interview resulted, which sheds light on many of the blind spots in the mysterious story.

17 knife

Igor Malakhov was a real authority in the 90s, my new acquaintance recalled. - He was a member of the Mazutka group, headed by Petrik - Petrov Alexey Dinarovich. The brigade lived in the area of ​​the Cosmos Hotel and Maryina Roshcha. And then the KGB officers turned to us. One of the dancers of the variety show at the Ukraine Hotel was married to a Frenchman. The security officers kept all such marriages under control. But it turned out that the lady was cheating on a foreigner with Malakhov. The guys from the KGB came to me to inquire about him.

- What, Igor was a real gangster?

Something like that. Martial arts were fashionable back then. Malakhov was fond of them and even became the champion of Siberia in kickboxing. Nature gifted him with hearing and artistry. Igor graduated from a music school, studied at a theater school on a course with Olga Kabo. Was friends with Zhenya Belousov, made acquaintance with Aizenshpis. When Belousov fell ill, Igor often went to see him. I remember saying: “Not a single bitch came when I was dying.” He knew the whole elite. In addition, he is blond, taller than 180. In general, a movie hero of the Scandinavian type. The girls were hanging on to him.

We became intimately acquainted with him in 1990, a year before the murder Talkova. Information appeared that the Dagestanis cut Malakhov at the Ukraine Hotel. He was stabbed 17 times and ended up in the hospital. The conflict occurred over a prostitute Marina Krylova, who worked at Cosmos, for which he and his brother Oleg, nicknamed Alena, stood up. Krylova is a pretty girl, a little over 20 years old. She came to our department in a mink coat and behaved modestly. We were drooling looking at her.

Our task was to extract information about the Dagestan group. Igor honestly said that his brother Oleg beat their leader Kolya-Krysha for running over a girl. The Dagestanis wanted revenge, but attacked Igor - they confused him. There was no living place on it. We came to the hospital to take statements, and he explained: “I’ll figure it out myself, we have ideas.” After a couple of months, the wounds healed. And we sent some of those Caucasians to prison, although Malakhov did not help the investigation.

- After that incident, did you meet with Malakhov?

Having recovered, he somehow drove up in a car, and sitting next to him was Aziza. He called her “Chukchi”.

- Interesting relationships. By the way, remind readers: how does a thief in law differ from an authority figure?

A thief in law honors the code of thieves. The basic principles are to steal, not have a family and children, and earn money for food in a criminal way. Thieves in law did not engage in extortion, did not kill with weapons, acting if necessary with sharpening. In the 90s, they were replaced by people like Malakhov - authorities. Athletes without a criminal record. There are no limits to authority. This is a gangster who is not responsible to the thieves' community. The authorities were afraid to enter the zone because thieves' laws were in force there.

Without malice

- How did you find out about Talkov’s death?

- From TV, like everyone else. The murder took place a couple of weeks after the coup. Euphoria, concerts. Crowds of idiots on the streets shouted: “Yeltsin, Yeltsin!” By the way, the murder of Talkov was then rumored to be associated with both Boris Nikolaevich and the Jewish conspiracy. The next day I go to work, Malakhov calls: “Sergei, I’m not involved, I’m not a murderer.” I said, “Don't make a fuss. You are wanted. I can help, but within the limits of the law.” My task was to establish psychological contact. “Come to Petrovka, 38, I have to see you,” I ended the conversation. Igor was catastrophically afraid that he would be imprisoned. We installed the equipment and tried to take control, but then the KGB, led by Litvinenko. They wanted to take the laurels of the winners. They listened to the telephone recording, rushed, confused Igor with his brother Oleg and knocked him on the head. Igor calls me again: “I’ll sit on the bottom. What are you doing?!" By the way, Malakhov later became friends with this Litvinenko from the KGB.

- Wait. Litvinenko? The same one?!

- Well, yes, he later served Boris Abramovich Berezovsky. The British poisoned him with polonium and blamed the murder on the FSB.

A team of Leningrad investigators is coming to us. With one of them I bet a glass of vodka that Igor would voluntarily come to Petrovka. And he won. All my conversations with Malakhov, of course, were bugged. He was in a difficult mental state. Valery Zubarev, the investigator who was assigned the case turned out to be a normal person. I say: “Our task is to remove the resonance, to solve the crime.” And such a cry arose! This is big politics, they say. The deputy head of the search began to attack: “Let’s throw him in the cell, we’ll split him.” But they still decided to release it under subscription. Zubarev interrogated everyone and rendered a verdict: “According to the testimony, Shlyafman is guilty.”

In “Yubileiny” there was a “Sound Track”, and at the same time, in another place, kickboxing competitions were held, in which Igor was a member of the leadership of the association. The stars performed between fights. Among them is Aziza. And then they called her. They said that one of the artists did not come to the “Sound Track” performance and they needed to replace him. Aziza decided to quickly go there, although Malakhov dissuaded her: she risked not returning by the right time. Then Aziza suggested talking to Talkov. To switch turns with him.

We arrived at Yubileiny. Malakhov went to Talkov’s director Shlyafman. Word for word, a fight... Talkov called security from among the former Tula paratroopers. A fight broke out, and Malakhov had a revolver. The singer's security pushed him down and began twisting his arms. Talkov ran up and started kicking. Malakhov fired three or four shots. And one of the bullets hit Talkov. There was no premeditated murder. Then this pistol was thrust into Shlyafman’s hands. Although Malakhov was severely beaten, he left unhindered through the hall. Shlyafman brought the barrel to Aziza. She gave it to Igor, and he threw it into the Fontanka.

There are still creepy demotivators floating around the Internet blaming SHLYAFMAN (pictured on the right) for the musician’s death. But it turns out that he is not to blame for anything. Photo: fotki.yandex.ru

Faithful Leninist

- Did you go to court?

I wasn't called. Igor was given a suspended sentence. When the court made its decision, he immediately called me and asked me to come to the Ukraina. And during the meeting he quietly said: “I want to tell you, this is my shot. I take your word that you won’t say anything.” I was silent for 25 years. I am an Orthodox person and I no longer want to bear this sin. Now I’m talking about this calmly. Because Malakhov is no longer alive. I am in favor of dropping the charge against the poor Jew Shlyafman.

I met him several years ago. Can you imagine what it’s like to live your whole life with the stigma of “Talkov’s killer”?

I’m ready to give a confession if it helps somehow remove the guilt from Shlyafman. But believe me, Igor paid for what he did. For the last 15 years, his friends called him Ilyich. He started drinking heavily and hung a portrait at home Lenin. He told everyone: “Here is the most honest man.” In short, something happened to my head. It's like they replaced him.

Strange things have been observed about Igor before. In the early 90s, when he broke up with Aziza, he became a novice of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery. But the Lord turned him around in such a way that Igor began to speak out against the faith. He went into paganism, fell into the Vedas, mysticism. Many believing guys who recently came to his funeral stopped communicating with Igor because of this.

Before his death, Malakhov became unusually fat: the Lord took his money and beauty from him. I went to see him out of town. Conversations with him were burdensome. I realized that Igor was being eaten by the evil one. Paganism, after all, involves witchcraft and divination.

But his brother’s death had an even stronger impact on his psyche: Oleg was shot in the back of the head when he, having opened the door for someone, turned his back to the guest. My brother was addicted to coke and was associated with drug dealers.

- Was Aziza at Malakhov’s funeral?

She arrived when the urn was being taken away from the crematorium. I sang a soulful song right there. Mom decided to bury Igor in his hometown - in Kurgan. It’s a pity that you can’t even light a candle for him in church.

Main reasons for murder

It was 1991. Everything went according to plan. People received a new portion of noodles on their ears along with perestroika. Party officials - new positions and prospects for appointments. Former republics of the Soviet Union - the possibility of immediate independence. And only one person was worried about what kind of state Russia would become in the near future. At his concerts, he already organized the long-awaited trial of the communists. But the plans of the communists themselves did not include their trial. It was easy to sign your own death warrant in those years. It was necessary to disrupt and destroy the plans of those who were quietly planning to pocket all the wealth of the former USSR. Talkov was precise in his poems like no one else.

"Who stood at the throne yesterday,
That one is still there.
The bastards changed lanes in the blink of an eye,
And while they are at the throne, all of us are worthless."

Do you agree, a lot? But that is not all. There was also the song "Mr. President". “We are tired of lies, there are heaps of crows in the sky. Enough!” They didn’t need anyone who understood the situation. They needed what any government needs - an obedient electorate, which subsequently squanders “choose with your heart” and the rest. It was also necessary to gently collapse the country, disconnect the republics, take away nuclear weapons, then show people what instability and chaos are, and then normalize the situation with the arrival of a strong leader. Did Talkov really interfere with this? Many people will laugh now and say, what is it - a musician, songs, nonsense. But there was no PR then. And such songs had an extremely strong effect on people at that time. Many people's consciousness turned over, people began to see clearly. One of those who have seen the light is myself. Talkov's songs and his activities pushed me to study history, write poetry and music, and radically changed my
life. Imagine if he continued singing? Such influence on the masses had to be stopped urgently.
Before eliminating a person, they conduct conversations with him, counting on the fact that the person will understand and abandon his idea. They talked to Igor, then threatened him. In the end, they couldn’t persuade him and decided to eliminate him. The execution was entrusted to professionals. And they organized it at the highest level. Later, one admits that he received the order. And you ask me why in fact it is still classified as “Secret” in 2015? What do you think? "Who stood at the throne yesterday..."

Murder technology

So, professionals worked. About how this case would subsequently turn out, who needed to be blamed and how to play the murder card a little later, those who were “rebuilding” and whom Talkov terribly disturbed with his songs apparently knew. It was necessary to kill him for a reason. It couldn't have been a domestic incident, an accident, or a ridiculous incident. As in the case of Nemtsov, some rules had to be followed:

1. Public death, kill as a warning to others
2. The overthrow of idols, an insignificant reason for death
3. Unsolved crime
4. Red Herring

Talkov was a musician and the ideal option for him was a concert. But how? Get shot during a performance? No, it's too simple. Ambush after the concert? Trite. We decided to use provocation before the concert. The ideal way is the order of the artists; in those years this meant status. Malakhov and two of Talkov’s bodyguards worked together. Subsequently, both of them will say goodbye to life, and Malakhov to his brother. In those years, it was apparently easy to catch former athletes committing crimes.
bodyguards Barkovsky and Bondarenko were sinners. Therefore, their role was reduced to a brawl, they were asked to play along and that’s it. Malakhov's role is that of a provocateur. The ideal person who could be provoked was Shlyafman. Valery Shlyafman came to Talkov quite by accident, having previously worked with Senchina. But someone told him that Talkov could make good money at concerts. The unbalanced Shlyafman is an ideal option for provocations. He was turned on half-heartedly, Malakhov said rude things to him and challenged him to a conflict. The brawl that took place in the hall was necessary for the one who shot Talkov.

And here is the most important moment! In what ways is this murder similar to the murder of Nemtsov, whose technology I wrote about? By what was created DISTRACTION MANEUVER during which the murder took place. Remember one of the basic principles of a thief? Distract a person with one maneuver in order to carry out another and take what is needed. This is exactly what happened with Nemtsov. A diversionary maneuver (he felt bad), a girl who went away for help, a killer pretending to help him come to his senses, and that’s all. Nobody knows who killed Nemtsov, it seems
no one remembers the shots, and no one saw anything, because they COULD NOT SEE! In the case of Talkov, the distracting maneuver was a scuffle with shooting.
________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____
Here is how it was. Provocation, conflict, fight between Malakhov and bodyguards. He managed to shoot a couple of times, no matter when or how. Then Shlyafman intercepted the pistol. When he pulled the trigger the cartridges were no longer there. Talkov had by that time fired his gas cartridges, which turned out to be expired. There was smoke in the room, allegedly from Talkov firing from a gas pistol. But most likely the killer threw a smoke bomb for cover. Or a concert smoke machine was used. It was necessary to create a smoke screen. When the conflict with Malakhov was settled and everyone dispersed, Talkov walked towards the stage, moving away from the scene of events. Where the killer shot was fired. There was a dull sound, many heard it. The shot was from the knee, from bottom to top in the heart area from close range. The thirst for life turned out to be stronger than the killer’s bullet and Talkov went to the stage, but when he reached the mirror he collapsed. He probably wanted to say from the stage that he was shot and who shot him. The killers had a backup option ready. They knew that the shot would be in the heart area. People in white coats instantly appeared, ostensibly to provide medical assistance. Direct cardiac massage was the “control” for such a wound. After that, the guys disappeared and did not appear again. By the way, they could have given some kind of injection. On the same day there was an attempt to disrupt the ambulance with calls. They called several times, calling an ambulance to a false address. Records of this remained in the journals of those years. As a result, the ambulance arrived in half an hour. Talkov was already dead.
Next, the press immediately worked. This once again suggests that the murder was supervised from above. The press was stuffed and leaked with “necessary” information. Articles immediately appeared that Talkov allegedly got into a drunken showdown behind the stage and was killed because of a banal line of artists. That is, essentially a petty person who died because of his status and thirst for fame. Has the 4-point task been completed? Yes! The death is public, the idol is defeated, there was a distraction, the crime will never be solved.

Who used Talkov's murder

Those who controlled the murder knew that many years later they would be able to play this card to fulfill a long-time dream. Yes, we are talking about restoring the empire. Therefore, they took one step - they asked Valery Shlyafman to leave for his homeland, supposedly for safety reasons. To remember about him in 20 years. Not understanding anything and taken aback by all this, Shlyafman decided to leave. He was a passionate person, but nothing more. Which of you has never flared up during a fight and has been cold-blooded - be the first to throw a stone at me. You probably saw that shameful program on Russian TV, in which a certain “friend” of Talkov, as well as musicians Tolmatsky and Saltykov, convinced Valery Shlyafman on a direct line to confess to the crime. They even promised him forgiveness. Funny, right? They say, we are so good-natured, we don’t remember evil, but you admit it... And then the great empire will forgive him and his small country. Well played, right? But we knew that this would happen in advance, I’m sure!
By then, the main witnesses had been killed or intimidated. They killed Malakhov's brother as a threat. Talkov's bodyguards were killed: Barkovsky, Bondarenko. It was certainly not the authorities’ plans to investigate all this, and the investigator brought the case to the right level. It is very easy to accuse a person of another nation, who also already lives abroad. Well, and at the same time show the greatness of the imperial scale.

Answers on questions

1. Did Shlyafman shoot? No. When Shlyafman took the pistol, the drum had already been turned several times and there were no cartridges in it.
2. Did Malakhov shoot? No, it was not Malakhov who shot Talkov. His shots missed, the bullets were later found.
3. Was Aziza involved? Her role has not been established. But it was she who asked Malakhov to go and figure it out, everyone heard this when they were sitting in the Yubileiny cafe. Nothing would have happened if this person had not asked her to change places with Talkov. According to A. Razin, singer Aziza said the following: “Talc is not a star for me, go and change places with us.” Can this be considered complicity? After all, Malakhov himself could have convinced her of this. Let's leave this question aside.
4. Who shot Talkov? The killer fired from a PM pistol with a silencer. There was a dull sound, everyone heard a dull sound after the fight! If Malakhov's revolver had fired, we would have heard a loud sound.
5. What other insurances were there besides the killer? There was surveillance, this can be seen in the video below, as people from surveillance are running (9:48). That is, Talkov was monitored very closely.
6. Who was responsible for the death? There was a safety net in the form of cardiac massage by unknown people in white coats. By the way, they might not have been privy to the details of the operation. They could simply be asked to give a massage to the wounded (or an injection). There is also a version that another killer was waiting in the hall during Talkov’s performance, in case the provocation in the dressing room had failed.
7. Where did Shlyafman's shirt come from as the main piece of evidence? Shlyafman’s shirt with traces of gunpowder could have been planted on the investigator. But the shirt itself does not give anything. During the shooting, Shlyafman was near Malakhov and the marks could have gotten on his shirt.
8. K What role did Talkov’s bodyguards perform? Two of them were killed under strange circumstances, most likely they knew something. A. Barkovsky - killed in a restaurant with fittings, before his death he recalled the episode of the murder on the operating table. Bodyguard Ignatenko - survived several assassination attempts (including being stabbed in the stomach), fears for his family, is now in hiding. Attempts on a mere mortal? Doesn't this seem strange to you? Bodyguard Arkady Bondarenko - suicide, cut off his finger before his death and jumped out of the window. Maybe that finger that pressed
9. Was Malakhov himself a complete piece of shit, as some people imagine him to be? No. He was just a regular guy with a bit of power, playing with ambition. People were not very corrupt at that time. After these events, Malakhov talked a lot with the artists, asked for an apology, and said that he was not the one who shot. If a person is absolute shit, then he wouldn’t do it.
10. Was Talkov drunk? No, there was no alcohol in Talkov’s blood.
11. Where is Malakhov now? Very ill now, lived in South Africa. A few years after Talkov’s murder, Malakhov’s brother was killed. Apparently with the aim of forcing him to remain silent.
12. Why was there no security at the concert? The riot police disappeared about 15 minutes before the murder. Who do you think could have made such an important decision and on whose orders did the riot police leave?
13. Was Talkov's hand shot? They say that when Shlyafman fired, Talkov allegedly defended himself with his hand. No, according to the testimony of Berkova and Muromov, who examined Igor after his death, his arm was not shot.
14. Was Talkov a nationalist? No, there was work to denigrate him by apparently the same forces who later eliminated him. He was invited to the Memory Society and filmed, and the events are now presented as his entry into the nationalist Memory Society.
15. What was the shot fired from? From PM with a muffler. The bullet in Talkov was fired from a PM pistol, according to the investigator’s examination. Malakhov had a revolver that contained other cartridges. Do you have any more questions about Malakhov or Shlyafman?
16.Why did the ambulance arrive so late? From a conversation with the ambulance driver who worked on this call. He said: “They held us for forty minutes. There were calls from Yubileiny, but they wouldn’t let us leave.”

You will see everything else in the video below. First, an interview where Igor himself talks about “perestroika”, and about the “Memory” society, and about friendship between nations, and about the fact that he is on the side of the people. At first he is alive and after a few hours he is already dead. It also shows the first footage after the murder. If you are impressionable, please do not watch!

On June 11, in the American city of Orlando, American singer and musician Christina Grimmie was shot dead by her fan after a concert. TUT.BY recalled other cases when musicians died from bullets fired at them.

Edward Lee Morgan, February 19, 1972

Throughout the 1960s, American jazz trumpeter Lee Morgan recorded twenty albums as a soloist and also appeared as a featured artist on other musicians' albums. The last recording was made by Lee Morgan the day before his death, in February 1972.

The trumpeter was killed early in the morning of February 19, 1972 on the stage of the New York jazz club Slugs during a concert of his band. Impressed by a quarrel that occurred before the concert, his common-law wife Helen More shot him as the musician climbed onto the stage. According to testimony. According to eyewitnesses, Miss More entered the club and called out Lee Morgan's name. He turned around and More shot at him. The doorman grabbed her by the wrist and grabbed the gun from her hand. Helen screamed, “Honey, what have I done?” and rushed to Morgan's body. The bullet hit the chest, death occurred almost instantly. Morgan was 33 years old.

Helen More was arrested and brought to trial. After her release in 1978, she returned to her homeland of North Carolina. She died in Wilmington, New York of heart failure in March 1996.

John Lennon, December 8, 1980

John Lennon gives an autograph to his killer Mark David Chapman, Chapman himself is the man in the photo standing behind. Photo: wikipedia.org

The murder of one of the founders of The Beatles by fan Mark Chapman became one of the most notorious crimes of the 20th century. Investigators reconstructed the picture of the day of the tragedy on December 8, 1980 almost minute by minute.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Lennon and Yoko Ono were in their apartment in the Dakota building giving an interview, which became John's last, to a music show on the RKO Radio Network. Around 2 p.m., photographer Annie Leibovitz arrived at the Lennons' apartment to do a photo shoot for Rolling Stone magazine. At 3:30 p.m., after filming, Leibovitz left the apartment. Around 5 p.m., John and Yoko left the house to board a limousine that would take them to New York's Record Plant studios to mix "Walking on Thin Ice" (Ono's song, accompanied by Lennon's lead guitar).

As Lennon, Ono and the RKO crew walked by, the would-be killer silently handed John a copy of the Double Fantasy album and a pen. He smiled and wrote on the copy: “John Lennon, December 1980.” John asked, “Is this all you wanted?” - to which Chapman replied: “Yes. Thanks, John"

At approximately 10:30 p.m., after working on "Walking On Thin Ice" for four hours, the Lennons left the studio and decided to return to Dakota. Instead of leaving the limousine in a secure courtyard, the Lennons left it directly on 72nd Street. John walked slightly behind Yoko. He glanced briefly at Chapman as he passed him and continued walking. Seconds later, as the Lennons approached the arch, Mark David Chapman quickly fired five hollow-point bullets from his revolver at John. John Lennon died in a New York hospital.

Two hours after the murder, Chapman wrote a statement in which he said that two entities allegedly lived inside him: a large one - very kind; the lesser one, who does not understand the world around him, is the devil. He also said that he never wanted to kill anyone and had nothing against John Lennon, but his smaller entity, with which he had been fighting for a long time, won and committed the murder. On August 24, 1981, a judge sentenced Chapman to 20 years to life and ordered psychiatric treatment in prison.

Since 2000, Mark David Chapman has been eligible for parole, but all the hearings regarding his release, held eight times every two years, were unsuccessful. In 2012, the parole board said: “Despite your positive efforts during your imprisonment, your release at this time would greatly undermine respect for the law and trivialize the tragic loss of life you have caused as a result.” this monstrous, unprovoked, violent, cold and deliberate crime"

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Igor Talkov, October 6, 1991

The murder of Igor Talkov occurred on Sunday, October 6, 1991 at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg during a concert of Soviet pop stars. The singer was killed with a firearm shortly before going on stage in the corridor near his dressing room. The pistol from which the shot was fired has not yet been found. The full composition of the participants in the brawl is unknown, and the murder itself is still considered unsolved. According to the doctors who tried to bring Talkov back to life, a penetrating gunshot wound to the chest with damage to the heart and lung left him no chance of salvation.

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Tupac Shakur, September 13, 1996

American rapper, film actor and public figure, the first rapper to whom a monument was erected. Shakur has sold more than 75 million albums worldwide. Killed in 1996, the killers were never found.

A year and a half before the murder, accused in a rape case, Shakur and two other acquaintances were robbed. Tupac received 5 bullet wounds. Two bullets hit him in the groin, two in the head and another pierced his arm. New York rappers The Notorious B.I.G., Puff Daddy and their friends were blamed for the incident. After this, the famous war of the coasts was declared in American hip-hop. The next day, Tupac was convicted on charges of rape and was detained pending a final verdict. On February 7, 1995, he was sentenced to imprisonment. While in prison, the rapper recorded an album and went down in history as the first person to release an album while in prison, Me Against the World, which later received multi-platinum status.

September 7, 1996. Tupac Shakur was mortally wounded under circumstances that are not fully clarified. The rapper's car was shot at by unknown assailants on the street in Las Vegas.

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Christopher George Lator Wallace, March 9, 1997

American rapper who performed under the pseudonyms Biggie Smalls, Frank White and, most famously, The Notorious B.I.G. He was the leader of East Coast hip-hop.

Christopher Wallace's second album, Life After Death, released in 1997, won several awards, including the title of "R"n"B Album of the Year" according to Billboard. The album was released posthumously, a few weeks after his tragic death. On the morning of March 9, 1997, Wallace was returning to a hotel in Los Angeles after a party when fire was opened on him from a passing car. The rapper died from five gunshot wounds before arriving at a nearby hospital.

Biggie's public funeral was accompanied by riots. Thousands of people in Brooklyn climbed onto cars and clashed with police to catch a glimpse of his hearse.

The rapper's murder drew public attention to the so-called "rap war" and called for reconciliation on both sides. Rappers from both coasts such as Snoop Dogg, Chuck D, Doug E. Fresh and others attended the summit held in Chicago where a unity pact was signed that included a unified tour and album. Wallace's murder, like Tupac's, remains unsolved.

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Dimebag Darrell, December 8, 2004

One of the founders of the American metal bands Pantera and Damageplan, Darrell Lance Abbott, better known as Dimebag Darrell, was killed at his own concert in Columbus, Ohio on December 8, 2004.

That day, during a Pantera concert at the Alrosa Villa club, mentally unstable fan Nathan Gale opened fire with a pistol, killing four people (including Darrell) and seriously wounding two. Dimebag received five wounds, including one to the head, killing him instantly. The musician was 38 years old.

According to police, Gale fired 15 shots and reloaded once. He remained silent during the shooting and was shot dead on the spot by arriving police.

Early theories suggested that Gale was motivated by the breakup of Pantera or a conflict between Abbott and Pantera singer Phil Anselmo. But this was refuted during the investigation. Another hypothesis is that Gale believed Abbott stole the song from him. The book "A Vulgar Display Of Power", for which the killer's mother provided the author with many of Gale's personal notes, states that this is also not true, but due to schizophrenia, Gale believed that the group could read and steal his thoughts and laugh at him.

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Christina Grimmie, June 11, 2016

The American pianist and singer, a finalist in the sixth season of the popular television show The Voice, was killed after her concert in Orlando by 27-year-old Kevin Loibl.

A resident of St. Petersburg (Florida) fired five shots at the 22-year-old singer during an autograph session. Grimmie's brother, Marcus, fought with the attacker, after which the killer shot himself. The girl died in a hospital in Orlando. Loibl's motives are still unknown.

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On October 6, 1991, Igor Talkov was killed. When they talk about the mysterious death of the singer and composer, for some reason no one ever mentions the name of Nizhny Novgorod forensic expert Gennady Grigoriev, thanks to whom much of this tragedy became clear. Let's fill this gap. For more than thirty years, Gennady Alekseevich was a leading forensic expert at the Russian Ministry of Justice. Grigoriev, like a high-class professional, is at ease with any weapon. They started talking about him in criminology circles after Talkov’s murder. There were many witnesses to that behind-the-scenes tragedy, but the general fight prevented them from noticing the killer. The owner of the weapon himself, producer Aziza Malakhov, quickly fled the scene. Therefore, the investigation was inclined to conclude: it was he who dealt with Talkov. After all, it was because of Malakhov that terrible fight broke out behind the scenes of Yubileiny, where Talkov and Aziza did not share the right to go on stage. However, the investigation stalled. Gennady Grigoriev was summoned to St. Petersburg.

  • Igor Talkov: death on stage

    Shortly before the shooting at Yubileiny, he gave a presentation to his St. Petersburg colleagues on the use of lasers in cases involving firearms. The essence of this method, invented by Grigoriev, now widespread, is simple to the point of genius. A small, pen-sized attachment with a laser beam is placed on the barrel of a pistol (or machine gun).

    The diameter of the beam fully matches the criminal. Thus, the beam, simulating the flight of a bullet, provides a lot of additional information, including determining the distance of the shot and even the height of the killer. The expert’s report made a strong impression, and they decided to use the new method in the next experiment at Yubileiny.

    Did you know?

    Igor came from a noble family. His parents were repressed and met in prison, in the village of Orlovo-Rozovo, Kemerovo region

    The results were stunning. The charges against Malakhov were dropped because the laser identified the true criminal - Talkov's administrator Valery Shlyafman. The only pity is that by that time the suspect himself was beyond the reach of Russian justice.

    Gennady Alekseevich was prompted to use the cunning device by a sensational case of “regional scale” - the suicide of the chairman of the Avtozavodsky court Bredikhin. It was necessary to make sure that he committed suicide on his own, without anyone’s help. And it was not possible to combine the suspicious bullet mark in the doorway of Bredikhin’s office with his shot head using the usual string for criminologists.

    She could not tell the trajectory of the bullet. Grigoriev did not sleep for a week. And finally, together with colleagues from the laboratory, I found the only right way: laser! Over decades of activity, the senior researcher at the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Laboratory of Forensic Sciences has many mysterious cases, potential “wood grouse”, unraveled through deep knowledge.

    Position of forensic expert

    In 1975, a policeman shot and killed a driver on the street. During the investigation, the accused insisted that he hit the man by accident: he was knocked down by hooligans, he was unloading a cannon into the air, but they pushed him under the elbow. That's where the trouble happened.

    Did you know?

    Since childhood, Talkov was interested in literature and even wrote poetry. In high school, he mastered the piano and learned to play the guitar. He graduated from a music school in accordion class, and later learned to play the violin and bass guitar.

    However, the only witness to the tragedy stated otherwise: the law enforcement officer shot the victim in cold blood at point-blank range, and the eyewitness managed to kick the pistol out of his hands. It was impossible to prove the testimony with facts. But it was then that a young expert intervened in the matter.

    He knew well that if you hit the pistol hard from below at the moment you press the trigger, the weapon will automatically disassemble, and it was in disassembled form that the pistol was found at the murder scene. This means that the policeman did not shoot “in the air” and, logically, the witness was right.

    Coming out of the building after the court hearing, Gennady Alekseevich heard in the crowd tightly surrounding the porch a single word: “Grigoriev!” People stepped aside respectfully, making way for the young criminologist. After all, it was only thanks to him that a criminal in uniform, backed by influential officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was sentenced to eight years for premeditated murder.

    Few people believed that there would be a person who would be able to reveal the truth and would not be afraid to stand up for it in court. And after this case, Grigoriev often went against the desire of law enforcement agencies to put behind bars, without thinking twice, those suspected of committing crimes in which they were not involved.

    Did you know?

    In 1972, the future singer came to Moscow to enter the Dynamo or CSKA school. He dreamed of becoming a hockey player, but failed to qualify

    He always conducts his examinations with an understanding of responsibility for the final result. Grigoriev especially “annoys” the investigation when he refuses to classify the knives seized from the detainees as “cold weapons.”

    Our police sometimes even harass hunters and mushroom pickers for their knives,” Gennady Alekseevich smiles. - The blade is just over nine centimeters, and besides, it quickly jumps out of the handle - good luck! But each knife has its own, specific function. You can kill with a bread cleaver, but still it is not made for murder, but for peaceful purposes.”

    Writer Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich

    Grigoriev is “one of his own” among the gunsmiths of Pavlov, Vyksa, and other cities of Russia. But people of art also know and appreciate Gennady Alekseevich as a creative and extraordinary person, and often resort to his help. One day, Tamara Ryzhova, director of the Gorky Museum, approached him in an old mysterious photograph.

    Did you know?

    In 1974, after graduating from school, Talkov tried to enter the theater school in Moscow. I fell asleep on socialist realism: I didn’t know M. Gorky’s novel “Mother”

    I approached him as an experienced criminologist and photographer. She had long been haunted by a photograph from the archive of Maxim Dmitriev. It depicted a Volga tramp typical of the early 20th century. But is this so, Tamara Alexandrovna doubted.

    The photograph was taken in the year of the production of “At the Lower Depths”; the photographer Dmitriev helped Gorky in selecting types and created a whole gallery of the inhabitants of Bugrov’s doss house.

    However, only on this photograph did he sign his autograph, which he did only on those photographs that he treasured. The director of the museum also found it suspicious that the tramp stood too imposingly and deliberately in the snow barefoot, while the other “types” had their feet wrapped in foot wraps and some kind of rags.

    Did you know?

    At the age of 19, the young artist publicly spoke on a square in Tula criticizing the policies of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. The case was hushed up, but Talkov was sent to serve in a construction battalion in the Moscow region

    But the most important thing that worried Ryzhova: the tramp in the picture bore a resemblance to the famous prose writer Leonid Andreev. Grigoriev became interested in solving the old photograph. Having requested several original portraits of the writer from the museum collection, in which the details of the face and hands were clearly visible, I set to work. And soon the director of the museum received an official expert report, which stated that all the photographs, including the “tramp” one, depicted the same person - Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev.

    His exotic appearance was explained simply: during the rehearsals of the play “At the Lower Depths,” Andreev was a frequent guest of his friend Gorky. They went together to the studio of photographer Dmitriev.

    There one day Andreev saw wigs and clothes of tramps, prepared by a photographer for filming in the workshop. One of its windows looked directly onto a snow-covered terrace, where the writer decided to “play” a tramp. He managed to brilliantly play this role, posing a riddle to future researchers of history and literature. But it was not they who “split” the famous hoaxer, but forensic expert Grigoriev.

    Igor Talkov - prophet

    But let's return to Talkov's case. Yes, the killer was identified with the help of criminologist Grigoriev. However, the premature one was apparently written on the lines of his hand or in the book of fates or somewhere else. In any case, Talkov himself vaguely felt this and suspected that he would die young and not by his own death.

    Igor Talkov and Aziza

    Mystical coincidences and premonitions haunted him all his life. Here are just a few of them. In the late 80s, a cheerful group was walking in a hotel in Yalta. At that time, a music festival was taking place in Yalta, which was attended by many famous guests. Talkov was among the partygoers.

    Did you know?

    Talkov became popular after his song “Chistye Prudy” was performed in the TV show “Song of the Year”

    Together with the famous astrologer Pavel Globa and actor Pankratov-Cherny that evening they talked on.

    At some point, Globa thought about it and then stated that his two interlocutors were connected by karmic ties and would die in one year and one day. Of course, his tipsy interlocutors only laughed at his prophecy and soon forgot.

    The fact that Talkov foresaw the future is proven by the following incident. In 1983, the singer and his musicians went on tour. The plane constantly fell into air pockets, it was shaking and the passengers were worried.

    Did you know?

    In 1989, his video for the song “Russia” was first shown on the television program “Before and After Midnight.” Talkov became one of the favorite singers and musicians of Russians

    Then Talkov, turning to them, told them not to be afraid of anything. He is not destined to die in the air, he will die on the stage in the presence of a large number of people. And if so, then the flight today will end safely for everyone.

    Beyond the last line

    Here's another incredible coincidence. A year before his death, the singer starred in the feature film “Beyond the Last Line.” At the end of the film, his hero dies from a bullet in the chest fired from a pistol. Filming of this scene took place in Leningrad on October 6th. Exactly a year later on the same day Talkov in Leningrad from a bullet fired into his chest from a pistol.