Dmitry Borisov presenter let them talk biography. Dmitry Borisov biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Successful career and new assignment

Dmitry Borisov has been hosting Evening News for several years, however, not all TV viewers know that he is also the general producer of Channel One. World Wide Web,” which is developing many thematic channels. Everyday work takes a lot of energy and time from him, however, Dmitry does not feel tired, as he is passionate about what he loves. In the future, the TV presenter also dreams of getting involved in cinema, where he will act as a producer. Borisov does not cover his personal life, however, it is known that he is not yet married and has no children.

Dmitry was born in 1985 in the city of Chernivtsi, located in western Ukraine, but after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the whole family moved to Moscow. Then they visited Lithuania and Siberia, and then returned to Moscow again. His parents are philologists: his mother teaches Russian and teaches speech culture, and his father, in addition to teaching, is a leader Literary Museum. Already in childhood future TV presenter knew what business he would be doing. The boy often listened to “Echo of Moscow” and once wrote to the editor-in-chief, proposing his concept for the program. Of course, his idea was not taken seriously, however, after some time, the 15-year-old boy was invited to the radio as an intern.

Soon he was already anchoring the news and was also a co-host music program“Silver”, which aired at night. Borisov had to combine work and school, although it was not easy. After graduating from school, he received his education at the university, choosing the Faculty of History and Philology. In his last year, the management of Channel One invited him to host a morning and then an evening newscast. Since 2011, Dmitry has also been a presenter information program"Time".

The rapid and promising growth of his career affected the personal life of the broadcast star, who always devoted a lot of time to what he loved. For several years, his affair with the singer was discussed in the press. The young people had known each other for many years; they often attended social parties together, which gave rise to rumors about their close relationship. However, in 2014, Savicheva married her fiancé Alexander Arshinov, whom she had been dating for more than 10 years, making it clear to everyone that the TV presenter and singer had only friendship for many years.

In the photo Dmitry Borisov

Borisov himself talks little about his family in interviews, preferring to cover only professional issues. On at the moment It is known that he has not yet married. Dmitry often posts photos of his pet on his blog - a small dog with which he often spends time. The presenter loves to roller skate and also take walks around Moscow, where he has his favorite places. Due to the nature of his work, he cannot plan his vacation, which almost always happens spontaneously.

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Published 05/24/2017

Participant's name: Borisov Dmitry Dmitrievich

Age (birthday): 15.08.1985

City: Chernivtsi

Education: Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of History and Philology

Family: not married

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Dmitry was brought up in a spiritual, intelligent family. His grandfathers were military men, one was an honored doctor, and the other was a pilot. Borisov's father has been scientific supervisor museum of art, and my mother studied teaching activities. The boy spent his childhood in Western Ukraine, where his parents met and studied at the same university.

After the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the young Borisov family left hometown, and left for Moscow. They did not live there for long; due to business trips they had to travel a lot.

So, Dmitry and his parents managed to visit the Latvian town of Panezeves, Siberia. After long wanderings, the Borisov family returned to the capital of Russia.

Dmitry's school years were spent in painstaking study, which gave him pleasure. He was always a diligent, calm, purposeful guy; he clearly knew what he was doing and why. At the age of 16, Borisov became interested in radio journalism, thanks to the broadcasts of “Echo of Moscow”, which he constantly listened to.

It took Dmitry a little time to take his place on this popular radio station. First as an editor and news anchor, and then he hosted the nightly broadcasts of Ekho Moskvy. Not used to sitting in one place, the young man mastered a new section - “Show Business”.

To keep abreast of all media news and events, Borisov visited music competitions international scale, interviewed famous Russian and foreign performers.

In parallel with work at the radio station, Dmitry received higher education at the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Faculty of History and Philology. Having received a specialist diploma, Borisov decided to continue his graduate studies at the same university, only at the department of French drama.

TV debut

In 2006, Borisov received an invitation from the management of Channel One. So, at the age of 21, Dmitry became a permanent presenter of the morning and evening news information block. His efforts were noted in 2008, when he was recognized as the best presenter of the season. The following year, the young talent became a nominee for the prestigious TEFI award.

In 2011, Borisov hosted the “Time” program on the same channel. On the eve of the start of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Dmitry had the honor of becoming a torchbearer. This event became one of the most exciting events in the young journalist’s life. New round popularity in his career as a TV presenter began in the summer of 2017. Borisov replaced Andrei Malakhov in the rating project “Let Them Talk.”

Dmitry organically fit into the concept of the talk show. Borisov remained with the previous program manager friendly relations. Despite numerous skeptical reviews from “couch” critics, the new face of the project copes with the task 100%.

Failed love relationship with Savicheva

In 2009, lyrical performer Yulia Savicheva was invited to one of the radio broadcasts of the program “Fellow Travelers,” hosted by Borisov. From that moment, the young people developed mutual sympathy, which quickly developed into deeper feelings.

Three years later, Dmitry, during a broadcast on radio “Echo Moscow,” performed a song that he dedicated to the singer. Julia, in turn, soon released the album “Heartbeat”, the presentation of which she came in the company of Borisov. The couple did not part throughout the evening, which again added fuel to the fire.

Unexpected news was the news of Savicheva’s marriage to Alexander Arshinov. Later, Yulia and Dmitry reported that they had purely friendly relations that did not pretend to be anything more.

In 2015, several compromising photographs of Borisov hugging an illusionist appeared online. It was they who became the reason for gossip about the young presenter’s unconventional orientation.

Now Dmitry is completely absorbed in the creative process - working in the “Let Them Talk” project. IN free time visits the gym to keep himself in good physical shape.

Despite his popularity, Borisov does not consider himself mega popular. According to Dmitry, he eats the same fast food and walks along the same Moscow streets as all the residents of the capital.

Photo by Dmitry

The journalist actively uses social networks, you can always find current photos there.

TV presenter, producer documentaries, Borisov Dmitry Dmitrievich does not advertise his achievements. However, this is a person who really influences what our television will be like today and what news we can expect tomorrow.


Dmitry Borisov was born in Chernivtsi, the most beautiful city in Western Ukraine, on August 15, 1985 in a family of philologists. Mom taught people the culture of speech and the Russian language. My father still teaches to this day, and is also the head of the Museum of Literature. His parents studied together at Chernivtsi University, and met there. Both grandfathers were military men, one was a doctor, the other was an aviator.

“I was taken to Moscow when I was less than a year, due to the Chernobyl disaster. Although Chernobyl is located far from Chernivtsi, no one then knew what this would lead to,” recalls Dmitry. “Then we moved to Lithuania, lived in Panezeves. We visited Siberia. Dad was trying to get there scientific degree. And yet, Moscow is my favorite city, I spent my childhood here,” he adds. By the time Dmitry entered first grade, his family had already settled in the capital of Russia.

First broadcasts

While still at school, Dmitry Borisov became interested in journalism and, as a teenager, already planned to work in the media field. At the age of sixteen, he first heard the broadcast of the Gazprom radio station, which was called “Echo of Moscow,” and became interested in this difficult work.

Youthful perseverance bore fruit - and Dmitry received the position of radio journalist in information service. There he managed to work as an editor, and then received an offer to read the news feed as a presenter. In addition, he was provided with regular nightly broadcasts: together with Alexander Vladimirovich Plyushchev, a popular journalist at that time, he hosted a program about music “Silver”, later renamed “Argentum”, and even later - “Fellow Travelers”.

When it seemed to Dmitry that this was not enough, he was entrusted with preparing and conducting broadcasts about show business. In this program he talked on all sorts of topics with the most famous and interesting people. “With my work on the Ekho Moskvy radio, I was able to try myself in different capacities. The main thing, of course, remained conducting news broadcasts, but I interviewed both presidents and movie stars. There were programs about show business and trips to hot spots. I visited everywhere: from Beslan to Eurovision. So much journalism appeared in my life that I decided not to get a specialized education at all,” says Dmitry Borisov.

University everyday life

After school, Dmitry Borisov prudently chose the parental path, becoming a professional philologist, and in 2007 received a specialist diploma in the field of history, culture and literature of Russia and Germany, graduating from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Then he immediately continued his graduate studies at the same university, while studying French drama.

For the first time on First

In the spring of 2006, fate gave Dmitry a real gift: he was invited to Channel One. He began his career as a television presenter with regular morning and evening news broadcasts. He was awarded as the most outstanding presenter of the television season in 2008.

Today Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter, and one of the most successful. His main work is the global “Evening News” on Channel One, broadcast daily at 18:00 Moscow time. In addition, he declared himself as “the highest quality microblogger.” This area is both close and interesting to him.

"I like dynamic image life, I move forward and do what I really love. Having tried myself on “First”, I realized that this is mine,” says Borisov. It is not surprising that in 2011 his professional horizons expanded due to the Vremya information program. In it, he introduces viewers to the latest news, invariably ending with the phrase: “Dmitry Borisov was with you, Channel One.”

And again “Echo of Moscow”

Quite positive and lightning fast career growth did not in any way contribute to the development of Dmitry’s “star fever”. On the contrary, he became more restrained and responsible in relation to the work, which was now twice as large. This endless busyness did not prevent the TV presenter from continuing his work on his favorite radio “Echo of Moscow”, although not as intensely as before.

Dmitry still has Sunday broadcasts at his disposal, in which he still talks with outstanding people. This allows him to escape from the endless news and at the same time remain in the thick of things, to see meaningful stories through the eyes of celebrities and express own opinion about what is happening.

The beginning of an affair with Yulia Savicheva

The personal life of Dmitry Borisov has never been a secret to the general public. It was the radio “Echo of Moscow” that introduced him to singer Yulia Savicheva. This happened in 2009, in live"Fellow Travelers" programs. Then Yulia Savicheva and Dmitry Borisov did not even imagine that this meeting could develop into serious affection. The singer herself, in numerous interviews, adheres to the version that she first met Dmitry on Channel One while filming one of the shows.

As often happens, it all started with banal friendship and the exchange of standard greetings. At the beginning of 2012, in a radio broadcast of the “Echo” program, Borisov sang a song especially for Yulia, thereby confessing his feelings to her. After which they became a couple and declared the seriousness of their relationship.

In the same year, Savicheva presented the album “Heartbeat”, appearing in public accompanied by Dmitry, who carefully hugged her waist. From that moment on, the couple posed openly in front of the cameras. The smiling Yulia Savicheva and the slightly embarrassed Dmitry Borisov, whose photos were later widely circulated, looked quite happy and did not hide the fact that there were tender feelings between them.

Old relationships and new plans

Today, Dmitry Borisov is under the close attention of the press, which does not miss the opportunity to learn new details about the relationship between the stars. Not long ago there were rumors about their engagement. However, none of the lovers confirmed this information, although Dmitry did once say that they were planning a wedding. Perhaps Julia has not yet ended her relationship, which has lasted for more than nine years.

Olympic moments

Last a bright event in the life of the TV presenter was the Sochi 2014 relay race, which started on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games on October 7, 2013 in Moscow. Dmitry Borisov was one of the many thousands of torchbearers. He ran with a burning torch in his hands to Prechistenskaya embankment from “In the instructions that the pleasant people gave me, there was nothing about how to pass the fire or how to carry the torch - in an outstretched hand or holding it with both. It was hard, but I managed, changed hands and ran two distances: someone didn’t make it to their starting point. You should have seen how everyone's eyes lit up! As if the relay race is a vital matter. “I later bought this torch to show it to my children and grandchildren,” he said.

Dmitry Borisov is a TV presenter who is called a legend. Hearing this, he modestly replies: “I ordinary person With bad habit eat fast food." He also believes that you can achieve a lot if you try. “I also love traveling and can roller skate for hours,” concludes Dmitry.

Dmitry Borisov is a popular Russian TV presenter. Previously, he only hosted television news programs. After popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov left the first TV channel, Dmitry Borisov completely replaced him. He made the program unique and interesting, unlike other similar television projects.

Currently, the TV presenter is not yet married. He doesn't even have a girlfriend. This is explained by the lack of free time due to the man’s terrible employment in various television projects.

After Borisov began hosting the TV show “Let Them Talk,” he began to develop large number admirers of his talent who became interested in any information about the popular TV presenter. They were especially interested in the question of his height, weight, and age. How old is Dmitry Borisov - you can find out by going to the website of the First TV Channel.

Dmitry Borisov, photos in his youth and now which can be seen in social networks, will celebrate its 33rd anniversary this year. With a height of 176 cm, the TV presenter weighs approximately 65 kg.

The man is actively involved in sports. He enjoys swimming and snowboarding. In his free time, the TV presenter rides a bicycle and travels.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Borisov

A future popular television presenter was born in the small town of Chernivtsi, which is located in Ukraine. When the boy was one year old, an explosion occurred at the Chernobol nuclear power plant. The parents, fearing for the life and health of the baby, moved with him to the capital Soviet Union.

Father - Dmitry Bak was engaged in journalism. The mother raised the children to be self-sufficient and harmonious individuals. Dmitry has two sisters.

Soon the family moves again to the father’s new place of service - to a small Lithuanian town. The TV presenter calls Panevezys his homeland. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the family returns to Moscow, where Dima becomes a first-grade student in one of the capital's schools.

The boy liked to study. He becomes one of the best students in his class. Dmitry repeatedly defended the honor of his native school at prestigious humanitarian Olympiads. The young man especially liked to comprehend the basics of the Russian language, literature and history. In his free time, the future TV presenter took part in productions at the school drama studio.

In high school, Dmitry decides to become a journalist. At the age of 16, he began working as an editor at one of the Russian radio stations. The guy is characterized by determination and perseverance, so he will soon be appointed as the host of news broadcasts on the Ekho Moskvy radio. A few months after this, together with Alexander Plyushchev, he begins to host the nightly editions of the “Silver” music radio program.

For the young and inexperienced Dima, everything was new. He often worried, thinking that he was doing something wrong. Over time, the talented guy was able to overcome all the complexes. Radio listeners fell in love with his original programs “Argentum” and “Fellow Travelers”.

Having received a certificate, Dmitry becomes a student of the Russian Humanities state university, after which he completed his postgraduate studies.

Our hero devoted a lot of time to business trips, covering a variety of events that happened in the world. He talked about the tragedy in Beslan, and spoke with pleasure about the holding of the popular musical Eurovision, taking place in various European countries.

In 2006 he began working on Channel One. TV viewers loved his work in news programs. In 2008, the TV star broadcast a parade taking place on Red Square. His co-host was Yulia Pankratova.

For a long time he was a TV presenter of the information program “Time”.

In mid-2009, our hero was invited to play in several films for young people. He performed well, playing in Black Lightning and Escape. At this time, he began blogging on social networks, receiving the title of the best blogger on the RuNet.

In mid-2017, a popular TV presenter conducted a live broadcast in which he asked questions to the elected President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Dmitry Borisov took part in a number of television projects who loved a large number spectators. For example, he played in the show programs “Fort Boyard”, “Great Race” and others, showing his strength and dexterity.

Biography and personal life Dmitry Borisov became interested in a large audience after his appearance in the TV show “Let Them Talk,” in which he replaced the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who left the TV channel due to a misunderstanding with the management. The talented guy managed to win over the discerning Russian public, who initially received him with hostility.

Almost nothing is known about the personal life of Dmitry Borisov. On social networks you can find false information that he is in unconventional relationships. The TV presenter himself says that these are rumors. It’s just that he hasn’t managed to meet the girl who would become his wife. As soon as this happens, he will tie the knot. The TV star's parents and sisters are looking forward to this event.

Family and children of Dmitry Borisov

The family and children of Dmitry Borisov have not yet been born. Our hero has not yet met a girl who would become his life partner, so the TV presenter does not have children yet. On social networks you can read that Borisov belongs to men who have gay. Dmitry himself assures that this is an absolute lie. He is looking for a girl who would be similar in character to his mother.

Dmitry claims that he dreams of his family being like his parents’ family. She would be understanding and attentive to each other. Each family member has his own opinion, which is respected by loved ones.

The father of the popular TV presenter is one of the most famous people in the field of journalism. He wrote critical articles, studied philology, translated the works of foreign journalists. Currently working as a manager state museum Russian language and literature, named after the famous philologist and creator of the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” - Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl.

Our hero’s mother taught Russian language and literature. She raised her children to be kind and knowledgeable people, and also established themselves in this world.

The popular TV presenter has two sisters who also work on television. They are currently married and have children who love their uncle.

A star with his family domestic television counts employees too native First channel, with which he celebrates all the joyful events in his life. Many of the employees became his friends, whom he knew from his first appearance in the studio. Dmitry says that each of them supports him in difficult situations.

Dmitry Borisov's wife

Currently, the popular television presenter is not yet married. Dmitry himself indicates the reason for the absence of a life partner - his busyness. He does not have free time to find his beloved. Even Borisov has no time to have an affair for a short period of time. Social networks do not provide information about Dmitry’s affair with anyone.

In 2010, information appeared that the young man began dating one of the most famous and sought-after artists in the Russian Federation, who took part in Eurovision. Dmitry appeared everywhere with Yulia Savicheva. In means mass media Information about the connection between young people has repeatedly appeared. It is known that Julia’s family was musical. She sang from the age of 4. When Savicheva grew up, she became a participant in the second season of “Star Factory”, in which Yulia became one of the winners.

The young people met for the first time in mid-2009. At that time, our hero was still broadcasting on the Echo of Moscow radio station. Savicheva was just starting her creative activity. From the first meeting the guys became friends, social events they began to come together. Outsiders thought that they had a tender and friendly relationship.

Soon rumors began to appear about the couple's imminent wedding. Conversations arose after Dmitry performed a song, which was appreciated by listeners of the Echo of Moscow radio wave. At this time, they began to say that the composition was performed precisely in honor of Julia.

During the presentation of Savicheva's album, they appeared at the event together. Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva, the wedding between whom could become the event of the year, stated that they were just friends. But the journalists did not believe it, expecting a solemn event any day now. But the celebration never took place.

In mid-2014, the popular performer became a wife, but not Borisov at all. Her husband was Alexander Arshinov, with whom she had been friends for a long time and who was the father of her child. Only then did fans know that with Borisov popular singer They were connected only by friendship.

Dmitry Borisov's wife has not appeared until now. He assures that as soon as he meets a girl who can give him happiness, he will get married. Admirers of his talent will immediately recognize this. In the meantime, Dmitry Borisov and his wife are the concept of the future tense, which is awaited by admirers of the talent of the popular television presenter with great impatience.

TV presenter “Let Them Talk” - Dmitry Borisov

In August 2017, information appeared that popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov left the country and left with his wife in an unknown direction. It later became known that he had taken a few weeks off. Malakhov was replaced in several episodes by his colleague Dmitry Borisov, who had previously hosted news television programs.

After some time, the public learned that Andrei decided to leave the TV channel. At first they said that he decided to help his wife raise future children. After some time, the entire team working in the show program “Let Them Talk” decided to move to the second channel, on which Malakhov began hosting a new television program"Hello, Andrey."

At first, the television audience received hostility from Dmitry Borisov, who replaced Malakhov in the show program “Let Them Talk.” But he managed to win over the audience with his ability to speak relevantly and openly on any occasion.

TV presenter “Let Them Talk” - Dmitry Borisov made the TV show as beloved as it was before. He did not at all lower the bar raised by his predecessor, as his detractors predicted.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Borisov

Dmitry Borisov's Instagram and Wikipedia are popular. The star of the domestic television screen actively leads them.

Wikipedia allows you to find out how it went life path Dmitry, in what programs he worked. Here you can view data about Borisov’s loved ones.

The TV star is active on many social networks. On the Instagram page you can view photographs of Dmitry in which he is depicted with colleagues and loved ones. Here our hero posted small fragments from films with his participation, which he considers the most interesting.

The TV presenter agreed to become the face of the country's main talk show

On August 15, Dmitry Borisov will turn 32 years old. The best gift By this date, he made it himself - on August 14, the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program, hosted by the “young and promising” Dmitry Borisov, will be aired. This is how it is now fashionable to call Borisov in the media. Few people know, but Dmitry Borisov is a big boss: for two years now he has been general producer Company "Channel One" World Wide Web." The winner of the TEFI television award (2016) hosted news on Channel One, and now he will shoulder an hour-long talk show. The task is not easy, but smart, educated and already quite experienced Borisov will cope.

Another thing is that he will not become the next Malakhov, because Andrei was in the right place in “Let Them Talk” - he knew how to sincerely empathize with the characters, cry and laugh with ordinary people and receive revelations from the stars on air. Malakhov’s charisma and professionalism turned each episode of a television project into a real movie: it seemed that such emotions could only be rehearsed for a long time, but he knew how to receive them from real heroes from real life. We will soon see how Borisov copes with this task. In addition, viewers have no reason to worry: what difference does it make on which channel to watch Malakhov - now we will “catch” him every evening on “Rossiya1”. And Borisov will find his audience...

Something else is strange. How could Dmitry Borisov betray his friendship with Andrei Malakhov? They didn’t just host charity evenings and broadcasts from Olympic Sochi, they were friends. Andrey invited Dmitry to family holidays, introduced him to his wife, close people... In the photo below, Malakhov, his wife and Borisov are watching a film together in the cinema.

There are three possible scenarios. The first is that the authorities chose and appointed Borisov, and he could not refuse. But this is unlikely. The second is that it is too tempting to become the host of “Let Them Talk,” so Dmitry chose a career and did not think about whether he was betraying his friend with such a decision or not. The third - Borisov consulted with Malakhov, and the latter said that he would not be offended by his friend - after all, someone still had to lead the television project. Let us remind you that Andrei Malakhov and his team at will left the talk show “Let Them Talk” because they did not work well with the new producer.

Now Andrei Malakhov will host a talk show on the Rossiya1 channel - a presenter of this level will not be left without work. Andrei was able to part with his beloved “TV child”, whom he raised for 16 years. Will he be able to give up his friendship with Borisov after he took his place? Wait and see.

Nikolai Kartozia recently spoke about Malakhov’s irreplaceability in GQ ( general manager TV channel “Friday!”). And it’s impossible to disagree with him. “Andrei Nikolaevich is our Oprah. He knows how to humanize any topic, even from the farthest corner of the underworld. In television jargon, there is, say, such a classification of presenters as “insincere prostitute” and “yuragagarin.” Here it is - “yuragagarin”, its warming effect. I am sure that if you create a separate TV channel: “Andrey”, for example, or, there, “Hello, Andrey!”, then he could bring his ecstasy to ecstasy around the clock target audience. Andryusha is cool.”

It happened that Andrei Malakhov said in an interview that television is full of petty intrigues. But now he definitely has no time for them. Very soon, the country's most popular TV presenter and his wife Natalya will become parents for the first time. And, by the way, Dmitry Borisov in the first issue new version“Let them talk” congratulates a colleague on the imminent addition to the family.

Moreover, in the first issue of “Let Them Talk” entitled “The Main Intrigue of the Summer”, among the versions of Andrei’s dismissal, the “canard” about his maternity leave. Let us remind you that along with the news about Malakhov’s wife’s pregnancy, information appeared that he was not allowed to go on maternity leave, so he left the channel. Dmitry Borisov and the studio guests examined the following versions: fatigue (it’s difficult to host a daily talk show for 16 years), the pursuit of big money (Nagiyev suggested that Malakhov was offered a big salary), the desire to host programs on other topics (Dibrov put forward the version that “daily Botex” became uninteresting to Andrey). The funniest version was put forward by Arina Sharapova, recalling her own experience: “I also left the First for my loved one. For his sake."

The 45-year-old TV presenter is in excellent shape, so he won’t be able to miss the season. As Larisa Guzeeva recently noted: “Andrey’s channels are already being torn apart.” In addition, the family will soon grow, so it is necessary to earn a dowry for the heir.