Belarusian singer Dorofeeva. Irina Dorofeeva: “I broke off relations with the powers that be” - Salidarnasts. Western sites tempt you

REFERENCE. Plot - 14 acres; house - 206 square meters; 1st floor - entrance hall, hall, living room, kitchen, bathroom, utility room; 2nd floor - two bedrooms, bathroom, dressing room; heating - fireplace and gas (plus boiler). The average fat in winter is about 100 rubles, in summer - about 50 rubles.

I built a house 12 kilometers from the Minsk ring road in a village in the Dzerzhinsky district, where my friends, producer Yuri Savosh and his family, have been living for 20 years. I wanted to build my nest nearby, but my dream had been brewing for 20 years,” Irina Dorofeeva smiles, opening the gate.

The neighbor's roosters are crowing loudly, and Sancho, a red shaggy dog ​​matching the house - a mix of a court terrier and a chow-chow - greets guests with a loud bark. A spectacular red booth - a copy of the singer's house - was built for the family favorite by Irina's dad.

Construction began 6 years ago. I did everything myself: from purchasing materials to interior design. I came up with everything myself, fortunately I travel a lot, I observe, ideas are born by themselves. Much during the construction process was invented on the fly: what the attic, balcony, roof would be like...

The construction lasted three years, and for three years now I have been doing interior design. For about 10 years I gave 130-150 concerts a year, I was exhausted, I was very tired: concerts, university, musicals, building a house took all my strength and money.

I suddenly realized that I couldn’t buy myself a new outfit, not to mention jewelry or basic things in everyday life - all the funds were spent on construction! And I orderedly told myself “stop!” There is a roof, there are walls, we will solve the remaining problems as they arise.

My parents supported me and two years ago they sold their apartment in Mogilev and moved into my still unfinished house to help and run the household. At first, we even lived in camp conditions: without a kitchen or closets.

“In my house almost everything is Belarusian”

- How did you decide on the size of the house?

One day I really liked a house. And it so happened that the preliminary design of this house was given to me. Later, an architect from the Dzerzhinsky district adapted the project to my wishes. I decided that the house should have two bedrooms - mine and the guest room, now my parents live in it. I didn’t think about the nursery at that time, I understood that it was possible to provide for that too, if necessary. In the future, this is a home for life, where I will move, but now for me it is more like a home for the weekend.

- Has the issue of communications - electricity, heating, sewerage - been resolved?

I have local sewerage, water, gas heating, and the builders installed heated floors. I purchased a fireplace stove that can heat the entire first floor. At the same time, on gloomy cold evenings it will be pleasant to admire the fire. I’ll say right away that everything in my house is Belarusian: from building materials to furniture. The only imported items are household appliances and a heating system, a fragment of Italian tiles in the kitchen and two walls of wallpaper in the bedroom.

- What turned out to be the most difficult?

The most difficult thing is to start, so first the parents came and planted thujas ( smiling). I went to the Grodno region to buy them, bought very tiny ones, but 176 pieces. Now along the perimeter of the site there is an already grown hedge.

The most difficult work was related to the foundation and leveling of the site. Since the soil is clayey, the house had to be placed on stilts. When you delve into it yourself, purchasing what you need, you get the impression that at this stage you are simply burying money in the ground.

There were also problems with the builders: they came to pour the foundation but it didn’t work, it turned out that the team was not very professional. And they couldn’t figure out the formwork, so they poured something at random... A new team of builders had to redo it.

I went to buy building materials myself: both to the market and to manufacturers. But without store markups. Thanks to my producer Yuri Savosh, who understands construction - he was a tremendous help. By the way, during his Komsomol years he led a large construction project in the city of Gagarin, Smolensk region.

- From a financial point of view, was everything simple?

Not really - she spent all her savings and borrowed money. I bought the kitchen in installments for six months, then it so happened that they extended it for another three months. The refrigerator is also in installments, I’m still paying.

My parents helped, I had long dreamed of moving them from Mogilev to Minsk so that I could see each other more often. When I left home more than 20 years ago, you could say that my parents lost me (smiles). So they sold the apartment and moved into my unfinished house. They left only a small dacha near Shklov, with an apiary - that’s where it is now.

They do a lot with their own hands: they built a dressing room in the house themselves, and a cellar under the future terrace. Mom created another masterpiece - a large beautiful flower bed. Last year we planted tulip bulbs, this year my mother decided to act globally, she said that people walk past, they know that Irina Dorofeeva lives here, so the view should be worthy ( smiling).

“I live by the law of three Hs: nothing is impossible”

I really love forged products, so there are many different forged accents in the house, some of which I bought in Vertilishki at the crafts fair, where I went for concerts. The walls are partially covered with wallpaper, partially decorated with decorative plaster. I really wanted the second floor to have skylights, lots of light and sky above my head. Someone is thinking through cabinets, shelves, sections. On the contrary, I have a lot of free space: the more air and light, the better.

- How did you decide on a spectacular pink kitchen? It looks like a Barbie house...

Yes, my goddaughter came in, gasped and asked: “Irina, are you blonde?” I answered that, probably, in the kitchen - yes ( laughs). But you must admit, the color is not entirely pink, it has many shades: pink, lilac, and warm creamy notes. It all started with dark purple beams on the ceiling; unexpectedly they turned out to have just such a tint. They chose tiles for them, then ordered the kitchen. And I don’t regret it, there should be bright accents in the house. Despite the fact that in life I love muted pastel colors and I made the house just like that.

- Many people complain that heating a house, especially in winter, is expensive. True?

Our heat is regulated in each room, and thanks to the fireplace stove, the entire first floor can be heated with wood. Underfloor heating provides uniform heat throughout the entire first floor. It is not only functional, but also economical. The radiators on the second floor, like the floor temperature, can be adjusted separately.

- Why is there stone tiles on the floor of the first floor, and wood on the second?

My Daphne (a toy terrier puppy was given to Irina for her 35th birthday. - Ed.) cannot run on wood, only on porous stone or carpet - where there is traction with its small paws and claws. Therefore, the living room on the first floor is her territory. And since I love cozy wood, the second floor is for the soul: entirely made of pine. Of course, I initially thought about oak, but that would have been different money. smiles). Miracle of restorers!

I built the house according to the principle: live within your means, based on your capabilities. The most expensive thing in a house is the house itself: the walls and the roof. Of course, I wanted a house made of high-quality wood, but I often bought what was at a “red price”. At the same time, I live by the law of three Hs: nothing is impossible.

There is also a good phrase: “The way it turned out means that’s the way it was wanted.” Because if you worry about every little gap - and in the beginning this was the case - you won’t have enough nerves. In this sense, construction really hardened me, I began to understand that I shouldn’t worry about little things, anyway, the most important things in life are the health and well-being of loved ones.

Tatiana Shakhnovich. Photo by Dmitry Lasko

Honored Artist of Belarus, head of the department of pop art at the University of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, world-famous singer - this is Irina Dorofeeva.

Dorofeeva Irina Arkadyevna was born in the city of Mogilev on July 6, 1977. At the age of 12, she became a soloist of the musical group “Rainbow” under the direction of N. Bordunova, who later became her mentor.

Creative path

In 1989, she took first place at a competition for young performers. After participating in the “Molodechno” competition in 1994, Irina Arkadyevna was noticed by Vasily Rainchik and invited to work as a soloist in the “Verasy” ensemble. From 1997 to 1999, Irina Dorofeeva was a soloist of the State Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus. With the new group she performed at many events, including “Slavic Bazaar”, a performance at a concert in honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, concerts in honor of the city day in Minsk.

The project created by Leonid Pronchak “Belarusian Song Workshop” expanded her repertoire with jazz compositions. In 1998, together with Arkady Eskin’s team, Irina Dorofeeva performed at the International Jazz Festival.

Since 1996, Yuri Savosh became the singer’s producer, and he also wrote many songs for her. Irina Arkadyevna is a laureate of five competitions, these are “Golden Hit” in 1998, Discovery-99, “Vilnius-99”, “Vitebsk-99” and the Ivasyuk Ukrainian Song Festival.

Charity made easy

Irina Dorofeeva is one of the most famous and gives many concerts outside her country. In 2001 and 2002, the Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater gave 435 concerts throughout the republic. Almost half of all performances were for charity. Concerts took place in all cities, towns, and villages where there were concert halls; her concerts were attended by almost one and a half million people.

Since the beginning of 2004, the singer has been conducting annual tours “Under Peaceful Skies”; as part of the campaign, several concerts are held a day for residents and workers of villages. Irina Dorofeeva spent 2004 and 2005 on tour as a soloist of the Presidential Orchestra of Belarus. In 2006, the singer went on tour with the group DALI. In 2007, Irina Arkadyevna embodied her creative idea “Christmas with friends.”

Reach for a star

Among the large concert programs, one can highlight the performance in the Minsk Concert Hall in 1999. In honor of the 10th anniversary of her creative and concert activity, Irina Dorofeeva gave a performance at the Palace of the Republic in 2003. The concert was attended by the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus, the ballet “Eos”, the state ensemble group of Svetlana Gutkovskaya, the group “Camerata”, musicians Nikolai Neronsky and Arkady Eskin. Photos of Irina Dorofeeva hung on posters throughout the country. Later, a video version of the Kahanachka concert was released.

Irina Dorofeeva gave her next large-scale concert in 2007. “Irina Dorofeeva’s Bath: Festival of the Elements” took place near the Mir Castle. The concert was attended by about 400 musicians, dancers and artists who recreated the atmosphere of the Slavic holiday. The concert was attended by 120 thousand spectators, including the President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko.

Plans for later

The biography of Irina Dorofeeva also included television projects. She was the host of the programs “Entertainment Planet”, “Big Breakfast”, and the television magazine “Soyuz”.

Now Irina Arkadyevna performs with the musical group “Force Minor”. In recent years they have performed in Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Armenia and Poland. Irina Dorofeeva and her creative team gave more than three hundred performances all over the country. The new concert program included songs written by such celebrities as Tanich, Pakhmutova, Dobronravov, Muravyov, Melnik, Breitburg, Kavaleryan, Joksimovich.

Irina Dorofeeva was born on Kupala - July 6, 1977 in Mogilev. Irina began her professional musical career at the age of 12, becoming a soloist of the Mogilev vocal and instrumental ensemble “Rainbow” under the direction of Nelly Bordunova, who was an assistant and teacher on the way to success on the stage.

And the first achievements were not long in coming. In 1989, Irina won the First Republican Competition for Young Performers. Participation in the competition of young performers of the Belarusian song and poetry festival “Molodechno-94” brought her not only the title of laureate, but also an invitation from Vasily Rainchik to become a soloist of the legendary ensemble “Verasy”. While working at Verasy, the first songs written specifically for her appeared in Irina’s repertoire.

From 1997 to May 1999, Irina Dorofeeva worked as a soloist of the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus under the direction of Mikhail Finberg. With her new songs, Irina, together with the orchestra, participated in numerous concerts and festivals, the most significant of which are the orchestra’s anniversary concert at the International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar-97”, performances on Red Square in honor of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, the celebration of the the city of Minsk, author's evenings of the People's Artist of the USSR composer Evgeniy Glebov, the People's Poet of Belarus Rygor Borodulin, composers Oleg Eliseenkov and Vladimir Sorokin.

With great interest, Irina Dorofeeva participated in the project “Belarusian Song Workshop” by Leonid Pronchak. The purpose of this action was to revive interest in the Belarusian language and Belarusian song. During this period, Irina’s repertoire was replenished with a jazz program. In 1998, together with the jazz trio of Arkady Eskin, Irina could be heard at the V International Jazz Music Festival “Minsk-98” and in the jazz panorama at the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk-98”.

From 1996 to the present, Irina Dorofeeva has been working with producer Yuri Savosh - he is the artistic director and main organizer of the creative process in preparing the singer’s solo projects and tours. Yuriy Savosh is the author of many songs from the singer’s repertoire (“The Secret of Sinful Spatkannya” and “Sooner or Later”, “Pulse of the Heart” and “It Happens”, “Geta Nights” and many others). To date, Yuri Savosh and Irina Dorofeeva have published the following albums: “Redki Gosts” (1998), “Sooner or Later” (2000), “Kakhanachka” (recorded, 2003), “Pulse maikh hvilin” (2003), “Like the first time” (recorded, 2003 - 2006), “I want to be a dream” (2007), and also released an MP-3 album, which included more than 100 songs of the singer, including previously unreleased ones.

Irina Dorofeeva has participated in international competitions and festivals more than once, successfully representing Belarusian musical culture. In 1998 – 1999, Irina became a laureate of five music competitions - “Golden Hit-98”, “Vilnius-99”, “Discovery-99” in Bulgaria, “Vitebsk-99” at the festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, “Ukrainian Variety songs named after V. Ivasyuk" in Kyiv. And from Irina’s performances outside her homeland, foreign audiences may have imagined Belarus and got acquainted with its song heritage and traditions.

Irina Dorofeeva is one of the most touring performers in Belarus; the singer often performed concerts outside of Belarus. In 2001–2002, the team led by Yuri Savosh “Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater” organized the social and humanitarian event “Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium.” For two years, Irina traveled all over Belarus with concerts: literally at every venue in every district, even in large villages, where there were halls with 250 seats or more, concerts were given. In total, during the event, 435 concerts were held throughout the country, which were attended by about 1.5 million people. Of all the performances, more than 165 concerts were for charity. Irina tried to come to everyone with a concert. Charity performances were held for children left without parental care, for the disabled, military personnel, and residents of villages affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

At the same time, the tour did not become an obstacle to expanding the repertoire. Quite the contrary - over the two years of the “Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium” campaign, the program of Irina Dorofeeva’s concerts was updated almost completely several times, new songs appeared. At the same time, spectacular concert numbers were staged with the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus and Evgenia Pavlina’s “Gymnastics Stars” project.

Best of the day

In 2004 and 2005, Irina Dorofeeva, as a soloist and host of concert programs, participated in tours of the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus. The concerts were held in 25 cities across the country with continued success. In 2005–2006, Irina performed on tour concerts accompanied by the group “DALI”. In January 2007, another musical project of Irina Dorofeeva was staged - the concert “Christmas with Friends”, which is planned to be held regularly in the future.

Since 2004, the “Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater” annually implements an unprecedented event - the “Under a Peaceful Sky” tour. During the harvest period, the team performs directly in the field, in any open areas. As a rule, two or three concerts are held a day - during the day for village workers, for those who work on the land, in breaks between stubble in the fields, at grain fields (here Irina performs on any improvised stage) and in the evening on the central square of the city with large staged concerts and invariably “live” sound. In general, about 50 such outdoor concerts are held every year, and the event ends at the republican holiday “Dozhinki”.

Irina Dorofeeva, with her creative achievements and active concert and touring activities, has proven her ability to implement any musical project and has shown that Belarusian music occupies an equal place in European musical culture. Irina sincerely loves her people and her language: the basis of her repertoire consists of songs in the Belarusian language, and Irina always performs them with pleasure. She strives to develop the interest of young people in the traditional song art of Belarus.

Irina presented large staged solo programs at the national level in October 1999 at the Minsk Concert Hall - “My Love”, and in November 2003 at the Palace of the Republic - “Kahanachka”. The best creative forces of the country took part in the creation and holding of the concert “My Love” - the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus under the direction of Mikhail Finberg, the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, the vocal group “Camerata”, musicians Arkady Eskin and Nikolai Neronsky.

The folk-modern show program “Kakhanachka” marked the 10th anniversary of Irina Dorofeeva’s creative activity, and even in its title it emphasized the “Belarusianness” of the singer and her attitude to life and love. The concert was accompanied by the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus and the leaders of Belarusian choreography - the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, a dance group led by Svetlana Gutkovskaya, the show group "Pops Foundations", the ballet "Eos". The entire concert was recorded on digital media, and an audio and video version of the program was published under the same name - “Kahanachka”.

On June 24, an unpretentious show “Irina Dorofeeva’s Bath: Festival of the Elements” was shown at the walls of Mir Castle, in which more than 400 artists of various genres took part, helping the singer recreate the picture of the ancient Slavic holiday. The concert was truly of a European scale. It was attended by the Head of State and more than 120,000 spectators.

Irina Dorofeeva successfully participates in television projects and television filming: she worked as a TV presenter in the programs “Big Breakfast” and “Planet of Entertainment”, currently hosts the television magazine “Soyuz”, which airs at 13:15 on the ONT channel in Belarus and on the TNT channel in Russia ; makes videos for his songs. The latest video works to date are clips for the songs “I Want to Be a Dream” (directed by Alena Adamchik) and “Heart of My Land” (directed by Vladimir Yankovsky), “Girl on the Shore” (directed by Albert Khamitov). A documentary musical film “A Moment” (directed by Anastasia Sukhanova) was shot about Irina. And based on the results of the tour “The Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium”, cameraman Alla Tkachenko and director Irina Tomashevskaya created the film “The Roads of Irina Dorofeeva”, which told about the unprecedented action of the singer and showed the hospitality and openness of Belarusians, the beauty of the Belarusian land, in December 2007 In 2008, a documentary film was released about the tour of Irina Dorofeeva and her Theater “Songs under Peaceful Skies” (director Alexander Vavilov, cameraman Alla Tkachenko). In total, the singer shot 17 videos. In addition, video versions of the concerts “My Love” and “Kahanachka” were released. It is also planned to publish the concert “Irina Dorofeeva’s Bath” on CD and DVD.

Irina Dorofeeva also works as a vocal teacher at the Belarusian State University of Culture and a leading stage master at the Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater. Since 2007, he has played one of the main roles in the play based on Andrei Kureichik’s play “Beware, Women of Paris!” at the Mogilev Regional Drama and Comedy Theater named after Dunin-Martinkevich in Bobruisk, where performances are always sold out.

Irina Dorofeeva plans to further promote and propagate Belarusian song and Belarusian culture. Currently, Irina actively collaborates with pop artists from foreign countries. Irina maintains long-standing friendly relations with the Honored Artist of Ukraine Alexander Ponomarev, who has been repeatedly recognized as the best singer of the year in Ukraine. He is the author of many melodic songs, which Irina Dorofeeva and Alexander Ponomarev gladly perform in duets at festivals where they participate together.

Irina successfully collaborates with the Russian composer Kim Breitburg, who has already written 8 songs for her, including the romantic “Girl on the Shore”, the lyrical song about Belarus “The Heart of My Land” (performed in a duet with Ruslan Alekhno), as well as modern “ format” songs for listeners of different ages “Little Winter”, “A Few Beautiful Words”, “My Angel”, “I Know Little About Love”, “It’s Inevitable”. Irina also works with the Serbian singer and composer Zeljko Joksimovic (Grand Prix winner of the Golden Hit-98, Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk-99, 2nd place at Eurovision 2004). Zeljko Joksimovic's songs are highly appreciated by the performers themselves and are well received by the public.

By Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 2007 No. 309, Irina Dorofeeva was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus.

Irina Dorofeeva was born on Kupala - July 6, 1977 in Mogilev. Irina began her professional musical career at the age of 12, becoming a soloist of the Mogilev vocal and instrumental ensemble “Rainbow” under the direction of Nelly Bordunova, who was an assistant and teacher on the way to success on the stage.

And the first achievements were not long in coming. In 1989, Irina won the First Republican Competition for Young Performers. Participation in the competition of young performers of the Belarusian song and poetry festival “Molodechno-94” brought her not only the title of laureate, but also an invitation from Vasily Rainchik to become a soloist of the legendary ensemble “Verasy”. While working at Verasy, the first songs written specifically for her appeared in Irina’s repertoire.

From 1997 to May 1999, Irina Dorofeeva worked as a soloist of the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus under the direction of Mikhail Finberg. With her new songs, Irina, together with the orchestra, participated in numerous concerts and festivals, the most significant of which are the orchestra’s anniversary concert at the International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar-97”, performances on Red Square in honor of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, the celebration of the the city of Minsk, author's evenings of the People's Artist of the USSR composer Evgeniy Glebov, the People's Poet of Belarus Rygor Borodulin, composers Oleg Eliseenkov and Vladimir Sorokin.

With great interest, Irina Dorofeeva participated in the project “Belarusian Song Workshop” by Leonid Pronchak. The purpose of this action was to revive interest in the Belarusian language and Belarusian song. During this period, Irina’s repertoire was replenished with a jazz program. In 1998, together with the jazz trio of Arkady Eskin, Irina could be heard at the V International Jazz Music Festival “Minsk-98” and in the jazz panorama at the “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk-98”.

From 1996 to the present, Irina Dorofeeva has been working with producer Yuri Savosh - he is the artistic director and main organizer of the creative process in preparing the singer’s solo projects and tours. Yuriy Savosh is the author of many songs from the singer’s repertoire (“The Secret of Sinful Spatkannya” and “Sooner or Later”, “Pulse of the Heart” and “It Happens”, “Geta Nights” and many others). To date, Yuri Savosh and Irina Dorofeeva have published the following albums: “Redki Gosts” (1998), “Sooner or Later” (2000), “Kakhanachka” (recorded, 2003), “Pulse maikh hvilin” (2003), “Like the first time” (recorded, 2003 - 2006), “I want to be a dream” (2007), and also released an MP-3 album, which included more than 100 songs of the singer, including previously unreleased ones.

Irina Dorofeeva has participated in international competitions and festivals more than once, successfully representing Belarusian musical culture. In 1998 - 1999, Irina became a laureate of five music competitions - “Golden Hit-98”, “Vilnius-99”, “Discovery-99” in Bulgaria, “Vitebsk-99” at the festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk”, “Ukrainian Variety songs named after V. Ivasyuk” in Kyiv, In 2008 she won the Grand Prix at the 1st Russian Song Festival in Zielona Gora (Western Poland). And from Irina’s performances outside her homeland, foreign audiences may have imagined Belarus and got acquainted with its song heritage and traditions.

Irina Dorofeeva is one of the most touring performers in Belarus; the singer often performed concerts outside of Belarus. In 2001–2002, the team led by Yuri Savosh “Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater” organized the social and humanitarian event “Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium.” For two years, Irina traveled all over Belarus with concerts: literally at every venue in every district, even in large villages, where there were halls with 250 seats or more, concerts were given. In total, during the event, 435 concerts were held throughout the country, which were attended by about 1.5 million people. Of all the performances, more than 165 concerts were for charity. Irina tried to come to everyone with a concert. Charity performances were held for children left without parental care, for the disabled, military personnel, and residents of villages affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

At the same time, the tour did not become an obstacle to expanding the repertoire. Quite the contrary - over the two years of the “Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium” campaign, the program of Irina Dorofeeva’s concerts was updated almost completely several times, new songs appeared. At the same time, spectacular concert numbers were staged with the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus and Evgenia Pavlina’s “Gymnastics Stars” project.

In 2004 and 2005, Irina Dorofeeva, as a soloist and host of concert programs, participated in tours of the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus. The concerts were held in 25 cities across the country with continued success. In 2005–2006, Irina performed on tour concerts accompanied by the group “DALI”. In January 2007, another musical project of Irina Dorofeeva was staged - the concert “Christmas with Friends”, which is planned to be held regularly in the future.

Since 2004, the “Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater” annually implements an unprecedented event - the “Under a Peaceful Sky” tour. During the harvest period, the team performs directly in the field, in any open areas. As a rule, two or three concerts are held a day - during the day for village workers, for those who work on the land, in breaks between stubble in the fields, at grain fields (here Irina performs on any improvised stage) and in the evening on the central square of the city with large staged concerts and invariably “live” sound. In general, about 50 such outdoor concerts are held every year, and the event ends at the republican holiday “Dozhinki”.

Irina Dorofeeva, with her creative achievements and active concert and touring activities, has proven her ability to implement any musical project and has shown that Belarusian music occupies an equal place in European musical culture. Irina sincerely loves her people and her language: the basis of her repertoire consists of songs in the Belarusian language, and Irina always performs them with pleasure. She strives to develop the interest of young people in the traditional song art of Belarus.

Irina presented large staged solo programs at the national level in October 1999 at the Minsk Concert Hall - “My Love”, and in November 2003 at the Palace of the Republic - “Kahanachka”. The best creative forces of the country took part in the creation and holding of the concert “My Love” - the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus under the direction of Mikhail Finberg, the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, the vocal group “Camerata”, musicians Arkady Eskin and Nikolai Neronsky.

The folk-modern show program “Kakhanachka” marked the 10th anniversary of Irina Dorofeeva’s creative activity, and even in its title it emphasized the “Belarusianness” of the singer and her attitude to life and love. The concert was accompanied by the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus and the leaders of Belarusian choreography - the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, a dance group led by Svetlana Gutkovskaya, the show group "Pops Foundations", the ballet "Eos". The entire concert was recorded on digital media, and an audio and video version of the program was published under the same name - “Kahanachka”.

On June 24, 2007, an unpretentious show “Irina Dorofeeva’s Bath: Festival of the Elements” was shown at the walls of Mir Castle, in which more than 400 artists of various genres took part, helping the singer recreate the picture of the ancient Slavic holiday. The concert was truly of a European scale. It was attended by the Head of State and more than 120,000 spectators.

Irina Dorofeeva successfully participates in television projects and television filming: she worked as a TV presenter in the programs “Big Breakfast” and “Planet of Entertainment” (STV), since September 2007 she has been the host of the television magazine “Soyuz”, which is broadcast weekly on the ONT channel (Belarus) and Russian channels TRO and Ren-TV.
Currently, Irina Dorofeeva is working with the group “Force Minor” (Dmitry Penkrat, Valery Bashkov, Dmitry Parfenov, Dmitry Bronovitsky), which includes singers Inga, Ekaterina Muratova, Elena Berezina as soloists. Over the past 2 years, Irina Dorofeeva and her team have repeatedly represented Belarus in Venezuela, Poland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania. Her new concert program, which included songs written by Russian authors K. Breitburg, M. Tanich, A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov, K. Kavaleryan, S. Sashin, E. Muravyov, E. Melnik, as well as the Serbian composer J. Joksimovic, the singer performed about 300 times in her Belarus.