November 2 is a significant date. All Souls' Day in the Catholic Church

Day of Cultural Worker of Kyrgyzstan

The professional holiday of cultural figures in Kyrgyzstan is celebrated on this day in memory of the first theatrical production plays by I. Tokobaev “Kyigyluu Kakei”. The drama is dedicated to the eternal problem of Kyrgyz women - inequality in society. Today, 16 thousand cultural workers are employed in 20 professional theaters, 45 museums and 1035 libraries.

All Souls' Day in the Catholic Church

For the Catholic religion, observance of rituals is an important point. Memorial Day is associated with the mention of purgatory, in which departed people are found in order to be cleansed of sins. The living can help them with their good deeds, prayers and repentance. This day was established at the end of the first millennium, and since then Catholics have always tried to honor the memory of departed loved ones.

And also on this day:

European Film Festival in Spain (Seville)

Since 2001, the latest films of the European season can be seen annually in the Spanish city of Seville at a traditional festival. During the week, film masters from dozens of countries present their works to the audience and the festival jury. The program includes feature films, animation films, documentaries and scientific and educational movie. The jury consists of the most famous masters of the cinematic genre, famous actors, directors, screenwriters. The main award of the festival is the Golden Silver Giraldillo, second place is awarded the Silver Giraldillo. There are also other prizes - audience choice, young jury prizes, etc.

Autumn Grandfathers in Belarus

Vosenskaya Dzyadym is a home holiday. It represents the day of remembrance of ancestors, regardless of burial. The holiday is highly revered by the people; they carefully prepare for it and symbolically invite their ancestors to their home in order to treat and thank them. Therefore, before Dziady they wash in the bathhouse, do general cleaning in the house and prepare a lot of food. At least five dishes must be on the table, and a pair of plates must be served (for example, one dish on two plates). Afterwards, a prayer is read in front of the candle, some of the food is put aside on separate dishes to treat the spirits. The dinner is discreet and long, in a calm, unhurried conversation, they talk mainly about their grandfathers, their lives and the good things they learned from them. For some time this day was a non-working day, but is currently not an official holiday.

Jazz Festival in Granada

On Jazz festival Granada attracts tourists from many countries. For the past few years, the festival has lasted almost a month, with several concerts per day. Listeners can hear jazz fusion as well as their favorite ethnic music. Concerts take place at night and during the day, night performances are called “Jazz Nights”. Many musicians received a start in life at this festival, as they began their careers there. Now it's already big stars Stars: Oscar Peterson, Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Diana Krall, Herbie Hancock, and many others. Jazz fans can see more than 70 performances this year.

November 2 (Old Style October 20) in the folk calendar

Artemyev day

In the 4th century AD, the military leader Artemius lived in Antioch, serving Emperor Constantine the Great and his son Constantius. Artemy was a faithful servant and was rewarded for this with the position of governor of Egypt. During the time of Emperor Julian the Apostate, persecution of Christians began. Artemy was arrested and tortured. But the saint did not renounce his faith and was beheaded by the pagans. The saint was buried in the Church of John the Baptist in Constantinople. A particle of the relics of the holy man is kept in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.
Saint Artemy could save a patient from a hernia if he prayed for it for a long time. He is considered the patron saint of military leaders and atamans. According to ancient belief, a person born on this day has protection in the form of a wolf mother. From November 2, wolves could approach the villages, so you had to be very careful on Artemy. A wolf howl foreshadowed frost, especially loud cries could indicate imminent famine. On this day they fermented cabbage.

Significant historical events of November 2

November 2, 1721 Peter I received the title of Peter the Great and became the Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All Russia

Russia has turned into an empire. Peter 1 became king when he was only 10 years old. At the age of 17, he began to rule the country independently. In 1695, leading the Azov campaigns, he contributed to the consolidation of Russia on the shores of Sea of ​​Azov. Country experiences Western Europe he actively introduced trade and industry into his country and strived in every possible way for the development of culture. Carried out many reforms, including reforms government controlled, creation of boards and supreme control bodies. Science does not have an unambiguous assessment of the activities of Peter 1, but the fact that the activities of the tsar cleared the way for the accelerated development of the country is undeniable.

The last Russian emperor ascended the throne at the age of 26. He had a gentle disposition and an indecisive character. Managing the state was a real burden for him. He found his happiness in marriage with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (nee Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt). The fate of his family is sad - after the February Revolution of 1917, he abdicated the throne, but the October Revolution led to execution royal family.

These were the brave pilots Polina Osipenko and Marina Raskova, who flew on the Rodina plane to the Far East. The flight was very difficult. Several times the situation became simply critical. Oxygen masks, which provided the missing oxygen in conditions of high temperatures, saved us. On the approach to Novosibirsk, the plane became icy and had to be raised even higher. The radio station was out of order, and it was extremely difficult to find the way to the Trans-Siberian Railway. To top it all off, the lights showed a drop in fuel in the tanks. The plane landed with difficulty in the middle of the swamps. The search for the brave pilots took place on 50 aircraft. After their discovery, the whole train was surrounded with flowers and the girls were taken to Moscow. They were greeted to the music of the orchestra. On November 2, 1938, they were awarded the Order of Lenin and the Hero of the USSR medal.

In a serious battle, he left behind his rival, Al Gore, with a very small margin of votes. In his second term, he competed against Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry. George Bush won with 51-1 percent of the vote. According to the laws of the country, the end of the election occurs when the defeated candidate calls, admitting his defeat. John Kerry called very late, at 11 pm, congratulated him on his victory and recognized him as a worthy opponent. Kerry conceded defeat without waiting for the votes to be counted in three constituencies because he was worried about a country that was too divided. So George Bush became President of the United States for a second term, this time the 43rd.

Born on November 2:

Cleopatra, queen of Egypt (69 BC - 30 BC 2081)

Cleopatra – legendary personality, she had several husbands and ruled Egypt, later remaining the sole ruler. Many sculptures and portraits of this woman have been preserved. According to Egyptian tradition, if a ruler has a son and daughter, they will have to get married. Cleopatra's father was a descendant of Alexander the Great; after his death, his brother, who was only 9 years old at the time, became ruler. He was Cleopatra's second husband. The quarrels of the young people push Cleopatra to flee to Syria, and she gathers an army against her husband. Even Gaius Julius Caesar could not prevent the war; Cleopatra won and became the only ruler of Egypt. She had a long-term affair with Julius Caesar. According to legend, she committed suicide by sticking her hand into a basket of rattlesnakes when her brother turned the Romans against Egypt.

George Boole(1815 – 1864) - mathematician, founder of mathematical logic

He published several of his monographs, which made a great contribution to the development of science and are still relevant today: “Mathematical Analysis of Logic”, “Study of the Laws of Thinking”. His entire family was connected with science, his wife and two daughters also achieved fame. One of the daughters is Ethel Lilian Voynich, author of the world-famous famous novel"Gadfly".

Marie Antoinette(1755 -1793), French queen

At the age of 14, she had to become the wife of the heir to the French throne, Louis XVI. Louis himself did not want this marriage at all, and only a few years later he was able to fall in love with Marie Antoinette. For all the remaining years, he was under the influence of his wife, although she interfered in politics, forcing her husband to support the interests of his homeland - Austria. Public opinion was always against her, over time the French began to see in her the cause of their misfortunes. The husband was executed during the revolution, and the queen herself was subsequently beheaded in a square in the center of Paris.

Georges Sorel (1847 – 1922), French philosopher

For the theorist of anarcho-syndicalism, the moral improvement of humanity came first. He devoted his entire life to searching for some mechanism capable of ensuring this process, but never achieved a result. He became the author of several works. The most famous is “Reflections on Violence,” in which he called on workers to self-organize and be active.

Mark Antokolsky(1843-1902), Russian sculptor

Mark Matveevich Antokolsky was fond of history and literature. His sculptures were acquired by the Hermitage and museums in Rome and Paris. The most famous works: statue “Nestor the Chronicler”, majolica “Yaroslav the Wise” and bronze statue “Ermak”.

Daniil Andreev(1906 - 1959), Russian religious philosopher and writer

Son famous writer Leonid Andreev wrote the novel “Wanderers of the Night”, for which he was accused of betraying the Motherland and arrested for creating an anti-Soviet organization. The novel was burned in the square at the end of the investigation. The novels “The Iron Mystery”, drafts of the works “Russian Gods” and “Rose of the World” were written by him in prison, while serving a 25-year sentence. He was released and rehabilitated after Stalin's death, but his health was undermined and he soon died.

Name day November 2:

German, Ivan, Leonid, Alexander, Artemy, Gerasim, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Fedor, Pavel.

Surely many of you are interested in the history of the world and your country, the distant and recent past, events that took place, memorable dates, significant and significant successes development and all kinds of discoveries, as well as folk signs, as we are sure, everyone does not mind finding out which of the famous and successful people born November 2, in different years and eras.

Below you will find out how certain past and real events of November 2 influenced the course of world history, or of a particular country, how the date of this day is remembered, what kind of incident, something unusual this day was remembered for, and also what is remarkable the date of this day, who was born and died of famous people and much more. In a word, we will help you understand all this in more detail and to your benefit. You will find on this page all the answers to these topics that interest you; we have tried to put together as many materials as possible for this day of the year.

Who was born on November 2

Cleopatra VII Philopator (ancient Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Φιλοπάτωρ). Born November 2, 69 BC. - died on August 12, 30 BC. The last queen of Hellenistic Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic (Lagid) dynasty.

Marie Antoinette (French Marie-Antoinette), born Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna von Habsburg-Lorraine (German: Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna von Habsburg-Lothringen). Born November 2, 1755 in Vienna (Austria) - executed October 16, 1793 in Paris. Queen of France, youngest daughter of Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa. Wife of King Louis XVI of France.

Irina Aleksandrovna Bogushevskaya. Born on November 2, 1965 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer, poetess, composer.

Chris Kaspersky (real name Nikolai Vladimirovich Likhachev). November 2, 1976, Uspenskoye village, Krasnodar region - February 13, 2017, Reston (Virginia), USA. Russian IT journalist, programmer, hacker.

Keith Noel Emerson. British keyboardist and composer. He is best known as a member of the bands The Nice and Emerson, Lake & Palmer (ELP). Along with Jon Lord and Rick Wakeman, he is recognized as one of the best keyboardists in the history of rock music.

Elena Igorevna Zakharova. Born on November 2, 1975 in Moscow. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Georges Dantes (02/05/1812 - [Colmar] 11/02/1895 [Sulz-Oberelsass]) - French baron killed A.S. in a duel. Pushkin;

Nikolai Uspensky (05/31/1837 - [Efremovsky district] 11/02/1889 [Moscow]) - Russian writer;

George Boole (11/02/1815 [Lincoln] - 12/08/1864 [Ballintemple]) - English mathematician;

Ekaterina Trubetskaya (Laval) (02.11.1800 - 14.10.1854 [Irkutsk]) - the first Decembrist, wife of S.P. Trubetskoy;

James Polk (11/02/1795 [Mecklenberg] - 06/15/1849 [Nashville]) - 11th President of the United States (1845-1849);

Anna of Austria (11/02/1549 - 10/26/1580) - the fourth wife of King Philip II of Spain.

Dates November 2

In Belarus they celebrate a holiday called Autumn Grandfathers or Dzyady

In Poland, Brazil, Angola and a number of other countries they celebrate All Souls' Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Artemyev Day

On this day:

in 1721, Tsar Peter 1 took the title of emperor

Nikolai Uspensky, Russian writer, died in 1889

in 1894, Nicholas 2 ascended the Russian throne, destined to become the last Russian emperor

in 1895, Georges Dantes died, surviving Pushkin, whom he killed, by more than half a century

in 1937, the famous ruby ​​stars appeared on the Kremlin towers

George Shaw, a famous playwright with Irish roots and a Nobel Prize laureate, died in 1950.

in 1955, the first list of Billboard magazine, the famous hundred best songs, was published

in 1956 Hungary announces its withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact, everyone knows what this led to

Pier Pasolini, the Italian director who directed the films “The Decameron” and “Salo,” died in 1975.

in 1983 there was practically the only case when the UN decided to condemn the US aggression, at that moment against the island of Grenada, and demanded the withdrawal of American troops from the island; in the future, the UN no longer risked contacting the Americans

in 1993, England allowed women to take holy orders

Igor Moiseev died in 2007, great dancer, artistic director dance ensemble named after him.

Events of November 2

On November 2, 1721, Peter I received the title of Peter the Great and became the Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All Russia

Russia has turned into an empire. Peter 1 became king when he was only 10 years old. At the age of 17, he began to rule the country independently. In 1695, leading the Azov campaigns, he contributed to the consolidation of Russia on the shores of the Azov Sea. He actively introduced the experience of Western European countries in trade and industry into his country and strived in every possible way to develop culture.

He carried out many reforms, including public administration reforms, the creation of boards and supreme control bodies. Science does not have an unambiguous assessment of the activities of Peter 1, but the fact that the activities of the tsar cleared the way for the accelerated development of the country is undeniable.

The last Russian emperor ascended the throne at the age of 26. He had a gentle disposition and an indecisive character. Managing the state was a real burden for him. He found his happiness in marriage with Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (nee Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt). The fate of his family is sad - after the February Revolution of 1917, he abdicated the throne, but the October Revolution led to the execution of the royal family.

These were the brave pilots Polina Osipenko and Marina Raskova, who flew on the Rodina plane to the Far East. The flight was very difficult. Several times the situation became simply critical. Oxygen masks, which provided the missing oxygen in conditions of high temperatures, saved us.

On the approach to Novosibirsk, the plane became icy, and it had to be raised even higher. The radio station was out of order, and it was extremely difficult to find the way to the Trans-Siberian Railway. To top it all off, the lights showed a drop in fuel in the tanks. The plane landed with difficulty in the middle of the swamps. The search for the brave pilots took place on 50 aircraft.

After their discovery, the whole train was surrounded with flowers and the girls were taken to Moscow. They were greeted to the music of the orchestra. On November 2, 1938, they were awarded the Order of Lenin and the Hero of the USSR medal.

In a serious battle, he left behind his rival, Al Gore, with a very small margin of votes. In his second term, he competed against Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry. George Bush won with 51-1 percent of the vote. According to the laws of the country, the end of the election occurs when the defeated candidate calls, admitting his defeat.

John Kerry called very late, at 11 pm, congratulated him on his victory and recognized him as a worthy opponent. Kerry conceded defeat without waiting for the votes to be counted in three constituencies because he was worried about a country that was too divided. So George Bush became President of the United States for a second term, this time the 43rd.

Usually, peasants on the morning of November 2 went to church to light a candle to Saint Artemy and ask him for healing from a hernia. Many then returned home and began their daily duties. One of them was the mandatory repair of fences located around the yard. It was very important to strengthen the fences on November 2 just before the onset of cold weather, since in winter wolves from the nearest forest came to the house, which was very dangerous for the owners.

In the Orthodox Church, on November 2, the memory of Saint Artemius of Antioch, who lived in the 4th century and is known as a Christian saint, is honored. Tradition says that Artemy himself was originally a military leader during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great. Through his diligent service he earned the position of governor of Egypt.

Soon after the death of the emperor, Julian the Apostate came to power and initiated strong persecution against supporters of the Christian faith. Artemy, in turn, criticized this policy, for which he was arrested and subjected to numerous tortures.

However, Artemy, even under severe bullying, did not reject his faith and was beheaded. The Antiochian deaconess Arista transported the body of Artemius to Constantinople, where he was buried on the territory of the Church of John the Baptist. In 1073, a particle of the relics of the martyr Artemy ended up in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, where it remains there to this day. In Rus', Artemy was often prayed for deliverance from accidental death; he was considered the patron saint of the sick and infirm, atamans and military leaders.

There was a rather interesting belief among the people, according to which a child born on November 2 is protected by a wolf mother. Therefore, they said that such a person would be close to the forest animals. It was customary on November 2 to ferment cabbage, which was considered one of the most favorite snacks of peasants.

Folk signs for November 2

Wolves howl loudly around the village - according to signs, expect a sharp cold snap in the coming days

Snow fell on dry ground - warm weather will set in soon

If a person was born on November 2, then his talisman will be pearls. The birthday boy, according to popular beliefs, will be endowed with the ability to understand the language of birds and animals


Wilhelm van Wassenaar- Dutch composer.
Dates of life: November 2, 1692 – November 9, 1766.

August Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf- Austrian composer and violinist.
Dates of life: November 2, 1739 – October 24, 1799.

Pal(Floor) Abraham- Hungarian composer, creator of several popular operettas.
Dates of life: November 2, 1892 – May 6, 1960.

Bunny Berigan- American jazz musician.
Dates of life: November 2, 1908 – June 2, 1942.

Earl CarrollAmerican singer, vocalist of The Cadillacs.
Dates of life: November 2, 1937 – November 25, 2012.

Jay Black- American singer, vocalist of the group Jay and the Americans.
Date of birth: November 02, 1938.

Bruce WelshEnglish musician, member of the group The Shadows.
Date of birth: November 02, 1941.

Keith Noel Emerson(Keith Noel Emerson) – British keyboardist and composer. Known as a member of the bands The Nice and Emerson, Lake & Palmer. Recognized as one of the best keyboardists in the history of rock music.
Dates of life: November 2, 1944 – March 11, 2016.

Victor DorokhinRussian musician, composer and producer.
Dates of life: November 2, 1944 – July 1, 2009.

Gennady Belov- Soviet and Russian pop singer.
Dates of life: November 2, 1945 – October 30, 1995.

Giuseppe Sinopoli- Italian conductor and composer.
Dates of life: November 2, 1946 – April 20, 2001.

Lindy Morrison– Australian musician, drummer of the indie band The Go-Betweens.
Date of birth: November 02, 1951.

Bobby Dell- American musician, bassist of the band Poison.
Date of birth: November 02, 1958.

Katherine Dawn Lang, better known by her stage name k.d. Lang is a Canadian pop and country singer-songwriter.
Date of birth: November 02, 1961.

Irina Bogushevskaya- Russian singer, poetess and composer.
Date of birth: November 02, 1965.

Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu- American bassist, member of the band Korn.
Date of birth: November 02, 1969.

Nelly(Cornell Haynes) is an American rapper, actor and entrepreneur.

Prodigy(Albert Johnson) is an American rapper, member of the hip-hop duo Mobb Deep.
Date of birth: November 02, 1974.

Olta Boca- Albanian singer who represented her country at the song competition.
Date of birth: November 02, 1991.

Nadav Gedj- Israeli singer, participant of the song competition.
Date of birth: November 02, 1998.


Yenny(Jenny) Lind– Swedish Opera singer(soprano).
Dates of life: October 6, 1820 – November 2, 1887.

Stanislav Bartsevich– Polish violinist and music teacher.
Dates of life: April 16, 1858 – November 2, 1929.

Adam Kars- English musicologist, composer and teacher.
Dates of life: May 19, 1878 – November 2, 1958.

John Smith Hurt, better known as Mississippi John Hurt, is an American country blues singer and guitarist.
Dates of life: July 03, 1893 (March 08, 1892) – November 02, 1966.

Dimitris Mitropoulos– Greek-American conductor, pianist and composer.
Dates of life: March 01, 1896 – November 2, 1960.

Nikolay Minkh- Soviet composer and conductor.
Dates of life: March 15, 1912 – November 2, 1982.

Rudolf Barshai- Russian violist and conductor.
Dates of life: September 28, 1924 – November 2, 2010.

Anisim Aslamas(Anisim Vasilievich Vasiliev) - Chuvash composer. Father of pianist Alexei Aslamas.
Dates of life: July 24, 1924 – November 2, 2000.

Maryam Aydamirova- Chechen singer, musician and composer.
Dates of life: January 1, 1924 – November 2, 1992.

Akker Bilk(Bernard Stanley Bilk, Bernard Stanley Bilk) - English clarinetist and orchestra leader.
Dates of life: January 28, 1929 – November 2, 2014.

Shabtai Kalmanovich– Israeli and Russian entrepreneur, organizer of Russian tours of world pop stars.
Dates of life: December 18, 1947 – November 2, 2009.

Witold Kieltyka– Polish drummer, member of the band Decapitated.
Dates of life: January 23 (24), 1984 – November 2, 2007.


1955 - The weekly Billboard for the first time published a list of the hundred best-selling singles in the United States.

1958 – Tommy Edwards reached No. 1 in the UK with the single “It’s All In The Game.”

1963 – the trio Peter, Paul and Mary topped the American chart for five weeks with the album “In The Wind”.

1967 – completed recording the single “Hello Goodbye” at Abbey Road Studios.

1974 – the supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young topped the US chart with the album “So Far”.

1974 – George Harrison became the first Beatle to perform a solo world tour.

1974 – took 1st place in the US with the single “You Haven’t Done Nothin’”.

1985 – Simple Minds reached number 1 in the UK album chart with Once Upon A Time.

1985 Stevie Wonder topped the American chart with the single "Part-time Lover".

1985 – the soundtrack of the series “Miami Vice” took 1st place in the US charts.

1991 – U2 took 1st place in the UK with the song “The Fly”.

1996 – Counting Crows took 1st place in the US with the album “Recovering From Satellites”, and 4th in the UK.

2003 – R.E.M. took 1st place in the British charts with the collection “In Tine: The Best Of”.

2004 – musician Eric Clapton received the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire at Buckingham Palace for services to the kingdom in music.

2007 – a long-awaited concert after the reunion Led Zeppelin in London was postponed for two weeks after guitarist Jimi Page broke his finger.

2010 - Geffen Records released their first album greatest hits country singer Jessica Andrews – “Icon”.

more information about these musicians and events – .

Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

ABOUT n composed a series of concerts "Concerti Armonica" published in 1740 violinist Carlo Ricciotti. A little while later ( 1755 ) the concerts were published by the London publisher John Walsh, who had already openly attributed them to their authorship Carlo Ricciotti, being sure of it himself.

In 1979-1980 at Twickel Castle, which belonged to van Wassenaaram, discovered a manuscript entitled: "Concerti Armonica". Research work has proven authorship Wilhelm van Wassenaar. And in early 1990s three more sonatas were found.

Pal(Floor) Abraham- Hungarian composer, creator of several popular operettas - born November 2, 1892. Studied at the Budapest Music Academy. He tried himself in various “serious” genres, including sacred music, but these compositions of his went unnoticed. WITH 1927- conductor at the Budapest Operetta Theater, began composing his own operettas. Brought the first success "Victoria and her Hussar" (1930 ). The following operettas "Flower of Hawaii" (1931 ) And "Ball at the Savoy" (1932 ) brought international fame.

He also wrote music for many Hungarian and German films, as soon as sound cinema appeared ( 1929 ).

Early 1930s he lived in Berlin, but left Germany after the Nazis came to power. Like many composers of Jewish origin, he first went to Vienna, then to Paris and, finally, overseas - first to Cuba, and at the end of the war to New York.

In 1956, Pal Abraham returned to Germany, but already seriously ill. After 4 years, May 6, 1960, he died on the operating table.

Keith Noel Emerson was born November 2, 1944. British keyboardist and composer best known as a member of bands The Nice And Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Along with Jon Lord And Rick Wakeman recognized as one of the best keyboard players in the history of rock music.

IN received as a child musical education in piano class. In his youth he became interested in jazz and by the age of 14 he was famous in his city. Emerson moved to London where he joined the band V.I.P.'s. IN 1965 he was included in Gary Farr and the T-Bones, accompanying famous American bluesmen. The following fall, the group broke up, and Emerson, having rehearsed for two months with The Vip's, accepted the offer Andrew Oldham lead the backing band for the British tour of the American soul-blues singer Pipi Arnold.

In May 1967, Keith Emerson created a group The Nice, whose style combined elements of classical, blues, jazz and rock. Emerson I finally decided on a Hammond organ. The Nice released several albums.

WITH together with Carl Palmer And Greg Lake V 1970 Keith Emerson created what became legendary group Emerson, Lake & Palmer(ELP). They became popular after their debut on Isle Of Wight Festival. The trio performed an aggressive rock adaptation "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky, which ended with a cannon shot. ELP released six platinum albums between 1970 And 1977 , including "E,L&P", "Tarkus", "Trilogy", "Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends" And "Works Vol. 1". They headed the grand California Jam festival V 1974, where they performed to an audience of more than 500,000 people. Later, in 1977 , ELP toured with a symphony orchestra that performed "Piano Concerto No.1" Emerson. After this, the band released two more albums - "Works Vol. 2" And "Love Beach" and in 1979 fell apart.

Continued solo career. He has released several records with film scores. IN 2008 with a musician Mark Bonilla recorded the first since ELP studio solo album, completely consistent in style ELP, and conducted a successful tour in support of the album, including Russia and the Baltic countries. IN 2009 The musician was diagnosed with focal dystonia, the manifestation of which is muscle spasms and involuntary movements.

IN night with 10 on March 11, 2016 Keith Emerson shot himself in his own home in Santa Monica.

was born November 2, 1944. He first became known as a musician when 1970s played on percussion instruments in a vocal and instrumental ensemble "Singing Hearts". Then he received recognition as a composer. In collaboration with his wife, a poetess Lyubov Voropaeva– many hits have been created that have entered the repertoire of popular Russian stars: Roxana Babayan, Katya Semenova, Ksenia Georgiadi, Zhenya Belousov, Igor Nadzhiev etc. In addition, and Lyubov Voropaeva were producers for a number of performers. The most popular of them was Zhenya Belousov, for which they wrote such hits as “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Night Taxi”, “Golden Domes”.

He was at the origins of the creation of the Russian Association of Music Producers (RAMP), organized with Lyubov Voropaeva V 1994.

AND famous composer, musician and producer died of a heart attack July 1, 2009.

WITH Soviet and Russian pop singer was born November 2, 1945.

ABOUT He graduated from a textile technical school and worked as a foreman at the Red Rose plant, where he performed in amateur performances. From here he was sent to participate in one of the TV programs. There the artist was noticed and invited to be a soloist in the song ensemble of the All-Union Radio and Central Television.

In 1973 Gennady became an artist of the Mosconcert, receiving a musical education at GITIS. Worked a lot with composers Alexey Mazhukov, David Tukhmanov, Mikhail Chuev, Vladimir Shainsky, Evgeny Ptichkin. Belov became popular thanks to songs “Blackbirds”, “Hello, Mom”, “Herbs, Herbs”, “Good”, “This Big world", "I'll get off at the distant station", performed in an extraordinary manner.

In 1978, Gennady Belov became a laureate World Festival of Youth and Students in Havana. On Central television the singer has repeatedly presented laureate songs television festival "Song of the Year". IN late 1980s, like many other singers 1960-70s worried creative crisis. His new repertoire was difficult to develop, since songs for high male voice composers wrote rarely back then.

U measures Gennady Mikhailovich October 30, 1995, less than 3 days before his 50th birthday.

Better known by her stage name k.d. lang, – popular Canadian pop and country singer - born November 2, 1961.

ABOUT winner of five Grammy awards performed at the opening ceremony of the winter Olympic Games 2010 with song Leonard Cohen "Hallelujah" in memory of the athlete who died on this day.

R parents played an important role in the development k.d.lang as a musician. A gift from his parents for Christmas - an electric guitar - gave impetus to the development of the style that still distinguishes Kay Dee from other performers.

ABOUT created a group called recline in memory of the country singer Patsy Cline. IN 1983 the team recorded debut album "Friday Dance Promenade".

Significant events in the world of music – REMEMBRANCE DAYS

P Ola violinist and music teacher was born April 16, 1858.Graduated from the Moscow Conservatory ( 1876 ), also studied in a composition class. With a concert of works Tchaikovsky spoke at Paris World Exhibition1878, subsequently toured widely throughout Europe. WITH 1885 - concertmaster of the Warsaw Opera. He also performed as part of a trio with Alexander Mikhalovsky And Alexander Verzhbilovich.

Since 1886 Stanislav Bartsevich– Professor of violin and viola at the Warsaw Conservatory, 1910-1918 - director. Among the students Bartsevich, in particular, there were Jozef Yazhembski And Mechislav Karlovich, dedicated Concerto for violin and orchestra to his teacher, who first performed it in 1902 in Berlin. Another famous premiere performed by Stanislav BartsevichRomance for violin and orchestra by Johan Severin Svensen (1881 , Oslo).

G American conductor, pianist and composer born March 1, 1896. His musical talent manifested itself in adolescence, when from 11 to 14 years old he held musical meetings at his home every Saturday. His first composition, a sonata for violin and piano, dates back to this time (the work has not survived).

Dimitris studied at the Athens Conservatory, then in Brussels and Berlin with Ferruccio Busoni. IN 1921-1925 was assistant conductor of the Berlin Opera - Erich Kleiber. He subsequently held a number of musical positions in Greece, while continuing to perform frequently in Germany. IN 1930 at a concert with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Mitropoulos performed 3rd piano concert, while simultaneously conducting from behind the keyboard - a practice common in ancient music playing and quite unexpected for this time.

In 1936 Dimitris Mitropoulos performed in the USA for the first time (with Boston Orchestra) and in late 1930s actually moved to America, receiving citizenship in 1946 . He was the chief conductor of the Minneapolis symphony orchestra, led the New York Philharmonic with Leopold Stokowski, then single-handedly, conceding this last post to his student Leonard Bernstein. At the same time with 1954 and until death Mitropoulos directed the orchestra of the New York Metropolitan Opera.

ABOUT he became famous as an interpreter of music of the 20th century, promoted the works of G. Mahler, R. Strauss, S. Prokofiev, R. Vaughan Williams, A. Berg(first complete audio recording of the opera "Wozzeck", 1951 ), A. Schoenberg. Opera repertoire Mitropoulos the conductor included, among other things, operas by Russian composers (, "Boris Godunov" by M. P. Mussorgsky). Like a pianist Mitropoulos performed and recorded a piano concerto for the first time E. Ksheneka. He was known for his photographic memory, which allowed him to practically not use scores (not only in concerts, but also in rehearsals), and for his almost monastic lifestyle, caused by his deep commitment to Greek Orthodoxy.

died in Milan during a rehearsal Gustav Mahler's 3rd Symphony November 2, 1960.

R Russian violist and conductor was born September 28, 1924. His active solo concert activity started after 1949 when he won second place in International festival democratic youth and students in Budapest. Barshai He also performed as an ensemble player and was a member of a trio. His extensive repertoire also included his own transcriptions, including a reworking of an alto sonata into a concerto for viola with string orchestra and organ.

In 1956 he organized and headed the Moscow chamber orchestra. With the team Barshai performed a number of compositions for the first time Soviet composers(Fourteenth Symphony, Seventh Symphony for chamber orchestra and harpsichord by Weinberg, Music for chamber orchestra by Sviridov). The musician made a number of arrangements for chamber orchestra. WITH 1967 Barshai acted as a symphony conductor (made his debut with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra).

In 1976 emigrated to Israel, where he led the Israeli Chamber Orchestra. Worked in London, Munich. IN 1982-1988 was chief conductor of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. WITH 1990s led the Canadian Symphony Orchestra.

A English clarinetist and bandleader (Bernard Stanley Bilk) born January 28, 1929.

E The game was distinguished by a beautiful sound with an exceptionally touching vibrato.

TO He mastered the larnet in a military brass band while serving in the army. IN 1957 collected Paramount Traditional Jazz Orchestra, with whom in 1960 recorded the blues that became popular "Summer Set".

In 1962 successfully toured in America, Asia and Australia. The orchestra's hit was the theme Bilka "Strangers On The Shore" (1961 ), the recording of which sold 4 million copies. Other hits – "Buona Sera", "Taste Of Honey", "That's My Home", "Franky And Johnny" And "Gotta See Baby Tonight".

TO unfortunately, further success Akkera Bilk addiction to alcohol interfered with 1976-79 underwent a grueling course of treatment, after which he returned to the stage and collected new line-up. IN 1990s He began performing less frequently and devoted most of his time to painting.

November 2, 2014 one of the greatest jazz performers of the 20th century Aker Bilk died.

Significant events in the world of music - SIGNIFICANT DATES

November 2, 1955 The weekly Billboard for the first time published a list of the hundred best-selling singles in the United States.

TOmmie Edwards November 2, 1958 reached No. 1 in the UK with the single "It's All In The Game".

T Rio Peter, Paul and Mary November 2, 1963 Topped the US chart for five weeks with the album "In The Wind".

November 2, 1967 finished recording the single "Hello Goodbye" at Abbey Road Studios.

November 2, 1974 supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young topped the US chart with the album "So Far".

DGeorge Harrison November 2, 1974 became the first Beatle to perform a solo world tour.

November 2, 1974 reached No. 1 in the US with the single "You Haven't Done Nothin'". The backing vocals on this song were The Jackson Five.

Simple Minds took 1st place in the British album chart with the album "Once upon a time" November 2, 1985.

U2 took 1st place in the UK November 2, 1991 with a song "The Fly", released on the album "Achtung Baby".

November 2, 1996 Counting Crows took 1st place in the US with the album "Recovering From Satellites", and 4th in the UK.

R.E.M. took 1st place in the British charts with the collection "In Tine: The Best Of" November 2, 2003.

November 2, 2004 musician Eric Clapton received the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire at Buckingham Palace for services to the kingdom in music.

November 2, 2007 long awaited post-reunion concert Led Zeppelin in London was postponed for two weeks due to the fact that the guitarist Jimi Page broke my finger.

November 2, 2010 Geffen Records released the country singer's first greatest hits album Jessica Andrews"Icon".

Updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

A lot happened on this day interesting events. Born famous people, for the first time they began to celebrate and celebrate international events and so on. So, it will be interesting to find out what dates are memorable on this day.

Holidays on November 2 in different countries and cities of the world

Day of Cultural Worker of Kyrgyzstan

Every year on this day, cultural workers of Kyrgyzstan celebrate their professional holiday. The holiday itself appeared on the day when, in 1926, on November 2, I. Tokobaev’s play “Kyigyluu Kakei” was staged for the first time.

After this, the government of the country decided, in order to develop art and culture, to establish its own holiday, which would be a memory. As for the work itself, it is dramatic, which meets the requirements of realistic art.

Today there are more than 16 thousand workers in the arts and culture sector in the country. In Kyrgyzstan there are 20 professional theatres, 1035 libraries, 45 museums, two universities and 8 secondary specialized educational institutions that train arts and cultural personnel.

When a country celebrates its holiday, all cultural workers receive congratulations from family, friends and work colleagues. The government also expresses its gratitude to them for the work they have contributed to the lives of residents and the country. On this day you can see many interesting shows and programs.

Autumn Grandfathers in Belarus November 2, 2019

The Orthodox celebrated the Autumn Grandfathers in the third week after the Intercession. For almost all holidays there is a calculation algorithm. But, unfortunately, there is no specifically designated day for this celebration, as there is for public holidays.

Nobody followed the folk tradition, so this holiday is usually celebrated on one of the Saturdays from November 1 to 11. Also at this moment, two traditions unite - Catholic and Orthodox.

The holiday itself among the local people is home and family. Only in some regions of the country was it known that people themselves went to visit their relatives at the cemetery. In the spring, it is customary to go to Radonitsa, usually to the cemetery.

But in early November, the dead are only invited to visit them. This is done in order to thank for their patronage and help. Regardless of the place of burial of their ancestors, everyone was commemorated. First we had to wash ourselves in the bathhouse. Leave a clean broom and a bucket of clean water there for the souls of your ancestors.

According to tradition, the number of prepared dishes had to be odd, and not less than five. Each dish was served in even numbers and in pairs. At dinner, all the guests behaved with restraint, and the meal itself lasted quite a long time. It was also necessary to remember all the relatives and their actions for which one could be proud.

All Souls' Day

After All Saints' Day, according to tradition, comes the Day of Remembrance of All the Faithful Departed. This holiday is always celebrated on November 2. Honoring the dead is already a tradition that originated a very long time ago. With this we express respect to all our relatives and friends who are no longer with us. Manifestations of this holiday can be very different. On the one hand, there is fear of the dead and their revenge, and on the other hand, reverence and faith in the protective power of spirits.

The Catholic religion believes that every living person should remember the dead once a year. All Souls Day itself is based on the Catholic dogma of purgatory. People should always remember those who have passed away.

And those who are in purgatory are obliged to cleanse themselves of their sins. So the prayers and repentance of the living can shorten the period of purification. On this holiday, Catholics go to the cemetery with chants or prayers. There they tidy up the graves and decorate them with greenery and flowers. In some countries they even light candles.

Holidays in the folk calendar

Artemyev day

On such a day, people celebrate the memory of Artemy of Antioch. This man was a Christian saint who lived in the 4th century. According to legend, Artemy was a military commander during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great.

The ruler, for his diligent service, awarded Artemy the post of governor of Egypt. Then Emperor Julian the Apostate comes to power and begins to expel Christians. Artemy could not remain silent and criticized the emperor. For this he was arrested and subjected to painful torture.

Despite the fact that the saint had to suffer greatly, he still did not renounce his faith. At the very end, Artemy was beheaded. Then his body was transported to Constantinople and buried in the Church of John the Baptist. It has long been customary in Rus' to pray to Saint Artemy to protect him from accidental death. This person was also considered a protector against various kinds of diseases - hernia and so on.

By the way, there is a belief that a person born on this day will walk under the protection of a wolf mother. That is, he will be considered close in spirit to birds and forest animals. People also understood that from that day on, wolves began to approach the villages.

Name day on this day

On November 2, people born under the names: Gerasim, Artemy, Alexander, Leonid, German, Ivan, Nikolai, Mikhail, Peter, Pavel and Fedor celebrate their day.

Historical events that occurred on November 2

  • 1721 - Tsar Peter I took the title of Peter the Great and Emperor of All Russia. Also on this day Russia became an empire.
  • 1894 - the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II ascended the throne.
  • 1937 - on the Kremlin towers for the twentieth anniversary October revolution ruby stars installed.
  • 1938 - the first women of the USSR were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • 2004 – George W. Bush was re-elected President of the United States.

Born on November 2...

  1. Cleopatra 69 BC - the last queen of Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty.
  2. Marie Antoinette 1755 - Queen of France and wife of Louis 16.
  3. James Knox Polk 1795 - 11th President of America. He reigned from 1845 to 1849. was one of the most active presidents of the 19th century.
  4. George Boole 1815 - English logician and mathematician, founder of mathematical logic.
  5. Mark Antokolsky 1843 - Russian sculptor.
  6. Georges Sorel 1847 – French philosopher and publicist. Also a theorist of anarcho-syndicalism.
  7. Ulren Harding 1865 - 29th President of America.
  8. Mikhail Yanin 1902 - Soviet film and theater actor, National artist THE USSR.
  9. Luchino Visconti 1906 - director in Italy, as well as screenwriter and actor of film and theater.
  10. Daniil Andreev 1906 - religious philosopher, Russian mystic spirit seer and writer.
  11. Keith Emerson 1944 – British composer and keyboardist.
  12. Irina Bogushevskaya 1965 – Soviet and Russian poetess, singer and composer.
  13. Jacques Mesrine 1979 – French criminal and public enemy number 1.