Cindy Crawford and her family. Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber: a love story. Son of a star or young talent

Cindy Crawford

Cynthia "Cindy" Ann Crawford. She was born on February 20, 1966 in DeKalb, Illinois, USA. American supermodel, MTV host, actress.

Cindy Crawford's height is 177 centimeters. She has brown eyes and brown hair. Her parameters are 86-66-89. Crawford's distinctive feature is a large mole above her lip on her left cheek, which has become the model's calling card.

Father - John Dan Crawford, worked as an electrician.

Mother - Jennifer Sue Crawford-Molafe (maiden name Walker), worked as a nurse.

Cindy has two sisters, Chris and Danielle.

Cindy Crawford has German, English and French roots.

She also had a brother who died at an early age from leukemia. For this reason, Crawford is now actively involved in charity work for children with leukemia, donating proceeds from calendars with his image to medical research. Cindy also helps abandoned and needy children through her own charity, the Little Star Foundation.

In 1984, Cindy graduated with honors from high school and received an academic scholarship to Northwestern University, where she studied chemical engineering.

After the first quarter, Cindy dropped out to focus on her modeling career. After working with photographer Victor Skrebneski in Chicago, Crawford moved to Manhattan in 1986.

Cindy came to the attention of a newspaper photographer who noticed the sixteen-year-old girl during her summer work picking corn and photographed her. The photo and the positive reaction to it convinced the girl to take up modeling. Cindy took part in the Elite Model Look competition of the New York modeling agency Elite Model Management and took second place there.

As stated above, Cindy Crawford's signature feature is a noticeable mole above her lip. She is so strongly associated with this trait that she even appeared in a chocolate advertising campaign "licking" her own birthmark. Notably, the mole was removed from many of her early modeling photographs, including her first magazine cover photo. Vogue.

From the late 1980s to the 1990s, Cindy was among the most popular supermodels, constantly appearing on magazine covers, on the catwalk and as the face of fashion companies.

From 1989 to 2000, Cindy was the face of Revlon. She became the first supermodel to pose nude for Playboy magazine, her photographs were taken by Herb Ritz, and Cindy's famous Swimsuit Calendar with photographs by Marco Glaviano became an international bestseller.

Cindy Crawford on the catwalk

Cindy Crawford has appeared on the covers of over 600 magazines worldwide, including Vogue, W, People, Harper's Bazaar, ELLE, Cosmopolitan and Allure. Cindy was also the face of many fashion houses, such as Gianne Versace, Escada, etc.

Personal life of Cindy Crawford:

From 1991 to 1995 she was married to an actor.

Cindy Crawford and Richard Gere

In May 1998, Crawford married Rande Gerber, a former fashion model and owner of fashionable restaurants and nightclubs in New York and Los Angeles.

They had two children: son Presley Walker (born July 2, 1999) and daughter Kaia Jordan (born September 3, 2001). Crawford gave birth to both children at home.

Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber

While married to Gerber, she had an affair with an American actor.

Cindy Crawford, Rande Gerber, George Clooney

The piquancy of the romance between Crawford and Clooney is that the model’s husband, businessman Rande Gerber, is a very close friend of the Hollywood actor.

In October 2015, a party was held in a London club to celebrate the release of Cindy Crawford’s autobiographical book. And Clooney couldn’t find anything better than to divulge to the public the intimate secret of this love triangle, namely, how he and Cindy once slept together while drunk.

“It was one of the drunkest and most fun nights of my life and in this house in particular. I was the first to go to bed, and fell fully dressed into Cindy and Randy’s married bedroom. When I was already asleep, Cindy, also not very sober, came and took me for her husband, lay down next to him. And at that time Randy was sleeping in the next room, which he drunkenly confused with the bedroom. In general, the next morning it was a lot of fun.", Clooney recalled. And then he added, turning to Crawford: “Admit that you couldn’t resist me!”.

Currently, Crawford and his family live in Malibu.

Cindy Crawford with children

Cindy Crawford can rightfully be considered one of the brightest world-famous top models who shone on the covers of magazines and fashion shows in the 1990s. The model was distinguished by natural beauty and hard work. The mole above her lip became her trademark. Crawford is not forgotten today, setting an example for young aspiring models. This is not surprising, because in addition to natural beauty, she has incredible charisma, which helped her achieve stunning success in the modeling business.

Example to follow

Many years have passed since then, but Cindy still periodically appears on the catwalks and pages of fashion publications. But today she has already crossed the 50-year mark! The model still looks great, even taking into account the fact that her age is far from being a model according to the criteria of the modern fashion industry. At one time, the girl left the fashion world to become a mother and wife. Today she has two children. Cindy Crawford's daughter and son also have a memorable appearance and strive to succeed in life, just like their mother did.

Kaia and Presley

This is the name of Cindy’s children, who appeared in her second marriage to a successful restaurateur. Note that this marriage is called one of the most successful and long-lasting in the world of celebrities. If you look at the photo of Cindy Crawford's son, you will notice some resemblance to his mother. In particular, here we can mention the famous mole on the face. However, Presley still looks more like his father: the same stern chin, the same light brown curls. By the way, Gerber also tried himself as a fashion model in the past. As for the daughter of top model Kaya, she is simply a copy of her star mother. The children inherited their mother’s best traits and also adopted a “sense of camera.” Kaia and Presley happily pose in front of the cameras and, it should be noted, they do it very well.

Children of a successful mother

When Crawford left the fashion world and replaced participation in shows and photo shoots with raising children, she began to enjoy the achievements of her children rather than her own successes. The model admits that she diligently dissuaded children from trying to get into the modeling business, since it is quite cruel and requires great sacrifices. What are the strict diets and numerous castings worth? However, the children clearly knew what they wanted. Thus, Cindy Crawford's son Presley has already posed for Bruce Weber's camera, and 10-year-old daughter Kaya took part in a photo shoot for Young Versace.

Presley recently graduated from high school. In addition, he managed to complete a course at Malibu High School. The young man admits that he has long decided on his future profession. Cindy Crawford's son wants to follow in his mother's footsteps and devote himself to the modeling business. Fashion experts are confident that the boy has every chance to succeed in this field. The guy is handsome, knows how to pose in front of the lens, and his mother will teach him all the subtleties and tricks of modeling. Presley has already tried himself as a fashion model. This happened at a fashion show from the Moschino fashion house in Milan. And after a short period of time, Cindy Crawford’s son participated in a fashion show of the Dolce & Gabbana brand.

Son of a star or young talent?

After Presley’s successful debut in the modeling business, a Calvin Klein advertising campaign appeared with his participation. These events gave rise to a lot of gossip, many began to say that Presley is currently in demand only because he is the child of a famous mother. The fact is that in almost all announcements of this campaign there is a short prefix “Cindie’s son” next to the name of Cindy Crawford’s son. Thus, it is too early to talk about Presley’s self-sufficiency, because he is perceived as an “addendum” to his famous mother. Nevertheless, the young man is determined. He has no plans to give up his dream of a modeling career.

Now Cindy Crawford's son has another hobby - photography. He takes photographs of his sister and posts them on his social networks. They say that Presley is excellent at expressing himself as a photographer. Who knows, perhaps in the near future he will still leave the modeling business to stand on the other side of the camera. The guy dreams that his name will become no less famous, but at the same time he will not be compared with his world-famous mother, Cindy Crawford.

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what clothes celebrities' children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the son of singer Shakira and defender of the Spanish football club "Barcelona" Gerard Pique - Sasha, and today the hero of our column is Presley Walker - the son of businessman Randy Gerber and supermodel Cindy Crawford, who celebrates her 50th anniversary on February 20.

click on the photo to view the gallery:

Click on the photo to view the gallery Cindy Crawford became a mother for the first time at the age of 33: the son of the supermodel and her husband Rande Gerber, Presley Walker, was born on July 2, 1999. Despite the prejudiced attitude of some doctors towards home birth, Cindy gave birth to her first child that way - in her own mansion in Los Angeles under the supervision of a midwife and a nurse.

I asked Randy why he wanted to name his son after Elvis Presley, to which he said: “Elvis had the last name Presley. And for our son, Presley is the name.”

The boy’s grandmother, Ellen Peckman, told her about her grandson’s unusual name. Cindy also liked the name Presley, because she herself is partial to the music of Elvis. In addition to music, Crawford always loved sports, so after giving birth she released video lessons for young mothers, with the help of which she got into shape. The passion for an active lifestyle was later passed on to Presley: when the boy grew up, he became interested in surfing, skateboarding, and also became a member of the Malibu Youth Water Polo team.

One-year-old Presley Gerber

Rande Gerber and Presley

Presley and Kaia Gerber

We live in Malibu, and for people who have never been here, the name "Malibu" seems impressive. It's actually a simple little town that allows kids to get outdoors a lot. My son, for example, almost never gets out of the water,

Crawford said in an interview. But sporting achievements are not all that Presley can be proud of: the young man inherited from his parents a bright appearance that can conquer not only girls’ hearts, but also world podiums. True, the mother of the blond handsome man claims that her son is not too happy about such a stir around his appearance:

Presley is growing up as an ordinary boy. He really doesn't like it when people pay attention to him.

Everything changed when Presley turned 16: first, the young man starred with his family for Vogue magazine, then he accompanied his sister Kaya in a photo shoot for the gloss CR Fashion Book, founded by Carine Roitfeld, and recently made his debut in the solo photo project CR Men's Book. It's worth it. Needless to say, leading publications now dream of seeing Presley on their pages, and modeling agencies are competing for the right to hire the guy into their ranks. Will Gerber Jr. follow in his mother’s footsteps or choose a non-model field for development - time will tell, but we will show the style in detail? Presley.

Cindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford and Rande Gerber with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son Presley and daughter Kaia
Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber with son Presley and daughter Kaia

In his early childhood, Presley, like all active boys, could not get out of sweatshirts, wide jeans, shorts below the knee and T-shirts with prints. In all this, it was convenient for him to run and play - in other words, not to deny himself the simple joys of childhood. As Presley grew a little older, the number of jeans and T-shirts in his wardrobe only increased, but some things that were fashionable among teenagers were added to the arsenal - for example, caps with neon patterns or skateboarding sneakers. He did not refuse them even during rare appearances on the red carpet: Cindy began taking children to social events quite early, but she always chose either cartoon premieres or children's parties - events that were interesting to Presley and Kaya.

When Presley crossed the threshold of 14+, his style began to resemble less and less that of a simple teenager from Malibu. No, he didn’t start chasing brands, he just began to give preference to more restrained images. Wide-leg jeans gave way to skinny trousers, and plaid sneakers gave way to high-top Converse. More shirts appeared in the young man’s wardrobe - plain and checkered, leather jackets, coats and even classic suits. A love of brevity was also evident in Presley’s works: the young man became seriously interested in photography, choosing his sister Kaya as his main muse. The guy dedicated a separate account to her on Instagram - @kbyp, where he publishes his own photographs. Looking at his photo, we can say with confidence: Presley has every chance to compete with Brooklyn Beckham, who recently shot a campaign for Burberry, and begin his ascent to the Olympus of fashion photography. His genes are extremely worthy for this.

0 June 7, 2015, 20:00

The editors of the site decided to make her the heroine of the weekly “Evolution” column in order to trace the transformation of the image and style of the 49-year-old supermodel.

Cindy Crawford was born on February 20, 1966 in DeKalb, Illinois. She graduated with honors from high school in 1984 and received an academic scholarship to Northwestern University, where she studied chemical engineering. However, Cindy soon dropped out of school to focus on her modeling career.

She started working in Chicago, where she was noticed by a newspaper photographer. Her first pictures were received very positively, which only convinced the 16-year-old girl to take up modeling seriously. Crawford even took part in the competition of the New York modeling agency Elite Model Management and took second place there.

When she entered the modeling industry, she was nicknamed "Baby Gia" because of her resemblance to famous model Gia Carangi.

From the late 1980s to the 1990s, Cindy was among the most popular supermodels, constantly appearing on the covers of major magazines, on the catwalk and as the face of fashion companies.

She also became the first supermodel to pose nude for Playboy magazine, and Cindy's famous Swimsuit Calendar with photographs by Marco Glaviano became an international bestseller.

She combines classic beauty and every American's dream girl,

In addition to her successful career, she has repeatedly ranked high in the rankings of the most beautiful and sexiest women in the world.

Everyone thinks that models initially have a perfect figure, but this is not true. I never focus on the things I like about myself, I constantly think about what I need to do.

I really wanted to be slim, I was worried about my legs, arms, and my waist. And now I don’t feel like a weak woman, I feel like a strong man. Being beautiful is so difficult

Crawford spoke out.

In the 1990s, Cindy also tried herself as a TV presenter - she hosted the “House of Style” program on the MTV channel. The model’s video fitness tutorials with her participation, which were released in this decade, brought no less success to the model.

In 2000, it became known that Crawford had retired from modeling.

As for Cindy’s personal life, it did not immediately turn out well: from 1991 to 1995, she was married to. Their union quickly fell apart, and in May 1998 she married Rande Gerber, a former fashion model and owner of fashionable restaurants and nightclubs in New York and Los Angeles. From him, the model gave birth to two children - son Presley and daughter Kaya.

When you're ready to become a mother, just loving someone isn't enough. You need to be sure that this particular person will be a good dad for your children,

She thinks.

Note that Crawford is actively involved in charity work for children with leukemia, donating proceeds from calendars with his image to medical research. This is due to the fact that the model’s brother died from this disease at an early age.

Cindy also helps abandoned and needy children through her own charity, the Little Star Foundation.

Cindy Crawford is one of the “Big Six” models who managed to get from a modest provincial family into the amazing world of high fashion. Her memorable appearance and responsible attitude to work allowed her to become one of the most sought-after models of the 80s and 90s. At that time, photos of the beauty adorned the covers of the world's best glossies, but now, in 2015, models of that era are becoming in demand again and are not inferior to young talents, so the already mature and attractive Cindy can often be found on the pages of popular publications.

In addition to her modeling career, she has filmed several video workouts to keep girls and women in great shape at any age. Even though the videos were made many years ago, they are still relevant, so absolutely anyone can download them and make their body perfect in just 10 minutes. Currently, Cindy is successfully engaged in charity work and raising beautiful children.


The future superstar was born on February 20, 1966 in the small town of Dekalb, Illinois, USA. Her family belonged to the middle class, her mother was a medical worker, and her father was an ordinary electrician. The girl has always had a very good relationship with her family, and especially with her dad, which is why she has not yet changed her last name Crawford to another. This is because the father always dreamed of a son, a successor to the family, but the long-awaited child died when he was only 3 years old.

Due to the fact that the beauty graduated from school with excellent marks, she was offered a place at a prestigious university in the Faculty of Chemistry and was even paid a scholarship, but the girl did not study there for even one year.

When her father fell ill, Cindy Crawford was forced to go to work in the fields to collect corn. It was at that time that one of the journalists wrote an article about agricultural workers and published along with it a small photo in which the beauty happened to be. Luckily, a photographer noticed her and suggested she try herself as a model. Of course, the girl could not refuse such an offer.

Modeling career

  • Height– 177 cm;
  • Weight– 56 kg;
  • Options– 86-66-89 cm.

Taking great risks, she dropped out of school and set off to conquer New York. At the beginning of her modeling career, the girl took part in the famous Look of the Year competition, where she managed to take an honorable 2nd place. Soon, Cindy's photos began to appear on the covers of famous magazines, namely Vogue and Cosmopolitan.

It is worth noting that in her first professional photos you will not find the famous mole above her lip, which the model is so proud of. This is because the agency repeatedly forced Cindy Crawford to get rid of her mole, but she never decided to take this step, and never regretted it.

In general, throughout her modeling career, the beauty’s photos appeared on more than 600 covers of the world’s best glossies, and she also repeatedly became the face of fashion brands, including Escada and Gianne Versace. However, the model most liked the cosmetics brand Revlon, whose face she was for 11 years, from 1989 to 2000. You can view and, if you wish, download stunning photographs of this brand’s advertising campaigns now.

Gallery is clickable

The girl, like many supermodels, repeatedly posed naked for numerous glossy magazines, and even became the first model to completely expose her body for the erotic glossy Playboy. At one time, Cindy Crawford was in second place in the ranking of the most beautiful girls on the planet, second only to Demi Moore.

Video training

The model always looks stunning, so when journalists began to be interested in her beauty secret, she recorded three video workouts that will not only keep her body in great shape, but will also help her lose extra pounds. All complexes are freely available on the Internet, so anyone can download and enjoy high-quality training. In 1992, she recorded her first video, “Cindy Crawford: The Secret to a Perfect Figure,” which consists of three workouts: two for 40 minutes and one for 10 minutes.

The third workout, which lasts only 10 minutes, is designed for busy girls. By taking just 10 minutes out of your busy schedule in the morning and evening, you can achieve the same results as a long 40-minute workout. You just need to download it from any server or watch it online on our website.

The video entitled "Cindy Crawford: How to Achieve Perfection" is perfect for beginners. Specially selected simple, but at the same time intense loads will allow you to have a pleasant, and most importantly useful, time. If desired, you can also find it on the Internet and download it, or watch it online on the website.

Film career

Like many supermodels, Cindy Crawford decided to try herself as an actress. Her first acting experience happened in 1995, and began immediately with the leading role in the debut film “Fair Game” by a then unknown director. However, no matter how hard the model tried, her performance did not receive positive responses from either critics or viewers, nor did the film itself.

After such an unsuccessful experience, the beauty no longer appeared in feature films, but played only small roles in various TV series. The girl also managed to try herself as a presenter on television. For 6 years, starting in 1989, she hosted the “House of Style” project on MTV.

Cindy Crawford on MTV

Personal life

It is not surprising that Cindy was courted by influential and very wealthy men, but she was married only 2 times.

1 In 1991, the model first married the famous American actor Richard Gere. However, their relationship exhausted itself after four years of marriage.

2 Already in 1998, the beautiful model found her true love, Randy Gerber, with whom she tied the knot. Just a year after the wedding, the couple’s son Presley Walker is born, and 2 years later the girl becomes a mother for the second time, giving birth to a beautiful daughter, Kaya Jordan.

Cindy Crawford loves her children very much, this can be seen by how often she posts their photos on her Instagram. You can view and download cute family photos directly from there.

Cindy Crawford on Instagram: @cindycrawford