Aquarius girl and Virgo guy are compatible. The power of difference in potential: compatibility of a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman, compatibility in love, in marriage, in family relationships, in bed, in sex at work. Sexual compatibility of signs

According to the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man, their family union is rarely strong. The Virgo man is careful and prudent, while the Aquarius woman is unpredictable and eccentric, which simply frightens the Virgo man. But because of stinginess and lack of hospitality.

There are quite a lot of contradictions in this couple’s everyday life. It is already enough that the Aquarius woman likes to spend most of her time outside the home, and the Virgo man, on the contrary, is a homebody, which causes dissatisfaction and complaints from his wife that their life is not interesting and monotonous enough.

Of course, a couple in Aquarius-Virgo compatibility can be happy, but for this both partners will have to make a lot of effort. If this relationship is truly dear to both a woman and a man, then they should try to accept their partner for who he is and see only positive qualities.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Virgo man – PROS

In an ideal couple, the Aquarius woman and the Virgo man learned to accept each other for who they are, respect other people's opinions and the desire to live one way and not another. The Aquarius woman simply needs a feeling of freedom like air, and in an ideal pair she gets it. Nothing restricts her movements. And the Virgo man is happy that the Aquarius woman is not trying to pull him out of his cozy nest just for the sake of going to visit someone. , but next to a Virgo man, this problem is solved in the best possible way. In turn, the Virgo man is glad that he is safe, he does not need to take risks and get into awkward situations.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Virgo man – CONS

The biggest difficulty in the compatibility of the Zodiac signs of Aquarius and Virgo is that they cannot agree on how to spend their free time. If, at first, the Aquarius woman is interested in the measured and calm life of the Virgo man, and he, for the sake of experiment, may once again plunge into the whirlpool of events in which the Aquarius woman lives, then all the same, sooner or later everything will turn out okay their usual places. The Aquarius woman needs a lot of new impressions, communication with friends, and a variety of active activities. And calm evenings.

For a harmonious life, the spouses only need to agree that they will spend their free time separately, but this does not work. The Aquarius woman sincerely believes that the Virgo man will like it in her company and tries in every possible way to “draw him in”, and the Virgo man begins to suspect his wife of cheating because of her craving for communication. This offends her greatly, because she is sincere in her feelings.

Aquarius-Virgo horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Virgo, in order for there to be harmony in their family, the Aquarius woman needs to learn not to be offended by caustic ones. He doesn’t do this out of malice, it’s just his character. An Aquarius woman can do this very well. After all, she naturally has incredible subtle humor. When you hear comments again, just turn it all into a joke, and the conflict will be settled. Just don't criticize back. The Virgo man will not tolerate this and the situation will only get worse. Also, when getting ready for your next meeting with friends, do not forget to tidy up the house, and then the Virgo man will be able to calmly go about his business and will hardly notice your absence.

How an Aquarius woman can win a Virgo man

To win the heart of a Virgo guy, an Aquarius girl needs to act, first of all, through his intellect. The Virgo man’s favorite activities are to reason, analyze, and draw conclusions. The Aquarius woman is sociable and will be able to support almost any topic of conversation, which will undoubtedly bring pleasure to her communication partner. In addition, she always has a lot of interesting stories and situations in her head that will make a Virgo man think.

An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man have good sexual compatibility. This should not be discounted either. The Aquarius woman is soft-spoken, romantic and friendly. The Virgo man will like all this. It is worth noting that he does not like aggressively sexual women. Therefore, a moderately intimate life with an Aquarius woman will suit both him and her.

It is worth noting that the Aquarius woman should in every possible way delay inviting the Virgo man to his home. The Virgo man loves to be taken care of, and he will closely watch you to see how willing you are to help him in everyday life. But the whole point is that the Aquarius woman’s ideas about everyday life are more reminiscent of a disaster to the Virgo man. Therefore, it is better to invite him to your place or meet on neutral territory.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Virgo man in friendship

An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man are rarely true friends. Their relationship can best be called friendly. They can be united by common business relationships or long-standing childhood friendships. These two have different views on the same situation and different attitudes towards it. So, for example, an Aquarius woman is open and friendly, but a Virgo man is not ready to be sincere and reliable, especially with women. Also, he invites to visit only those who, by his standards, are predictable and neat.

The halves of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man should not be afraid of cheating.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Virgo man in business

The business relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man does not bring any positive results. Sometimes it seems that they not only speak different languages, but also came from different planets. For an Aquarius woman, a Virgo man’s planned schedule seems boring, and she cannot work at such a measured pace. And the Virgo man, in turn, is not able to appreciate the high flight of thought of the Aquarius woman

When an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man are colleagues or partners, such a balance of power will bring good results if they perform different responsibilities and functions. It is worth noting that the work of Aquarius and Virgo in television journalism ensures the good functioning of the department. But, nevertheless, they have friendly relations or work on a common project extremely rarely.

When an Aquarius woman is a boss and a Virgo man is a subordinate, this is not a bad combination. The Aquarius woman does not control her subordinates and does not like to command. And the Virgo man just doesn’t need control. He has a heightened sense of responsibility and great hard work. The only thing that may offend him is that the Aquarius boss does not pay attention to his diligence.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Virgo man is the boss, this is the most terrible balance of power. It will be extremely difficult for these two to work well together. The Virgo man is scrupulous and petty. He is used to delving into all the smallest details, and the Aquarius woman generally does not like to be controlled.


Virgo man


Aquarius Woman

It cannot be said that it will be easy for these people to work together, but if they are interested in each other, they will be willing to compromise. Great sacrifice is characteristic of a virgin; next to him, his companion will feel like a real lady. The Aquarius woman is more sociable and emotional; thanks to her temperament, this relationship will not be boring, and the Virgo man will appreciate it.

The Virgo man is the most economic sign in relationships. They are very decent in relationships, but it is difficult for them to get into the flow of fun, and they appreciate it when someone takes them out of everyday monotony. Virgos do not know how to disconnect from their affairs and thoughts, which sometimes makes them boring. They need help to relax.

Aquarius woman - in relationships there is an inherent desire for perfection, often excessive, reaching the point of sterility. She wants to surpass herself, in love this sometimes leads to pretense. Virgo approaches marriage rationally, even despite its own feelings, which this sign tends to neglect.

Unfortunately, the prospects for such a union are far from the most rosy: it is very difficult for an Aquarius woman, with her unpredictability and love of freedom, and a conservative Virgo man to get along together. The fact is that they both have complex and very strong characters, so this couple’s braid can turn out to be a stone soon enough. In everyday life, this can result in conflicts and resentments: the Aquarius woman is inclined to blame Virgo for an insufficiently interesting, monotonous life, but it is difficult for him to come to terms with her desire to spend as much time as possible outside the home, which is why they are both dissatisfied with each other. If this relationship is dear to Virgo and Aquarius, they should accept their partner as he is, without trying to change him. If it makes sense for them to “remake” anyone in order to stay together, it’s only themselves.

At first they are attracted to each other, but the further fate of this union depends in almost everything on the mutual desire to overcome the absolute incompatibility of temperaments. The Virgo man and the Aquarius woman, thanks to the warm feelings that have arisen between them, are able to find common ground and mutual understanding. Each of them should try to show interest in their partner as often as possible and be ready to compromise - then the family has a chance to stay together for a long time. Otherwise, they cannot avoid problems, since everyone is inclined to believe that his lifestyle is the only correct one, and does not allow criticism. In this case, their coexistence becomes a difficult test. The Virgo man can appreciate the chosen one’s desire to assert herself, her creative impulses, just as the Aquarius woman is, in principle, impressed by his punctuality, commitment and practicality. They can be united by the desire for self-improvement and cooperation to strengthen the family’s wealth. But even mutual respect will not help make this union unbreakable. They are at completely different positions in life, so developing relationships is very difficult.

Virgo man - Aquarius woman - one thing can be said for sure about this couple: a lifelong Contract will not be concluded until there is true love between them, due to the special relative position of the Moon and planets in their horoscopes. It is difficult for the earthly (Virgo) to master the air element (Aquarius). And he is often annoyed that the air is in the clouds, considers him a superficial person. His pragmatism presses the air. And on this basis they conflict. Air considers earth neither refined nor romantic. And the earth is irritated by the fantasies of the air. Air stimulates the intellect of the earth, and the earth is able to realize the fantasies of its air partner. Here you need to learn to understand and respect your partner’s feelings.

Impeccability and decency are what makes Virgo and Aquarius compatibility almost ideal. They have so much in common that there is no point in even doubting their strong alliance. Business-like, serious, neat and slightly old-fashioned when it comes to family and traditions. Virgo and Aquarius are sensitive to personal space and spiritual comfort. Virgo and Aquarius are similar to absolutism and separation from the imperfections of everyday life. These are the two most infertile signs, the common fault of which is coldness: their feelings are like disciplined water, in which even germs do not arise. Together it is extremely difficult for them to come to any productive results. But in theory they are much stronger than in practice, and therefore the sphere of their joint application of forces must be completely ideal.

There is no desire to understand each other, the union is fragile

The attraction of this couple is very contradictory. Usually the life of a Virgo man develops in such a way that from a very early age he was not successful with the opposite sex. For Earth signs, this is justified by the fact that in order to be confident, they first need to get on their feet. And then the Virgo man stood up to them, years later. Now he appreciates the attention of women. Among whom there may be an Aquarius woman - she is also the “rabbit” that beckons him. This is what will force him, wise and experienced, to embark on this adventure for the sake of new sensations.

Continuing to assert himself in his and her eyes in the material sense, the Virgo man will create a strong rear for his woman and provide all the benefits. After this, he will consider that he has the moral right to demand from his chosen one tenderness, devotion and the desire to admire his successes. His calmness and rationality will arouse the sympathy of the Aquarius woman, who will not accept even the slightest manifestation of rudeness. She will happily try to become a holiday woman for him, capable of filling every day with bright emotions. And until the Virgo man has become acquainted with the real carefree nature of his chosen one, he will be completely satisfied with her.

Compatibility horoscope. Virgo Man and Aquarius Woman

An ideal relationship between them is rare and is proof that opposites can attract. And not only attract, but also complement each other well. By creating strong and stable relationships.

With a Virgo man they will be really stable, even, down to earth. He is economical, practical, hardworking. With him, the life of an Aquarius woman will be problem-free in terms of material wealth and money. He knows how to earn money, provide for his family, create coziness and comfort in the home, and solve practical problems.

She can add more variety, interesting communication, fascinating information and unforgettable impressions to his life. which will help him broaden his horizons, become more free and relaxed.

Only for this they will have to get used to their characters; if they manage to do this, find common ground, then the relationship may well work out. Especially if the Aquarius woman wants a permanent relationship, if there is not enough stability in her life, and she wants to enjoy the usual, earthly joys and see a reliable and faithful life partner nearby.

A Virgo man will be in love

  • Serious
  • Responsible
  • Punctual
  • Realistic
  • Responsible
  • Modest
  • Practical
  • Economic
  • Hardworking

An Aquarius woman will be in love

  • Sociable
  • Versatile
  • Contact
  • Curious
  • Innovator of ideas
  • Positive
  • Intelligent
  • Erudite
  • Friendly
  • Unusual
  • Original

Virgo man and Aquarius woman compatibility in love relationships - cons

The disadvantages between them will begin to appear if they cannot find common ground.

In general, Aquarius often likes to oppose himself to the world and society, when, as for Virgo, it is important that everything be within the bounds of decency and restrained.

The Aquarius woman is not always economical and practical. She believes that there are many more interesting things in life than standing at the stove and doing household chores. When, as a Virgo man, it is important that the chosen one is practical and economical.

And if she does not meet his ideal, she will begin to criticize, paying attention to the smallest details and little things in her behavior, communication and life in general. And all because he himself is used to adhering to a certain lifestyle, routine, and wants the life of his chosen one to become more organized and less chaotic.

When, like her, any restrictions, rules, traditions, boundaries are unbearable. She believes that every person has the right to live the way he wants and no one has the right to tell him or teach him. She has an independent character and will not want to obey.

The Virgo man is more interested in earthly problems, where he can get tangible material benefits and improve his and his family’s well-being. When, as an Aquarius woman, money and comfort are not an end in themselves. She is often interested in abstract, global issues and problems, everything related to inequality, freedom, protection of rights and freedoms, as well as political problems in society, these are all Aquarius topics.

She prefers to relax where there is a lot of communication, information, when, like a Virgo man, she loves a quiet holiday, and the same measured course of life. What will seem too boring for an Aquarius woman. She cannot stand monotony, she wants change, newness in everything.

Negative qualities of a Virgo man

  • Pedantry
  • Restraint
  • Stinginess
  • Criticality
  • Pickiness
  • Conservative
  • Monotony
  • Inertia

Negative qualities of an Aquarius woman

  • Impermanence
  • Unreliability
  • Resourcefulness
  • Talkativeness
  • Irresponsibility
  • frivolity
  • Impracticality
  • Stubbornness
  • Alienation

Compatibility of Virgo man and Aquarius woman in love

To have a good and long-lasting relationship, they will have to solve many problems. One of them is to keep the relationship at the proper level and not run away. Because the Aquarius woman’s character is often fickle and independent. Can reject any restrictions, traditions, rules, orders. She does not get used to it emotionally, sometimes she feels cold, detached and can break off relationships without regret.

The Virgo man also shows coldness and then it turns out that between them there can be little warmth, emotions, feelings that could connect their feelings. And without this, the relationship will turn out to be purely formal, especially if it is based on calculation.

But even if it is for love, the independence of the Aquarius woman will often come across criticism from the Virgo man, he will want to re-educate her, teach her, but this will turn out to be useless, because her character can be very stubborn.

In this case, the relationship can turn into a cold war, into endless squabbles, although sooner or later they will come to an end when one of the partners simply leaves.

To prevent this from happening, they need to find more things that can unite them, for example, common activities, hobbies, goals, plans. The main thing is not to distance yourself from each other, but to strive to become one.

See also How an Aquarius Woman Loves How a Virgo Man Loves

How an Aquarius woman can win a Virgo man

To win a Virgo man, an Aquarius woman will have to change her behavior in many ways. Refuse everything unusual, unusual. After all, the main thing for him is that everything is in moderation and looks natural and decent.

He is not against communication, but prefers communication more to the point, to the point, where he can analyze important, everyday problems and find a solution. He takes life seriously and can become so immersed in his work that it is difficult to relax. And even while resting, he can think about important problems.

He can make many demands on a woman, he can be picky in his choice, and it takes a lot of time to gain his trust.

Virgo man and Aquarius woman in bed

Compatibility between a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman in bed is difficult. Especially if the Aquarius woman likes to talk about love, flirt, play, and the Virgo man will be laconic, reserved, and cold.

She likes foreplay, experiments, when he is restrained in expressing feelings, and prefers that everything be traditional and in moderation. It will be difficult for an Aquarius woman with a complex partner, because complexes and conventions are alien to her, she does not pay as much attention to details as he does.

For him, free and reckless behavior will be perceived as unreasonable and indecent, because for him the main thing is the rules of decency.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man, who failed to find common ground, are simply doomed to break up. If strong feelings flare up between them, they can be together, although in this case it will not be easy for them. These two are complete opposites of each other. Compatibility between a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman is considered unfavorable, since the partners have different views on life, beliefs, and temperament.

Character Features

An important difference between them lies in the emotional sphere. For him, control over his feelings is considered absolutely natural. He never demonstrates true emotions and shows will in everything. She is an open, sociable person, sincere and easy-going. Of course, they are interested in each other, but will they be able to get along with such different characters? Everything depends on them. Most Virgo men choose a companion for themselves, focusing not on her external attractiveness and sexuality, but on her intellectual abilities. Therefore, a couple in which much attention is paid to study, work, and spending time together intellectually has a greater chance of building a happy relationship. Compatibility between a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman is enhanced if the partners find a common hobby. The only thing in which they are initially similar is the logical perception of the world. These are two mental signs that live not from the heart, but from the mind.


They encounter misunderstandings at the very beginning of the relationship. First of all, both prefer to spend their time differently. The Aquarius woman strives to spend her leisure time outside the home; she needs new impressions, communication, and the opportunity to show her individuality. He loves a close circle of close people, home comfort, and appreciates measured, predictable everyday life. In addition, the nonlinearity and unpredictability of her actions drive him crazy. The Virgo man prefers order and organization in everything that is necessary, he writes down, makes a plan. His partner's absent-mindedness discourages and irritates him. The compatibility of “Virgo man and Aquarius woman” is fragile, since such couples do not have the patience to wait until the relationship can get used to, begin and blossom. It is important for them to leave their selfish beliefs and take a closer look at each other. If they can do this, the relationship will be fruitful.

Sexual compatibility

Unlike many couples, intimacy between them arises as a reaction to feelings for each other. They are in no hurry to enter into an intimate relationship, but first withdraw into themselves, checking their own feelings and trying to evaluate what is happening. They are more interested in the spiritual side of relationships. Virgo men like gentle and romantic young ladies more than sexually aggressive ones. Therefore, the intimate compatibility of a “Virgo man and an Aquarius woman” is considered average, and this fact should not be discounted. Astrologers advise the Aquarius woman to abandon her eccentricity and desire to impress. A man should see a fragile, delicate girl, then he will be guaranteed harmony in the bedroom.

Love relationships

The couple option, when the Woman is Aquarius and the Virgo is a man, is considered more harmonious than vice versa. But, nevertheless, love for them is full of trials. The Virgo is shocked by the behavior of his companion; he is accustomed to regularity and peace. She needs a cycle of events and impressions, she needs family comfort in her nest. This union cannot last for a long time without true love. Of course, this statement is acceptable for any couple, but in this case there can be no exceptions. These people can never be together out of a sense of duty, mutual respect, pity or weakness. This position is fundamentally wrong for the Virgo-Aquarius tandem.

Compatibility of the signs "Aquarius man and Virgo woman" in marriage

Here a woman must be ready to reveal the character traits of a man that were previously hidden from her. For example, he can be too sarcastic, picky even about little things. It may seem to her that this person is focused only on her shortcomings. A woman’s task is to learn not to react to her partner’s comments, jokes, and jokes. The cheerful, ironic and humorous Aquarius woman is quite capable of this. Also, Virgo should be given the role of first violin in relationships periodically, but only occasionally. In most cases, they do not strive to take a leading position. But the man of this sign is proud. He can help around the house, bring coffee to bed, but only when it's really needed. An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man, whose compatibility (love or marriage, does not matter) is low, must observe an important condition in their relationship. They want to be active and mobile. Everyday life can destroy relationships instantly; routine and boredom are unacceptable to them. Only on the condition that they travel together, take courses, learn something, communicate, is there a chance for a strong marriage.

What should this couple's ideal relationship be like?

Despite the fact that harmonious Virgo-Aquarius couples are rare, they still exist. In order to reach a level of relationship in which both partners are comfortable, the Aquarius woman must feel free, while protection from her own impracticality and frivolity is important to her. Virgo can perfectly provide her with these qualities. However, he will never be her companion at parties and entertainment. She must accept this. That's his character. A Virgo man in love and an Aquarius woman can find compromises if they try hard. It is important for him that he is allowed to mind his own affairs and is given a guarantee that he will not be drawn into his partner’s active social life. It is enough to allow him to follow a clearly outlined path, not to let him down or disrupt his plans.

Relationship between an Aquarius man and a Virgo woman

This couple has a much more difficult time. If in the first union a woman can be psychologically under the protection of a man, here this is impossible. The Virgo woman needs a strong, stable partner, but Aquarius is the very unpredictability and detachment. What these partners are looking for in a relationship, they will never be able to find in each other. Compromise is almost impossible, so says the horoscope. In extremely rare cases, an Aquarius man and a Virgo woman can build successful love or family relationships. They are too different. Both will always try to change each other. Virgo is most inclined to put pressure on her partner, and the man will try in every possible way to avoid the nagging of his chosen one and try less and less to catch her eye. There is only one way out: Aquarius must learn to follow Virgo’s simple rules. She must moderate unnecessary demands and treat him with understanding.

Marriage of Aquarius man and Virgo woman

As spouses, it is difficult for them to achieve understanding because they have different lifestyles. Aquarius is limited by the overly demanding love of his partner and binds him. Many astrologers claim that this is the most unpromising union of all possible. Virgo is a homebody and an inveterate conservative. Aquarius is active, lively, open. A loyal attitude towards a man is required here, since he may forget that he is married and has responsibilities. A compromise is necessary, since a woman who bears absolutely all household responsibilities will never be happy. According to astrological indicators, compatibility in a family union is only 40%.

Aquarius woman and Virgo man

Love compatibility

There are such couples, even developing into families, where people who are different in perception and behavior bring something incomprehensible, but useful to the relationship. The horoscope promises that the little emotional Virgo man and the sensual Aquarius woman can, over time, create a social unit that will resemble Autumn. This combination is guaranteed either by the practical and at times cold actions of the husband, reminiscent of frosts, or by a constant “Indian summer” if the wife brings warmth and a flair of lightness into her daily routine.

To be honest, sometimes the spouse will be irritated by the optionality and “vabble” of an Aquarius woman who may be tired of such an “extinct volcano” of vital interests and sociability as her husband. But if we consider the advantages of this relationship, it turns out that the Virgo man sometimes urgently needs warm words and a sincere approach, the Aquarius woman needs an organized life and order in her head.

Of course, they may not have enough patience, and then someone will have to put an awkward end to their feelings. But if you take into account the calmness of the Virgo man and the flighty wife of the Aquarius woman, they may be lucky in love. But what about it? Living only in black and white tones and polar feelings is boring, there must be variety...

Sexual compatibility

With the onset of night, shy women turn into wild and unbridled priestesses of love, and experimenters can safely try themselves in the role of “guinea pigs”. The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Virgo man affects each other in such a way that partners can, when entering the bedroom with a loved one, find someone else in the wrong place.

This is how the original Aquarius girl and the seemingly shy Virgo man, who even if he comes out of his “shores”, will not show himself, can reveal himself to his partner. In this area, lovers have nothing to be ashamed of, there is no time to talk, there is no opportunity to discuss anything. Such “naked” sex can be a real revelation for both. As a rule, very impressive.

At work and at home

For the responsible workaholic Virgo, there are no professional challenges or routines. As they say, all work is grace. For Aquarius, everything is important - the color of the wallpaper in the office, whether there is enough lighting, and whether the girl is greeted with a smile.

But all these are not signs of megalomania, but a certain tradition, in the presence of which the airy Zodiac ceases to be a “baby” and turns into “Atlas”. An Aquarius girl can be entrusted with a responsible project that requires breadth of views, creativity and speed of reaction. In a word, everything that the “earthly” partner lacks. So the labor compatibility of Aquarius and Virgo is just right!