Dear viewers! What rules of conduct exist in the theater If you have a cold

State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Moscow Theater "ET CETERA"
under the leadership of Alexander Kalyagin"

I. General provisions

1.1. These Rules for the sale of tickets (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) contain the basic provisions governing the relationship between the Buyer (Spectator) and the Seller (Theater) when selling tickets in the State budgetary cultural institution of the city of Moscow "Moscow Theater "ET CETERA" under the direction of Alexander Kalyagin" (hereinafter - Theater), which organizes and conducts performances, entertainment performances and events, for which tickets are sold.

1.2. A ticket is an agreement for the provision of paid services in the field of culture, it is a printed strict reporting form on which ticket information is applied in accordance with the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 257 of December 17, 2008: series and ticket number; name of the performance; place, date and time of the performance; row and location of the Spectator in the hall; ticket price and other details characterizing the specifics of the service.

1.3. By purchasing a Theater ticket, the Buyer (Spectator) undertakes to comply with the established rules for selling tickets and visiting the Theater as set out in these Rules.

II. Purchasing tickets

2.1. The location of the Theatre, directions, addresses and opening hours of the box office are posted on the website

2.2. To avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations, please carefully read these Rules for visiting the Theater before purchasing a ticket.

2.3. By purchasing a ticket to a performance, the buyer undertakes to comply with these Rules and bring them to the attention of other persons who will visit the Theater with the tickets he purchased (if any such persons exist).

2.4. The ticket is valid for visiting the Theater by one person (ticket bearer). Each adult and each child, regardless of age, must have a separate ticket.

2.5. The ticket must be kept until the end of the performance and presented upon request to representatives of the Theater administration.

2.6. When purchasing a ticket to a Theater performance, you must take into account age restrictions and other warnings about the features of the performance indicated in the repertoire plan and on posters, and also find out about them from the Theater ticket office cashiers.
In the presence of such restrictions and features, claims from viewers will not be accepted!
The theater is not responsible for failure to indicate or incorrect indication of age restrictions for performances (signs of information products) in information materials and on the Internet sites of distributors and ticket agencies.
The buyer bears full responsibility for the authenticity of the ticket if he purchases it secondhand.

2.7. Purchasing tickets for minors (in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 436 of December 29, 2010 - Federal Law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”:

We invite spectators at least three years old to attend morning performances;

Children under 7 years of age enter the Theater to watch the performance only when accompanied by their parents or persons replacing them;

When purchasing tickets for minors, we recommend assessing the adequacy of their perception of the stage action and the possible specifics of their behavior when watching the performance;

The Theater administration has the right to require the accompanying person to fill out a form - a statement of acceptance of responsibility for the child’s access to information demonstrated during the performance, which may cause harm to his health and (or) development. In this case, a minor viewer is allowed to watch only with a specified accompanying person;

Persons accompanying children are obliged to monitor the children's compliance with the rules of behavior during the performance, including the child's keeping silence, staying in his place, and they are also responsible for the actions of children that may interfere with the perception of the performance by other spectators and cause damage to the property of the Theater. If the controllers on duty in the auditorium discover evidence of inappropriate behavior of a child during a performance, they have the right to demand from the accompanying person actions aimed at ensuring that the child observes the rules of behavior, or to demand that the child and the accompanying person leave the auditorium;

An accompanying person who left a child in the auditorium or other premises of the Theater unattended is responsible for the child’s inappropriate behavior in his absence, including those resulting in the child causing harm to his health, and is also liable in the amount of the cost of damage caused by the child to the Theater’s property;

Controllers on duty in the auditorium during the performance have the right to remove a child left unattended from the auditorium if he does not comply with the rules of conduct and not allow him into the hall without an accompanying person;

If the child’s appearance does not correspond to his actual age, the viewer has the right to confirm the achievement of the age specified in the sign of the information product by presenting an identification document;

Theater employees authorized to refuse children’s admission to the performance are administrators and controllers.

2.8. Refunds of tickets and ticket prices are made in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules:

In case of cancellation of a performance, tickets will be refunded within ten calendar days from the date on which the canceled performance was supposed to be held;

In case of replacement of a performance, tickets can be returned before the date of the performance, but no later than the start of the replaced performance;

After the above deadlines, the Theater does not refund the cost of tickets;

Service fees and other fees charged by distributors and ticketing agencies are not refundable by the Theater;

Damaged ticket forms cannot be returned or exchanged. The purchased ticket must be in good condition: without cuts, punctures and marked with all the attributes of the originally purchased ticket;

The decision to return tickets from spectators for reasons beyond the control of the theater is made by the Theater Administration on an individual basis based on a personal written statement written no later than the date of the performance. In the application, the viewer must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, title, as well as the date and time of the start of the performance, the cost of the ticket, the procedure for paying for the ticket;

The ticket form is attached to the application by the viewer. If the appropriate decision is made, the refund will be made within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application by the theater.

2.9. The Theater administration reserves the right to make changes to the cast of the Theater performances without prior notice. Changes in the cast are not grounds for a ticket refund.

2.10. The Theater administration reserves the right to replace one performance with another.

III. Passage and presence in the Theater

3.1. Spectators enter the Theater 60 minutes before the start of the performance. Access to the Theater is strictly by tickets through the central entrance and the entrance to the Efros Hall.

3.2. Any excuse for being late for a performance will not be accepted. Spectators must independently ensure their timely arrival at the start of the performance.

3.3. To avoid queues at the entrance to the Theater before the start of the performance, associated with ticket control and checking with metal detectors for the presence of prohibited items, you must arrive to the performance in advance.

3.4. When entering the Theater, spectators must maintain order and comply with the requirements of the administrator and controller authorized to check tickets at the entrance to the Theater, as well as those checking spectators using metal detectors.
When passing through the Spectator control:

Presents the ticket in expanded form with a control coupon to the controller;

They undergo special control, equipped with stationary and hand-held metal detectors, in order to identify items prohibited from being brought into the Theater.

If the Spectator finds items prohibited from being brought into the Theater: piercing and cutting objects, weapons, means of self-defense, as well as audio and video recording equipment, he is obliged to deposit them at the request of the Theater security service. The seized items are stored in the administrators' room in a metal cabinet under lock and key.
If the Spectator does not want to undergo control or deposit items prohibited from being brought into the Theater, the Theater administration has the right to refuse him to visit the Theater.
If the Spectator leaves the Theater, the controller has the right to demand a ticket from him when returning back to the Theater to watch the performance.

3.5. Prohibited:

Enter the Theater in work or dirty clothes, as well as in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication;

Bring large bags, shopping bags and carts into the Theater.

Littering, scattering garbage;

Move interior items;

Enter the Theater with firearms, cold steel, gas weapons, self-defense items, pyrotechnics, flammable liquids, large and dirty items.

3.6. When an organized group of spectators passes, the leader of the group hands the tickets to the controller, steps back and lets the entire group of spectators through in front of him.

3.7. It is strictly prohibited to be in the Theater without a ticket or in any office premises of the Theater outside the spectator area (auditorium, foyer, buffet, cloakroom, toilets).

3.8. After the performance, no later than the closing of the wardrobe, the audience must leave the Theater premises.

IV. Access to the auditorium and viewing of the performance

4.1. Entrance to the auditorium is possible with the first bell (no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the performance).

4.2. Spectators are required to take seats according to the row and seat number indicated on the ticket.

4.3. It is prohibited to occupy seats other than those indicated on the tickets.

4.4. The Theater administration has the right to check the availability and validity of tickets from spectators.

4.5. Entry to the auditorium after the third bell is prohibited.

4.6. Late spectators, as an exception, can watch the first act of the performance in the available free seats (if any) on the dress circle or in the boxes, while taking the seats offered by the controller (free outer seats and seats in the last rows), and change seats during intermission to the seats indicated on the tickets.

4.7. It is prohibited to stand between the rows, in the aisles and at the doors during the performance.

4.8. During the performance, you must turn off your mobile phones or switch them to silent mode.

4.9. During the performance, it is prohibited to walk in the auditorium, make noise, talk, eat or drink, or talk on the phone.
Parents or teachers must ensure that their children do not interfere with the viewing of the performance by other spectators.
For violation of order in the auditorium, the Theater administration has the right to demand the violator to leave the auditorium.

4.10. Photos, video recordings, and audio recordings of the performance are prohibited.

4.11. After the end of the performance, you must remain in your seats until the lights are fully turned on.

4.12. When attending a performance in a group, the group leader and parents take full responsibility for each child in the group. During the performance, accompanying persons are also responsible for the behavior of their charges.

4.13. It is strictly forbidden to: enter the auditorium wearing outerwear and a headdress or bring them into the auditorium; bring into the auditorium: large backpacks, large packages, large bags, briefcases, suitcases, cameras, video cameras, players, tape recorders, other audio and video recording equipment, food and drinks; objects that stain chairs.

Before purchasing tickets, carefully read the rules for visiting our theater, as well as the procedure for purchasing and returning tickets.

Rules for spectators and guests visiting events of the Federal State Budgetary Cultural Institution "Russian State Academic Youth Theater" (RAMT), purchasing and returning tickets and subscriptions

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules have been developed for the purpose of holding performances and other RAMT events at the proper artistic and organizational level, including ensuring the safety of spectators, guests and RAMT employees, the safety of RAMT property, and the protection of public order.

1.2. In order to avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations, you must carefully read these Rules before purchasing a ticket/subscription/pre-registration (registration) to participate in RAMT events.

1.3. Spectators are individuals who acquire the right to attend RAMT events on a paid basis.

1.4. Guests are individuals who acquire the right to attend RAMT events without payment.

1.5. These Rules are brought to the attention of viewers and guests of RAMT by posting them at the RAMT box office, as well as on the official website www.. The purchase of a ticket/subscription by a viewer, the sending of identification data by a guest during pre-registration for a public event is the unconditional acceptance by the viewer, guest of all terms of the offer without any exceptions and/or restrictions and is equivalent to concluding a written contract. In the event of conflict situations, spectators/guests of RAMT and the theater administration will be guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

1.6. RAMT undertakes to do everything possible to ensure that the events stated in the repertoire/educational projects take place on the appointed days and times, at the proper artistic, organizational and technical level.

1.7. In exceptional cases, RAMT reserves the right to make individual changes to the event program, dates and lineup of performers. These changes cannot serve as a basis for returning tickets, unless otherwise provided by these Rules.

2. Procedure for visiting the theater

2.1. The right to attend theater events arises for persons
2.1.1. who purchased tickets to the RAMT event in the ways specified in these Rules;
2.1.2. who have purchased subscriptions to RAMT events after enrolling in clubs (the procedure for enrolling in clubs is determined on the official website (section "Educational Projects"/Family Club/Theater Dictionary/Club "Premiere");
2.1.3. who have received confirmation from the theater of pre-registration to attend an event, admission to which is free of charge.

2.2. RAMT events, which can be attended by tickets:
2.2.1. Performances of the current repertoire and premiere performances;
2.2.2. Theatrical quest “To the aid of the Canterville Ghost” (intended for group visits, carried out with a group of 10 people, the total number of participants in one event is no more than 20 people);
2.2.3. Excursions around the theater building “How a person turns into a spectator”, “Secrets of the backstage” (intended for group visits, conducted with a group of 20 people).

2.3. RAMT events, which can be attended by subscription after registration in the clubs:
2.3.1. Family Club subscription;
2.3.2. Subscription "Theater Dictionary";
2.3.3. Premiere subscription.

2.4. RAMT events, visits to which are by appointment, without payment, in the manner established on the official website (section "Educational projects"):
2.4.1. Trainings for school teachers on theater pedagogy "Teachers Club";
2.4.2. Events of the Youth Educational Project "THEATRE+";
2.4.3. Events of the laboratory of aspiring journalists at the Press Club theater.

2.5. By purchasing a ticket to a performance or a subscription to RAMT events, the viewer agrees with these Rules and undertakes the obligation to:
2.5.1. comply with these Rules and bring them to the attention of other persons who will visit RAMT using the tickets/subscriptions purchased by him (if there are such persons). Responsibility for compliance with these Rules by minor spectators lies with their parents/legal representatives or accompanying persons (hereinafter referred to as accompanying persons) who have reached the age of majority;
2.5.2. comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 436-FZ of December 29, 2010 “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”;
2.5.3. comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 23, 2012 “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.”

2.6. Guests of RAMT, by sending their identification data during pre-registration for a public event and presenting an identification document at the control at RAMT, express their agreement with these Rules and undertake to comply with them on the premises of RAMT, as well as comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of February 23, 2012 . No. 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption."

2.7. Spectator entry to performances on the RAMT Big Stage begins 45 minutes before the start of the event.

2.8. Audience entry to performances on the Little Stage, White Room, Black Room, and Theater Courtyard begins 20 minutes before the start of the performance.

2.9. Entry to public events begins 30 minutes before the start of the event.

2.10. Entrance to spectator club classes (with subscriptions) begins no earlier than 30 minutes before the start of the class.

2.11. Any excuse for being late to an event will not be accepted. Spectators/guests must independently ensure that they arrive on time for the start of the event.

2.12. To avoid queues at the entrance to RAMT, you must arrive at the event in advance before the start of the event.

2.13. Access to the events specified in clause 2.2. of these Rules, is carried out strictly by tickets through the central entrance and the entrance to the Small Stage with a separate ticket for each spectator, regardless of age, including a separate ticket purchased for each child.

2.14. Access to club events specified in clause 2.3. of these Rules, is carried out upon presentation of the program of events of the subscription through the central or service entrance, accompanied by the head of the club.

2.15. Access to the events specified in clause 2.4. of these Rules, is carried out by appointment, strictly according to the list upon presentation of an identity document, through the central entrance or through the service entrance.

2.16. When entering the event, documents giving the right to attend the event are checked and the identity of the viewer/guest is identified in order to confirm his compliance with age restrictions.

2.17. Passage of spectators/guests into the theater building is carried out through a control line equipped with stationary and manual metal detectors in order to identify items prohibited from being brought into the building in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.11.2017 N 176 “On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) in the field of culture and safety passport forms for these objects (territories)."

2.18. Spectators/guests must maintain order and comply with the requirements of the administrator and controller authorized to check documents at the entrance to the RAMT, as well as persons checking spectators at the control line.

2.19. Persons with pacemakers and other medical devices must inform the administrator or controller when approaching the control line. Persons with limited physical capabilities (using aids for movement) are subject to inspection at the control line with hand-held metal detectors, and the persons accompanying them pass the control line on a general basis.

2.20. If a viewer/guest is found in possession of prohibited items (piercing and cutting objects, weapons, self-defense equipment, as well as professional audio and video recording equipment), he is obliged to deposit them at the request of the RAMT security service.

2.21. If the viewer/guest is unwilling/refuses to go through control or deposit items prohibited from being brought into the RAMT, the administration has the right to refuse him or her to visit the RAMT. However, the cost of the ticket/pass is non-refundable.

2.22. In order to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development,” it is necessary to clarify the age restrictions that allow maintaining the information security of children at RAMT events. This information is contained in the posters on the official website www.. When purchasing a ticket/subscription, the viewer agrees to follow the recommendations on age restrictions. RAMT is not responsible for the viewer's violation of these recommendations. RAMT is not responsible for failure to indicate or incorrect indication of the age limit in information materials and on the Internet sites of RAMT's ticket sales partners and/or their subagents.

2.23. The administration of RAMT has the right not to allow children under a certain age corresponding to the age limit to attend the performance; objections from spectators regarding the exclusion of children from RAMT on this basis will not be accepted. RAMT employees authorized to refuse admission of children to the performance are controllers of the Administrative Service, administrators of the Administrative Service (controllers, administrators).

2.24. If the appearance of a child does not correspond to his actual age, the viewer has the right to confirm that the child has reached a certain age by presenting an identification document. If there are no identification documents, the RAMT administration has the right to not allow the child to attend the performance.

2.25. Children aged 6 years and older are allowed to attend the matinee performances (age limit sign 6+). Nevertheless, RAMT allows spectators aged three years and older to watch morning performances at the discretion of accompanying persons. Children under 7 years of age are admitted to RAMT to watch the performance only with an accompanying person. Persons accompanying children independently monitor the child’s behavior and decide whether the child should stop watching due to the risk of harm to the health and (or) development of the child based on his individual characteristics. Persons accompanying children are obliged to monitor the children's compliance with the rules of conduct during the performance, including the child's keeping silence, staying in the place for which the ticket was purchased, and are also responsible for carrying out actions that could interfere with the perception of the performance by other spectators, cause damage to the property of RAMT or other viewers. If children break the silence and interfere with the event, RAMT reserves the right to ask accompanying persons to remove the children from the hall.

2.26. Evening performances are not recommended for viewing by children under 12 years old (age limit sign 12+ and above). Children over 12 years of age may only be allowed to watch evening performances with an accompanying person. Persons accompanying children over 12 years of age who organize a child’s viewing of an evening performance with an age limit of 16+ / 18+ independently monitor the child’s behavior and decide whether the child should stop viewing due to the risk of harm to the child’s health and (or) development based on his individual characteristics. Persons accompanying children are obliged to monitor the children's compliance with the rules of conduct during the performance, including the child's keeping silence, staying in the place for which the ticket was purchased, and are also responsible for carrying out actions that could interfere with the perception of the performance by other spectators, cause damage to the property of RAMT or other viewers. If children break the silence and interfere with the event, RAMT reserves the right to ask accompanying persons to remove the children from the hall.

2.27. An accompanying person who leaves a child in the auditorium or other premises of the RAMT unattended is responsible for the child’s inappropriate behavior in his absence, including that resulting in damage to the property of the RAMT. Controllers on duty in the auditorium during the performance have the right to remove an unattended child from the auditorium if he does not comply with the rules of behavior and not allow him into the hall without an accompanying person.

2.28. Entry to events with an age limit of 16+, 18+ for the specified age categories of spectators is carried out upon presentation of identification documents (passport, driver's license, student ID, etc.). In the absence of an identification document, the RAMT administration has the right to not allow the viewer to attend the event.

2.29. Presentation at the theater entry control line of tickets/subscriptions purchased by the viewer in other ways than specified in paragraphs. 6.1., 6.3. of these Rules, and/or printed on forms that differ from the sample tickets in these Rules, gives the theater the right to refuse the viewer admission to the event due to the fact that the sale of tickets/subscriptions by persons who are not official partners of RAMT or their subagents is not allowed; tickets/passes that do not comply with the design elements established by these Rules, contain corrections, or counterfeit tickets/passes are invalid, do not provide the right to attend RAMT events and are not accepted for return.

2.30. If a viewer/guest leaves the theater, the controller has the right to demand a ticket/subscription from him or to re-take measures to identify him when returning back to the theater to attend the event.

2.31. Prohibited:
- enter the auditorium wearing work clothes (work clothes) or dirty, dirty clothes, as well as in a state of alcoholic, toxic or narcotic intoxication;
- bring large bags and backpacks, large packages, briefcases, suitcases, shopping bags and carts into the auditorium.
- bring food and drinks into the auditorium;
- litter, scatter garbage in the theater building;
- smoking in all areas of the theater;
- move interior items;
- enter the stage, technical and service premises;
- visit a theater with animals;
- use photo, video and audio equipment during the event;
- bring weapons (firearms, cold steel), ammunition, gas cylinders and metered aerosol spray devices, electric shock devices, flammable and explosive substances, piercing/cutting objects, bottles (containers) with liquids into the theater building.

2.32. When an organized group of spectators passes, the leader of the group hands over the tickets to the controller, steps back and lets the entire group of spectators through in line in front of him.

2.33. If a child is late, an accompanying person will meet him at the entrance.

2.34. Spectators who have purchased tickets for a performance on the Big Stage have the right to be in the part of the auditorium corresponding to the place indicated on the ticket, in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, the foyer of the stalls, mezzanine, balcony, in the audience buffet and use the spectator seating available in the spectator area of ​​the Big Stage toilets.

2.35. Spectators who have purchased tickets for the performance of the Black Room have the right to be in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, the stalls foyer, in the spectators' buffet, and to use the spectator toilets available in the spectator area of ​​the Big Stage.

2.36. Spectators who have purchased tickets to a performance on the Small Stage have the right to be in the auditorium of the Small Stage, in the foyer of the Small Stage and the wardrobe of the Small Stage, as well as to use the spectator toilets of the Small Stage available there.

2.37. Spectators who have purchased tickets for a performance of the White Room have the right to be in the auditorium of the White Room, in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, as well as to use the spectator toilets available in the spectator area of ​​the Big Stage.

2.38. Spectators who have purchased tickets for a performance in the Theater Yard have the right to be in the auditorium of the Theater Yard, in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, and to use the toilets available in the spectator area of ​​the Big Stage.

2.39. It is strictly prohibited to be in the theater building without a ticket/subscription and in any office premises outside the spectator area (auditorium, foyer, buffet, cloakroom, toilets).

2.40. The ticket must be kept until the end of the performance and presented upon request to representatives of the RAMT administration.

2.41. Guests listed at RAMT for public events must stay exclusively at the venue of the event. Staying in other premises, including RAMT office premises, outside the venue of the event is strictly prohibited.

2.42. While in the theater building, spectators/guests are obliged to: treat the theater property with care, maintain cleanliness, public order, and fire safety rules. In the event of an emergency and the alarm sounds, spectators/guests must follow the instructions of RAMT employees.

2.43. If RAMT causes material damage, the viewer/guest is obliged to compensate it in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.44. The viewer/guest is obliged not to allow a disrespectful attitude towards the RAMT administration and service personnel, violation of generally accepted rules and norms of behavior (obscene language, aggressive or immoral behavior, disturbing the silence in the hall, the use of objects that create a noise effect and disturb other viewers/guests).

2.45. Spectators/guests who do not comply with the legal instructions of the RAMT administration and service personnel, violating the rules and norms of behavior, may be removed from the theater building or handed over to the police, and the cost of tickets/subscriptions will not be compensated or returned.

3. Wardrobe

3.1. Outerwear, hats, large bags and backpacks, large bags, briefcases, suitcases, shopping bags and trolleys must be handed over to the cloakroom by spectators/guests in exchange for a number.

3.2. The theater is not responsible for the loss of money, precious items and other valuables left unattended by the viewer or handed over to the cloakroom along with outerwear.

3.3. If a viewer/guest loses a number from the cloakroom, he reimburses the theater for its cost in the amount of 300 rubles in the form of a fine for damage caused to RAMT property, within the framework of the conclusive agreement on the storage of the viewer/guest’s belongings, concluded at the time of depositing the items in the cloakroom, confirmed by the issued number. Clothing for a spectator/guest who has lost his number will be issued last.

3.4. After the end of the event, the wardrobe is open for 30 minutes.

4. Theater buffet

4.1. The theater buffet on the Big Stage is open 45 minutes before the start of the performance. At performances on the Small Stage, Black Room, 20 minutes before the start of the performance.

4.2. After the third bell, the theater buffet closes and does not serve spectators. Service resumes during intermissions of the performance. The theater buffet does not serve spectators during or after the performance.

5. Procedure for entering the auditorium and viewing the event

5.1. During the period when spectators/guests are in the theater building, controllers, an administrator or an event manager work.

5.2. Spectators should take seats in the theater auditoriums in accordance with the information about the sector, row and place indicated on the ticket. It is prohibited to occupy seats other than those indicated on the tickets without the consent of the administration or controllers.

5.3. Spectators who have purchased season tickets and guests are accommodated in the event halls under the guidance of RAMT controllers and the event director in the available seats (free seating).

5.4. During the event, spectators/guests are required to turn off the sound signals of mobile phones.

5.5. Entrance to the auditorium is possible with the first bell (no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the performance).

5.6. Entry into the auditorium after the third bell is prohibited.

5.7. Spectators who are late for a performance on the Big Stage (not counting performances held on the Big Stage in a small format (seats are located on the stage)), as an exception, may be allowed by the controllers to empty seats (if any) on the mezzanine or balcony (free outermost seats, and seats in the last rows), with the opportunity to change seats during intermission to the seats indicated on the tickets.

5.8. Entrance to the auditorium for small-format performances (performances in the Black Room, White Room, on the Small Stage, in the Theater Yard, in a small format on the Big Stage) after the third bell is strictly prohibited.

5.9. It is prohibited to stand between the rows, in the aisles and at the doors during a performance or other event held in the auditorium.

5.10. During the performance, it is prohibited to walk in the auditorium, make noise, talk, eat or drink, or talk on the phone. When attending a performance in a group, the group leader and accompanying persons assume full responsibility for the behavior of each group member.

5.11. Photos, video recordings, and audio recordings of the performance are strictly prohibited.

5.12. After the end of the performance, you should remain in your seats until the lights are fully turned on.

6. Methods for purchasing a ticket/subscription and samples of ticket/subscription forms

6.1. Tickets for RAMT events can be purchased:
6.1.1. at the RAMT box office located at the address: Moscow, Teatralnaya sq., 2; Moscow, st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 2. Cash desks are open daily from 11:00 to 20:00. When RAMT's daytime events start at 11:00, the ticket office starts working at 10:00;
6.1.2. on the official website;
6.1.3. RAMT's official partners for ticket sales: IT Structure LLC (, Yandex.MediaServices LLC (, KASSIR.RU LLC (www.msk.kassir. ru), LLC "Moscow Directorate of Theater, Concert and Sports and Entertainment Box Offices" (;
6.1.4. from the subagents of RAMT partners listed above (the list of subagents can be obtained from the corresponding RAMT partner).
6.2. RAMT partners have the right to provide viewers with services related to the purchase of tickets. The total cost of related services must be less than 10 percent of the price indicated on the ticket.
6.3. Subscriptions to RAMT events can be purchased at the RAMT box office after registering for clubs in the manner specified on the official website (section “Educational Projects”/Family Club/Theater Dictionary/Club “Premiere”).

6.11. The viewer bears full responsibility for the authenticity of the ticket/subscription if it is purchased from hand and/or in places other than the official distribution points specified in paragraphs. 6.1., 6.3. of these Rules.

7. Rules for purchasing and returning tickets through RAMT ticket offices

7.1. The viewer has the opportunity to purchase tickets/subscriptions at the RAMT box office. The location and opening hours of the box office are indicated on the official website www.. Subscriptions are purchased only after registration in the clubs based on the name list from the head of the RAMT club activities on dates specified additionally. When purchasing season tickets, the viewer confirms the appointment with the head of the club activities and his identity with an identification document.

7.2. By purchasing a ticket at the RAMT box office, the viewer receives a cash receipt and a ticket for the performance, which is an agreement for the provision of paid services in the field of culture, is a printed strict reporting form, which, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 257 of December 17, 2008 . Ticket information is included: series and ticket number, name of the event, date and time of the start of the event, location, sector, row, place, price and age limit. The ticket must correspond to the sample specified in clause 6.4. of these Rules. The cash receipt must contain the mandatory details specified by Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003 “On the use of cash register equipment when making payments in the Russian Federation.”

7.3. By purchasing a subscription at the RAMT box office, the viewer receives a cash receipt, a subscription form indicating the type of subscription and the nature of the events being held, and a ticket to attend events on the subscription, which is an agreement for the provision of paid services in the field of culture, is a printed form of strict reporting, for which in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 257 of December 17, 2008, ticket information is printed: series and ticket number, name of the event, date and time of the start of the event, location, sector, row, place, price and age limit. The subscription must correspond to the model specified in clause 6.10. of these Rules. The cash receipt must contain the mandatory details specified by Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003 “On the use of cash register equipment when making payments in the Russian Federation.” The date and time of the start of the subscription event, sector, row, place are established conditionally based on the technical capabilities of the automated ticket system used by the theater. The day of the subscription event is the day of the first event provided for by the subscription according to the program of subscription events established by the theatre. Tickets for performances included in the program of events of the subscription are purchased by spectators separately in accordance with the general procedure.

7.4. A ticket/subscription to RAMT is valid only with a cash receipt. RAMT ticket/subscription is not duplicated.

7.5. A cash receipt and ticket/subscription to RAMT with corrections, stickers and damage significant for identification is invalid and releases RAMT from any obligations regarding it.

7.6. By paying for a ticket/subscription, the viewer confirms the fact of concluding an agreement for the provision of paid services in the field of culture with RAMT, as well as agreement with these Rules.

7.7. When purchasing a ticket to a performance, the viewer agrees to follow the age restrictions. RAMT is not responsible for a viewer’s violation of these recommendations and has the right to not allow a viewer who does not meet the age limit to attend the performance.

7.8. Tickets are sold at the RAMT box office in cash, using bank cards of payment systems VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay, JCB, MIR in Russian rubles, at the prices indicated on the tickets.

7.9. If the viewer provides the RAMT ticket cashier with an e-mail address before calculating, the cash receipt in electronic form is sent to the provided e-mail address (if it is technically possible to transmit information to the viewer in electronic form to the e-mail address).

7.10. Return of tickets/passes purchased at the RAMT ticket office is carried out at the RAMT ticket office (at the place of purchase) only upon presentation of the ticket/pass and a cash receipt, based on a personal written application in the cases established by these Rules.

7.11. Tickets/passes corresponding to the samples in these Rules with an intact control coupon are subject to return. Tickets/passes with cost (price) information taped over, covered up or otherwise changed are not refundable.

7.12. If an event is canceled, tickets/subscriptions are returned at the RAMT ticket offices starting from the day the theater posted information about the cancellation on the official website and in the theater box office until the date and time when the event/first event of the subscription was supposed to take place, as well as within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date on which the event/first event of the subscription was supposed to take place. In case of cancellation of the event, the full cost of the ticket will be refunded to the viewer on his initiative.

7.13. Tickets purchased for an event that is subsequently replaced or rescheduled by the theater will be valid for the newly announced event.

7.14. When replacing or postponing an event, tickets are returned at the initiative of the viewer at the RAMT ticket offices before the originally set date and time of the start of the replaced or rescheduled event. In the event of a replacement or postponement of the event, the full cost of the ticket will be refunded to the viewer who returns the ticket within the specified period.

7.15. When the viewer returns the ticket in the cases established by paragraphs. 7.12., 7.14. of these Rules, RAMT ticket cashiers have the right to offer him to attend this event at another time or attend another event or return the cost of the ticket.

7.16. Refunds when returning tickets/subscriptions to ticket offices are made only for tickets purchased at RAMT ticket offices. Refunds for tickets purchased in cash are made in cash. Refunds for tickets purchased using bank cards are made to the same bank card with which they were paid, within the time frame and in the manner established by the issuing bank.

7.17. Refund of a ticket/pass if a viewer refuses to attend an event due to documented circumstances related to the viewer’s illness or the death of a person who was a member of his family or his close relative in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7.18. If a viewer refuses to attend the event for reasons not provided for in clause 7.17. of these Rules, the viewer has the right when returning a ticket/subscription:

7.18.1. no later than 10 (ten) days before the day of the event/day of the first event of the subscription, receive 100% of the ticket/pass price back;
7.18.2. less than 10 (ten) days, but no later than 5 (five) days before the day of the event/day of the first event of the subscription, receive 50% of the ticket/pass price back;
7.18.3. less than 5 (five) days, but no later than 3 (three) days before the day of the event/day of the first event of the subscription, receive 30% of the ticket/pass price back.

7.19. If a viewer refuses to attend an event for reasons not provided for in clause 7.17 of these Rules, less than 3 (three) days before the day of the event/day of the first event of the subscription, tickets/passes will not be accepted for return, the cost of the ticket/pass paid the viewer does not return.

7.20. Tickets sold by RAMT ticket offices as part of special programs and promotions that provide special conditions for purchasing tickets are not accepted for return. Information about special programs and promotions is posted on the official website RAMT also has the right to distribute information about special programs and promotions to the existing viewer base.

7.21. In the case of returning tickets/passes for RAMT events at the request of the viewer (clauses 7.17, 7.18 of these Rules), the viewer must personally contact one of the RAMT ticket offices during opening hours and submit the following documents:

7.21.1. Application for a refund of payment for a returned ticket indicating the reason for returning the ticket. In the application, the viewer must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, name, as well as the date and time of the start of the event, the cost (price) of the ticket, the procedure for paying for the ticket (cash, payment by bank card), the reason for returning the ticket in the cases established by paragraph. 7.17. these Rules;
7.21.2. Identity document (original for presentation and a copy);
7.21.3. Ticket;
7.21.4. A cash receipt confirming the fact of purchasing a ticket in cash or using a bank card at the RAMT ticket office.

7.22. On the day the viewer provides all the documents specified in clause 7.21. of these Rules, the RAMT ticket cashier reviews the application and returns the ticket/subscription; within 3 (Three) days from the date of the decision on the viewer’s application, refunds the funds via cash register in a manner similar to the method of purchasing a ticket/subscription.

8. Rules for purchasing and returning tickets through the official website

8.1. On the official website www.. Season tickets are sold only at ticket offices in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

8.2. To purchase tickets through the site, you must click on the “Buy tickets” button on the main page of the site or in the “Poster” section, selecting a specific event. When the button is pressed, the viewer goes to the automated system for booking and purchasing electronic tickets of the official partner of RAMT, Yandex.Mediaservices LLC (Yandex.Afisha widget) and carries out the actions proposed by the specified system.

8.3. Tickets can be purchased through the website only using a bank card.

8.4. By purchasing a ticket through the website, the viewer receives an electronic ticket and a cash receipt to the email address specified by him. The electronic ticket must comply with the model specified in clause 6.5. of these Rules. The cash receipt must contain the mandatory details specified by Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003 “On the use of cash register equipment when making payments in the Russian Federation.”

8.5. The viewer must print out the electronic ticket and cash receipt independently and present it at the RAMT control line. The theater does not provide the service of printing electronic tickets and cash receipts at RAMT ticket offices.

8.6. An electronic ticket is valid for one person, regardless of age, and gives the right to a single entry to the event indicated on the electronic ticket.

8.7. A printed electronic ticket and a cash receipt with corrections are considered invalid.

8.8. Refunds of tickets purchased through the site are made by the viewer, taking into account the requirements and restrictions established by paragraphs. 7.12., 7.17., 7.18., 7.19., 7.20. of these Rules, in the manner established by the automated system for booking and purchasing electronic tickets of the official partner of RAMT, Yandex.Mediaservices LLC (Yandex.Afisha widget).

8.9. Refunds are made to the same bank card from which the tickets were paid.

8.10. RAMT is not responsible for temporary interruption of the site.

8.11. RAMT is not responsible for any losses incurred due to the use or inability to use the site and unauthorized access to the site.

9. Rules for purchasing and returning tickets from official RAMT partners (their subagents)

9.1. The viewer can purchase tickets for RAMT events from official partners specified in these Rules. Purchasing tickets from other persons is not permitted. Such tickets are not accepted by the theater and do not give the viewer the right to attend events.

9.2. Tickets sold by official partners of RAMT must comply with the samples specified in paragraphs. 6.6. - 6.9. of these Rules.

9.3. Official partners of RAMT are responsible for the actions of their subagents as if they were their own.

9.4. The sale of tickets by official partners of RAMT is carried out in the manner established by each specific partner. Information on the procedure for purchasing tickets can be found on the websites of official partners specified in these Rules.

9.5. All official partners of RAMT have the right to provide spectators with related services when selling tickets and charge spectators a fee for their provision. The total cost of related services of the official partner should not exceed the amount established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.6. RAMT does not refund money paid by the viewer to official partners of RAMT or their subagents in excess of the ticket price (cost of related services).

9.7. All official partners of RAMT accept tickets for return from spectators and refund payments in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the requirements and restrictions established by paragraphs. 7.12., 7.14., 7.17., 7.18., 7.19., 7.20. of these Rules.

9.8. Information on the procedure for returning tickets to official partners of RAMT can be found on the websites of official partners specified in these Rules.

9.9. RAMT ticket offices do not accept refunds of tickets/electronic tickets purchased by spectators from official partners.

written in specially dry legal language
to avoid misinterpretation

    General provisions.

    1. Dear viewers! Please pay attention to these Rules, which must be followed so that the evening spent in our Theater leaves the most pleasant impressions.
    2. The purpose of these rules is to ensure the safety of the Theater’s property, protect public order, and ensure the safety of spectators and Theater employees.
    3. By purchasing a ticket for a Theater performance and presenting it for control at the Theater, the viewer agrees with these Rules and undertakes to comply with these Rules and public order in the Theater building.
  1. Purchasing a ticket.

    1. To avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations, please carefully read these Rules for visiting the Theater before purchasing a ticket.
    2. By purchasing a ticket for a performance, the buyer undertakes to comply with these Rules and bring them to the attention of other persons who will visit the Theater with the tickets he purchased (if any such persons exist).
    3. The ticket is valid for visiting the Theater by one person (ticket bearer). Each adult and each child, regardless of age, must have a separate ticket.
    4. The ticket must be kept until the end of the performance and presented upon request to representatives of the Theater administration.
    5. When purchasing a ticket to a Theater performance, you must take into account age restrictions and other warnings about the features of the performance indicated in the repertoire plan and on posters, and also find out about them from the Theater ticket office cashiers.
      In the presence of such restrictions and features, claims from viewers will not be accepted!
    6. Purchasing tickets for minors:

      • We invite spectators no younger than 7 years old to attend morning performances;
      • viewing evening performances is not recommended for children under 12 years of age;
      • children under 14 years of age enter the Theater to watch a performance only when accompanied by their parents or persons replacing them;

      When purchasing tickets for minors, we recommend assessing the adequacy of their perception of the stage action and the possible specifics of their behavior when watching the performance.

    7. The Theater administration reserves the right to make changes to the cast of the Theater performances without prior notice. Changes in the cast are not grounds for a ticket refund.
    8. The Theater administration reserves the right to replace one performance with another.
  2. Passage and presence in the Theater.

    1. Spectators are allowed into the Theater 45 minutes before the start of the performance.
      Access to the Theater is strictly by tickets through the central entrance of the Old and New stages of the Theater.
    2. Any excuse for being late for a performance will not be accepted. Spectators must independently ensure their timely arrival at the start of the performance.
    3. To avoid queues at the entrance to the Theater before the start of the performance, associated with ticket control and checking with metal detectors for the presence of prohibited items, you must arrive to the performance in advance.
    4. When entering the Theater, spectators must maintain order and comply with the requirements of the administrator and controller authorized to check tickets at the entrance to the Theater, as well as persons checking spectators using metal detectors.

      When passing through the control the spectator:

      • presents the ticket in expanded form with a control coupon to the controller;
      • undergoes a standard inspection procedure for personal belongings and special control, equipped with stationary and hand-held metal detectors, in order to identify items prohibited from being brought into the Theater.

      If a viewer finds items prohibited from being brought into the Theater: piercing and cutting objects, weapons, means of self-defense, alcoholic beverages, as well as audio and video recording equipment, he is obliged to deposit them at the request of the Theater security service. For their storage, control is equipped with special safes.

      If the viewer does not want to go through control or deposit items prohibited from being brought into the Theater, the Theater administration has the right to refuse him to visit the Theater.

    5. If a spectator leaves the Theater, the controller has the right to demand a ticket from him when returning back to the Theater to watch the performance.
    6. Prohibited:

      • enter the Theater in work or dirty clothes, as well as in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication;
      • the administration also has the right to prevent persons with obvious signs of a severe cold from entering the theater;
      • bring large and shopping bags and carts into the Theater.
    7. When an organized group of spectators passes, the leader of the group hands over the tickets to the controller, steps back and lets the entire group of spectators through in front of him.
      The teacher meets a late child, accompanied by a parent, at the entrance.
    8. It is strictly prohibited to be in the Theater without a ticket or in any office premises of the Theater outside the spectator area (auditorium, foyer, buffet, cloakroom, toilets).
    9. After the performance, no later than the closing of the wardrobe, the audience must leave the Theater premises.
  3. Entering the auditorium and watching the performance.

    1. Entrance to the auditorium is possible with the first bell (no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the performance).
    2. Spectators are required to take seats according to the row and seat number indicated on the ticket.
    3. It is prohibited to occupy seats other than those indicated on the tickets without the approval of the administration.
    4. The Theater administration has the right to check the availability and validity of tickets from spectators.
    5. Entry into the auditorium after the third bell is prohibited.
    6. Spectators who are late for performances of the New Stage, as an exception, can watch the first act in the amphitheater, on the balcony or galleries - if there are free seats there, while taking the seats offered by the controller (free outer seats and seats in the last rows). If there are no available seats, latecomers will be asked to wait in the lobby or box office lobby for intermission. For performances on the Old Stage, entry into the hall during the performance is strictly prohibited.
    7. It is prohibited to stand between the rows, in the aisles and at the doors during the performance.
    8. During the performance, you must turn off your mobile phones or switch them to silent mode.
    9. During the performance, it is prohibited to walk in the auditorium, make noise, talk, eat or drink, talk on the phone, comment or discuss the performance with other spectators, translate, or use personal lighting.

      Parents or teachers must ensure that their children do not interfere with the viewing of the performance by other spectators.

      For violation of order in the auditorium, the Theater administration has the right to demand the violator to leave the auditorium and, in case of failure to comply with the requirement, remove him from the auditorium.

    10. Photos, video recordings, and audio recordings of the performance are prohibited.
    11. After the end of the performance, you must remain in your seats until the lights are fully turned on.
    12. When attending a performance in a group, the group leader and parents take full responsibility for each child in the group.

      During the performance, accompanying persons are also responsible for the behavior of their charges.

    13. It is strictly forbidden to: enter the auditorium wearing outerwear and a headdress or bring them into the auditorium; bring into the auditorium: large backpacks, large packages, large bags, briefcases, suitcases, cameras, video cameras, players, tape recorders, other audio and video recording equipment, food and drinks; objects that stain chairs.
  4. Theater buffet.

    1. The theater buffet is open for 45 minutes before the start of the performance.
    2. After the third bell, the theater buffet closes and does not serve spectators.
  5. Wardrobe.

    1. Outerwear must be handed over to the cloakroom by spectators.

      The theater is not responsible for the loss of money, other currency valuables, securities and other precious things left unattended by the viewer or handed over to the wardrobe, along with outerwear.

    2. If a viewer loses a number from the wardrobe, the viewer reimburses the Theater for its cost in the amount of 500 rubles.
      Clothing for a spectator who has lost his number will be issued last.
    3. After the end of the performance, the wardrobe is open for 30 minutes.
  6. Other conditions.

    1. While in the Theater, spectators are obliged to: treat the property of the theater with care, maintain cleanliness, public order, fire safety rules and these Rules.

      In case of material damage to the Theater, the spectator is obliged to compensate it in full, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. In the Theater Spectators are prohibited from:

      • litter, scatter garbage;
      • move interior items;
      • enter the Theater with firearms, cold steel, gas weapons, self-defense items, pyrotechnics, flammable liquids, large and dirty items.
    3. The viewer is obliged not to allow a disrespectful attitude towards the Theater administration and service personnel, violation of generally accepted rules and norms of behavior (obscene language, aggressive behavior, disturbing the silence in the hall, the use of objects that create a noise effect and disturb the audience).
    4. Smoking is prohibited in the Theater.
    5. It is strictly forbidden to enter the stage, technical and service premises.
    6. Spectators who do not comply with the legal instructions of the Theater administration and service personnel, violating the rules and norms of behavior may be removed from the Theater, and the cost of services (tickets) will not be compensated or returned.

Smoking and the use of smoke machines on stage during the performance

The theater administration warns spectators that during some performances, in order to fulfill the creative tasks set by the director, the author's remarks, the actors smoke on stage, and that a smoke machine, dry ice, and a strobe (flickering light) are used to create various stage effects:

  • “Easy Breathing” smoking on stage
  • “Alice through the Looking Glass” uses a smoke machine, pyrotechnics
  • "Amphitryon" a smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “The Madwoman of Chaillot” a smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “Dowry” smoking on stage
  • "Volemir" smoking on stage
  • “Wolves and Sheep” smoking on stage
  • “Meetings. In the space of partings" (project of Studio 711) smoking on stage
  • “Dar” a smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “...Souls” smoke machine is used
  • “Heartbreak House” smoking on stage
  • "Egyptian brand" smoke machine used, smoking on stage
  • "Spaniards in Denmark" smoke machine used, smoking on stage
  • “What a pity...” smoking on stage
  • "Captain Fracasse" uses a smoke machine, pyrotechnics
  • “Summer wasps bite us even in November” smoke on stage
  • “Mother Courage” a smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “The Master and Margarita” smoke machine, strobe light used, smoking on stage
  • "Rhinoceros" smoke machine used, smoking on stage
  • “One absolutely happy village” smoking on stage
  • "Olympia" smoke machine, strobe light used, smoking on stage
  • “Last Dates” smoke machine used, smoking on stage
  • “Cursed North” smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “Five Evenings” smoking on stage
  • “Ruslan and Lyudmila” a smoke machine is used, dry ice evaporates
  • “Russian man at rendez-vous” a smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “Red” strobe light used, smoking on stage
  • “The most important thing” a smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “Family Happiness” smoking on stage
  • "Funny Man" smoke machine used
  • "A Midsummer Night's Dream" uses a smoke machine
  • “Theatrical Romance” a smoke machine is used, smoking on stage
  • “Topolya” smoking on stage
  • “Triptych” a smoke machine is used, dry ice evaporates
  • “The Seagull” smoking on stage

The stage is equipped with a powerful exhaust hood and a modern fire extinguishing system. The smoke machine has all certificates of conformity. Please take this information into account when planning to attend these performances.

Visiting the theater by spectators with disabilities

The premises of the New Theater Stage at the address: emb. T. Shevchenko, 29 is accessible to persons in wheelchairs. To coordinate the possibility of viewing performances by people in wheelchairs, contact the administration by phone. +7 495 645-33-12

1. General Provisions.

    1.1. Dear viewers! Please pay attention to these Rules, which must be followed so that the evening spent in our Theater leaves the most pleasant impressions.

    1.2. The purpose of these rules is to ensure the safety of the Theater’s property, protect public order, and ensure the safety of spectators and Theater employees.

    1.3. By purchasing a ticket to a Theater performance and presenting it for control at the Theater, the viewer agrees with these Rules and undertakes to comply with these Rules and public order in the Theater building.

2. Purchasing a ticket.

    2.1. To avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations, please carefully read these Rules for visiting the Theater before purchasing a ticket.

    2.2. By purchasing a ticket to a performance, the buyer undertakes to comply with these Rules and bring them to the attention of other persons who will visit the Theater with the tickets he purchased (if any such persons exist).

    2.3. The ticket is valid for visiting the Theater by one person (ticket bearer). Each adult and each child, regardless of age, must have a separate ticket.

    2.4. The ticket must be kept until the end of the performance and presented upon request to representatives of the Theater administration.

    2.5. When purchasing a ticket to a Theater performance, you must take into account age restrictions and other warnings about the features of the performance indicated in the repertoire plan and on posters, and also find out about them from the Theater ticket office cashiers.

    In the presence of such restrictions and features, claims from viewers will not be accepted!

    2.6. Purchasing tickets for minors:

    • We invite spectators at least 1 year old to attend morning performances;

      children under 7 years of age enter the Theater to watch the performance only when accompanied by their parents or persons replacing them;

    When purchasing tickets for minors, we recommend assessing the adequacy of their perception of the stage action and the possible specifics of their behavior when watching the performance.

    2.7. Refunds for tickets are made in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules:

    • in case of cancellation of the performance, tickets will be refunded from the date of the order to cancel the performance until the date when the performance was supposed to take place, plus 10 calendar days;

      In the event of a replacement or postponement of a performance, tickets will be refunded before the scheduled start time of the performance on the day of the performance.

    After the above deadlines, the Theater does not refund ticket prices.

    Tickets cannot be refunded after passing control at the entrance to the Theater.

    Service fees and other fees charged by distributors and ticketing agencies are not refundable by the Theater.

    2.8. The Theater administration reserves the right to make changes to the cast of the Theater performances without prior notice. Changes in the cast are not grounds for a ticket refund.

    2.9. The Theater administration reserves the right to replace one performance with another.

3. Passage and presence in the Theater.

    3.1. Spectators are allowed into the Theater 45 minutes before the start of the performance.

    Access to the Theater is strictly by tickets through the central entrance of the Main, Small Stages and Stages on Sretenka.

    3.2. Any excuse for being late for a performance will not be accepted. Spectators must independently ensure their timely arrival at the start of the performance.

    3.3. To avoid queues at the entrance to the Theater before the start of the performance, associated with ticket control and checking with metal detectors for the presence of prohibited items, you must arrive to the performance in advance.

    3.4. When entering the Theater, spectators must maintain order and comply with the requirements of the administrator and controller authorized to check tickets at the entrance to the Theater, as well as persons checking spectators using metal detectors.

    When passing through the control the spectator:

    • presents the ticket in expanded form with a control coupon to the controller;

      undergoes special control, equipped with stationary and manual metal detectors, in order to identify items prohibited from being brought into the Theater.

    If a viewer finds items prohibited from being brought into the Theater: piercing and cutting objects, weapons, means of self-defense, as well as audio and video recording equipment, he is obliged to hand them over for storage at the request of the Theater security service.

    If the viewer does not want to go through control or deposit items prohibited from being brought into the Theater, the Theater administration has the right to refuse him to visit the Theater.

    3.5. If a spectator leaves the Theater, the controller has the right to demand a ticket from him when returning back to the Theater to watch the performance.

    • enter the Theater in work or dirty clothes, as well as in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication;

      bring large and shopping bags and carts into the Theater.

    3.7. When an organized group of spectators passes, the leader of the group hands over the tickets to the controller, steps back and lets the entire group of spectators through in line in front of him.

    The teacher meets a late child, accompanied by a parent, at the entrance.

    3.8. The holder of a ticket to the stalls, amphitheater, benoir box, mezzanine, director's box and first tier of the large hall has the right to be in the part of the auditorium corresponding to the place indicated on the ticket, in the foyer of the stalls, mezzanine, first tier and wardrobe, as well as in the buffets located there and use the spectator toilets available there.

    3.9. Spectators who have purchased tickets for the balcony of the second tier, equipped with a separate entrance, wardrobe, buffet and toilets, are not allowed into the foyer of the theater stalls, the foyer of the mezzanine and first tier, into the main wardrobe, and also do not have the right to use the buffets and toilets of the above areas.

    3.10. Spectators who have purchased tickets to the small hall have the right to be in the auditorium of the small stage, in the foyer of the small hall and the cloakroom, as well as in the buffet located there and use the spectator toilets available there.

    3.11. Spectators who have purchased tickets for the Stage on Sretenka have the right to be in the auditorium of the Stage on Sretenka, in the foyer of the Stage on Sretenka and the cloakroom, as well as in the buffet located there and use the spectator toilets available there.

    3.12. It is strictly prohibited to be in the Theater without a ticket or in any office premises of the Theater outside the spectator area (auditorium, foyer, buffet, cloakroom, toilets).

    3.13. After the performance, no later than the closing of the wardrobe, the audience must leave the Theater premises.

4. Passage to the auditorium and viewing of the performance.

    4.1. Entrance to the auditorium is possible with the first bell (no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the performance).

    4.2. Spectators are required to take seats according to the row and seat number indicated on the ticket.

    4.3. It is prohibited to occupy seats other than those indicated on the tickets without the approval of the administration.

    4.4. The Theater administration has the right to check the availability and validity of tickets from spectators.

    4.5. Entry into the auditorium after the third bell is prohibited.

    4.6. Late spectators, as an exception, can watch the first act of the performance in the available free seats (if any) on the mezzanine or balcony of the first tier, while taking the seats offered by the controller (free outer seats and seats in the last rows), and change seats during intermission to the seats indicated on the tickets.

    4.7. It is prohibited to walk around the hall, stand between the rows, in the aisles and at the doors during the performance.

    4.8. During the performance, you must turn off your mobile phones or switch them to silent mode.

    4.9. During the performance, it is prohibited to walk in the auditorium, make noise, talk, eat or drink, or talk on the phone.

    Parents or teachers must ensure that their children do not interfere with the viewing of the performance by other spectators.

    For violation of order in the auditorium, the Theater administration has the right to demand the violator to leave the auditorium and, in case of failure to comply with the requirement, remove him from the auditorium.

    4.10. Photos, video recordings, and audio recordings of the performance are prohibited.

    4.11. After the end of the performance, you must remain in your seats until the lights are fully turned on.

    4.12. When attending a performance in a group, the group leader and parents take full responsibility for each child in the group.

    During the performance, accompanying persons are also responsible for the behavior of their charges.

    4.13. It is strictly forbidden to: enter the auditorium wearing outerwear and a headdress or bring them into the auditorium; bring into the auditorium: large backpacks, large packages, large bags, briefcases, suitcases, cameras, video cameras, players, tape recorders, other audio and video recording equipment, food and drinks; objects that stain chairs.

5. Theater buffet.

    5.1. The theater buffet is open for 45 minutes before the start of the performance.

    5.2. After the third bell, the theater buffet closes and does not serve spectators.

6. Wardrobe.

    6.1. Outerwear must be handed over to the cloakroom by spectators.

    The theater is not responsible for the loss of money, other currency valuables, securities and other precious items left unattended by the viewer or handed over to the wardrobe along with outerwear.

    6.2. If a viewer loses a number from the wardrobe, the viewer reimburses the Theater for its cost in the amount of 100 rubles.

    Clothing for a spectator who has lost his number will be issued last.

    6.3. If desired, the Spectator can use the binocular rental service in the cloakroom. Rental cost is 200 rubles. Clothes for spectators who have rented binoculars will be given out of turn after the performance.

    6.4. In case of loss of binoculars, the Spectator reimburses the Theater for its cost in the amount of 1000 rubles.

    6.5. After the end of the performance, the wardrobe is open for 30 minutes.

7. Other conditions.

    7.1. While in the Theater, spectators are obliged to: treat the property of the theater with care, maintain cleanliness, public order, fire safety rules and these Rules.

    In case of material damage to the Theater, the spectator is obliged to compensate it in full, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    7.2. In the Theater Spectators are prohibited from:

    • Littering, scattering garbage;

      Move interior items;

      Enter the Theater with firearms, bladed weapons, gas weapons, self-defense items, pyrotechnics, flammable liquids, large and dirty items.

    7.3. The viewer is obliged not to allow a disrespectful attitude towards the Theater administration and service personnel, violation of generally accepted rules and norms of behavior (obscene language, aggressive behavior, disturbing the silence in the hall, the use of objects that create a noise effect and disturb the audience).

    7.4. Smoking is prohibited in the Theater.

    7.6. Spectators who do not comply with the legal instructions of the Theater administration and service personnel, violating the rules and norms of behavior, may be removed from the Theater, and the cost of services (tickets) will not be compensated or returned.

Watch “Pulp Fiction” in its original language, make discoveries in music or watch grandiose street performances? We talk about the best events of the coming seven days.

You can start preparing for the main event of the week—Moscow City Day, which this year will take place on September 8 and 9—on Monday: gather a large group, watch the program and plan a route. And to make the holiday more fun, you can visit other cultural events during the week, which will also give you unforgettable impressions and discoveries. So let's see what we have here...

Open air theater

Date: September 8 and 9 Time: 10:00-22:00 Place: Manezhnaya Square, festive grounds in the Luzhniki sports complex Age limit: 0+ What could be better than a street performance on a warm September weekend? Just a lot of street performances! Bright, unexpected, diverse! On September 8 and 9, a real theatrical extravaganza will come to Manezhnaya Square and the Luzhniki concert venues. Muscovites and tourists will be shown 54 street performances and shows. They will be presented by nine theaters from eight countries - Russia, France, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Brazil, South Korea and Taiwan. About 200 artists will perform in the productions. The performance of the Spanish theater "Fura del Bausch" will feature ten-meter figures of dragons controlled by a crane. Drummers from the Trans-Express group from France will perform their melodies at an altitude of 70 meters. The Spanish theater "Xarxa" will show the fire and pyrotechnic show "Fire of the Sea". The performance of the Taiwanese group “Yu” will combine techniques of meditation and Chinese tai chi gymnastics, choreography and playing percussion instruments. Artists of the South Korean troupe “Modern Table” will talk through dance about the problems of modern society. The group of musicians from Brazil “Furiosa” will perform national music, and the Moscow orchestra “Pacava It” will play wind instruments. You can listen to the guitar playing by the British-Spanish band Ole. And 20 “Dancing Muses” - the name of the French orchestra - will perform popular songs in different styles - from jazz to rap.

Musical discoveries

Date: September 9 Time: 16:00–23:00 Place: Gorky Park (Krymsky Val Street, building 9) Age limit: 0+ To open the music season, go to the Fields festival. Here you will be able to listen to compositions that are rarely heard on the radio and do not make it into the charts. Artists from Egypt, the USA and Russia will perform on the same stage. A real musical fusion awaits guests. Here folk will sound together with rave, stadium rock will be played on toy instruments, electronic music will be performed in the interpretation of academicians, and techno will be played on a drum kit of 60 drums. The festival includes Islam Chipsy and EEK (Egypt), Laraaji (USA), as well as Russian musicians Nikita Zabelin and Petr Termen, ADMI, Fogh Depot and Kymatic. We meet in Gorky Park on September 9.

...and enjoying the classics

Date: September 4 Time: 19:00–21:30 Place: Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory (Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, 13/6) Age limit: 6+ And a gala concert of classical music will be held in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. The first part will feature solo instrumentalists Boris Andrianov (cello), Lukas Geniusas (piano), Pavel Milyukov (violin) and Vladislav Lavrik (trumpet). In the second, viewers will hear the state chamber orchestra “Moscow Virtuosi”, conducted by Alexander Solovyov. Solo violin parts will be performed by orchestra musicians Alexey Lundin, Denis Shulgin, Lev Iomdin, Evgeny Stembolsky and Georgy Tsai. By the way, you can attend the concert for free with tickets, which will be handed out at the entrance an hour before the start.

The man who flew into space from his room

Date: September 6–9 Time: 10:00–21:00 Place: State Tretyakov Gallery (10 Krymsky Val Street) Age limit: 12+ Ilya and Emilia Kabakov. Not everyone will be taken into the future. 2001 Where can I see a large exhibition of paintings and graphic works of contemporary art, as well as installations, models, albums? In the Tretyakov Gallery! At the exhibition “Ilya and Emilia Kabakov. Not everyone will be taken into the future." This is the first full-fledged retrospective of artists in Russia. Guests will see more than a hundred works. The central exhibit will be the 2001 installation that gives the exhibition its name. In it, a train departs from the platform, taking away artworks that have become part of the future, and the rejected paintings remain lying on the railway tracks. Also at the exhibition you will be able to see the famous installation “The Man Who Flew into Space from His Room” (1985). It represents a room in a communal apartment, from which the hero breaks out into space through a hole in the ceiling. Another world-famous installation is “Labyrinth. My Mother's Album (1990), depicting life as an endless corridor. A special place will be occupied by Ilya Kabakov’s early works of the 1960s–1970s.

Meeting an outstanding contemporary artist

Date: September 5–9 Time: 12:00–21:00 Place: “Multimedia Art Museum” (Ostozhenka Street, 16) Age limit: 18+ You can continue your acquaintance with contemporary art at the exhibition “About What You Remember” , forget it." Guests will see the works of one of the most intriguing and mysterious Russian artists of our days, Uno Morales. He was born and raised in Ufa. The artist published his first sketches, made using the pixel art technique, online in the late 2000s and instantly became famous on blogs, forums and social networks. He also quickly gained recognition in the foreign comics community. And in 2017, the first exhibition of Uno Morales was held, which brought him a place in the New East 100 ranking of outstanding contemporary artists, designers and visionaries from Eastern Europe. The author’s works combine a mystical atmosphere with the surroundings of perestroika, the style of video games and Japanese comics (manga). The plots of his series refer to children's horror stories with recognizable attributes of mass culture of the 1980s and 1990s. The exhibition will open on September 5 at the Multimedia Art Museum.

History of patronage in Moscow

Date: September 7–9 Time: 10:00–20:00 Place: Museum of Moscow (Zubovsky Boulevard, building 2) Age limit: 0+ It is known that many art galleries, theaters, institutes, educational and medical institutions have become years an integral part of Moscow culture and scientific life, were created more than a century ago with funds from philanthropists. Representatives of such famous families as the Alekseevs, Bakhrushins, Morozovs, Rukavishnikovs, and Tretyakovs made their contribution to their development. You can learn about the charitable activities of entrepreneurs and industrialists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries at the Museum of Moscow at the exhibition “Moscow Patrons and Philanthropists.”

Talking about TV series

Date: September 3 Time: 19:00–20:30 Place: lecture hall of the VDNKh summer cinema (Mira Avenue, building 119c) Age limit: 0+ The Big Bang Theory series is coming to an end, it’s time to find out what will happen after it. Philosopher and film critic Alexander Pavlov will help you understand modern TV series. As part of the lecture “Has the big serial explosion come to an end,” he will talk about how television shows have changed since the days of “Game of Thrones” and “House of Cards” and in what direction they are developing now.

Friday with Vincent Vega andJules Winfield

Date: September 7 Time: 19:30–22:00 Place: Cosmos cinema (109 Mira Avenue) Age limit: 18+ Still from the film "Pulp Fiction". Directed by Quentin Tarantino. 1994 Let's watch a classic from Quentin Tarantino on the big screen, and in the original with Russian subtitles. A special screening of “Pulp Fiction” will be held at the Cosmos cinema. Philosophical conversations of bandits, stories of drug dealers, murderers and their beautiful wives, favorite artists and famous soundtracks - an excellent program at the end of the work week.

New books

Date: September 5–9 Time: 10:00–22:00 Place: pavilion No. 75 of VDNKh (Mira Avenue, building 119) Age limit: 0+ This year the Moscow International Book Fair will be dedicated to children's literature. For visitors there will be sections “Fiction”, “Teaching and Educational Literature”, “Non Fiction Literature”, “Children’s Literature” and “Space of Foreign Guests of the Exhibition”. In addition, the exhibition will feature an exposition of regional publishing houses, a space for children's creativity and much more. Here you can not only buy books, but also listen to lectures and attend other events. The full program of the exhibition-fair is posted on the website.


Date: September 8 Time: 19:00–21:00 Place: House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva (Borisoglebsky lane, building 6, building 1) Age limit: 6+ Do you love creative experiments as much as actress Alisa Grebenshchikova? One day she was so impressed by the diary entries of the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva and the memories of her loved ones Anastasia Tsvetaeva, Sergei and Ariadna Efron and their friends that she decided to create a theatrical production “Home” based on them - a tribute to the poetess’s memory day (August 31). And so that the viewer would experience the same strong feelings as she did, Alice came up with an action with immersion in the material, or a promenade performance. Guests will be able to witness the life of Marina Tsvetaeva’s house over the years. They will see the poet's apartment, walk through the rooms and meet the owners, whose roles will be performed by actors from Moscow theaters. The roles in the play will be performed by Elena Shevchenko, Sergei Kaplunov, Alisa Grebenshchikova and others. Information and photos from the site: