Exercises to develop unshakable fortitude. Internal abdominal muscles

And burning the excess can take a long time. In addition, success is guaranteed only with regular training and reasonable dietary restrictions. But after a couple of weeks you will feel that you have become stronger, and your hips - slimmer and more prominent.

Create your own training program. You can join a gym and even hire a personal trainer. However, home exercises will also be beneficial. The main thing is not to skip gymnastics. Exercise intensively 3 times a week, and on the remaining days limit yourself to a quick ten-minute warm-up and cardio exercises - brisk walking, jogging or jumping rope. Your task is to speed up your metabolism and strengthen your leg muscles.

Start your workouts with a warm-up - jumping, dancing to fast music. Then proceed to the main complex. Very effective with stool. Standing sideways to him, hold on to the back with your left hand. Swing your right leg forward and backward. Then make a series of swings to the right, raising your leg as high as possible. Pull the toe towards you - you should feel the muscles tense. Having completed a series of swings, lift your leg, bent at the knee at a right angle, and with your right hand turn it to the right, holding it by the knee. Repeat each exercise 20 times, rest and do the whole complex again. Then turn around and begin a series of exercises for your left leg.

A very effective exercise is leg swings from a lying position. Lie on the floor on your right side, lean on your arm bent at the elbow. Keep your body straight, bend your right leg slightly at the knee. Raise your left leg as high as possible, pulling your toe towards you. Do not fall on your back, to maintain balance, you can lean forward a little. Take your time, do the exercise with full dedication. Do 20 swings, rest for a minute and repeat the set. Then turn over to the other side and do the exercise for your right thigh.

Be sure to include strength training in your program. The best exercises for the inner thigh muscles are plies and lunges. Pick up dumbbells weighing 1.5 kg. Take a wide step forward, holding the dumbbells at your waist. Tighten your extended back leg and rock slightly on your supporting leg. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg, doing 2 sets.
Stand up, place your feet wider than your shoulders, take dumbbells in your hands and lift them to your shoulders. Rise up onto your toes and slowly squat, spreading your knees wide. This exercise perfectly strengthens the internal muscles and trains balance. Perform it 10 times, repeating the set twice.

Master this very exercise with weights for your legs. Wear weights or sandbags around your ankles. Lie on your back, keep your arms extended along your body. Raise your legs at a right angle and begin to spread them apart and bring them together. Pull your toes towards you, do not bend your knees. Do the exercise slowly - you should feel tension in your muscles. Do 10 repetitions and lower your legs. Repeat the set twice with a short rest.

After finishing the exercises, be sure to stretch. The next day you will feel slight pain in the inner thigh muscles - this means that the training was successful.

Mike Bickle

Prayers to strengthen the inner man


T- R- U- S- T

A- R- K

Chapter 1

Developing a Prayer Life

Man's highest calling is fellowship with God. It (communication) occurs in our inner nature, which is the spirit and soul, consisting of mind, emotions and will. This is the “place” of meeting with God. Therefore, our inner man is much more important than the physical man.

Strange as it may sound, it is very important to focus prayers on your inner man, asking the Holy Spirit to strengthen us from the inside, in our heart.

This power of the Spirit is vital to our hearts. It will help us overcome temptations and difficulties, live in holiness, victory and the fullness of God's blessings.

Ask, and it shall be given you

Not all promises in the Bible are guaranteed to us. They are only an invitation for us to accept them through direct participation. One of the manifestations of such participation is our prayers for the fulfillment of these promises.

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named, that He may grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. (Eph. 3:14-16)

In Ephesians 3:16, Paul asks the Lord to strengthen the Ephesian believers in their inner man. Understanding the importance of this prayer is vital for us. God really wants to give us this inner strength, but He waits for us to ask Him for it.

It is biblically correct to pray and ask for external things such as our health, finances, or life circumstances; about ministry, about revival of the church, about saving people, etc. However, many people never ask God to strengthen their inner life.

Do you take vitamins?

Both physical strength and inner life can be strengthened or weakened. This can be compared to taking vitamins. I've been taking vitamins for years, but there hasn't been a specific day when I suddenly felt strong. If we regularly take the vitamins we need, they gradually strengthen us. The same thing happens with our spiritual man.

We cannot always discern the moment when the Spirit strengthens us, because it happens in small “doses.” But we must ask for this relentlessly. The Holy Spirit will release His power little by little, and over time we will discover inner strength.

Two principles

A prayer life is not just about truly loving Jesus. We are called to fellowship with Him. It is no secret that for the development of any close relationship, constant close communication is necessary. Likewise, for intimacy with God, it is important to purposefully develop communication with Him. And this communication occurs during regular prayer.

I have been teaching about prayer for over 30 years and have noticed that people who pray a lot are those who have learned two principles: when and how. That is, they set aside a specific time of day for prayer and created a prayer plan that made their prayers more effective.


Our daily routine should include prayer at our designated times. Without this, even if we sincerely understand the importance of prayer, we risk never developing a full prayer life.

Of course, we will not always be able to adhere to this routine one hundred percent, just as we will not always follow our plan exactly. However, by incorporating prayer into our daily routine, we will greatly develop our prayer life and therefore our intimacy with God.

I believe that many of us will pray ten times more over the next year if we take into account these two principles - setting aside time for prayer and using a prayer plan.

Often I want to pray, but my mind is empty. I need some kind of push that will help me focus on prayer and bring me into God's presence. I use a prayer plan for this and have appreciated its help.

1) inner man

2) our circumstances

3) our service.

It's never too late to make such a plan. I was 18 years old the first time I did it. Because of this, I experienced a special grace in prayer and I must admit that otherwise I would have prayed much less. Since then, I still resort to planning my daily prayer life.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to pray only according to the prayer plan. To be honest, I don’t often reach the last point in prayer, because the Holy Spirit, coming into prayer, fills me with its presence and then directs it further.

Explanation of prayers

In this booklet I will tell you about two prayer plans that I have been praying with for many years. The first plan of prayer consists of10 -ty points and is aimed atstrengthening the inner man . The second plan offers5 small points,For assistance in fellowship with the Holy Spirit .

In addition, I share with you3 -my prayer principles that I use tofellowship with Jesus , reflecting on His Names and Characteristics from the Book of Revelation.

The prayers given for each point are examples and are supported by Scriptures that will help you in your personal prayer.

* For the convenience of remembering the points of the next three prayer plans, Mike Bickle used English words - acronyms: Fellowship, Trust and Ark (The ark). This means that each letter in English corresponds to the first letter of each subtitle and serves to make it easier to remember the prayer points. When translated into Russian, these words are no longer acronyms, however, we decided to leave them in the text for the convenience of those who know English.

* Translator's note.

Chapter 2

Prayer plan I

FELLOWSHIP ( Communication )

FELLOWSHIP - it is a plan of prayer for the strengthening of the inner man.

It covers ten different areas based on the promises and prayers found in the Bible. The key scripture for this prayer is Paul's prayer for the Ephesian believers, where he asks that the Holy Spiritstrengthened them inside. (Eph. 3:16)

This prayer outline is just a road map to guide you as you pray. Try to pray about the areas below every day.

In this case, you can safely change the sequence of points and even omit some of them if you wish.

The main thing is to follow the wind of inspiration. You can start with my prayer plan and then create your own. With timeyou will learn to pray by praying . You will pray more and your plan will increase and change as the Lord leads.

F : F ear of God- Fear God's

It is much easier to resist sin and temptation when we feel at least a small amount of the fear of God in our hearts. The Lord promised that He would put fear into the hearts of His people. (Jer. 32:40)

I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me. (Jer.32:40)

Establish my heart in the fear of Your name. (Ps 85:11)

The Lord...honor holyly, and He is your fear, and He is your trembling! (Isa. 8:13)


Father, pour it out spirit fear of God into my life.

Fill my heart with the revelation of Your Power, so that I may live in fear of You;

May Your presence come with holy awe, so that my spirit will stand in awe of Your Glorious Majesty.

Unite my heart with Your Heart and Word.

Encourage me to enjoy the pure and reverent fear of You.

E : E indurance- Endurance

In the New Testament, the words “endurance,” “patience,” and “perseverance” are often used interchangeably. They talk about the ability to remain faithful to God to the end and not give up under pressure. But for this we need His strength. Ask God to give you the persistence to be faithful to Him. Ask for stamina during fasts. It is also good to ask God for zeal (John 2:17; Ps. 68:10)

Strengthened with all strength according to His glorious might, with all patience and forbearance with joy. (Col. 1:11)

May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.

(2 Thess. 3:5)

At this, His disciples remembered that it was written: Zeal for Thy house consumes Me. (John 2:17)


Father, strengthen my inner manendurance so that I can perform

Your will with perseverance and patience; so that I do not give up, reaching the greater depths of God.

Direct my heart into the long-suffering and endurance with which Jesus walked.

Give me the desire and ability to fast.

When I go through difficulties, grant me strength and strength so that, as I go through them, I achieve results in my dedication to You and in the fulfillment of my calling.

L : L ove - Love

The involvement of the Holy Spirit is necessary so that we can love as God calls us to. When we ask for God's love to grow in us (Phil. 1:9), we are essentially asking the Holy Spirit to inspire us in 4 areas:

First, we ask Him for revelationGod's love to us filled our hearts;

Secondly, we ask that our hearts be softened so that we canbe in love Jesus with all my heart;

Thirdly, we ask for helplove yourself, seeing ourselves as God sees us;

Fourth, we ask that God's love will fill our hearts with love for people.

I pray that your love will grow even more and more in knowledge and every feeling. (Phil.1:9)

Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us. (Rom.5:5)

And may the Lord fill you and fill you with love for each other and for everyone, with which we are filled with you (1 Thess. 3:12)

For You formed my inward parts and knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, and my soul is fully aware of this. My bones were not hidden from You when I was created in secret, formed in the depths of the womb. (Ps. 139:13-15)

If you were of the world, the world would love its own; But because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. (John 15:9)

So that you...may comprehend...what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and may understand the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. (Eph.3:18-19)


Father, pour out Your Love on my inner man with the Holy Spirit so that my heart will overflow with love for You and others in response. (Rom. 5:5).

I pray for the grace to love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. (Mar 12:30)

I ask You to put the love of Jesus in my heart. (John 17:26)

Help me to understand the love of Jesus for me and to abide in it constantly. (John 15:9)

Let me see myself through Your eyes and love myself the way You created me. (Ps.139:13-15).

L : L ightofGlory - Light of Glory

On the day of Paul's conversion, he saw Jesus in a great light shining from Heaven.

(Acts 22:6-11). Moses prayed to see God's glory. (Exodus 33:18) After this, his face shone with the light of glory. Like Moses, we can ask for an experience of God's glory. Jesus said that His disciples would see Heaven open and the Angels of God ascending and descending. (John 1:51)

Ask God for supernatural things, including the ability to see angels and experience His presence and glory with great power. Ask the Lord to shine the light of His glory upon you.

When I was on the road and approaching Damascus, around noon, a great light from heaven suddenly shone around me. (Acts 22:6, 11)

Moses said: Show me Your glory. (Ex. 33:18)

And he said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, from now on you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” (John 1:51)

And Elisha prayed and said: Lord! open his eyes... and behold, the whole mountain is filled with horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17)

Show us the light of Your face, O Lord! (Ps. 4:6)

Send Your light and Your truth; may they lead me and bring me to Thy holy mountain and to Thy abodes. (Rev. 6:16)

Send Your light and Your truth; may they lead me and bring me to Thy holy mountain and to Thy abodes. (Ps. 42:3)


Father, light up my life by the light of His glory .

Send me a meeting with the Holy Spirit in the form of dreams, visions, visits from Angels, experiences of Your Light, Fire, Wind. Come to me, Lord, as You came to Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, John and the disciples on the day of Pentecost.

Let me experience the supernatural, see Your signs and wonders.

(Isa. 33-34: Isa. 6; Ezek. 1; Acts 2; Rev. 1).

O : O neThing- Man "one"

It is very important to regularly spend time with the Lord, delving into His Word.

In other words, like David (Ps. 27:4) or like Mary of Bethesda (Luke 10:42) to be a man of “one.” Set your heart to become that person. Ask the Lord to help you keep this in mind and adjust whenever you stop striving for just “one thing” in your life. Ask Him regularly for help with this.

I asked one thing from the Lord...that I might dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to contemplate the beauty of the Lord. (Ps. 26:4)

Only one thing is needed; Mary chose the good part. (Luke 10:42)

I do only one thing: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 3:13-14)

I have always seen the Lord before me, for He is at my right hand; I will not hesitate.

(Ps. 15:8)


Father, I choose to be a man.”only one". (Ps. 26:4).

Teach me to sit at Your feet just as Mary of Bethesda did. Strengthen me with the desire to constantly spend time with You and reading Your Word. Let this become the norm in my life. When I lose sight of this goal, send me Your liberating Word, as You did for the saints of the first Church. (Rev. 2:4-5; 3:1-3; 3:15-20)

W : W orthy- To deserve

Paul wrote, “For this purpose we pray always... that God may make you worthy of the calling and accomplish all his good pleasure.” (2 Thess. 1:11) Paul emphasized that he was praying for themAlways about this, because he understood how important it was. Being worthy of the Lord does not mean earning his forgiveness. This means having a worthy walk before Him while preparing us for a higher calling, i.e. when He “does every good thing.” Many never step into their higher calling because of poor choices along the way. Jesus warns us to pray for the grace to be worthy of our calling, to avoid compromise at the end of time, and to stand in victory before Him. (Luke 21:36).

For this reason, we always pray for you, so that our God will make you worthy of the title and accomplish every good pleasure of goodness and work of faith with power. (2 Thess. 1:11)

Watch at all times and pray, that you may be worthy to escape all these future [disasters] and to appear before the Son of Man. (Luke 21:36)

To establish your hearts blameless in holiness before God (1 Thess. 3:13)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

(Ps. 50:12)

Test me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.

(Ps. 139:23)

I made a covenant with my eyes, so that I would not think about the girl. (John 31:1)


Father, strengthen me in the inner man so that I will walk in faith and complete obedience, and be able, avoiding all temptations, to prepare myself for Your higher calling.

Help me to live in freedom from compromise, so that I can walk blameless in body, soul and spirit, beworthy stand before You.

S - S peech- Speech

Speech is a very important area of ​​our spiritual life. If it is subject to the Holy Spirit, then our inner man will be completely subject to Him. (James 3:2) Paul exhorts the saints not to utter “rotten” words and thereby offend the Holy Spirit. (Eph.4:29-30; 5:4)

The subject of the speech was also on David's prayer list as he cried out to the Lord for help to control the words that came out of his mouth until they pleased the Lord. (Ps 18:14)

He who does not sin in word is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body (James 3:2)

Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but only what is good for edification in the faith, so that it may bring grace to those who hear. 30 And do not insult the Holy One

the Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Also, foul language and idle talk and ridicule are not becoming [for you], but, on the contrary, thanksgiving is. (Eph.4:29-30; 5:4)

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.

(Ps 18:14)

Set, O Lord, a guard over my lips, and guard the doors of my mouth (Ps. 140:3)

I said, I will take heed to my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth while the wicked is before me. (Ps. 39:2)


Father, put a guard over my lips and help me to speak only those words that please You.

Free me from grumbling, self-justification, evil and stupid speeches.

Keep me from words that quench the Holy Spirit who lives within me.

I decide in my heartdo not sin with your lips to have continuous communication with You.

H ; H agility - Humility.

Jesus called us to learn from Him meekness and lowliness of heart. (Matthew 11:29)

Jesus wants to develop this vital character trait in us, and we, in turn, need to ask Him to give us revelation about its importance. Ask Christ to teach you to walk in humility.

Take My yoke... and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:29)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vanity, but out of humility, consider each other better than yourselves. Not only does everyone care about himself, but everyone also cares about others. For let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 2:3-5)


Father, put it on me Yours bonds of humility .

I incline my heart to learn from You meekness and humility, and this will transform my attitude towards people and circumstances. May it transform my speech and actions.

Grant me wisdom to guard my heart in humility.

I :I nsight unto Intimacy - Understanding proximity .

The Holy Spirit desires to guide us into truth - to give us an understanding of His will for every area of ​​lifethrough intimacy with Him . He will teach us how to walk in accordance with His heart so that we will enjoy partnership with Him.

He will give us creative wisdom in handling money and time; in matters of career and ministry; in relationships with people; in specific matters where we want to achieve cleanliness, physical health, etc.

The Spirit of truth... will guide you into all truth... and will tell you the future.

(John 16:13)

The Holy Spirit...will teach you everything. (John 14:26)

Show me... Your ways and teach me Your paths. Guide me to Your truth... The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him (Ps. 24: 4-5, 14)

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to the knowledge of Him (Eph. 1:17)

We... do not cease... to ask that you be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that you act worthy of God, pleasing Him in everything. (Col. 1:9-10)

May you remain perfect and filled with everything that pleases God. (Col. 4:12)


Father, grant me revelation of Your Word, will and ways.

Give me wisdom towalk in intimacy with You in every area of ​​my life, including: my physical body (sports, diet, health), finances, daily routine, emotions, circumstances, relationships (at home, at work, in ministry), not yet consecrated areas of life (fears, addictions), my future, etc.

Let me know the secrets of Your heart. What do you think about me, my relationships, affairs, city, country, generation, etc.?

P : P eaceandJoy - Joy and peace.

In Philippians, Paul says that the Holy Spirit will guard our hearts and minds in the supernatural world. (Phil. 4:7) In this scripture, our heart means our emotions. There should be no envy, rejection or fear in the heart; There should be no place in the mind for torment, confusion and indecision.

Let us ask for peace and joy in specific areas of our lives, and believe us, we will see them increase.

The peace of God... will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

(Phil. 4:7)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you, through the power of the Holy Spirit, may abound in hope. (Rom. 15:13)

May the Lord of peace Himself always give you peace in everything. (2 Thess. 3:16)


Father, supernaturally strengthen my heart in those areas where I feel rejected, fearful, and anxious. Strengthen my mind so that I can overcome disappointment, confusion, embarrassment, indecision, etc. Keep my heart, mind and emotions in Your perfect peace. Father, anoint me with oil R hell how you anointed Jesus.

Chapter 3

Prayer plan II

TRUST ( Confidence)

We are called to fellowship with the Holy Spirit by consciously developing friendship with Him. (2 Cor. 13:13). Ifregularly speak with the Holy Spirit As with God living within us, walking in the Spirit will become much more effective. It flows like a river in our hearts. (John 7:38). However, many believers never talk to the Holy Spirit, thereby neglecting the most precious of relationships. When we talk to Him, He answers us. Typically, when the Spirit speaks, He does not use words, but rather sends certain sensations, impressions, or animates emotions so that we feel close to Him. It is like a quiet wind blowing in our inner man (1 Kings 19:11-13). When communicating with the Holy Spirit, it is very important not to rush anywhere, calm down internally and tune in to communicate with Him as with your most dearly beloved friend. (Ps. 130:2). Our soul is by nature very active and anxious (substitution to avoid repeating the roots: restless, calm), so sometimes it takes effort to calm it down. I come into the presence of the Spirit, turning all my attention “inward” to Him. I speak to Him in short, simple phrases, slowly and softly, with pauses. It is important to wait with an “attentive heart.” During such prayer it is good to worship quietly in tongues. Sometimes I remain in absolute silence.

I often use the 5 basic phrases below when communicating with the Holy Spirit. I thank Him for communicating with me (1), asking Him for Revelation (2) so that He would Use me (3), Strengthen me (4) and Teach me (5). I try to do this every day.


T : T hankyou- Thank you

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for your vibrant presence in me. I love Your wonderful presence. I can't do anything without You.

I am the vine, and you are the branches; He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. (John 12:5)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Cor. 13:13)

R : R easeRevelation - Grant revelation

Holy Spirit, I ask You to grant me the revelation of God's Heart and God's Word. Please release Your revelation as I go deeper into the Word.

Open my spiritual eyes to the Truth.

So that...the Father of glory may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to the knowledge of Him and enlighten the eyes of your heart. (Eph. 1:17-18)

U : U seme - Use me

Holy Spirit, I ask that Your gifts and Power be used through me to help people. I want to be a vessel of Your presence.

But everyone is given the manifestation of the Spirit for their benefit. (1 Cor. 12:7)

Be zealous for great gifts, and I will show you an even more excellent path.

(1 Cor 12:31)

Achieve love; be zealous for spiritual [gifts], especially to prophesy. (1 Cor 14:1)

S : S trengthenme- Strengthen me.

Holy Spirit, release Divine power to strengthen my mind and emotions. Thank You for the fact that Your love and peace abides and grows in me,

patience and self-control.

May He grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. (Eph. 3:16)

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control. (Gal.5:22-23)

T : T eachme- Teach me.

Holy Spirit, I ask, guide me in every area of ​​life. Give me new ideas, guide my steps, and provide opportunities for new relationships, businesses, and ministries.

Teach me how to live in such a way as to please You in everything; walk in Your will, blessing and prosperity every day.

The Comforter, the Holy Spirit... will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I told you. (John 14:26)

The Spirit of truth...will guide you into all truth: (John 16:13)

Chapter 4

Prayer plan III

A - R - K -The ark

The first 3 chapters of the Book of Revelation contain 30 characteristics of Jesus. There are no other chapters in Scripture where Jesus is described so comprehensively and variedly as here. Christ reveals himself to us through the description of Himself and His Names. Reflecting above these characteristics of Jesus, we can develop a close relationship with Him.

Practice shows that simply studying these passages of Scripture is not enough - it is necessaryspeak with Jesus while reading. The most effective Bible study occurs when we engage in dialogue with the Holy Spirit. In this way, the Spirit reveals to us more deeply the character of the Lord. But in order to hold on to the Truth that the Spirit reveals to us, it is also necessarywrite down your thoughts during this dialogue.

Ark ) in the Bible symbolizes the place of the Lord's presence (Ark of the Covenant) and the place of safety from the flood - (Noah's Ark). As we encounter Jesus as we meditate on these 30 characteristics, we will be able to arrive in both the ark of His presence and the ark of His security.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous flee into it and are safe.” (Proverbs 18:11).

How can we find security in His Name? One practical way is to strengthen our spirit. If the spirit is strong, we will maintain peace in our hearts and take right action during the storm.

Example prayer “ ARK

From Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead. (Rev 1:5).

Jesus as a faithful witness:

A : Agreement- Agreement

First of all, we agree with what Scripture says about Jesus.

We express our agreement by simply telling Jesus with love and gratitude that He is the Faithful Witness. The angels at the throne of God cry day and night: “You are Worthy, You are Holy!” They speak about who God is with reverence and reverence.

Thus, as we continue to pray, we agree with every single characteristic of Jesus. As a result, this method of prayer will have a dynamic effect on our heart - it will become stronger and at the same time more receptive to the Holy Spirit.

Example Prayer

Jesus, you are a faithful witness to the truth. You are the Truth. I thank You for always speaking the truth. I trust Your Word, knowing that if You promise something, You will definitely fulfill it. You did something that cost you your reputation and your life. Thank You for being a faithful witness.

R : Revelation- Revelation

For example: We ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to us as a faithful witness.

Example Prayer

Jesus, reveal Yourself to me as a faithful witness.

K : Keep the Prophecy- Fulfillment of prophecy

At the final stage, we must back up our prayers with actions, asking the Spirit to help us fulfill the prophecies. “Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” (Rev. 22:7)

The fulfillment of prophecy has everything to do with keeping the commandments and carrying out God's plans as found in the Book of Revelation itself.

We can fulfill prophecies in 3 ways:

1. By living according to the commandments of Jesus, living in love and holiness.

2. Proclaiming the message of Jesus.

3. Praying that the power of Jesus will bring revival in the lives of the saints.

Therefore, we declare our willingness to be faithful witnesses of the truth, no matter the cost, and ask the Holy Spirit to help us to walk worthy of this calling.

Example Prayer

I resolve to speak the truth, no matter the cost. Holy Spirit, help me to stand for the truth that is not popular.

Another example of prayer “ ARK

From Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead (Rev. 1:5).

Jesus like firstborn from the dead:

1. Agreement : Jesus, You are the firstborn from the dead. I rejoice in Your primacy in everything.

2. Revelation : Give me a revelation of You as the firstborn from the dead. Let me know You as the One who has supremacy over all.

3. Keeping Prophecy : I will serve You as the One who has primacy in all things, obeying You and drawing others to You and not to myself. Holy Spirit, help me to do this.

The attachment:

Hello, dear friends!

We often oppress ourselves for our mistakes, saying: “I absolutely lack fortitude!” What kind of power is this? How is it connected to our sense of self? With giving up bad habits, countless promises to start life anew? How to train fortitude?

I would like to address these questions in today’s article, and also introduce you to several exercises for leveling up a new, improved skill.

The core of a person, his inner power and potential are closely related to self-control and awareness. Like any muscle in our body, it requires pumping and training to strengthen and harden.

Dumbbells are suitable for triceps, and the ability to quickly write SMS is suitable for thumbs. In the case of self-control, the situation is similar. Filling the physical and spiritual vessels must occur in a comprehensive manner.

Who is this strong-willed man? Firstly, this is a person who knows exactly where she is going and where her route is from. Such a person was able to realize his true purpose and was not accustomed to waste his time on trifles.

Secondly, he confidently achieves one goal after another, while simultaneously helping other people who met on his thorny path. Such an individual loves to win in a battle with himself and circumstances. His reactions to what is happening nearby are always positive, because he is convinced that negativity is a destructive emotion.

Willpower plays a decisive role in the development of a person. She is able to heal an individual and protect him from fears, experiences of the past and, of course, from his loved one. The code of a strong-willed person is based on these three pillars. And I would like to write about this in more detail.

The first rule for developing iron fortitude is to overcome fear!

If you delve deeply into your subconscious, you can safely come to the conclusion that most of our fears are imaginary. People often fear what has not yet happened or what has already happened, denying the fact of accepting the situation.

There are also real fears. But what's the point of running away from them? The fear that we looked into the eyes ceases to be for us some kind of monster under the bed. We completely control him and surpass him after such an intimate acquaintance.

But fear, which we avoid in every possible way, can really destroy us. I invite you to say goodbye to all illusory and real fears today! To do this, you need to decide to get rid of the ill-wisher and create a list of frightening aspects in life.

Opposite each point, write down the most terrible option for the plot development and the most promising. Think carefully about the situation. What do you choose, live. as before or put an end to this list of problems and move on with your head held high?

The second rule for developing iron fortitude is to stop feeling sorry for yourself!

Thinking that life is not fair and full of negativity is stupid. This puts into your mind the idea that you have absolutely no control over what is happening. And this is scary and relates to the first rule.

Pity for oneself and the Universe brings nothing except devastation, destruction and lack of self-respect. It forces you to follow the same route for years.

Allow yourself to break out into light, freedom and faith in an optimistic future created with your own hands! Get rid of grudges against people. In the case where it has accumulated under the heart, and in some cases, is buried there, no forward movement is expected.

Forgive loved ones, acquaintances and friends. Practice strengthening your willpower through actions, not empty words. Get rid of the accumulated rubbish of feelings with a call, explanation or meeting. This is how you will speed up your “recovery”.

The third rule for developing iron fortitude is to let go of the past!

The desire to cling to one’s native swamp is understandable and common to many. This is better than emptiness. Familiar feeling, right? Understand that for change to occur, you need to train endurance.

By letting go of the past, no matter what it was, good or bad, you open up to new and fresh flows of energy, filling your spiritual vessel. You should not live with regrets about lost happiness, about possible ups or fateful meetings.

It is this action that takes away the supply of vitality and makes you give up faith in a successful and bright future. Live for today, realizing the full share of responsibility and the colossal number of opportunities before your eyes!

How to strengthen your mental strength?

1. Environment

How do we strengthen the physical shell of our soul? That's right, exercise, proper nutrition and attention. Caring for the spiritual should be built in a similar way.

A person who wants to be strong in spirit usually understands what role the people with whom he interacts play in his life. Don’t waste your time on those who are sincerely trying to pull you back by assuring you that nothing will work out!

2. Warm up

Building strength with exercise " I will!"Excellently stimulates achievement motivation and works with willpower. Try to come up with a daily ritual for yourself. Practice creating a positive habit, such as five minutes of meditation every morning.

Before the exercise, say the phrase “ I do this with pleasure and to strengthen my spirit." The muscular system of self-control involves the use of willpower on a daily basis. It is this skill that will harden you in all strong-willed rounds.

Friends, this is the point!

Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us how you develop inner power?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Weak internal abdominal muscles are not able to provide a sufficient level of contraction of the body, leading to the effect of a “falling out” belly even with a low level of fat. If your goal is a narrow waist and toned abs, you need to train your internal abdominal muscles.

Exercise “Vacuum in the stomach”

The result of daily exercise for several months.

This exercise is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating. Starting position: standing straight. First, exhale all the air from your lungs, drawing your stomach inward. After this, tighten your abdominal muscles, while at the same time trying to “pull” your abs toward your ribs.

Hold the position of maximum abdominal tension for 10-15 seconds, then slowly inhale and relax the muscles. Repeat 3-4 times. The greatest effect will be achieved by performing the “Vacuum in the Abdomen” several times during the day - within a few weeks you will notice how your abs are changing.

Complex for internal abdominal muscles

The best way to develop the internal abdominal muscles is to include the “Plank” exercise in the abdominal training program performed in the gym, as well as regularly perform the “Vacuum in the Abdomen” exercise. The maximum effect will be obtained by performing this exercise 4-5 times during the day.

Separately, we note that no abdominal exercises can remove belly fat or burn fat in the abdominal area. Only a combination of regular exercises and not a “Vacuum in the stomach” can get rid of excess weight and create a flat stomach.


Regularly performing static exercises to train the internal muscles of the abs and core - first of all, “Vacuum in the abdomen” and various elbow stands - allows you to make your abdominal muscles more toned and your figure itself significantly more athletic.

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The most urgent need for strengthening the back muscles appears in the presence of diseases such as scoliosis or osteochondrosis, as well as vertebral hernias. Strengthened muscles “hold” the spine, preventing the disease from ruining a person’s life.

Strengthening the back muscles - general rules

Before you start gymnastics, It is important to ensure that there are no contraindications. It is not recommended to start exercises without consulting a doctor if you have health problems.

It is likely that the specialist will advise you to do and.

Contact an appropriate specialist, and he will prescribe exactly those exercises that will help build a muscle corset for you personally.

So what do you need to remember?

  • Monitor your well-being. There should be no discomfort or (especially) pain in problem areas of the spine - their appearance may indicate a worsening of the condition. Only slight inconveniences that do not hinder movement are acceptable.
  • The exercises are performed as carefully as possible. It is important to ensure that weakened muscles are strengthened, and hardened muscles gradually relax.
  • Exercises that involve various types of “twisting” should be avoided. You should also avoid jumping, sharp jolts and blows in the back, and serious efforts on problem areas of the spine.
  • When and how much? A set of 2-4 sessions is divided into a series of exercises performed 5-6 times a day in certain portions.
  • We don’t jump right off the bat! We start calmly - with a minimum of loads and low amplitudes. Next, as your general well-being improves, we carefully increase the pace.
  • Be prepared for the fact that you will have to do the exercises on an ongoing basis. for preventive purposes.
  • If there is an exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you cannot exercise - exercises should be postponed until the inflammation subsides.
  • The main emphasis is on the quality of exercises. Don't chase quantity! Without much strain or severe shortness of breath, you can perform them in 1-2 sets at a calm pace of 15 exercises. Do them smoothly, without jerking.

These exercises are contraindicated for...

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Any type of bleeding.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Or the presence of problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Video: Exercises for back muscles

Building a muscle corset - 13 exercises for back muscles

First of all, it is worth noting that the most effective complicated exercises are recognized, characterized by a serious load with alternating body turns, bends, straightening movements of the arms with the shoulder blades brought together, and in addition - exercises for training all the spinal muscles attached to the spine, consisting of straight bends.

  1. Sit on the floor, cross your legs (Lotus pose) and, bending our elbows, place our palms on our shoulders. Next, put your arms up and make significant swings forward/backward. Then we lean forward deeply, with our forearms firmly touching the floor.
  2. We get on our knees. Raise your right hand and move your left hand to the left. We make circular movements in the “backward” direction. Next, change the hand.
  3. In a standing position Pull yourself up on your toes, stretch the top of your arm and pull in your stomach as much as possible. Slowly we lean forward (note - at the same time we bend the cervical, then the thoracic, and then the lumbar), grab our ankles with our hands and pull our body tightly towards our hips. Then we gradually unbend and calmly return to the starting position.
  4. We spread our legs wide and lower the palms of our bent arms onto our shoulders. We turn the body to the right, turn the right hand as high back as possible (palm up) and, making a wide swing back, return to the starting point. Next - the same exercise, but in the other direction.
  5. We stand straight, feet together . Bend your arms and place your palms on your shoulders. We bend forward, bending deeply, then back to the starting position. Afterwards, stretch your arms forward, make swings, lean forward deeply again and lower your tired arms. Then we slowly straighten up and again lower the palms of our bent arms onto our shoulders.
  6. We spread our legs to the sides from a standing position , we lower our hands “soldier-like, at the seams”, squat and back - to the starting position. Next, you should lean forward deeply, swing your arms wide back and make a deep bend. Afterwards, return to the starting position and stretch your arms in front of you.
  7. We get on our knees, arms extended forward. We tilt until we rest our hands on the floor. With a sharp push we spread our arms in different directions, then swing our arms and return our arms with a push back.
  8. We spread our legs to the sides from a standing position, with our arms at our sides. Lean forward deeply and “throw” your arms down freely. When bending over, swing your arms wide and touch the floor as far behind you as possible. Next, bend over, stretch your arms forward and touch the floor as far in front of you as possible.
  9. In the “kneeling” position, lean forward, extending your arms and resting them on the floor. Bent over and swinging, without moving your legs, move your hands to the left and then back. The same thing - to the right side.
  10. We get down on our knees, focusing on our outstretched arms. We slowly lift our pelvis up and also slowly stretch our legs, carefully “rolling” our weight back and without lifting our feet from the floor. Next - swing on a bend and again on your knees.
  11. We lie on our stomachs and extend our arms far forward with our palms on the floor. We bend back with our palms on the back of our heads. Next, stretch your arms forward and return to the starting position.
  12. Lying on your stomach, join your bent arms in front of your forehead. Forearms - as far inward as possible. Next, we slowly raise our legs from the floor and, after alternate swings (approx. - with outstretched fingers) up/down, lower our legs to the floor.
  13. Sitting position, legs together. We bend the left leg and press it tightly to the stomach with both hands, after which we move our arms back with our palms turned up and swing back without changing the position of the bent leg. Next, we lean forward deeply, exhale and reach with our hands to the right toe. After that, we change the leg.