Media Gazmanov died in a terrible accident. Road accident involving Oleg Gazmanov - it’s true that he died

Accident involving famous performer occurred on October 16 late in the evening. After the incident, Oleg Gazmanov immediately notified about the incident to their Instagram followers.

“Usolsky district. Perm region. We just had an accident here. There are two holes on the highway at once - reinforcement is sticking out of one, both wheels have been punctured. Everyone drive carefully!” the artist wrote.

He accompanied the recording with a short video where he once again warned drivers about the danger.

“Hello, people. I’m on the highway, going to Perm, where I have a concert the day after tomorrow. We got into an accident, into a huge hole right on the bridge. Everyone here should drive very carefully, otherwise you’ll get caught too,” Gazmanov said.

The artist also posted photographs of flat Mercedes tires and a screenshot from Yandex.Maps, where he indicated the exact location of the incident - the area of ​​the bridge over the Yaiva River.

Shortly after this, the same troubles occurred in this place with another driver, which prompted the artist to record a new video. “While we are standing now, another car was hit. On one wheel, on the front. Yes, guys, be careful here,” the singer added, while someone off-camera adds that “more guys got caught.”

Gazmanov also posted a photo of the place where he punctured the tires. The photo clearly shows a metal mesh that was laid under a layer of asphalt, and which, once on the surface of the roadway, caused the puncture.

“In exactly the same way, we fell into a hole, also in the Perm region, only in the Chernushka area, we also punctured two tires at once, fortunately at least there was no oncoming traffic. There's a pit on a pit there, it's just kind of scary. We were driving with two small children, we were so scared... The most interesting thing is that everyone goes around the pit, they already know it. But people like us, not Permians, get caught up in them. God bless you! Take care of yourself!” one of the subscribers wrote in the comments.
“Write a song about Russian roads!” another immediately asked him.

It is worth noting that in August last year, a number of “yellow” media outlets exploded with headlines that famous singer died in a fatal accident. However, it became clear almost immediately that we're talking about about Gazmanov's namesake, a 24-year-old street racer. Moreover, no specific data about the accident involving driver Gazmanov was provided.

The artist’s son Rodion also came into the media’s field of view. In August 2015, he significantly exceeded the speed limit, reaching the "blind" auditions television project"Voice" in Moscow.

“It’s not that I was in a hurry, but the car that came to my auto review in those days was very conducive to high speeds, and I couldn’t resist,” Gazmanov admitted, publishing a photo of the car’s dashboard. The speedometer shows a noticeable speed of movement - a little more than 160 km/h.

“Oleg Gazmanov crashed in a car accident” - January 2017 newspapers are full of stories, but this information does not refer to the singer himself, but to his namesake. The artist himself is alive and returns with ski resort, which he personally announced on Instagram.

Road accident involving Gazmanov

Gazmanov actually got into an accident in the center of the capital upon returning home from a starry evening to the north-west of Moscow. But this event happened in 2007. The singer later explained that he usually drives his own cars, but that evening he turned to a personal driver. After the performance, he was very tired and was in a hurry to go home, so the car was moving at high speed.

The driver did not have time to react to the formation of a traffic jam ahead, which led to the accident. The mitigating circumstance was that the man managed to brake sharply. Therefore, the Mercedes was quickly restored after the dent. But the passenger was seriously injured. He was in the middle of the back seat and was working with a laptop; at the time of the collision he came across the headrest of the front seat. All issues were resolved with the victims at the scene of the accident, without traffic cops.

“I’m a man, and I wouldn’t really like to discuss this topic,” the singer admits. “The main thing is that everything worked out, I’m alive and well, and the bruises and abrasions will heal quickly.” A few hours later, the artist flew to Tomsk, where he was to perform on the stage of a concert hall.

“Oleg Gazmanov has a large black eye,” the celebrity’s press service said. – And we have serious solo performances coming up in Riga and Estonia. Today he will perform in sunglasses, as the abrasion is very large and it will be difficult to cover it up.”

Health status

In September 2016, the creative evening Oleg Mikhailovich, dedicated to his 65th birthday. Not without acrobatic stunts - business card singer In confirmation of his excellent form, brutal photographs of the star are reported. Marianna took a photo of her father in Sochi, where Gazmanov was engaged in SUP surfing - racing on boards using a paddle.

“He looks cool at 65 years old!”, subscribers comment on the photo.

“You have to keep yourself in shape to work out 2-hour programs with bright numbers and acrobatic elements. As a child, I played a lot of sports, despite my heart problems. But at the age of 14, he fell on the horizontal bars and broke his leg, and spent a long time in the hospital. This led to dropping out of big sport,” the star shares with fans.


Oleg Gazmanov crashed in a car accident in 2019? Is it true that the singer was buried long ago, and his double is jumping around the stage to the soundtrack? It is known that singers performing patriotic songs largely earn good money thanks to government orders. Kobzon himself would hardly have been able to afford treatment in Italy if he had not received substantial fees for speaking on public holidays.

The situation is similar with Oleg Gazmanov, who, at the height of his patriotic spirit, never leaves television screens. His name is promoted; not a single military or national holiday is complete without performances by the artist. If Oleg Gazmanov suddenly died, the patriotic segment of show business would be under threat. After all, Kobzon is also many years old, and Rastorguev physically would not be able to work out all the concerts, especially on May 9.

Therefore, after rumors that Oleg Gazmanov crashed in a car accident in 2019, some could assume that his double was jumping around the stage, performing to plywood famous songs“How could you leave your friend gay-gay-gay” or “In the heat of victory today is like the old days.” But in reality, of course, all this is not true. The rumor was inflated by funds mass media against the background of a report in which it was reported that Gazmanov’s namesake had crashed in a car. Moreover, Oleg Mikhailovich feels great.

In general, the news of the death of many domestic singers, despite the immorality of this kind of thinking, is received with enthusiasm by many. This is probably due to television shows that feature the same faces over decades. It seems that in addition to pop music of the 80s Russian culture unable to show anything. Naturally, this is not so; you can find a lot on YouTube talented musicians and singers who, even without government support, solely thanks to their work and talent, gain millions of views.

To summarize, it can be noted that Oleg Gazmanov not only did not crash in a car accident, but is alive, well, and actively touring. Moreover, judging by the singer’s biography, even if power in Russia changes 180 degrees, he will not disappear from the stage. Just like Nikita Mikhalkov from the film industry.

Judging by Gazmanov’s interview, as well as the “Let’s Go” program, where film crew went on tour with him, the singer has no bad habits, he is actively involved in sports and breathing exercises. Therefore, the Russian public will listen to his highly spiritual songs for many more decades. Gazmanov is alive! And he will live.