Scans of books. In the middle of the clearing, in white sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. what are the artistic techniques here?

1. - Hello, dear colleagues!

I invite you to “see the unusual in the ordinary.”

2. The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately spread out to the sides. In the middle of the clearing, in white sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. The trees seemed to respectfully part to allow the older brother to unfold in full force. Its lower branches spread out like a tent over the clearing. Snow packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads.

3. Film.

4. Introduction to the topic.

How difficult it is to find the truth in the most trifling matter.

Let's try to find the truth in Yuri Markovich Nagibin's story “Winter Oak” by asking ourselves the questions: about whom?, about what?, why?

5. Work in groups.

The work of analyzing excerpts from the work, which we will do in groups, will help us answer these questions.

Read the episodes from the story and express your opinion on the question posed on the card.

6. Working with the audience.

The oak was a sacred tree of many peoples, including the ancient Slavs, it was worshiped as a deity .

Today it remains a symbol of courage, perseverance,endurance, longevity, nobility, loyalty, protection.

Many writers turn to the description of oak:

Maybe someone will recognize the passages they heard and name the work and its author.

1. “The old oak tree, completely transformed, spread out like a tent of lush, dark greenery, was thrilled, slightly swaying in the rays of the evening sun. No gnarled fingers, no sores, no old grief and mistrust - nothing was visible. Juicy, young leaves broke through the hundred-year-old hard bark without knots, so it was impossible to believe that this old man had produced them. “Yes, this is the same oak tree,” thought Prince Andrei, and suddenly an unreasonable spring feeling of joy and renewal came over him” (Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”)

2. I saw an oak tree.

He's hundreds of years old

Stretching the roots deeper and deeper,

Stayed firmly on the ground

The crown of the head props up the sky.(Ivan Kashpurov “Oak”)

3. Look at him: he is important and calm

Among its lifeless plains.

Who says that in the field he is not a warrior?

He is a warrior in the field, even alone. (Nikolai Zabolotsky “Lonely Oak”)

4. Near Lukomorye there is a green oak;

Golden chain on the oak tree:

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes around and around in a chain. (Alexander Pushkin)

What meaning do the descriptions of oak in these works carry?

7. Result of the groups’ work.

The time has come to sum up the work of the groups.

The first group presents us with a substantive analysis of the text: about whom?

Please have your say.

1) The world of childhood is presented in the story as joyful, serene, thirsty for knowledge - the colorful world of childhood.

2) Young, considered herself experienced, cheerful, self-confident. Everyone appreciates and respects her. Glory to a skillful, experienced teacher.

3) Small, in worn-out felt boots, a spontaneous village boy, living in the surrounding nature, enjoying its amazing beauty, sincere and honest.

4) One of the main characters of the story. Savushkin speaks about him as a living being, despite the shouts and laughter of his comrades: “Just oak - what! Winter oak is a noun!”

5) The father died in the war, the mother is raising four children, a hardworking, kind woman.

6) Residents of Uvarovka are kind, respectful people.

7) Winter guests.

The second group presents us with the meaning of a substantive analysis of the text, the main idea of ​​the work, access to the moral values ​​that make up the spirituality of the individual: what is it about?

1) Joy, admiration, a surge of feelings, delight.

2) Self-confidence, arrogance.

3) When a person is left alone with nature, he becomes himself, sincere and honest, ingenuous and simple.

4) The beauty of nature. An enchanted world of peace and soundlessness.

5) Her self-confidence disappears when a little boy teaches her in the forest. She walked the same path as her student.

6) The wealth and beauty of the hero’s inner world.In the future, it will become the same guardian of the forest as the oak tree.

Have your say.

Summary (mine)

To understand how beautiful the world is in which man and nature can be happy, because they are one;

To understand that there is another person’s world and you need to accept it as your own;

To appreciate life.

The oak is the guardian of the forest, and man is the guardian of the whole world.

Thanks for communication!

The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately (parted, parted, parted) to the sides: in the middle of a clearing, in white ( shiny, sparkling, shining) clothes, huge and ( majestic, majestic, regal), the oak tree stood like a cathedral. The trees seemed to respectfully ( parted, parted, moved apart), to let the older brother unfold in full force. Its lower branches are like a tent ( spread out, spread out, spread out) over the clearing. Snow packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried out in the fall, is almost not ( fell, flew around, crumbled), the oak tree was covered with leaves up to the very top ( white, snowy, snow-white, gray) needles So here it is, winter oak. Anna Vasilievna ( fearfully, timidly, timidly) stepped towards the oak tree, and the mighty ( wonderful, magnificent, beautiful) the guardian of the forest quietly swung a branch towards her

(Yu. Nagibin)

Exercise 3. Select synonyms for each of the paronyms, using the reference material.

    Addressee, addressee;

    Warlike, militant;

    Despotic, despotic;

    Ignorant, ignorant;

5. Friendly; friendly;

6. Unresponsive, irresponsible.

For information: 1) sender; recipient; 2) aggressive; struggling, fighting with someone or something; 3)tyrannical; petty tyrant; 4) rude; ignoramus; 5) friendly; friendly; 6) downtrodden, depressed, speechless; carefree, carefree.

Task 4. Specify artistic and visual means.

1) ... the stone trees stood silent and motionless during the day and moved even more densely around people in the evenings, when cold fires lit up. And it was even more terrible when the angry wind beat on the tops of the trees and the whole forest hummed dully, as if threatening and singing a funeral song...

2) Danko’s heart burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people...

(M. Gorky, “Old Woman Izergil”).

Assignment for SRSP: 1) Read and write down the means of artistic expression.

Assignment for SRS: Task 2, 3, 4, 5.


1 Akhmedyarov K.K. Russian language: Textbook for students of Kazakh departments of the university (undergraduate). – Almaty: KazNU named after. al-Farabi, 2008. – 226 p.

2 Zhanalina L.K., Musataeva M.Sh. Practical course of the Russian language: Textbook. – Almaty: Print-S, 2005. – 529 p.

1.3 (3) Plan-Russian language lesson notes on the topic:Features of literary text. Workshop on creating texts in an artistic style.


1. Deepen the concept of artistic style of speech.

2. To make students aware of the close relationship between language and society, the main functions of language in society, which will contribute to the correct stylistic use of the studied constructions in speech.


Exercise 1. Read the sayings of the classics. Retell them.

1) The task of literature is to capture in colors, in words, in sounds, in forms what is best, beautiful, honest, noble in a person. In particular, my task is to awaken a person’s pride in himself, to tell him that he is the best, the most sacred in life... (M. Gorky)

2) Love the book - the source of knowledge, only knowledge is saving, only it can make you spiritually strong, honest, reasonable people who are able to sincerely love a person, respect his work and heartily admire the beautiful fruits of his continuous great work. (M. Gorky)

3) Man is a mystery. It needs to be solved. And if you spend your whole life solving it, don’t say you wasted your time. I'm doing this mystery because I want to be a Human! (F.M. Dostoevsky)

4) It’s funny for me to remember how I thought and how you seem to think that you can create a happy and honest little world for yourself, in which you can live quietly, without mistakes, without repentance, without confusion, and do only good things slowly and carefully .

Funny! To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, fight, start and quit, and start again, and quit again, and fight forever. And calmness is spiritual meanness! (L.N. Tolstoy)

5) Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts! (A.P. Chekhov)

Task 2. Write the text using, if possible, all means of artistic expression.


Task 3. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Explain the spelling of vowels after C.

    Three girls... were spinning under the window late in the evening.

    The Ts...gans roam around Bessarabia in a noisy crowd.

    I put down my, wrapped myself in a fur coat and dozed off.

4. And in response to the foxes’ friendly words, the crow croaked at the top of her crow’s throat.

5. A girl wearing a white down scarf and a ts...geik jacket entered the carriage.

Task 4. Copy the words by inserting the missing letters. Explain the spelling of these words. Make 4-5 sentences with them.

1) Ts..fra, ts...rkul,, akats...ya, plantation...ya, cucumber..., well done..., ts...rk, ts.. .tata, ts...nk, ts...novka, sisters...n, foxes. ..n, stairs..., nat...ya, ts...geika, ts...rkulyats...ya, ts...nga, ts...bulya (bow), on ts.. .kidneys, t...kick, abstract...i, tradition...i.

2) Ts...cynic potassium, c...crylic rhythm, c..., lindrical figure, c...nic phrase, c...r...circular program, circular saw, powerful c...tadel, ts...coward cultures, ts.,.beach fluff, set, participants...conference..., civilized world, volleyball section...i, strong cyclone.

Task 5. Write down the phrases, explaining the spelling of all words.

Loving dance... ts...ganka; behave in a civilized manner; approaching c...clone; carrying out privatization; economic stabilization; new buttons...; old intelligentsia; performance by a performer; experienced swimmers...; vaccine for vaccinations; chubby young man; coordination of movements; can't be heard from the streets...; c...face of the clock.

Task 6. Write an essay using one of the statements below as an epigraph.

The snow that had fallen overnight covered the narrow path leading from Uvarovka to the school, and only by the faint intermittent shadow on the snow could its direction be guessed. The teacher carefully placed her foot in a small, fur-trimmed boot, ready to pull it back if the snow deceived her.

It was only half a kilometer to school, and the teacher just threw a short fur coat over her shoulders and quickly tied a light woolen scarf around her head. But the frost was severe, and there was also a wind blowing. But the twenty-four-year-old teacher liked it all.

A two-story school building with wide windows painted with frost stood near the highway.

Anna Vasilievna's first lesson was in the fifth "A". The piercing bell, announcing the start of classes, had not yet died down, and Anna Vasilievna entered the classroom. Silence did not come immediately. Desk lids slammed, benches creaked, someone sighed noisily, apparently saying goodbye to the serene mood of the morning.

Today we will continue our analysis of parts of speech... A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object. A subject in grammar is anything that can be asked about: who is this or what is this? For example: who is this - Student. Or: what is this? - Books...

In the half-open door stood a small figure in worn felt boots, on which frosty sparks melted and died out. His round face, inflamed by the frost, burned as if it had been rubbed with beets, and his eyebrows were gray with frost.

Are you late again, Savushkin? - Anna Vasilyevna loved to be strict, but now her question sounded almost plaintive.

Taking the teacher’s words as permission to enter the classroom, Savushkin quickly slipped into his seat.

All clear? - Anna Vasilievna addressed the class.

It's clear! It's clear! - the children answered in unison.

Fine! Then give examples.

It was quiet for a few seconds, then someone spoke.

That’s right,” said Anna Vasilievna.

Window! Table! House! Road!

That’s right,” said Anna Vasilievna.

The class erupted with joy. The range of examples kept expanding, but in the first minutes the guys stuck to the closest, tangible objects. And suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, Savushkin rose above his desk and loudly shouted: “Winter oak!”

The words burst from his soul like a confession, like a happy secret that his overflowing heart was unable to contain. Not understanding his strange agitation, Anna Vasilyevna said, barely hiding her irritation:

Why winter? Just oak.

Just oak - what! Winter oak - that's a noun!

Sit down, Savushkin, that’s what it means to be late. During the big break, be kind enough to come into the teachers' room...

Please, explain why you are systematically late? - Anna Vasilievna said when Savushkin entered the teacher’s room.

I just don’t know, Anna Vasilievna. I leave an hour before.

And aren’t you ashamed to say that you leave in an hour? From the sanatorium to the highway it takes about fifteen minutes and along the highway no more than half an hour.

But I don’t walk on the highway. I took a shortcut, straight through the forest.

It’s sad, Savushkin, very sad! I'll have to go see your mother. I cum at two. After lessons you will accompany me.

As soon as they entered the forest and the spruce paws, heavily loaded with snow, closed behind them, they were immediately transported to another, enchanted world of peace and soundlessness.

All around is white and white. Only in the heights do the wind-blown tops of tall weeping birches turn black, and the thin branches seem to be drawn in ink on the blue surface of the sky.

Slipping under the arch of a bent willow, the path again ran down to the stream. In some places the stream was covered with a thick blanket of snow, in others it was encased in a pure ice shell, and sometimes among the ice and snow living water looked out with a dark, unkind eye.

Why isn't he completely frozen? - asked Anna Vasilievna,

There are warm springs flowing through it, you see a trickle.

Leaning over the hole, Anna Vasilyevna saw a thin thread stretching from the bottom; Before reaching the surface of the water, it burst into small bubbles.

There are so many of these keys here! - Savushkin spoke with enthusiasm. - The stream is alive even under the snow.

He swept away the snow, and tar-black and yet transparent water appeared.

Suddenly, a smoky blue crack appeared in the distance. Red forest replaced the thicket; it became spacious and fresh. And now, not a gap, but a wide sunlit opening appeared in front, there was something sparkling, sparkling, swarming with icy stars.

The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately spread out to the sides: in the middle of the clearing, in white sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. The trees seemed to respectfully part to allow the older brother to unfold in full force. Its lower branches spread out like a tent over the clearing. Snow packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried out in the autumn, almost did not fly off; the oak tree was covered with leaves in snowy covers to the very top.

So there it is, the winter oak!

Anna Vasilyevna timidly stepped towards the oak tree, and the mighty, generous guardian of the forest quietly swung a branch towards her.

Savushkin was busy at the foot of the oak tree, casually treating his old acquaintance. With effort, he rolled away a block of snow that was stuck underneath with earth and the remains of rotting grass. There, in the hole, lay a ball wrapped in rotted cobweb-thin leaves. Sharp needle tips stuck out through the leaves, and Anna Vasilievna guessed that it was a hedgehog.

That's how I wrapped myself up! - Savushkin carefully covered the hedgehog with his unpretentious blanket. Then he dug up the snow at another root. A tiny grotto with a fringe of icicles on the roof opened up. There was a brown frog sitting in it that looked like it was made of cardboard. Savushkin touched the frog, but it did not move.

He continued to lead the teacher around his little world. The foot of the oak tree sheltered many more guests: beetles, lizards, boogers. Anna Vasilyevna peered with joyful interest into this unknown, secret life of the forest when she heard Savushkin’s alarmed voice:

Oh, we won’t find mom anymore!

Anna Vasilyevna hurriedly brought her watch to her eyes - it was a quarter past four. She felt as if she was trapped.

Well, Savushkin, this only means that the shortcut is not the most correct.

Having gone far away, Anna Vasilievna looked back at the oak tree for the last time and saw a small dark figure at its foot. And she suddenly realized that the most amazing thing in this forest was not the winter oak, but a small man in worn felt boots.

(According to Yu. Nagibin.)

Write down combinations of a noun with adjectives or participles, remember them and use them in the presentation separately or not (in accordance with the use of the author, story).

The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately spread out to the sides. In the middle of the clearing, in white sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, stood an oak tree. The trees seemed to respectfully part to allow the older brother to unfold in full force. Its lower branches spread out like a tent over the clearing. Snow packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried out in the autumn, almost did not fly off, and the oak tree was covered with leaves in snowy covers to the very top.

Anna Vasilievna timidly stepped towards the oak tree, and the magnanimous, powerful guardian of the forest swung a branch towards her.

“Anna Vasilyevna, look,” said Savushkin and with an effort he rolled away a block of snow with earth stuck to the bottom and the remains of rotten grass. There, in the hole, lay a ball wrapped in rotted leaves. Sharp needle tips stuck out through the leaves, and Anna Vasilievna guessed that it was a hedgehog.

The boy continued to lead the teacher around his little world. The foot of the oak tree sheltered many more guests: beetles, lizards. boogers. Emaciated, they endured the winter in deep sleep. A strong tree overflowing with life has accumulated so much living warmth around itself that the poor animal could not have found a better apartment for itself.

Having walked far away, Anna Vasilievna looked back for the last time at the oak tree, white and pink in the sunset rays, and saw at its foot a small dark figure: Savushkin had not left, he was guarding his teacher from afar. And Anna Vasilievna suddenly realized that the most amazing thing in this forest was not the winter oak, but a little man in worn felt boots, mended clothes, the son of a soldier who died for his homeland, a wonderful citizen of the future.

(According to Yu. Nagibin) 232 words

It’s true that Savushkina already has enough troubles.

And yet Anna Vasilievna must see her.

I'll have to go see your mother.

Come, Anna Vasilievna, mom will be happy!

Unfortunately, I have nothing to please her with. Does mom work in the morning?

No, she's on the second shift, starting at three.

Very well. I cum at two. After lessons you will accompany me...

The path along which Savushkin led Anna Vasilievna began immediately at the back of the school estate. As soon as they stepped into the forest and the spruce paws, heavily loaded with snow, closed behind them, they were immediately transported to another, enchanted world of peace and soundlessness. Magpies and crows, flying from tree to tree, swayed branches, knocked down pine cones, and sometimes, touching with their wings, broke off fragile, dry twigs. But nothing gave birth to sound here.

All around is white and white. Only in the heights do the wind-blown tops of tall weeping birches turn black, and the thin branches seem to be drawn in ink on the blue surface of the sky.

The path ran along the stream - sometimes level with it, obediently following all the twists of the riverbed, sometimes rising high, winding along a sheer steep slope.

Sometimes the trees parted, revealing sunny, cheerful clearings, crossed by a hare's trail, similar to a watch chain. There were also large trefoil-shaped tracks that belonged to some large animal. The tracks went into the very thicket, into the brown forest.

Sokhaty has passed! - as if about a good friend, Savushkin said, seeing that Anna Vasilievna was interested in the tracks. “Just don’t be afraid,” he added in response to the glance cast by the teacher into the depths of the forest. - Elk, he is quiet.

Have you seen him? - Anna Vasilievna asked excitedly.

Himself? Alive? - Savushkin sighed. - No, it didn’t happen. I saw his nuts.

“Spools,” Savushkin explained shyly.

Slipping under the arch of a bent willow, the path ran down to the stream again. In some places the stream was covered with a thick blanket of snow, in others it was encased in a pure ice shell, and sometimes among the ice and snow living water could be seen with a dark, unkind eye.

Why isn't he completely frozen? - asked Anna Vasilievna.

Warm springs flow through it. Do you see the trickle there?

Leaning over the hole, Anna Vasilyevna saw a thin thread stretching from the bottom; Before reaching the surface of the water, it burst into small bubbles. This thin stem with bubbles looked like a lily of the valley.

There are so many of these keys here! - Savushkin spoke with enthusiasm. - The stream is alive even under the snow.

He swept away the snow, and tar-black and yet transparent water appeared.

Anna Vasilievna noticed that, falling into the water, the snow did not melt, it immediately thickened and sagged in the water like gelatinous greenish algae. She liked it so much that she began to knock the snow into the water with the toe of her boot, rejoicing when a particularly intricate figure was sculpted from the large lump. She got the taste and did not immediately notice that Savushkin had gone ahead and was waiting for her, sitting high in the fork of a branch hanging over the stream. Anna Vasilievna caught up with Savushkin. Here the effect of the warm springs had already ended; the stream was covered with film-thin ice. Quick, light shadows darted across its marbled surface.

Look how thin the ice is, you can even see the current!

What are you talking about, Anna Vasilyevna! It was I who shook the branch, and so the shadow runs.

Anna Vasilievna bit her tongue. Perhaps, here in the forest, it’s better for her to keep quiet.

Savushkin again walked ahead of the teacher, bending down slightly and carefully looking around him.

And the forest kept leading them and leading them with its complex, confusing passages. It seemed that there would be no end to the edge of these trees, snowdrifts, this silence and sun-pierced darkness.

Suddenly, a smoky blue crack appeared in the distance. The redwoods replaced the thicket, it became spacious and fresh. And now, not a gap, but a wide, sunlit opening appeared in front, there was something sparkling, sparkling, swarming with icy stars.

The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately spread out to the sides. In the middle of the clearing, in white sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. The trees seemed to respectfully part to allow the older brother to unfold in full force. Its lower branches spread out like a tent over the clearing. Snow packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried out in the autumn, almost did not fly off; the oak tree was covered with leaves in snowy covers to the very top.

So here it is, winter oak!

Anna Vasilyevna timidly stepped towards the oak tree, and the mighty, generous guardian of the forest quietly swung a branch towards her.

Not knowing at all what was going on in the teacher’s soul, Savushkin was fiddling around at the foot of the oak tree, casually treating his old acquaintance.