We draw a hare in the middle group. Summary of GCD in the middle group. Drawing with elements of applique on the theme: “The gray bunny has become white.” Middle group lesson


  • Teach children to draw an animal based on an oval (torso, head), conveying its characteristic features in the drawing: long ears, short tail, white color; maintain basic proportions between parts; convey different states of the animal through different positions of the ears;
  • Introduce the technique of conveying a simple plot; maintain basic proportions between objects;
  • Promote the development of rhythmic and dynamic hearing;
  • Cultivate interest and a friendly attitude towards nature.


  • the teacher has a picture of a sitting white hare; a picture of a Christmas tree; two ovals of different sizes (body and head), ears, tail and paws for laying out on a flannelgraph.
  • Children have sticks for musical and didactic games; sheets of paper of different colors with a Christmas tree drawn in the previous lesson; white gouache paint, soft brushes.

Preliminary work:

Examination of a hare toy, pictures of a hare; reading fiction; sculpting a bunny.

Progress of the lesson.

In the first part of the lesson, children are seated in a semicircle and a flannelgraph is placed in front of them.

The teacher asks a riddle:

Gray in summer, white in winter.

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

The teacher places a picture of a hare.

Why is the bunny gray in summer and white in winter?

After the children’s answers, the teacher generalizes: “Snow fell, covered the whole ground with a white blanket and the bunny’s fur became white, so it’s easier for him to hide from predators.”

The teacher offers to look at the bunny, draws the children’s attention to the animal’s pose, the shape of the body parts, their relative proportions, and the location of the body and head. At the same time, he traces the body and head of the hare with his finger, the children follow with their eyes.

Where should we start to depict a bunny? (From the body).

The teacher invites the child to the flannelgraph, offers to find the body of a hare among other parts and attach it to the flannelgraph. Another child attaches the bunny's head. The remaining parts - ears, tail, paws - are attached by other children. Laying out the ears, the teacher emphasizes their length: “The bunny’s ears are long.” Then the teacher draws the bunny’s eye, “This is what a beautiful bunny we have.”

The bunny is a nimble, dexterous and timid animal. He raised his ears - he listened to see if the fox was sneaking, he heard a rustling - he jumped, sat down, pressed his ears to his body and froze (changes the position of the bunny's ears on the flannelgraph).

The teacher invites the children to play with the bunny.

Game "Loud - Quiet":

Children have wooden sticks. When the bunny's ears are raised, children hit the chopsticks loudly, when the ears are pressed down, they hit quietly.

The teacher praises the children and invites them to stand in a circle. He suggests singing a song about a bunny, clapping your hands.

The teacher sings and claps, the children repeat.

Little white bunny sits - rhythmic clapping

And he wiggles his ears

Like this, like this - two short, one long

He moves his ears - evenly.

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jump -

And he galloped off. - fast rhythm.

The bunny galloped under the Christmas tree (puts the Christmas tree on the flannelgraph). Compare the size of the Christmas tree and the bunny and their relative positions.

The teacher reminds the children that they drew a Christmas tree and invites them to draw a hare near their Christmas tree.

Children sit at tables and start drawing. During the work, the teacher asks some children which bunny they will draw. Ensures that the oval shapes are depicted correctly, so that when painting the child does not go beyond the outline. For those children who have finished drawing a bunny, they suggest using the tip of a brush to draw snow on the branches of a spruce tree and falling snowflakes. He advises not to draw too many snowflakes (otherwise the snowfall will be so heavy that you won’t even be able to see the white hare in the drawing).

At the end of the lesson, compare two drawings in which bunnies are depicted in different ways: one with their ears down, the other with their ears up. Ask what this bunny is doing and what the other one is doing.

- "How did you find out? Show me some more drawings of where the bunny is hiding and where he is listening.”

Draw children's attention to the size of the tree and the hare, to the fullness of the design on the sheet of paper, to the beautiful combination of colors: dark green, white, blue.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Program content:

  • consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, that in late autumn hares change their summer coats for winter ones;
  • improve the non-traditional technique of painting using the poking method with a hard semi-dry brush;
  • develop the ability to create an expressive image (imitation of the texture of a fluffy fur coat);
  • practice the ability to hold the brush vertically and rhythmically hit the silhouette of a hare,
  • cultivate interest in mastering visual techniques;
  • make children want to help the bunny.

Vocabulary work: molt.

Preliminary work:

  • viewing paintings and illustrations;
  • reading works of fiction about hares (Bianchi, Ushinsky, Charushin, Zakhoder)
  • watching the cartoon “The Hare Brags.”


  • applique works depicting a hare at different times of the year;
  • samples for display;
  • a sheet of white paper with a silhouette image of trees (birches) and hares made of gray paper;
  • white gouache in rosettes;
  • natural bristle paint brush;
  • jars of water, cloth napkins, brush holders.

Progress of the lesson

(Children stand in a semicircle near the easel.)

Educator:- Hello guys! Today you went to kindergarten and probably noticed that nature has changed? (Children’s answers that snow fell overnight.) You told everything correctly, the first snow fell and covered the ground. Now it has become beautiful, everything around is white - white. But in the forest, not all the animals were happy about the arrival of winter. Let's get a look, what is happening there. (Children look at the applicative work, the teacher reads a poem.)

Poem by I. Pivovarova.

The hare lay down on a hillock,
I decided to take a nap for an hour.
While he was sleeping sweetly,
the first snow fell on the ground.
The gray hare woke up,
I was surprised: “What’s the matter?”


- Guys, what happened? (Children's answers.) That's right, you said that the first snow fell.

– Has the bunny managed to prepare for winter? (Children's answers.)

- How does he prepare for winter? (Children's answers.)

- Well done guys, you answered correctly. Hares are gray in summer (the teacher shows the children pictures, a fox is hunting and does not see the prey).


– And in the middle of autumn, hares change their summer coats to winter ones. It is not only warmer, but also a different color. - Which one? - Why white?

– Such changes in fur color and density are called molting. By winter, many animals grow fluffy, thick hair - a winter coat.

– From whom do his long legs and white fur save the hare? (From a fox, a wolf.)

– You answered correctly, but such a fur coat also saves you from the frost and hides you from the hunter. The snow is white, and the bunny is white. Where do you notice this?

– Look carefully at this picture and count how many bunnies are hiding in the forest?


You see how everything works in nature, it was difficult for us to find hares. No wonder people say: “It’s white, that’s why it’s intact.”

Educator:- Let's go back to our bunny.

The bunny doesn't have a hut,
Who will build him a house?
He lies with his ears flattened,
Under a walnut bush.
Lightened, whitened,
The forest is silently rustling: “Uh-huh!”
Bunny in a gray summer coat
So noticeable in the snow...

How can we help our bunny prepare for winter? (Children's answers.) That's right, guys, the bunny needs to change his gray fur coat to a white one. In the meantime, let's help the bunny warm up.

Physical education minute:

Skok - skok, skok - skok,
The bunny jumped onto a tree stump.
It's cold for the bunny to sit
Need to warm up my paws.
Paws up, paws down,
Pull yourself up on your toes.
We put our paws on the side
On your toes, hop – hop – hop.
And then squat down,
So that your paws don't get cold.

Educator:- Guys, we need to quickly help the bunny change his summer coat to a winter one, otherwise he might be caught by a fox or a wolf.

– What color is the winter coat? (Children's answers.)

– What kind of paint should we prepare for painting? (Children's answers.)

- That's right. And here is a brush that will help us draw a fluffy fur coat today. Get your hands ready, the brush will greet you. (Children stretch out their hands, the teacher gently hits each one on the back of their hand and asks them to answer which brush is visiting today.)

Children:– The brush is hard, prickly (some might say: evil, harmful).

Educator:– What do we know about this brush?

Children:– This brush doesn’t like water.

Educator:- Right. But this brush will help you paint a fluffy fur coat. What movements will we do?

Children:- Knock-Knock.

Educator:– Let’s take a brush like this (like a pencil, above its metal part), it’s simple, pick up a little paint and start painting, saying: knock-knock-knock. The teacher holds the brush vertically and rhythmically hits the silhouette of a hare on the sheet.

Educator:– Now you guys, it’s time to get to work, sit down comfortably at the tables and let’s start working . (Children take their seats, check their workspace and begin to complete the creative task.)

During independent work, the teacher keeps all the children in sight, monitors the seating position and the technique of performing the work; in the middle of the practical part, physical education is held.

Physical education minute:

We tried to draw (hands to the side)
It was hard not to get tired (torso bends to the sides)
We'll take a little rest (sit down, arms forward)
Let's start drawing again (stand up, put your hands down)

Finished works are attached to a magnetic board. Children tidy up their workspace and stand in a semicircle around the board.

Educator:- Guys, look what we got: (The teacher reads again poem by I. Pivovarova “Hare”, but with a continuation.)

The hare lay down on a hillock,
I decided to take a nap for an hour.
While he was sleeping sweetly,
the first snow fell on the ground.
The gray hare woke up,
I was surprised: “What’s the matter?”
I was gray, but I became white!
Who changed me?


Educator:- How did we help the bunny? (Children's answers.)

– Which brush helped you paint the fluffy fur coat? (Children's answers.)

– What color paint did we take for painting? Why? (Children's answers.)

- That's right, hares are gray in summer, and white in winter, so that they are not visible in the snow. The bunny thanks you for your help, now he is not afraid of winter.

Lena Novikova

Drawing notes for the junior-middle group on the content of the musical game:

"The little white bunny is sitting"

Tasks. Teach children to draw a tree, Christmas tree and rabbits with gouache paints, conveying the features of their structure and placing them in space. Develop coordination of movements between hands and eyes. Continue to master the shape of objects and colors as means of figurative expression. Improve your painting technique with gouache paints. Develop ways of visually examining objects. Develop visual-figurative thinking and imagination.

Preliminary work. Conversation about forest animals and trees. Acquaintance with the structure and appearance features of spruce and trees (trunk, branches, crown). Examination and visual inspection of an artificial Christmas tree. Observing the structure of trees on a walk. Looking at pictures of hares.

Materials, tools, equipment. Artificial Christmas tree, toys of hares and foxes. Sheets of paper are tinted (light blue, dark blue, pale lilac, etc.); gouache paints (3 colors, brushes, cotton swabs, cups (jars) of water, paper and cloth napkins.

The teacher reads the text of the musical game to the children and shows a scene with toys:

White bunnies sit and wiggle their ears

Like this, this is how he moves his ears.

It's cold for bunnies to sit

We need to warm our paws.

This is how you need to warm your little paws.

It's cold for bunnies to stand

The bunnies need to jump.

This is how, this is how bunnies need to jump.

Here is a little fox running - her red sister.

Looking for where the bunnies are?

Are bunnies runners?

Guys, how can you help the bunnies? Where should they hide? Yes, in a snowdrift under a tree, under a Christmas tree. Let's help the bunnies. Let's draw a tree or a Christmas tree for them.

The teacher shows the sequence and individual techniques of work:

Look what a Christmas tree looks like, and what a tree looks like? The tree and the tree have a straight trunk (brown or dark green, and then on the sides of the trunk there are green branches - we start drawing the branches from above and “go down”: the branch on the right is the branch on the left, the branch on the right is the branch on the left; that’s how lush and green We got a Christmas tree!

The branches of a Christmas tree look downwards to the sides, and those of a tree look upwards to the sides. -What color are we going to paint the tree with?

Now let’s take white gouache and draw a snowball, a crown - a cap on a tree and bunnies. (teacher showing how to draw)

Offer to draw a round torso and head of a bunny in the air with your hand, invite the child to draw a bunny on the easel.

Guys, let's help the bunnies hide from the cheating fox.

Children choose gouache, art tools and begin to perform a creative task. Those children who quickly completed the task can be advised to draw another hare and snowfall with white paint.

After drawing, invite the children to play a musical game: “The little white bunny is sitting”, choosing a fox among the children.

Publications on the topic:

Hello colleagues! Today I want to bring to your attention a children's master class “The little white bunny is sitting.” “Some people run up the hill, and some run down the mountain.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on familiarization with the environment and unconventional drawing in the 2nd ml. group Topic: “Little gray bunny, little bunny.

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development “The gray bunny is sitting”“The little gray bunny is sitting” (first group of early age) Objectives: - encourage children to recognize a familiar toy, correlate the toy with the picture.

Summary of direct educational activities topic “The little white bunny is sitting” GBDOU kindergarten No. 54 of a combined type, Primorsky district, St. Petersburg Summary of direct educational activities TOPIC.

Notes on drawing in the junior group: "Boats" "Little White Bunny" (wild animals) Drawing lesson in the junior group. Subject:.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the junior-middle group on the topic: “Christmas tree, grow!” Tasks. Continue to teach children how to create expressive sculptures.

Target: Develop imagination and thinking by modifying the image of a bunny.


Cultivate interest in understanding nature and reflecting received ideas in visual arts.

Improve the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse in water, dry on a napkin before picking up another paint.

Develop fine motor skills of hands

Preliminary work: A conversation about seasonal changes in nature, methods of adaptation of animals (changes in the color of the outer integument of the body). Comparison of images of hares - in summer and winter “fur coats”. Reading literary works about hares.

Materials and equipment: Tinted sheets of blue or light blue paper, silhouettes of hares cut out of gray paper, glue, glue brushes, white gouache paint, brushes, jars of water, paper napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

Does the scythe have no den?

He doesn't need a hole, his legs save him from enemies,

and bark from hunger.

Children: Hare

Educator: - That's right, hare! let's watch a fairy tale about a hare?

Children's answers.

The teacher tells a fairy tale to T. Voronina, showing illustrations to the fairy tale.

A fairy tale about a bunny.

“Once upon a time there lived a gray hare in the forest with his mother and father. The gray one jumped and frolicked in the grass in the clearing and had no worries. Everyone was suitable for him as a friend: a birch tree, a maple tree, and a raspberry bush.

But one day the gray one ran out of the house into the clearing, but did not recognize his friends. The birch leaves have turned yellow. And the maple ones turned red.

“Aren’t they sick? “- the little bunny was scared.

Why did you turn yellow? - he asked the birch tree.

Autumn has come,” the birch leaves rustled in response.

Why are you blushing? – the gray one asked the maple tree.

Autumn has come,” the trunk of the old maple tree creaked.

“What kind of animal is autumn? “- the little bunny got scared and ran home as fast as he could.

Fall has come! Save yourself who can! - the little bunny shouted, seeing his family.

What scared you about autumn? The mother was surprised.

She came and dyed everyone’s fur coat as she pleased. The forest is all colorful! She spared no one. What kind of terrible beast is autumn?

Winter will be worse. She'll come and take over your fur coat. – the bunny smiled.

Winter has come. She dressed both the birch and the maple in white fluffy coats according to her wishes. Our familiar little bunny is jumping and frolicking in a white clearing, but you can’t even recognize his fur coat! »

The teacher asks the children:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Children, who do you think this fairy tale is about? (children's answers).

What happened to the bunny? (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, let's draw pictures about how the bunny prepared for winter and changed his gray coat to white.

The children sit at the tables, the teacher offers to look at the silhouette of a hare cut out of gray paper, and asks:

Which fur coat is the bunny wearing? Summer or winter? (children's answers).

Educator: Look how I will help the bunny change his fur coat from gray to white (attach a sheet of blue paper to the easel, stick the silhouette of a hare at the bottom of the sheet - 2-3 cm above the bottom edge, paint the hare with white gouache).

Guys, why do you think the bunny needs to change his coat? (children's answers).

That's right, so that the bunny is not noticed by hunters and predatory animals in the snow, listen to the poem.

The hare runs as fast as he can,

The hare wants to hide.

Then he runs and circles,

Then he lies there, trembling all over.

Poor thing, he is afraid of everything...

Where to hide from evil -

From the fox and marten,

From the eagle and the eagle?

He's even afraid of squirrels

Songbirds - even small ones.

... Ears are arrows. The tail is a knot.

The white one jumped and - silence.

Educator: This is how a white fur coat saves a bunny, he jumped into a snowdrift and hid. Now let's get to work, carefully glue the bunny onto a piece of paper, then paint it. Don't forget to draw snow or a snowdrift.

The children do the work.

Educator: Guys, you are so great! They drew pictures with a bunny so quickly, everyone tried their best.

Oh, let's relax a little and dance? (children perform the movement to the song The Little Gray Bunny Is Sitting).

Educator: Well done! This is how you can do the moves, almost like bunnies on the lawn

Educator: Did you guys like drawing pictures? Did you like the fairy tale about the bunny? You see how much fun we had with you. Let each of you tell mom and dad a fairy tale about a bunny at home and show your picture, I think it will be very interesting for them to listen.

Lyalkina Yulia Vasilievna

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Bunny”

Target: continue to introduce the technique of poking using the dry brush technique.
Tasks: teach to convey the characteristic features of a bunny, teach children to properly use a brush and gouache paints
Materials: blue cardboard, white gouache, bristle brushes, black markers, jars of water, coastersfor brushes, fabric napkins, bunny.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual guest. Do you want to know who he is? Guess the riddle:

The ears are long and timid.
Either it is gray, or it is white.
Sometimes he runs, sometimes he jumps,
The short tail hides from the wolf.

Children: This is a bunny.

Q: That's right, it's a bunny. Let's get to know him. This is a bunny, his name is Ushastik. What kind of ears does he have? (long) What kind of fur coat does he have? (fluffy, gray) What shape is his head? (round) What shape is the body? (oval) What else does the bunny have? (eyes, nose.

He has long ears, a short tail and a fluffy gray coat. But our bunny is upset about something. Let's ask him what.

Bunny. Winter will come soon, snow will fall, everything around will be white, but my fur coat is gray, and all my hare friends are gray. The wolf will find us and eat us.

V. The guys and I will help you, draw a white fur coat. We will need white paint and a brush. And you won't need water today. To make the fur coat soft and fluffy, we will draw using the poking method. Dip the tip of a dry brush into the paint, so that the iron of the brush does not get dirty, otherwise our brush will quickly break and will not be able to paint. We collect paint and begin to draw, first we paint along the contour. The brush seems to be jumping on the leaf. Then we paint over everything else.

Now let’s play with our fingers a little and rest.

Q: Have you rested? Now take your brushes and start painting. Make the pokes so that the fur coat has no holes. Otherwise the bunny will freeze in winter. Now, wash your brushes and wait a little for the fur coat to dry so that you can draw the bunny’s eyes and nose. While the paint dries, we'll play. Leave your desks.

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears. (makes ears on the head with hands and moves them)
Like this, like this
And he wiggles his ears. (2 lines 2 times)
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws. (claps his hands)
Like this, like this
We need to warm up our paws..(2 lines 2 times)
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump. (jumps)
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump. (2 times)
The wolf scared the bunny.
The bunny jumped and ran away.

Now sit down in your seats, we will finish drawing the bunny’s eyes and nose.

Educator: Well done, your bunnies have turned out wonderful fur coats. I think in such warm and fluffy coats our bunnies will not freeze in the cold and the wolf will not find them.