Cookies recipe flour milk. Cookies with milk. Quick oatmeal cookies with milk

Homemade cookies with milk - a recipe familiar from childhood. But the well-known classic version can be diversified by adding ingredients to it to taste: honey, oatmeal, chocolate.

Classic cookies with milk and eggs

We will need:

chicken egg;
baking powder;

We prepare sequentially:

1. Add sugar (120 g) and egg to 50 g of softened butter.
2. Mix with flour (250 g) and baking powder (1/2 teaspoon), gradually pour in milk (60 ml). You can add vanilla powder to taste.
3. The dough should be pliable and soft. If pressing into the dough makes a small dent, you're done, right.
4. Before rolling out the dough, sprinkle the surface of the table with flour. This way the dough will not stick to the surface of the table. You can also wipe your hands with flour.
5. Roll out the dough so that the layer is about seven millimeters thick
6. Next, make the cookies in the shape you want. You can simply cut out squares or simple shapes with a knife, squeeze out circles using a glass, or use shaped molds.
7. Place the pieces of dough on the baking sheet so that there is free space between them.

Remember that the cookies will expand as they cook, and if the pieces are too close together they will form one large base.

8. Beat the yolk with a fork and brush the top of the cookies.

With cottage cheese and oat flakes

Cottage cheese and oatmeal make the products healthy and wholesome.

Prepare the following products:

cottage cheese;
cocoa powder.

We prepare sequentially:

1. Heat half a stick of butter until it softens. You can simply take it out of the refrigerator in advance and leave it on the table, or place it in the microwave to defrost food.
2. Boil a glass of milk and pour it into 2 glasses of oatmeal porridge. Stir until the milk is evenly distributed and no dry flakes remain. Let it sit for half an hour.
3. Add 250 g of sugar, an egg, a teaspoon of soda (quench it in advance), a spoonful of flour and the same amount of starch. To all this add the oil, which has already thawed and warmed up. Kneading the dough is difficult at first, but as the sugar melts it will become easier.
4. Mix a pack of cottage cheese with 5 tablespoons of cocoa. Add to the dough and stir well.
5. Pour the dough in a thin layer onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake for half an hour.
6. After you remove the baking sheet with the finished cookies from the oven, quickly cut them into small squares. Let cool, harden and sprinkle with powder or cinnamon to taste.

No added eggs

It doesn't matter if someone in your household is allergic to eggs. You can make delicious baked goods without adding them.
baking powder.

We prepare sequentially:

1. Sift 300 g of flour, mix with 30 g of sugar and a pinch of salt.
2. Add 60 g of crushed margarine.
3. Heat 150 ml of kefir, add 10 g of baking powder.
4. Mix all ingredients. Knead the dough with your hands, but be prepared for the dough to be a little sticky and stick to your fingers.
5. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and place it on a greased baking sheet. Make small cuts in the shape of future products. After baking, it is along them that you will divide the baked goods into separate pieces.

Cookies with sour milk

Do not immediately throw away a package of slightly sour milk. With its help you can prepare delicious baked goods.
sour milk;
3 eggs;

We prepare sequentially:

1. Fill a glass of semolina (200 ml) with milk (250 ml). After mixing, leave for an hour.
2. Break three eggs and mix with sugar (150 g).
3. Mix the ingredients from the first two steps. Add butter (140 g) to them. It must first be warmed in the microwave to room temperature or taken out of the refrigerator in advance and left to melt on the table.
4. Mix a teaspoon of salt and soda. Add to the rest of the mixture.
5. Sift 600 g of flour into the mixture.
6. Place the dough in a deep container, cover with a towel. Let the dough sit for half an hour and rise.
7. When time has passed, roll out the dough into a layer of three millimeters. Sprinkle it with sugar and roll it over the top again so that the sugar is pressed into the dough. Press out cookies using a glass or molds.
8. Monitor the readiness of the baked goods: the edges should be browned and the tops should become golden. If you leave the cookies in the oven too long, they will dry out and be too hard.

Using yolks and chocolate

Preparing the cookies takes only twenty minutes. Before you begin, prepare the following:
chicken egg yolk;
egg white (raw);
dark chocolate;
baking powder for dough.

We prepare sequentially:

1. Beat egg yolk, sugar (1 cup) and vanilla.
2. Soften the butter (100 g) in advance. For example, leave it on the counter for a few hours to thaw after refrigeration. Then add to the yolk, sugar and vanilla, mix in milk (half a glass), flour (2 glasses) and baking powder (1.5 tsp).
3. Using a fine grater, grind the chocolate (80 g) into shavings. Beat the whites.
4. Stir the products with a spoon, avoid whisks. Mix everything by hand, without using a blender.

On margarine



We prepare sequentially:

1. Combine milk (100 ml), sugar (150 g).
2. Cook until the sugar crystals disappear.
3. Add an egg and softened margarine (100 g) to the cooled sugar. If you are intolerant or do not have margarine at home, you can replace it with butter.
4. Mix flour (400 g) with ¼ teaspoon of soda.

Quick oatmeal cookies with milk

Baking with oatmeal is incredibly healthy and contains many vitamins and nutrients.
refined oil;
2 eggs;
berries, fruits to taste.

We prepare sequentially:

1. Heat the milk (half a glass). Pour half a glass of oatmeal over it. Give the cereal time to absorb the milk and swell.
2. Pour refined oil (2 tbsp) into the mixture.
3. Mix 2 eggs and sugar (3 tbsp) so that no sugar crystals remain visible.
4. Pour the mixture into the oatmeal.
5. Sift wheat flour (130 g) directly into the bowl with the ingredients. Stir.
6. At this stage, you can add some kind of filling to the dough, such as berries or pieces of fruit, nuts, chocolate or honey.
7. Bake for half an hour.

How to cook with honey

When adding honey, you need to focus on its quality. If the product is unnatural, this will affect the airiness of the cookies.

baking powder for dough;

We prepare sequentially:

1. Remove the butter (100 g) from the refrigerator and let it thaw.
2. When the butter has thawed, beat it together with sugar (100 g).
3. Beat the egg with milk (60 ml), stir with a mixer with the whipped butter.
4. If the honey is viscous and heavily sugared, melt it in a water bath. If it is thin enough, add three tablespoons at this stage of cooking.
5. Finally, beat with a mixer.
6. Mix with baking powder (5 g) and flour (400 g). Place in the refrigerator for thirty minutes.
7. When you take it out of the refrigerator, form the cookies and bake them at 180 degrees until fully cooked. Don't worry if the pastry turns out unusually dark: honey will give it that color.

When guests arrive and there are no treats, you can make cookies in a quick way. It will take a little time, everyone will be surprised by the delicate taste of the baked goods. How to make sweet pastries without using butter or margarine?


Flour 2 tbsp. Water 125 milliliters Sunflower oil 125 milliliters sugar 125 grams slaked soda 1 pinch

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

Cookies without butter and margarine - baking recipe


Flour – 2 tbsp;

Water – 125 ml;

Sunflower oil – 125 ml;

Granulated sugar – 125 g;

Salt - to taste;

A pinch of slaked soda.


Pre-sieve the flour and add oil to it. Add slaked soda to the mixture.

To prepare the dough, you need to pour salt and sugar into a bowl, add water and knead. The consistency should be soft and not stick to your hands. Place the dough on the table and use a rolling pin to roll out a layer (not too thick). You can cut out any shapes.

Line a baking tray with paper or sprinkle with flour and place the cookies. Place a baking sheet in the preheated oven cabinet and bake the cookies for no more than a quarter of an hour at 180°.

If desired, you can top it with jam or chocolate.

Simple cookies without butter and margarine “Dietary”

You will need:

Milk – 500 ml;

Granulated sugar – 0.5 kg;

Egg – 3 pcs.;

Vanillin powder – 1 tsp;

Flour – 4–5 tbsp;

Baking powder – 11 g;

Salt for taste.


Combine sugar and milk and beat with a whisk or blender. Gradually add eggs without ceasing to beat. Add vanilla and stir.

Next, sift the flour into the mixture, add salt and add baking powder (if you don’t have it, replace it with soda slaked in vinegar). Knead the dough, it should come out tight. Cover the resulting dough and place in a cool place for an hour.

Roll out the dough into a plate 1 cm thick and form cookies into any shape.

Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, place the baked goods and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. at 200°.

If desired, you can decorate with chocolate sprinkles or glaze.

Cookies without butter


Sugar and powder - 1 tbsp each;

Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.;

Flour – 1 kg;

Salt, soda and vanilla powder for taste.


Combine sugar, powder, add egg, vanillin and butter. Mix the resulting composition.

In another bowl, combine flour, salt and soda. Mix the first mass with the second. Form the resulting dough into balls and roll them in sugar.

Place on a baking sheet (cover with parchment) and bake until browned at 180 degrees.

Cookies without butter and margarine - the photo looks amazing. Baking is dietary because it contains few calories.

There is so much milk based that you can prepare this delicious dessert every day and not repeat it. Therefore, we won’t look for our favorite recipe, let’s talk about everything at once.

Why did cookies become a favorite treat?

Since childhood, each of us remembers grandmother's magical hands, which seemed to be able to bake everything in the world. The fragrant cookies, removed from the baking sheet, certainly had the shape of stars, hearts and crescents. Grandma always baked cookies with milk, sometimes with yogurt. Every time I saw a huge plate of fresh pastries, I wanted to stuff my pockets with it before going out into the yard. It smells delicious, crunches on the teeth and immediately melts in the mouth, unusually satisfying, the best friend of any tea party, and even tastier cold - that's all about it.

Recipe for milk cookies using yolks and chocolate

To prepare a delicious delicacy we will need:

  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 glass.
  • Flour - 2.5 cups.
  • Egg yolk - 3 pcs.
  • Chocolate - 2 bars.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Baking powder - 1 pack.

Homemade cookies made with milk should turn out crumbly and airy. Therefore, we will sift the flour before kneading the dough. In addition, this way we can get rid of unnecessary inclusions. We start making the dough with bulk products. To do this, take a deep bowl, pour sifted flour, sugar and baking powder into it. Mix the resulting loose mass.

To prepare the cookie dough, we won't be able to limit ourselves to just one bowl. We will need a container for separating and also for beating the yolks. Carefully break the shell into two halves and pour the whites into a small container. Place the yolks in a bowl, then shake them well with a fork. We will heat the milk to approximately 30 degrees. Warm milk will help the dough become smooth faster. Combine the milk with the yolks and beat again. Then gradually pour the resulting liquid mass into the flour and begin to knead the dough. The dough will soon become homogeneous and sticky to the touch.

Forming figures

In order for the dough to grip better and make cookies with milk that are as tasty as in childhood, we form a big lump out of it and leave it to lie for a while. 20-30 minutes is enough for the test. At this time, prepare the work surface. It’s good if you have a special large cooking board in your house. If not, a clean, dry countertop will do. Sprinkle with flour, add the waiting dough and begin to roll out a thin flat cake. We make sure that the thickness of the resulting cake is within 1 cm. If we make it thicker, the cookies will be too soft, if thinner, they will be too crispy, almost like a cracker. If there is a problem with certain areas of the cake being formed sticking to the table, additionally sprinkle this area with flour.

We will cut out the figures using special molds or use a narrow glass. It is better to immediately place the cut out figures on a greased baking sheet. Gather the remaining pieces of dough into a ball again, roll them out and repeat everything again.

Preheat the oven

To prevent milk cookies from getting too brown, we won’t preheat the oven for a long time. Turn on the timer for 10 minutes, and set the temperature to no more than 180 degrees. Don’t forget that the cookies will increase in size while in the oven, so leave a 1 centimeter gap between the circles on the baking sheet. Otherwise, the products will stick together and will have to be broken, which will damage their appearance. Very soon a pleasant sweetish aroma will spread throughout the kitchen. The residence time of the baking sheet with cookies in the oven is 10-15 minutes.

Preparing the glaze

A milk cookie recipe would be incomplete without decorating the baked goods with chocolate glaze. We put a pan of water on the fire, and place a container of a smaller diameter inside it. Place the chocolate in the inner container and wait for the water to boil. The water bath will immediately begin to melt the chocolate, so you need to start stirring it. And when it turns into a sauce, add sour cream to it and bring both components to a mass of uniform color. The sauce is ready. We will apply the patterns onto the cooled cookies using the narrow nozzle of a culinary syringe. Cookies can be served. Enjoy your tea!

Cookies with sour milk: recipe without eggs

The following recipe was literally created for the event that you accidentally have sour milk lying around in the refrigerator. And the more sour the milk, the tastier our cookies will be. We take as components:

  • Softened butter - 100 g.
  • Flour - 3 cups.
  • Sour milk - 1 glass (can be replaced with kefir).
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • A little salt.
  • Poppy - 50 g.

Prepare the dough for this and, as you can see, there are no eggs in the recipe. First, grind the softened butter with some of the flour; one glass is enough for this. Then immediately add sour milk, sugar and acts as a leavening agent. If it is not extinguished, the cookies will acquire an unpleasant characteristic taste. All that remains is to add vegetable oil and a pinch of salt, and mix the mass thoroughly. Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. Without the egg, the dough will not stick to your hands.

Next, roll it out thinly and grease the top with vegetable oil. Pre-steam the poppy seeds and mix with a small amount of sugar (about 0.5 cups). Beat the poppy-sugar mixture and then distribute it evenly over the surface of the rolled out dough. Then we roll the entire layer into a roll. We cut the workpiece into pieces of equal thickness - about 1.5 cm. Place on a greased baking sheet and place in the oven. It will become even softer if, after half the baking time, remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle the poppy seed rolls with sweet water. The finished cookies resemble small poppy seed buns.

Cookies with a layer of boiled condensed milk

Cookies are not baked with condensed milk, but thick milk is traditionally used as a layer. It turns out extremely tasty. For future tender cookies we take the following components:

  • Sour milk - 1 glass.
  • Butter - 1 pack.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet.
  • Boiled condensed milk for layering.
  • Vanillin and powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Cookies made with milk and eggs are very common and loved by housewives because they appeal to all household members. Beat the eggs with sugar into a thick fluffy foam, add vanillin. Add soft butter and beat again. Mix the flour with baking powder and begin to gradually add to the whipped mass. Take a spoon and mix thoroughly. Then add milk and evaluate the result. The consistency of the dough should be thick.

Baking in one layer

We will not roll these cookies with milk into a thin pancake. For this purpose, the consistency of the dough is slightly liquid. Line a greased baking sheet with parchment paper and pour half of the gooey mixture on top. If necessary, smooth out the mixture with a spoon. We will bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. We repeat the same procedure with the second part of the dough and get two identical layers, very reminiscent of a sponge cake.

Forming and fastening the cookie elements

So, ours with milk and eggs is almost ready. All that remains is to cool the layers a little and cut round cookies using a glass. Now we fasten the elements in pairs using a layer of boiled condensed milk and sprinkle the finished products with powdered sugar. No one can resist such a mouth-watering delicacy!

with milk"

It is also good to add instant coffee to milk cookie dough. This results in products that are quite savory in taste. Ingredients:

  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Granulated sugar - 2/3 cup.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - ¼ cup.
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons.
  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Instant coffee - 1 teaspoon.

Heat the milk, add coffee to it and stir until the lumps disappear. Grind the butter and sugar separately, then add the eggs and whisk. We combine the components from both bowls. Add flour, baking powder and knead a not very stiff dough. We will form small light brown cakes directly in our palms. Place the rounds on a greased baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. Total baking time is 15 minutes. Enjoy your tea!

    Three recipes for cookies with milk, familiar from childhood

    Shaker-puri: shortbread, fatty cookies with milk

    This recipe seems to be created for small children - hearty cookies that can be dissolved in milk, water or juice. Moreover, these cookies are not expensive and are easy to prepare in 20 minutes.

    Grind the butter in a bowl with powder, eggs, milk, soda and vanilla. Sift the flour there and knead a thick dough.

    Roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer 1-1.5 cm thick, cut out cookie shapes with special molds, a knife or a glass.

    Grease a baking sheet with oil and bake for 20-25 minutes in an oven preheated to 220-250°C. On top of the cookies you can sprinkle with powder, spices or pour over chocolate melted in a water bath, sprinkle with crushed nuts.

    Brushwood recipe: fried egg cookies with milk

    Crispy, airy and melt-in-your-mouth cookies are just what you need for tea on a cold evening.


    1 tbsp. flour and milk;

    2 table. l. granulated sugar;

    Half a cup of powdered sugar;

    Oil for frying.

    Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with granulated sugar until the grains disappear. Then add milk and pour all the flour mixture. Knead until smooth. Carefully place the whites whipped into a snow-white foam on top and mix carefully. Pour oil into a metal container in advance, a layer of two fingers. When it is hot, pour a portion of the dough into it in a thin stream, crosswise, to form a grid.

    For convenience, you can use a small funnel. By inserting a stick into the funnel, it is easier to dose the dough. You need to press the mesh with a slotted spoon, immersing it in the fat for one minute.

    When the color turns golden, catch the brushwood and place it on a paper napkin. Sprinkle with powder and fry the next portion.

    Cookies with milk cooked in a waffle iron

    In order to prepare dietary, soft, heart-shaped cookies at home, you need:

    100 g each of sugar and melted butter;

    250 g flour;

    100 ml warm milk;

    1 tsp baking powder.

    Beat eggs with sugar, adding butter, milk, flour and soda alternately.

    These cookies are prepared in a roasting pan. It can be electric or regular, designed for a gas stove. The mold must be greased on both sides with oil. Then spread the dough into a thin layer on one half. It increases in volume very much. Close tightly, bake on gas for 10-15 seconds on each side.

    Serve cookies with whipped cream, jam, soft caramel or chocolate.

    Culinary tricks

    1. Instead of the flavorings that are put in factory-made cookies, you can add fragrant and warm cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger to yours.

    2. Butter cannot simply be melted in the microwave, as the consistency of the batch and the quality of the baked goods will change. It is first left in a warm place for 2-3 hours to soften, and only then rubbed with sand.

    3. The batter is kneaded by pouring the liquid into the flour. Medium consistency and dense - on the contrary.

Anyone can whip up homemade shortbread cookies with milk and eggs. if you have a proven recipe with photos and step-by-step description on hand. You've already found one, so you can start cooking.

As you know, you can make a lot of things from homemade milk, you just have to use your imagination. For example, in the morning you can prepare milk porridge for children (and not only) - semolina, oatmeal, corn or millet. Also, good homemade fat milk makes excellent cottage cheese and yogurt. And, of course, milk produces excellent baked goods, especially yeast baked goods, which are much tastier and more tender than those made with water.

I remember many “dairy” recipes from childhood. That’s when I started learning to cook – I loved working with my mother in the kitchen. And when I learned to write, I immediately started a notebook in which I wrote down recipes. I was very proud of my notes and often showed it to my friends from school.

Of course, I rewrote my notebook several times, because the very first one was covered in a child’s handwriting. But when rewriting, my notebook was each time supplemented with new recipes that my mother shared with me.

Of course, today I remember most of the recipes from this notebook by heart, because I often use them. Including this recipe for cookies with milk, which my mother taught me to cook as a child. And I’ll tell you about it today.

I like this recipe because you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort preparing it – it’s quite simple to prepare. You can even involve children in the cooking process - I’m sure they will enjoy fiddling with the dough and cutting out cookies.


  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Milk – 1 glass
  • Mayonnaise – 1 glass
  • Sugar – 1/2 cup
  • Vanilla sugar - on the tip of a knife
  • Cognac – 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Flour - how much will it take?

The butter in this recipe can be replaced with margarine. True, cookies turn out tastier with butter.

Recipe for cookies with milk and eggs

  1. Pour milk into a large and convenient container for kneading dough and add mayonnaise. I used homemade milk.
  2. It is better to remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that at the time of preparing our cookies it is soft so that it can be well distributed over the dough. Add sugar and beat in the egg.
  3. Pour in a spoonful of cognac. If there is no cognac, pour vodka.
  4. And then add the sifted flour and baking powder. Then knead the dough into a soft and pliable dough.
  5. Next, roll out the dough and cut out the cookies. This can be done in different ways - with special cookie cutters, a regular glass, a regular knife, or a shaped dough knife. Pierce the pieces with a fork.
  6. Then carefully transfer the pieces onto a greased baking sheet. I usually use a small amount of unscented sunflower oil to grease the pan. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake the milk cookies until they are beautifully golden brown. We set the temperature at 160 degrees. Afterwards, allow the cookies to cool to a comfortable temperature. If you like sweeter cookies, you can sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Or smear it with honey.

So, when the cookies are ready, put the kettle on and try delicious homemade milk and egg cookies, which are prepared in a hurry! And it is also very tasty not only with tea, but also with a glass of milk. Bon appetit!