GCD Drawing using unconventional methods “Christmas trees for bunnies. Notes on drawing nodes in the second junior group "herringbone - beauty" Notes on drawing in the younger group herringbone

Anastasia Rybakova
Summary of an open drawing lesson in the second junior group “Yolochka”

Target: Teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing.

Software tasks:

Learn to draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, oblique);

Develop the ability to use gouache and a brush (hold the brush correctly, dip only the bristles of the brush into the paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well, dry on a napkin);

Foster independence in work and a desire to help the Bunny.

Preliminary work:

Looking at the Christmas tree while walking, looking at illustrations, asking riddles, reading poetry, singing songs.

Vocabulary work: crown, trunk, branches, short, long.


An envelope with a letter, paper silhouettes of bunnies, a silhouette of a Christmas tree, a sheet for each child (1/2 album sheet, green, brown paint, brushes with a stand, jars of water, napkins according to the number of children.


Children stand near the teacher.

There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in an envelope and silhouettes of little bunnies.

Educator: Guys, look at this letter, let's guess who it is from.

"Runs fast

And he jumps deftly

Jumps around in white

Then in a gray coat,

Everyone is invited to eat carrots

This big-eared, timid... (bunny)"

Children: Bunny.

Educator: The bunny sent us a letter, let me read it to you:

“There are many different trees in the forest, but few fir trees. And under them it is very good to hide from the cold and from the wind. Draw for me and my friends - Bunnies (takes out silhouettes of bunnies from the envelope, please, these are the Christmas trees (takes out a sample from the envelope).

Educator: Guys, let's help the Bunnies and draw Christmas trees for them! Each of you will draw a Christmas tree for your own bunny (paper silhouettes of small bunnies are distributed to the children). Go ahead and sit at the tables.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Now we will draw. Let's look at the Christmas tree.

What color is she? - Green.

What does she have? (points to the trunk) – The trunk.

What trunk? - Straight, tall.

What else does the Christmas tree have? (points to the branches) – Branches.

Where do the branches point? - They look down.

What branches? – Short at the top, longer at the bottom, lowered down.

What is the top part of the Christmas tree called? - Top of the head.

Educator: Look how to draw a Christmas tree:

1. We put paint on the brush, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, like this. We step back a little from above, apply the brush and draw without lifting it from top to bottom. This is the trunk.

2. Now at the top, at the very top of the head, we draw branches: first on one side, then on the other side, they are short, looking down.

3. We step back down and draw more branches, they are longer and look down. The branches are friends - they stay in pairs.

4. We step back and draw more branches on one and the other side of the trunk, they are the longest.

It turned out to be a Christmas tree.

I rinse the brush and dry it on a napkin.

Educator: The brush “jumps” on the napkin and I place it in the stand with the nap facing up.

Physical exercise. (Children stand near the table).

Educator: Now we’ll play with you.

The Christmas tree lived in the forest, (children stand near the chairs)

The tree was small. (squat down)

And then it grew, grew, (gradually they get up)

Rising to the skies. (hands raised up)

The branches are tilted downwards (sway the arms from side to side)

They are friends in pairs. (Press their hands to their chest, imitating the paws of a bunny.)

The bunnies ran to the Christmas tree (jumping in place)

They jumped on the lawn.

Well done. Sit down at the tables.

Educator: Now you will draw a Christmas tree yourself. Take the brush in your right hand and show it. Let's draw a Christmas tree in the air. (Verbal reminder of the image of a Christmas tree). Now take some brown paint and first paint the trunk with brown paint. Once you’ve painted, don’t forget to rinse your brush thoroughly, pick up green paint and paint the branches.

Children doing their own work.

During the work, the teacher provides assistance by drawing a spruce on their sheet.

The teacher places the finished work on the table so that all children can examine the work.


Educator: Look what a forest your Christmas trees turned out to be. Do you like it? Guys, “plant” your bunny under the Christmas tree that you liked the most. Well done, you have got beautiful Christmas trees, with straight trunks, fluffy branches, now all the bunnies will be warm under your Christmas trees. I liked what you did today.

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of an open lesson in the junior drawing group

Elmira Dolova

1. Teach children draw an object, consisting of vertical and oblique lines, draw straight lines(short, long); learn to place an image on a piece of paper.

2. Continue to teach correctly, hold your hand without straining your muscles or squeezing your fingers too tightly; dial paint on a brush: carefully dip the whole lint into a jar of water; remove excess paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of lint; develop aesthetic perception.

3. Cultivate children's interest in drawing.

Vocabulary work

A) Active dictionary: herringbone, green, long, short.

B) Passive dictionary: line.

Previous work - observing a spruce tree on a walk.

Individual work

Help Eric distinguish colors.

Equipment and materials:

A) Demonstration material: pictures of a Christmas tree.

B) Handouts: album sheet, paints, brushes.

Lesson structure and methodological techniques:

1) Start of class (2-3 min.)

A) Artistic word

B) Conversation

C) Questions for children

2) Main part (10-12 min)

A) Show with explanation

B) Instruction

C) Questions for children

D) Incentives

3) Final part (2 minutes)

A) Encouragement

B) Gratitude to children

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you must guess it. Listen carefully.

- “Winter and summer in the same color”.

Guys, what do you think this is?

Christmas tree. That's right, well done!

It was not by chance that I asked you this riddle, guys, today we will draw a Christmas tree.

Tell me, please, what color is the Christmas tree?

Yes, our Christmas tree is green. Both winter and summer are the same color.

The Christmas tree has a trunk. Here he is. And branches.

Look, what kind of branches does the Christmas tree have? Short or long?

At the bottom the branches are long and long, and at the top they are short.

- Repeat after me the long ones, short.

Well done!

The branches of the Christmas tree have needles.

Showing how we will draw a Christmas tree. We are all watching carefully.

Is our Christmas tree green? I take the green one paint and draw a line. This is the trunk.

We have a barrel, we need it draw branches. Our branches grow upward, reaching towards the sun. I'm starting draw branches. I don’t forget that the branches below are long. I draw a branch on the left, and now on the right. Again to the left and again to the right. At the top of the Christmas tree I draw shorter branches. Here.

Did you get a Christmas tree?

And now the guys raised their tassels. Together we draw a line in the air. Here. Branches came from the trunk. We start from the bottom. The branches are long on the right, on the left, again on the right, on the left... Closer to the top the branches become shorter.

Like this. Well done!

Guys, now place the sheets exactly as I am showing you now.

Did you put everything in correctly?

We take a brush in our hands. We hold the brush with three fingers of our right hand.

Well done!

Now dip the brush in a jar of water, don’t forget to squeeze the brush against the edge of the jar.

Using a brush, pick up green paint. And let's begin paint.

Eric, where is the color green? That's right. Well done!

Guys, let's try to have Christmas trees beautiful.

What are yours? beautiful Christmas trees! How well done you all are!

Guys, did you like it? paint?

What are we doing today? painted?

Now let’s put the drawings on the windowsill and let them dry.

Afterwards we will arrange an exhibition. So that parents can also admire your work.

Publications on the topic:

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Program content. Teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing; draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, horizontal, oblique). Continue learning how to use paints and brushes (rinse the brush in water and blot it on a cloth before picking up paint of a different color). Let us compare a “live” Christmas tree and an artificial one. Form the concept one – many. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate friendly relationships, the desire to please friends.

Preliminary work. Examination of the spruce tree in the kindergarten area, comparison with other trees. Examination of illustrations in children's books, highlighting the main parts and features of spruce.

Materials for the lesson. Paper the size of ½ landscape sheet, dark green gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for each child)

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Children, what holiday is coming soon?

Children. New Year?

Educator: Look, the Christmas tree has come to visit us.

Do you think this is a “live” Christmas tree or an artificial one?

Children. Artificial.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children. She has soft needles and they do not smell.

Educator: Yes, this Christmas tree is artificial, but it is very similar to the real one. She is just as green and fluffy. Look how its branches are arranged? From top to bottom and slightly to the side (shows the direction of the branches). Let's show how the branches grow. Look, I’ll draw a trunk for the Christmas tree, put a brush at the bottom of the leaf and move the tip up, and then I’ll draw the branches, first the top ones, and Masha will help me draw the ones below.

Masha, come to the board and show me how to draw branches.

And now Danya will draw more branches, lower ones. This is how tall the Christmas tree is, and to make it fluffy, let’s draw some needles for it, like this (shows). Now the tree is tall and fluffy, but it’s boring for it to be alone in the forest, let’s draw friends for it, each on its own sheet, and then put them together.

Educator: Our guest is feeling sad, let's play with her.

Physical education minute.

There is a Christmas tree on the hill,
Looks in all directions. (Turns to the sides.)
It’s not easy for her to live in the world -
The wind turns, the wind turns. (Tilts to the right and left.)
But the tree just bends,
He is not sad - he laughs. (Jumping)
Educator: We rested, moved around, entertained our guest. Take your seats.

Let's remember how to hold a brush correctly

Vanya, show the kids, kids, take all the brushes, like Vanya, like this, that’s right, dip the tip of the brush in green paint and start painting. Let's draw a line from bottom to top. What did we draw?

Children: Trunk.

Educator: That's right, trunk. What are we going to draw now?

Children: Twigs

Educator: That's right, but there are needles on the branches.

Calm music sounds, the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

During the lesson, the teacher approaches the children, shows those who have difficulty drawing on a separate sheet, praises the children for their creativity if they place several Christmas trees on one sheet, and emphasizes the variety of images.

At the end of the lesson, the drawings are laid out on the table and they consider that they have created a whole spruce forest.

Educator: How many Christmas trees did Danya draw?

Children. One.

Educator: How many Christmas trees did Maxim draw?

Children: One.

Educator: How many Christmas trees were there in the forest?

Children: A lot of.

Educator: This is what a wonderful spruce forest we have. The Christmas trees are tall and fluffy. Are you glad, Christmas tree, that you have girlfriends? Look, the Christmas tree is shaking with branches. Do you think she's happy?

Children: Yes!

Educator: You all did a great job, you brought joy to the Christmas tree, and now we need to clean up the tables.

Title: Lesson summary for the 1st junior drawing group “The green Christmas tree came to visit us”
Nomination: Kindergarten / Lesson notes, GCD / drawing

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU No. 8 “Spikelet”
Location: Fominskoye village, Tutaevsky district, Yaroslavl region

Organized educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in the second junior group.

DOWNLOAD (with photo)

GBOU school No. 492, structural unit No. 1 “Watercolor”

Educator: Alexandrova Oksana Vyacheslavovna.

Second junior group (3-3.5 years old)

Theme: “New Year tree!”

The relevance of this OOD is due to the fact that
Currently, there is a need for new approaches to solving modern problems of aesthetic perception and personality development in general.

Visual activities occupy a special place in the development and upbringing of children. By promoting the development of imagination and fantasy, spatial thinking, it helps to reveal the creative potential of the individual and contributes to the process of forming the child’s aesthetic culture and his emotional responsiveness. By acquiring practical skills in the field of artistic creativity, children have the opportunity to satisfy the need for creation and realize the desire to create something new on their own.

The ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world contributes to the cultivation of a culture of feelings, the development of artistic and aesthetic taste, labor and creative activity, fosters determination, perseverance, a sense of mutual assistance, and provides the opportunity for creative self-realization of the individual.

Target: Development of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.



  • Learn to create a simple plot picture (on the theme “Winter”).
  • Learn to use non-traditional techniques in your work (drawing with cotton swabs, using a stencil template and “poking”).
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about winter.


  • Develop the ability to distinguish and name shapes (circle, triangle). Color (red, yellow, green, blue, white).
  • Develop a dialogical form of speech: develop the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, understand the question asked and be able to answer it.
  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Develop attention and thinking.


  • Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.
  • Cultivate interest in nature, love and respect for it.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development” (drawing), “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”.

Preliminary work. Observing seasonal changes in nature in winter, talking about the characteristic signs of winter, reading poems about winter, looking at illustrations, listening to audio recordings, guessing riddles, observing our Christmas tree while walking.

Vocabulary work: ice, snow, winter, frost, wind, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall.


  1. sheets of white paper (A4) with a large triangle drawn in advance (done by the teacher),
  2. cotton swabs (for each child), homemade “pokes”,
  3. gouache green, white, red, blue, yellow,
  4. palette,
  5. glasses of water,
  6. a set of Christmas balls of different colors and sizes,
  7. hand wipes - for each child.

Equipment: board, Christmas tree illustration (poster); a Christmas tree decorated with toys in a group, a tape recorder, a set of Christmas balls of different colors and sizes, audio recordings.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Educator:Guys, please come to me, everyone. (The teacher gathers all the children around him). I need your help. Today they asked me a riddle, but I couldn’t guess it. Can you help me solve this difficult riddle? Really, can you help? Thank you, my dears. Then listen very carefully to the riddle:

All the guys like it

Green beauty.

Balls, needles

On the New Year's... (Christmas tree).

Children: Christmas tree!

Educator: Everything is correct. This is a Christmas tree. How did I not guess? You are my helpers. What would I do without you? Thank you all very much.

There is a knock on the door.

Educator: It seems like someone is knocking... Let's listen. (The knock is repeated.) Who's knocking on the door? Guys, who is this? Let's get a look…

The teacher opens the door to the group. Behind the door there is a small Christmas tree (artificial) with an envelope with a letter attached to it and paints (gouache) under it. (The teacher brings the Christmas tree and paints to the children’s group).

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us today! This is the same Christmas tree about which we guessed the riddle. But she did not come to us alone. She came to us with paints.

(Children look at the guests).

Educator: Let's take a close look at the Christmas tree. Oh, what's that on our Christmas tree?

Children: A piece of paper.

Educator: We need to see what it is. (The teacher unfolds the envelope). Guys, this is a letter for us. Let's read what it says? (The teacher reads the letter to the children.)

Dear Guys!

My name is Yolochka! I walked towards you on the ice. I encountered a blizzard and snowfall on the way. It was bitterly cold. But I still came to you.

I really want to come to your kindergarten for the New Year! But I need your help. Everyone comes dressed up for the holiday. Decorate me please! And cheerful colors will help you!

Educator: Children, can we help our Christmas tree?

Children: Of course, we will help!

Educator: Guys, do you remember what is written in the letter? The Christmas tree came to us through snowstorms, there was severe frost and snowfall. When does frost and snow happen?

Children: In winter!

Educator: Well done! Of course in winter. (The teacher shows the children illustrations). Rice. 1.

Guys, what are we going to decorate the Christmas tree with? Let's look at our Christmas tree, which is already decorated and standing in our group. We decorated it all together. (Children approach the decorated Christmas tree and examine it.) What does the tree weigh?

Children: balls.

Educator: That's right, balls. What color are the balls?

Children: green, red, blue, yellow.

Educator: Correct. What size are the balls?

Children: children's answers. (Big and small).

Educator: Guys, now let's find everything in our group that is green (children's answers: car, table, children's dishes...). And now red (book, construction set, train...), yellow, etc.

Educator: Well done. Now let's look at the Christmas tree. Its first branches are short, the second are long, the third are even longer, and the last are the longest. Towards the bottom it gets bigger and bigger.

Let's remember once again how branches grow on a Christmas tree. (We consolidate knowledge with children).

(There is a poster with a picture of a Christmas tree on the board.) Rice. 2.

Educator: What great guys everyone is. Now let's sit down at the tables. Guys, look what's on everyone's table. Paper, green paint and a pencil with a sponge, you know it. This is a "poke". Rice. 3.

A triangle is drawn on paper. It is very similar to our Christmas tree, only it needs to be painted. What color will we paint?

Children: Green.

Educator: That's right. Now I will show you how we will draw a Christmas tree. And for the Christmas tree to turn out beautiful, you need to carefully listen to how to draw it.

I take our magic “poke”, dip it in green paint and press the “poke” to the paper from top to bottom (the “poke” ran and ran down). They pressed and removed, pressed again and removed. When the paint runs out, dip it in green paint again and continue. The Christmas tree should be all green and fluffy.Guys, let's remember how to draw again. (Reinforcement). Well done!

Educator: Rice. 4.

Children, let's start drawing. Let's all take the right “poke” and make our Christmas tree beautiful and fluffy.

(Children do the work independently under the supervision of the teacher).

After this part of the work is done, the children leave their work on the tables so that it can dry.

Educator: And now we will all become Christmas trees. Come closer to me. Children leave the tables and approach the teacher. Listen carefully.

An audio recording is playing (backing track): Oscar Feltsman “Fir-tree forest scent.”

Physical education minute

Christmas tree. Our Christmas tree is big (),

circular movement of hands Our tree is tall (),

stand on your toes Taller than mom, taller than dad (),

sit down and stand on your toes Reaches to the ceiling ().


Let's dance merrily. Eh, eh, eh!

Let's sing songs. La-la-la!

So that the Christmas tree wants to come visit us again!

Educator:(While physical education is being conducted, the assistant teacher adds paint and missing materials to the children’s tables).

Well, you and I have had a little rest, and now we need to continue our work. We made the Christmas tree green and fluffy, but we haven’t decorated it yet. What's missing from the tree?

Educator: Children: balls.

Certainly. We need to decorate the Christmas tree with balls of different colors and sizes. For this we need pokes and cotton swabs. We will draw large balls with a large “poke”, and small ones with cotton swabs.

Guys, in front of you are paints of different colors. Let's remember their colors. (Reinforcement).

Educator: Children name colors. Now let's draw big balls. Take the “poke”, dip it in red paint and press the “poke” to the paper. The “poke” was removed. So we have a ball. In another place we will draw the same ball. Children, let's start drawing. Let's get it right“poke” and draw a ball . What great fellows you all are!

After the large red balls are drawn, we begin to draw small balls of a different color. To do this, we will take a cotton swab and dip it in yellow paint. And we will draw the same way as the red balls. They applied the stick to the paper - they removed it, they applied it - they removed it. How cleverly and beautifully you manage to decorate our Christmas tree.

Now take a clean stick and a different color of paint. How will we draw the balls? Tell me.

Children: children's answers. (Consolidation in progress).

(Drawing is accompanied by words - hints; if the child needs help, the teacher draws the element on his piece of paper).

Educator: Children, you are all great! Everyone did a good job! This is what we got. Rice. 6.

Everyone decorated their Christmas trees beautifully. Now an elegant Christmas tree will definitely come to us for the holiday. Now let's stretch our legs, sing and dance for our Christmas trees.

Children dance and sing along with the teacher "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

(At the end, the Christmas trees were cut out and glued into cones and presented to the parents).


Rice. 1 Illustrations for vocabulary work (winter, snowfall, blizzard, blizzard).

Rice. 2 Christmas tree poster.

Rice. 3 Materials for work.

Rice. 4. Draw a Christmas tree using the “poke” technique.

Rice. 5. Christmas tree with balls.

Fig.6. New Year's trees.

Program content: Introduce a new technique of drawing with “stuffing”.

Develop thinking, fine motor skills, develop aesthetic perception, create a joyful mood in children. Cultivate accuracy, a desire to help and complete the work started to the end.

Material : album sheet with a drawn silhouette of a Christmas tree, gouache (green, red, yellow). Brushes, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks a riddle

What kind of guest came to us,

So elegant and slim.

The star is burning above,

And all the way to the top of your head

Covered in toys and firecrackers? (Christmas tree)

Voss: That's right guys, it's a Christmas tree! On the New Year's holiday, the Christmas tree “comes” to visit the children, it is decorated with balls, pine cones, and beads. Santa Claus puts delicious gifts under the Christmas tree. Let us draw a Christmas tree and its decorations.

Let's first trace the outline of the entire Christmas tree with our finger. Well done! Now let’s remember how we hold the brush (correctly by the iron tip).

Let's put green gouache on the brush and start drawing along the green line, and then inside it. You need to draw carefully so that the brush does not extend beyond the outline of the drawing.

Well done boys! These are the beautiful Christmas trees we got. Now, to give our fingers a rest, let’s play!


1. Thumb to finger knock and knock

2. Our fingers dance merrily

3. Legs top, and top, and top. Our children are dancing merrily.

4. Hands clap, and clap, and clap. Our hands clap merrily.

The index fingers tap finger on finger.

They raise their hands up and make “Flashlights”.

Children stomp their feet (the rhythm speeds up).

Children clap their palms (the rhythm speeds up).

Well done!

Voss: Guys, we drew Christmas trees, but they turned out sad! We need to decorate them - let's draw with our fingers - multi-colored balls!

Now we have elegant, beautiful Christmas trees. Well done!

Let's sing the song "Little Christmas Tree" to our Christmas tree.