Abstract of the NOD OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" Drawing "Still Life with Vegetables and Fruits" (preparatory group). Summary of a lesson in the preparatory drawing group “Gifts of Autumn”

Plan - outline open lesson on this topic:

Still life “Gifts of Autumn”

held for children preschool age 5-7 years.

Target: Making a still life of three objects (fruits, vegetables) in color, conveying volume using chiaroscuro.


To consolidate knowledge about the still life genre, the ability to correctly arrange objects on a sheet, convey local colors and volume using chiaroscuro.

Develop attention, the ability to analyze the shape of objects, convey spatial position.

Cultivate hard work and accuracy.

Lesson plan:

Org moment.

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Introductory conversation.

Representative drawing.

Independent work.


Progress of the lesson:

1.- Hello guys!

I hope everyone came to class today in a good mood.

As usual, I’ll ask you: What’s your mood? (children make a gesture thumb up and shout WOOOOOO!!!)

2. Autumn is a wonderful time of year, saying goodbye to warm days, it gives us bright colors of foliage, dressing the trees in beautiful outfits. And autumn also gives us rich and tasty... The harvest is correct. This is the time when people harvest and prepare for the winter. So today we will draw a still life “Gifts of Autumn” depicting fruits and vegetables.

3. But first I want to tell you a story that happened to our friends. Here they are at our stand, what are their names? Dunno and Znayka. You remember that Dunno is very inattentive, absent-minded and does not like to study, but Znayka, on the contrary, is interested in everything, reads a lot and knows a lot. So, one day Dunno was going to visit Znayka and thought: “I need to take something with me as a gift, treat Znayka with something.” He took a small basket and put an apple, a pear, a carrot in it (the teacher puts these items in the basket) and went on a visit. He came to Znayka, said hello and put an apple, a pear and a carrot on the table (I put objects on the table for a still life). This is for you, my friend, help yourself, said the satisfied Dunno. Znayka spread his hands in admiration and said:

What a wonderful still life it turned out to be.

What kind of still life, don’t you see that it’s an apple, a pear and a carrot.

I see. But if you draw them, then such a drawing will be called a still life. Now I will show you paintings by artists where still lifes are painted.

Let's take a look, guys. Let's remember what is depicted in still lifes. Reproductions from paintings with various still lifes are considered.

Still life is an image of inanimate objects that surround us in life.

Let's play a game. I'll check how you understood this. On the stand there are pictures from various items everyday life, as well as images of nature and man. Select those pictures that depict objects suitable for a still life.

Summary of a drawing lesson in preparatory group.

Still life "Gifts of Autumn".

Prepared and conducted:

teacher Andreeva T.V.

Moscow 2013

Drawing lesson notes

Still life "Gifts of Autumn".

Software tasks.

To consolidate knowledge about the genre of painting - still life, to give an idea of ​​composition. Show the role of the color background for a still life. Learn to draw a simple composition of three to four objects in watercolors. Introduce the concept of “highlight” and how to draw it. Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing. Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life

Equipment and materials.

Reproductions of still lifes, still life (nature) Watercolor, sheets of white paper for watercolors in A4 format, brushes (squirrel No. 1, 2, 4), cups of water, wet wipes for each child

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, remember, we looked at pictures and got acquainted with one of the genres visual arts- still life? Let's look at one of these today painting reproduction from the painting “Flowers and Fruits” by I. T. Khrutsky.

What do you see in the picture?(Children's answers)

This painting is called “Flowers and Fruits”. Why did the artist call it that?(Children's answers)

- What genre of painting does it belong to?

Still life translated from French means “dead nature,” but this name does not define the entire essence and diversity of this genre. Looking at still lifes, we can observe wealth natural world and the world of things surrounding a person. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty and uniqueness. In still lifes, things speak about themselves, invite us to admire the beauty of their shape, texture, color, and make us feel the aroma.

What is the difference between natural fruits and flowers and those depicted in the picture?

What color of fruit did the artist depict?

What do you see as the beauty of this combination and form?

What first caught your attention?

Invite the children to find composition center paintings, pay attention to the combination of colors, i.e. color.

Visit us today

Autumn has arrived

I left a gift, I asked you to give it to me

What if we like this treat,

Then we can draw everything without delay.

What has the generous autumn prepared for us? Look how beautiful the fruits are!

(Children look at fruits, describe their shape and color)

Invite the children to make a composition out of them in a vase. Say that objects in the composition may partially cover each other, for example, an apple may lie on the table in front of a vase.

Show children how to correctly sketch the main details with a simple pencil- when drawing a still life from life, it is important to accurately convey the position of objects and all the details. The line should be barely noticeable so that it does not show through the watercolor later.

The next stage of work is laying the tone. Without drawing details, in general, a light tone is applied in watercolor. Once dry, a more saturated one is applied to highlight the dark parts. The main thing in watercolor is that it remains transparent. Draw children's attention to the fact that when objects are illuminated, light reflections are visible on them - depending on the lighting from one side or the other. To convey the highlight in the drawing, a light tone remains in its place, a dark tone is not superimposed.

(Turn on low music, children get to work)

When finished, review all the drawings with the children and come up with a name for your still life.

Equipment and materials: paper for drafts (any size and quality); thick paper for painting, A-3, (or A-4) format; simple pencil, washable, sharpener; visual aids: several well-known, simple-shaped vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, beets), or their dummies or images; gouache of at least 9 colors; water jars; squirrel brushes (thick for the background, medium for objects, thin for outlines and small details): reproductions of still lifes with vegetables (simple compositions), negative example diagrams with typical compositional errors.

Lesson objectives: consolidate the concept of vegetables, introduce the concept of “still life”, consolidate the acquired knowledge about the arrangement of the main objects of the image, further familiarize with the laws of composition - learn to harmoniously arrange objects on the plane of the sheet in a frontal composition, taking into account free space and format, teach drawing simple geometric shapes and feel their connection with real object, familiarize yourself with the techniques of working with gouache, familiarize yourself with the sequence of work when painting with paints, develop thinking, observation, attention, memory, fine motor skills hands.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment: we check the availability of materials and their readiness for work. (The paints are closed, no water is drawn in. Open the paints and fill with water immediately before painting!)

2. Report the topic of the lesson. Guys, what did we draw in the last lesson? Is an apple a fruit or a vegetable? What vegetables do you know? How are they different from fruits? Today we will paint a still life with vegetables, like real artists.

The teacher shows a reproduction pictorial painting or a photo still life depicting vegetables.

What is still life? This is an image of non-living objects: fruits, dishes, flowers, vegetables, or all of them at once. You and I will draw vegetables. Shows which ones exactly.

3. Training. In order for the picture to turn out beautiful, let’s first practice - we’ll try to draw the shape of different vegetables on draft leaves. Look, guys, what shape are the potatoes? These are uneven circles or ovals. Let's draw a potato in one motion (shows on his sheet). Now try to draw it gradually, using many strokes (shows). While the children are trying to draw on a rough draft, the teacher helps, reminding them that the hand is relaxed, that there is no need to put too much pressure on the pencil, that the line should return to the point from which it came.

Well done! Now, let's see what shape the carrots are. It looks like a very elongated triangle, only its corners are not sharp, but rounded. The teacher shows on his sheet, the guys practice - draw several carrots of different sizes.

Note: for small children, not high level preparation, two types of simple-shaped vegetables are enough. If the lesson is conducted with older children, with a higher level of knowledge, skills and ability to concentrate, then you can complicate the task: add vegetables and even introduce simple objects into the composition.

4. Execution of work. The teacher distributes paper for work. To practice layout skills and a free sense of space on the sheet, it is better to take A-3 paper for this work. The teacher draws a straight line in the middle of his sheet and, comparing it with the reproduction, asks: Guys, what line did I draw? What did I draw? Then he explains that this is how the plane of the table is designated when we draw many objects. Next, he shows how to arrange vegetables on the table in a free order, recalling the law of the location of the main characters in the center of the picture.

Introduces several new laws: about the relationship between the horizontal arrangement of objects and the horizontal arrangement of a sheet of paper, about the effect of blocking distant objects by nearby ones. Since at this age children’s visual abilities are just developing, they may have difficulty feeling the connection between the shape, size and relative position of objects with the free space of the sheet. The objectives of training include the gradual formation of this feeling. To this end, in the first lessons, the teacher gradually explains and shows the simplest laws of layout and then gently controls their implementation (through reminders and drawing the child’s attention to mistakes) until the children master them.

Typical mistakes when drawing a still life and how to overcome them:

  • Objects are drawn too small - we correct their size until it is harmoniously connected with the free space of the sheet.
  • Objects are “stuck together in one heap”, or are strongly shifted in one direction so that in other places the sheet looks unreasonably empty - we freely and harmoniously redistribute them across the sheet, with an emphasis in the center.
  • Objects are unjustifiably shifted to the edges of the sheet, “fall out” of the sheet, or even cut off by the edge of the sheet - we move them to the middle so that the central visual zone is filled and all objects are fully visible.
  • To avoid these three typical mistakes layout, it is advisable to have schematically drawn negative examples of such erroneous compositions, and show them when explaining how to do it incorrectly.
  • The contours of the objects are not closed - we remove the gaps, bring the lines to the point from which they came.
  • We constantly have to remind ourselves of the need to wipe away extra lines where the near object covers the distant one. (A separate lesson may be devoted to this topic.)

Lesson options: may pose a more complex compositional task - the arrangement of small vegetables around the periphery of a larger object in the center - potatoes around a cabbage head.

After the still life is arranged, you can fill with water, open the gouache and start coloring. At this stage, we note the following significant points:

The quality of paper, brushes and gouache paints - the paper should be thick, suitable for painting; gouache must be fresh, plastic, at least 9 colors; squirrel brushes, soft, several sizes for different types works If the quality of drawing materials is low (thin writing paper, synthetic brushes and 6 jars of old dried gouache inherited from a grandmother), the child will experience the joy of creativity, but it is illogical to expect any aesthetic result from such activities.

Kids usually begin to color the work not from large to small details, but on the contrary - not the apple itself, for example, but the tail of the apple, not the landscape behind the person, but the eyes and mouth on the person’s face, etc. This feature of children's perception needs to be rebuilt. We begin painting picturesque compositions of any content from the background, sequentially moving from. increasingly larger objects, to small details! In this topic, this is the background behind the table and the plane of the table. We move on to the main “characters” of the composition, in this case vegetables, last.

Right away, from the first painting lessons, it is important to teach children to mix paints! To do this, the teacher invites the children to choose their favorite color for the background, then select related colors (for example, all blue and green, or all warm ones - yellow, orange, ocher) and, mixing them in any order, paint over the background so that a colorful vibration is created , the flow of one color into another, the juxtaposition of different shades of one or more colors.

In the first lessons, the teacher himself shows how this is done, and then monitors and helps the children master this painting rule. The same is done with the table: if it wooden table— all colors corresponding to the wood are selected (all warm, plus shades of green), and the texture of the wood is conveyed using separate strokes of different shades. If you plan to depict a tablecloth or napkins, we select colors based on the background and the color of the vegetables, with elements of a simple pattern.

  • Paint strokes, like pencil strokes, are placed according to the shape of objects!
  • We unobtrusively draw the children’s attention to the presence of shadows, and make them by adding cold blue tones, or by adding black.
  • If the guys find it difficult to achieve tone and color contrast, and objects are “mixed” and difficult to distinguish - you can and should use the technique of outlining in a dark tone with a thin brush.

5. Summary of the lesson. Children must consolidate the concept of fruits and vegetables, know what a “still life” is, know the above rules of layout, the procedure for performing painting work, the rule of mixing colors, and master drawing several simple-shaped vegetables. At the end of the lesson it is arranged general exhibition, works are discussed. Everyone who tried, regardless of the result, deserves praise.

6. Completion of the lesson: cleaning of workplaces.

Natalya Basargina
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory drawing group “Gifts of Autumn”

Target: teach on the basis of impressions and knowledge and skills, independently determine the content of a still life, its composition, color scheme objects, background, as well as methods of depiction in the drawing.

Materials: Parsley doll, gouache, brushes, paper, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reminds that children have learned to depict different vegetables, fruits, autumn branches, know their shape and color, and know how to make beautiful still lifes from them.

Today you will come up with and depict your own autumn still lifes. A still life can contain a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, autumn branches. They can be depicted in a vase, in a basket, on a platter. You know that every still life has a main subject. How does it stand out among other items? (Location, size, color.) What should you keep in mind when depicting other subjects? (That these objects should be similar in size to the main object, but differ from it in color or shades.) Having invited the children to start working, the teacher gives them complete independence.

At the end classes Children's works are exhibited at the stand.

Let’s play,” the teacher suggests. – Let’s invite Petrushka to see our still lifes. He, of course, does not know what a still life is.

He puts Parsley on his hand.

Parsley, we want to show you our still lifes.

What is a still life? - asks Petrushka.

The child talks.

If you see in the picture,

Cup of coffee on the table

Or fruit drink in a large decanter,

Or a vase in crystal,

Maybe a glass of kefir, a liter of kvass or a cake -

So this is the whole picture

It will be called still life.

And I see a still life. There he is hanging on the wall. There are also natural objects on it drawn! - exclaims Parsley.

Parsley, do you know that in every still life there are main objects? - asks the teacher.

How do you know which subject is the most important?

The teacher invites the child to explain to Parsley how the main subject differs from the others. You can continue the conversation with Parsley and talk about the connection of other objects with the main ones through their size, color and location.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Gifts of Autumn” Gifts of autumn. Goal: consolidate knowledge about phenomena autumn nature, pay attention to the beauty of this time of year. Enrich and improve.

Compiled by: Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna Goal: attraction to joint creative activity children and their parents. Autumn time so.

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Summary of a drawing lesson in a preparatory school group.

Theme: Still life “Gifts of Autumn”

Software tasks.

To consolidate knowledge about the genre of painting - still life, to give an idea of ​​composition. Show the role of the color background for a still life. Learn to draw a simple composition of three or four objects in watercolors. Introduce the concept of “highlight” and how to draw it. Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing. Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life

Equipment and materials.

Reproductions of still lifes, still life (nature) Watercolor, sheets of white paper for watercolors in A4 format, brushes (squirrel No. 1, 2, 4), cups of water, wet wipes for each child

Progress of the lesson.


Guys, remember when we looked at paintings and got acquainted with one of the genres of fine art - still life? Let's look at one of these paintings today - a reproduction from the painting by I. T. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits”.

What do you see in the picture? (Children's answers)

This painting is called “Flowers and Fruits”. Why did the artist call it that? (Children's answers)

What genre of painting does it belong to?

Still life translated from French means “dead nature,” but this name does not define the entire essence and diversity of this genre. Looking at still lifes, we can observe the richness of the natural world and the world of things surrounding humans. Artists, depicting ordinary things, show their beauty and uniqueness. In still lifes, things speak about themselves, invite us to admire the beauty of their shape, texture, color, and make us feel the aroma.

What is the difference between natural fruits and flowers and those depicted in the picture?

What color of fruit did the artist depict?

What do you see as the beauty of this combination and form?

What first caught your attention?

Invite children to find the compositional center of the picture, pay attention to the combination of colors, i.e. color.

Visit us today

Autumn has arrived

I left a gift, I asked you to give it to me

What if we like this treat,

Then we can draw everything without delay.

What has the generous autumn prepared for us? Look how beautiful the fruits are!

(Children look at fruits, describe their shape and color)

Invite the children to make a composition out of them in a vase. Say that objects in the composition may partially cover each other, for example, an apple may lie on the table in front of a vase.

Show children how to correctly sketch the main details with a simple pencil - when drawing a still life from life, it is important to accurately convey the position of objects and all the details. The line should be barely noticeable so that it does not show through the watercolor later.

The next stage of work is laying the tone. Without drawing details, in general, a light tone is applied in watercolor. Once dry, a more saturated one is applied to highlight the dark parts. The main thing in watercolor is that it remains transparent. Draw children's attention to the fact that when objects are illuminated, light reflections are visible on them - depending on the lighting from one side or the other. To convey the highlight in the drawing, a light tone remains in its place, a dark tone is not superimposed.

(Turn on low music, children get to work)

When finished, review all the drawings with the children and come up with a name for your still life.