Competitions for youth disco. Funny competitions for young people

Each participant in the competition is given a banknote. At the leader’s signal, the participants throw the bills up and begin to blow on them so that they fly forward and do not fall to the floor. But if the bill does fall, don’t despair, because you can get down on your knees and continue to blow on it so that it, in turn, moves forward.
The participant whose bill moves as far as possible wins.

Baba Yaga

The players are divided into two teams and lined up. Players standing first in their ranks are given a mop and bucket. The mop must be taken to right hand, put your foot into the bucket and hold it with your left hand. In this state, the player must run the intended distance and then pass his equipment to the next one.
The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

Feminine sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are given bananas and a bowl of ice cream. The task of each girl is to eat ice cream with a banana. However, there is no need to rush, because the main thing in the competition is artistry. When determining the winner, the host addresses the guests, who vote to choose best girl.

Funny balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is given balloon and thread. The thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should be attached to the end of the thread and go down randomly.
In addition, a push pin is attached to the forehead of each player with the needle pointing up. This can be done using a patch. Each player must literally burst your opponent's balloon with your forehead. Whose balloon bursts is out of the game. Whoever survives wins.

Representation in 3-D

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the spectators and the participants themselves. Teams of 4-5 people are formed from the participants. Each team chooses its own forfeit, which will indicate to them a certain situation that they must show in 3-D. For example, relaxing by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and sounds them with cries of “my my my”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone sounds the splash of sea waves, and someone shows the bright glow from the sun. Situations in forfeits can be completely different, for example, a flight into space, a morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team shows the best 3-D performance will receive its prize.


A small indoor tree is placed in the center of the hall, preferably with spreading branches. There are leaves hanging all over the tree, back side which wishes are written. Each participant in turn is blindfolded and asked to remove one of the leaves.
After this, the player must fulfill the wish that was written on the sheet.

Find the orange

The presenter announces the competition and its conditions: in front of each participant there are 3 boxes (which are not see-through and completely closed), in each box there is a hole for a hand, in one of the boxes an orange (apple) is hidden and in one of the boxes there are, for example, spiders or worms (but in fact there are no spiders). At the command “start”, each participant must stick his hand into all three boxes and find the orange faster than the rest. Some of the guests, and most likely all of them, will not immediately decide to stick their hand in, knowing that there are “unpleasant” creatures sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, whoever finds the orange first wins. And in the end, the guests themselves will guess, and the host will confirm that there were no worms or spiders. And the participant who can overcome his fears and find an orange faster than others will receive a prize.

That's another couple

Guests are divided into pairs. Each couple assumes a back-to-back position, sitting on the floor with their arms wrapped around each other. Without changing position and without releasing their hands, on the command “start” the couples must get to their balloon (balloon), which is located at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. The couple that can handle this the fastest fun task, will be the winner.

What's on my head?

Each participant is blindfolded in turn and 5 different objects are placed on their head, for example, a book, a spoon, a comb, a coin, keys, a ball, candy, a jar, and so on, and the participants must guess what is on their head. Which of the guests can recognize all 5 “of their” items will receive a prize.

Guys and girls who do not know each other are selected. Each couple dances to the music. The first stage of the competition - the guy holds the girl in his arms; the second stage – the guy holds the girl around his neck.

The most dancing couple wins, and the losers are the ones in which the girl touched the ground. The point is that young people get to know each other during the dance and try to win using various tricks.

Letters and numbers
Girls are given cards with letters, boys - with numbers; young people line up in a circle, with the driver standing in the center. The driver names the letter and number. The girl whose letter was announced must kiss the driver, but the fact is that the young man with the named number is preventing her from doing this and he must kiss this girl himself.

And so, it turns out kind of love triangle. If the young man with the number still managed to kiss the girl before she drove, then he takes his place; if not, the players are selected again.

Question and answer.
Take a sheet of A4 paper and a pen. The first person to start the game writes on a piece of paper any question (what came to mind at that moment; for example, “How old are you?”) and wraps it up, leaving only the word “how old.” The next participant answers the question without knowing its content (the answer can be anything; for example, “As many as there are kangaroos in Australia”). Afterwards, he wraps up the answer and passes the piece of paper to another person, who writes his question... Then everything follows the chain.

And this continues until the end of the paper, then all the questions and their answers are read out. The point is that it is almost impossible to predict the correct answer to the question posed and the result is such nonsense. This is a lot of fun for a noisy company! Competitions for youth birthdays

Young people line up in the shape of a circle (filling the circle itself), and a rope tied in a circle is laid around its perimeter. The young men take the rope in their hands - the effect is of a broom wrapped in thread. The girls, meanwhile, must knock the young men off their feet, holding only the rope and without resorting to force.

If the guys fell, the girls won. Separately, the girls will not be able to knock the boys to the ground, but if they all act in one direction, this can be done very easily. A certain plan will help the guys avoid losing in this case: they should push off in the opposite direction to where the girls are pulling them.

Children's tricycles will be needed for this competition. The number of “cars” is calculated by the number of participants along the line. Participants must ride a bicycle. The one who covers the given distance the fastest wins. The spectacle is very funny!!! Small children's bicycles and tall young people are an incompatible combination.

Players line up in two parallel lines facing each other. One participant remains - he must run and jump between these “columns”. standing people they catch the player and throw him up a couple of times. During this game, the participants get great pleasure: the people jumping from the “flight”, and the rest from the feeling of support. Then people change.

WITH psychological point From our point of view, such a game instills in people mutual assistance and responsibility for another person.

Who's faster?
Two teams of five people each are recruited. A pot of water is placed in front of each team; the water in both pans is at the same level. Whichever team drinks water from the pots using spoons the fastest, that team wins.

To participate in the competition you need 2 players and two empty packs of cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the players' belts, with a potato tied at the end. The essence of the competition is to quickly push an empty pack to the finish line with these same potatoes, which are dangling at the end of the rope. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

Find the candy
For the competition you will need a girl and a guy. The girl lies down on a surface (table, chairs), and the guy is blindfolded. The presenter says that a candy will be placed on the girl’s body, the guy will need to find it with his mouth. While the presenter is explaining the rules (the guy is already blindfolded at this moment), another guy lies down instead of the girl. The seeker does not even suspect that he will have to look for candy not on a girl, but on a guy. A great reason to laugh.

Dead Eye
Two people take part in the competition. To do this you will need 2 ropes, 2 pencils and any 2 empty bottles. A pencil is tied to the end of the rope, and the rope itself is tied to the player's belt. The bottles are placed between the players' legs. The goal of the competition is to get a pencil into the neck of a bottle. Whoever copes with this task first wins.

How to use?
The competition requires from 5 to 15 people. Any object is placed on the table in front of the players. Participants must take turns saying how the item is used. The use of the item must be theoretically correct. Anyone who cannot come up with a use for the item is eliminated from the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.

To participate in the competition, 3-5 volunteers will be required. A chair is placed in front of each participant with a banana on it. The players have their hands tied behind their backs, they kneel, each in front of their chair. The goal of the competition is to see whoever can peel a banana the fastest, without the help of hands, just with the mouth, and manage to eat it all, wins.

Who did it match?
The competition requires a team of 10 people. A specific topic is given, and each player, secretly from the others, writes down 10 words related to this topic. When the participants have written down their words, they begin to read out their notes, how many people matched the words from the list, and they give themselves that many points. For example, if five people agree on the word, then each of them gives themselves 5 points. If only one person has a certain word, then he gives himself 1 point.

As a result, whoever has the most points wins.

Guess who?
A volunteer is called and is blindfolded with a handkerchief or scarf. By touch, the player must determine who is standing in front of him.
To make the competition more interesting, guys can wear a woman's bra to mislead the person guessing.

Parts of the body are written on pieces of paper (or just scraps), then the presenter folds them and puts them in a hat (or whatever comes to hand).

Then the first participants pull the sheets of paper and touch each other with those parts of the body that are directly written on the sheets. Then the third participant pulls and also presses against the second and so on along the chain (depending on the number of participants in the game). Afterwards, the first one grabs the last one by the hand (or whatever free he has left) and they walk in a circle. It turns out very funny and fun, especially for those who are watching this whole process.

Participants gather (as many as they want, the main thing is not 1), the leader says a certain phrase that comes into his head, for example, “Leshka went into the forest to pick mushrooms.” After this, all participants must pronounce it in turn, BUT each subsequent participant must pronounce this phrase with a new intonation (for example, expressing surprise, doubt, or even concern). If a player runs out of ideas, then he usually drops out of the game, the most important thing is that in this game there is no one winner, there are at least 3-5 of them, it all depends on creativity each of the participants.

The participants of the game stand in a row or (everyone sits in a line, the main thing is to make it clear where the beginning is and where the end is). The first one utters two completely unrelated words. For example: wood and computer. The next player must connect the unconnected and describe the situation that could happen with these two objects. For example, “The wife got tired of her husband constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled in a tree with him.” Then the same player says the following word, for example, “Bed.” The third participant must add this word to this situation, for example, “Sleeping on a branch has become not as comfortable as sleeping on a bed.” And so on until the imagination is enough. You can complicate the game and add the following. The presenter interrupts any of the participants and asks them to repeat all the words spoken; the one who fails to do this is eliminated from the game.

Find uses
The game leader takes a large bag and pours it into various items it could be anything - a comb, a computer mouse, a ball, curlers and much more. After this, participants must put their hand into the bag, pull out an object and say that this can be done with it (answers for combing your hair are not accepted, you need to show imagination and only original solutions are accepted). Accordingly, those who could not come up with anything interesting drop out of the game. In this game you can use not only the presented template, you can also select one item, for example a piano, and the players take turns saying what can be done with it. You can also use 2 items at once (what can you do with them).

Game “Watch”
the point is that a company of 20-50 people gathers, splits into teams and completes tasks (pre-written by the organizers), such games are played at any time of the day or night (especially interesting at night) because tasks can go as far as “move the grandmother across the road” m all this, for example, at 3 am.

On birthdays, competitions and games for youth groups will be useful not only for teenagers and students, but also for everyone who is young at heart. Competitions for the company allow participants to diversify and reveal their numerous talents. Young people, undoubtedly, can come up with competitions themselves, one is more fun another-) We will be grateful if you share your competitions in the comments.

Competition for a group of guys “Italian” weaving

Weaving as a species folk art appeared in time immemorial, because even primitive people They guessed that all kinds of things or food can be stored in objects woven from twigs. A variety of materials were used for weaving - birch bark, willow twigs, vines, fishing lines, twine, ropes (by the way, we owe the last type of weaving to sailors, and maritime knots). But no one has yet tried to weave from... spaghetti! Therefore, participants in the competition can be asked to weave all kinds of knots, which are given specific names by weaving masters:

    • eight;
    • tie knot;
    • kalach;
    • Capuchin;
    • Tatting.

Movement at an accelerated pace

Contestants can be asked to portray the most simple movements, but at the same time resort to a trick well-known among filmmakers - to “scroll” your gestures in accelerated mode. This technique was used by many directors and cameramen shooting comedies - for some reason it always made the audience laugh. Participants need to “speed up” two or even three times, but at the same time show the simplest movements, for example:

    • a person who irons clothes;
    • bakes pancakes;
    • wipes away dust;
    • washes dishes;
    • sews up a hole in clothing;
    • counts money;
    • pets the animal;

Creative competition “Rubber boots for Khokhloma”

There is one myth, or perhaps simply fun fact- small asian country, being somewhat isolated from the rest of the world, walks exclusively in rubber boots, which are produced by the industry of this country. Since these boots are black, local residents get out of the situation quite in an unusual way- they paint their shoes black multi-colored gouache, while managing to repaint it several times a day, because the regulations require different color solutions for different occasions. Invite the competition participants to paint the boots so that they could go on a trip:

    • on a date;
    • to school;
    • to a party;
    • to the boss to get a job;
    • visit grandma.

Youth fun competition"Dancing Fingers"

It would seem that they dance mainly with their feet, but the whole body still participates in the dance. Invite competitors to use their fingers as well. On the surface of the table let there be a dance hall, index and middle fingers both hands - feet dancing people. And these couples will have to dance any dance of their choice:

    • rock and roll;
    • foxtrot;
    • tango;
    • flamenco;
    • waltz;
    • break;
    • Irish dance;
    • “Gypsy girl with a way out.”

Competition for students “Writing instructions”

To make some things easier, there are detailed instructions. For example, how to set up a TV. This list explains in detail, step by step, how to do this or that task most correctly. But there are some gaps, and for many “complicated” cases instructions have not been drawn up. Therefore, invite participants to make step by step instructions to the following matters:

    • how to teach a cat to fly;
    • how to eat a bagel;
    • how to lay younger brother or my sister to sleep;
    • how to break a heel (for girls);

How to get your father to say, “Don’t ever come near our car again” (for young people).

Fun competition “These emotional animals”

To make it easier to hunt, our distant ancestors observed animals and copied their habits. The so-called totemism was also widespread - the worship of animals and plants, and endowing them with feelings and emotions similar to those of humans. And in connection with this, people imitated animals with facial expressions and gestures. Let the contestants try to portray the following “emotional” animals and birds:

    • brave ostrich;
    • sad cow;
    • funny horse;
    • thoughtful pig;
    • flirtatious snake;
    • nervous bear.

Intellectual competition for students “Meanings of agnonyms”

Agnonym is a self-revealing term, meaning “a word whose meaning I do not know.” Often people use some words with a completely different meaning than their true meaning, which can lead to misunderstandings. A striking example This is Grandfather Shchukar from “Virgin Soil Upturned” by Sholokhov. Due to his illiteracy and lack of erudition, he called beautiful girls the word “watercolor”; he really liked the very sound of the unknown term. IN lately Many new foreign words have appeared in our language, so the competition consists of the following: participants need to write sentences with the proposed words in the meaning that the competitors consider correct, and then check with the dictionary and find out whether they correctly understand the meaning of these words:

    • outline;
    • aboriginal;
    • level;
    • kabuki;
    • navaja;
    • palette;
    • shaman;
    • scimitar.

Original competition “How to show color using gestures”

It is very easy to describe color in words - one name or another has been invented for each. But what to do if speech suddenly disappears, and you need to indicate some shade with the help of gestures? Invite participants to pantomime this or that color, keeping in mind that you cannot point your finger at the corresponding color of clothing or interior, but can only use associative images. Accordingly, the color can be any. Movements in Slow Motion In cinema, the technique of “slow motion” shooting is used. Let the competition participants show, at a similar pace, the movements that a person makes when:

    • shoots a bow;
    • fights;
    • tickles the heel and laughs;
    • tries very spicy food;
    • rows with one oar;

Creative competition “Greeting card”

It is customary to write and send postcards on generally accepted holidays, but there are dates that are undeservedly ignored. Therefore, invite participants to write congratulations for the following unusual events:

    • Groundhog Day;
    • International Pancake Day;
    • Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day;
    • World Blonde Day;
    • International Friends Day;
    • "Smiley" birthday;
    • Black Cats Day;
    • World Toilet Day.

All these holidays are celebrated in one way or another different countries, i.e. they are valid)))

Song-parody competition “Expressive Alphabet”

Even if you read obvious nonsense with a certain intonation, it may seem that this nonsense has meaning. Therefore, invite the contestants to read the alphabet with the following intonations: a story about the weather forecast; broadcast from football match; confession of feelings; announcement from the station dispatcher. Parodies of famous songs Parodists who write poetic parodies of famous pop singers They usually take one line from a song that seems ridiculous and funny to them, and make something out of it. funny performance. Let the contestants take the following lines from famous songs, and come up with a parody based on them:

    • I will part the clouds with my hands (Allegrova I.);
    • I am Moscow empty bamboo (Buinov A.);
    • I come home or I don’t come home (Apina A.);
    • Today I am not the same as yesterday (Gazmanov O.);
    • I say “no”, then “yes” again (Saltykova I.)

If there are problems with compliance poetic size, then it’s okay - it can be modified.

“I love you, what more...”

Boys, young men, men, in a word, representatives of the stronger sex, are usually the first to decide on declarations of love, so invite the contestants to show how they confess their feelings for their peers: a five-year-old boy; twelve year old teenager; an eighteen-year-old boy; thirty year old man; seventy year old man. Glorifying the object of love in romance Romance is sensitive piece of music, in which both a man and a woman can declare their love, and vice versa. However, there is also another kind of love, for example, love for the Motherland, for its nature, for the comfort of one’s home, for the sleepy purring of a cat. Therefore, invite the participants, using Glinka’s romance “I Met You...” as a basis, to write and perform a song in advance that glorifies love for:
- hamburger;
- Hugh Jackman;
- pie with cabbage;
- sofa;
- computer;
- a roll of toilet paper.

"The Art of Writing an Ad"

It's no secret that people have to buy and sell certain things. Therefore, very often they give advertisements that indicate the main characteristics of the item being purchased or purchased. Since the ad is a very laconic genre, you need to, while respecting its structure and size, write the following ads:

  • about exchanging lemonade caps;
  • about the loss of a pink elephant;
  • about renting an elevator;
  • about the purchase of MIG-29;
  • about recruitment for a 2-week course to train singers for the La Scala opera.

February is our favorite month, despite its uncomfortable weather, because it gives everyone another reason to confess their love to each other and, separately, to the entire male population of the country. And also precisely in last days In February, mass celebrations of Farewell to Winter take place, along with the burning of Maslenitsa with pancakes and general fun. And why not, along with the fun, not remind the younger generation about the traditions of celebrating and the origin of the wonderful Russian holiday of Maslenitsa? Moreover, this can be presented in game form, with music, dancing and tea drinking. Offered with cenario youth party"Maslenitsa Disco" suitable for schools, colleges and clubs (thanks to the author of this wonderful idea). Young people can organize such a holiday on their own, especially since storyline script will easily fit into any modern dance or music competitions and concert numbers, if desired, you can call it a party modern style, for example, “Blin-Party”, the main thing is to do everything with enthusiasm and love for Russian traditions and culture.



Major - skeptical young man

Old Man (aka Guy)

Old Woman (aka Wench)


Scenario "Maslenitsa Disco"

Leading: Greetings, friends! We are here again, we are together again, we are dancing and having fun again! Only this evening will not be quite ordinary; it will pass under the sign of the sun. But what will be the special feature of this evening, I suggest you guess.


Leading: Yes, today we are together, as our people have done for many centuries at the end of February - beginning of March, we will say goodbye to winter and welcome the arrival of spring. We must say it was always celebrated cheerfully, on a grand scale, as befits the broad Russian soul. And what was this holiday called?


Leading: On these days, according to tradition, everyone, young and old, indulged in fun: they rode down slides, took on snow forts, and took part in fist fights. It is impossible to list all the games and fun of Maslenitsa, but we can remember some of our traditions. And not just remember, but also immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a broad Russian holiday! And you must admit, such a journey through time requires appropriate music.

Plays 1. song about Maslenitsa

And not foreign at all, but our own, “from which the soul will unfold.” After all, today we have a wide Razgulyay - Maslenitsa!

The 2nd composition "Maslenitsa" by Ivan Kupala sounds

Leading: Oh, Maslenitsa! A gourmand, a deceiver, a deceiver, and an entertainer! Flirting, gatherings, booths, attractions, and pancakes from the belly! There is a sign: the more pancakes you bake on Maslenitsa, the more money you'll earn money!

TO To the presenter fits Major.

Major: Listen, damn it, what were you thinking here? Why all this?

Leading: What is this for?

Major: Well, this whole blizzard: Russian, folk, traditions, ammunition?

Leading: Excuse me, my dear, what ammunition?

Major: Relax, that's how it is, by the way. But tell me, why revive something that no one remembers? What was there? Who was sledding there? And when? How do you know it was good? Maybe just some kind of canoe?

Leading: Well, is it possible to judge something without experiencing it yourself? And then, our ancestors were no more stupid than us. Maybe they didn’t have such gadgets as you (we switched to you, didn’t we?), but they had established contact with nature, and our people were not offended by wisdom. As for traditions, I will answer you with the words of the great Lomonosov: “A people that does not know its past has no future.”

Major: So what, are we going to ride down the hill and immediately have the future?

Leading: Let's not discuss. This is not the Valdai Club. Let's relax and unwind. Let's rest, gentlemen! And be more active!

Music and dance block

Appear Old man And Old woman. The old man fidgets, the grandmother shudders, but both are clearly uncomfortable...

Old man (grumpily): What kind of orders are these? Have you bought a ticket? Bought! But no, they also invented cupcake control.

Old woman: He became completely deaf, old, not a cupcake, but a case!

Old man: The same pants, only with the buttons back! It doesn't matter what it's called, what matters is what it controls?

Old woman: Well, we’re not dressed like that, and we’ve outgrown these games a long time ago. Or are they not mature enough?

Old man: In short, they didn’t go out of their way, but they went into circulation!

Old woman: Well, of course, life goes on, and you and I are no longer ruddy apples, but dried fruits.

Old woman: Don't grumble, old man, they have funny eyes. Look what beautiful girls, and the boys are okay. They're just kind of twitchy. Look, everyone is shaking like witches at a sabbath.

Old man(addresses the presenter): Tell me, my dear, what do you have here? Crazy on the road? Why is this fever shaking them?

Leading: This is what we call a disco, dear!

Old man: Look, a library! We used to have different reading huts!

Old woman: What a dead stump! (Addressing the Leader): Forgive me, my friend, for the old man, he’s become completely hard of hearing. (To the old man, loudly): Not a library, but a disco!

Old man: It's not getting any easier hour by hour! And what kind of animal is this?

Leading: What do you really not know?

Old woman: Yes, where from, darling! We used to come from the village to the city back in the last century when we were giving our daughter away in marriage. Things weren't like that then. But we walk around the city, read the signs, and don’t understand anything!

Old man: It was our daughter and son-in-law who made us friends: they asked us to look after their little boy. We went abroad ourselves, and in our old age we signed up to be nannies.

Leading: What are you looking for here? Small children are not allowed here.

Old woman: No, he's already seventeen.

Old man: Here I am at seventeen...

Old woman: Yes, wait, grandfather, it’s a different time, but today’s seventeen-year-olds are like us ten-year-olds: no worries, no hassle, no responsibility. Acceleration in one word!

Old man: And that’s true: no, in order to meet his grandmother and grandfather, he started kicking his legs. Well, at least he left a note.

Old woman: So that's how we got here. Have you seen our granddaughter, my friend?

Leading: Excuse me, dear ones, I need to work. When there's a break, I'll try to help.

Concert number with modern dance.

Old man with Old woman look at the dancers, exchanging “replicas” and pointing to particularly energetic dancers. When the music ends Old man(followed by Old woman) approaches again To the presenter

Old man: No, I still don’t understand what’s going on here?

Leading: Yes, I already explained, grandpa, DISCO!

Old man: I don’t speak any languages, my dear, can you translate it into Russian?

Leading: In Russian... Well, an evening of dancing, okay? A party would also be fine.

Old woman: Parties? I would have said so right away!

Old man: And in my Pskov region there is a party!

Leading: A party, a party... Wow! It's probably possible.

Old man: At least call him a pot! But what kind of party is this if there are no girls?

Leading: Why not? (Addressing the Old Woman): Is he weak in your eyes? (To the old man): Here the girls are like sardines in a barrel!

Old man: That's what a herring! And they themselves are like herrings: they are overtightened with jeans, gray from tobacco! Not like in our time: each one is like a peach: rosy cheeks, velvety skin, braids below the waist. Not a girl - Beauty!

Old woman: And the guys here are unprepossessing: skinny, stooped. How are they dancing? Your face looks like you ate a lemon: you have neither enthusiasm nor bravery. No matchmaker would have matched such a good girl before. There were guys in our time! Strong, beautiful, hard-working, and funny!!!

Leading: Forgive me, dear ones, but this has always been the case when old people taught young people. They say the trees were taller, the grass was greener, and the dirt was thicker!

Old man: Maybe you’re right about the dirt, son, but we used to walk better: more friendly and more fun...

Old woman: If only we could throw off a dozen or so years, we would show how the Russian soul roams widely. Don’t look at the Old Man, he is now like a dead mushroom, but before he was such a falcon! All the girls were looking at him.

Old man: And we met at a party, remember, old lady?...

Leading: So, I take you at my word: show your rollicking soul!

Old woman: Are you kidding?

Leading: Is it hard to shake off the old days? So you keep teaching us words, but I ask you to show us, so straight away into the bushes? Just start, and then we will catch up, if all your words are not empty chatter about “early, but get enough.” Well, do you agree?

Old woman: Ah, we agree! Shall we show the old to the young how they walked in the old days?

The old man hits his hat on the floor and straightens up.

Old man: Eh, itch your shoulder, swing your arm!

Sounds3. song Canary performed by Ivan Kupala

GUYS and GIRLS come into the hall, involve everyone present in the dance, pick up the Old Man and the Old Woman, who are transformed before our eyes: just infirm and weak, they become young and perky. This is no longer Old Man and Old Woman, these are lovers Girl and Guy.

Boy: Where did you come from, girl? How similar she is to my Old Woman in her youth!

Wench (laughs): What didn’t you recognize, old man? However, how old you are! Well done - a daredevil, and that's all! How many years have you and I lost!

Boy: Hedgehog cat! What fun does to a person! Well, now we will show the young people a master class! Walk, walk like that!

Girl: Get up, people, in a round dance, pick up a Russian song, and one that will make your legs dance!

Sounds 4. song Eyebrows performed by Ivan Kupala

All the GIRLS and GUYS present are again drawn into the general dance. After the dance to Girl And Guy cheerful and out of breath approaches Leading.

Leading: Well, the old people, ugh, the young people, made me happy. And, indeed, the soul turned around.

Major approaches with an iPhone in his hands.

Major: Well, what are you happy about? Have you not heard or seen folklore? Is this the folk wisdom you were talking about in these “Eyebrows”? Great historical heritage in these round dances!

Girl: What don’t you like, my dear?

Major: Enough already! Yours, dear! Stomp your foot here, slam your hand there! Tired of it!

Boy: Well, aren't you happy with your family? Overseas is sweeter, do you think?

Girl: There is little wisdom in poking at the buttons with your finger, googling any answers on the Internet. Is it difficult to guess a folk riddle on your own? Hide your thing away (points to iPhone) and tell me, you literate one, what is it: “The bald spot went uphill, the bald spot went downhill... You can eat the same bald spot for your health”?

Leading: Both-on! (Teasing Major) Well, answer me, know-it-all!

Girl: Where is he! The prompter is in your pocket! (Addresses the audience) Oh, can you find the answer?

The answers follow... The correct one is Pancakes

Boy: That's right, pancakes! It turns out that it’s not so difficult to find the answer yourself without other people’s clues.

Girl: And how can we not remember pancakes today? Maslenitsa is in the yard.

Major (perking up): What about pancakes?

Boy: Wow, how fast you are! He didn’t trample the floor with his feet, he criticized us, he didn’t guess the riddle, but he heard about pancakes and immediately became flexible?

Leading: What have pancakes reconciled with folklore?

Girl: Oh, well done! Oh, daredevil! Apparently your mom and dad worked a lot, they didn’t read fairy tales to you.

Boy: And it looks like you weren’t watching cartoons from our family, but from foreign ones, where they eat, drink, and count money. Otherwise, I would have known that before eating pancakes, I need to chop wood, apply water,

Girl: knead the dough, bake pancakes, and invite guests, then every pancake will be better than any tiramisu!

Major: Have you fallen from an oak tree? What kind of wood, what kind of water? Yes, come on with your pancakes!

Girl: Yes, don’t get excited, this is a saying, don’t be offended. And we are talking about the fact that on Maslenitsa, before our people sat down at the table, the Yarilins played games. Boys and girls, men and women, little ones, and they sang old songs, danced in round dances, and danced so that it became hot in the cold!

Boy: Well, let's play?


A block of folk games is held, which lead Boy And Wench

Folk game "Okhlopok"

Props: "Okhlopok" - a piece of cotton wool.

Wench (in the middle of the circle): Let's start with something simple. This old game was popular with people of different ages and amused representatives of almost all classes. Let's form a circle, stand closer to each other. I have a piece of cotton wool in my hands - this is cotton. Now I'll throw it up. Your task is to blow it away as far as possible from yourself. If it falls on or near someone, then that person pays a fine, or forfeit.

The game "Clap" is played until four or five falls of the clap.

5. Vysotsky's song plays Morning exercises"performed by the ensemble "Fidgets".

After the end of the game, forfeits are played out among the “penalties”.


Possible task options:

1. Call random number and play a prank on the person who answered.

2. For the next half hour, every five minutes, inform all players: “Another five minutes have passed.”

3. Check the previous player

4. Tell a joke

5. Sing a love song as if you were very drunk.

6. Transform into fairy tale hero: Kolobok. Winnie the Pooh, Ivan the Fool, Princess Nesmeyan, Princess and the Pea, etc.

7. Stage the trainer and the animal (You are the trainer, the Animal is the previous phantom)

8. Peel and eat a banana without using your hands

9. Cry in one corner of the room, laugh in another, yawn in a third, dance in a fourth.

10. Fall to your knees and repent of your 3 most significant sins

11. Sing a children's song while holding 3 matches in your teeth

12. Go to the center and shout: “People, I love you!”

13. Dance to pre-selected cuts different dances etc.

Game "Drag the line"

Props: chalk

Boy: Now the competition will be more serious. Once upon a time, no folk festival took place without duels of strength and dexterity. One of these popular competitions was tug of war. I think that you are also familiar with this ancient fun. But we don’t have enough space here, so we’ll hold a similar competition. And the rules are:

Teams stand opposite each other at the line so that each has their own personal opponent. At a signal, opponents grab hands and try to pull the opponent over the line. Anyone who crosses the line with both feet is considered a prisoner and is eliminated from the game. The winner can help his comrades by grabbing a player from his team around the waist and pulling the opponent along with him. The team that captures the most prisoners wins.

It's clear? Then I draw the line.

The game "Drag the Line" is played.

Sounds 6. Russian folk song"Hey, let's whoop!"

Maslenitsa game "Potty"

Props: clay pot, gymnastic stick, blindfold (scarf)

Boy: Now we will hold an individual championship. Anyone want to show off their accuracy and dexterity? I explain the rules: now I will blindfold the subject, and after that he will have to hit the inverted pot, which I will place here, in the center. Three attempts are allowed at one time. Isn't it difficult? Here's a pot, here's a stick. All that's left is to blindfold.

After the player is blindfolded, he is spun around and released into “free swimming.” The presenter gestures to the spectators - the fans - so that they do not tell the player the direction. It is known that such a seemingly simple task is, in fact, not always successful. If the player hits the pot, then as a reward he will receive what is hidden under it - gingerbread, candy, cookies.

The game "Potty" is played

It sounds 7. musical composition"Heroic strength" - background

Girl: We've played with our muscles, now let's move our brains. We will solve riddles! Well, who is the most savvy here?

Conducted riddle competition

From the window in the window - a golden spindle (Sunbeam).

Came from heaven, went to earth (Rain).

The red yoke hung across the river (Rainbow).

Without a tongue, but speaks. Without legs, but running (Stream).

An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved the bridge. The Red One came, dispersed the entire bridge (Frost and spring).

What is not sown will be born in the spring? (Grass).

Small, green covered the whole field (Spring meadow)

Mother in the spring - in a colored dress, mother in winter - in a white raincoat (Field)

The brothers began to climb out of the cradle. They fell to the ground and turned green (Sprouting grain).

In the summer he walks without a path near the fir trees and oaks, and in the winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost (Bear).

The winner receives a jar of honey

Girl: Our winner received a jar of honey as a reward. The product is healthy and very tasty. No wonder, in the old days they said: “Raspberries with honey and viburnum.” Well, it’s time for us to stretch our legs and raise our spirits!

Boy: Well, where is our hungriest?

Wench (brings Major out of the crowd): Look, he's having fun! I danced and was even out of breath!

Boy: Rejoice, dear, your hour has come, now we will eat pancakes!

Girl: No, dears! A good eater first needs to stretch his tongue.

Major(surprised): How is this? I can do it without warming up!

Boy: Not allowed! Listen to what the girl says. They are in questions healthy eating know better than us.

Girl: So, let's start training the language.

A tongue twister competition is being held.

Among the winners of the tongue twister competition is the eating competition.

Sounds 8. Russian folk song "Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes"

Boy: We're so full, we're so full!

Girl: Are you tired? Now you probably won’t even say “Shoo”?

Boy: What are you doing? On the contrary, I came into force. Now you can fist fight You can tie it!

Girl: Say it too! Who is there to fight? He said it himself: the skinny man is gone.

Boy: Yes, what did I say, beat the kids? This is how we will do it. We'll have another fight, cock!

Folk pastime "Cockfight"

Girl: I don’t know what you were up to there, but the idea is very good, and the year of the rooster has begun. So tell the guys what to do?

Boy: Players are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-5 steps. Jumping on one leg, players imitate fighting roosters, trying to push the opponent with their shoulders or chest. The one who first lost his balance and stood on two legs, or fell, is out of the game. Before the start of the game, you need to agree on where the “roosters” will hold their hands: behind their backs, in front of their chests, and maybe holding a bent leg.

An additional condition may be a outlined circle from which you cannot leave.

Boy: Well, come out, whoever is not timid, and I will judge!

The game "Cockfight" is played

9. music from the cartoon "Well, just wait!"

Boy: Well, perhaps stop plucking each other’s feathers!

Girl: And that's right, it's time to dance!

A music and dance block is held.

Girl: Do you know what they called it differently?

Leading: Yes, I think I said at the very beginning: Obedukha and Gourmand, Deception and Entertainer, and also Wide Maslenitsa and Krivosheyka.

Boy: That's right, only the noblewoman of Maslenitsa had another name, very sweet!

Leading: Honey or what?

Girl: Ah, I didn’t guess right! Pancake week was also called the Kissing Week.

Boy: There was even a proverb: “Pancakes, they don’t like kisses!”

Major appears.

Major: Come on, come on, more details from here!

Boy: Well, you're a bug! Oh, how hungry I am for tasty and sweet things! Now what, traditions don’t irritate you?

Major: Yes, I give up, they convinced me! Talk about kissing!

Girl: There is a treasured game, I saved a ring. Whoever gets the ring will immediately enter the circle.

Game "Ring"

The 10th song Ring performed by the ensemble Balagan Limited plays

Guy, Lead and Major, having cupped her palms and working as a backup dancer, the Girl goes into the hall, where she plays ring ring with the guests - she lowers and does not let go of the ring into her outstretched folded palms. At some point, she chooses a mate and leads him to the center of the hall. There she takes out a handkerchief and spreads it on the floor. The girl and the lucky owner of the ring kneel on the scarf and kiss three times.

Girl: A. now, dear friend, give the ring to the one you like, bring her into the circle and kiss her tenderly.

The Ring game continues. After some time (you need to agree on this with some girl, who will choose “Grandson” and bring her into the circle. While they are kissing Girl and Guy are transformed again. And before us again Old Man and Old Woman.

Old woman: Look, old man, here he is, our grandson!

Old man: Oh, you bastard! We are looking for him, we don’t sleep half the night, and here he is kissing girls! Come on, come here!

Grandson sees Old people and, hanging his head, approaches them.

WITH tarukha (hugging Grandson): Wake up, old man, I was walking here like a gogol five minutes ago. (Addresses the Leader): We found our grandson, my friend, let’s go home, it’s time. Forgive us if we got it wrong!

Major: Where? Did you tell me everything? That the holiday is over?

Old man: Eh, honey, a week is not enough to tell about all the fun. People have been accumulating experience for centuries!

Leading: Well, maybe, finally, something very good?

Old woman: Yes, don't be sad. The holiday does not end, and if the soul demands it, then you can always repeat it.

Old man: And, if you want to listen to our tales, call us. We'll come, right?

Old woman: We will come, of course, and you continue to have fun. Youth passes quickly, the older you get, the less time left for the holidays. Joy to you all, happiness, bright sunshine and warmth of soul. And my men and I will go...

Sounds 11. Russian folk song "You, Porushka, Paranya"

Also in game program you can include others , arrange a photo zone in Russian folk style and with appropriate props, and finish the holiday, if conditions allow, can be done by burning an effigy of Maslenitsa on the streets and a general round dance around it.

At the entrance to the cafe there is a bell that rings as soon as the door opens. The presenters in maid costumes greet everyone with a storm of delight, as if they were the most welcome guest. Meet as needed. New arrivals are introduced to those who arrived earlier. They ask about the topic “Nau are uoi?” A rug with the inscription “Do not tread” and with a commentary on the topic.

Party room decoration for teenagers

Nice music sounds. They offer to try on “master’s” slippers (a pair for men and a pair for women, the most extreme sizes): the latest development - they instantly relieve daytime fatigue, tone up, thanks to the effect on the acupuncture points of the foot, which send signals to the brain, and from there back, and so on spirit... (later you can play them among those who fit the bill, if any).

They helpfully offer to clean your suit, trousers, etc. They escort you to the landing site. Tables must be reserved in advance. In the hall:

Hats, umbrellas, scarves, etc. hang on the arch with the inscription “House party”;

A clothesline with clothes on clothespins is stretched diagonally;

Along the walls various attributes hallway;

Poster “Compliance with the rules of decency”, in the word “compliance” the “co” is crossed out and it becomes “observance”, and a face is also drawn;

The tables are arranged behind a clothesline (that is, they occupy a part of the hall cut off by a diagonal);

On the other diagonal half are the maid hosts and the DJ. There is also grandma's chest and other props.

Party script for teenagers

Natasha: What a joy that we finally got together!

Sveta: My dear! (Admiringly) Look how many nice people there are! Look how they look at us!

Natasha: They think that something like this will start now...

Sveta: Do they really think so?

Natasha: It seems to me so.

Sveta: They don’t yet know that we look at them and think the same thing.

Natasha: And what does that mean?

Sveta(again admiringly): And this means that we are all like-minded people, because we think about the same thing.

Natasha: Like-minded people!

Sveta: Yeah! (Smiling provocatively) Well, who would dare to start? No takers? (Exchanging glances with Natasha) They think we're pranking them?!

Phonogram from DJ Boris: “She was an actress and even played a role behind the scenes...”

Natasha(looking around): So, I didn’t understand, what kind of hints?

Sveta: People! Well, are you people or what? Oh, well, I don’t even know... Well, really, sit like that. It's boring! Just now I said: “Klava, the owners are leaving, let’s throw a party, otherwise we’ll die of boredom!” So what? They came and sat, well, people... What? (this is in Natasha’s opinion)

Natasha: What, what?.. What kind of Klava am I to you?

Sveta: Oh, why are you picking on words, it’s a figure of speech! You need to understand!

Natasha: Briefly speaking! It's time to take matters into your own strong economic hands! So, our main task is...

Phonogram from Boris: “Our main task with her is not to be caught on the spot...”)

Sveta: Exactly! Mercy! But the hosts are not expected until 11 p.m., so let’s beef up our resources and... take the lead!

Phonogram from Boris: “They won’t catch up with us, they won’t catch up with us...”

Sveta: Exactly!

Natasha: Don't get distracted. And our resources are as follows: 6 hours surrounded by this lovely company, 56 warm hearts, a sea of ​​fiery music and a whole bunch of all kinds of practical jokes, surprises and other things that we won’t divulge just yet!

Sveta: Yes, by the way, don’t be shy. Get comfortable. We have a lot of space here in the hallway... Why in the hallway? Yes, because the theater, as you know, begins with a coat rack, and a decent house begins with the hallway. And then, any fool can throw a party in the living room, for example. But having fun in the same hallway is a real art, one might say, a virtuoso performance.

Natasha: Now it will take minutes 1 5 wait until the flow of praises addressed to oneself dries up...

Sveta: What did I say wrong? If you don’t praise yourself, you won’t get it! And besides, who else will say a kind word, neighbors, or what?

Phonogram from Boris: “If you want, I’ll kill the neighbors who are disturbing me from sleeping...”

Sveta: Mercy for solidarity!

Natasha: Maybe we should leave the neighbors alone and take care of the guests? Sveta: OK!

Natasha: We hope that today's meeting marked the beginning...

Sveta: Layed the cornerstone...

Natasha: I drove in the first stake...

Sveta: Hello, goodbye!

Natasha: I mean the peg... big...

Sveta: Be more precise!

Natasha: Don't interrupt!

Sveta: Actually, I'm adding...

Natasha: So, today’s meeting marked the beginning of a new season and, since our house, although virtual, is very large, let’s think about the future where we will gather in the future.

Sveta: Each of you has favorite place in the house or let's say a place where you feel comfortable, good. Now we will identify such places and draw up a real map of parties for the “House party”.

1. On the wall is a map of someone virtual home; Colored symbols of different places of rest are pinned onto it, asking those sitting where they would like to gather next time. The result is a clear picture. You can also agree right away where to vacation next time.

2. They ask for help with cleaning in order to make room for fun. Each table removes one item from the rope, and the rope is re-hung. The task for each company is to play up the removed item by finding a different use for it than the generally known one. Music. Competition for thrifty housewives “New from old”.

3. A landmark of the house, an antique item - “grandmother’s chest.” Guests' guesses as to what is there? Whoever guesses correctly gets a prize.

4. Raffle of “master’s slippers” from those who fit them. Relaxing-musical-spot task. Perform the “my slippers are my fortress” dance.

5. Special Prize from the presenters (CD). "Guess the hit!" Sveta, Natasha, Borya on children's musical instruments(pipes, tambourines, whistles, etc.) are performed famous hit. We need to know him.

6. Who knows how to create a recipe for an amazing party, so that it has “incredible lasting taste”, and “fresh breath that makes it easier to understand”, and “creepy exotic with creamy ugliness”, etc.? Blitz survey. It is then suggested own recipe. And immediately its implementation begins. One reads, the other embodies through all those present; those sitting are not left behind. The soundtrack is appropriate.

Sveta: Our recipe for preparing a party: take the area, in the sense of living space, and the more, the better. But in principle, our recipe is applicable to any footage, if desired. Next. We mix guests into it (to the square) in small portions, preferably invited in advance. (Raises people from tables, everyone)

Then the pre-whipped hosts are introduced, or not the hosts, but those who arrange it all. (Mixed into the total mass). In general, it doesn’t matter whether he is the owner or not, the main thing is that he is fresh and thoroughly beaten. Then, with careful smooth movements, we begin to mix it all, trying not to spill the ingredients, which will later be difficult to add to the total mass (people move to the music, i.e. “stir”).

When the mixture reaches a more or less uniform consistency, it’s time to add spices and seasonings. Everyone can customize this part of the recipe to their own taste. Stronger, hotter, sweeter, fresher, etc. For example, our Boris loves hot parties, and we’ll add something spicy, don’t hesitate! Let's accelerate! Let's go!

Dance part.

Part 2 of the party

1. “They say it at parties.” A quick poll while everyone is taking their seats: what do they talk about at parties, you in particular? They play on the topic as if they overheard it or remembered their acquaintances. Blanks: It seems that I have lost the ability to move logically. I Who is already dancing there - I haven’t turned on the music yet... / I demand forgiveness for my rudeness! / Girls, you are so similar! Are you brother and sister by any chance? / Do you have any wife? / And I love potato pancakes, especially fried ones! / The Sidorovs and I are family friends. But alternately: day - they, day - us.

2. Drawing for the magazine “My Cozy Home” (the magazine goes to the one who gives the most correct answers about the magazine, such as: how many pages? topic of the issue? season trends, etc.).

3. Important element hallway interior - hanger. Competition “Passion for Hangers” (perform a fiery dance with... a hanger).

4. “We’re all at home, what about you?” Competition - provocation with scarves (2 teams, tie their scarves into one, whose scarf will be longer. And the provocation is because you have to run to the wardrobe for the scarf; and if you don’t want to, then you lose, and the winners get champagne!).

5. “Bellhop” - there was such a profession. Who is this? Why don't we get one like this? the right person? There is a contender from each table. Competition "Bellhop - Man's Friend." (Everyone not involved in the competition builds a corridor, a women’s commission of 3 people will choose the best “corridor.” The girls are blindfolded and launched into the “corridor”; the task of the applicants is to charm and somehow interest the strict commission with which they meet in “ dark corridor". Music.)

6. “Grandma’s chest.” So what's in the chest? Assumptions and conjectures. Finally, they open.

7. “A costume for a party, or Our hands are not for boredom.” (Make a suit from rolls of “grandmother’s” fabric.)

8. “Retro dance class”, or “Piano in the bushes”, in the sense - our highlight. For skeptics - the magic of transformation with the help of prosaic things (again, from the chest). Was Natasha, became mademoiselle. And, of course, an exclusive dance class - the Charleston. Everyone is invited, and physical violence is used against those who don’t want to. In general, everyone dances! The most capable are encouraged. All this fun flows into the continuation of the disco. Your word, Boris Nikolaich!

Dance part

Part 3 of the party

1. While they are being seated: the question of the day. What do you think about our party? Do you host house parties?

2. We have an “eternity corner,” that is, a specially designated place where you can perpetuate your name by writing something smart or original for posterity or for those living today. Be immortalized! Don't be modest!

3. What is a self-respecting house without a brownie. Let's call him. (They made some noise.) Doesn’t respond. In order to maintain the image of a decent house, we will create a brownie ourselves. Elections of the "brownie". Next is the ritual of creating an image according to the description. All tables take part in turn.

5. Competition “Gifts for the Brownie”. The brownie chooses the winner. The prize is an exclusive dance with the “brownie”, with stroking with a furry paw - for good luck!

6. Competition “Neighbor is friend to neighbor, comrade and brother!” (2 ranks, handkerchiefs).

7. Competition “On the road” (also two teams)

Dance part

Sveta: Friends! It is believed that our party took place. Any other suggestions? Great!

Natasha: Less than a month will pass before we meet again. It will be November.

Sveta: A new November in our lives... Perhaps it will snow. The future will flow into the present under the rustle of fallen leaves and the whisper of the first snow.

Natasha: The future is a strange substance.

Sveta: We only have what we have today. As for the rest, everything is as always... For now, that’s how it is.

Natasha: Beautiful... True, it’s not very clear, but that’s not the point. Now we need something simpler and more practical. Try.

Sveta: If you please. If you feel like your life has become dull, just dust it off!

Natasha: And come to our-your parties!

Sveta: Bye, bye, see you!