How to use the “Word Selection” service. Yandex Wordstat - selection of keywords or how to use the statistics service correctly


Perhaps the most visited service in Russia is wordstat from Yandex. To select, just follow the following link and enter the query you are interested in in the “Key words and phrases” field. After clicking on the “Select” button, a table will appear in front of you, the left side of which will display the most popular queries, and the right side will show related queries.

Do not forget that the display of query statistics is different for regions, so if you are interested in regional information, use the “By” tab. There you should specify your choice - region or city.

Rambler (Rambler) is no less famous than Yandex, but clearly inferior in terms of, and more recently, completely using the search technologies of the above-mentioned company. To go to the service for checking request statistics, click on the link In the empty rectangular window, enter the words or phrases of interest, and then click the “Calculate” button.

This service is clearly inferior to Yandex, but there is also a regional issue: check the box next to the “Geography of requests” item or click the “Geography statistics” link and click the corresponding button.

Google has two products that allow you to create an objective assessment of entered queries: using a service for selecting keywords, you can select the most relevant query, and the Google comparative search statistics service gives an idea of ​​​​the query being promoted.

The keyword selection service (AdWords) is Wordstat from Yandex, you can find it at the following link Search query statistics can be viewed on this page

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Before you start creating a website, you need to know exactly who will be looking for it and why. And all the more necessary information about statistics requests, if it is planned to be promoted.

You will need

  • computer, internet


Specify the list of parameters that interest you in your requests. In addition to the words typed, the period of data analysis - a week, a month - can also be important. Understand what kind of audience you need. For example, in Russia the most used search engine is Yandex. And to work with domestic Internet users, focus on its indicators. If the real location of the site visitor is not so important, then it is necessary to conduct an analysis using Google and Rambler.

Go to and enter the desired word. Specify the region, if it matters (in our case, most likely, you need to select “Russia”. Enter a word or phrase that denotes your product or service. Click the “select” button. You will receive two columns: the left one with data on your request, the right one - with data about what else these people were interested in.

Go to the “regions” tab to find out how popular this request is in different parts of Russia and the world. There are also two columns here: absolute number requests and regional popularity as a percentage. This data can be visualized on a map. To do this, go to the appropriate tab. If seasonal variations are important to you, open by month and week.

Word selection (wordstat) is a service that helps to obtain information about Yandex user requests. For example, it allows you to find out how many people per month search for a particular phrase, and see queries that are similar in meaning to your phrase.

Beginning of work

You can use the word selection form from the Direct interface. To do this, click the button Find words in the block New keywords and enter a passphrase.

To take advantage of all the features of the service, such as selecting the region and type of user device, go to the word selection service. Word selection is available only to authorized users.

By default, statistics are shown for all regions and all device types. The Desktops slice includes queries on desktop computers and laptops, the Mobile slice includes queries on phones and tablets. You can view data on requests on phones or tablets separately using the Only phones and Only tablets slices, respectively.

The number next to each query represents the projected number of impressions per month you can get by choosing that query as your keyword phrase. When making a forecast, the system uses data for the last 30 days before the statistics update date. The data is considered by the system only for the Yandex search results page , excluding requests made by users searching for the Yandex Advertising Network.

How to use the service

For example, in Direct you place an advertisement for an apartment renovation team and want to add a key phrase to your ad repair. Enter this phrase in the word selection service. From the data in the left column it can be seen that repair- popular request (11 million impressions per month). But it does not reflect what the buyer was interested in: repairing apartments, cars or telephones.

To prevent ads from being shown for popular but unsuitable queries, replace the key phrase in Direct repair on renovation of apartments. Clarify phrase repair You can also use negative keywords. If you add negative keywords cars And phones, the ad will not be shown for popular queries car repair And phone repair.

Look at the queries in the right column. Users who searched renovation of apartments, may be of interest apartment renovation And suspended ceiling. Add to the list of key phrases for your ad in Direct those that correspond to the goals of your advertising.

Query history

To understand the dynamics of user interest in your topic, go to the tab Query history. Here you will see data for the last 2 years, grouped by month, as well as a graph of user activity.

Statistics on queries on tablets have been available since March 1, 2016. Until March 1, the statistics of requests on phones also included requests on tablets.


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Today, once again, we dive into the abyss of Yandex Wordstat and figure out how to find out the number of requests for keywords that match the site’s theme. This is necessary if you want to estimate how many people are looking for your products and services, optimize site pages for search engines, or launch mind-blowing context that users will click on like crazy. Let's see what functions of word selection services are useful for assessing and collecting the semantic core, and find out how to work with. Go.

Why is it important to know the number of keyword requests in Yandex?

First, let's decide why we need this at all.

  • To collect a semantic core for website optimization;
  • To collect keywords to launch an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords.

Everything is simple here. To attract traffic from search and context, you need to:

  • Make the landing page of the site relevant in the eyes of the search engine and the user.
  • Make sure that the request is sufficiently frequent and not too competitive, otherwise there will simply be no transitions in both cases.

Let's get to the heart of the matter.

How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

To do this, you can use the service. It helps you select keywords, look at the number of impressions for queries, including dynamics and depending on the selected region. Let's go through each point.

Checking keywords in Yandex Wordstat

Let's say we entered the request “Flower delivery”. Wordstat immediately gave us 267,090 impressions per month, with this phrase, and in broad terms. This means that the results take into account all requests that mentioned “flower delivery” and there were a little over 267 thousand of them.

Impressions and requests should not be confused; they are counted differently. The user enters the query once, and each transition to the search results page is considered an impression. If I'm looking for flower delivery, then I entered one request. In this case, every time I move to the next page in the search results, a new impression is counted.

Just below, the service displays a list of queries in which the given one was found, and all of them are included in the main result. That is, Wordstat goes from the general to the specific: first it shows how many impressions there were for such keywords in a month, and then it details these statistics. For example, there were 18,892 impressions for the query “low-cost flower delivery” and all of them are included in the total 267,090.

Now let's figure out how to find out the number of requests in Yandex for specific keywords. Let's say we want to find out how many times people requested the combination “flower delivery” without any additional clarification. Search operators will help us with this. First, let's list them all:

  • “” – quotes. Helps to search only for specified keywords, but in any word form (that’s what we need).
  • ! - Exclamation point. Does the same thing, only without taking into account different word forms. That is, if you request “!flower delivery”, then the results will be shown specifically for this request, without taking into account all sorts of “flower delivery”, “flower delivery” and so on.
  • + – plus. Makes Wordstat take into account conjunctions and prepositions.
  • - - minus sign. In this case, the specified words will not be taken into account when compiling the report. Example: “flower delivery is free.”
  • (|) – brackets and forward slash. Needed to combine statistics on several queries into a report.

Let's return to our example. Let’s do a check and find out the number of requests in Yandex for the keywords “flower delivery” in any word form.

Already less - 16,409 impressions. Now let's exclude the remaining word forms:

The number of impressions dropped even further. Let's try using other operators:

The last operator is a great help when checking the number of keywords in Yandex for several queries. We received a sample from the following requests:

  • Flower delivery;
  • bouquet delivery;
  • order flowers;
  • ordering bouquets.

Now let's look at the remaining tabs. First, let's look at what mobile device users are looking for.

Now we’ll find out how to see the number of requests in Yandex in a specific region. Let it be the city of Kazan. To do this, go to the “by regions” tab. For a more accurate result, we will search for “”!delivery!flowers”” in exact correspondence. We get:

The first number is the number of impressions, and the second is regional popularity. If it is more than 100%, then interest in the request in the region is increased, and if it is less, then there is decreased interest.

The last tab left is “query history”. We go there and see a graph of changes in the frequency of requests. It looks like this:

As you can see, at the end of January every year, people suddenly get upset and start looking for bouquets for delivery. I wonder why?

Let's look at the rest of Wordstat's functions. In the “By Regions” tab there is a map mode. There you can see the popularity of the request in different countries of the world and regions of Russia.

On the main search page there is a right column with queries that appear along with the given one. Sometimes it is useful and helps expand the semantic core.

Checking keywords in Google

Now let's figure out how to do the same thing in Google. Here you can use the search engine’s own service – Google Keyword Planner Tool. You can get to it from the Google AdWords main page - the necessary link is in the “Tools” tab.

To use the service, register with AdWords. Keyword Planner differs from its Yandex counterpart mainly in its interface and convenience: it does not require a captcha, and negative words can be specified directly in the search settings. The Google tool displays keywords immediately in exact matches. It is worth considering that the competition tab here is “advertising” and not “search”.

Other tools to check search volume and keywords

If you are too lazy to collect information manually, you can use special parser services. The problem is that almost all of them are paid. There are exceptions, for example the Slovoeb service. This is the same paid KeyCollector with reduced functions. It helps you search for keywords using Wordstat, check the frequency and competitiveness of queries, determines the relevance of pages and uploads data to Excel. It differs from its older brother - KeyCollector - in that it does not provide statistics on Google AdWords. But it will do.

Frequency and competitiveness of requests in Yandex

In addition to the number of impressions, you need to know the competitiveness and frequency of requests: they are high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF), low-frequency and, accordingly, high-medium- and low-competitive (VK, SK, NK). The dependence is usually direct - the more frequent the request, the higher the competition for it, but there are exceptions (and they are your goal). High-volume and competitive queries look the most promising, but are actually the most likely to be ineffective. It is very difficult to get to the top using them, so betting on them is a bet on a budget that has been lost to nothing. Mid- and low-frequency queries are much tastier. If done correctly, they will help drive traffic to your site and find new customers. Any parser will help you calculate the competitiveness and frequency of queries in Yandex. This can also be done “by hand”, but this is a topic for a separate article.

In order to competently build an advertising campaign or promotion strategy, you must find out the number of queries for keywords in Yandex, their frequency and competitiveness. This can be done either using native search engine services or using parser programs. In any case, you still have to seriously analyze the collected semantic core, because simply collecting keywords is not enough - you need to weed out the unnecessary ones and draw up a page optimization plan or an advertising campaign strategy.

This article is intended for beginners in SEO, as well as for website owners who have chosen queries for promotion, but do not know whether these are frequent queries.

So, let's begin.

Request frequency- this is the number of queries or phrases typed by a user in a search engine in a certain period of time. The methods for determining the frequency of a query in search engines differ. In this article we will look at the frequency of queries in the most popular search engines - Google and Yandex.

From this article we will learn the following:

1. How to determine the frequency of requests in Yandex

1.1. Word selection service in Yandex

To determine the frequency of queries in Yandex, there is a simple and convenient “Word Selection Service in Yandex” or, as it is also called, Yandex Wordstat.

Entering the request into the selection line, we get the following picture:

It is noteworthy that now we see the overall picture of impressions per month, but you can look at the request frequency separately by type of device (tablets, mobile phones, computers) from which users searched for the request.

So, we see that 269,733 of the total impressions were on phones.

1.2. Types of frequency in Yandex

So, we found out that the query [plastic windows] had 1,006,660 impressions per month - this will be the base frequency of the query.

In total, Yandex Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequencies:

  1. Base frequency- indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the desired key query. In our case, this is the request [plastic windows]. When collecting the base frequency for this request, all possible word forms were taken into account, as well as variants of the requests [buy plastic windows], [prices for plastic windows], etc.
  2. Phrase frequency- to define it you need to put the query in quotation marks. This will allow us to find out the request frequency for the phrase we are interested in.

As you can see from the screenshot, the phrase frequency is significantly lower than the base one, since the phrase frequency can take into account word forms, cases, and different endings, but additional words are ignored (for example, the request [buy plastic windows] is not taken into account when collecting phrase frequency).

  1. Exact Frequency- to define it, you need to put the query in quotation marks and put an exclamation mark before each word in the query.

In this form, we will find out the number of impressions per month specifically for this request.

1.3. Geodependency

In addition to different request frequencies, we can find out the frequency from requests in different regions. To do this, instead of the “By words” item, check the “By region” item.

The screenshot shows the total number of requests, as well as their number specifically by region. For example, in the Moscow region there were 13,847 impressions, regional popularity is 206%.

What is regional popularity? Yandex answer:

“Regional popularity” is the share that a region occupies in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all search results impressions that fell on that region. The popularity of a word/phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not distinguished by anything in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that there is increased interest in this word in this region; if it is less than 100%, it means decreased interest. For statistics lovers, we can note that regional popularity is an affinity index.

You can also set the region when collecting frequencies. By default, the fee is set for all regions.

Select a region.

Thus, when searching for the exact frequency of a query in a specific region, you can find out how many people are searching for the query you are interested in in the specified region.

1.4. How to determine the seasonality of a request

Yandex Wordstat has another function that interests us. To use it, you need to check the “Query history” checkbox.

Thus, we see what the request frequency was by month during different periods. Using this information, you can roughly predict drops/rises in traffic on the site.

1.5. Plugins for ease of use of the service

The Wordstat service is useful, but not very convenient, so in order to make my life easier, when working with it I use the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin.

This is how it looks in the Wordstat window:

The first thing that catches your eye is the advantages around requests. By clicking on them, we add queries to the column on the left:

This is very convenient, since you usually need to highlight each request and its frequency in order to copy it. Moreover, you can safely switch to other queries, and the list of queries added to the column will be saved.

This plugin also allows you to sort queries directly in a column by frequency or alphabetically, and then copy these queries with frequency into the document you need. I recommend using the Chrome browser plugin, as it has a more recent version that is constantly updated. There is also a plugin for FireFox, but it has not been updated since April 2015, so not all functions work correctly.

2. How to determine the frequency of queries on Google?

If everything is relatively simple with Yandex, then finding out the frequency of a request on Google will be more difficult. Google does not have a service like Yandex Wordstat, so you have to use the contextual advertising service Google AdWords. You will need to register in it. After registration, a panel will appear in front of you.

Open the “Tools” menu tab and find “Keyword Planner” in the drop-down menu.

This will open the scheduler page. On this page you need to select “Get query statistics and trends”. There, enter the query you are interested in and indicate the region.

Click on the “Find out the number of requests” button. You will get this result:

Due to AdWords limitations, the average number of queries per month ranges from 1,000 to 10,000. To get more detailed information, you need to create and run a campaign.

When a paid campaign is running, the request frequency will look like this:

3. Software collection of request frequency

Methods for manually collecting request frequency were described above. With a large number of requests, collecting their frequency manually is very inconvenient, so I use special programs.

3.1. Program "Slovoeb"

After setting up the program, you need to launch it and, as in the case of “Slovoeb”, add queries, specify “Region” and click on “Collect Yandex statistics. Direct".

Key Collector, unlike Slovoeb, parses data using Yandex. Direct, which significantly speeds up the parsing process. Click “Get data” and get the result:

The program allows you to collect frequency for Google using Google AdWords. To do this you need to configure it. The settings can be viewed on the official Key Collector website. Then you will need to click on the “Collect Google Statistics” button. Adwords", which is located next to the "Collect Yandex.Direct statistics" button.

4. Online collection of request frequency

Sometimes there are situations when your favorite instrument is not at hand, but you need to collect the frequency. In this case, you can use online services to collect frequencies. I will look at 2 services that I use myself. One will be for Yandex, the other for Google.

4.1. Online frequency collection tool from SeoLib for Yandex

All you need to do is open the “Key phrase analysis” tab and copy the list of queries you are interested in into the request form or attach as a separate file. After this, you need to select the required frequency and region, and if necessary, specify additional parameters. Then click on “Start Analysis”.


The tool is paid, but the prices are reasonable. For example, a list of these 7 queries for all types of frequency cost me 5.3 rubles.

4.2. Ahrefs Online Frequency Collection Tool for Google

The service has a Keyword Analysis tool.

In the form you need to add keywords separated by commas and indicate the region near the “Belts” button.


Go to the “Metrics” tab:


Work with Yandex:

  1. If there are several requests, you can view them manually through Yandex Wordstat. In this case, I strongly recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin - it significantly simplifies the process;
  2. If you have a list of queries and need a quick one-time check, use SeoLib's online Keyword Tool;
  3. If you constantly work with requests, I recommend purchasing Key Collector. Although Slovoeb is free, it parses too slowly, and the time you save on parsing queries in Key Collector will more than offset the costs. “Slovoeb” can be used if you work with a small list of queries and use it infrequently. I used it myself when I started working in SEO, but when I purchased Key Collector, I regretted not buying it earlier.

Work with Google:

  1. If there are several requests, use Google AdWords;
  2. If you have a list of queries, it will be more convenient to use the Ahrefs online service or set up Key Collector.

I have listed the services that I myself use to collect request frequency. Perhaps you use other services? Then indicate them in the comments, I will be glad to read them!

That's all for now, I wish you good positions in frequency queries!

Yandex began in the late 1980s. And today it is one of the most popular among search services. The main feature of this search system is that it searches for keywords without taking into account the number of parts of speech and prepositions used in them. Displays sites upon request, based only on keywords. This feature is very convenient for users, but analyzing queries in Yandex becomes more problematic.

In addition to the popular today Google and the named search engine, Rambler is also used. It is more accurate in terms of searching queries, but less popular.

What is "Yandex Wordstat"?

This special service was created by Yandex for webmasters and optimizers. This system helps to create the semantic core of the site and choose the right keywords for each new article that you publish on your site. And this significantly increases the number of visits.

In addition, Wordstat helps to assess the competitiveness of your Internet resource.

By registering in the mentioned system, you can use keyword selection to find the most popular queries.

The system provides information about requests throughout the month. By entering the word and phrase you need in the topic field, you can filter the results by region.

When selecting queries, you can use special operators that make the search easier.

Most popular

In 2012, a list was created of the five topics that people most often search for on the Internet. Ryan Dube, an SEO with 10 years of experience, helped put this list together.

These results cover the entire global population. Let's look at them:

  1. So, the requests of children and adolescents came first. Here are questions about why parents forbid something, and how to kiss a girl for the first time. There are many topics that children and adolescents are embarrassed to discuss with adults. However, this is a completely healthy interest, and there is no need to be afraid of it, experts say. Although kids should think about how to clear queries in Yandex before parents find out what questions are swarming in the heads of their children.
  2. The next topic calls into question the mental health of most people. These are scenes of rape and torture. As they say, no comments.
  3. In third place was the question “How?” with many variations. How to build, plant, cook?
  4. In fourth place are purely female questions: how to seduce a man, lose weight, remain attractive and desirable?
  5. And of course, many people read articles on the topic of certain diseases. Many of us prefer a quality text to a doctor's consultation. We usually look for symptoms that seem to us to be a manifestation of a non-serious disease on the Internet.

This Yandex query statistics helps you decide on the choice of content if you are looking for a topic to create and develop your own project. It’s worth focusing on when choosing a topic for a new blog.

The most frequent request in Yandex

Probably, many Internet users once wondered: what queries are entered into search engines? People work with websites on a wide variety of topics, develop online stores and companies, and this, as a rule, is the basis of their search activity. A special Yandex system helps track which questions most often concern users. So, what is the most frequent request in Yandex?

A large number of users solve operational issues. The rest are concerned mainly with pressing matters that are related to small personal needs - to eat, play, watch and, of course, talk. The following are the results obtained within one month.

World online

Nowadays, people do almost everything on the Internet - work, study, shop. Fortunately, their percentage is not so high that the city streets are empty. But at the same time, the most popular query in Yandex contains the word “site”. This primarily includes website promotion (as many as 146,000,000 requests per month!). Some are looking for specialists to promote their own websites, others are trying to master this skill on their own. After all, a well-promoted website brings in good income.

This is especially true for online stores. And they are next on the list. Users actively make purchases via the Internet, ranging from underwear to large appliances. The number of online stores is growing steadily. Many create their own and work only via the Internet, others increase the number of sales by creating a catalog.

Advertising sites are no less in demand. Among them, the leader is OLX, previously called “Slando”.

Facebook and VKontakte

Facebook is also one of the most frequent requests in Yandex. It leads the top ten most popular social networks in the world. He is accompanied by YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Weibo, etc. The number of users is about 1.4 billion. At the same time, 160 million are citizens of the USA, Brazil, Turkey, Great Britain, and Mexico.

With the decline in popularity of VKontakte, which was previously liked much more by Russian-speaking users, the demand for Facebook has increased significantly. But at the same time, VKontakte is trying not to give up its positions. This is the only Russian site that took 8th place in the top ten most popular social networks in the world. More than 228 million users from many Russian-speaking countries are registered here. Despite the ban on VKontakte in Ukraine, many Ukrainians continue to actively visit this site. Therefore, one of the most frequent requests in Yandex looks like “my VKontakte page.”

And since our population loves to communicate with foreigners (including using special dating sites), the next most common request is “translator”. By the way, many foreign students are registered on the VKontakte network and communicate with Russian-speaking friends. In this case, both interlocutors are forced to use a translator.

Time for business - time for fun

The most interesting thing is that the number of requests for the word “game” totals 75,984,283 times a month. Most of the requests relate to the popular game "Tanks", which is especially popular among men, and to online children's games for boys and girls. They allow you to keep your child busy while doing household chores.

Slightly less often than games, people search for movies to download or watch online. It is noteworthy that when you enter the word “love” into a search engine, it immediately returns films in the genre of drama or melodrama. Mostly Turkish.

What do people prefer to watch? The larger number of queries on Yandex indicates that they most often watch shows (like “Kitchen” and “The Bachelor”), as well as American films. Most often they belong to the fantasy genre. TV series are no less in demand - both Russian and Ukrainian, and American.

Urgent problems

The following requests in Yandex, according to statistics, relate to news, calculating the amount on a calculator, and the weather forecast for tomorrow. The weather forecast, by the way, is often correct.

And of course, the horoscope. Yandex provides a huge number of sites with horoscopes for today, tomorrow and for the month. Not far from horoscopes in terms of frequency of requests is the dream book.


Fortunately, they download not only films, but also literature. And they don’t just pump. It is often read online. I am glad that reading literature is still a popular activity for young people. Currently, you can read books online on several sites completely free of charge - “Litmir”, Loveread, Knizhnik, etc.

It is noteworthy that the top three most popular genres of literature are women's love stories. This includes historical, modern and even fantasy. The number of romance fiction novels is growing every day.

The Russian detective story is also very popular. While foreign detectives are rarely read here, Russian detective stories, including women’s detective stories (many of them have a fair amount of humor), are searched for on Yandex very often. They are read online, downloaded, and purchased in online stores.

"Why Chicks"

The question “why” is one of the most popular queries in Yandex and Google. Most people are interested in why this or that organ hurts. A huge number of queries in Yandex are focused on headaches, back pain and leg swelling.

Slightly fewer people are interested not in health, but in relationships with the opposite sex - “why is he...” or “why is she...”. And here the variations of the questions vary - it could be betrayal, difficulties in mutual understanding and unpleasant situations in which the partner showed himself at his worst. The history of queries in Yandex shows that such issues are usually discussed on forums.

In addition, the following questions are often entered into the search engine:

  • "Why am I stupid?"
  • "Why can't I lose weight?"
  • "Why am I an idiot?"

Typically, discussions of such problems take place on forums.


The search history in Yandex is incredibly voluminous, and it is incredibly difficult to cover all popular topics. But we tried to describe the most popular queries that interest the Russian-speaking population on the Internet. We hope you found the information useful.