Guf biography. Guf's birthday: creativity and personal life of the famous rapper

Guf (real name Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov) - Russian rap artist, co-founder and member of the CENTR group. At the beginning of the 21st century, the rapper gained widespread popularity and also received MTV Russia Music Awards and the Rock Alternative Music Prize.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born on September 23, 1979 in one of central regions Moscow - Zamoskvorechye, which will repeatedly appear in his work.

When Guf was three years old, his father left the family. However, the mother got married a second time, and the stepfather became a real dad for the boy.

Parents were forced to go on frequent business trips, which had an adverse effect on Alexey. At school, he skipped classes for semesters, and already in the 5th grade the boy began to have problems with drugs.

The closest person to the rapper was his late grandmother, Tamara Konstantinovna, who raised Alexey until he was 12 years old. Afterwards, the rapper will dedicate a number of compositions to her, including “Gossip” and “Original Ba”.

From the age of 12, Alexey lived with his parents in China, where he first went to a local school and later entered college foreign languages Shenyang.

In 1995, Guf’s grandmother visited him in China and brought him hip-hop discs and cassettes, which were not available in the communist state. At this time, Alexey wrote his first poems and songs, but his plans were to open a business in China.

However, everything began to fall apart when, during a vacation in Moscow, he tried heroin. Guf began to develop an addiction, and he found drug dealers in China. The management of the hostel where Alexey lived began to suspect young man in illegal trade, and Guf was forced to literally flee the country in 1998.

Returning home, Alexey received a second higher education - economics. But the passion for music turned out to be stronger, and with a friend Roman Guf formed the Rolexx group.

Drugs remained Alexey's constant companion, and in 2000 they brought new serious problems - near the Kievsky railway station, the police stopped Guf, finding him in possession of large number marijuana, and sent the rapper to Butyrka. To transfer Alexey to the so-called VIP cell, his father had to pay more than $20,000, and 5 months later, as a result of Vladimir Putin’s amnesty, Dolmatov was released.

Music career

The group “Rolexx” broke up, and Alexey recorded his first track “ Chinese wall" The rapper took it to radio 106.6 FM, and the song was put into rotation.

In 2004, Guf, together with his friend Nikolai Nikulin, known as Princip, organized the group “CENTR” and released the first demo album “Gift”, the circulation of which was only 13 copies.

At the same time, Alexey’s longtime acquaintance Vadim Motylev, who releases songs under the pseudonym Slim, suggested recording joint songs. The rappers released the tracks “Wedding” and “Leader,” which aroused great interest among the public, who were yearning for high-quality rap and hip-hop.

By the end of the year, there were already four members of the group: Gufu and Princip were joined by Slim and rapper Ptah. Together they recorded two special compositions for the 2006 Russian film “HEAT”, where Alexey Chadov and Timati played.

The group was gaining popularity, but Guf continued to practice solo work, recording songs with rapper Basta and Smokey Mo. In 2007, Alexey released his solo album “City of Roads,” which received a positive review from Rolling Stone magazine.

Guf and CENTR - City of Roads

In August 2009, a conflict occurred between the group members, after which Alexey left the group. After leaving Dolmatov he created own label ZM Nation, within which he began working on a new album, which was ready by the end of the year.

Soon the portal "" Guf was recognized as the best Russian performer at the end of the year. Prizes in the nominations “Best Album” and “ Best clip" also received the album "At Home".

In 2010 he began work on joint album“Basta/Guf”, which ended with the release of a record and a long joint tour.

Guf ft. Basta - Guf Died

In the same year, Guf was recognized as artist of the year according to the Russian Street Awards. Just a year later, he also received the MUZ-TV award in the category “ Best Hip Hop project".

At the beginning of 2012, in a series of concerts and performances, Guf began work on his third studio album, and already in November the tracks were available for download.

In 2011, Guf received the MUZ-TV award in the category “Best Hip-Hop Project”

After a long break caused by treatment in a drug addiction clinic, in 2015 Alexey released a new solo album, “More,” which, however, did not become popular with listeners.

Alexey Dolmatov Guf recorded a new song for Azino 777

Guf's personal life

In the summer of 2008, Guf married his longtime girlfriend




Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov, known to us all as Guf (GUF), was born on September 23, 1979, in Moscow. From about the age of 10 I became interested in rap art. In the 5th grade he encountered drugs. He often began to skip class, after which he was taken by his parents to China. For seven years he lived in China, where he studied at one of the universities. Alexey has 2 higher education: economic and linguistic. After this he returned to Russia.

Already at the age of nineteen he performed his first track - “The Wall of China”. He was recorded together with Roma Korobchansky (with whom Guf studied together, in the same group). For 2 years, Guf took a short break (due to drugs) in his hobby.

Guf became more famous in 2000 when he joined the group “ROLEX-X”. And so he finally realized that he shouldn’t sit and wait for something, he needs to move forward. It was after this idea that he became one of the creators, known on at the moment groups - “CENTER”. This is how his first demo album “Gift” appeared. Few copies were produced, only 13 pieces, and they were given to close friends as a New Year's gift.

He was very familiar with the “KASTA” group, as he often visited his area. He took part in the filming of the video “We take it on the streets,” and one of the Caste members, Shym, wrote the music for “New Year’s.”

Many songs dealt with his favorite topic - “Drugs”; he began to be recognized among rappers on this topic. Guf claims that he forgot about drugs a long time ago and no longer uses them.

Already in 2002, she begins to work on her new, next album. I found a new friend – Slim, who at that time was part of the “Smoke Screen” group.


In 2006, the song “Gossip” became very popular. The album “City of Roads” contains the song “Original Ba”, dedicated to Guf’s grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, in which she even takes part.

Also in 2006, a video called “New Year’s” was released for one of the documentaries called “Drug Users (drug addicts)”; this video soon became quite popular. Was created new hit with SMOKI MO “Traffic”, it was placed on the album “Air is Normal” (2008).

Already in 2007, a highly popular album called “City of Roads” was released. Soon a new track appears called “My Game” in a duet with the popular rapper Basta. Guf also begins his concert activities. The same year, on October 25, an album called “Swing” from the group “CENTR” was released. In 2008, ‘Center’ won the “Best Rap Group” category at the RMA.

In 2009, together with the group, Center performed on Muz-TV with the song “City of Roads”. Also in 2009, he voiced a doll named “Fifth” in Tim Burton, Timur Bekmambetov’s “Ninth”. By 2009, Guf decides to leave CENTER, he confirmed this in his interview. starting from September and ending in December, all members of the CENTER group release solo albums. The album from GUF - “At Home” was released on December 1, 2009.

Personal life of GUF

Soon after Guf decided to quit drugs, he began to lead a healthy lifestyle. He lasted only half a year, but then his girlfriend named Isa came to his aid.

Isa helped Guf a lot with this problem. Once, when she found out about his drug addiction, she locked herself and him in the apartment for 5 days, and soon helped him completely forget about them.

“I like what I do, and I do what I can…” - words known to many Gufa fans, which perfectly characterize the activities of Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov (not Dalmatov, as some write), also known under the name Guf.

The current rap star was born, as he has mentioned more than once in his songs, in Moscow. This event happened in 1979. September 23. Guf began to study in Moscow, but after moving with his parents to China, Alexey Dolmatov (Gufу) had to continue his studies there. As a result, it turned out that Alexey graduated from 2 universities: Chinese and Russian.

Guf started getting into rap with early years. Guf wrote his first track (“Chinese Wall”) when he turned 19 years old. At the age of 21, Alexey Dolmatov appeared in the group “Rolex-X”, which he created together with his classmate Roman, known as Marlin. By the way, the name of the cereal consists of their names.

In 2002, Guf began creating his first album and, thanks to the song “Wedding,” he began collaborating with Slim. In 2004, Guf together with Princip founded the group “CENTR” (“Center”). Together they write an album called “Gift”, which really became a gift under New Year the closest people.

2006 became a fateful year for Alexey Dolmatov - his song “Gossip” was a huge success among ordinary people(a little later group“Center” will perform this song at the corporate party of the newspaper “Life”, which will be attended by the celebrities mentioned in the song), the Ren-Tv company shot a video for the song “New Year’s” and, in addition, Guf recorded the future hit “My Game” with Basta. All these events made Guf famous. In April 2007, the album “City of Roads” was released, which brought Guf incredible popularity. And a little later, the album of the group “Center” “Swing” was released.

On August 6, 2008, Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov married Aiza Vagapova, who helped him get rid of drug addiction. A year later, Guf leaves the Center group, while fulfilling all obligations under the contract. Because of this event, the question “Why did the Center collapse?” began to torment many people, but no one gave a clear answer, although some assumptions can be made by listening to the diss (a track in which a rapper shows his disrespect for another rapper) by Guf “One Hundred Lines” and the response diss by Slima “Spice baby”. Although these will only be assumptions and a clear answer to “Why did the Center collapse?” we are unlikely to ever hear.

In 2010 Gufa had a son, who was named Sami. In the same year, Guf won the nomination for best artist year, it happened at the “Russian Street Awards” 2010.

An interesting fact from the life of Alexey Dolmatov:
In addition to rap, as it turns out, Guf is a football fan and supports the English football team Liverpool.

Dolmatov Alexey Sergeevich, popularly known as Guf , born 09.23.1979 in Moscow.

Guf wrote his first track “” at the age of 19. This track was recorded together with Roma (aka Marlin), with whom Guf studied in the same group at the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, and was first heard on radio “2000”. Then Guf had a creative break, which lasted 2 years.

Guf has two higher educations: economics and linguistics ( Chinese). In the 90s, he and his parents lived in China for several years and managed to study at a Chinese university. Guf entered the hip-hop world in 2000 as part of the group “Rolex-x”, whose name comes from the names of the project participants: Roma and Lyosha. It was after participating in the group that Guf became known as Rolex-X.
Guf has often visited Rostov, so he is well acquainted with the Casta group. One of the Casta members named Shym wrote the music for Guf's track "", and Guf himself took part in the filming of the Casta song "We take it on the streets". Since 2002, Guf began work on his debut album.

Many of Guf's early songs are dedicated to him past life, and it was these songs that became his “ business card"in the rap community, forming a new specific style. Guf used drugs, as he himself said, but has now completely given them up.
In the same year, his collaboration with Slim, who at that time was a member of the Smoke Screen group, began with the song ““.

IN creative life Gufa there is another one bright character- his grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, known to fans of Guf’s work as Original Ba two x. The whole country learned from the track “” that she reads the newspaper “Life”. The song "" tells about their relationship, about her character. In the same year, by Ren-TV for documentary film“DRUG USERS (drug users)” from the series “Project “Reflection”” a video was shot for no less than popular composition- " ". In April 2007, the album “” was released. Guf records a duet with Rostov rapper Basta - a song called "". In addition, the artist begins active concert activity. On October 25, 2007, the album “” of the Centr group was released, and a year later, on October 22, 2008, the second album “” of the Centr group, of which Guf was a member, was released. Also in October 2008, Guf married a girl named Isa.

In 2009 I decided to leave Centr group. He clearly stated this in his . Also in 2009, he voiced one of the characters in the cartoon "" "".

At the end of 2009, namely on December 1, Guf released his second solo album "", which was based on the results of voting in 2009 among readers of

Guf or Guf is one of the most extraordinary and famous Russian rappers with a rather complicated biography, he was born on September 23, 1979 in one of the capital’s maternity hospitals.


Alexei Dolmatov’s mother (the artist’s real name) broke up with his biological father, who was born and subsequently lived in Rostov-on-Don, even before the birth of his son. In fact, the boy learned about his very existence already in adolescence, during one of the serious scandals with his adoptive father about his behavior.

Lesha spent his early childhood in Moscow, mainly under the supervision of his grandmother, since his parents worked a lot and had almost no opportunity to raise their son. His grandmother doted on him, and the boy often abused this, skipping school and spending most of time with friends in the yard.

IN high school a surprise awaited him. The parents were assigned to China and soon took their son with them. There he spent a total of about 7 years. I graduated from school, managed to master Chinese quite well and even enroll in a local university. But it was there that he tried drugs for the first time and quickly became addicted to them.

According to strict Chinese laws, it was easy not only to go to prison for using and, especially, distributing drugs, but also to literally lose your life - some of the articles provide for the death penalty. Tired of fighting their son’s addiction and fearing for his future, his parents send him back to Moscow.


Who knows how long Guf would have lasted in a drug haze if he had not become seriously interested in music. He tried writing rap as a teenager. Returning from China, he decided to record his first composition, “The Wall of China,” which somehow ended up in rotation on several Moscow radio stations and brought him fame in the capital.

Inspired by his first success, Alexey creates the duet Rollexx with his friend Roman and begins performing wherever possible. The guys are gradually gaining fame, their fees begin to grow steadily and they often become guests of large Moscow parties. The first success really turned their heads.

But here, against the backdrop of the star fever that overcame the guys, new strength a destructive passion flares up. And since in Moscow it is easy to get any drugs, and not just the light ones that Lesha dabbled in in China, for two long years he is completely immersed in a narcotic dope, taking away a fair amount of health and more than one year of life from his beloved grandmother.

Only in 2002 did he realize that all his dreams were rapidly going downhill and tried to quit. He begins to compose again and decides to create a solo album, in which the pseudonym Guf has already been used. But while the work was going on, he met other talented guys, and they tried to perform together.

In 2004, together with Princip, Guf opened new project"Center". He records several discs with his own money, copies of which were given to close friends at a New Year's party.

The discs are starting to be circulated, and guys are being invited to perform in prestigious clubs. A little later, two more members joined the group: Ptah and Slim’s, and with this composition the group even began to tour successfully. It would seem that everything is working out perfectly...

But now the problems with the law begin for the Principle. However, all members of the group continue to indulge in drugs, which periodically becomes the cause of scandals and even disruptions of some performances. Guf again begins to think about a solo project, and in 2009 he finally leaves the group.

In 2010 he presented his solo project ZM Nation. Debut album it immediately rocketed to the top of the charts, but stayed there for only a few months. However, Guf was not too upset by this, since a new project was already being prepared for release.

Today he is one of the most popular artists rap and hip-hop, which released 10 solo albums and took an active part in the recording of almost fifty more with other performers of these genres.

Personal life

Gufu was finally helped to give up drugs by his long-time love Aiza Vagapova, who set a categorical condition - she or “dope.” For the sake of his beloved, Guf went through severe withdrawal symptoms and began solo career. In 2008, she finally officially became his wife, and a year later the couple had an heir - little “Gufik,” as they jokingly call him.

With Aiza Vagapova

Until 2013, they were considered an ideal rapper couple, which is very rare. But later serious scandals began in the family, and their reason was that Guf began to use drugs again. However, there are other rumors that each of the spouses has new lovers. But the matter has not yet come to an official divorce.