Gravity falls in the real world. City of Gravity Falls: does it exist in real life? What is Gravity Falls

Many of those who watched the cartoon about this settlement would like to know whether Gravity Falls really exists, or whether it is just another invention of the screenwriters. To understand this issue, let's talk a little more about what kind of city this is, where it is located according to the plot of the animated film.

Does Gravity Falls exist in real life?

Before answering the question of whether Gravity Falls exists, let's look at the information we know from the cartoon. So, according to the plot of the animated film, this settlement is located in the American state of Oregon, in terms of population and total area it is quite small, that is, in fact, it is a kind of analogue of a cottage settlement or a provincial town.

it was new in 1842, after one of the characters fell from a horse in the valley of the same name as the settlement. There are no significant events in it from the point of view of world news, and it is practically unknown to anyone except the residents of this settlement. According to the plot, some mystical creatures live in Gravity Falls and its surroundings, with whom the cartoon characters come into contact.

Now let's figure out whether the town of Gravity Falls actually exists. So, if we look at the list of settlements located in the state of Oregon, we will not find such a settlement. Of course, many believe that it is so small that it simply is not included in such lists, but after looking detailed maps USA, we will also make sure that it simply does not exist.

The scriptwriters themselves also admit that the city of Gravity Falls exists only thanks to their imagination, and you will not find such a settlement in any American state. Of course, you may find some similarities between this town and real settlements, but these are nothing more than coincidences. When creating the script, the authors did not set themselves the task of copying a real settlement; on the contrary, they wanted to come up with an unusual and mysterious town. Completely avoid certain matches with real cities and natural areas they, of course, failed, since there are many provincial settlements that are as similar to each other as 2 peas in a pod. Therefore, if you wish, you can find a very similar settlement, but it is real and not fictitious, for example, towns such as Vortex and Boring, located in the same state of Oregon.

The animated series Gravity Falls was released back in 2012 and has since gained great popularity. There are currently two seasons, the latest of which began on February 15 this year.
Its main plot revolves around 12-year-old twins Mabel and Dipper Pines, who spend their summer holidays in the small town of Gravity Falls, which is located in Oregon. Its name is translated into Russian as “dangerous fall.” In his area, in the forest and river, there are many strange creatures, and under the water there is a huge, scary head. According to the history of the town, it was founded in 1842 by Sir Lord Quentin Trumble III, after he fell from a cliff on his horse at this place.
From the moment the cartoon appeared on the screen, everyone became terribly interested - does the city of Gravity Falls really exist or is it fiction?
Unfortunately, this is really just another fictional city. It does not actually exist - neither in the state of Oregon, nor anywhere else in the United States in the form in which the filmmakers describe it.

On the other hand, his image combines several different towns of the American outback, similar to each other “like two peas.” After much analysis and reflection, fans of the cartoon came to the conclusion that it at least combined the towns of Vortex and Boring, in the same state of Oregon. There has been a reputation for some kind of paranormality about them for a long time.

The Gravity Falls valley itself does not actually exist either, because it was created during landing spaceship. And a UFO has never landed in this state! Although in the state of Oregon, again, there is one slightly similar place. See for yourself:

So there are a lot of mysteries, of course. But do not forget that this is just a cartoon and it is a figment of the author’s imagination.

What is the animated series about?

Twin children Dipper and Mabel Pines come for the summer to visit their great-uncle Stan, who, although he does not believe in the supernatural and magic, owns souvenir shop with the name “Mystery Shack”, where all the main characters of the series live. Here are collected a variety of fakes, forgeries and deceptions for visiting tourists. As it turns out later, the store itself holds many secrets that the heroes have yet to unravel.

The boredom that descended on the brother and sister at first soon dissipated, because while exploring the surrounding area, they managed to find diary number 3, telling about a variety of mystical phenomena in the area. Determined to solve the mysteries unusual place, Dipper becomes a regular participant in dangerous undertakings. Prototypes of Gravity Falls characters real life became acquaintances of the creator of the animated series.

Gravity Falls characters and prototypes in reality

The following can be said about the characters themselves:. Dipper Pines is one of the main characters of the animated series. His name is apparently a nickname, because on the hero’s forehead there is a constellation of a bucket of moles, and in translation from English dipper is a bucket. Interesting Facts about the main character:

Mabel Pines - Dipper's sister, distinguished by its cheerful and uncomplicated character. Always excited to embark on a new adventure, no matter the dire circumstances. Being an active person, she enjoys chatting with friends, wearing flashy clothes and engaging in a variety of hobbies. It's enough for Mabel to fall in love handsome guy just show up in Gravity Falls. The character was most likely based on the author's sister, Ariel.

Other characters:

City location on screens

The city in the cartoon is located in Oregon, apparently because as a child the author of the series went on vacation to these parts with his sister. Gravity Falls was founded in 1842 by one of the US presidents, Quentin Trembley, after he fell on a horse from a local cliff.

Despite this, this fact was hidden for an unknown purpose, and Nathaniel Northwest was named as the founder of the city. As we learn during the course of the story, before the gold seekers and the president himself appeared here, there lived in the valley indigenous people, who left these places in connection with the prediction of Shaman Modok. It said that Weirdmageddon was coming in the near future.

What is really known about the city?

No information is known about previously existing or currently existing settlements with the same name.

tors argue that there is no point in turning to a map and trying to find something similar, after all, the town is not located anywhere and was invented, however, real existing places were taken as a basis. They also found the glory of mysterious settlements.

As fans of the animated series have noticed, Gravity Falls is indeed very similar to its prototypes, the town of Boring and the small town of Vortex, from which it was drawn. Looking at photographs of Oregon landscapes, it is quite easy to agree that many of the sketches are similar to places that exist in life. So, for example, you can find a valley very similar to the drawn valley of Gravity Falls.

Thus, it can be said that Gravity Falls doesn't exist in real life, and is presented only collectively remote towns lost in the Oregon forests, filled with various interesting stories, secrets and riddles.

As for the name, Gravity Falls can be translated from English as “gravity falls.” Such a verbal pun adds even more mystery to the whole interesting story, which even adult viewers are ready to solve with enthusiasm.

Good day!

Friends, I don’t know about you, but I love cartoons. It doesn't matter whether it's a full-length cartoon or an animated series. It doesn’t even matter what kind of audience it is intended for: the little ones or adults. The main thing is that it should be interesting to me in some way. So I looked through a lot of them.

And if with full-length animated films everything is clear - they can be for both adults and children, and for both at the same time, but with animated series the situation is different. Each of them is focused on its own age category. But! There is one animated series (in fact, there may be more, but I have only seen one so far) that can be described as “family.” It can be watched by children (not very small ones, of course), teenagers adore it and it is interesting for adults. And it's called Gravity Falls.

What is Gravity Falls?

It is an American animated television series produced by Disney studio in 2012. The series takes place in the American town of Gravity Falls, where two twins, brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines, come to visit their “great-uncle” for the summer holidays.

At first, our heroes are not at all delighted with the fact that they will have to spend the whole summer in the American outback, periodically helping a crooked uncle in a store for tourists. However, then it turns out that the town of Gravity Falls is not so simple, and the twins will encounter amazing things! Literally, amazing and mystical.

This series has it all:

  • gnomes, unicorns, zombies and other inhabitants of nearby forests;

    villains, both from real and parallel worlds;

    cute teenage crushes;

    touching family stories;

    real friendship;

    a lot of riddles;

    adventure, of course.

And all this is seasoned with a good dose of humor. Without vulgarities and excesses. And plus to everything, the series is cool and pleasantly drawn.

Main characters

    Dipper Pines (Mason "Dipper" Pines)

    Mabel Pines

    Stanley Pines "Grunkle Stan"

    Soos Ramirez

    Wendy Corduroy

    Stanford Pines "Grunkle Ford"

Gravity Falls is one of the most popular animated series recent years, he has an army of fans and dozens of different awards. I won’t talk about it in detail here, because it’s better to watch this cartoon (I watched it twice ^_^), and plus, there’s a good article on Wikipedia.

Now I would like to raise 5 top questions related to this series:

  1. Will there be a 3rd season?
  2. Who created this animated series?
  3. Does Gravity Falls exist?
  4. Where is Gravity Falls?
  5. Where can I buy Dipper's diary?

Let's start with the most painful one.

Gravity Falls season 3

Millions of fans around the world were, to say “very much” is an understatement, upset that this project was canceled after two seasons. Yes, I was upset too. Yes, I also want a third season =)

The creators openly stated that Gravity Falls was not planned as a long-running series, and that two seasons was enough. However, rumors that there will be a third part are still circulating. There is a lot of gossip, and the most interesting thing is that if you ask Google to watch “Gravity Falls Season 3”, it will find it for you. But, this is either a lure of unscrupulous sites that push both the first and second seasons under the sauce of the third season, or videos made by fans of the series.

However, “back to our sheep,” the main question still remains open: will there be a season No. 3 or not? Friends, it will happen! I don’t know what it will be called, season 3 or new adventures of Dipper and Mabel, but there will be a continuation. This was reported by Alex Hirsch on Twitter last July:

The Gravity Falls Graphic Novel is OFFICIALLY announced! New tales! Unsettling monsters! The death of your headcanons!
The Gravity Falls graphic novel is OFFICIALLY announced! New stories! Exciting monsters! End of your fantasies!

In other words, there will be new adventures, but in the format, roughly speaking, of a comic book. I don’t like comics, so this news doesn’t make me hot or cold =) But the fans can rejoice. Now all that remains is to wait for Alex to finish drawing it.

It’s clear that many people worked on the animated series:

    Directors: John Aoshima, Aaron Springer, Joe Pitt, Rob Renzetti, Matt Braley, Steven Sandoval, Sunil Hull

    Producers: Alex Hirsch (executive producer), Tobias Conan Trost, Brian Doell, Suzanne Olson, Rob Renzetti

    Writers: Alex Hirsch, Michael Rianda, Tim McKeon, Ori Wallington

    Composer: Brad Brick

    Studio: Disney Television Animation

...Dipper & Mabel, the imaginary cartoon babies who live in my brain
... Dipper and Mabel, imaginary cartoon children living in my brain

It was Hirsch who created the basic concept of the entire series, by the way, in an 11-minute student video, which the Disney studio liked. This is how Gravity Falls began.

By the way, if you love Gravity Falls and still haven't followed Hirsch on Twitter, then it's in vain. I’m not a fan of the series, but I subscribe to the cartoonist, he sometimes gives out funny tweets =)

Well, seriously, where else will you be one of the first to see Stanble? A? That's the same!

Stanbel is here to give you nightmares

Stanble is here to give you nightmares

In general, if you want to subscribe -

Friends, as much as you might like it, this city is completely fictional, but with features real cities USA. In general, I think you noticed that there is a lot of fiction in Gravity Falls (well, except for gnomes and unicorns, of course =)).

But now we're talking about the town. What do we know about him from the plot of the cartoon?

Gravity Falls (Gravity Falls, which is a little closer to the original spelling) was founded by the 8.5th President of the United States Quentin Trembley in 1872 in the valley of the same name in Oregon. But let's go in order:

  1. Since ancient times, the valley (which would later be called Gravity Falls) was inhabited by aborigines, but the indigenous population left these places because their shaman predicted that the End of the World would happen here (Weirdmageddon);
  2. Then gold miners came there, who, by the way, nicknamed this place “cursed land.” I think it's clear why =)
  3. Then, Trembley found himself on this “cursed land”, who, after another unsuccessful horse ride, decided to organize the Gravity Falls settlement in these parts;
  4. At first, Gravity Falls was a small village that flourished during the “gold rush” and then the “flannel rush”. But everything has an end - the gold miners soon left these places, as they were all scared away by the dinosaurs living in the mines;
  5. In the mid-19th century, the city's population increased dramatically;
  6. These days, Gravity Falls is a sleepy town in the forests of Oregon.

But this is all in the Universe invented by Hirsch and Co., but what about in real life? As I said, in reality there is no such city in Oregon. Moreover, it doesn’t exist in the USA at all, and the scriptwriters themselves say that the town has no prototype. But there is something similar:

    the landscapes of the fictional city are very similar to those of Oregon;

    the plot of the cartoon says that a UFO landed in the forests near Gravity Falls; in reality, “flying saucers” were also seen in Oregon;

    some fans still believe that the real place The Oregon Vortex is a kind of prototype of Gravity Falls;

    There is also an opinion that the fictional town is copied from the real settlements of Vortex and Boring (both of them, by the way, are anomalous zones).

One way or another, you can guess and look for coincidences as much as you like, but only the screenwriters know the truth.

Diary of Gravity Falls in Russian

And finally, last question: where to buy Dipper's diary (in Russian), as well as Graffiti Falls coloring books and, of course, comics (graphic novels).

Friends, I went shopping, of course, online stores and checked the prices. Therefore, I can confidently say that there is a diary, comics, coloring books, stickers, etc.:

    on Ozone;

    in Read-city;

    in the Labyrinth.

In general, Ozone has everything (and I’m not just talking about the cartoon), but this store is still a little expensive. But I’ll give links to the remaining two (I myself used their services and was satisfied). Look there for yourself and choose what you need.

* Diary of Gravity Falls, for me, great gift! And the price is very pleasant, for such, in part, even a souvenir book. I will definitely buy it, but in German =)

  1. The name Gravity Falls literally translates as “gravity falls,” perhaps a reference to the paranormal nature of the area.
  2. This animated series is the leader in the number of mysteries in the episodes. Each of them contains some kind of secret: encrypted messages that can be found in the form of graffiti on the walls, pieces of paper on the table, paintings, and so on. Take the hallucinatory puppy Mabel, who says, backwards and forwards, “You shouldn’t trust Stan.”
  3. Quantity " easter eggs"in the cartoon, too, phenomenal. There are references to books, games, films and much more.
  4. Some of the episodes in the lives of the main characters are copied from the biography of Alex Hirsch and his sister Ariel, who became the prototype for little Mabel.
  5. And Zus Ramirez was based on Alex's friend.

The beginning of the series (video excerpt)

Now I will slowly wrap things up, but before I say goodbye completely, I want to attach here a piece of the first episode of the first season, so to speak, for your reference =)

That's all for now, see you again, friends.

Oregon, which is famous for its amazing nature. Located at Pacific Ocean, neighbors the states of Idaho, California, Washington and Nevada. Here you can see deserts, steppes and mountain ranges, stunningly beautiful lakes and dormant volcanoes. There are several reserves, cave complexes and wild rivers. There is still controversy over the name "Oregon". The main existing version is that the word means "hurricane" in French. But not all language researchers agree with this assumption.


The area of ​​Oregon is approximately 250 thousand square kilometers, and it is one of the ten largest in terms of territory (ranking ninth in this indicator). In terms of population, the region cannot be compared with California and other leading regions. Oregon ranks only 27th. The population is close to 3.9 million inhabitants. In accordance with the traditions of the country, the state has an original motto, which sounds like: “Flies on its own wings.” Officially adopted in 1854.

The capital is considered to be the small city of Salem. But there is a settlement several times larger. This is Portland, or the City of Roses, which is famous for its annual flower festivals.


The exact time in Oregon is Pacific, UTC-7. The population is mainly but there is a certain percentage of Latino and African Americans. Approximately 1.3% of the Indians who originally lived in Oregon remained in these parts.

IN major cities you can see a lot of foreigners and people The main religion is Christianity, but according to the results sociological research we can conclude that the residents are not very religious. Church attendance is rare, and the proportion of atheists is high. There is a town in the state called Woodburn, where a significant part of the population is represented by Russian Old Believers. In former times, these people left Russia due to persecution of the church. Now the community has grown and is the largest in the States.

The second name of the state of Oregon is jokingly considered "Beaver". The reason lies in the fact that the beaver is the official symbol of the region. Animals are satisfied with the climate of the territory, clean air and the presence of many rivers. And people respect inventive animals. The beaver can even be seen on the Oregon flag. By the way, the flag is also special: it has two sides.

Another symbol of the state is the labradorite stone. There are deposits of a certain variety of it, capable of producing an iridescent effect. In bright light, the surface of the stone casts different shades, which is especially noticeable after polishing operations. That is why the mineral was nicknamed “sun stone”.

Division into zones

Based on geographic and natural features, several regions can be distinguished. The ocean coast and Coastal Range are to the west. It rains more often here, but the climate is milder. Closer to the center, in the southwest, rises the Klamath Range. In these places there are peaks of 2700 m and higher, amazing forests with a wide variety of tree species, and alpine meadows. Opposite, on the north side, is the Willamette Valley. This is where most of the people of the American state of Oregon live. Residents are engaged in winemaking. There are even special tours organized for visitors, where you can see how grapes are grown and how the drink is produced. Local wine is highly regarded not only in the United States, but also in Europe.

In the northeast lies the Columbia Plateau with the river of the same name flowing through it. Nearby is the chain of the Blue Mountains, with an area of ​​almost 50 thousand km 2. Finally, the last zone is called the High Desert. So unusual name it has due to the fact that it is located on a small highland, about 1200 m above sea level.


The territory was inhabited by people 15 thousand years ago. It is known that in the 16th century Indian tribes lived here: the Klamaths, Nez Perce, Bannocks and some others. The Nez Perce people still exist, but now their representatives can only be found in Idaho. And Klamath families can still be found in Oregon. This people, by agreement with the Europeans, agreed to move to a reservation for the Indians.

Since the 18th century, the first British expeditions visited the region. They began to study the region, and Astoria became the first city founded. There was a fort founded by the Pacific Fur Company there. WITH XIX century Conflicts began between Indians and Europeans, then between the countries of Great Britain and the USA. Oregon was officially admitted as a state in 1859.

During World War II, the area suffered some damage from the bombing of Japanese soldiers. As a result, fires broke out in the forest, which were successfully extinguished.

State attractions

Travelers arriving in Oregon are eager to see Mount Hood, the state's highest point. Its peak is at 3426 m. The panorama of the area leaves an indelible impression. The snowy peak rises above numerous trees and clear waters of the lakes. There is a possibility that the volcano will still erupt: it is included in the list of potentially active ones. The purpose of visiting most visitors is ski resorts. There are many trails of varying degrees of difficulty on the territory. The volcano also attracts professional climbers.

There are other attractions in Oregon. A visit to the Pacific coast is a must. Most probably amazing place here is Thor's well.

The formation on the ocean shore looks like a deep funnel. The water flowing there is like a small waterfall, lost in the depths between the stones. This point on the map is a favorite place for all photographers.

Cities in Oregon

Among the largest populated areas is Eugene. The second largest city after Portland is famous for its annual Bach Festival. There is another attraction: the nationally renowned University of Oregon. Students receive a quality education and the opportunity to study seriously scientific research and find Good work in this area.

The list of Oregon cities includes Springfield, Gresham, Medford, and that's not all. The first is known to many from the series “The Simpsons”, where the plot took place in a town with the same name. Every year there is an event in Gresham dedicated to... jazz music. Medford is small in area, the population in it is mainly engaged in agriculture, grows juicy pears for sale. There are several National Parks and beautiful lakes nearby. You can get to the city by car or bus from the Eugene Airport.

Is there a city called Gravity Falls in Oregon, USA? This is the name of the cartoon about the Pines twins and their summer adventures. The action takes place in Gravity Falls, but in fact the city is fictional.


It’s worth talking separately about Portland. The city has many unique features and extraordinary places. For example, here there is the smallest park in the world, with an area of ​​only 0.3 m2. The object even got into the Guinness Book of Records several decades ago. Various plants are constantly planted in this place: flowers, small shrubs, cacti.

Portland's Eastbank Esplanade, built at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, offers a gorgeous view of the river and the historical part of the city. Coastline stretches for several kilometers, passers-by can walk under the bridges and enjoy the city panorama. There are often group excursions along the way, as this is one of the most popular places to visit in Portland, Oregon.

There are about 40 breweries concentrated in the city. Portland has surpassed even the German Cologne in this. Visitors can try beer of different varieties and tastes. Some establishments are located in historical buildings.

What else to see?

For those who want to visit wildlife, set up camping on fresh air, we can recommend a trip to the Siscaya Mountains. They belong to the Klamath Range zone. The climate is humid, it often rains, which has become the reason for the growth in large quantities coniferous trees. The most high point mountain system - Mount Ashland (2296 m).

Among the National Parks of Oregon in the USA, the area near Jefferson Volcano should be particularly highlighted. This stratovolcano, named after the American President, last time erupted only in 950 BC. Mountain tourists are recommended to climb in the summer months of the year or in May. A physically prepared person can easily climb the peak, provided he has necessary equipment(“crampons”, ice axes, safety ropes).

The Three Sisters volcano complex poses a certain danger to residents of the state. These are three mountains of different ages, the “youngest” of which is only 50 thousand years old. Therefore, this volcano is considered active. US geologists are constantly monitoring changes natural object and nearby lands.


Scientists from the University of Oregon are engaged in research in the field of archaeology. In particular, they study some archaeological sites, such as Fort Rock Cave. It was here that the oldest shoes on the planet were found. The sandals discovered in the grotto are about 10 thousand years old! They were made from wormwood bark, as shown by the results of archaeological analyses. The cave itself is located in Lake County. There is a similar cave complex near the town of Paisley. And an entire nature reserve with a complex system of underground tunnels can be found near the Siscayou forests. The trails are conveniently equipped for tourists. The large group is accompanied by a guide, who talks about the history of the object along the way. When visiting, you should pay attention to safety rules and warnings for people with chronic diseases (lungs, heart and others). Children whose height is below a certain level are prohibited from entering the caves.

Oregon Lakes

There are more than 150 reservoirs in Oregon. The large Upper Klamath is located 1200 m above sea level. Plus, Oregon is home to Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the country. To reach its bottom, you need to descend 589 meters! The reservoir was formed on the site of a former volcano more than 7 thousand years ago. To see the attraction, you should come to the local National Park, which offers stunning views of the lake.

Summer, or “Summer Lake,” is also popular to visit. Previously, in the same place there was another reservoir of majestic size. Its area was 1190 m2. These days, Summer has shrunk. Birds have chosen the lake. More than 200 species of them live on the shores. Here you can see a blue heron and take great photos of Oregon, giving an idea of ​​the flora and fauna of the region. People should be wary of possible dust storms near the lake.

Local celebrities

Few people know that several famous writers are from Oregon or have lived here for some period of their lives. Beverly Cleary was born here at the beginning of the last century. The future children's writer lived in the small village of Yamhill, and in later life she moved to Portland. American readers are familiar with her books about Henry Huggins and a mouse named Ralph. Studied and worked for a time in Portland and is the author of the best-selling book " Fight club» Chuck Palahniuk.

His name was recognized all over the world after the release of the film based on the work, in leading role starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. The film had a huge impact on popular culture.

The state is also home to some famous scientists. Portlander Linus K. Pauling won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954. The scientist was one of the founders of molecular biology. And in 2001 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to a man from the town of Corvallis - Carl Wieman.

Gravity Falls is a mysterious town famous for its paranormal phenomena, which is the main setting in animated series of the same name. The first episodes began to be released back in 2012, and only with the end of two seasons in 2016 was it officially completed. The animated series gained considerable popularity, which could not but lead to the emergence of a topic of interest to every viewer about the existence of the strange city of Gravity Falls in real life. To answer this question, you need to turn to the plot of the picture.

What is the animated series about?

Twin children Dipper and Mabel Pines come for the summer to visit their great-uncle Stan, who, although he does not believe in the supernatural and magic, owns a souvenir shop called “The Mystery Shack,” where all the main characters of the series live. Here are collected a variety of fakes, forgeries and deceptions for visiting tourists. As it turns out later, the store itself holds many secrets that the heroes have yet to unravel.

The boredom that descended on the brother and sister at first soon dissipated, because while exploring the surrounding area, they managed to find diary number 3, telling about a variety of mystical phenomena in the area. Deciding to unravel the secrets of an unusual place, Dipper becomes a regular participant in dangerous undertakings. The prototypes of the Gravity Falls characters in real life were acquaintances of the creator of the animated series.

Gravity Falls characters and prototypes in reality

The following can be said about the characters themselves:. Dipper Pines is one of the main characters of the animated series. His name is apparently a nickname, because on the hero’s forehead there is a constellation of a bucket of moles, and in translation from English dipper is a bucket. Interesting facts about the main character:

Mabel Pines - Dipper's sister, distinguished by its cheerful and uncomplicated character. Always excited to embark on a new adventure, no matter the dire circumstances. Being an active person, she enjoys chatting with friends, wearing flashy clothes and engaging in a variety of hobbies. For Mabel to fall in love, all it takes is for a handsome guy to appear in Gravity Falls. The character was most likely based on the author's sister, Ariel.

Other characters:

City location on screens

The city in the cartoon is located in Oregon, apparently because as a child the author of the series went on vacation to these parts with his sister. Gravity Falls was founded in 1842 by one of the US presidents, Quentin Trembley, after he fell on a horse from a local cliff.

Despite this, this fact was hidden for an unknown purpose, and Nathaniel Northwest was named as the founder of the city. As we learn in the course of the story, before the gold seekers and the president himself appeared here, the valley was inhabited by an indigenous population who left these places due to the prophecy of Shaman Modoc. It said that Weirdmageddon was coming in the near future.

What is really known about the city?

No information is known about previously existing or currently existing settlements with the same name. The authors argue that there is no point in turning to a map and trying to find something similar, after all, the town is not located anywhere and was invented, however, real existing places were taken as a basis. They also found the glory of mysterious settlements.

As fans of the animated series have noticed, Gravity Falls is indeed very similar to its prototypes, the town of Boring and the small town of Vortex, from which it was drawn. Looking at photographs of Oregon landscapes, it is quite easy to agree that many of the sketches are similar to places that exist in life. So, for example, you can find a valley very similar to the drawn valley of Gravity Falls.

Thus, it can be said that Gravity Falls doesn't exist in real life, and is presented only as a collective image of remote towns lost in the Oregon forests, filled with various interesting stories, secrets and riddles.

As for the name, Gravity Falls can be translated from English as “gravity falls.” Such a verbal pun adds even more mystery to the entire already interesting story, which even adult viewers are eager to solve.

The animated series Gravity Falls was released back in 2012 and has since gained great popularity. There are currently two seasons, the latest of which began on February 15 this year.
Its main plot revolves around 12-year-old twins Mabel and Dipper Pines, who spend their summer holidays in the small town of Gravity Falls, which is located in Oregon. Its name is translated into Russian as “dangerous fall.” In his area, in the forest and river, many strange creatures live, and under the water there is a huge, scary head. According to the history of the town, it was founded in 1842 by Sir Lord Quentin Trumble III, after he fell from a cliff on his horse at this place.
From the moment the cartoon appeared on the screen, everyone became terribly interested - does the city of Gravity Falls really exist or is it fiction?
Unfortunately, this is really just another fictional city. It does not actually exist - neither in the state of Oregon, nor anywhere else in the United States in the form in which the filmmakers describe it.

On the other hand, his image combines several different towns of the American outback, similar to each other “like two peas.” After much analysis and reflection, fans of the cartoon came to the conclusion that it at least combined the towns of Vortex and Boring, in the same state of Oregon. There has been a reputation for some kind of paranormality about them for a long time.

The Gravity Falls valley itself does not actually exist either, because it was created by a spaceship during landing. And a UFO has never landed in this state! Although in the state of Oregon, again, there is one slightly similar place. See for yourself:

So there are a lot of mysteries, of course. But do not forget that this is just a cartoon and it is a figment of the author’s imagination.