Blanca Suarez and Mario Casas relationship. Mario and Maria: vacation together. "Army of Brides" by Mario Casas

Spanish film and television actor. Widely known from the film "".

Biography of Mario Casas / Mario Casas

Mario Casas Sierra born June 12, 1986 in La Coruña (Galicia) in northwestern Spain. He became the eldest of four children Ramona And Heidi Casas. His younger brothers Oscar And Christian also thought about an acting future, and my sister Sheila began to build a career in television.

Mario Casas he said more than once in interviews that there was nothing for him more important than family. He dreams of a girl who will give him at least three children and accept the traditions of the natives of Galicia. Despite the fact that the whole family moved to Madrid, he still claims that he “looks clearly to the north.”

Mario Casas: “I have six tattoos. My father's name is written on my right bicep, my mother's name is written on my right shoulder blade. I dedicated the tattoo on my right thigh to my sister, on my left bicep you can see the name of my brother Christian, and on my left foot - my second brother, Oscar.”

The creative path of Mario Casas / Mario Casas

WITH early childhood Mario Casas starred in commercials and over time realized that he really liked working on camera. He decided to study acting at the Christina Roca School of Drama. In 2006 he made his debut on big screen in the film by Antonio Banderas Summer rain" The same year he appeared in the series " Dream without fear».

Three years later, Mario starred in two Spanish blockbusters - “ Brain drain" And " Sex, parties and lies" The latter became a frank dramatic comedy about the life of modern teenagers. In December 2010, the premiere of the melodrama “Three meters above the sky” took place, where Mario Casas played the main character Achi, an impulsive rebel motorcyclist who has long ceased to believe in pure and sincere love. One day he meets an exemplary girl Bubby comes from a good family and changes his mind overnight. The role of his beloved was played by Spanish actress Maria Valverde. Painting " Three Steps Above Heaven"collected more than two million euros in its first weekend of release and became one of the highest-grossing films of the year.

Mario Casas: “It was difficult to part with the image of Achi. At the end of filming, I always become a little like my heroes. The director laughs and says that Achi is not the best option: He rides a motorcycle 200 kilometers per hour and is far from strong family ties. On the other hand, I will always remain as rebellious and explosive as he is.

In 2012, a continuation of the story, beloved by viewers around the world, was released - “Three meters above the sky. I want you" (Tengo ganas de ti), filmed under the direction of the same director Fernando Gonzalez Molina. TO film crew Actress Clara Lago joined this time. It was with the help of her heroine named Hin Achi that the character Mario Casasa trying to forget about his beloved girlfriend Bubby (Maria Valverde).

Mario Casas is a PremiosACE award winner in the category "Best Young Actor" and a nominee for the Spanish FotogramasdePlat award.

In 2010 Mario Casas entered the role of the bully Ricky in the crime thriller “Neon Flesh”, and a year later received main role in the adventure post-apocalyptic series "Ark", created by the Globomedia studio and telling about the passengers and crew of the ship " polar Star", sent on a voyage to train student sailors. Mario starred in the project for three seasons, and his partner was Blanca Suarez. Series « The ark"has become one of the most popular projects on Spanish television.

Mario Casas: “Today I think twice before accepting the role of a bandit. I used to even like it - being such a bad guy who could solve any problem just by demonstrating his muscles. However time is running. Priorities are changing."

Mario Casas on the plot of the film “Palm Trees in the Snow”: “I first read the novel of the same name by Luz Gaba while he was preparing for the film adaptation, and suddenly I discovered that I really wanted to play this role. First of all because life path my character, which includes a period from 18 to 38 years.”

In 2016, the actor starred in the crime thrillers " Thoreau"with Luis Tosar and " Invisible guest" with Jose Coronado. In 2017, he appeared in the leading role in the Spanish-Argetian comedy film directed by Alex de la Iglesia “Wild Story”, where he was accompanied by Blanca Suarez, Alejandro Awada and others.

Personal life of Mario Casas / Mario Casas

Actor for a long time met with his colleague on the tapes " Dream without fear" And " Brain drain» actress Amaya Salamanca. He was also seen in the company of a Spanish woman and colleague in the film “” Maria Valverde (“Cracks”, “Exodus: Kings and Gods”, “Golem”), but both categorically denied the existence of a romantic relationship between them, although they appeared together everywhere. In 2014, Maria announced that she and Casas had separated.

From the same time, Mario began an affair with an actress Bertoy Vasquez, with whom he starred in the film “Palm Trees in the Snow”. In 2016, it became known that the couple was living together. In an interview, the actor admitted that he was grateful to fate for bringing him together with Bertha.

Mario Casas: “How did our relationship start? Let me see. Bertha says she doesn't even remember how it all started, but I guess she's lying. I didn't feel anything special when I saw her for the first time. When we started filming the romantic scene, sparks began to fly. It’s difficult to say who “shot the arrow” first. Perhaps Cupid."

Mario Casas- active member of the Spanish Foundation opera singer Jose Carreras to combat leukemia in children.

Mario Casas

Worldwide popularity came to Mario Casas six years ago, when the Spanish actor had just turned 24 years old - that’s when the melodrama “Three Meters Above the Sky” was released. The role of the bully Hache instantly fell in love with girls all over the world, who with tears in their eyes experienced the hero’s breakup with his on-screen lover. Soon, however, the movie romance, to the delight of fans, was continued in life - for four years the Spanish actor dated actress Maria Valverde. However, things never came to a wedding - Mario suddenly admitted that his feelings had faded away, and a few days later the paparazzi caught him in romantic relationships with his co-star in the new film, Berta Vazquez. 24-year-old Berta was born in Ukraine, but literally from infancy she lived with a foster family in Spain. The couple met on the set of Palm Trees in the Snow. In the film directed by Fernando Molina, the 29-year-old handsome man got an unusually deep role for him - a colonist.

IN exclusive interview Mario Casas told StarHit for the first time about how his new relationship began under the gun of a camera, as well as about his breakup with Maria Valverde.

Mario, you traditionally met your girlfriend Berta Vasquez at film set. Was it love at first sight?

Bertha says she doesn't even remember how it all started. But I think she's being disingenuous. I didn't feel anything special when I saw her. But when we started filming the romantic scene, sparks began to fly. It’s difficult to say who “shot the arrow” first. Perhaps Cupid.-
Are you planning to give up single life now?

Not ready yet.-
By the way, “Palm Trees in the Snow” is Bertha’s debut in a big movie. How do you rate her acting talents?

In fact, Bertha became a real revelation for me in all the right ways. She played wonderfully. She deserves a Goya in the “revelation actor” category. And she sings better than me. She is so natural that I wouldn’t even dare to give her advice. Mario Casas and Berta Vazquez
What attracted you to the script for this film?

For me, this film was a wonderful reunion with director Fernando Molina, with whom I have been friends for many years. You can say that we started together. In addition, any actor can only dream of such a gift as the role of the colonist Kilian. To play such a pure, unspoiled romantic, to plunge into an incredible journey to discover life, friendship, love... To create a character that will last a lifetime. For me, this is a gift and any actor in his career hopes to receive a role of this magnitude.-
At the beginning of the film, your hero is an 18-year-old boy, at the end - a 40-year-old man. How difficult was it for you on set?

You're right! These were several months of grueling hard work on the process of turning a youth into a mature man. Filming lasted about five months. I had to move from place to place. Before filming began, there were constant rehearsals for about two and a half months. Sometimes the director asked us to improvise. The most difficult thing for me was the transition between the ages of my staff. You start filming at 9 am, he is 18 years old, and by lunchtime you are playing a scene where he is already 36. The actors met on the set of the film “Palm Trees in the Snow”
I can’t help but ask what kind of relationship you are in with ex-lover Maria Valverde?

We respect each other. But I can't say that we are friends.-
Maria once admitted that she “dated a stranger for four years.” Why did this happen?

Time passes, people change, relationships change too.-
Everyone is discussing a possible sequel to the film “Three Meters Above the Sky.” Will you agree to play love with Maria again if such an offer really comes?

I heard that the author is going to write a third book. I don't know if it will be filmed. But I would love to play in the sequel. And, of course, I would be glad to work with Maria Valverde again. Why not, she is a wonderful actress. Mario Casas and Maria Valverde dated for four years
Maria, Bertha... You met these girls on the set. Has it ever happened that you had to approach a young lady you liked on the street or in a cafe, for example?

Usually girls come up to me on their own. I’ve already forgotten what it’s like to beg for a phone number and be refused.-
So in real life you are as macho as you are on screen?

The image of a macho, sex symbol amuses me. But if it weren’t for this interview, I would now be at home and watching some TV series with my family, my younger brother, who is just over a year old. I'm quite homely and try to be simple down to earth. I'm one of those people who likes to wake up, turn on some music, go to a bar three minutes from home where they've known me my whole life, and chat with everyone there. This is the kind of life I love.-
Would you like to change your image on the screen too?

People often ask me: would you like to play the role of a paralytic? My agent says that such a role could ruin everything and ruin my career. And I would take it on, because these are the roles that an actor’s career lies in. To continue to grow as a professional, you need to feel this uncertainty and fear. If only they would force me to gain 15 kilograms for the role! We actors constantly want a director to come along and completely transform you. I just finished filming the movie Bull with Luis Tosar. There I am completely different, transformed, a bastard like few. And for “33” - a film about miners with Antonio Banderas - I really had to gain 12 kilograms.-
Would you be able to date an ordinary girl who has nothing to do with cinema, or a fan?

Of course!... But, I’m afraid, Berta will be against it. After filming the sequel to the film “Three Meters Above the Sky,” the actor was credited with an affair with his partner Clara Lago
They say you decided to study English in order to conquer Hollywood.

I’m really studying English hard, even rehearsing roles in it. But for now, in the language of students, this is my tail - still teaching and teaching. When I have time, I want to go and practice at an English acting school.-
Well, what's the plan? How will you conquer the famous Hills?

As for Hollywood, this is still in the realm of fantasy. It’s another thing to star in a film that hits the bull’s eye and the producer or director pays attention to you. But this happens to only a few. There is Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Antonio Banderas. It seems to me a mistake to think about this because such thoughts can make you obsessive. My goal is to grow with my characters and reach the age of 40 with a baggage of emotions that will allow me to play any character. And then we'll see.

Mario Casas is one of the most famous Spanish actors. After the release of the film “Three Meters Above the Sky,” the pumped-up macho man with a languid gaze is known all over the world. Mario is a recognized sex symbol of Spain, and his personal life- an object of constant discussion in the media. The actor had an affair or light flirtation with almost every partner on the set. The hot brunette's current girlfriend was no exception. Casas also met her while working on a new project and fell in love from the first romantic scene.

"Army of Brides" by Mario Casas

The Spanish actor took his first steps in cinema back in 2005. Young talent The directors immediately noticed. Mario began to appear in TV series and films with enviable consistency. Naturally, his popularity among the fair sex also grew. As the actor himself has repeatedly admitted, he never had a end to girls. Due to his character, he led a very riotous lifestyle, not burdening himself with long-term romances.

Amaya Salamanca

Casas’s first more or less serious hobby was his colleague in the series “Dream Without Fear” Amaya Salamanca. The couple appeared several times in nightclubs and at official ceremonies. The press immediately started talking about the young actors falling in love. Neither Mario nor Amaya confirmed this information. Short novel former colleagues on the set remains questionable. Celebrities did not comment on their relationship, but spent a lot of time together

Blanca Suarez

The next alleged girlfriend of the sultry handsome man was his partner in the series “Ark” Blanca Suarez. The actors knew each other before filming television project: They crossed paths while working on the films Neon Flesh and Brain Drain. Rumors about a celebrity romance began to appear precisely after their participation in the series. The tabloids even spread information that Casas agreed to this project only because of his partner. Mario and Blanca played a couple in love for three years in the TV series “Ark”

The on-screen love and incredible chemistry between the main characters could easily “leak” beyond the set. The actors were often invited to film together in famous glossies; they attended premieres and official events together. But Mario and Blanca denied rumors about their romance and stated that they were just friends.

Clara Lago

After the release of the second part of the melodrama “Three Meters Above the Sky,” fans of the dilogy began to actively wonder whether Mario, as is tradition, had an affair with the pretty actress Clara Lago. This time, the actor and his on-screen love were connected only by the film and its promotion. Celebrities appeared together several times at the premieres of the film, but their relationship did not cross the line of work. In addition, during this period the Spanish handsome man was already flirting with Maria Valverde.
Still from the film “Three meters above the sky: I want you”

However, Cuore magazine published photographs of Mario and Clara kissing passionately in a bar in Madrid. This photo was taken in March 2011, even before the filming of the second part " Three meters..." It turned out that the celebrities were old acquaintances; they had already worked together in the TV series “Paco and His People,” and the compromising photo was taken after the “Silver Frame” ceremony. According to Mario's sister, who is his official representative, Casas and Lago have nothing in common except four kisses.

“Three meters above the sky” with Maria Valverde

The Spanish handsome man’s first serious relationship was his affair with his colleague in the film “Three Meters Above the Sky” Maria Valverde. The screen passions captured the actors so much that a feeling arose between them and real life . Mario and Maria initially hid their relationship from the press. Miss Valverde was the initiator of this behavior with the media. In search of another love story, the paparazzi have opened the hunting season for supposed lovers. As a result, it turned out that things really broke out between the actors. strong feeling

, and they even settled under the same roof.

The romance between Casas and Valverde lasted four years. The media and fans predicted a wedding for the couple. There was information in the press that the actors were engaged and Maria was expecting a child.

Mario and Maria wore the same rings and got the same tattoos as a sign of love.

On a walk in Madrid, 2012 Despite the strong attraction and harmony in the relationship, the couple broke up. According to one version, the actors separated by mutual consent, according to another, Mario fell in love with new colleague

on set, Bertha Vasquez. “History is silent” about what actually happened. It is reliably known that Casas and Valverde do not maintain a relationship, although the actors declared great respect for each other.

Before the filming of Fernando Gonzalez Molina's Palm Trees in the Snow began, few people had heard of Berta Vazquez. And even now little is known about the young actress and part-time girlfriend of Mario Casas.

Exotic Vasquez was born in Kyiv. Bertha's mother is Ukrainian, and her father is Ethiopian; his girlfriend has never seen him. From the age of three she lived with a foster family in Spain. Before casting the melodrama “Palm Trees in the Snow,” Vasquez was dancing and wanted to succeed in the singing field. Berta tried to participate in the Spanish version of the show “The Voice”. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the girl was not selected for the competition, and she decided to try herself as an actress. Bertha was engaged in dancing and singing

The first more or less big and even successful project mulatto became the series “Vis a vis” in 2015, which already has two seasons. Vasquez also had experience filming the short film “L’Agent,” directed by Penelope Cruz.

Casas and exotic Vasquez

Each new love of the Spanish heartthrob was covered in the press, but the relationship between Mario and Berta caused a real information boom in the Spanish media and a flurry of emotions among the actor’s fans. The thing is that Casas started an affair with his on-screen lover immediately after breaking up with Maria Valverde. The actors met on the set of the film “Palm Trees in the Snow”

The actors tried not to comment on their relationship. Apparently, the split between the Spanish sex symbol and his ex-fiancée was "painful" because none of the celebrities told the media about their "single" status. Therefore, when Mario began paying attention to Berta in September 2014, fans of the Valverde-Casas couple were shocked. Rumors immediately spread in the press that the amorous actor had exchanged the sophisticated Maria for the sexy Bertha.

Only after some time, the actor’s sister Sheila gave an interview in which she said that Casas and Valverde broke up in the spring of 2014. Whatever it was, new novel himself desired actor Spanish cinema and the unknown Berta Vazquez became main theme

secular chronicles. Mario ignored all the journalists’ questions, fortunately, at that moment he was busy filming. At Madrid Casas airport and his new girl greeted by a crowd of photographers. The actors stepped on native land

Be that as it may, the young people did not intend to hide their romance; after a while, Mario and Berta kissing were caught by the paparazzi. It became clear to the actor’s fans that the relationship with Maria had come to an end, and Berta was the Spanish heartthrob’s new passion.

Ideal relationship

After some time, the hype in the local media died down, and Casas, along with new passion I was able to calmly walk in my native Madrid. An interesting fact is that Mario never gave any comments regarding the new novel. The loving couple appeared together in bars and restaurants, but ignored official events.

Only a year later, Berta and Mario began attending premieres and festivals together. On the eve of the presentation of the film “Palm Trees in the Snow,” which became fateful for the couple, the actors actively starred for fashion magazines and even gave joint interviews. Journalists “tactfully avoided” questions about his personal life, being wary of the violent reaction of the Spanish handsome man.
At the premiere of the film "Palm Trees in the Snow"

Mario Casas will always be relevant to his fans. The actor is the favorite of millions of women around the world who are ready to watch all the films with his participation. Mario has made quite a few interesting films in which he was able to show his true worth. Casas prefers filming in his own country, despite the fact that he has good experience of cooperation with various European and foreign countries.

He was born and raised in Spain and began his career in home country. His parents were not actors; he grew up in an ordinary simple working-class family. The actor also has a sister and three brothers, who also followed in his footsteps and became actors.

Childhood of actor Mario Casas

Despite his poor childhood, the actor grew up happy child, who had everything. Since childhood he has not had great desire or the dream of becoming an actor, previously he could not even imagine that this would happen to him. When he was a very young boy, he, like all other children, was interested in the police, he dreamed of becoming a policeman.

Famous actor Mario Casas

Already in school age the future actor said that he wants to become a football player. He went to the football section. But fate itself was against such a decision, his family moved to the suburbs of Barcelona in 1994, and Mario no longer had the opportunity to go to the football section. After this, his desires changed.

Mario had art school so he got a good education. Since high school, he was invited to appear in various commercials because he was truly a very handsome boy.

It was at that time that the young man acquired good skills in working with a camera. He absolutely loved working on camera, trying to be the best and delighting with his abilities.

Mario started his career with modeling

At that time, the future actor noticed that he had promise, and such talents should definitely be developed. At the age of 18, Mario decided to move to Madrid and enroll in an acting school, which opened the way for him to act in big films. From that moment the life he dreamed of began.

Filming Mario Casas in films

The latest news in 2017 shows that Mario Casas continues to successfully star in interesting films and builds his personal life. At first, Mario had to act exclusively in television series. As a rule, these were series relating only to his native Spain, so he was not yet known outside the country. The first series that was shown in many countries was the series “Paco's People”.

Still from the movie "The Mule"

He was able to talk about someone who has incredible abilities and can surprise viewers with his performance. Among the first films that introduced foreign audiences to the Spanish actor were the following:

  • "Sex, parties and lies."
  • "Brain drain".
  • "Summer rain".

2010 became a truly significant year for the actor, at which time his popularity spread throughout the world, and he was able to gain enormous attention and love among the audience. First he appeared on the screens in the film “Three Meters Above the Sky”, and after that – “Neon Flesh”. Here the actor had the main roles, which allowed him to reveal himself to the fullest, show all his abilities, and surprise him with his professional performance.

The film “Three Meters Above Sea Level” after which the actor woke up famous

Even before these films, it was impossible to talk about the great popularity of Mario Casas, but the premieres of two films simply turned everything upside down.

His second film with the leading role, “Neon Flesh,” received mixed reviews from critics. Many were pleasantly surprised by his picture, while others were skeptical about the plot. But here there are more complaints about the directors and producers; the actors coped with their work well top level and really showed something that is nice to look at.

His work has indeed attracted millions of viewers, and this is not at all surprising. Despite the fact that the actor feels confident on stage and copes with his duties at the highest level, most are attracted by his beautiful appearance. Indeed, watching a film with beautiful actors much nicer.

Still from the film “Palm Trees in the Snow”

Perhaps, from the first minutes of viewing, the actor fascinates with precisely this, and only then with his acting. Also great attention attracted by the series “Ark”. At the same time, the actor also starred in various horror comedies, including “The Witches of Sugarramurdi.”

In addition to his acting talents, according to the latest news in 2017, we can conclude that Mario Casas also brought directorial abilities into his personal life. He worked on the creation of the film "33". Also, his latest works are the following films:

  1. "Palm trees in the snow."
  2. "Bull".
  3. "Deadly Light."

In total, Mario can credit up to 10 films that really made him famous and popular among young people.

Mario Casas on the set of the film "The Witches of Sugarramurdi"

As a rule, he is given leading roles only in youth films, when he needs to live a certain drama, the life of another person, and convey the whole story to his viewer as much as possible. The Spanish actor does it all like no one else.

Today, he actively continues filming in TV series and films, which will soon delight us on the screens. All that remains is to follow the active work of your favorite actor and wait for the release of the next drama or comedy performed by him.

Personal life of Mario Casas

Romances on the set are a common and quite common occurrence for an actor. Work in his first series introduced him to new lover– star Amaya Salamanca. As shown last news 2017, Mario Casas’s personal life occurs only on the set, because he has no other free time. The same thing happened during the filming of “Three Meters Above the Sky”, the actor immediately fell in love with actress Maria Valverde, and this love was mutual. The couple built a relationship throughout 2014, but it did not lead to anything good.

Mario Casas and Maria Valverde

After this they said that the actor could not resist the charm of Clara Lago, who was the main character second season of the melodrama – “Three meters above the sky. I want you". The Ark series also introduced Mario to actress Blanca Suarez, whose relationship also did not last long.

The latest news in 2017 shows that actress Berta Vazquez has expanded Mario Casas' personal life. As is usually the case, she was his film partner, namely in his last film, Palm Trees in the Snow. But, as they show social media, Mario breaks up with his lovers immediately after filming ends.

With ex-lover Berta Vazquez

In an interview, Mario Casas says that he is already completely ready to create a strong family and marriage, he dreams of his beloved and loving wife, who will bear him at least three children.

The actor wants him future wife She was not only beautiful, gentle and caring, but was also able to accept all the traditions of the inhabitants of the province of Galicia, because Cassa greatly values ​​​​her family customs. As the actor himself said, until that time he had not yet met the woman whom he could call his wife. IN this moment he is open to searching and wants to be sure that fate will soon reward him with such a companion.

Melodrama is a genre in cinema that has always attracted and will be of interest to millions of people. It is relevant because someone in such films sees their life situations, while others simply empathize with the main characters. As long as a person has a particle of compassion in his soul, he remains alive - these are the conclusions of sages and philosophers who know how the world works. Film directors believe that if their films cause emotional outbursts in people: tears or a lump in the throat, then all the work was not done in vain. Romantic stories, in which there is a place for both smiles and tears, is a special case. Such stories are interesting to both young audiences and older people.

Seven years ago, the film "Three Meters Above Sky" starring Mario Casas and Maria Valverde was released in wide release, and it immediately created a sensation. Shot by the up-and-coming Spanish director Fernando Gonzalez Molina based on the book by Federico Moccia, the film broke all imaginable records on its first day of release in its homeland, grossing about 1 million euros and 10 million euros in a month.

A few words about the film

According to the plot of the film, a young guy who cannot imagine his life without night racing on a motorcycle and reckless pastime, falls in love with a girl with good manners and already defined plans for the future. The young people in the film adaptation are played by Mario Casas and Maria Valverde. It is worth saying that he is a rebel named Hin Achi, and she is a well-mannered girl named Bubby. From a classical point of view, such a plot is simply ideal. Events develop rapidly, the girl falls in love with a rebel and goes against the persuasion of her mother, who is categorically against this relationship.

This story of Romeo and Juliet, remade for the millionth time in a modern manner, still excites the hearts of young people and touches the souls of those who are much older. The viewer always hopes for a happy ending, but everything turns out exactly the opposite. Everyone, without exception, wanted Mario Casas and Maria Valverde to stay together on screen, but the author of the book had a different idea.

The story told by the actors in the film adaptation was projected onto real life

Disappointed by the ending, but by no means by the film itself, fans of “Three Meters Above the Sky” began to wait for the continuation of their favorite story. Considering the youth and beauty of both main characters in the film, many began to unwittingly project the story told in the plot of the film onto life. In some interviews, journalists directly asked Mario Casas and Maria Valverde about their relationship outside the filming process. The young people constantly laughed it off, answering that they were connected only by friendship. Later it became known that already during the work on the film, a romantic relationship began between them.

It is worth recalling that the directorial work of Fernando Gonzalez Molina was released in 2010. Casas was quite secretive at that time and tried to keep everything secret, but, as you know, you cannot hide anything from the paparazzi for very long. In 2011, the whole world learned that the Spanish handsome man was in love with his film partner, and everything was serious with them.

Will there be a wedding?

After the relationship of the famous Spanish couple - actor Mario Casas and Maria Valverde - became public, young people stopped hiding the obvious and hiding from human eyes. They spent a lot of time together, trying to devote every free minute to each other. The joint celebration of the New Year 2012, the Christmas holidays spent together and quiet family gatherings with Casas' closest people - all this contributed to the birth of a huge number of rumors, plausible and not very plausible. Many thought that the wedding of Mario Casas and Maria Valverde was just around the corner, but the young people kept the intrigue and did not reveal their plans for life.

By the way, despite Casas’s secrecy regarding his person, he takes great pleasure in sharing stories about his family with journalists. Repeatedly in his interviews, the young man mentioned his boundless love for all his loved ones, but he always especially noted his mother. The actor says that it was only thanks to her that he grew into who he is now. Although she notes that her mother is a rather strict and demanding person.

I would also like to say that Casas has tattoos on his body that have a completely understandable meaning. For example, the names of his brothers are engraved on both of his hands. By the way, the age difference between Mario Casas and his younger brother is more than 20 years.

Are Mario Casas and Maria Valverde expecting a baby?

After several years of cloudless relationships among many beloved actors, fans began to pay closer attention to famous couple and noticed in one photo taken by another paparazzi, Maria Valverde’s noticeably rounded tummy. Another wave of hype hit the young couple of actors with furious force. It was even rumored that the wedding of Mario Casas and Maria Valverde had already been celebrated in secret or was it significant event is about to happen. However, the information regarding the actors’ pregnancy and marriage turned out to be fake.

Moreover, a year after rumors about the pregnancy of the movie Bubby, it became known that the couple broke up completely, and Mario Casas became interested in his next film partner.

A new novel brought from film to life

The young man’s new hobby turned out to be a girl with Russian roots, but raised in a foster family in Spain from early childhood. Name of the chosen one - By the way, it is with her that Casas is in a relationship now. Young people have been living under the same roof for several years, however, as in the case of Maria Valverde, Mario Casas is in no hurry to get married. Perhaps the whole point is that the actor is still quite young, and in Europe it is not customary to start a family early?

Who will conquer Hollywood?

Many fans of the film, which, by the way, has a sequel, where Acha has a completely different girl, still cannot come to terms with the fact that Mario Casas and Maria Valverde broke up. Apparently, this is the same case when a movie hero, in the opinion of others, fully corresponds to the life and character of the actor. But, as Casas himself states, he is not a hooligan or rowdy at all, but an ordinary home guy who loves to spend quiet family evenings among your family and loved ones. Few people know, but the young and successful Spanish actor prefers to spend his free time in a quiet and cozy bar five minutes from his parents’ house, and he is not interested in social parties with pathos and glitter.

Casas dreams of conquering Hollywood and is studying hard to achieve this. English language. He admits that he is still far from perfect command of the language, but strives for this, devoting a significant part of his free time to learning.

By the way, Maria Valverde, whose personal life we ​​will look at below, managed to conquer Hollywood and played in the film “Cracks,” directed by the daughter of Ridley Scott himself. It is worth saying that it was he who recommended his daughter Jordan to take the young Spanish actress for the main role.

It’s much easier to go through problems in your personal life alone

The personal life of Maria Valverde is now under seven seals. After the story with the handsome Casas, whom the young actress during their relationship called perfection, an ideal and a guy who has no flaws, she seemed to have withdrawn. The girl did not hide the fact that she had a strong feeling for Mario, and it was very difficult for her to survive the breakup. It is also worth noting that even now she speaks of her partner in the film adaptation of the novel “Three Meters Above Sea Level” with great respect. Once, when asked by journalists about her current life, the actress noted that she felt much calmer about experiencing anything alone than under the close attention of others.

Working in pairs

Having started their career in cinema at a fairly young age, Spain has managed to achieve a lot. Casas managed to work with Antonio Banderas, and Valverde played with the daughter of Chaplin himself and Eva Green. We can say with complete confidence that the careers of the beloved heroes from “Three Meters Above the Sky” will not end here, but, on the contrary, will only go uphill.

By the way, the above-mentioned film is not the only work of Mario Casas and Maria Valverde together. There are several films with their joint participation:

  • Continuation of the first part of the novel "Three meters above the sky. I want you."
  • War drama "The Mule" 2013.

I would like to add that Casas noted in his recent interview that he would be very happy to work with Maria Valverde again. The Spaniard said that she is not only a professional in her field, but also just a good person.