Batman. About a superhero without superpowers. Why Batman is the best super hero

Batman has been fighting villains for over 75 years, and during this time he has become the most beloved hero among fans of the DC Universe. The character proved so popular that he took the lead role from Superman in his own sequel. However, no one would like to one day turn into Batman. Surprisingly, there are good reasons to give up superhero fame in real life plenty.

It's illegal to be Batman

Are you thinking about walking around town in a suit? bat- is this a fun game? We hasten to disappoint you: being Batman is not only not fun, but also illegal. Try to imagine what will happen if tomorrow you go out into the street and start beating up random passers-by, even if they are drug dealers and rapists? The police, unless, of course, they are as stupid as in Gotham, will immediately send you to jail! After all, from the point of view of the law, you are committing attempted murder. In other words, by committing lynching, you become the same criminal as your victims.

Being Batman is expensive

In addition to the fact that you will very soon find yourself in prison, you must spend an astronomical amount on your difficult journey to the cell sum of money. Let's remember: Bruce Wayne is incredibly rich, and his billions greatly helped the hero on the path to becoming Batman. He has a cool motorcycle, a powerful car and a jet plane. And now we are only talking about means of transportation! Don't forget about the high-tech expensive gadgets that Batman uses so often. In reality, you will need hundreds of millions, or rather billions, of dollars, and even if you were fabulously rich, you would risk going broke very quickly.

They will laugh at you

Perhaps Batman was a significant and respected figure in Gotham. In the end, he was awarded a monument, and the entire city was decorated with his symbols. However, in real life this would never happen. We live in cruel world, where people are ready to trample anyone just to laugh. Just imagine your reaction if you read on the news about a guy running around the streets dressed as a giant mouse on the weekend, beating up criminals as they passed by? You would hate him for his sick sense of justice or just laugh, calling the potential hero a psychopath!

Your secret alter ego will quickly be revealed

Think about how many people in Gotham knew that Batman was actually Bruce Wayne. The Joker, the Riddler, some poor kid, James Gordon, Batgirl and Tim Drake, as well as a group of evil rich people who like to dress like owls, and that's not all the people aware of the hero's true origins. In the comics the list is huge, but in real life it would be much larger. Think about it: if you're Batman, you're probably very rich, and there aren't many billionaires in town. Circle of suspects heroic deeds has already become incredibly narrow. Also, when Bruce leaves Gotham, Batman does the same. You don't need a private investigator to figure him out; a preschooler could solve this riddle!

Your diet will make you unhappy

The hero of the night streets of Gotham is considered a model of physical perfection. Since you think he supports good shape? Batman probably regularly denies himself dessert and can hardly even think about a glass of wine. No wonder he's always in bad mood, because Superman and Flash can eat whatever they want and it won't affect them in any way. Being an ordinary person, Batman is forced to give up simple earthly pleasures in order to fit into his costume. He fights criminals, but his main enemy turns out to be carbohydrates.

You will have to train too much

A strict diet is not all you have to put up with. Don't forget about the huge number of hours that Batman regularly spends in his gym. You will be forced to constantly engage in aerobics, gymnastics, mixed martial arts and weapons training. Do you think Batman has at least an hour a day to just watch a regular movie? No, in the breaks between nightly feats and sleep, all he does is train, and most importantly, he trains constantly!

You won't have a luxury headquarters.

Superman has the Fortress of Solitude, the X-Men have the Xavier Institute, the Fantastic Four have the Baxter Building, and where does Batman work? He hangs his cloak in an ordinary cave with damp walls and deep crevices. As you can see, the Gotham billionaire does not work in a luxurious mansion. Would you be prepared for such harsh conditions?

In real life you will be boring

As you know, the public face of Batman is Bruce Wayne, but is the image of the billionaire playboy really so magnificent that it can cancel out all the above-mentioned disadvantages? Perhaps, but not in the context of the modern interpretation of the hero, which suggests that Bruce Wayne is nothing more than a mask for Batman, and Batman is a full-fledged person. In fact, Bruce died along with his parents, and the superhero was born to protect himself and his city. In other words, Batman can exist without Bruce, but Bruce cannot exist without Batman. Wayne is truly the world's most boring billionaire, as you'll see when you compare him to other superheroes like Tony Stark or Oliver Queen.

None of your friends want you to be Batman

Absolutely all of Batman's close people - from the butler Alfred to Dr. Leslie Tompkins - deep down did not approve of his activities. They, like your friends, would always have arguments against, and they would be logical. If you want to make the world a better place, donate money to charity, but if you dream of jumping off a roof, take up parkour. If your friends really give valuable advice, maybe we should listen to them?

You will suffer from feelings of inferiority

Any of Batman's super friends could kill him instantly, or at least severely maim him. Half of the Justice League can breathe underwater, fly, or run at super speed. Yes, Batman has a cool car, a helicopter and a utility belt, but does that put him on the same level as the guy who can knock a planet out of orbit? The only thing more damaged than Batman's face would be his ego.

Gotham just isn't worth it

Ra's al Ghul also told Batman that Gotham was so evil that it should be wiped off the face of the earth. Despite the fact that al Ghul is a notorious villain, there is clearly some common sense. Just think of all the disasters that Batman must prevent and how often they occur in Gotham! You're crazy if you still want to live in a place like this, and you're definitely out of your mind if you think you can keep it safe by walking around at night in a bat suit and jumping off rooftops.

Oh, this crime, collectors are being robbed all around, and vile terrorists always want to carry out a terrorist attack. And in your yard, one of the children playing was recently treacherously broken a sand cake. In fact, to become Batman in real life, desire alone is not enough, because to fight crime you need a ton of vital gadgets, a couple of secret caves and millions of dollars. We have analyzed all the costs and are presenting a preliminary invoice for the superhero game to your attention.

Batman Mansion is the best distraction

First you need to take a breath full breasts and buy a mansion that will hide your lair and generally distract attention. After all, which rich people are superheroes? Organize balls and receptions for the press more often, this will help take their eyes off you and create the desired impression of yourself as a “player of life.”

Batman mansion cost approx. 137 000 000$ , and its annual maintenance costs 1 600 000$ , and don't forget about taxes. In this case they will be 37 000$ one-time

Don’t forget that all sorts of psychopaths, if they find out your identity, will at least try to find you, but they may not waste time on trifles and drop a bomb on your permanent residence. Due to emergencies like these, Bruce Wayne had to rebuild his mansion several times, at a cost 600 000 000$ .

So, we have a place where we do our secret business, and it urgently needs a faithful and dedicated manager. Of course, we're talking about the butler. The latter's salary is officially announced in the comics and is 250 000$ per year, a small amount for the safety of such great secret. The butler should not only watch your back, but also wear a vest while being professional psychologist, to whom you will more than once cry into a friendly shoulder. Did you think the life of a hero was easy?

How much does the Batmobile and other vehicles of a “mouse that does not have super strength” cost?

Of course, walking on foot is better for your health, which is important for our superhero EGO, but once you don’t have time to get to the crime scene, you will change this approach. Sea, land, air and even underground “spaces” - all this must submit to you. Quantity vehicles in Batman's garage has long exceeded several dozen, and their value is close to 100 000 000$ . And yes, your VAZ will still have to be sold.

How much is Kevlar today - how much does Batman’s costume and gadgets cost?

Without a suit, we will instantly turn into a piece of well-fried and shot meat, so we close the Aliexpress tab and turn to the production of Kevlar armor. As weapons developed, so did the Batman costume. From latex negligees, Bruce switched to Kevlar armor, which is attached to titanium-coated fibers for flexibility.

The armor must be able to withstand a direct hit from a close-range gunshot, have fire retardant properties, and conceal you from night vision equipment. And of course, a cloak that, when exposed to an electrical impulse, turns into a wing.

The latest Batman costume costs $1,000,000 and is just one of many options. And despite the strength, the enemies are getting stronger and we will need more than one or two shifts.

The number of gadgets should also match our flexibility. Situations are different, and you won’t be able to get away with a hook and a couple of noise bombs. Even though Bruce doesn't take a lot of gadgets with him on missions, his Batmobile always has a wide range of devices for all occasions.

According to our conservative estimates, gadget lover Wayne bought similar jewelry at 300 000$ .

Batman's martial art as a foundation

And here you are, hung with gadgets, standing face to face with criminal element, but with a deft blow he knocks you to the ground. If you don’t want to be a monkey with a grenade, then you need to put effort into studying for more than one year various types martial arts and the development of certain skills.

If you add up all the costs of piloting training, driving in extreme situations, martial arts, getting a master's degree in engineering, and not forgetting the cost of all the protein bars, the amount comes out to several million dollars. And this is more than the real amount.

A bat bite is the most dangerous thing in your life.

And finally, the most important advice and the most necessary expenditure in your life. Don't forget to get a course of vaccinations against tetanus and rabies. The second kills better than any bullet, and your cave is simply populated by carriers of all sorts of diseases. Don’t be lazy and allocate $685 for vaccinations, that’s what will definitely save your life.

Well, as an afterword, I, as the author, want to note that the world needs heroes of any rank: from those who give up their seats in the subway to those who bravely carry people out of the fire. Look for and do good deeds and your heroism will not go unnoticed! I was with you evgenii.bad and editors website! Have a great working week!

Stand up for justice. Batman is a superhero, he fights against injustice in all its forms. Batman fights evil. Batman has been known to take down gangsters, supervillains, the Penguin Man, genetically engineered monstrous alligators, sinister clowns, and frozen humans. Here's some basics: To be like Batman, you need to be kind and fight on the side of justice.

  • It's unlikely that you live next door to Two-Face or the Penguins, but there is definitely injustice going on nearby. There are always children who are bullied by others. Stand up for equality and justice.
  • Protect the innocent. Bruce Wayne became Batman because robbers killed his parents. His parents were kind, honest and hardworking people who loved their son very much. Having become Batman, he decided to protect such people. You too must protect the innocent to be like him.

    • You must be able to distinguish between good and evil. Always look for examples in your own life.
  • Use gadgets. Batman uses more cool gadgets than any other superhero. Use the latest technology to be like him.

    • Become an advanced computer user and mobile phone. Try to understand how the Internet works and software. Ask your parents for permission in advance and keep up with all the new products.
    • Batman is rich, thanks to which he has large collection devices. But this is not necessary. You can use as “gadgets” an old broken calculator, a watch, and other broken gadgets that you can get hold of in your closet. You can take them apart and modify them for fun. But ask permission first.
  • Set up your own Batcave. Every Batman needs a headquarters. This is where he stores his ingenious devices, dons a suit and conducts research. You don't have to use secret passage into a cave (or hide it under a mansion), but without secret place can't get by.

    • Transform your room into the Batcave. Keep it a secret. You can hang a sign on the door that says “Batcave: No Penguins or Villains Allowed.”
    • If you don't have your own room, you can use a closet. Store your costumes and gadgets in it, and learn how to disappear after becoming a superhero.
  • Face your fear. Batman chose the bat as his symbol because he was afraid of them as a child. He needed a symbol that could strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, just as bats scared him. Even if you are not afraid of bats, you need to recognize and face your own fears.

    • What are you afraid of? Snake? Spiders? Heights? Think about what might scare you, and then come up with a safe way to overcome that fear. Discuss this with your parents and come up with a plan.
  • In May 1939, comic book fans first met Batman in the pages of Detective Comics. It was love at first sight. “Man-Bat” has forever sunk into the hearts of fans of people with superpowers. The superhero owes his popularity to his “parents” - artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger.

    Batman was presented to the reader as the object of everyone's jealous glances. He is a resident of Gotham who is actively involved in charity, a successful businessman, a billionaire, basking in female attention. But like many people who have reached heights, his fate was not easy. Bruce Wayne, as Batman was known in his city, grew up without parents. They were brutally killed when Bruce was still a child. It was at that moment that the boy decided that his future would be a superhero. After this tragic incident, he vowed to put his life into the fight against cruelty and injustice. Moreover, the motive for this decision was not revenge, but the desire to protect those who need it from harm.

    Among all superheroes, Batman stands out for his lack of obvious superpowers. He was not bitten by animals and insects, he was not a victim man-made disasters. Becoming a superman is the decision of the hero himself. Batman chose intelligence, courage and honor as his superpowers. Having mastered martial arts to perfection, Batman dons a terrifying bat suit and stands up to protect Gotham.

    Batman's appearance gives the impression of a "bad guy" with noble intentions. Mandatory attributes of the costume are a black cloak that allows you to fly, a mask with bat ears, a belt equipped with weapons for every taste, and of course the legendary sign on the chest, depicting the shadow of the hero himself on a yellow background.

    The man-bat makes up for his lack of superpowers not only with his perfect fighting skills, but also with a huge number of superhero gadgets. Among the main ones is the well-known Batmobile. Over time and the development of technology, the superhero's vehicle has changed, but at any time it was the most modern hi-tech model with the ability to transform in emergency situations.

    All heroic attributes of Batman are accompanied by the prefix “bat”, respectively. For example, the appearance of the “Bat Signal” in the Gotham sky indicates that someone in the city needs the help of a superhero. The signal itself is exact copy mark on Bruce Wayne's chest. All of Bruce's equipment is stored in the "Batcave", located directly below his personal mansion.

    Batman has been living on the pages of comic books, on TV screens and in video game plots for more than half a century. Over so many years, many details in the history of the superhero have changed, and vivid distinctive features, and a lot has accumulated interesting facts. For example, it’s hard not to notice that all the stories about Batman in comics, films, cartoons and video games develop against the backdrop of a gloomy city in black and gray tones. This choice of colors is not accidental. This is how the creators emphasize the sinister atmosphere of Gotham, which needs a hero.

    Fans of Batman comics know that the hero never resorts to using firearms, because his parents were killed in this way. The Man-Bat considers such crimes extremely brutal. However, the early Batman could well have afforded to plunge the villain into a tank of acid, which puts him under big question and his humanity.

    Batman's costume has undergone significant modifications since its creation to the present day. The colors also changed - from various variations of gray and blue to the black armor that is familiar today. The shape of the cloak was also changed, but the most visible changes occurred to the bat ears. In the original version, they were drawn much longer, which looked very impressive on the pages of comics. Later the ears became smaller and more elegant. They say that the reduction in size was a necessary measure. Allegedly, the long ears did not fit into the low Batmobile.

    The interesting thing is that no matter how hard the creators of Batman tried to make his costume perfect, in real life it had serious flaws. For example, Michael Keaton, who played in the films “Batman” and “Batman Returns,” admitted that he couldn’t hear anything at all in his superhero outfit. It’s good that the use of editing masked this incident, otherwise the deaf Batman would not have sounded so menacing in dialogues with the villains.

    If we talk about people who have tried on the role of the man-bat over the years, then the longest-serving Batman was Kevin Conroy - he shared his life with the superhero for 12 years. But few people know about this, because he did not appear on the screen. Kevin Conroy has been the voice of Batman in TV series, cartoons and video games.

    Of all the classic Justice League, he is the most mortal and physically weak character.

    In fact, the most mortal and physically weakest in the classic lineup is Green Lantern. He is physically weaker than Batman, he is not trained in martial arts, and in those years he could be neutralized with any yellow object. If we take current situation characters, then the most mortal of the classic cast is Martian Manhunter, since ordinary fire affects him like kryptonite affects Kryptonians.
    He experienced more grief than all the other heroes

    Martian Manhunter was forcibly torn from his world, and then learned that he had nowhere to return.
    Starfire spent years as a slave and then lost her homeworld twice.
    Ted Kord went bankrupt several times, suffered romantic fiascoes, developed heart disease, and was also murdered in cold blood by a friend while the entire league turned against him.
    Sue Dibny, the wife of the Elongated Man, was first raped by Doctor Light and then unceremoniously killed by a madwoman, and this all took its toll on Ralph himself.
    Superman was forced to send last representatives of his kind into the phantom zone after the events of New Krypton.
    Through the fault of John Stewart, an entire planet died, which he could not forget.
    Jessica Cruz saw all her friends killed in cold blood, developed extreme agoraphobia, couldn't leave her room for several years, was held hostage by an evil version of a Green Lantern ring, then became a normal Lantern and had to fulfill her duty as a Green Lantern despite that she panics just by leaving the house.
    The Doom Patrol is basically made up of people who got into rigged accidents and were "disfigured" by a madman who wanted to create a super team.
    Roy Harper was kicked out onto the street after becoming addicted to heroin, rehabilitated, became a hero in his own right, had a daughter, and then in one day lost his daughter and his arm, as a result of which he again turned to heroin.
    But with all this, Batman suffered the most, who at the age of 10 was left with a billion-dollar fortune and a personal butler, after which he successfully created a “family”, had own son, and will soon marry the woman he loves. Poor, poor bets.
    He trained for years, overcame himself, looked death in the eyes.

    Green Arrow, Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Booster Gold, Batgirl, Steel - all without powers, all ordinary people, everyone is facing death, everyone is constantly improving. And unlike Betts, they all decided to become heroes not out of revenge, but because it was the right thing to do... or, in the case of Booster, for the sake of money, but Booster is cool, he can do it.
    Batman clearly understands that all his opponents are much stronger than him physically

    Joker? Hatter? Two-faced? Ridler? Penguin? Reish al Ghul? Scar? Which one is physically stronger? They are either weaker or equal in strength. He doesn't have many enemies who are physically stronger.
    The Dark Knight is able to defeat the entire Justice League, as he has a plan to neutralize each of them

    Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter are capable of doing this without a plan. Moreover, in comics anyone can defeat anyone if the author so wishes, such is the specificity of superheroics that you would know if you were familiar with comics personally.
    Batman is a simple man

    As are many other DC heroes, several of which I've listed. Question, Batwoman, Huntress, Vigilante (although there is more of an antihero here), Guardian, Wildcat, Spoiler, Nightwing, Roy Harper - here are a few more for you. So what makes Batman so special, besides the number of film adaptations?
    No one and nothing can break his spirit; he never gives up.

    So does Superman. Just like Wonder Woman. So does Flash. Like most DC heroes.
    If we take Batman, then his mask is Bruce Wayne; this character himself abandoned one identity in order to accept another.

    Which suggests that he is not human at all. And one of two things is either subjectivity, which cannot be used after the title “why is he the best,” or you are contradicting yourself by first saying that you can empathize with him, and then adding that Betts is inhuman.
    And then you quote cartoons...

    So, just as a DC fan who is fucked by this, I ask - do not go and write articles from the series “Why is this hero the best” if you only know him from films, TV series and cartoons, without being familiar with the DC universe itself. Sorry, but I went through your blog very lightly, and here almost every sentence is disputed by objective facts.

    Now let me explain why Betts really stands out:
    1) He is the world's greatest detective. In my memory, from the film adaptations, only TAS showed this side.
    2) Despite the loss of his biological family, he created a new one, consisting of his father (Alfred), loving sons(Robins) and daughters (Batgirl), and now his future wife.
    3) He is almost the last superhero who still has a sidekick in the classical sense.

    What you described is Doug Moank's understanding of the character or late (I emphasize late) Frank Miller, who would be ready to suck Batman if given the opportunity. Well, or the understanding of it by Scott Snyder, who starts with good health and ends with a plan/gadget that came out of nowhere.

    And once again, finally - please, if you are familiar with the character only from third-party media, and are not familiar with the universe itself, then you should not write blogs like this.