Batrutdinov and Kananukha were not together. Timur Batrutdinov, after erotic modeling on his last date, chose Daria Kananukha

Despite the fact that filming is now in full swing fourth season the sensational project “Bachelor”, the participants of previous projects are still discussed. Perhaps, not a single hero of this show has ever been discussed so vigorously, and relationships with girls have not yet been shrouded in so much gossip and intrigue as Timur Batrutdinov’s. Fans of the resident Comedy Club Every now and then he is credited with having an affair with one of the girls who fought for his heart on the project. But, as it turned out, nothing serious came of the man with any of them. Alina Chus, who met the comedian even before “The Bachelor,” said that they were unable to enter the same river for the second time. IN exclusive interview Galina Rzhaksenskaya, a finalist of the project, told StarHit that she and Timur really for a long time They tried to build a relationship, but in the end they realized that they could only be friends. Now it's time to open main secret: why didn't there have a happy ending in beautiful story winners of the show Daria Kananukha and popular show exchange. The girl herself spoke about this and much more in a conversation with StarHit.

Dasha, I heard that after the end of “The Bachelor,” all the participants suddenly began to communicate with each other and became friends. What do you think this is connected with?

This is true. I think that everyone watched the episodes, experienced this story to the end, cooled down and were able to let go of the situation. There were a lot of provocations, difficult moments and even hatred on the project. I'm glad that I can now be friends with many of the girls that I didn't even talk to on the show. Lena Maisuradze, Alina Chus, Anya Ustyuzhanina, Dasha Bilonozhko, Anzhelika Kuntiy - this is not the entire list of those who are in our general chat, where we discuss last news, share our successes and simply support each other.

But as I understand it, Galya Rzhaksenskaya is not there? It seemed to me that during filming many people communicated well with her?

On “The Bachelor” she was really nice and played a certain role as the project’s mom: she took care of everyone, gave advice, took Alina Chus under full custody... But I will say this: each of the girls stopped being friends with Galya for a reason. There are reasons for everything: some have a grudge, others have a misunderstanding or hostility. For example, I couldn’t communicate with her during the show. We are very different, and I don’t see a single topic that we could discuss with her. Why then communicate if there is nothing to talk about?

In an interview that Galya herself gave us, she said that during the recent filming she wanted to talk to you, but you reacted somehow strangely...

How else can you react if a person starts a conversation with the words: “Don’t be offended, I didn’t intend to go to Comedy at all, and especially didn’t know that Timur would give me a rose!” I’m not at all interested in her excuses, whether she intended to or not, who was there and what gave her... I believe that I can afford not to communicate with someone I don’t want to. And even more so, hypocrisy is not about me.

So there was still no resentment over that situation with the roses?

What grievances can there be, because Timur chose me! I certainly have nothing to be offended by. And to be completely honest, I knew in advance that Timur would give Gala a rose. When he flew to Kazan for filming, we saw each other, he said: “Dash, don’t be offended, but I will have to do this.” He is an adult and has the right to decide for himself how to live.

You talk about it so calmly now... But you once had feelings for Timur?

Certainly! And feelings, and emotions, and desires - everything was there. Many people started a rumor on the Internet, saying that they had never met and nothing could have happened between them. We had a story and a very beautiful one. It just didn't work out.

Why do you think?

You know, back then I simply didn’t differentiate between filming the show and the subsequent real life. For me everything that happened was there a real fairy tale. And Timur showed himself as true man. He was one hundred percent perfect: so gallant, polite, vulnerable, with a sense of humor, a real gentleman. It was impossible not to fall in love with him! Plus, it was the competitive struggle and the desire to win. But despite all this, he did not behave quite as I expected.

Did you expect him to take matters into his own hands after the show ended?

Yes! After the project, a real battle for it began! I thought that after the phrase: “Stop! Cut!” We will finally switch places, and he will begin to court. I’m still a girl and should accept signs of attention and invitations somewhere, and not take the initiative myself. After all, I was already competing with fifteen contestants on the show and doing everything I could.

// Photo: Shot from the show “The Bachelor”

Maybe it was just hard for him to make a choice between you and Galya, because you are so different and he liked both of you?

He couldn't decide at all. He couldn’t understand whether he needed a relationship and with whom he needed it. In the situation with Comedy, everything was more than clear. But for a certain period everything was really good for us, but then it got worse and worse. I don’t think that Galya could have influenced this, because Timur is an adult 37-year-old man and is probably able to make decisions on his own. Although, to be honest, I can guess where the legs came from and who set it up. You know, I didn’t want to say this, but Timur explained to me that he communicates with Galya simply to support her. They say that she is a leader by nature and was sure that she would win, but in the end she took second place, which was a blow for her.

You say that everything was fine with you - did you meet?

You see, Timur is an absolutely non-specific person. Both during the project and after it, he always answered evasively, without saying anything definite. In this regard, I am his complete opposite, and it was hard to be in limbo all the time and not understand what was happening between us. I won’t hide it, I hoped and waited for a very long time that one day he would say: “That’s it, Dasha, we have a relationship! Now we will live there and do such and such.” But that did not happen. Perhaps if I had continued to close my eyes, remain silent and wait, then everything could have turned out differently.

What did you have to turn a blind eye to?

There is one situation because of which I was really upset then. Timur became very ill, lay at home and was treated. I constantly called him, wrote to him - I wanted to come, stay nearby, help with something, but he referred to the fact that he had relatives at home, and according to the contract, it was forbidden for anyone to see us together. Then, in one of the interviews, Timur accidentally blurted out that Galya had been treating him all this time! I understand her perfectly well, and she’s really great for supporting him. Moreover, she needed to somehow rehabilitate herself. But I was very offended by Timur. Of course, after we had serious conversation, where he realized everything, asked for forgiveness and explained it like this: “Dash, she came on her own. What was I supposed to do? I understand that he couldn’t just kick the girl out. Timur is generally very kind, gentle and absolutely does not know how to say “no”. Perhaps this is another reason why things didn’t work out for us.

Dash, don’t you regret that you fell in love with him?

In no case. Timur wonderful person! I am very grateful to him for everything, because my life after meeting him was divided into “before” and “after”. Now I perceive many things differently, my youthful maximalism and the desire to run ahead of the rest are gone. I remember with great warmth my participation in “The Bachelor,” I don’t hold a grudge against anyone and am glad to meet everyone who was there. Even Gale is grateful for the constant provocations, because now I have iron restraint and it’s almost impossible to bring me down! It’s also nice to watch how, thanks to the popularity that came, almost every girl was able to successfully get a job and become successful.

On the show it was clear how beautifully Timur knows how to look after. When you weren't on camera, did he behave the same way?

Yes, he is very attentive, often gave compliments or gifts. Always highlighted my prudence and understanding. He said: “Dasha, you’re a smart girl and you understand everything.” At first we talked a lot, corresponded, discussed latest gossip, walked, wished each other Good night. Then I didn’t regret at all that I left everything and moved to Moscow.

The fact of the matter is that the state exams were just around the corner, and I packed almost all my things and left for the capital so that we could see him more often. It was actually very difficult. For about six months I was in “waiting mode” and kept hoping for something. Maybe I would have stopped wasting energy and time earlier, but he didn’t want to put an end to it, and kept asking me to give him more time. It was a shame that I tried my best to show the person what I was capable of for his sake, but he did not appreciate it. But Timur also understands: it was very difficult for him after the project, he could not come to his senses for a long time, did not watch a single broadcast, so as not to experience these feelings again. There was a lot of pressure from the press, relatives and friends constantly asked questions, more and more new truths were revealed about the girls - all this was difficult for him. In the end, I got tired of this “over-friendship-under-relationship”, and I returned to Kazan.

The winner of season 3 was 23-year-old Daria Kananukha from Kazan. It was to her that Timur Batrutdinov presented the ring, saying goodbye to Galina Rzhaksenskaya in the final.

For any man this would be an absolute blast Difficult choice, because two of the most charming, charismatic and wise girls reached the finals. At the same time, they are strikingly different from each other, which made it even more difficult for Timur to decide. “What awaits me is my personal little Armageddon,” this is how the Bachelor commented on his condition before the finale.

Despite her young age, Dasha spent three months making her way to the heart of the last bachelor of the Comedy Club, leaving behind participant after participant. She surrounded Timur with care, surprised him with sweet surprises and, of course, captivated him with her beauty. Dasha wrote a poem to Timur and sang a song own composition and did not hesitate to express the feelings that arose during the project.

Daria Kananukha, winner of season 3 of the show “The Bachelor”: “When I returned from the project, I realized that life would not be the same. “The Bachelor” is a big stage in my life.

I remember the day of the finals as if in a fog, and frankly until the very end I was sure that Timur would not choose me. When I took out the ring, I experienced extraordinary emotions: I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. And then for several more days I looked at the ring and pinched myself, wondering if I was dreaming.”

The first major event at which Timur Batrutdinov will appear in public with his new darling, should be the “Week of High Humor” festival with the Comedy Club, which will be held from July 16 to 19 in Sochi. By the way, romantic stories often happen at the festival.

So, a couple of years ago, the creative producer of the event, Demis Karibidis, proposed to his girlfriend in front of thousands of spectators in the hall and millions on TV screens. One can only guess what surprise Timur and Dasha will present at the festival.

Millions of viewers were looking forward to the ending of season 3 of The Bachelor. On the last Saturday of spring, the finale was watched by a record number of people for the project. In terms of the share of television viewing for the audience 14-44, TNT took first place with 23.1% (hereinafter - TNS-Russia data for May 30, 2015).

Second place goes to the Rossiya-1 TV channel with a share of only 7.8%. Young people were also interested in the fate of the finalists and Timur’s choice - in terms of audience 18-30, TNT was again in first place with a large gap from its competitors - the share was 33.1%.

When Daria Kananukha became the winner of the 3rd season of the show “Bachelors”, beating the favorite Galina Rzhaksenskaya, many were perplexed: not only do Daria and Timur have a big age difference, but the girl also lives in Kazan. However, the distance did not become an obstacle to the couple’s relationship: in the near future, Dasha will move to Moscow, where she will be able to communicate more with the showman.

After “The Bachelor,” the young people practically did not see each other, since this was prohibited by the rules of the project: filming ended in the winter, and the producers did not want to reveal the intrigue ahead of time.

Batrutdinov also did not come to the party to mark the end of the show - due to his tour. However, now everything will change: “This week I’m flying to Moscow, and we’ll finally see each other. Now we can at least go to the cinema together!” — Daria rejoices in an interview with Starhit magazine.

The girl does not hide that she has big plans for the future: “I want to be a young mother. Timur and I touched on the topic of children, of course, but the topic is very personal, and I wouldn’t like to share it.”

It was Dasha’s desire to become a wife and mother that attracted Timur, fans of the show believe, and Batrutdinova herself emphasizes that her youth helped her: “My young age is a stumbling block in our relationship with Timur.

But in relation to my rivals, I consider this more of a plus than a minus. I never felt that I lacked wisdom or experience in any matter.”

Dasha speaks calmly about the ill-wishers who criticized Timur’s choice and says that she tries not to read negative comments on social networks. The girl admits that she partly understands the users, because Galina Rzhaksenskaya was a worthy competitor, but she is not surprised by her victory: “You have to understand that there is a project, and there is life. And this is a completely different story...”

Do you believe that the couple will be together?

23-year-old Daria Kananukha became famous after participating in the third season of the show “The Bachelor” on TNT. A pretty resident of Kazan fought for the heart of an enviable groom - 37-year-old Timur Batrutdinov. After the end of the project, which, the whole country was wondering when the Comedy Club resident would propose marriage to his chosen one. A month passed, then another, and there was still no news about the couple’s engagement. People started gossiping on the Internet that...

Very soon, in the spring of 2016, the fourth season of the popular show “The Bachelor” will begin on the TNT channel. The new hero of the project became. And while we are waiting for the first episodes of the romantic reality, the site decided to find out what is happening in the relationship of the participants of the previous season - Timur Batrutdinov and Daria Kananukha.

It would seem that the 37-year-old Comedy Club resident is long overdue for starting a family. Of all the participants in the show, Timur developed the greatest sympathy for the charming Dasha and decided that she deserved to become his life partner.

Everyone was waiting for the wedding bells to ring, but Batrutdinov still did. Back in the summer, rumors appeared on the Internet that the showman was spending more time not with his chosen one, Daria Kananukha, but with her rival, 27-year-old Galina Rzhaksenskaya. So what's really going on?

On the eve of the New Year, the winner of the show “The Bachelor” decided to put an end to all gossip and gossip once and for all and spoke openly about love, jealousy and plans for the future.

website: Daria, I would like to dot all the i’s in your relationship with Timur. What happens between you after the end of the Bachelor project?

Let's start from the beginning. I remember very well the moment when I woke up after filming the finale of the show and thought: “That’s it! Finally! The hassle is over, a happy future lies ahead.” But, unfortunately, everything didn’t turn out quite the way I hoped. Real battle for happiness began after the cameras turned off.

D.K.: After the show ended, I decided to move from Kazan to Moscow. Thank God, I didn’t have any problems with an apartment here, since my beloved grandmother and aunt live in the capital. I only came home a couple of times - to get my diploma and pick up my things. Timur was at the Comedy Club festival in Sochi at that time.

D.K.: We saw Timur often, but almost always on the sly. We couldn’t appear anywhere together so that the audience wouldn’t find out the results of “The Bachelor” ahead of time. But this did not bother me - I had no desire to advertise my personal life. I visited him at the Comedy Club office more than once, and we drove around Moscow, talked about everything, discussed music, cinema...

D.K.: Unfortunately yes. I, of course, perfectly understood how busy and tired I was, and tried not to bother him again with calls and SMS. True, sometimes he forgot to write or call me...

D.K.: You know, it’s not that I didn’t want to do it first - I just sincerely believed that after the end of the project we would switch roles, and everything would be like normal people. When in a couple it is not the woman, but the man who takes the initiative, asks them out on dates and solves all the problems.

website: After the end of the project, which of the participants did you continue to communicate with?

D.K.: It so happened that I only developed a warm relationship with Lena Maisuradze. It was more difficult with other participants. When we all got together after the end of the project to sit somewhere, I realized that in their company I was superfluous. I felt that they were not happy for me.

website: Have you met Galina Rzhaksenskaya, your main rival?

D.K.: No, but I learned about her life from other participants in the show. And one day something strange happened. Suddenly, Dasha Bilonozhko, Anzhelika Kutniy, Alina Chus began actively writing to me on social networks. Each admitted that she no longer communicates with Galya. As it turned out, .

Naturally, I knew that Galya and Timur continued to be friends after the final ceremony - he himself told me about it. However, I thought that everything was limited only to correspondence on the Internet.

And then I find out about their “relationship”, which prompts certain thoughts... I was terribly angry, but decided not to act out of the blue, but to figure it out and talk calmly.

D.K.: Yes, and Timur did not hide the fact that he communicates with Galya. Only, according to him, it was friendly communication. Gifts, support and consolation, as Galya was grieving her defeat. I believed him, calmed down, and we closed this topic for a while. And I didn’t see any point in discussing the whole situation with Rzhaksenskaya herself.

Timur Batrutdinov (1978) - resident of the Comedy Club, has finally completed his “personal Armageddon”. The Bachelor show ended and he made a difficult choice. Timur chose a 22-year-old girl who captivated him by falling in love with him.

Until the age of 37, Timur was unlucky: either he had no time, or his girlfriend left him. Perhaps life in show business had taken its toll and he simply could not fall in love. Then his friends got married... Timur began to think about his status, although he justified himself: “Well, I haven’t met my soul mate yet. Everything, as they say, has its time. Charlie Chaplin do you know what age you are? last child gave birth? Over seventy! Each person is special and develops in their own ways. I, like everyone else, am also special. So my special time has not yet arrived.”

The show became another chance for him to find “the one.” Perhaps this was a great way to increase his popularity, which never hurts a person from show business.

His “brides” turned out to be very different both in character and in age and physical characteristics. There were also those who came to the project for the sake of PR, but the experienced eye of the comedian was immediately out of the question.

His appearance ex-girlfriend Alina Chus initially threw the Bachelor into confusion, since at one time she exchanged him for a black rapper, but his heart trembled - he left the girl on the project. However, in issue 8, Timur showed that he does not forgive insults and Alina did not receive a rose in the choice of sympathy.

Then Irina Konoplyanik left the show, whom Timur’s friends liked, and he, it seems, considered the girl as the main contender for his bachelor’s heart. In episode 10, Irina unexpectedly showed herself to be not the best the best side: the girl got drunk and pestered Timur....Then she shed tears, but it was too late....She didn’t receive a rose...

Ekaterina Fisher was also a favorite of the comedian. It was clear that the blonde attracted him in appearance and it was she who received the first kiss from him. In episode 9, Catherine did not receive a rose at the ceremony. The girl was shocked by Timur’s decision and, at parting, showed with all her appearance that she was offended by the Bachelor. Timur was also very embarrassed... Apparently, on a previous individual date, something happened between them, which gave Katya a reason to behave this way.

Anna Ustyuzhanina, whom many TV viewers could not stand, did not leave the project for a long time. People did not understand Timur why he had not kicked her out yet. However, Anna was a very bright participant. She created scandals and hysterics: such people are irreplaceable on the show. Perhaps Anna managed to convince the Bachelor that she sincerely treats him. The cup of patience was filled with a meeting with Timur’s relatives in Sochi. Anna became hysterical when Timur’s sister asked that if a hypothetical couple had a boy, could she take the child to her place. Anya could not heed Timur’s advice that this was a bad joke from his ignorant sister (Anya’s first child was taken away by her ex husband is a businessman). Somehow Anna returned to the common table, but she never forgave the insult. During the choice of sympathy, having not received 1 rose, which she expected to receive as a sign of support, the girl pretended that the decision to leave the show was made while meeting her parents. Timur went to accompany her to the car, but instead of warm words addressed to the Bachelor, Ustyuzhanin suffered... She recalled the insult, scolded her sister and, in the end, Batrutdinov, having sent his bride home, sighed with relief.

Elena Maisuradze from Yekaterinburg left the project for own initiative. Then she said: “I had great chances. But I think Timur and I would not have gotten along in life. He requires the girl to take initiative in everything. But for me, the relationship model is more suitable when the man is in charge. I am not a fighter. Relationships for me - this is, first of all, an initiative on the part of a man. Note: Dasha Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya remained in the finals - two of the strongest leaders of the project. They are ready to move mountains for the sake of Timur, and I - for the sake of my son."



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Bachelor-3 on the TNT channel and his brides







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Reality show “Bachelor” on TNT channel. The main character Timur Batrutdinov made a difficult choice, giving his name new girl. The Comedy Club resident had to decide on his beloved, choosing from two beauties - Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Daria Kananukha. Despite the fact that in the audience voting, which was carried out on various sites and in in social networks, Galina was in the lead, Timur chose to stay next to Dasha. But how long did the fairy tale last?

Timur Batrutdinov made his choice

Literally immediately after, a version appeared on the network that Batrutdinov and Kananukha broke up. According to the rules of the program, the characters are prohibited from disclosing the results until the end of the television broadcast. Therefore, the bachelor and his girlfriend kept their romance a secret. But some viewers doubted that there really are passionate feelings between Timur and Dasha that they talk about.

Daria Kananukha became the winner of the show

Competitor Galina Rzhaksenskaya, who was predicted to win by TV viewers, immediately after the final spoke in a rather harsh and categorical manner about the results of the choice of the main character. The girl said that she considers Timur’s action “a complete and disastrous mistake that he will regret.” According to Galina, at the moment of choosing the winner, the bachelor was simply scared and could not finally decide on his feelings. If you believe Rzhaksenskaya, then in the end she and Batrutdinov will still be together, because there is passion and attraction between them.

The bachelor chose from 25 girls

A 22-year-old student won the final

It was this fact that confused TV viewers, who immediately after the finale of “The Bachelor” suspected something was wrong. But why then main character gave preference to Daria, if in reality there is nothing between them? This question remains open. Timur Batrutdinov himself chose not to comment on the results of the third season of “The Bachelor.” On social networks, the main character of the program, who had been looking for love for three months, did not publish a single photo that was in any way related to the reality show.

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What do you think, are Timur Batrutdinov and Daria Kananukha together or have they broken up? Is this couple suitable for each other?