Valery Mikhailovich Didyulya is a Belarusian guitarist and composer. Didyulya: “They say I’m stoned, but I’m just passionate about music Didyulya and his family

Valery Didyulya is a legendary Belarusian guitarist, whose work has no analogues in the post-Soviet space. The compositions he performs subtly combine charm instrumental music with modern processing and unusual sound. Such a symbiosis gives this guitarist’s tracks a special flavor, and therefore it is very, very difficult not to admire his work.

Early years, childhood and family of Valery Didyuli

The future virtuoso guitarist was born in the city of Grodno, located in the west of modern Belarus. Here he visited secondary school. It was here that he first began to learn the basics of guitar music.

Didyulya received his first guitar when he was five years old, as a gift from his mother. From that moment on, he systematically developed his innate talents, methodically picking the strings and rearranging the chords one after another. His teachers admired his ability to work, and he, not paying attention to anything, simply improved his playing, looking at the great guitarists of his time.

As a teenager, Valery first learned about the existence of various auxiliary devices that allow him to work on his guitar sound. From that moment on, experiments with gadgets, sensors, pickups and other similar elements became a real obsession for young musician.

He developed his skills, and at the same time worked on creating an original guitar sound. Very soon such efforts bore fruit. Didyuli's compositions began to acquire their own unusual sound. However, the real peaks were still far away.

Some time later, as the third guitarist, our today's hero got a job in the vocal-instrumental group "Scarlet Dawns", which at that time was very popular in the BSSR. The group's concerts took place almost everywhere - in cities, towns, villages, collective farms, etc. The ensemble was promoted by success, but at some point “Scarlet Dawns” nevertheless began to disintegrate. The reason for this was the collapse of the USSR, as well as the huge number of opportunities that opened up. Some of the musicians went to the west, others opened their own own business and only our today's hero continued to systematically work on his creativity.

DiDyuLya - The Way Home

In the early nineties, he joined the Grodno group “White Dews”, within which for a long time worked not only as a guitarist, but also as a sound engineer. At that time, the named group was mainly engaged in the performance of Belarusian, Polish and Ukrainian folk songs. Valery Didyula liked the “folk” style so much that later the notes folk music were constantly heard in all his later compositions.

In addition, it is also worth noting that it was as part of the ensemble “White Dews” that our today’s hero first went on tour around the world Western Europe– Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and some other countries.

The young musician was especially impressed by Spain, or rather by its characteristic guitar music in the flamenco style. After the end of the tour, Valery Didyulya stayed in this Pyrenean state for several more years, studying guitar passages and rhythms during this time.

Thus, by the end of the 2000s, the style of the Belarusian musician was finally formed. Flamenco music was subtly intertwined with Belarusian-Polish folk motives, and all this was complemented by modern arrangements in house style.

Star Trek of guitarist Valery Didyuli

At the end of the nineties, Valery Didyulya gathered around him a good group of like-minded people, with whom he began touring around Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, and Spain.

During this period, Minsk businessman Igor Bruskin and composer Oleg Eliseenko provided active assistance in promoting the young musician. On their advice, the musician moved to Minsk and took part in several major concerts and competitions. Didyuli’s music created a sensation everywhere, and therefore very soon our today’s hero received an offer to perform at international festival"Slavic Bazaar".

Didyulya Satin Banks

The appearance at such a large music forum opened many doors for Valery Didyulya. He was invited to work in Moscow, and there our today's hero began work on his first studio album. The Flamenco album was released in 2000. Following this came out debut video performer. Soon, many famous people began to turn to the talented native of Grodno for help. Russian musicians. So in different years Didyulya worked with Abraham Russo, Kristina Orbakaite, Dmitry Malikov and many other popular performers.

In 2002, the guitarist’s fame was strengthened by a new studio album, “The Road to Baghdad,” followed by the album “Satin Shores.” To date, the musician’s discography already includes nine studio albums. As part of the Didyulya group, the Belarusian tours the CIS countries, giving about 120 concerts annually.

Having earned a name for himself in the world of show business, Valery Didyulya also began working as a producer. With his support, an album by Belarusian musician Igor Dedusenko was released. And also a record by another fellow countryman - guitarist Denis Asimovich, back in early childhood who has lost his sight.

Sound in sound: Experiments by Valery Didyulya

At the end of the 2000s, Valery Didulya began a new experiment, which he called “sound in sound” or “musical 25th frame.” According to him, this technology allows you to create an additional background for the composition, as well as make it deeper and richer.

Didulya is sure that such music has an absolutely special effect on listeners, giving them an additional boost of energy. This fact was later even confirmed by doctors and psychologists. That is why the music of the Grodno musician is often called healing.

Valery Mikhailovich Didyulya is known for his virtuoso guitar playing. Valery created the group “DiDuLya” and tours around the world. Musician Valery Mikhailovich Didyulya was born on January 24, 1969 into a Belarusian family living in Grodno. This glorious city is located on the border with Lithuania and Poland, so great influence Their culture also influenced the development of the guitarist.

At the age of 5, Didula receives original gift from my mother - my first guitar. This helped him discover his love for music. In the city where the musician lived, teenagers gathered in large noisy groups in the courtyards in the evenings and sang songs with a guitar. Didyuli had a great influence on the development of creativity music records.

He was bored strumming the guitar, so future star started doing experiments. The guitarist used special sensors, amplifiers that he created himself, and other gadgets to obtain a new sound. Didula in school years I took guitar courses with a teacher. The musician studied chords and guitar playing techniques. Training was the first conscious step on the path to music.


The music captured Didyulya from the first chords. The young guitarist often went to concerts with friends and came up with original melodies. Valery joins the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Scarlet Dawns”. The group performed concerts in front of residents of the city and collective farms. Performances at a cooperative restaurant bring Didyula his first earnings.

The ensemble breaks up, so Valery had to look for a new place of work. He was invited to join the Belye Rosy team as a sound engineer. Didulya admits that this subsequently had a great influence on his work. The guitarist gained an understanding of the psychology and desires of the audience. The artist travels around the world with the ensemble. On tour in Spain, Didula gets acquainted with the flamenco style.

Until this moment, the guitarist was in no hurry to delve into the sound of Spanish music. The team spent a lot of time in Spain. Valery even managed to take part in several impromptu street concerts. Working in the ensemble pushed Didyulya to creative experiments. He had the necessary technical base that allowed the guitarist to record compositions. Together with dancer and choreographer Dmitry Kurakulov, he goes to conquer television.

The qualifying round was successfully completed. Valery's skill allowed us to move to the next stage and take part in the gala concert. The work of a sound engineer no longer brings pleasure to Didula. At this moment, an invitation comes from pianist Igor Bruskin to move to Minsk. At first, Valery works as a salesman in a music salon, regularly visits Moscow, meets the owners of recording studios, concert halls, music organizations.

Didula took part in the Slavic Bazaar festival. The event made him recognizable in the CIS countries, Bulgaria, the Baltic states and Poland. It begins for Valery new stage life. The musician tries to combine electronic and folk music. Moving to Moscow was difficult for Didyula: he had to quickly get used to local traditions and principles of life. He had serious difficulties. Valery would have had to return home if not for the help of Sergei Kulishenko. He helped the guitarist make a professional recording in the studio. The musician recorded 8 compositions. Soon, together with Sergei Didulya, he created a home recording studio.

Valery meets sound producer Sergei Migachev. Thanks to his influence and help, Valery creates debut album, shoots the video “Isadora”. Despite this success, major record labels were reluctant to collaborate with the musician. Again and again Didulya worked on the perfect sound of the guitar. Soon he signed a contract with Global Music, but this did not help in promoting the guitarist's career.

Timur Salikhov appears in Valery's life. He still works as the musician's director. The contract with Global Music was terminated and cooperation with Knox Music began. After signing the agreement, Didyulya begins filming a new video with the participation of the Todes ballet. Gradually, the guitarist’s recognition begins to grow, there are more and more tours, new ideas appear, embodied in the album “Road to Baghdad”. Didula collaborates with famous musicians, including. They create the composition “Satin Shores”.

In 2014, Didulya and Max Lawrence in a duet submitted an application to participate in music competition Eurovision from Belarus. They prepared a large-scale performance that surprised the jury and the audience. The lyrics to the song were composed by the lead singer of the group “ Deep Purple" In addition to the musicians, there were dancers on stage. Elements of sign language interpretation were included in the choreography.

Despite the fact that the audience chose them, I went to the competition solo artist Theo. The musicians tried to overturn the jury's decision by sending a letter, but all attempts were in vain. Some of Didyulya's works become hits - these are “The Way Home”, “Flight to Mercury”. He actively shoots video clips for songs such as “Cave City Inkerman” and “Arabica”, “Wind in the Steppe”.

Personal life

The biography of guitarist Valery Didyulya contains not only creativity, but also family scandals. The man was married to a girl, Leila. They had a son, and the musician also adopted his wife’s daughter from his first marriage. A few years later, Leila and Valery divorced. Didula practically does not communicate with children.

The girl came to the “We Talk and Show” program to talk about what it’s like in real life guitarist. It turns out that the man has not paid child support for a long time. Because of this, Leila and her two children are forced to live in a rented apartment in poverty. The amount of debt exceeds 2 million rubles. Former family Didyuli is in such a desperate situation that his son went out onto the city street with a sign “Dad, pay child support.”

Didula categorically disagrees with this. His lawyer said that the musician regularly transfers money to his children. Valery has no alimony arrears. The artist’s friends came to his defense, saying that the guitarist would happily take part in raising his older children, even sending them to study abroad. True, this will happen if he is allowed to communicate with them. Currently, Valery is married for the second time. My wife works in the musical group “DiDyuLa”. The couple had a daughter.

Didula now

In 2016, the album “Music of Unmade Movies” was released, and in 2017, “Aquamarine”. Experiments with the guitar were not stopped.

Now touring activities group "DiDuLya" goes on as usual. The team travels to cities in Russia, CIS countries and the USA. The artist actively collaborates with Russian and foreign stars, athletes and creative groups.


  • Flamenco (2000)
  • Road to Baghdad (2002)
  • Legend (2004)
  • Cave city Inkerman (2006)
  • Colored Dreams (2006)
  • Unmade Movie Music (2007)
  • Fragrance (2010)
  • Ornamental (2012)
  • One Day Today (2013)
  • Aquamarine (2017)

Didyulya, "The Way Home", video

Popular Belarusian musician, composer and guitarist Didyulya ( full name Didulya Valery Mikhailovich) was born in the city of Grodno on January twenty-fourth, 1969 (01/24/1969). Didula works in the style of folk music, fusion and new age.

When Dilyula was five years old, his mother gave the boy a guitar, thereby determining his future creative path. From that moment on, Didyulya did not part with his beloved musical instrument, conducted experiments with the amplifier and pickup. The boy gained experience by watching musicians play at concerts and weddings. Soon Didulya became a member of the VIA “Scarlet Dawns”, which was led by Nikolai Khitrik. The group performed at state farms and restaurants, and toured cities.

After the group “Scarlet Dawns” broke up, Didulya became a sound engineer in the ensemble from Grodno “White Dews”, which worked mainly in the genre of folk music. As part of the group, Didyulya toured many European countries. In Spain, Didyulya learned the flamenco style, which later had a great influence on the musician’s work. First music album Didyuli, released in 2000, was called “Flamenco”.

In 2002 Didulya created his own music group. The musicians used electronic music, experimented with house-style arrangements.
Didula created more than a hundred musical works, being simultaneously a performer, composer and producer. Didula gives one hundred and twenty concerts a year and is recognized as the most touring musical group Russia. Along with Didyulya are Khaibula Magomedov (keyboards), Alexander Leer and Rustem Bari (percussion), Dmitry Ershov (bass guitar), Ramil Mulikov and Valery Folded (winds).
As we already wrote, . The musicians intend to perform the song “Now you"re gone.” The music was written by Didulya himself, lyrics by the soloist famous group"Deep Purple" by Joe Lynn Turner.

The surname Didyulya needs no introduction. The magnificent music of virtuoso guitarist Valery Didyulya is world famous. He is full of energy and pleases everyone with new hits.

Just recently, the debut album of his wife, singer EVgenica, “Optimist,” was released. And she is not only an excellent performer, but also the owner of an amazing figure. We simply could not pass by this couple, and interviewed them! Didula is real name Valery Mikhailovich, originally from Belarusian Grodno. He learned to play the guitar from the age of five, and quickly conquered musical heights. Now musical style there are no boundaries in his performance: ethnic, fusion, oriental, flamenco, rock and much more. His support and support for many years has been his beautiful wife EVgenica, a creative and very bright personality. She has two higher music education(Gnesinka with honors), and a range of 3.5 octaves. She not only sings, but also publishes humorous vines and has long become an Instagram star, and he delights fans with fresh compositions and funny videos, trying himself in a new role. They gave their interview - one of the most famous guitarists Russia Valery Didyulya and his wife EVgenika - singer, actress, designer, model and TV presenter.

- EVgenica, tell us your love story, how you met and decided to start a family?

We met 6 years ago. A friend invited me to a concert by the musician Didyulya; we didn’t know him then. And then we met, since this friend was the wife of a video operator who filmed Valery at his concert in the Kremlin. And in general, we met, and everything somehow started spinning like that. And they never parted again.

- What principles do you consider the most important in raising children, since you have a daughter?

We don’t particularly tell anyone about her, we don’t publish or show photographs anywhere. The main thing in education is love! And we instill in her a love of family. And also affection, tenderness and care. My daughter already goes to dances. But she is still so small with us, so that we care for her, cherish her and grow her like a flower.

- Tell us about her, what makes you happy about your baby, and who do you see her in the future?

She happily sings songs, dances and strums her dad's guitars. He is very drawn to creativity. As for her future, we will support any of her endeavors in any case. Now we do not instill anything in her by force or artificially. If a child wants to ride a bike, please, we go for a ride with the whole family. Now she wants to do ballet, we support her in this. We buy tutus and ballet shoes, and she takes up dancing. If tomorrow she decides to lay asphalt, then we will support this endeavor. We simply try to respond to her interests in a timely manner, but in no case do we put pressure on her so as not to receive opposition.

- EVgenica, you and Valery both creative personalities, there are already a lot joint work, songs, how do you complement each other? Do you give advice and make comments? Isn't it difficult to work together as husband and wife?

Not difficult at all! The fact is that we first dated, then got married, then gave birth to a child and were raising our daughter. And only when the child was six months old did my husband find out that I was singing. Because we had no such goal - to unite in creative union, because we built a family for a long time and confidently. And only then we decided that I would sing. This happened when we went to karaoke with friends. Up to this point, I worked for seven years as an art director in karaoke. And then I didn’t go there for quite a long time, because there was a lot of all this at work. And when, after giving birth, being bored, I decided to sing... And then everyone was a little stunned when they found out that I was singing, it turns out! There was just a lot of music in our lives: both at work and with my husband. And until this moment we tried to have quiet family evenings by the fireplace and nothing more. And then we decided that after all, my place was on stage, and I needed to sing. And, of course, now we complement each other not only in the family, but also creatively. Sometimes Valera can tell me: “Come on, let’s improvise here, I’ll play, and you sing something!” This is how some melody or song is born. Or, when something doesn’t work out for me, I ask him to help. Of course, we are in each other's musically We help a lot. And in the studio we write together: I’m in his albums, he’s in mine.

I honestly admit that even before giving birth I knew a little secret: what if after giving birth you want to quickly come to good shape, then you need to make your waist BEFORE pregnancy. And there were still no hints of marriage, but I was already working every day gym. I did waist exercises with weights, for example, side crunches. And there are many more tricks specifically for strengthening the abdominal and waist muscles. Then I gave birth, and after giving birth I started wearing slimming corsets so that my abdominal muscles would tighten faster and return to their original shape. On the advice of my nutritionist, I did the “vacuum” exercise (retracting the abdominal muscles - editor’s note), drank a glass of water with lemon on an empty stomach in the morning and strengthened my abdominal muscles with this exercise. Due to retraction, the muscles become toned. Thus, it is burned and internal fat on organs ( visceral fat, which envelops internal organs- editor's note) and external fat layer. I used fractional meals, swimming, and our whole family loves to ride bicycles. I also do exotic dance, which completely tidies up the entire figure from head to toe, the muscles are so tense in this sports form dance. And, of course, we generally lead an active lifestyle, which is important. In the morning I drink a glass of water, do a “vacuum”, and without even having time to have breakfast, I plunge into work until eight in the evening, and only in the evening do I eat fully. But I always have something healthy and easy to snack on in my bag, like an apple or a granola bar. It’s clear that I don’t eat anything fried or frankly unhealthy. But I really love pizza, I love baked goods, and I also love sweets.

- Valery, how do you manage to stay in shape, since you tour so much? What are you doing?

As Zhenya said, an active lifestyle is one of the components of staying in good shape. I am constantly on the move, and I have my own small gymnastics, which Dr. Evdokimenko developed for me and modeled the exercises specifically for me. This is a doctor whom I sincerely trust. The person who helps me various issues, and to some extent a friend of our family. Great both as a person and as a professional. And, of course, I try to monitor my nutrition as best I can. In any case, my light gymnastics, active lifestyle and positive thinking. These are the components of my physical tone. Although I would like to pay more attention proper nutrition, and I am also moving in this direction.

- EVgenica, you use completely different images in your works, sometimes you are a fatal beauty, sometimes you are not afraid to be funny, but do you think it is important for a woman to have a sense of humor or is this the prerogative of a man?

I believe that having a sense of humor is important for any person, no matter whether it is a woman or a man. We live in Russia, where people survive with humor. Because everyone can cry and moan, but this will not help you, but humor helps you live, helps you not to lose heart. Rise higher above your problem and immediately find a way out! I have always walked through life with humor and I think that’s why my husband fell in love with me! Because I have the eternal “ha-ha” and “hee-hee”, but always to the point. I can laugh and make fun of myself, thus constantly pushing myself. And this helps me move on, not be discouraged, and find some kind of positive in everything! Humor helps turn any situation in your favor. A sense of humor for a Russian woman is everything!

Even yours new album called “Optimist”, where all the songs are imbued with humor, and it’s on a positive wave! Are you also an optimist in life?

Yes, that's right! We wrote this album very quickly. We took Yulia Solomonova’s poems as a basis and invited her to become a co-author. And it all started with Valera writing a wonderful melody. But he still couldn’t write poetry for her. He asked me to suggest something to him, I suggested putting verses from Solomonova’s work, I simply opened her book and read the first verse at random to music. And it went to bed! And that’s how the song “Optimist” came about. And in life I am an optimist. There is a lot of humor in my life, even if you open my page, you will see that everything there is pestilent. There are lyrics, of course, too, but they are very selective. I walk through life with humor!

I also want to say that humor and an active lifestyle are in our family and in everyday life. We don't have any nannies or maids. We are completely ordinary family: husband, wife and daughter. Nobody really helps us. Therefore, if we want cleanliness, then I clean, wash the floors and do the laundry. And then I don’t have time to sit on the sofa and put on fat on my sides. This is probably why the figure is preserved. Because I spin like a top, not only in creativity and work, but also around the house. I cook myself. And Valera is a gourmet. He loves to eat very tasty food. He loves lasagna, real borscht, and pilaf. And I prepare all this for him. Yes, and the child needs care. For your daughter, you need to cook separately, wash her clothes, wash her, braid her hair, take her to kindergarten and much more. But while she’s in kindergarten, I can record a new vine, learn poetry, record a song, and then after I pick up the child from kindergarten, I’m an ordinary mother again. I washed my face and went to walk the cat and take out the litter tray with poop. We have ordinary life. We are not arrogant and do not boast about anything. You just need to take a simpler approach to life, and then life will be easier!

Valery, your creativity is multifaceted and you have extensive and vibrant experience in the field of music and dance projects. In particular with bellydance dancers. With which artist? oriental dance Did you perform particularly well? Will you continue to develop oriental themes in the future?

The art of dance is exciting and interesting. And, of course, we have experience collaborating with dancers. We worked with Aliya for quite a long period, then there was Natalya Ryabchenko. Interesting creative period was with Karina. Irina Ostroverkhova also worked with us. I also worked with flamenco dancers. As for bellydance - oriental dance, it is very interesting. Contemporary modern choreography is no less interesting. We collaborated with the Todes ballet, and had the opportunity to work with all sorts of different regional groups. I even had the opportunity to collaborate with gymnasts Irina Chashchina. Dance is great and wonderful! Where will my creative projects with dancers and choreographers in the future, I don’t know yet, but in any case I really love dancing. After all, this is sometimes a sport, and sometimes a spectacular art! In the future, new musical experiments with dance and choreography are possible, but the time just has to come and the stars must align, but I’m not doing anything specifically for this. The music itself will put everything in its place. Certain compositions will attract dancers. And it seems to me that something interesting will definitely come out. In any case, in the “Country of Fools” video, we showed off with pole dancing, inviting wonderful plastic girls who adorned the bright and fast-paced music with their choreography, their movements and plasticity. Dance, movements, beautiful body, sports - all this does not let me go, it has always attracted me, given me musical creativity special cut and I think it will continue to attract attention in the future!

What would you both like to develop in your activities? What other directions? In music, in creativity? Are there any unclimbed peaks?

There are many more such peaks. After all, every day gives us something new, something more interesting. If a person has achieved something, then he sees a new goal and goes towards it. So we do - we seek and find this goal. What happened today is great, but tomorrow it’s different. And every day there is something new, and something new! Life is much more interesting this way, and sometimes you yourself don’t know what new things you’ll come up with. And what awaits you ahead!

- How married couple, what advice could you give to those who want to achieve harmony, peace and harmony in family life?

Advice and love! We decided for ourselves that the most important thing in a family is trust in each other. After all, we often tour: both together and separately. My husband has such a job, says EVgenica, that he doesn’t come home every evening at eight o’clock. And in fact, thank God, otherwise it would be a chore for us! This is our job: we are always on trains, planes, and sometimes we don’t see each other for two weeks. But we know that we live in each other’s hearts, in each other’s thoughts. And we are constantly in touch, as if we were keeping track of each other’s pulse - on the phone, in messages, exchanging photos and videos, telling how our day went. And this somehow reinforces our feelings, maintains our warmth and our love. We need to miss each other. Believe, trust, love and help! You need to live according to your heart!

Photo from the Didyulya family archive

Instagram of EVgenics DiDuLa: @evgenika_didula

Read the printed version in the glossy magazine RENOME