We will be familiar with the game program at the summer camp. Game program for summer camp

Entertainment program for school camp children.


Ved. 1 Today is your day, guys!

Grow and make us happy

All children huge Earth

They rush to each other,

Wishing you health and love!

And we, guys, wish you, -

Grow and make us happy,

May your wishes come true

And the world will be kind to you!

We are adults, we promise you,

Help, protect in everything,

And in our hearts we hope and dream

Raise you happy!

So. Let's start the childhood holiday

A lot of enthusiasm and fun awaits us...

Who came to our holiday?

And we will find out now.

1 squad state your name and motto.

dear kids

Both girls and boys

All without exception

You are invited to have fun!

Let's start dancing!

Let's sing songs!

Let's start the holiday!

Polka dance

It's fun today, we're happy!

Happy holiday, children, congratulations!

Let it ring, ring everywhere

Our cheerful, ringing laughter!

We have stored up a pile of songs,

Have fun without interruptions!

Strawberries and flowers

Both the forest and the meadow will meet us

Our songs are with us

There will be birds singing around

Song "Childhood" (Shatunova)

They sang fervently, sang from the heart.

I hear someone in a hurry to visit, in a hurry.

This is probably the 2nd squad "Pirates"

He wants to show off his talents

I want there to be a lot of light in the world,

I want the world to have a lot of summer,

And on grass is green dew.

I want there to be less crying in the world,

And more laughter, joy, good luck,

Children's smiles, like blossoms, unsteady

Flowers comparable to a child's smile.

Let in the camp "Solnyshko"

There will be no insults or quarrels.

You smile and worry

They will go away like spring water!

May peace and happiness be nearby -

Always, always, always, always….

Everybody sing a song

Childhood is me and you.

Klepa. Hello guys! Boys and girls!
Toffee. We greet you from the bottom of our hearts, dear kids!
Klepa. Comrades, adults, hello to you too!
And I have no more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again I say to everyone, everyone, everyone: “Hello!”

Toffee. Let's get acquainted!

Klepa. Let's! I am Klepa! And this funny girl is Butterscotch!

Presenter. Hey! Friends! Are you already here? I hope you haven't had time to be naughty yet?

Together. Oh, Aunt Luda!

Klepa. No, Aunt Lyudochka, we’re just saying hello!

Presenter. Well done! Did you congratulate the guys on the holiday?

Toffee. Happy holiday?

Presenter. Don't you know? Guys, tell me Klepe and Iriske , what holiday is today? (answer)

Klepa. Wow! Children's Day! Where's my sword? Where? I went to protect the children!

Presenter. Klepa! Klepochka! Stop! Let's give the children a holiday!

Together. Holiday ! Holiday! How?

Presenter. We will give them a lot of games, competitions and fun!

Together. Hooray! We want to play too!

Presenter. Well, go and recruit teams of ten people!

Teams are assembled.

Presenter. And since today is a holiday, we invite everyone to participate in our competitions! How many of you like to draw and paint? For you, young artists, we are announcing a cool competition! Who wants to win a prize for coloring? Everyone, come into the tent and try yourself as an artist! (these words need to be said from time to time).

So, the teams are assembled! And first of all, we need to name our teams somehow! You are given one minute to come up with team names.

Team names.

Presenter. And I ask you to loudly introduce your teams in unison!

Presenter. Now I want to ask you a question. What is the name of the time when I run, you run, he runs, she runs, they run? (answer)

That's right, change!

Game Change.

Presenter. Well, now we begin our real tests. Let's line up one after another, clasp hands and on one leg we all jump together to this line and back. Let's see which team is the fastest.

Game "Overtaking".

Guys, do you like sports? What sports do you know? What do you do yourself? And I know another sport, it’s called ball jumping! Do you know this sport? This is a very simple and fun sport. You just need to hold the ball with your feet and jump to the finish line, then jump back and pass the ball to another participant. And so on. This way you will show not only team speed, but also team jumping ability!

Game "Ball Jump".

You are real athletes! I think you'll do just as well with the next one. sports game. Do you love hockey? Yes, now everyone loves hockey and even girls play it! You know that hockey can be played with a ball and a puck. And we have mop hockey! You again line up one after another, with this mop you must push the ball to the finish line and back. And pass the mop to another participant.

Game "Hockey with a mop".

And the next competition, which will show not only your speed and dexterity, but also your agility! Now there are hoops at the same distance from the teams. Everyone needs to take turns running to the hoop, climbing through it and running to the end of the team, the next participant does the same. And so on.

Game "Get through the hoop."

And at the end of our relay race a very difficult test awaits us - a river lies in front of you, and you need to get across it. For this we have a ferry - (a hoop that lies at a distance from the teams). The first participant runs to it, takes it and puts it on himself, then runs to the team, takes one participant with this hoop, they run to the finish line, return, take the next participant, and so on.

Game "Crossing".

Our relay race is over! In the meantime, we count the points and determine the winners, you can dance a little with our clowns!

Ved.: Attention! Attention! Attention! Says and shows "Storm!" Microphones and cameras are installed in this hall, where the ship show will begin today, now, this very minute. But it’s interesting: will everyone be able to decipher the abbreviation of the name of the evening? Well, why are you shrugging your shoulders and looking uncertainly at these letters? Let's join our efforts and decipher the mysterious words! So, let's start! Jokes and gags, pranks and pranks!

And if, when getting ready for our evening tonight, I, and you, and all of us together took with us good mood and friendly, cheerful, mischievous laughter, smoothly turning into deafening and long-lasting laughter, then we are all very lucky!

So, the evening of jokes and gags, pranks and pranks is declared open! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

F-ma: Fanfare sounds. The presenter comes out.

Ved.: Good afternoon, dear participants! It is with great pleasure that I would like to invite teams who are ready to joke, play pranks, have fun, dance and make fun today.

So, greet team 1 “Pinocchio” with applause

We welcome the 2nd team "Winnie the Pooh"

We greeted each other.

And finally, the time has come to start our game called “Ship-ship-show. So, listen, watch, and reel yourself in.

And now I want to give each team a card with a famous proverb. The whole team must convey the content and meaning of this proverb without words, using gestures and pantomime. The team is given exactly 1 minute to think. Get ready, let's start!

    A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.

    One with a bipod - seven with a spoon.

    Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.

    Seven do not wait for one.


    Purpose: unloading, release of energy, “shout.”

    Time: 5 min.

    Number of participants: 10 or more.

    Venue: any.

    Participants either stand or sit in a circle.

    Presenter: “Show me your hands and your knees. Does everyone have two knees? Then go ahead! We will now take part in horse racing at the hippodrome. Repeat after me."

    Participants repeat the movements after the leader. "The horses went to the start (clap-clap-clap discordantly on the knees). They stopped at the start. They hesitated (we quietly clap). To the start, attention, march! The race has begun (we quickly clap on the knees). Barriers (we raise our hands as if we were hovering over barrier). Stone road (we hit our chests with our fists). Through the swamp (we pull our cheeks).

    Finish line (very fast). Hooray!"

And that’s why we offer to take part in the show program. "Red summer, sing louder"
- But first, we need to get to know each other. My name is -----, and we’ll find out what your name is now.

1. Say your name in chorus.
- I hear. Today Marina, Seryozha, Lena and many other guys gathered in our hall with whom you can have a good rest and play. And we’ll start today with the wonderful game “Like this.”

2. All answers must be shown. Game "Like this".
-How are you living? "Like this!" (show with hands), etc.
-How are you going?
-How are you running?
-How do you take it?
-How do you give it?
-How are you threatening?
-How are you being naughty?
The game is played 3 times and faster each time.

6. Game "Shoe a Friend".
The players are divided into two teams. Teams choose drivers who move away from the teams and do not peek while the team members take off one shoe at a time and throw it in one pile. Then, at the command of the leader, they begin to put on their friends' shoes - who is faster.

7. Game "Baba Yaga".
The teams continue to compete with each other. To do this, participants are given one bucket per team, rather than a mortar, and one broom. You need to insert one foot into the bucket and take it by the handle, and take brooms with the second - “fly” to the finish line and back. Participants change to see who is faster.

8. Grasshopper relay
2 teams compete in jumping with a ball between their knees.

And now the teams have to dress one of their most slender members Nick. The team that puts the most clothes on this person within 1 minute wins. You can use the clothes of the spectators sitting in auditorium if they don't mind, of course. But keep in mind that caps, bracelets, watches, rings, earrings and other jewelry are not taken into account. So, teams, get ready, let's start!

Each team receives a card with the name of the statue written on it. One, the most sculptural participant from each team must complete the task. He will then be approached by two stagehands and carried backstage. The statue must remain in character until the very last moment. So, get ready, let's start!

    Girl with a paddle.

    Border guard on patrol.

Game "Yes - no"

Ved. Can carp get into the ocean?

All. No. (This river fish)

Ved. Can a tail freeze your nose?

All. No (he winters in the south)

Ved. Can a wasp fly to heaven?

Ved. Can a badger climb a branch for pine cones?

All. No (badgers do not climb trees)

Ved. Can a sandpiper bite its tongue?

All. No. (birds have no teeth)

Ved. Can a seal lie on its side all day?

Ved. Can a tit live on the roof?

Ved. Can dogs tear off the tanks of all crayfish?

All. No. (crayfish live at the bottom of reservoirs)

Ved. Can a bear get fat in winter?

All. No. (in winter the bear sleeps)

Dance of the little ducklings.

And now I invite two participants to the stage, the most vocal ones, who Some people can imitate the voices of animals and birds. So, the competition begins - a dialogue of onomatopoeia and animal conversation. Please receive task cards.

(song-game-competition “Singing Animals”), players are invited to imagine themselves as animals who love to sing, but cannot speak humanly. The participants in the game must sing: meow, bark, grunt the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass.”

  1. Dog - cat

And now a dance marathon is being announced. I invite both Mandy. The command is to stand in a circle. You are given 6 balls. All team members must dance to the music different styles and directions. And at the same time you must juggle balls so that not a single ball falls on the floor. And so, let's start!

One participant is invited to the stage and must step over with closed eyes this rope. So let's get started!

The game "Water Drinkers" - which team will drink the juice faster.

Cheerful music, dancing.

Game program for middle and older children “Neskuchnaya Gazeta”

The march of I. Dunaevsky from the film “Circus” sounds.

A magician in a cloak and top hat appears on stage. He bows and introduces himself.


Hello fun lovers,

Laugh, move, frolic.

Today all evening in our arena

There will not be even a shadow of despondency.

Let me introduce myself: I am your idol

Great magician, magician and fakir.

He waves a rolled-up newspaper and showers the stage with confetti.

I have a simple newspaper in my hands,

It contains information from all over the world.

You say: “Boring!” - but who knows?

If you are not indifferent to miracles,

Even the newspaper may become boring.

He rolls up a bag from a newspaper and pulls out multi-colored ribbons from it to the music.

For those who want to make sure that the newspaper is not the most boring activity, I ask you to call different ways newspaper applications. What else can it be used for besides reading?

The guys shout out answers from the audience: seal windows, wrap books, beat flies, light a fire, make bullets for a slingshot, roll a cigarette, fan yourself, lay it under yourself, etc. Everyone who names any way to use a newspaper is invited onto the stage and becomes a member of one of the teams.

Magician. It turns out that an ordinary newspaper is a useful and necessary household item. And now the teams will try to convince you that using the newspaper is not only useful, but you can also have a lot of fun. First, let's decide which of the commands will be executed first competition tasks. To do this, I ask one participant from each team to come forward.

The children are given unfolded newspapers. Their task is to crumple the newspapers into a ball with one hand and throw them into the hall. Whoever does this faster earns one point for his team and the right to start competitions.

Magician. The next task will require two people from each team. You've probably seen more than once in movies how spies or simply anonymous people make up notes from letters cut out from newspapers so that they won't be recognized by their handwriting. Now our participants will have to do the same. Here are the same newspapers, glue, scissors and paper, and here are cards with texts that need to be reproduced, and the faster the better.

The children are offered texts consisting of the same number of letters. For example: “Listen to the advice: subscribe to the newspaper”, “The newspaper will give you answers to your questions.”

Magician. While the guys are making up “anonymous” letters, I invite one more daredevil from each team. Receive a thick weekly planner, the pages of which are mixed up. You have a difficult task ahead of you: holding the newspaper suspended, without laying it on the floor or on a chair, fold the newspaper sheets in order, without dropping a single leaf.

The results of the competition are summed up and the results are announced.

Magician. With skilled hands you can make a lot of useful things from newspaper: hats, boats, airplanes, boxes, etc. I challenge teams to create their own collection of newspaper items in five minutes. The more varied and neat the exhibits, the more points the team will earn. In the meantime, we’ll listen to how our “anonymous spies” coped with the task.

The results of the “Anonymous” competition are being summed up.

Magician. So that our viewers don’t get bored while the teams are working on the newspaper collection, I offer them an auction: remember and name the newspapers and magazines that are published in Russia.

The person who gives the last answer is awarded a prize.

Now it's time to look at the newspaper collections.

The results of the “Crafts from Newspaper” competition are summed up.

Magician. That's how many wonderful, fun things you can make from newspaper! And you can also make a real fashionable outfit from it. And now I am announcing the Miss Press competition. I ask for two fashion designers and one model from each team. At your disposal are newspapers, scissors, tape, paper clips, and a stapler. In a few minutes you will have to introduce the audience to the supermodel of the season. In the meantime, fashion designers are creating their masterpieces, I invite teams to take part in newspaper races. I place a newspaper on the floor in front of each team. You must all blow on it together so that it moves along the floor in the indicated direction. The team whose newspaper reaches the finish line before the others wins.

The results of the competition are summed up.

Magician. Please approach me one representative from the team. The task for you is very simple. Here are scissors and newspaper. Whoever can cut out the longest ribbon from the newspaper will earn his team an extra point.

Helpers carefully stretch the cut ribbons.

The jury compares their lengths and sums up the results.

Magician. And again the game is for spectators. I pass the newspaper through the rows. On each row you will have to fold it in half. The newspaper that will reach you sooner last row, will bring one of the teams an extra point.

This competition is held to music.

Finally, the time has come to find out who will become our “Miss Press” today.

Models are demonstrated to music and explanations from fashion designers are heard. The audience decides by applause who won this competition and who is awarded the title “Miss Press”. The winner wears a commemorative ribbon over her shoulder.

Magician. Well, the decisive moment has come, which will finally determine the winner of the “Neskuchnaya Gazeta” game. Now we will once again check which of the teams is the most friendly and united. I put unfolded newspapers on the floor. At my command signal in in full force must gather on their newspaper, but they must stand so that not a single leg goes over the edge. The one who does it faster will win.

The final results of the game are summed up. The jury announces the results. The winners are awarded prizes.

Magician. Well, are you now convinced that the newspaper is not so boring? Of course, it's just a game. The main purpose of the newspaper is to inform people about the most important and interesting events in the world. Guys, read newspapers and your friends will never be bored with you.

The magician performs the final song based on the Cheburashka song.

Not a boring newspaper, I’ll tell you a secret,

Fun game show “School of Kukaryamba Sciences”

Funny melodies are pre-selected. The hall is decorated with drawings of funny faces, posters, and colorful balloons.


Hello, dear guests!

It's good that you came to stretch your bones!

Make yourself comfortable. There's enough room for everyone!

Points to the floor.

Hello guys and girls too!

Dear adults, hello to you too!

And I have no more greetings!

Hurry up and catch my greetings!

Throws a ball - “hello.”

Got caught? Great! Hi all!

Now greet me back!

The children say in unison: “Hello!”

Yes, not everyone greeted me the way they should. Unfortunately, some greeted me neither warmly nor coldly, nor wetly, nor dryly, nor bitterly, nor sweetly, nor gently, nor shakyly, nor jokingly, nor seriously.

We need to say hello again, but this time in a different way. Let the most beautiful girls they will say “Bonjour” in French and blow me a kiss, and the strongest, most dexterous and brave boys will shout “Salute!” and wave their hands at me. One, two, three!

Children say hello.

We said hello very well,

Now let's have some fun.

We will sing, joke, play

And, of course, dance!

Oh yes! I completely forgot. You said hello to me, but to each other? Let's greet each other again with my help. I will say words and show movements, and together you repeat both words and movements after me.

Children repeat the movements after the leader.

Let's wave! Like this! (They wave with one hand, greeting each other.)

Let's wave another one! Like this! (Waving the other hand, greeting each other.)

Both together, more friendly! (Waving with both hands.)

This is how we meet friends!

Let's hug our neighbor. Like this!

(They hug the neighbor on one side.)

Let's hug someone else. Like this!

(They hug the neighbor on the other side.)

Let's hug together, as friends.

(They hug the neighbor on the right and left.)

This is how we meet friends!

Leading. So, we begin classes at the school of Kukaryamba sciences. Lesson one, I won’t say which one. Those who want to start learning, go on stage!

Stand in a circle. Repeat all the movements after me. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift up left hand up, wave it, shake it. Then raise your right hand up without lowering your left. Wave both hands, make noise like the trees rustle: “Sh-sh-sh-sh...” Spread your arms to the sides, hum like airplanes: “Zh-zh-zh!” Wave your arms like a bird flaps its wings and shout: “Shoo-shoo-shoo!” Congratulations! You got an "A" in your garden scarecrow lesson! Please sit down!

As soon as I say the word “change”, all the girls will shout in unison “Ding-ding!”, and the boys “Hurray!” Let's rehearse. Change!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. As soon as I say “lesson”, all the girls will shout in unison “Ding-ding!”, and the boys “Atas!” Let's rehearse. Lesson!

Children. Ding-ding. Atas!

Leading. Great! First change.

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Game “This is such parsley!” We repeat after me the movements and sounds.

The beater started knocking: knock-knock-knock-knock!

(We represent hammers.)

The trinket began to jingle: jingle-blink-blink-blink!

(Knock on our knees.)

Marfushka laughed here: ha-ha-ha-ha!

(We laugh.)

A friend came running to her: stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!

(We stomp our feet.)

And the frog croaked: qua-qua-qua-qua!

(Jumping in place.)

The fly buzzed loudly: w-w-w-w!

(Waving hands, pretending to fly.)

The cuckoo answered her: coo-coo-coo-coo!

(Hands with a megaphone.)

The hen cackled: co-co-co-co!

(Hands on waist.)

The heifer started mooing: mu-mu-mu-mu!

(We depict horns on the head.)

The pig squealed with her: oink-oink-oink-oink!

(We show the patch near the nose.)

And the Scops Owl sang with them: I sleep, I sleep, I sleep!

(Close our eyes and tilt our heads.)

Suddenly the cannon began to boom: bang-bang-bang-bang!

(We clap our hands and stomp our feet.)

The old lady got scared: “Oh-oh-oh-oh!”

(We clasp our head with our hands and shake it.)

This is parsley! Yes, yes, yes, yes!

(We nod our heads.)

Leading. Announcing the next lesson! Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. And it’s called “Hands Up!” Anyone who wants to understand the science of hand raising, please come on stage.

Quiet cheerful music is playing.

Stand near a wall, facing it, stretch your arms forward, resting your palms on the wall. Palms should be at the same level. Now I will ask you questions. If you give a positive answer, then raise your palm slightly up the wall, and if you give a negative answer, raise your palm down. The person who raises their hands the highest gets an A for the lesson. So, questions:

Did you brush your teeth today?

Do you have brown eyes?)

Do you have blonde hair?

Are your arms longer than your legs?

Is your neck longer than your nose?

Are you mouth to ear?

Are your eyebrows higher than your eyes?

Are your ears clean?

Are you in a good mood?

Do you know your name well?

Are you normal intelligent beings? So why are you climbing the wall?!

I praise and love everyone! I'm giving out high fives to everyone! Change.

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Let's take a ride on a tank. And again I ask you to repeat after me the words and movements.

I'm riding a tank. Steer with your hands.

I see a cow. Use your hands to show the binoculars.

In a hat with earflaps Show the “ears” of the hat.

With a healthy horn. Show a large horn with the movement of the bent palm from the forehead up.

- Hello, cow! Extend your hand forward for a handshake.

How are you doing? Raise your hands as if in surprise.

— Do I blow speak English? Shake your index finger.

- What are you calling me names! Show fist.

Leading. Let's start the next lesson.

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. It’s called “Kukaryamba”. Anyone who wants to learn the secrets of kukaryamba - please come on stage! (Cheerful music plays softly.)

I ask everyone to squat in a circle, hugging each other closely. Stretch your arms forward. Now I will ask a question that everyone in the circle should then ask. I sit next to you and ask my neighbor: “Please tell me, what do you know about kukaramba?” He answers. And since you have not studied this science before, the answer will be obvious: “I know nothing about cukaramba.” And so you ask this question in a circle to each other, until again it’s my turn. So, let's start! ( The game is on in a circle and reaches the leader.)

Leading. I also don’t know anything about kukaramba. So why did you sit here?! (Pushes everyone playing sideways, causing a merry floundering.)

Leading. And again we have a change.

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. This time - a fun dance-transformation. Everyone present plays. Now the dance tunes will start playing loudly. Every 2-3 minutes I will name an animal, and you must immediately transform into it and dance as the animal I name would do. Music! Let's dance and transform into...

Geese (dancing while squatting);

Monkeys (they dance, depicting jumping macaques);

Bears (dancing, waddling);

Dolphins (“dolphins dancing on the water”);

Zaitsev (dance, depicting running and jumping hares);

Frogs (they dance while squatting and jump).

Well done! Take your seats. It's time to start the next lesson!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Let's go horse riding! The capacity of our Kukaryamba hippodrome is small, so I invite 5 participants to participate in the race. Now the horses are already at the start (chairs are facing backwards). At my command, you begin to “jump” to the indicated place, waving a flag above your head and shouting “I-go-go! E-go-go! The most “humorous” rider will win the race! Attention! March! (A “race” is held.) I think that everyone tried their best, that’s why everyone is declared a winner. I can't hear the bell for recess!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. Listen to funny poems for attention. Your task is to correctly “complete” the last word.

Blizzards howl like wolves

IN winter month April. (In February)

For feather beds and pillows

Soft fluff is provided by frogs. (Geese, ducks)

When they beat us with a belt for pranks,

We all ask: “More, please!” (Sorry)

All year round in Cuba

Children wear fur coats. (In shorts)

For those who are unwell,

Doctors are called. (Everything's right)

Do you hear the shepherd's cries?

Drives a rooster into the flock. (Cow, sheep)

Winter nights

Summer ones are shorter. (Longer)

In tea for our sweet tooth Ole

We add five tablespoons of salt. (Sahara)

You will write “cloud” with “I”,

You'll get five at once. (Two)

In the morning who will come to the pond,

He will catch a pound of hares. (Fish)

Only difficult for hedgehogs

Know all eight cases. (Six)

Before going to bed, putting on pajamas,

Kiss your mom on the cheek. (Right)

If guests come to you,

We are all glowing with anger. (For joy)

We are all beaming with joy as the next lesson begins.

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. Not only anecdotes, jokes, games, but also songs can fill the school of Kukaryamba sciences with smiles. Those who want to thoroughly forge their vocal skill please go on stage. (The presenter selects 7 people.)

These songs, friends,

It's not difficult to sing

And you can sing with the orchestra,

And without an orchestra too!

Even if you are a bear

Stepped on my ear

These songs can be sung

The presenter distributes cards with tasks to the children.

Tasks for a vocal competition

1. Sing the rooster's morning serenade.

2. Sing the song of the March cat.

3. Sing a dog song dedicated to the moon.

4. Perform the donkey's aria.

5. Sing a mouse song dedicated to the cat.

6. Perform a pig solo.

7. Sing a frog's night serenade.

Players read the task and complete it.

Leading. Applause for our canaries! And again a change! Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. You all know the game “And I!” This time we will play the game “And we!”

I wake up when the bell rings (and we)

I've been lying on my side for a long time...

After lying around, I get up...

I'll make my bed...

I put the kettle on the stove...

I'll quickly sweep the floor...

I'm vigorously doing exercises...

I'm dancing squat under the table...

I hear the tea is already boiling...

The lid bounces and rattles...

I quickly turn off the gas...

I'm pouring a cup of tea...

I sprinkle sugar, two or three spoons...

I add two potatoes...

I want it to be delicious...

I'll spread soap on the sandwich...

I'll collect my notebooks...

I'll play hide and seek with the cat...

I'll repeat the poem...

I'll smear the shoes with jam...

I'm quickly running to school...

I'm saving a moment...

On the way I saw a fight...

A black cat bit a dog...

The cat barked, and then

Wagging his tail...

I walked past the store...

I see an elephant lying in a basket...

I walked past the garden...

Look, there's a crocodile on the spruce...

I run to my class

An hour late...

Leading. And now I invite you to a visual education lesson.

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. I invite young gymnasts to the stage (select 5-6 people). Now we will begin to perform the Kukaryamba gymnastics complex. There are mattresses in front of you, unfold them. (The players unroll the mattresses, and there are socks in them.)

Take the starting position (music sounds): legs together, toes apart. A step forward - we rise on our toes, a step back - we lower ourselves to a full foot. One, two, three - we continue. One, two, three is enough.

Let's move on to the slopes. Leaning forward, we reached our toes with our fingertips. Raise your socks up and smoothly spread them apart. Socks down. One, two, three - we continue. One, two, three is enough.

Let's move on to stretching. Take the right sock in your right hand. We pull it as high as possible. Pull the toe, pull... Well done. Now we pull the left toe. We are trying. Yes, yes, yes. Okay, that's enough.

Next exercise. With the right hand they reached for the left sock, with the left hand they reached for the right sock. Raise your arms up, spread them to the sides, lower them. Now shake your socks. Fine.

Let's move on to water procedures. Here's a bowl of water. Rinse your socks thoroughly. (Gymnasts rinse their socks in a basin.)

Now on the count of “three” we finish the Kukaryamba gymnastics complex. (The gymnasts leave.)

We continue our vizculture. But first, let’s applaud and scream “Bravo!” to our gymnasts! (Applause.)

Let's compete in some sports. Now I will invite two people onto the stage, who will choose a token card with the name of the sport in which they will compete.


1. Shot throw. (The core is a balloon.)

2. Fencing. (This happens with the help of a rapier-match until one of the opponents has it broken.)

3. Tug of war. (They pull the thread. The one with the longest piece of thread wins.)

4. Ski jumping. (The springboard is not very high - just long jump from a sheet of newspaper.)

5. Sprint. (Participants need to kneel down, clasp their feet with their hands and in this position, moving on their knees, run around a chair placed at some distance.)

Leading. Let's applaud and squeal "Bravo!" to our athletes! Change!

Children. Ding-ding! Hooray!

Leading. In continuation of the vizgulture lesson, we will have a chatting break. We don’t yawn at the chatter, but we chat with everything that dangles, which is called arms and legs. (The presenter, accompanied by music, shows the movements of “dangling” with his left hand, right hand, both hands, left foot, right foot, both feet, left hand and right foot, etc. Children repeat.) Please check if anything has fallen off? (He checks the children himself.) Finally, our last

Children. Ding-ding! Atas!

Leading. And it’s called “Kukaryamba cooking”. The topic of the lesson is repetition of what we know, and if we don’t know, then remember.

What kind of dishes do you think people of the following professions prefer?

Conductor - ... (corn sticks).

Orderly - ... (roast duck).

Doctor -... (treatment).

Fireman - ... (stew).

Oculist - ... (fried egg).

Fashion designer -... (ryazhenka).

Dentist -... (catfish).

Driver -... (steering wheel).

Locksmith -... (stroganina).

Veterinarian -... (hedgehogs).

Chemist - ... (instant coffee).

Announcer - ... (tongue with sauce).

Blacksmith - ... (chop).

Agronomist - ... (grainy caviar).

Concrete worker -... (filled).

Boxer - ... (compote of pears).

Dog handler - ... (Fried Dogs sausages).

Parachutist - ... (flatbread, soft-boiled egg).

Shepherd - ... (boiled horns).

ENT doctor... (ear)

That's it! I am locking the school of Kukaryamba sciences (shows a huge fake cardboard castle with a picture drawn on it funny face). But our evening continues. I invite everyone to the disco!

Game program in the camp. Scenario

1st presenter. Today we are going on a trip on two airliners. But first we need to recruit aircraft crews.

Navigators, captains, radio operators, and 2 flight attendants are selected.

2nd presenter. You, of course, understand that this is not a real flight, but nevertheless, in our imaginary planes many things will be like in real ones. So we go to trip around the world. Guys, please note that the jury also evaluates the order on board the aircraft. You may lose a point depending on your behavior. And we will be judged by the flight control center (jury), which includes...

Jury presentation.

Radio Operators Island

1st presenter. First, airplanes need names, come up with them. (Teams name themselves.)

2nd presenter. Our planes headed for Radio Operators Island. And during the flight we will check the readiness of our flight attendants. (Calls 1 flight attendant from each team.)

1st presenter. We know that during flights, flight attendants serve various drinks and snacks to passengers. To do this, they will need precise coordination of movements. To test it with our flight attendants, we offer the “Can't See It” competition.

2nd presenter. We have pins placed on this site. Imagine these are trees in a forest. Flight attendants are blindfolded. They must go to the other side of the site between the “trees” without touching them. The number of pins left unhit is the number of points awarded.

A competition is being held.

1st presenter. We are flying over Radio Operators Island. Radio operators communicate with the control center, so they must always be polite.

2nd presenter. We offer our radio operators a competition “How polite I am.” Radio operators should take turns saying polite words without repeating themselves. Whoever said the last polite word is awarded a bonus point to that team.

Navigators Island

1st presenter. Our planes are running low on fuel, and we are heading to Navigators Island to refuel. In the meantime, a competition for second flight attendants. We know that flight attendants must be able to get out of any situation, and that is why we will now hold a “Figure it out” competition.

2nd presenter. One by one, the flight attendants are given riddles. If the flight attendant answers the riddle herself, then the team gets 2 points, if with the help of the plane passengers - 1 point.

What comb can you use to comb your head? (Crest of a rooster.)

How to tear off a branch so as not to scare away the bird sitting on it? (We must wait until she flies away.)

What color is the stopcock on an airplane? (He's not there.)

My father's son, not my brother. (Myself.)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

When a person walks, what is under his feet? (Sole)

1st presenter. Here are the landing gears of our planes touching the landing strip of Navigators Island. We need to refuel the planes. To do this, we are holding a competition for navigators “Refueling”. You see 4 stools: 2 for each. There are 5 cubes on one stool -; These are fuel tanks. The navigators are blindfolded. They must transfer the cubes one by one from one stool to another. Who will do it faster? The winner is awarded 2 points.

Commanders Island

2nd presenter. Following the set course, we fly over Commanders Island - this is the final destination of our journey.

1st presenter. Now we will check what our captains are capable of. The captain must have developed visual memory, so our next competition is “Portrait”.

2nd presenter. Its essence is that the captain of each team must draw his opponent with his eyes closed. A team can receive 3 points for this competition.

1st presenter. Our planes landed safely at the airport. Now let's speak to the aircraft control center.

The crew that takes 1st place is awarded a professional crew diploma. The crew of the losing team is awarded a diploma giving them the right to fly for free on the aircraft of the winning teams.