The modern concept of speech culture

The concept of speech culture is deeply connected with literary language. The “sign of quality” in the professional activity of a person involved in jurisprudence, diplomacy, politics, teaching at a university or school, journalism, management, as well as any radio and television worker, is the ability to clearly and clearly verbalize one’s thoughts, that is, to speak beautifully and competently. This not only attracts the attention of the audience, but also influences them properly.

Literary norm

The central concept of speech culture is the norms of the literary language. They need to be mastered by every person whose activities are related to people, the organization of their work, who must conduct business or political negotiations, raise children, take care of health, and provide a variety of services.

What does the concept of norm mean in speech culture? Certain rules of word usage, pronunciation, use of traditional, unshakably established stylistic, grammatical and any other linguistic means.

The concept of speech culture can be considered by dividing three main components: communicative, ethical and normative. By observing the norms of the literary language, you can achieve the ideal syllable. The basic concept of speech culture is a language norm; this aspect is the most important.

Patterns of language functioning

With all the strict requirements for compliance with literary norms, the manner of speaking must be flexible, and clichés must be avoided. That is, the concept of speech culture includes the ability to express specific content in its inherent verbal form. The functioning of language is a creative and diverse process.

Aspects: normative, communicative and ethical

In addition to the already discussed normative, the concept of “speech culture” includes aspects: communicative (that is, connecting, establishing contacts and relationships between objects of communication) and ethical, related to the norms of etiquette. All of them will be discussed here according to the key meaning of each.

The basis of the communicative aspect, on which the modern concept of speech culture stands, is precisely the choice of linguistic means necessary for the proposed goal. No less important here is communicative expediency in building verbal interaction.

Native speakers, according to the requirements of the communicative aspect, which is included in the concept of sound culture of speech, must focus on the prevailing conditions of communication and master a variety of functional means. In this way, they will be able to adequately support this communication and move it in the right direction.

The ethical aspect prescribes clear knowledge and indispensable application of all the rules of speech culture in each specific situation. This is speech etiquette - formulas of greetings, requests, questions, gratitude, congratulations; addressing, according to agreement, “you” or “you”, by name in its full or abbreviated form, and so on.

The choice of one or another version of the norms of speech etiquette is influenced by many factors: the age of those communicating, the purposefulness of speech, social status, time and place of interaction, the nature of the relationship - informal or official, intimate or friendly. Foul language is strictly prohibited, and a raised tone when speaking is always condemned.

Culture of public speech

Public speech is considered mainly in general terms: it should be simple, intelligible, emotional and meaningful. Most often, a person receives first assessments from others based on the way he speaks. From oral speech, interlocutors usually draw the correct conclusion about who the speaker is. Whatever he talks about, his portrait has already been created and his personality has practically been revealed.

What could be more connected with general culture, with intelligence, with spirituality, than the culture of speech? The definition of the concept is very simple: this is the degree of proficiency in linguistic norms and the use of the countless riches of the language, something like a passport, which precisely indicates what environment raised the speaker and what is the level of his culture.

The degree of mastery of the richness and norms of language shows how competently, accurately and clearly the speaker expresses his thoughts, how he explains life phenomena. And most importantly, what impact does his speech have on his interlocutors.

Prerequisites for learning speech culture

First of all, a culture of thinking and a conscious love of language are needed. Accuracy of thinking helps to choose means for expression, this is especially important in cases where an incompletely correct expression leads to real errors. You need to think not only about WHAT to say, but also about HOW to do it.

Expand the concept of “culture of speech” for yourself - and you will see that all aspects are tied to normativity, including clarity and accuracy, purity and correctness of speech, the absence of dialectal, colloquial words, narrow professional expressions, archaisms and barbarisms.

It’s great if the speaker’s skill is added to all this: a wealth of vocabulary, logical structure, a variety of phraseological structures, varied vocabulary, artistic expressiveness.

Linguistics defines the concept of the subject of speech culture as a purely motivated use of linguistic material and means, that is, they are optimal for a given situation, and it is precisely this content that will achieve the goal of the utterance. It is necessary to use the only necessary words and constructions for each specific case.

Lawyer speech culture

The concept of “speech culture” includes normative aspects, and it is worth considering separately in the field of jurisprudence. This profession requires high moral and ethical qualities, as well as a high level of education and a broad outlook, since a lawyer deals every day with a wide variety of life phenomena. He must correctly evaluate each of them, make the right decision and convince all people who turn to him that he is right. The basic concept of speech culture presupposes the presence of all these qualities in any speaker, and especially in a lawyer.

The communicative roles a lawyer plays are also very different: they draft bills, conduct business correspondence, write protocols of interrogations and inspections of crime scenes, as well as resolutions, statements of claim, indictments, rulings and sentences, agreements and contracts, complaints and statements. The concept of “speech culture” includes aspects that are especially deeply studied by lawyers, thanks to the daily acquisition of diverse communication experience.

Violation of language norms in jurisprudence, and not only in it, causes a negative reaction from interlocutors. A question that is not asked precisely provokes misunderstanding. A lawyer is forced by duty to be a speaker at trials, a propagandist of legal knowledge, and a lecturer. This example demonstrates especially well the concept of speech culture and its social aspects. The qualities of good speech must certainly be improved in the work of a lawyer.

Components of speech culture

The basic concept of speech culture is the norms of literary language, oral and written, that select and organize linguistic means for a specific situation and, subject to ethical standards, ensure the expected effect for the purpose of communication. Simply put, this is the ability to write and speak correctly, clearly, expressively and politely.

Here again we are faced with the very concept of speech culture and its aspects. Key points on the three above aspects: normative, communicative and ethical - will become clear when studying the table.

Here the existing connections between the communicative qualities of speech and its culture itself are revealed. The first property, undoubtedly, is correctness - following linguistic literary norms in the process of communication. The normativity of speech as compliance with a language norm, as well as deviation from it, is the result of the correct or incorrect choice of one of the options provided by the language.

Spelling and pronunciation

Even the simplest noun “ruble” is equally normative in both spelling and pronunciation. However, how clearly the characteristic of the concept “culture of speech” is manifested among some native speakers with the following pronunciation options: rubel, rubel, rubel, rubel and even abbreviated like this - rupees. Any obscenity violates the correctness of speech.

Errors in statements can be both grammatical and stylistic. Here it is necessary to note sentences with incorrect coordination, control, and shaping. You can often hear inaccuracies in the lexical plan and errors in stress, errors in the use of abbreviations (for example, “it”, not “she” - NATO), even more often the short form or comparative degree of adjectives suffers (“weaker”, “dressed better” etc.), and also missing words in the phrase (“the film “Leviathan” will take place” instead of “the screening of the film “Leviathan” will take place”).

Precision speech inaccuracies

Errors of this kind are a litmus test, a real speech test for the speaker, allowing one to accurately determine the cultural level of proficiency in Russian speech. The speaker needs to exclude the following words and phrases from the vocabulary:

  • “to lay down” in the non-prefix form;
  • "put on" instead of "put on";
  • “take action” instead of “accept”;
  • “voice” in the sense of “name”, “say out loud”, “report” (here there can only be one meaning - “record the sound separately from the image in the film”);
  • "intentions" instead of "intentions";
  • “accept” and “begin” instead of “accept” and “begin”;
  • “incident” and “compromise” with an extra letter “N”, etc.

Grammar errors

Here the Russian language as such is truly “lame” for many speakers. Word forms (conjugation, declension) are formed incorrectly, words are poorly combined in a phrase, and sometimes the very structure of large sentences reveals the illiteracy of the speakers - the syntax is broken. All this discredits the concept of speech culture in relation to the speaker and characterizes him very negatively.

The main reason for such problems is inattention, as well as the lack of an internal plan for constructing a phrase and the entire statement or control over its implementation. The speaker does not hear himself, the consciousness does not feel responsible for what is said. These reasons can be eliminated, you just have to want to.

Stylistic sloppiness

Inaccuracies, roughness, and even direct deviations from unshakable stylistic norms offend, first of all, the ethical and aesthetic feelings of listeners. That is, they inevitably negatively characterize the person speaking. Stylistic sloppiness is sometimes perceived as much worse than dirt under your nails.

First of all, this is under no circumstances acceptable obscene language, that is, obscene language. In second place are unfounded repetitions: “addressed in a televised address,” “historical excursion took place in the history of the city,” and so on. Here, too, the aesthetic sense of the listeners suffers.

Among other deviations from stylistic norms, we should note the use of jargon. These include:

  • clerical and bureaucratic speech (“discuss issues in tranches”);
  • youth, professional vocabulary (“loh”, “bummer”, “write text”);
  • words from the lexicon of the criminal world (“to soak in the toilet”, “to run over”);
  • interspersed with colloquial words (“no”, “raise a question”);
  • inclusion of archaisms and high-style book vocabulary (as a rule, it is inappropriate and violates the purity of the style);
  • superficial confusion of words that have a similar sound, something in common in morphological composition, or a similar semantic or syntactic position is a fairly common mistake in spontaneous speech; the reason is ordinary ignorance of the meaning of these words or phrases (“fulfill the features” and so on).


“Correct speech is good, but good speech is better,” this is how one can paraphrase the famous quote from Danelia’s film. Linguists divide the culture of speech into two levels: the lowest - the ability to speak correctly, the highest - to speak well, that is, masterfully.

There are no errors in correct speech, all language norms are observed, but the speaker, scientist, politician, teacher is difficult to perceive by listeners. He seems to be smart and speaks well. This happens because he did not have enough additional qualities in order for his speech to turn from correct to good.

The qualities needed are:

  • knowledge of the subject of one’s own speech;
  • knowledge of the audience and the ability to master it;
  • the ability to use intonation, control breathing, and the vocal apparatus;
  • good vocabulary;
  • the ability to make a choice in favor of the best option for expressing thoughts from all those offered;
  • use of nonverbal means of communication.

The characteristics of the concept of “speech culture” include not only a normative, but also a communicative aspect; the same manifestations distinguish good speech from simply correct speech. In the struggle to master real mastery, the speaker will have to learn not only to write and speak accurately, but also to first mentally assemble brick by brick the “building” of both monologue and dialogue.

The speech of a truly cultured person is logical, precise, expressive, pure, and from it both the level of education and the internal culture of the speaker can be easily determined. The language develops, enriches itself, purifies itself, but without proper attention and careful treatment it will certainly become impoverished.

Vladimir Dahl's dictionary contains 200,000 words. Alexander Pushkin used only 21,197 words. The expression “only” in this context is, of course, a joke, since out of the half a million words in the Russian language, a school graduate speaks and writes only one and a half thousand, and a university graduate about eight thousand.

You can compare: five hundred English words are 70% of the traditional literary language. In Russian, you will need to select 2000 to balance the percentage.

Stylistic norms began their development with Lomonosov’s grammars, absorbing all the best from ancient, German and French influence. The first textbook on speech culture can be considered the work of V.I. Chernyshev, written at the beginning of the twentieth century. But the very concept of speech culture arose only in the twenties, as the first Soviet intelligentsia, universal literacy and worker-peasant proletarian culture appeared. It must be admitted that the struggle for the purity of the language was carried out purposefully and tirelessly.

People live in society, and communication is an integral part of human existence. Therefore, without it, the evolution of intelligence would hardly have been possible. At first these were attempts at communication, similar to baby babble, which gradually, with the advent of civilization, began to improve. Writing appeared, and speech became not only oral, but also written, which made it possible to preserve the achievements of mankind for future descendants. From these monuments one can trace the development of oral traditions of speech. What is speech culture and speech culture? What are their standards? Is it possible to master speech culture on your own? This article will answer all questions.

What is speech culture?

Speech is a form of verbal communication between people. It involves the formation and formulation of thoughts, on the one hand, and perception and understanding, on the other.

Culture is a term with many meanings and is the object of study in many disciplines. There is also a meaning that is close in meaning to communication and speech. This is a part of culture associated with the use of verbal signals, which means language, its ethnic characteristics, functional and social varieties, which have oral and written forms.

Speech is a person’s life, and therefore he must be able to speak correctly and beautifully, both in writing and orally.

Thus, speech culture and speech culture are mastery of the norms of the language, the ability to use its expressive means in various conditions.

The culture of speech, regardless of the nationality of the speakers, developed gradually. Over time, the need arose to systematize existing knowledge about the language. Thus, a section of linguistics appeared, which is called speech culture. This section explores the problems of language normalization in order to improve it.

How was the culture of speech formed?

Speech culture and speech culture as a branch of linguistics developed in stages. They reflect all the changes that have occurred in the language. For the first time, people thought about fixing the norms of written speech in the 18th century, when society realized that the lack of uniform rules for writing made communication difficult. In 1748, V.K. Trediakovsky wrote about Russian spelling in his work “Conversation between a foreigner and a Russian about ancient and new spelling.”

But the foundations of the grammar and stylistics of the native language were laid by M. V. Lermontov in his works “Russian Grammar” and “Rhetoric” (1755, 1743-1748).

In the 19th century, N.V. Koshansky, A.F. Merzlyakov and A.I. Galich supplemented the library of studies of speech culture with their works on rhetoric.

Linguists of the pre-revolutionary period understood the importance of standardizing the rules of language. In 1911, V. I. Chernyshevsky’s book “Purity and Correctness of Russian Speech” appeared. Experience of Russian stylistic grammar”, in which the author analyzes the norms of the Russian language.

The post-revolutionary period was a time when the established norms of speech culture were shaken. At that time, social activities were carried out by people whose speech was simple and replete with slang and dialect expressions. The literary language would have been under threat if a layer of Soviet intelligentsia had not formed in the 1920s. She fought for the purity of the Russian language, and a directive was given according to which the “masses” had to master proletarian culture. At the same time, the concepts of “language culture” and “speech culture” emerged. These terms are used for the first time in relation to the new, reformed language.

In the post-war years, speech culture as a discipline received a new round of development. An important contribution to the formation of the discipline was made by S. I. Ozhegov as the author of the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” and E. S. Istrina as the author of “Norms of the Russian Language and Speech Culture”.

The 50-60s of the 20th century became the time of the formation of the culture of speech as an independent discipline:

  • “Grammar of the Russian Language” was published.
  • The scientific principles of speech culture have been clarified.
  • Issues of the “Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language” are published.
  • At the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a sector of speech culture appears under the leadership of S. I. Ozhegov. Under his editorship, the journal “Issues of Speech Culture” is published.
  • D. E. Rosenthal and L. I. Skvortsov are working on a theoretical basis for some issues. They devote their works to separating two terms from each other - “culture of speech” and “culture of language”.

In the 1970s, speech culture became an independent discipline. She has a subject, object, methodology and techniques of scientific research.

Linguists of the 90s do not lag behind their predecessors. At the end of the 20th century, a number of works devoted to the problem of speech culture were published.

The development of speech and the culture of verbal communication continue to be one of the pressing linguistic problems. Today, the attention of linguists is focused on such issues.

  • Establishing internal connections between improving the speech culture of society and the development of national culture.
  • Improving the modern Russian language taking into account the changes occurring in it.
  • Scientific analysis of the processes occurring in modern speech practice.

What are the signs and properties of speech culture?

Speech culture in linguistics has a number of distinctive properties and features, which are also the logical basis of the phenomenon being studied:

Knowing the basics of speech culture and applying them as intended is the duty of every educated person.

What is a type of speech culture?

The type of speech culture is a characteristic of native speakers depending on their level of language proficiency. The ability to use language is also important. Here, an important role is played by how well developed verbal communication and speech culture are. Let's consider the question in more detail.

Based on the above, it is necessary to highlight the basic norms of speech culture:

  • Regulatory. Protects the literary language from the penetration of colloquial expressions and dialectisms and keeps it intact and in accordance with generally accepted norms.
  • Communicative. Implies the ability to use the functions of the language in accordance with the situation. For example, accuracy in scientific speech and the admissibility of inaccurate expressions in colloquial speech.
  • Ethical. It means observing speech etiquette, that is, norms of behavior in communication. Greetings, addresses, requests, questions are used.
  • Aesthetic. It involves the use of techniques and methods of figurative expression of thoughts and decorating speech with epithets, comparisons and other techniques.

What is the essence of human speech culture?

Above we examined the concepts of “language” and “speech culture” as a social phenomenon that characterizes society. But society consists of individuals. Consequently, there is a type of culture that characterizes the oral speech of an individual. This phenomenon is called “human speech culture.” The term should be understood as a person’s attitude towards language knowledge and the ability to use it and improve it if necessary.

These are skills not only in speaking and writing, but also in listening and reading. For communicative perfection, a person must master all of them. Mastering them presupposes knowledge of patterns, signs and patterns of constructing communicatively perfect speech, mastery of etiquette and the psychological foundations of communication.

Human speech culture is not static - it, like language, is subject to changes that depend both on social transformations and on the person himself. It begins to form with the child’s first words. It grows with him, transforming into the speech culture of a preschooler, then a schoolchild, a student and an adult. The older a person is, the more advanced his speaking, writing, reading and listening skills become.

What are the differences between Russian speech culture?

Russian speech culture belongs to the section of disciplines that study national speech cultures. Each nation has formed its own language norm during its existence. What is natural for one ethnic group may be alien to another. These features include:

    ethnic features of the linguistic picture of the world;

    use of verbal and non-verbal means;

    a body of texts that includes all texts ever written in that language - both ancient and modern.

An ethnic picture of the world is understood as a set of views on the world through the words and expressions of a particular language, which is shared by all people who speak it and is taken for granted. But the difference between national pictures of the world can be easily traced through the analysis of folklore and the epithets used. For example, the expressions “bright head” and “kind heart” imply high intelligence and responsiveness. It is no coincidence that the head and heart were chosen in these epithets, since in the Russian understanding, a person thinks with his head and feels with his heart. But in other languages ​​this is not the case. For example, in the Ifaluk language, internal feelings are conveyed by the intestines, in the Dogon language by the liver, and in Hebrew they do not feel with the heart, but think.

At what level is modern Russian speech culture?

Modern speech culture reflects:

  • typological features of the Russian language;
  • scope of its application;
  • unity of speech throughout the Russian Federation;
  • territorial variants of the Russian language;
  • written and oral texts of not only artistic, but also national significance, which reveal ideas about good and correct speech, about the achievements of science about the Russian language.

Russian speech etiquette

Russian speech etiquette is understood as a set of norms and rules of communication that developed under the influence of national culture.

Russian speech etiquette divides communication into formal and informal. Formal is communication between people who do not know each other well. They are connected by the event or reason for which they gathered. Such communication requires unquestioning adherence to etiquette. In contrast to this style, informal communication occurs between people who know each other well. This is family, friends, loved ones, neighbors.

Features of speech etiquette in Russia involve addressing a person as “you” during formal communication. In this case, you need to address the interlocutor by name and patronymic. This is necessary, since forms similar to “sir”, “mister”, “Mrs” or “Miss” are absent in Russian speech etiquette. There is a general “ladies and gentlemen”, but it applies to a large number of people. In pre-revolutionary Russia there were such addresses as sir and madam, but with the advent of the Bolsheviks they were replaced by words such as comrade, citizen and citizen. With the collapse of the USSR, the word "comrade" became obsolete and acquired its original meaning - "friend", and "citizen" and "citizen" began to be associated with the police or court. Over time, they too disappeared, and were replaced by words that attract attention. For example, “sorry”, “excuse me”, “could you...”.

Unlike the speech culture of the West, in Russian there are many topics for discussion - politics, family, work. At the same time, sexual activities are prohibited.

In general, the culture of speech etiquette is acquired from childhood and improves over time, acquiring more and more subtleties. The success of its development depends on the family in which the child grew up and on the environment in which he develops. If the people around him are highly cultured, then the child will master this form of communication. Conversely, supporters of the vernacular type of speech culture will teach their child to communicate in simple and uncomplicated sentences.

Is it possible to develop speech culture on your own?

The development of speech culture depends not only on a person’s environment, but also on himself. At a conscious age, if desired, you can develop it yourself. To do this, you need to devote time to independent study every day. It will take 3 days to complete all the tasks, and before learning a new one, you need to repeat the old one. Gradually it will be possible to complete tasks not only together, but also separately. At first, such a speech culture lesson will take 15-20 minutes, but will gradually increase to an hour.

    Expanding vocabulary. For the exercise you need to take any Russian or foreign language dictionary. Write down or underline all the words of one part of speech - nouns, adjectives or verbs. And then choose synonyms. This exercise helps expand passive vocabulary.

    Writing a story using keywords. Take any book, select any 5 words at random with your eyes closed and make up a story based on them. You need to compose up to 4 texts at a time, each of which takes no more than 3 minutes. This exercise helps develop imagination, logic and intelligence. A more difficult option is to compose a story of 10 words.

    Conversation with the mirror. For this exercise you will need the text from task 2. Stand in front of the mirror and tell your story without facial expressions. Then retell your story a second time, using facial expressions. Analyze your facial expression and manner of speaking by answering 2 questions - “do you like your facial expression and the way you present information” and “whether others will like them.” This task is aimed at developing the habit of consciously managing your facial expressions.

    Listening to a recording from a voice recorder. This exercise will help you hear yourself from the outside and identify the strengths and weaknesses of your speech, and therefore, correct the shortcomings and learn to use the advantages of your speaking style. Read any literary text or poem you like into the recorder. Listen, analyze it like the previous task, and try to retell it or read it by heart a second time, taking into account the corrections.

  1. Conversation with your interlocutor. This type of exercise helps develop dialogue skills. If among your friends or acquaintances there are people who do these exercises, then you can do exercise 2 with one of them. If not, then ask someone to help you. To do this, prepare a topic of conversation and a plan in advance. Your goal is to interest your interlocutor, arouse his curiosity and hold his attention for at least 5 minutes. The task is considered completed if the interlocutors talked on 3-4 of the given topics.

The development of speech culture requires constant practice - only in this case success will not be long in coming.

the degree of perfection of oral and written speech, characterized by compliance with its normativity, expressiveness, lexical richness, manner of politely addressing interlocutors and the ability to respectfully respond to them.

Great definition

Incomplete definition ↓


1) this is such a choice and such an organization of linguistic means that, in a certain communication situation, while observing modern language norms and communication ethics, make it possible to ensure the greatest effect in achieving the set communicative tasks (E.N. Shiryaev); 2) a section of linguistics that studies the problems of normalization (see language norm) and optimization of communication. K.r. teachers - the subject of a humanitarian general cultural plan. One of the central ideas of the course K. r. teachers - the relationship of concepts: culture - a cultured person - the culture of speech - the culture of professional (pedagogical) communication. K.r. - a multi-valued concept, it includes two stages of mastering a literary language: correctness of speech, i.e. mastery of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, vocabulary, grammar, stylistics), and speech mastery, i.e. . not only following the norms of the literary language, but also the ability to choose from coexisting options the most semantically accurate, stylistically and situationally appropriate, expressive, etc. High K. r. presupposes a high general human culture, a culture of thinking, and a conscious love of language. Lit.: Golovin B.N. How to speak correctly. - 3rd ed. - M., 1988; His own. Fundamentals of speech culture. - 2nd ed. - M., 1988; Ladyzhenskaya TA. Living word: Oral speech as a means and subject of learning. - M., 1986; Skvortsov L.I. Speech culture // LES. - M., 1991; His own. Theoretical foundations of speech culture. - M., 1980; Shiryaev E.N. What is speech culture //Russian speech. - 1991 - No. 4.5. L.E. Tumina

Speech culture is the ability to master the norms of oral and written language (mastery of the rules of pronunciation, stress; rules of grammar,

word usage, etc.).

Speech culture is also the ability to use expressive means of language in different communication conditions, in accordance with the purpose and content of the text.

Speech culture cannot be improved in isolation from general culture. To improve the quality of your language means to improve the quality of your spirituality. Cultural speech reflects and influences the psyche and individual development of a person. Increases the degree of his unity with his inner world and those around him in general. Speech, as a piece of culture, is language in action.

Each person in the structure of speech has active and passive vocabularies. By active vocabulary we mean a vocabulary that is used to express one’s thoughts; words of more or less frequently sold stock; words that they own. A passive dictionary is a dictionary that includes a very large number of words that are understandable or the meaning of which, more or less accurate, can be guessed from the context, but many of which only emerge in consciousness when they have to be read or heard from others. Active and passive vocabulary are linguistic terms. It is also necessary to say something about the reproductive use of words. By reproductive mastery of a word we mean one that gives the student the opportunity to:

a) use the word correctly, expressing your thoughts in accordance with the lexical side of the language;

b) find the corresponding foreign word for equivalents of the native language, regardless of the context;

c) correctly write and pronounce the word, as well as form its grammatical

Words that belong only to the passive vocabulary, i.e. those that need to be acquired only receptively, students must recognize based on context. On the basis of this, an understanding of the lexical meaning of the word should be achieved. Reproductive and receptive are methodological terms.

It is especially important to note that in our understanding the term “active” is not equated with the term “conversational”, as many tend to do. Firstly, by active dictionary we do not mean such a dictionary of colloquial speech, which always includes some elements that are not part of the literary language and have, to one degree or another, the character of argot.

Secondly, taking into account the tasks facing students of general development and broadening their horizons, their active vocabulary should be wider than what is commonly called a dictionary of everyday speech. All this, however, is part of the structure of speech culture.

The term “speech culture” is used in the broad and narrow sense of understanding this expression. When we talk about the term “culture of speech” in a broad sense, this term has a synonym “culture of hearing”; in the narrow sense under the culture of speech

specifically understand the reaction of linguistic means and capabilities in everyday communication (both oral and written).

The concept of “speech culture” includes two stages of mastering the literary language:

1. Correct speech.

2. Speech skill.

Correct speech is compliance with all literary norms of the language.

A linguistic norm is a sample of stable lexical and grammatical material or a generally accepted custom that all speakers and writers of a given language must adhere to. The assessments of the options are very categorical and defined: right/wrong; in Russian/not in Russian; acceptable/unacceptable; acceptable and

Correct speech is the subject of school teaching of the Russian language (most consistently in the field of grammar and spelling).

Speech skill is not only following the norms of the literary language, but also the ability to choose from existing options the most semantically accurate, stylistically appropriate, expressive and intelligible (understandable). The assessments of the options here are less categorical.

A high culture of speech presupposes a sufficiently high level of moral development of a person, a conscious love of language, as well as a culture of thinking.

The pinnacle of speech culture, the standard and “reference point” of phenomena about created qualities is recognized as the literary language, in which the cultural traditions of the people, the achievements of wordsmiths and writers are consolidated and accumulated.

Contaminating your native language with various borrowed words is considered undesirable.

° Test questions!

1. What is speech culture? What is its basic structure?

2. What two stages of mastering a literary language do you know? Tell us about them.

3. What is a language norm?

More on the topic §1. Definition of the concept of “speech culture” and highlighting its main components:

  1. basic concepts of speech culture. Dictionary of difficulties of the Russian language.

Is it possible to imagine a person who considers himself to be fully educated, but cannot connect two phrases, and if he does, it is extremely illiterate? The concept of “educated” is almost synonymous with the word “cultured”. This means that the speech of such an individual must be appropriate.


This concept, like many in the Russian language, is far from unambiguous. Some researchers tend to distinguish as many as three meanings of the phrase “culture of speech.” The definition of the first can be expressed as follows. First of all, this concept is perceived as those skills and knowledge of a person that provide him with the competent use of language in communication - both in writing and in speech. This includes the ability to correctly construct a phrase, pronounce certain words and phrases without errors, and also use expressive means of speech.

The definition of the concept “culture of speech” presupposes the presence in it of such properties and characteristics, the totality of which emphasizes the perfection of the transmission and perception of information, i.e. communicative qualities in linguistic communication.

And finally, this is the name of an entire section of linguistics that studies speech in the life of society of a certain era and establishes rules for using language that are common to all.

What is included in the culture of speech?

The central core of this concept is considered to be literary speech. However, there is one more quality that speech culture must have. Definition « the principle of communicative expediency" can be interpreted as a skill, the ability to express some specific content in an adequate linguistic form.

This concept is closely related to the ethical. It is clear that according to it, such rules of linguistic communication are applied that cannot offend or humiliate the interlocutor. This aspect calls for adherence to certain formulas of greetings, congratulations, thanks, requests, etc. As for language itself, the concept of culture here presupposes its richness and correctness, imagery and effectiveness. By the way, it is this aspect that prohibits the use of swear words and foul language.

The history of the origin of the concept of “culture of speech” in Russia

The foundations of the norms of the literary language were laid over many centuries. The definition of the term “speech culture” can be expanded to the concept of a science that deals with the normalization of speech activity. So, this very science “hatched” already in the ancient handwritten books of Kievan Rus. They not only consolidated and preserved the traditions of writing, but also reflected the features of the living language.

By the 18th century, it became clear in Russian society that if there is no unity in writing, this makes communication extremely difficult, creating certain inconveniences. In those days, work intensified on the creation of dictionaries, grammars, and rhetoric textbooks. At the same time, the styles and norms of the literary language began to be described.

The role of M.V. in the development of the culture of speech as a science is undoubted. Lomonosov, V.K. Trediakovsky, A.P. Sumarokov and other prominent Russian scientists.

Theoretical provisions

Linguistic disciplines include stylistics and speech culture, the definition of which by many researchers was previously reduced only to the concept of “correctness of speech.” This is not entirely true.

The academic definition of speech culture also presupposes the presence of functional styles of modern language, of which there are several: for example, scientific and colloquial, official business and journalistic.

The role of speech culture

There is an expression, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that a person who owns a word is able to own people. Since ancient times, oratory and speech culture have played a huge role in the management of society. The definition of a rhetorician skilled in eloquence was given by Cicero, himself the bearer of this “divine gift.” He emphasized that a good speaker is capable of both arousing and calming passions; both to accuse someone and to acquit an innocent person; both to raise the indecisive to feat, and to calm any human passions, if circumstances require it.

Master the art of communication, i.e. speech culture is important for every person. And this does not at all depend on the type of his activity. You just need to remember that the level and quality of communication determines success in a wide variety of areas of life.