Dreams about precious metal, or why you dream about silver. Silver jewelry

Silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not rely too much on money to achieve true happiness and satisfaction. Finding a silver coin is evidence of a lack of other money. It is possible that you too often rush to conclusions for the sake of your own peace of mind. Silverware in a dream foreshadows worries and unsatisfied desires.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Silver

Silver is a symbol of good, the Moon. To see a piece of silver being taken out of the ground - this dream means that a new deposit will be discovered in July 2003, which will bring a lot of income. Seeing a bridge forged from silver is a symbol of dubious luck, an alliance bought with money. Seeing silver coins with the image of the Moon is a harbinger of a visit from creatures that no one knew anything about, but who have been sending signals to Earth for a long time. Seeing many chests full of silver is a dream that foreshadows a multi-level reform of banknotes. Seeing a huge boa constrictor guarding a pile of silver is a symbol that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery of great importance and consequence will be made, it will have international significance and will change the history books of ancient civilizations. Seeing silver bayonets with which the front garden is fenced is a harbinger of increasing aggression among underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Silver

In large coins - happy times: in small ones - hope will not come true: molten - losses

Freud's Dream Book Silver

Silver jewelry or silver coins symbolize the coming cooling off with your sexual partner, perhaps only on his part.

Modern dream book Silver

A dream about silver warns that you may become heavily dependent on money on the path to happiness. If you dream that you find silver money, then in reality you will pay close attention to the shortcomings of other people. You will too often jump to conclusions for the sake of peace of mind. Seeing silver items in a dream is a harbinger of worries and unsatisfied desires.

Intimate dream book Silver

If you dreamed of some silver items, it means that you will soon receive as a gift an item that you have long dreamed of.

Esoteric dream book Silver

In dishes - to illness. If you clean it up, you will invite this disease yourself. In jewelry - the illness of loved ones, specifically those who give it or the one you recognize in a dream. In other cases, silver is a physical ailment.

Dreams to make wishes come true Silver

to a large income, resolution of all financial problems, prosperity in the house. Imagine three chests, one of which contains silver coins, the other contains silver jewelry, and the third contains cutlery and dishes. All chests are yours. You open them and go through their contents, admiring them. Then take some silver coins from the first chest, the jewelry you like from the second, and dishes from the third. You put jewelry on yourself. You pay with coins for that thing that you have long wanted to buy for your home. Clean the silverware first, and then put it on the table for dinner with the whole family.

Your personal dream book Silver

The silver that you saw in a dream warns that you are in danger of becoming more dependent on money, which will become an obstacle to real happiness. A dream where you find silver coins foretells that in reality you will begin to pay too much attention to the shortcomings of other people, sometimes even forgetting about your own. Silver items signify future worries or unsatisfied desires

Muslim dream book Silver

In a dream, silver means accumulated wealth. And the notch on the silver is a beautiful and bright girl. A silver vessel represents goods for merchants and businessmen or good deeds. And using silver utensils in a dream means committing sins. Finding something silver in a dream means finding a treasure or encountering the treachery of a woman. Melting silver in a dream means a quarrel and falling under people’s slander and ridicule.

Silver is a metal that has long been credited with not only healing, but also magical properties. It evokes associations with health, cleanliness, and strength. Why do you dream of silver, according to dream books, modern and compiled in the distant past? The answer will definitely be found if the owner of the dream remembers all its details, including the seemingly insignificant ones.

Why do you dream of silver: Miller’s dream book

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller suggests taking night dreams in which this noble metal appears as a warning. What does silver mean in dreams, according to its interpretation? It is possible that the dreamer attaches excessive importance to money, forgetting that, unfortunately, it does not guarantee happiness.

Miller also attaches great importance to the form the metal takes in a dream. If a sleeper dreams of silverware, such a vision does not bode well. It is likely that the dreamer has goals that are not possible to achieve, and empty experiences in the near future are also possible. If its owner appears in a dream, he may soon face serious financial problems. How soon they will be resolved depends on him.

Jewelry, trinkets

And silver, if jewelry made from these metals appears in a dream? The compilers of most well-known dream books recommend regarding their appearance in night dreams as a good sign. Most likely, the dreamer is experiencing a streak of luck; prosperity awaits him in the professional and personal spheres.

It is also important what kind of decoration you dreamed of during your night's rest. If we are talking about the owner of the dream, a pleasant conversation awaits, communication with an interesting interlocutor. For entrepreneurs, such a dream can promise unexpected support and finding sponsors for a new project. Why do you dream of silver if we are talking about a bracelet made from this metal? Such a dream, on the contrary, does not bode well, since the bracelet is associated with shackles and obstacles.

The appearance of silver earrings in night dreams is good. For lovers, the dream predicts reciprocity; careerists can safely count on a profitable deal. A silver ring promises the power that a person will soon gain over his chosen one; it is important to use this power for good purposes. If we are talking about a wedding ring seen in a dream, its appearance can promise the dreamer not only a family idyll, but also financial profit and friendly help.

Manipulations with jewelry

If a person not only sees in a dream, but also wears earrings, bracelets and chains, what does silver mean in a dream? Jewelry worn on the body warns that the owner of the dream is different, which can harm him. Men should pay special attention to such dreams. Males who wear silver jewelry (any kind) in their dreams are at risk of conflicts in real life. A quarrel can happen with colleagues or superiors, as well as with the woman you love. Avoiding conflict is easy; all you need to do is choose your words carefully.

A dream in which a person loses silver jewelry is also considered a bad omen. In real life, the owner of the dream will have to lose something important, part with a dear person. Seeing a product in the mud, dropping it in the mud - such stories inform about the presence of enemies who can cause harm. If a person holds jewelry in his hands, why dream of silver? The ring in the hands indicates that the owner of the dream should not count on the return of the old debt. Holding other silver jewelry in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will be drawn into a lawsuit as a plaintiff or defendant.

There are other explanations for why silver is dreamed of. A chain that a person receives as a gift in his dream can promise illness. If the owner of the dream knows the donor, it is possible that he will be seriously ill. However, the illness does not necessarily turn out to be serious; a slight malaise is also possible.

Crockery, cutlery

Why do you dream of silver if utensils made from this material appear in your dream? The compilers of dream books never came to a consensus on this matter. Some of them are convinced that a person who dreams of dishes made of silver and gold will soon be cured of a serious illness. Others believe that such dreams come as a prediction. It is possible that a marital quarrel will lead to assault. There is also an opinion that silver dishes, appearing in night dreams, promise wealth and honors in real life.

Silverware placed on the table can be a dream for guests; the visit can be unexpected or long-awaited and will bring a lot of joy.


Why do you dream of finding silver in chests? The famous predictor Nostradamus gives global significance to this vision. If you believe his words, chests filled to the brim with silver or gold coins predict a monetary reform that will lead to upheaval in the state.

Many dream books regard silver in the form of money, appearing in night dreams, as a good omen. The owner of the dream will soon be able to taste fame, his reputation will improve. Other changes are also possible that will improve a person’s standard of living. Victory, a big win - such events await people who count silver coins in their dreams. It is interesting that an improvement in your financial situation will happen by itself, no effort will be required.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream of silver, if you rely on Hasse’s predictions? A person should remember the size that silver coins had in his night dreams. If they were big, you can safely hope for happy times to come soon. Small ones, on the contrary, predict disappointment; a person will not be able to achieve his goal.

A dream in which the dreamer observes melted silver coins also has a negative meaning. According to Hasse, the owner of such a dream should prepare for significant losses, which may be not only monetary.

Lucky find

Why do you dream of finding silver? Many compilers of dream books are confident that finding silver objects in a dream promises career advancement in real life. The person’s efforts will finally be appreciated by his superiors. However, when you find a coin lying alone, you should not rejoice. It is possible that in reality you will have to say goodbye to a significant amount of money as a result of unforeseen incidents.

It is excellent if in his dreams the dreamer discovers deposits of silver. Such a plot promises him a happy marriage, which will not be overshadowed by quarrels. can hope for a romantic adventure, great love.

The dream book interprets gold in accordance with its long history.

Gold became one of the first metals that became firmly established in people's lives. Its name is associated with the sun god according to the ancient Greek tradition, and in Latin with the “morning dawn”. The value attributed to gold is largely due to its unique properties - fire resistance, high corrosion resistance, and ductility in processing.

This soft shiny metal has captivated the minds of many people who desire power, honor, respect, power, love or revenge, and has become the most awaited gift. That is why this symbol is closely associated with the fulfillment of any desires, the fulfillment of dreams, the revelation of talents, abilities, the emergence of new strengths and the bringing of gifts.

If you look into the dream book, gold is most often interpreted in it precisely as the implementation of plans and the manifestation of hidden abilities.

Due to its high malleability, gold can represent many pleasant changes in a person’s life.

Even in ancient times (late antiquity), the question arose about the transmutation of metals (in alchemy: the transformation of base metals into noble ones).

It happened in Alexandria, where the famous library was burned and a legend arose about the loss of the secret of transmutation (although by the end of the first half of the 20th century gold was still obtained from mercury, but the method of obtaining it turned out to be too expensive and labor-intensive).

However, the sign used by the Alexandrians in their quest, as well as the meaning of gold, remained. That is why fire, nobility and purification are now considered one of the main symbols of gold.

Because of its association with the Sun, gold takes on many meanings - fertility, earthly goods, vitality, holiness and divinity.

In some cases, as a result of the fusion of the symbols of fire and the Sun, together with the meaning of the elixir of life and wisdom, gold was ascribed to the symbol of the light of truth.

Symbol in dreams

If you dreamed of gold, this is a favorable sign. Success, achievements, well-deserved awards, luck, the discovery of your abilities, and unusual changes that bring a lot of joy await you.

Gold also dreams of acquiring new knowledge and moving up the career ladder, although it is not associated with the direct acquisition of material wealth.

In order to accurately say about the meaning of gold in a dream, one should turn to the environment of the dream, the situations in which it was used.

1. It is not difficult to determine what a gold ring means in a dream. Since the ring is a symbol of fidelity and marriage, this object in a dream reflects a love theme or the imminent possibility of starting a romantic relationship.

If the ring has fallen or been damaged, it does not mean that you should worry too much; most likely, this is a signal that you should be more attentive to your partner. One also dreams of a gold ring when a person makes a fateful choice.

2. As for what a gold chain means in a dream, dream books disagree. It may indicate an increase in income - if it was on the dreamer, victory over enemies - if the dreamer held it in his hand.

  • Gold chains around the neck foreshadow both romantic encounters and pleasant surprises. If your chain was in/on another person’s things, take a closer look at him.
  • A chain with a pendant for real life means pleasant communication with friends, establishing deep relationships with important people around you. The pendant signifies the expansion of past connections.
  • And the cross on the chain speaks of the patronage that is being shown to you.

Let us also note that a golden cross may portend a not very pleasant event that will have wonderful consequences.

  • Finding a cross means gaining the strength to resist any destructive influences and blows of fate.
  • To lose is to succumb to strong temptation from your hidden desires.
  • Purify - the action means spiritual awe and strong faith.
  • Being on the neck of one of the heroes in a dream promises joy and delight.

3. To the question “Why do you dream about gold earrings?” different sources give several interpretations.

When earrings in your ears are compliments, details about the life of someone you have long been interested in.

If they have just been taken off or you have to put them on, good luck in a matter that is related to education or finding an answer to a nagging question.

Gold earrings in a man’s ears can indicate the adventurous nature of the situation in your life. Earrings in a woman's ears mean respect from a friend. Finding earrings is a new acquaintance.

4. A tooth or teeth warn of an ambiguous work environment. Talk to your colleagues, listen to their conversations. Gold teeth are a symbol of the necessary caution and some prudence that should be shown when communicating with strangers.

During sleep, the brain processes information that a person receives during wakefulness. Experience, attitude to current events and a forecast based on them allow you to process the data and give a person hints.

Thanks to dreams, you can see reality more clearly, and with the help of this knowledge, change it in order to further fill your life with happiness, joy and mutual understanding. By listening to your inner voice, trusting it, and relying on intuition, everyone is able to realize their wildest dreams.

Seeing silver in any form in a dream is an extremely happy dream. Silver coins collected in large quantities foretell the respect of colleagues and good luck in any endeavor. Seeing a chest filled with silver coins means you will get a profitable place. To pay for purchases in silver - your word will be the main thing in solving a complex financial problem. Receiving silver as change means unexpected luck. Perhaps you will win the lottery or receive an unplanned bonus. Using silver utensils at dinner - such a dream promises family well-being and prosperity in the house. Clean silverware - influential friends will help solve your problems. Silver jewelry - for the arrival of long-awaited guests who will bring you many amazing gifts. Putting on a silver belt or something that has silver parts (buttons, buckles) - you will soon receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Silver bars dream of a long and strong friendship with a rich and generous person.

Imagine that you have a lot of silver - silver dishes, jewelry, coins, and bars.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Silver

In a dream, silver means accumulated wealth. And the notch on the silver is a beautiful and bright girl. The silver vessel represents goods for merchants and businessmen or good deeds. And using silver utensils in a dream indicates committing sins. Finding something silver in a dream means finding a treasure or encountering the treachery of a woman. Melting silver in a dream means a quarrel and falling under people’s slander and ridicule.

Interpretation of dreams from

Gold and silver jewelry - portends wealth and nobility.

Silver bracelets - portends a quarrel between husband and wife using force.

Silver cup - the birth of a noble offspring.

Silver bracelets - portends a quarrel between husband and wife, with the use of physical force.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Decoration

It’s as if you are putting on jewelry - you love yourself much more than wisdom allows and modesty requires; you exaggerate your capabilities and advantages; you risk getting into a funny position.

Someone gives you jewelry.;. - if you go into business, you will achieve great success - the dream promises you the most favored nation regime.

It’s as if you are giving someone a piece of jewelry - the dream warns you against thoughtlessly spending money; you will soon need money for a serious matter.

It’s as if you have lost the decoration - you will miss the chance to improve your affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from