Sedentary game in the middle group. Application of sedentary, moderately active, fast-moving games for primary schoolchildren

M aloactive games.

1. Game "Football".

The class is divided into two teams: Dynamo and Spartak.

Teacher (leader). "On the football field the flag flies, the players

Dynamo, Spartak. The teacher raises his right hand up - the children shout “goal” left hand up - past, two hands - barbell.

2. Game "Shoe store".

Everyone takes off their shoes and places them in the center of the circle. Each participant puts on two different sneakers and tries to place their foot next to the foot shod with the paired foot..

3. Game "Mirror".

The class is divided into pairs. One player is a mirror,

second - the person in front

A mirror. The game takes place in complete silence. Task: achieve mutual understanding and synchronize actions. Then the players change roles.

4. A game "Bumps, paths, shocks, paths."

When the teacher says “bumps” - all the children lower their heads, “paths” - clap their hands, “kopna” - arms above the head, “paths” - arms to the sides.

5. Game "Mole".

Moth, moth, moth is a little bug

Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous cockroach,

Moth, moth, moth is a small bug that eats everything up and down

Moth, moth, moth - she ate daddy's panties,
Moth, moth, moth - ate my mother's coat,

Moth, moth, moth - she ate a teddy bear, got dressed and went to the cinema.

6. Game "Hippodrome".

Palms are a horse. which will run on your knees. The horse can run at a gallop - we clap our hands loudly on the knees, gallop on the sand - we rub our palms on our knees (or rub our palms against each other), on pebbles - we knock our fists on our knees, take hurdles.

“So, we are at the hippodrome, the races begin. Let's see whose horse comes first. On your marks! Attention! March! There are 10 meters left to the finish. Finish! Whose horse came first? My children. Teacher: “Hurray!” Friendship won! »

7. Game “Find something without knowing what, do something without knowing what.”

Players wish for an object located in the gym (room), The driver is confused. He is looking for an object based on applause

quiet - far from the object, loud - approaching the object, squall - a guessed object.

8. Game "Hedgehogs".

Two slams, two slams

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs Hands up

Anvil, anvil with fists against each other

Scissors, scissors, cross movements with straight arms

Running in place, running in place

Bunnies, bunnies, palms over your head, show ears

Well, let's go together, well, let's go together

Girls. Boys who is louder

9. Game "Traffic Light".

The teacher shows the movements and the students repeat.

« Red" - stomp your feet

“yellow” - tap your palms on your knees

“green” - clap your hands. The teacher may perform the movements incorrectly and thereby confuse the children.

10. Game "Captain".

All players stand on chairs or on a gymnastic bench. A “captain” is selected. The teacher invites the captain to line up all the children on chairs or on a bench according to eye color, shoe size, etc. You cannot leave the chairs. Only "captain" speaks.

1 1.Game "Tank Engine".

Players stand like a train, covering their eyes with the hands of the player in front. Only the very last player has his eyes open, and the first player has his hands free. Task: get a certain object that the teacher places in the hall after the players close their eyes. The last player turns his neighbor in the right direction with his hands and controls the train. Along the chain, these movements are transmitted to the entire locomotive, and it begins to move. The game continues until the first player picks up the specified item.

12. Game "Typewriter". (ability to act as a group).

Children take turns calling out the letters of the alphabet and memorizing the letters they receive. Write a telegram. Example: “I’m on my way, meet me, gnome.” Before the beginning and at the end of the phrase, all children must clap their hands twice. Then the one who got the letter “e” claps once, the one who got the second letter, the next one, the third letter. The word is printed, the whole group makes one clap, separating the words from each other (comma). All this is done without words.

13. Game “We” funny monkeys».

We are funny monkeys!

We play too loud.

Everybody clap your hands (clap your hands)

We all stomp our feet (stomp) We puff out our cheeks

Jumping on your toes

And we’ll even show each other our tongues

Let's stick out the ears and the tail on the top of the head.

Let's put our finger to our temple.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's open our mouth wider

We'll make all the faces

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

Everyone freezes. The presenter chooses the funniest face.

14. AND game "Prohibited movement" .

The players and the teacher stand in a circle. Having explained the conditions of the game, the teacher performs various movements, indicating which of them is prohibited. The one who repeats it takes a step forward, then continues to play. The guys who remain in their places win. those who do their best lose more steps in a circle The prohibited movement should be changed after 4-5 repetitions.

1 5. Game "Kazan". Rules of the game: Holes with a diameter of 20 cm (cauldron) are dug in the ground at a distance of 10, 15, 20 steps. Players take turns throwing pebbles. Points for hits are awarded accordingly (5, 10 or 15). Each player has 3 attempts. The winner is the one who scores the most points. (In a gym setting, use boxes or cut balls instead of a pit).

Medium action games.

1. Game “Zhapaktar zhane karlygash” - “Hawks and Swallows”.

One team is swallows, the other is hawks. Both teams stand in two lines with their backs to each other. The leader, passing by the ranks, loudly shouts either “Las” or “Yas”. You cannot move until the team name is fully announced. As soon as one of the team names is pronounced by the leader, “Swallows” or “Hawks,” the team whose name was pronounced begins to catch up with the members of the other team, who, in turn, rush in all directions and try to escape to their home. Those who are caught become a member of the catching team. And the game can start again. Based on the results of several games, the winners can be determined.

2. Game "Balapandar" - "Chickens".

Two kites and two quons are determined, the rest of the participants will be chickens. The chickens, led by the quons, move to hold each other and at the same time the chickens sing a song: “We hold on to each other together, here in the column: friend - girlfriend! We are all brave guys! Cheerful chickens! We are not afraid of the predatory kite. Our mother is with us! We’re going for a walk with her, to see miracles!” The kites move along an intricate trajectory, and the kites wait until one of the participants in the chain accidentally gets unhooked; at this moment, if the kite manages to touch him with his palm, then the chicken is caught. A broken chain strives to have time to connect, otherwise while it is disconnected, everyone whom the kite manages to touch will be caught. At the same time, the quonka can protect the chickens. If, at the moment of the kite’s attack, the kite manages to touch it with her palm, the kite is considered to be out of the game.

3. Game “Arkan Tartys” - “Tug of War.” Rules of the game: students, holding the ends of the rope, try to pull their opponents to their side.

4. Game “Buruk-teppek”. Participants stand in a line and throw balls into a hoop at a distance of 5-6 meters. The player who hits the target three times is considered the winner. The game is usually played until three winners are determined.

5. Game “Get to your places quickly!”

Students stand in a line. At the teacher’s command “Disperse!” The players scatter around the playground, run, jump, and play. Suddenly the command is heard: “Get to your places quickly!” - and all students take their places in the line. The teacher marks those who quickly took their place in the ranks.

6. Game “Listen to the signal!”

Children walk in a column one at a time. The teacher gives predetermined signals - visual (flags, circles) or auditory (whistle, clap, etc.). For example, if the teacher raised a green circle, students walk, if yellow - they run, red - stop. The one who makes a mistake ends up at the end of the column.

7. Game "Cat and Mice".

Players, holding hands, form a circle with two or three gates. A cat and five or six mice are selected. The mice run away from the cat, and the cat catches them. Mice can run through the gate and under the hands of those standing in a circle, but the cat can only run through the gate. Children help mice escape from the cat by lowering their hands in front of him and squatting. When the cat catches three or four mice, a new cat and new mice are chosen and the game continues.

8. Game “Jumping Sparrows”. Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle the leader is a crow. Behind the circle line, all the players are sparrows. They jump into the circle, jump around the circle, jump out of it. The crow tries to make fun of the sparrow when he is in a circle. The one who is caught becomes the driver.9.

9.Game “Sharp on target”

A line is drawn in the middle of the court along which 10 towns (pins) are placed. The players are divided into two teams and lined up one after the other on one side of the court facing the towns. Participants in the front line receive a tennis ball. A starting line is drawn in front of the line. At the signal, the teachers playing in the first rank throw balls at the skittles, trying to knock them down. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The players who threw the balls run, pick them up and pass them to the members of the other team, and they themselves stand in a line behind them. Members of the second team also throw balls at the towns and count the knocked down towns. The game continues 2-4 times. The team that manages to knock down the most towns wins. Balls can only be thrown when given a signal from the teacher. When throwing, you must not go beyond the starting line. A throw that goes beyond the line does not count.

10. Game "Fishing Rod".

Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. On the signal “Ready.” Let's start. Catch a fish, big and small,” the teacher begins to rotate the fishing rod (jump rope) in a circle above the floor. Children jump up, trying so that the rope does not touch them and change the position of their legs at the teacher’s signal “On both”, “On the left”, “On the right”. Jump only when the fishing rod approaches, Only at the teacher’s signal change the position of the legs.

11. Game “Passed - sit down.” Students are lined up in 2-4 columns. A captain is selected, who stands 3-4 steps away from and facing the column. At the signal, each captain passes the volleyball to the first player on his team, who returns it and crouches. The captain then passes the ball to the second player, the third, etc. Having received the ball from the last player of his team, the captain raises it up. The team that finishes the game first wins. The game becomes more complicated if the last player in the column, having received the ball, runs to the captain's place. And he stands at the beginning of the column.

12. Game "Bears and Bees".

The beehive (gymnastic wall) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side there is a meadow. To the side is a den of bears. The players are divided into two teams. “Bees” are placed in a hive (on the wall), bears are placed in a den. At a signal, the bees fly out of the hive, fly to the meadow for honey. After this, the bears run out of the den, climb into the hive and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the command “Bears!”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away into the den. Those who do not have time to hide are stung by the bees (salted). Those who are stung do not participate in the next game.

13. Game “Wolf in the Moat”.

In the middle of the site (hall) two longitudinal parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 50 -70 cm from one another - this is a ditch. The driver in the ditch is a wolf. The goats are on one side of the site (hall). At the teacher’s signal, they jump over the ditch to the other side. The wolf, without running out of the ditch, catches (spots) the goats. The caught goats are counted. The wolf changes after 2-3 runs.Options: there may be 2-3 wolves in the moat; goats jump over the ditch and back until a new signal; the caught goats remain in the ditch. You can gradually increase the width of the ditch.

14. Game “Homeless Hare”. Players, except two drivers And x, stand in hoops located throughout the hall (you can draw circles with chalk). This is "home". One of the drivers is a “wolf”, the other is a “stray hare”. The hare, fleeing persecution, runs into any house. The player to whom a homeless hare ran in loses his place and becomes a homeless hare himself. If a wolf spots a hare, they switch roles.

15. Game "Sly Fox". The players stand in a circle with their eyes closed. The teacher goes around the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes a fox. At the signal, the children open their eyes and repeat three times (quietly, louder, even louder): “Sly fox, where are you.” The fox jumps into the center of the circle and says: “I’m here!” The children run away, the fox catches (spots) them. The stained one is temporarily eliminated from the game. At the signal, the children form a circle again. A new fox is chosen. The fox should not give himself away. To complicate the game, you can choose 2-3 foxes.

Fast moving games.

1. Game “Crucian carp and pike” ».

On one side of the site there are players - crucian carp, in the middle of the site - the driver - pike. At the teacher’s signal, the crucian carp run to the other side, and the pike catches them. Those caught (3-4 people) join hands and form a net. Now the crucian carp should run to the other side of the site through the net (under the arms). The pike stands behind the net and lies in wait for them. When there are 8-10 crucian carp caught, the rest form baskets - circles through which the crucian carp must run. If there are more caught crucian carp than uncaught ones, then a top is formed - a corridor of caught crucian carp, through which the remaining players must run. The pike, located at the exit from the top, catches them. Whoever is caught last will win.

2. Game “Hunters and Ducks” .

Everyone lines up in a circle. After the children have settled for first and second, the second numbers - the ducks - enter the circle, and the first numbers - the hunters - remain in place. One of the hunters has a volleyball in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, the hunters try to hit the ducks with the ball. The knocked out duck leaves the circle. The game continues until all the ducks are knocked out. After this, the teams change roles. The team that spends the least time on the hunt wins. Option: a certain time is given for the game - in this case, the hit ducks are not eliminated from the game, but the number of hits is counted.

3. Game " Snipers ». The players stand in one open line and count on first or second. The first numbers make up one team, the second numbers make up another. The players of one and the other team are given a small ball. In front of the teams, at a distance of 6 m, 5 towns of one color and 5 of another are placed in a row at intervals of 1-2 steps. Each team has towns of their own, specific color. At the teacher’s signal, the teams take turns volleying (all players at the same time) throwing balls into the towns. Each knocked down town of its color moves one step further, and the knocked down town of the opposing team moves one step closer. The team that manages to move its goals further during the game wins (taken into account total steps by which the goals are pushed back).

4. Game “Two Frosts” ».

All players are located on the same sideplayground (hall). Two drivers, Frosts, stand in the middle of the playground facing the players and say: “We are two young brothers, two daring Frosts;I am Frost - Red Nose, I am Frost - Blue Nose. Which of you will decide to set off on this little path?” The children unanimously answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of the frost,” and run to the other side of the playground (hall). Frost stains those running across. Frosts change after 2-3 runs.Options: those caught are counted; those caught are “frozen”, standing in the place where the Frosts stained them; “frozen” ones can be “frostbitten” by touching them with your hand during the next dashes; “frozen”, without leaving their place, “freeze” those running nearby (touch with their hand).

5. Game “Fox and chickens” ».

Three children are a fox, a rooster and a hunter, the rest are chickens. There are 3-4 gymnastic benches placed in the hall - these are perches. The fox goes to the far corner of the hall. The hunter (with two balls) is in the opposite corner.A rooster and chickens walk around the hall, collect grains, and flap their wings (hands). The fox, at the teacher’s signal, begins to sneak up on the chickens. The rooster, noticing the fox, gives the signal “Crow!” All the chickens fly up (jump) onto their roosts. The rooster is the last to fly. The fox, breaking into the chicken coop, tries to grab and take away with him the chicken that did not have time to fly onto the perch or jumped off it. If the fox manages to grab the prey and it begins to take it away, the hunter shoots the fox. The fox was shot. Instead of the shot fox, another one is chosen, and the game continues. During one raid, the fox can only drag away one chicken. The fox must leave the chicken coop when signaled by the teacher. On the site or in natural conditions, ordinary benches, logs, stumps, hummocks, and fallen trees can be used as perches.Option: only the rooster and the hunter are appointed in advance, and the fox is appointed by the teacher unnoticed by the players while the chickens are walking. The rooster watches everyone closely. Suddenly the signal “I am a fox!” is given. The rooster cries: “Crow!”, the chickens fly up to roost, and the hunter saves the chickens with well-aimed shots.

6. Game “Hares, watchman, bug.” Children choose a watchman and a Bug, the rest are hares. On the site, on one side there are burrows of hares, on the other - a vegetable garden, and behind the garden - a watchman's house. In the middle of the site at a height of 40-60-70 cm, a rope is stretched - a fence (the rope is hung on the jumping racks so that when touched it falls down).Before the game starts, the hares are in their holes, and the watchman is withBug at home. At the teacher’s signal, the first 8-10 hares run out of the holes, jump over the rope (fence) and find themselves in the garden, where they begin to eat cabbage, move their ears (imitative movements with their hands), and jump from one place to another. At a given signal, the watchman shoots the hares (claps his hands three times). At the first clap, the hares run home, climbing or crawling over the fence, without touching the rope. After the third clap, the Bug catches up with the hares and bites them (touches them with his hand). The caught hares remain in place. Hares that have run beyond the line of burrows cannot be overtaken. The teacher remembers the caught hares and allows them to join the others. After this, the game is repeated, but another group of hares is sent to the garden. The Watchman and the Bug can switch roles. When all the hares have been in the garden, a new guard and Bug are appointed.

7. Game "Shootout."

P The platform (hall) is divided in half by a line into 2 equal parts. At a distance of 2-2.5 m from each side of the site, another line is drawn. Thus, the site turns into a field divided by 4 stripes: 2 wide stripes - cities, 2 narrow - places for captivity. Two teams equal in the number of players are each placed in their own city in random order. The teacher goes to the middle of the court and throws the ball up. The players try to take possession of the ball without leaving their cities, and a shootout begins between the teams. Players of eachteams throw the ball at opposing players to knock them out of the city and capture them.Each player hit by the ball becomes a prisoner, after which he goes beyond the strip placed outside the city of the other team. The prisoner can pick up (or catch) a ball flying over his line and throw it at a player of the opposing team. Prisoners can be released. To do this, you need to throw the ball to any captive so that he can catch it in flight. If the prisoner catches the ball, then, holding it in his hands, he freely goes to his city and has the right to throw this ball from thereVopponents or transfer him to another prisoner for profit. Both teams try to prevent the captives from catching the ball.The team that manages to capture the players of the other team wins (or has the largest number of prisoners at the end of the allotted time for the game) Rules of the game: 1. In the game it is not allowed to: go beyond the line (except for cases when players are taken into captivity or rescued from captivity); take a ball that is on another line; run with the ball; hit the flying ball with your palms. In case of violation of the rules, the opposing team has the right to take back to its city any of its players who are captured (or not to give up the player hit by the ball). 2. If a player catches a ball thrown at him or a ball thrown to a captive player, then this does not count as a hit; if, when trying to catch the ball, the player lets it out of his hands, then in this case the hit is considered valid and such a player is taken prisoner.

8. Game "Polar Bears".

A circle or oval is drawn in the middle of the playing area to represent an ice floe. From among the players, two “polar bears” are chosen, who stand on the “ice floe”. The rest of the players walk and run freely outside the “ice floe” on playground. At the teacher’s signal (whistle, clap, etc.), the “polar bears” go “hunting.” They walk holding each other with opposite hands (left-right) and try to grab one of the players with their free hands. They take the caught player to the ice floe. When two players are caught on the ice, they become the second pair of polar bears.
The game ends according to the agreement: when most of the players become “polar bears” or when there are 2 - 3 players left on the playing field.

9. Game “Tag on one leg.”

The children disperse around the playground, close their eyes, everyone’s hands are behind their backs. The leader walks among them and quietly puts a handkerchief in the hands of one. To the word “One, two, three, look!” children open their eyes. Standing still, they carefully look at each other: “Who is the tag?” A child with a scarf suddenly raises it up and says: “I’m a tag!” Participants in the game, jumping on one leg, try to get away from the tag. The one he touched with his hand goes to lead. He takes a handkerchief, lifts it up, and quickly says the words: “I’m a tag!” The game is repeated. Rules.If the child is tired, he can jump alternately on the right and then on the left. When the tags are changed, the players are allowed to stand on both feet.Salka must also jump, like everyone else who plays, on one leg.

10. Game "Blind Man's Bluff". "Ordinary blind man's buff."One of the players, the blind man's buff, is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the room and forced to turn around several times, then they talk to him, for example: “Cat, cat, what are you standing on?” - “In the kettle.” - “What’s in the kneader?” - "Kvass". - “Catch mice, not us.” After the words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man's buff. Rules. If the blind man's buff comes close to any object that can be hit, the players must warn him and shout: “Fire!” You cannot shout “Fire!” in order to distract the blind man's buff from the player who cannot run away from him. Players should not hide behind any objects or run very far. Players can dodge blind man's buff, squat, and walk on all fours.The blind man's buff must recognize the caught player and call him by name without removing the bandage.

11. Game " Change the place."

On the playground, two lines are drawn at a distance of 10-25 m (depending on the size of the playground and the age of the players). All players are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. Each team lines up on a line on both sides.
At the teacher’s signal, the teams of players try to change places, that is, run across the opposite line and line up, each taking his own place. The winner is the team that manages to be the first to place itself behind the opposite line.

12. Game "Third is a wheel".

From total number Two players are chosen: one of them is the driver. The rest of the players stand in pairs, one after another, facing the formed circle (the circle can be drawn on a playground with a diameter of 5-6 m). The first player moves 3-4 steps away from the driver and begins to run away. The driver must catch up with him and “stain” in order not to be “stained”; the running player can stand in front of any pair and say: “Third is a wheel!” (“Three are too many, two are enough!”) After these words, the last person in the pair begins to run away from the driver. If the driver manages to catch up and “harass” the fleeing player, then they change roles.
Rules of the game: you can only run in a circle, but you cannot run across it.

13. Game "Snipers".

On the playground, a wall up to 2 m long and up to 1 m high is first built from snow. A bright cube, pin or other bright object is placed on its flat top edge. A line is drawn at a distance of 1.5-3 m (depending on the age of the children) from the wall. From this line, children take turns trying to knock an object off the wall with snowballs (the number of snowballs may or may not be limited). Several bright objects can be placed on the upper edge of the wall at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other, so that several children can take part in the game at the same time . The winner is the one who hits the target with the fewest snowballs. Game option: after hitting the target, the child takes a step back and again begins to hit the target with a certain number of snowballs (3 snowballs). This continues until you miss. The winner is the one who hits the target from the farthest distance.

14. Game “Tug of War”. On the playground, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1 m from each other. To play the game, take a thick rope or rope, in the middle of which a bright ribbon is tied. All players are divided into two equal groups. Each team takes a place behind its line and grabs the rope so that the bright ribbon is in the middle between the two lines. At a signal from the teacher or at his command, the players of each team pull the rope in opposite directions, trying to pull the ribbon over their line. The team that manages to pull the ribbon across the agreed border wins. After this, the game repeats.

15. Game “Ball for the captain.”

The players are divided into two teams. Each team chooses a captain. On the playground, lines are drawn at opposite corners at a distance of 1 m from the corner. This corner will be the seat for the captain of each team. The remaining players take their positions on the court. The game begins with the whistle of the referee standing in the center of the court. One player from each team approaches the center. The ball is played like in basketball, that is, the referee throws the ball up and starts the game. The player who catches the ball passes to the teammate closest to the captain. The opposing team tries to take possession of the ball at the moment of passing. The team that passes the ball to its captain scores one point. Rules: you cannot cross the line behind which the captain stands. The captain only catches those balls that fly towards him. The player with the ball can only take two steps. You can't run with the ball in your hand, you have to drive it by hitting the ground. You cannot push or grab an opponent while intercepting the ball.

Podskrebkina N. A.

physical education teacher.

The teacher selects one child who moves 8-10 steps away from everyone playing and turns his back to them. He must guess what the players are doing.

Children agree on what action they will portray. According to the teacher: “It’s time!” The driver turns around, approaches the players and says:

Hello children!
Where have you been?
What did you see?

Children answer:

We won’t say what we saw
And we’ll show you what they did.

If the driver guesses correctly, he chooses another child instead. If he answers incorrectly, the game is repeated with the same driver.

"Clapping" (game for children 5–7 years old)

Children move freely around the hall (playground).

For one clap from the driver they must jump, for two clap they must sit down, for three clap they must stand up with their arms raised up (or any other movement options).

All children depict some action, for example, playing the accordion, riding horses, etc. The driver guesses the action being depicted. If the driver does not guess correctly, then he loses. The children tell him what they did and come up with a new action. The driver guesses again.

Then another driver is chosen and the game is repeated.

"Clean" (game for children 5–7 years old)

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements.

Wash your neck, wash your ears, (Rub your hands over your neck and ears.)
We wipe them dry. (Imitate rubbing with a towel.)
Cleanliness is more valuable than anything else. (They shake a finger.)
We brush our teeth too. (Imitate brushing teeth.)
One-two-three, one-two-three, (Clap their hands.)
Brush your teeth three times cleaner! (Imitate brushing teeth.)

“Everything is the other way around” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand facing an adult. The teacher rhythmically changes the position of his hands, and the children perform the same movements, only in reverse. For example, the teacher raises his hands, and the children lower their hands; The teacher moves his hands back - the children stretch their hands forward. We offer the following movement options (adults – children):

Raise your arms up - lower them along your body;

Pull forward - pull back, behind your back;

Lower along the body - lift up;

Pull back - pull forward;

Right hand up, left hand down – right hand down, left hand up.

“Do the opposite” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand scattered around the hall.

The teacher shows the exercise, and the children perform it in the opposite direction.

For example, the teacher tilts to the right, and the children tilt to the left; the teacher takes a step forward, and the children take a step back, etc.

"If you like..." (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand in a circle.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements and text.

(Two claps of hands.)
If you like it, then do it. (Two claps of hands.)
If you like it, then show it to someone else,
If you like it, then do it. (Two claps of hands.)

Then the words are repeated, but with different movements: children clap their knees, press their hands to their cheeks, say: “Ay-ay,” touch their nose with a finger and say: “Beep.” You can come up with other funny movements.

In conclusion, after each line, the children sequentially repeat all the movements shown earlier.

It is important not to make a mistake in the sequence and perform the movements at a fast pace.

"Forbidden Movement" (game for children 6–7 years old)

The players form a circle.

The teacher agrees in advance with the children about what movements cannot be made, for example: squatting, clapping, waving their arms.

Then, to the music, the teacher shows various movements that the players must repeat after him. The more varied and fun these movements are, the more interesting the game.

Suddenly the teacher shows some prohibited movement.

One of the players who inadvertently repeats the forbidden movement will then have to dance, sing, or read a poem (at the child’s choice).

You can complicate the game: agree that there are two movements that cannot be repeated, but others must be done instead. For example, when the teacher puts his hand on the back of his head, the players squat with their legs crossed, and when the teacher leans forward, they clap their hands twice.

“My triangular cap” (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher explains the rules of the game. Words in the text of the poem are replaced by movements. And the text is like this:

My cap is triangular.
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap.

First, we replace the word “cap” (show the place of the cap on the head), pronounce all other words in the text; then – the word “mine” (point with our hand to the chest), and pronounce the rest of the words, except “cap” and “mine”; and then - the word “triangular” (we show a triangle with our hands).

Now, pronouncing the text, we replace three words: “cap”, “my”, “triangular”.

The game can be repeated several times, speeding up the pace.

"Left right!" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children sit on chairs in a circle.

In the center is the driver with the ball.

The driver throws the ball to one of the guys. If the driver shouts: “Take it!”, then, having caught the ball, the child must name the name of his neighbor on the left. If, during the throw, the voice said: “Give it back!”, you need to say the name of the neighbor on the right.

The one who makes a mistake replaces the leader.

"Ogre" (game for children 6–7 years old)

They choose a “cannibal” driver.

The cannibal is blindfolded and sits down on a chair. The remaining players form a chain and, taking turns passing in front of the cannibal, touch his knee.

The ogre tries to catch the player's hand. The one he catches becomes a cannibal.

"Find the ball" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Children stand close in a circle, facing the center.

One child, as assigned by the teacher, stands in the middle of the circle; this is the driver. The players keep their hands behind their backs.

The teacher gives the ball to one of the players.

From this moment on, the ball begins to be passed to each other behind their backs. The driver, standing inside the circle, tries to guess who has the ball. To do this, he can ask any child to show him their hands, saying: “Hands!” According to this requirement, the player instantly extends both hands forward, palms up.

The one who has the ball, or the one who dropped the ball, stands in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

The game repeats itself.

"Salute!" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Salute right hand, and at the same time extend the left hand forward with protruding thumb, saying at the same time: “Wow!”

Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

"Horns and Legs" (game for children 6–7 years old)

Average and ring fingers bent, held on top with the thumb, index and little fingers extended; the hand is raised up - these are horns.

Index and middle fingers extended, the ring and little fingers are pressed to the palm and held with the thumb; the hand is lowered down - these are the legs.

One hand shows the horns, the other shows the legs. Then the hands simultaneously change roles.

"Neighbor, raise your hand" (game for children 6–7 years old)

The players stand or sit (depending on agreement) in a circle.

A driver is chosen by lot to stand inside the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and loudly says: “Hands!” The player to whom the driver addressed continues to sit (stand) without changing position. And both of his neighbors must raise one hand up: the neighbor on the right - the left, the neighbor on the left - the right, i.e. the hand that is closer to the player standing (sitting) between them. If one of the guys made a mistake - raised the wrong hand or forgot to raise it altogether, then he changes roles with the leader.

The game continues for the set time.

The child who has never been a driver wins.

The player is considered a loser even if he only tried to raise the wrong hand.

The driver must stop exactly opposite the player he is addressing. Otherwise, his command is not executed by the child.

"Stop!" (game for children 6–7 years old)

All players stand on a line drawn along one side of the court (hall). On the opposite side, a circle (diameter 2-3 steps) indicates the house of the driver. The driver, chosen by lot (counting table), stands with his back to the children and says: “Walk quickly, watch, don’t yawn! Stop!”

At every word from the leader, everyone steps forward.

As soon as the driver says: “Stop!” - the children stop, and the driver looks around and sees which of the children did not have time to freeze in place and moved.

He names these children and they return to the starting line.

Then the driver again turns his back to the players and says: “Walk quickly, look, don’t yawn! Stop!” Everyone stops at the place where they were caught by the stop signal. Children who return to the starting line move from there.

The game continues until one of the children comes close to the driver and gets into his house before he says: “Stop!”