School supplies of the future fantasy drawings of children. What will the school supplies of the future look like?

Former teacher in English, who became an apologist for a new approach to education, Terry Hick more than once expressed unusual ideas. He rejects conventional curricula and believes in the triumph of digital learning. To promote his ideas and develop new programs, he created the Te@chTaught portal.

Every class should be present on some social platforms. This way, everyone can access them: people, organizations, entrepreneurs. Everything that is produced in this class: projects, scripts, ideas of students - will be noticed by society. Class pages on social networks will become a kind of marketing agency for students.

2. Students will no longer be anonymous

Through technology, the student will be connected not only with the teacher and parents, but with a group of teachers, mentors and assistants who have left schools to become teacher leaders (a new phenomenon in education - teachers who not only teach students, but also spread innovations in other schools). These people will help the student become successful.

Which will be used to quickly access teachers, mentors and “friends” around the world.

4. All texts will be adapted

Texts for study should be selected taking into account the student's literacy level, his reading preferences, and even the capabilities of his computer, in order to optimize reading for maximum benefit. These texts will be a combination of fiction and scientific literature, journalism, essays, non-standard texts, etc.

5. Every school will have good internet

Schools should have best internet connection, which local providers can offer.

6. Selfeducation, creativity, creation, humanitarianism, emotions and civil position will not contradict the mission of the school

On the contrary, they should be considered as human qualities, which go beyond the curriculum to encourage learning.

7. Search engines will die, research will be reborn

Search engines will be replaced by a hybrid system of search, recommendations, community resources, and “source prediction,” which will use a personalized algorithm to predict which strategies, sources, peers, etc., will help a student in each particular case. This will change the very idea of ​​research.

8. Teachers will be admired

Teachers should be viewed as master students. They will organize a changing physical and electronic educational process, tailored to each individual student. In contrast to powerful and smart but cold technologies, teachers will be much more important to the learning process. And this will ennoble the teaching profession in the eyes of society.

9. The school's reputation will matter less.

The quality of learning will be less dependent on what kind of school a person attends because technology will make curriculum, resources, and even other teachers and classes more accessible.

10. Artificial intelligence (like Siri, only smarter) will become the basis of pedagogy

This scares teachers, but it's not that scary. I don't mean idle electronic chatter, but a tool that a student will use to create his own curriculum. Artificial intelligence will help students choose books, homework, study strategies, career options, etc. Each student should have their own Siri.

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Discussions about what school will be like in 10 years are a topic of concern for many teachers and parents. School supplies are constantly transforming as learning conditions change. I wonder what they will look like in the future?

A modern child needs a lot of things to study normally. Let's start with an incredible number of pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and rulers. Don't forget about a pencil case in which you can hide all these countless office supplies. Colorful notebooks with snow-white smooth sheets, a huge number of textbooks, reference books on various subjects, albums, and notepads are also needed. You also cannot do without a bulky backpack that can accommodate all the listed items. School supplies, the list of which can be continued endlessly, are an integral part of the educational process and are aimed, first of all, at facilitating and improving education.

Parents just sigh sympathetically, looking at their child carrying a heavy backpack with textbooks and notebooks. But, if you think about it, our children are incredibly lucky. The evolution of school supplies throughout the existence of mankind has undergone dramatic changes. The ancestors of modern ballpoint pens there were steel feathers mounted on wooden rods. In order to write a few words with a pen, it had to be dipped in ink. How much grief the inkblots made with a similar writing object in their notebooks caused students. And the inkwells often overturned, spilling their contents onto everything on the table. Later, writing quills were replaced with ink pens, which also had many problems. Modern children have no idea what a blotter is, and in old times Not a single student could do without her.

The notebooks familiar to us also did not always exist. In ancient times, palm leaves, papyrus, and parchment were used instead of paper. In Rus' for a long time It was customary to write on the top layer of tree bark - birch bark. The first paper appeared in China about 2 thousand years ago, but in Russia it was introduced into use in the 16th century by Ivan the Terrible. With its emergence, the life of schoolchildren has become much simpler. Today's notebooks are amazing in their range: you can buy writing products designed specifically for boys or girls, with colorful covers and smooth pages. It’s nice to work in such notebooks homework even those who are too lazy to study diligently.

Textbooks take most student's backpack. Their number, compared to the past, is increasing, because new subjects are constantly being introduced into the school curriculum. Modern publishing houses, in order to make life easier for children, began to publish school books that were too thick in several parts. But for some reason, this doesn’t make the students’ backpacks any lighter.

School bags have also changed a lot. Just a couple of decades ago, all children went to classes with the same type of backpack, which had a large compartment for books and notebooks and a couple of small pockets. Filled with textbooks, they spontaneously unfastened at the most inopportune times. Modern backpacks and school bags have everything: several spacious compartments, thanks to which everything school supplies are in their places, there are many pockets where you can put mobile phone, sandwich, bottle of water. Reliable locks and zippers will prevent the backpack from accidentally unzipping. For primary schoolchildren, special backpacks with an orthopedic back are produced to prevent the development of scoliosis.

Just a few decades ago, people would have been surprised to learn how diverse and convenient educational products would be in the 21st century. But judging by the rapid pace at which science is developing today, the educational process may soon change completely. The school supplies of the future are not textbooks, notebooks and a blackboard with chalk. They will be completely replaced by ultra-advanced electronics.

Today, no one can be surprised by an electronic textbook. It is compact, lightweight and can replace several dozen traditional school books. Children will no longer need to carry multi-kilogram briefcases with them to lessons - all the knowledge they need will fit in this unique gadget. In one small storage medium there is room for the works of Tolstoy, a trigonometry course, revolutions of the 20th century, English grammar and much more that is taught in school curriculum. The most important advantage of these gadgets is absolute safety for children's vision. Scientists predict that in the near future electronic textbooks will completely supplant their paper counterparts. The latter can only be seen in museums, since libraries will also cease to exist.

Electronic textbooks are constantly being improved in order to make them more user-friendly. Some experimental models combine 2 gadgets at once: a tablet and a reader. On the display of the device, the student will be able to make notes with a special electronic pen. Using the innovation, the child will not need to raise his hand to answer - just press a special button and the teacher will immediately notice him. The teacher will have the same gadget, which will receive all signals from students. Thanks to the webcam built into the textbook, students will not miss material during illness, as they will be able to watch the lesson online. This unique device has already been tested in Russia; lessons were taught in one of the Moscow schools with its help.

The traditional blackboard will gradually become a thing of the past. In the future, it will be replaced by Bluetooth-based devices. One of these inventions was recently tested in the West: a teacher, using Bluetooth technology, wrote text on a classroom electronic board while being about 100 meters away from it. But the teacher does not have to go so far from his workplace. The device is convenient because when writing examples, texts, diagrams or other information, the teacher can sit at the table or move to the other end of the class without covering what is written on the board with his body.

If, after a few years, schoolchildren do not need to carry kilograms with them paper books, then they won’t need roomy and bulky briefcases either. They will be replaced by small eco-bags. Models of such products have already begun to appear on the Russian school market. For example, high school students can choose a bag decorated with quotes from classic writers or portraits of famous scientists. Given humanity's desire to produce environmentally friendly products, the number of such school bags will only increase in the future.

What will the handles be like? After all, despite the impending total computerization of education, no one will cancel teaching literacy and penmanship. Scientists suggest that all writing tools will be equipped with voice recognition systems. While searching for his pen, the child will only need to say a few words, and the lost object will emit a sound indicating its location. It is likely that the pen will be filled with eternal ink and one will last the child for all his years at school.

Teachers asked children how they see their stationery items in the future. Most students wanted their pens to be controlled by the power of thought, to be able to write in different handwritings, to correct mistakes on their own, to be additionally equipped with music and games, to be able to send text messages by writing them on plain paper, and to be transformed into pencils, rulers or erasers. Today, such office supplies can only be discussed in scientific laboratories. But it is quite possible that in ten years such pens will no longer surprise anyone and will be widely used by our children in schools.

The introduction of innovations into the educational process in our country is happening slowly but systematically. Today no one doubts that school items of the future will change learning beyond recognition and children will learn with pleasure.

School supplies of the past and future

Even in Rus' they used birch bark ( inner side birch bark). It was not easy to write on the bark. It took a long time to knock out one letter. The letters were pressed out with special iron or bone sticks.
In Rus' they also wrote on parchment. Which was brought from Byzantium. Parchment was made from calf skin. One calf skin yielded only eight sheets for a book. Such notebooks were very expensive.


In the 14th century, paper began to be produced in Rus'. In China they began to make it in 105, in the 8th century. And in XIII it was used throughout Europe.
Instead of the usual pen, a quill pen was used; it was a writing instrument throughout the 7th-19th centuries, until metal quills were invented. The pen was dipped into the inkwell where the ink was stored. The tip of the pen was cut with a knife and absorbed ink well.

Quill pens have been replaced by fountain pens. Then a steel tube with a feather appeared. The tube was filled with ink.
We now know that the school supplies of the past were very different from those used by modern students today.
Let's get creative and draw in our workbook what the school supplies of the future will be like. Here are drawings by schoolchildren on this topic “School supplies of the future”
Perhaps pens will appear that will write on their own; just the power of thought will be enough. Or maybe rulers that will take up very little space and can be pulled out at the owner’s request.

- Hello! I am a student, I have younger brother who studies at school. Of course, my brother’s imagination and mine cannot be compared at all (his will be richer), but I still, like him, tried to dream about the miraculous stationery of the future, and this is what happened)).

My fantasy:

1. Of course pen with built-in voice recorder, such a problem as thoughtfully listening to a teacher’s speech would immediately disappear. And then, in a comfortable environment (for example, on the bed before going to bed), you turn on the recording and listen. I think my performance would even improve! :)

2. Battery operated pen. You write and write and the ink runs out, and you don’t have to ask the whole group “do you have a spare pen?” Change the battery and continue to write calmly.

3. A pen with ink that dries and can be dissolved with some liquid. Well, for example, I don’t have a piece of paper to write down something very important, but I have this unique pen. You write to it on the surface of the table, at first the ink is liquid, and then it dries and you take this dry text, roll it into a tube or fold it along the floors and into your pocket, then unfold it and read it.

4. An eraser that erases everything! I mean, what is written in any way or, for example, you are teaching a lecture in the evening, you want chocolate, you eat and study the lecture, you notice a chocolate stain in the middle of the page, and you have a miracle eraser, you take it, erase it, adjust the eraser to a certain type of stain (as in washing machine) and wash it. The lecture remains, but the stain is gone.

5. A pencil that doesn't require a ruler(for straight lines). You press the button on the pencil (select line or shape mode) and draw. The same can be done with a circle, select the circle mode and draw.

6. Notebook with a search button for the required text. That is, somewhere on the notebook (preferably on the cover) there should be such a field “write or enter a word or phrase” and an empty field (like, you know, a Google or Yandex search, a search bar). You enter or write, and the notebook highlights the page(s) on which the given phrase is found. I would love to purchase such office supplies...

Brother's fantasy:

1. A notebook (or better yet, a diary), which, at your request, removes a bad grade and replaces it with another one.

2. A pen whose ink is visible only to you. For example, you need to enter some code to see it, but others still don’t see it. This pen will help you on tests and tests...

3. A felt-tip pen that draws for you (controlling your hand). But some kind of example or template is needed so that the felt-tip pen can draw or make a very similar picture.

4. Paints that do not need to be diluted with water, but simply select the desired shade of color on the control panel and, as usual, paint with a brush.

5. Markers with changing refill(for example, you need to paint over a small area, then you put a thin rod, but you need to paint over a large area, then big size you change the rod), and all the sizes of the rod so that they fit in size to one felt-tip pen (so that the felt-tip pen does not need to be changed due to the thickness of the rod). And in general, Pressed the button on the felt-tip pen - the rod increased (or vice versa).

6. Unbreakable pencil.

7. Brush with changing attachments(as in point 5 about felt-tip pens, but you can simply make attachments complete with the brush so that you can quickly change the attachment and set the desired shape and thickness).

8. Cardboard or colored paper, which does not peel off at the edges.

9. Notebooks or sketchbooks that don't wrinkle, that is, in any position you can put it in your briefcase, and you will get everything neat and straight.