Drawing of the palms of a 5 year old child. We draw with palms, fingers and legs (photo report). Drawing techniques used in different groups: basic technique and finishing details

Drawing is one of the favorite activities of preschoolers, which takes them into the world of bright and amazing images. And if the teacher also offers for this unusual ways, then the kids are simply delighted. Great positive emotions in children themselves of different ages causes drawing with palms. This technique develops fine motor skills, color perception, and stimulates sensory sensations.

Features of organizing palm painting classes in kindergarten. Specifics of working in different groups, level of complexity of compositions

Hand drawing is very simple technique: The child dips his hands in paint or paints them with a brush, and then leaves a print on a piece of paper. This fascinating process is similar to fun game

- children are liberated and reveal their creative potential. In addition, when drawing with your palms, you use big number

nerve endings that are located on these parts of the body. This leads to activation of the cerebral cortex, and, as a consequence, the development of mental processes. This drawing technique is also a good reflex massage: after all, on the palms there are points associated with various organs. When organizing classes in “palm” painting, the teacher must follow the principle “from simple to complex.” You can start such experiments with paint already in the first younger group

. Two-year-old children do not yet know how to handle a brush, and painting with their palm is the best way to depict them. This technique gives children the opportunity to have direct contact with paint, simultaneously developing fine motor skills and, as a result, speech and intelligence. Preschoolers and toddlers receive abstract images using palm prints.

At this age, the goal is not to create a specific image - children are fascinated by the process itself, they enjoy bright colors and interaction with paint.

Two-year-olds enjoy drawing with their palms In addition, “palm” painting calms a small child and gives him. This is especially important during the adaptation period - the baby is distracted, calms down, and forgets about his mother. In addition, such activities are useful because they give children the opportunity to feel important and independent.

Drawing with palms continues in the second youngest group, especially since some children begin to attend kindergarten only from the age of three. Classes here are already moving to a more complex level: the child, with the help of the teacher, completes the handprint with simple details, creating the image of some simple object - the sun, a fish, a flower. At this age, preschoolers can already be offered collective work using this non-traditional technique: each child leaves an imprint - the result is some kind of image (the sun or a tree with leaves).

Drawing by a pupil of the second junior group

In the middle group, drawing based on “palm” painting becomes even more complicated, the images become more detailed. A child, for example, can already depict a dinosaur or a dragon in this way, adding to the print characteristic elements: comb, paws, intricate tail.

Pupil's drawing middle group

By older preschool age, children, as a rule, are fluent in the technique of drawing with their palms and can create wonderful works. Five-year-old children can independently come up with a theme for a drawing, skillfully using their acquired skills. Compositions are increasingly of a plot nature, for example, a horse grazing in a meadow or wild animals walking along the African savannah. Note that all images are carefully drawn and convey characteristics

items or objects. Teamwork of students

Pupil's drawing senior group

preparatory group

In the senior and preparatory groups, preschoolers can no longer dip their hands into the paint, but apply it themselves with a brush. This method allows you to make a print not monochrome, but multi-colored: after all, fingers can be painted in different colors. Older children preschool age

apply paint to palms with a brush

Materials used and base, hygienic point

Note that a good alternative to gouache are water-based finger paints: they are easily washed off from the body and clothes, and in addition, they will not cause harm if the child decides to taste them.

Finger paints do not spread, so your baby can easily apply them to his palm.

A wonderful alternative to gouache

In older preschool age, children can also be offered watercolors to paint with their palms, since they themselves apply paint to their palms with a brush. Original works are obtained by combining materials.

For example, a child depicts a key image with paint, and the background is completed with a pencil.

Drawing with watercolors and pencils Also, applicative and plasticine elements can be successfully included in the composition.

For example, multi-colored prints applied to a blue background can easily turn into jellyfish. The image will only need to be completed with eyes and fancy algae. The composition can be made more original by gluing voluminous eyes, and the seaweed can also be made embossed using applicative elements (breakfast cereal rings).

Drawing with applique elements

Another example - with the help of palms the prickly back of a hedgehog is depicted, and the rest of his body is decorated using appliqué from wads of napkins.

Combination of drawing and appliqué

Using plasticine you can beautifully design the eyes and legs of birds. IN watercolor drawing

plasticine elements are organically included As for the basis for the image, as a rule, the teacher offers the children paper in the traditional A4 format. However, occasionally non-standard materials, such as fabric, can be used for this purpose. It could be motley colorful material

, but in which the child leaves an imprint in some rich color (for example, black, brown or dark blue). Another unusual option is drawing on plastic (finger paints should be offered to preschoolers for this purpose).

During the palm painting lesson, the teacher pays special attention to the hygienic aspect: children must have napkins (wet ones possible) at their workplace, which the child uses to wipe their hands before going to wash them.

Drawing techniques used in different groups: basic technique and finishing details In the younger and middle groups, kids simply dip a brush into the paint and leave a mark on the paper. When adding details to the image, the technique of working with the brush is already improved: elements, as a rule, are drawn with the tip, while the tool is located almost vertically in relation to the paper.

Note that children draw with both their right and left hands (for example, a butterfly can only be depicted with prints of two palms at once).

When supplementing the main image with details, the younger group often uses finger painting(for example, in this way you can mark the eye of a fish or the pebbles next to it on the seabed). At an older age, for similar purposes, you can offer cotton buds. In addition, “palm” painting can be combined with a print.

The drawing successfully combines various non-traditional techniques - drawing with palms, fingers and imprinting

Pupils in the middle group are already learning to place an image in the center of the sheet, for example, it will be a bird sitting on a tree branch. In addition, they understand that if you press your palm harder onto the paper, the drawing will turn out more vibrant.

Depending on the intended image, children should change the location of their fingers on their hand. For example, to depict a fish, you need to press your thumb against your palm. If a tree, sun, or butterfly is drawn, then all fingers, on the contrary, are spread out. You will get a realistic elephant if you stick your thumb out as far as possible from the rest.

In addition, the teacher explains to the students in the middle group that when making an imprint, the palm must be rotated in a certain way. For example, when drawing animals, your fingers should point down, as they will represent the paws of the animal.

When creating an animal image, the palm is usually placed with the fingers down

From the age of five (senior group), preschoolers can independently paint their palms using a brush. At the same time, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the paint should be applied in an even layer, not too thick, but also without leaving empty spaces - the quality of the drawing depends on this.

Each finger can be painted in its own color, but you should remember to wash the brush in a timely manner.

Note that the choice of color along with well-drawn details is of key importance when drawing with palms. Let's give some examples. A red-yellow handprint can easily turn into a fire; you just need to complement the image with two stripes of brown (using broad strokes with the entire bristle of the brush).

And the black print can become the original Batman mask - you just need to add recognizable details with the tip of the brush.

Note that the choice of color along with well-drawn details is of key importance when drawing with palms. Let's give some examples. A red-yellow handprint can easily turn into a fire; you just need to complement the image with two stripes of brown (using broad strokes with the entire bristle of the brush).

From several two-color contours of the palms you will get a funny centipede. And to depict her head with horns, you need to raise your middle and ring fingers when typing.

Note that the choice of color along with well-drawn details is of key importance when drawing with palms. Let's give some examples. A red-yellow handprint can easily turn into a fire; you just need to complement the image with two stripes of brown (using broad strokes with the entire bristle of the brush).

By applying the paint onto the palms unevenly, in pale green spots, we get charming turtles with their characteristic uneven color.

Note that the choice of color along with well-drawn details is of key importance when drawing with palms. Let's give some examples. A red-yellow handprint can easily turn into a fire; you just need to complement the image with two stripes of brown (using broad strokes with the entire bristle of the brush).

A white print on a green background is an almost finished image of a zebra; all that remains is to paint it with white stripes with the tip of a brush and finish drawing a graceful tail.

Gouache drawing

Card index of topics for different groups, including collective compositions

Let's imagine sample list topics for each age group that can be used when teaching preschoolers how to draw with their palms:

Junior group:

  • “Colored palms” (children learn to make handprints on paper).
  • "Octopuses"
  • “Golden Sun” (team work).
  • “Leaf Fall” (team work).
  • "A flower for mom."
  • "My mittens."
  • "Two merry geese lived with granny".
  • "Grass".

Middle group:

  • "Beauty Butterfly"
  • “Titmouse” (as an option – “Bullfinch”, “Sparrow”, “Swans”).
  • “Snake Gorynych” (as an option - “Dragon”, “Dinosaur”).
  • “Spring” (grass with flowers is depicted using palms).

Senior group:

  • “Underwater world” (as an option – “Aquarium”).
  • "Beautiful bouquet".
  • "Butterfly in the Meadow"
  • « Fairytale bird».
  • "Multi-colored cockerel."
  • "Elephant".
  • “Fairytale Forest” (alternatively – “Old Stump in the Forest”).
  • “The forest is our wealth” (as an option – “Magic Forest”) (team work).

Preparatory group:

  • "Crow".
  • "Hedgehog".
  • "Cactus".
  • "Horse in the meadow."
  • "Mysterious undersea world».
  • "Dog".
  • "Flowers in a vase".
  • "Peacock".
  • "Crow".
  • “May there always be peace” (poster with images of birds against a background of nature) (team work)

Note that many topics are offered to children of different ages, for example, drawing a butterfly, fish, bird, flower. However, each group has its own level of difficulty.

For example, if early preschool children simply add the necessary details to a butterfly (eyes, antennae), then at an older age the image becomes more detailed: the image of an insect printed with the help of their palms is decorated with intricate patterns, interesting contrasting colors are selected. Similarly, the fish in the second younger group will simply be supplemented with eyes, and later the children will draw an entire underwater world based on such an image; sea inhabitants will differ from each other in color and scale pattern.

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Kokunova S.N. "Funny Zebra"
(second junior group)
Educational objectives: teach preschoolers to draw in an unconventional way- with palms, combine different drawing techniques in a drawing, consolidate knowledge on the topic “Animals”.
Developmental tasks: develop color perception, fine motor skills, attention.
Educational tasks: cultivate perseverance, accuracy.
Integration educational areas : « Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: toy zebra.
Handout: green sheets of colored paper, white and black gouache, brushes, sippy cups, brush holders, napkins.
Progress of the lesson:
The lesson begins with a riddle:
  • Without hearing the ocean waves,
  • Not knowing the expanse of the sea,
  • In the distant African steppe
  • The sea vest is frolicking.
  • What a horse! - Andreika exclaimed,
  • Like a big lined notebook!

A toy zebra appears and came to visit the children from distant Africa. The children look at it together with the teacher - it has a beautiful coloring, just like a horse has a mane and tail.
A physical education session is held:

  • The giraffe has spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere
  • (showing body parts)
  • And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere
  • (we show spots with our hands all over the body)
  • On the forehead, in the ears, on the neck, on the elbows
  • There are on the nose, stomach, knees and socks.
  • (show body parts, speeding up the pace)

Then the teacher tells the kids amazing story: Once upon a time, a zebra was born in the African desert. And she became very lonely, there was no one to play with. And so the zebra came a long way to find friends. The teacher invites the children to help the zebra - to draw her many friends who look like her.
The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables and explains to them drawing techniques unusual technique- using your palms. Handles need to be lowered into white paint and leave an imprint on green paper. The missing details are painted in with a brush - black stripes, eyes, mane.
Independent work of preschoolers. The zebra thanks the kids and leaves happy - now she has someone to play with.

Shishova L.V.
(middle group)

The teacher asks the children to show their palms, stroke them, pat them, rub them on their cheeks. It turns out that palms can do a lot of things, including drawing birds.
The teacher finds out from the kids that the birds flew to warmer climes because they had nothing to eat. However, some birds remained to spend the winter - riddles are offered on this topic:

  • The color is greyish,
  • Thieving in habit,
  • The screamer is hoarse.
  • Famous person
  • By name. (crow)
  • Little boy
  • In a gray army jacket
  • Snooping around the yards
  • Collects crumbs.
  • Spends the night in the field
  • He steals hemp. (sparrow)
  • Blue scarf, dark back.
  • Little bird, call her. (titmouse)

The teacher tells the children that today they will draw a titmouse.

  • Let's put a bird on our palm,
  • Feeding the cute titmouse
  • The bird pecks the grains,
  • Sings songs to children:
  • "Shadow, shadow, shadow,
  • I fly all day.

The teacher shows the preschoolers his palm and asks if it reminds them of a bird. Use your finger to indicate an imaginary beak, neck, body, fluffy tail.
But this bird is not bright at all, so you need to color it (applies paint to the palm of your hand, children repeat the actions after the teacher).
The bird needs to be planted in the middle of the sheet - to do this, the fingers open wide and the palm is pressed against the paper.
Using a brush, the bird's legs and eyes are painted on.
At the end of the lesson, all the birds are hung on the board - a fairy-tale clearing.

Alekseenko G.« Elephant»
(senior group)

The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle, a short warm-up is carried out:

  • “We clap-clap our hands,
  • We kick stomp.
  • Shoulders chick-chick,
  • With your eyes, blink.
  • Let's join hands
  • And let's smile at each other"

Children join hands. The teacher tells them that they have turned into one big and kind animal. The game is played:

  • Our kind animal has a very large kind heart, let's listen to how it beats (put your hand on your heart, it beats knock-knock-knock.
  • And our kind animal breathes evenly and deeply. (put your hand on the ribcage)
  • And when night comes, our good animal lies down, closes its eyes and falls asleep.
  • But then the sun rose and our animal wakes up, opens its eyes, stands up, stretches and smiles.

The guys are given a riddle about an elephant:

  • He has a big ears,
  • He is huge like a mountain.
  • He has no equal on land:
  • He's a champion by weight.

Examination of the image of an elephant, discussing its body parts, the shape and size of the head, ears, trunk, tusks, torso, legs, tail. Particularly highlighted huge ears, partially covering the head, a long flexible trunk and small eyes.
The teacher informs the children that the ears protect the animal from overheating, as well as from annoying insects. And the movable trunk easily lifts various items, plucks leaves from trees and collects water from a reservoir. The elephant's sharp tusks serve as protection from predators and also dig up the ground in search of water during droughts.
The tusks and trunk are the elephant's survival tools.
In addition, the teacher reports other Interesting Facts from the life of these animals. For example, that all elephants have grey colour. They are very polite - they know how to greet and hug each other. Elephants live for about 60 years.
Preschoolers are asked to pretend to be an elephant non-standard ways- using your palm. The teacher demonstrates the depiction process: the palm is painted with gray paint, but only up to the first phalanx, since the elephant’s legs are thick and short. In addition, when making a print, the thumb must be moved to the side - this will be the trunk.
Finger gymnastics is performed:

  • Here are all my fingers
  • Turn them any way you want.
  • And like this and like this,
  • They won't be offended in any way
  • (rubbing hands)
  • 1,2,3,4,5 (palm clapping)
  • They don't like it again
  • (shaking brushes)
  • They knocked and turned.
  • We wanted to draw.

Independent activity of preschoolers. Analysis of drawings: the teacher invites several children to tell about their elephant (what its character is, what it likes to do).

Patrikeeva I.N. "Golden Time"
(preparatory group)

An audio recording of birds singing accompanied by the sound of autumn leaves sounds. Pictures depicting an autumn landscape hang on the board.
The teacher asks a riddle about autumn:

  • In the morning we go to the yard -
  • Leaves are falling like rain,
  • They rustle underfoot
  • And they fly, fly, fly.

The teacher suggests looking at reproductions of famous Russian landscape painters on autumn theme- I. Levitan “In the forest in autumn”, “ Oak Grove. Autumn", " Golden autumn, I. Shishkina “Golden Autumn”, “Forest Backwater. Autumn", Kuindzhi "Autumn".
Discussion of what was seen: how nature is depicted, what color the sky, trees, clouds, grass, the mood that the artists wanted to express.
Then photographs are offered for viewing: children highlight the signs of a golden autumn.
Preschoolers are offered didactic game"Guess the tree by its leaves."
Reading the poem “Autumn Grandmother” by L. Fadeeva:

  • In a gray faded scarf
  • Autumn is coming - grandma
  • By the river, in an empty forest,
  • Where the grass withered.
  • And her stick knocks
  • O snags, stumps,
  • And they look from the box
  • Frail honey mushrooms.
  • He will take off his mittens later -
  • Knitted, not bought -
  • And they ring her can
  • Pink cranberries.
  • Strokes with a withered hand
  • A hare that has faded.
  • Walks and wanders across the river
  • Autumn is real.

The teacher informs the children that today they will turn into landscape artists and depict autumn in all its beauty, and then organize an exhibition of their paintings. Children are invited to draw a landscape using their palms.
The teacher shows the sequence of doing the work: you need to smear your palms with red, yellow and orange paint and use a print to depict the crown of a tree at the top of a vertical sheet of paper. The rest of the work is done with a brush - the brown trunk and multi-colored leaves are painted on. The image of a tree is complemented by grass, flowers, sun, clouds.
A physical education session on an autumn theme is being held:

  • We walked in the autumn forest all day
  • (children walk in different directions)
  • Admired the grass
  • (bend over, moving their arms to the sides)
  • The air they breathed
  • (wave hands at themselves)
  • The ground is covered with leaves underfoot
  • (walk on tiptoes, hands on belt)
  • Let's gather them, quickly all friends
  • (collect leaves and put them in a basket for the teacher).

Independent activity of children. Design of the “Golden Exhibition” stand.

Examples of drawings by preschoolers using the non-traditional technique of drawing with palms with comments on how to complete the work

Photo gallery “Works of pupils of the first junior group”

In the first junior group, kids simply practice “palm” painting, creating abstract images. To create a specific image, the teacher guides the child’s hands and himself completes the image with the necessary details - in this regard, the composition “Spider” is indicative. At this age, children are often offered group work, where the teacher again plays the leading role. For example, he draws the central part of the sun with eyes, a smile and a wreath, and the kids use their palms to depict its rays (“Golden Sun”). Another option is for the teacher to designate a tree trunk, and the children complement it with leaves from their palms or snow flakes. Also at this age, children are offered interpretations on a flower theme: they are invited to complement the drawn stem with buds from multi-colored palms (“Bouquet for Mommy”, “Flower for Beloved Mommy”).

Collective work Collective work Collective work Collective work Gouache drawing Collective work

Photo gallery “Works of pupils of the second junior group”

In the second younger group, preschoolers themselves create complete images, for example, they independently draw a stem with leaves and complement it with colorful buds using “palm” painting. Kids are able to draw a cockerel by drawing it character traits- red comb, paws and multi-colored tail. Often at this age, children draw a fish, adding eyes and a characteristic background (blue water, algae, pebbles).

Pupils of the second younger group themselves, without the help of a teacher, draw a tree, passing its crown with the help of their palm (“ Autumn tree"and the collective composition "The forest is our wealth").

The “Pink Elephant” drawing is of interest: although the animal is not drawn very proportionally, characteristic features are still visible: a trunk, large ears, a small tail.

Gouache drawing Team work Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Gouache drawing

Photo gallery “Works of secondary group students”

In the middle group we see work of a more complex level. The fish already have their own character, an intricate pattern of scales. The drawing has a more complex composition: fish, for example, swim towards each other (“Happy Fish”).

Trees are depicted in an interesting way: the branches are not just lined with fingers: smaller elements extend from them, resulting in an elegant image. In this regard, the work “The Magic Forest” is indicative. The mysterious trees here are also complemented by applicative details - squirrels sitting in a hollow. Positive mood comes from the drawing “Spring”: with the help of palms, stems of flowers are drawn here, each of which is decorated with a beautiful bright yellow bud with a red core. Interesting intricately shaped cacti are depicted using palm painting in the composition “Giraffe in Africa”.

Pupils in the middle group are already quite good at depicting animals and birds, giving the image characteristic details. This is the “Giraffe” with its beautiful spotted coloring, horns and hooves, and the titmouse with a yellow breast and ruffled feathers. Children successfully draw even the fairytale Serpent Gorynych (“Serpent Gorynych”, “My Favorite Fairy Tale”).

Also at this age, collective works are practiced, for example, the fantasy composition “Falling Leaves and Falling Stars,” where yellow palms symbolize falling stars.

Gouache drawing Gouache drawing (with appliqué elements) Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Team work Gouache drawing Gouache drawing Gouache drawing

Photo gallery “Works of senior group students”

Pupils of the senior group create more detailed subject compositions and complicated plots. Thus, a giraffe, created with the help of palms, has a carefully drawn muzzle and a tail with a tassel at the end (“Giraffe”). The picture “Little Raven” turned out to be a funny bird: it has funnyly spread its wings, ruffled its feathers, its red legs and beak of the same color look bright and contrasting.

Images are increasingly of a narrative nature. So, the guys don’t just draw beautiful ones with their palms yellow flowers, but also complement the composition with bees flying around them (“Bees pollinate flowers”). The palms are drawn with the crowns of southern palm trees, between which a crocodile is resting against the backdrop of a bright orange sun. The composition “Swans - Wonderful Birds” is made in delicate pastel shades, where the sea and sky are slightly different in tone, and the vibrations of sea waves are conveyed in thin strokes. The swans themselves swim against the backdrop of seagulls soaring in the sky. The huge yellow sun also looks impressive here.

With the help of multi-colored palms, a bright “Fairytale Bird” was originally drawn against the background of a bright rainbow and large drops of rain.

Hand drawing “Bird” master class with step by step photos.
"Bird" drawing from the palm, step-by-step instruction with photo.

Zherdeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of MKDOU " Kindergarten No. 11 from Prokhladnoye, Nadezhdinsky district, Primorsky Krai
Children start drawing from the very beginning early age. But this can only happen if an adult gives the child a pencil, teaches him to hold it and shows him how to draw the lines. It should be remembered that creative manifestations in drawing in children 4-5 years old largely depends on the method of perception aimed at independent examination of images.
One of the possible artistic techniques is contour drawing the child’s palms, which serves as the basis for graphic image. Every new image“hidden” in the contour of the palm. You can see it with the help of several lines that will turn the contours of the fingers into an object.
Each drawing is a little game. You should not strive to ensure that the child’s drawing is a copy of the image - this is just your sample. But the original will definitely be different.
Description: The master class is intended for children of senior preschool age and teachers.

Purpose: Use in drawing classes.
Target: drawing in an unconventional way.
Tasks: maintaining the direction of movements with a pencil, timely stopping and regulating the scope of movement depending on the size of the surface being painted, changing the direction of movement depending on the direction of the contour lines of the depicted objects., drawing objects of round, oval shape, the ability to convey proportions, shape and structure of objects. Develop graphic skills.
Material: album, simple pencil, wax crayons.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, drawings depicting birds.

Execution sequence:

1. With your fingers spread out, place your palm on the sheet and circle with a simple pencil.

2. A circle is drawn at the wrist - the head of a bird.

3. Four spread fingers form a tail.

4. Thumb- there will be a wing.

5. The drawing is painted over and this is what the bird looks like.

How to draw an apple tree?

Master class on drawing with preschoolers.

Non-traditional finger and palm painting techniques for younger preschoolers. "Apple Tree"

Application: the master class is designed for younger preschoolers, teachers and parents.

Means of expression: spot, dot, short line, color, fantastic silhouette. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger in the gouache and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger gets paint different color. After work, wipe your finger with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off. The child dips his palm in gouache or paints it with a brush and makes an imprint on paper. Draw with both right and left hands.

Target: acquaintance with non-traditional techniques drawing with fingers and palms.

Tasks: develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination, cultivate interest in creativity.

Materials: a set of gouache paints, a glass of water, a brush, a sheet of paper white, napkins.

Work process:

1. Prepare the materials needed for work

2. First, dip your finger in yellow paint and put dots on the sheet - this will be the sun

4. Then we dial green paint for grass and you can also draw a flower, just like that

5. Then take a brush and pick up paint for the wood

6. Paint your palm with paint

7. Apply it to a sheet of paper, and then carefully raise your hand, holding the sheet

8. Use one of your painted fingers to finish drawing the trunk

9. Draw red apples and green leaves on the tree

10. We get an apple tree

11. You can draw a lot of interesting things this way - 14

Anastasia Sazhina

Drawing with palms, fingers and legs promotes development fine motor skills fingers, curiosity and interest of children in work. The image of objects helps children develop imagination, memory, helps the child to know better the world. Besides, it's very fun and interesting (getting dirty with paint).

During the lessons, children learn to name and distinguish colors. The dots drawn with your fingers can be raindrops, or they can also be grains for the chickens. The handprint may be a bullfinch, or it may turn into goldfish, fulfilling wishes. All this contributes to the formation of artistic and imaginative thinking.

Special finger paints are safe for children. They contain only natural ingredients.

When a child is still small, it is difficult for him to draw with brushes, felt-tip pens, or pencils. Therefore, arms, legs, and fingers are best suited for babies. Thus, even at an early age, an adult will, without much effort, help the child cultivate a love of creativity and show the child new, unconventional drawing techniques.

Drawing with fingers, palms, legs is a permitted game with dirt, which allows you to rid an individual of aggression. Moreover, no one criticizes this game, but on the contrary, everyone admires it.

Finger painting is preparatory stage for the transition to painting with a brush, teaches you to feel the boundaries of the sheet, has a positive effect on the development of imaginative thinking.

I would like to present to your attention the work of the children of the first junior group:

These are the very first masterpieces of children, finger painting:

- raindrops:

-cherry jam for Masha:

Drawing with palms:

- Fishes swimming in the aquarium:

- Bullfinches pecking a rowan tree:

- Trees covered with snow:

- Merry sunshine:

- The first flowers are snowdrops:

Drawing with palms and legs:

Thanks to all!

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My kids love it very much paint. And if we draw in an unusual way, it simply delights them. We draw very often palms. Drawing with palms- This is another way of depicting the world around us. Draw with children's hands I start at an early age. They don't know how yet paint with brush and palm or finger is the best way for a small child. Paint for babies should be poured into a flat saucer so that the child can easily dip palms. From 5 years of age children palm They can already paint with a brush. In these classes, children become familiar with properties of paints, with colors, develop artistic taste, spatial imagination. In progress palm painting development of fine motor skills, sensory skills, and color perception occurs. By using palms you can create any abstraction, draw story pictures. Overboiling palm in different ways,Can finish drawing different details and realize any ideas, enjoying the color.

I would like to present to your attention the work of children from the preparatory group hand drawn.


Flowers in a vase.

Undersea world