Singer Gleb Matveychuk personal biography. Gleb Matveychuk’s wife – photo, biography, personal life, children. Composing works of Gleb Matveychuk for films

Gleb was born in 1981 in Moscow, into a family close to the world of cinema: his father is a production designer, and his mother is a makeup artist. For the first years of Gleb’s life, the family lived in Moscow, then his parents moved to Minsk. Since childhood, the boy showed talent for acting, and therefore he was sent to a theater club. On stage, Gleb mainly played roles where he had to sing. Singing became his favorite pastime, and after high school he entered the music college.

Creative career

Gleb was torn between two callings: theater and music. He did not look for the easy way, and entered two classes at once. educational institutions in Moscow: to the Shchepkin Theater School and the Moscow Conservatory. History is silent about how he received his education at two universities at the same time.

Gleb’s first film work was episodic; he played it at the age of 14, in the Belarusian film “Fire Shooter”. And only 10 years later he got on the set again. After 2005, he starred in several films and TV series, the best of which were recognized as “Admiral”, “Papa” and “72 Meters”. His most famous film role is Ruslan Khilkevich in the TV series “Margosha” (2009).

He not only acts in films, but also writes music for films: “Pilgrimage to Eternal City", "Admiral" and others. He writes music for films of various genres - this speaks of his versatility and great professionalism.

In 2006, Matveychuk began his performing career: he became the vocalist of the Lady Prowler team, and in 2007, together with Igor Novikov, they created the Flair group. Somewhat later, Gleb became the vocalist of the Renaissance group. Now Matveychuk participates in TV shows and also tours Russia with concert programs.

As for television, not everything was smooth: in 2012, Gleb “flew” from the show “The Voice”. However, he did not stop trying to participate in competitions, and in 2013 he became the winner of the “Two Stars” competition in collaboration with Olga Kormukhina. He also became one of the six finalists vocal show"Russian tenors". And he also deserved a prize audience choice on the show “Exactly”, portraying a variety of characters: Leps, Shura, Anna Netrebka, Freddie Mercury and others.

Personal life

In his youth, Gleb dated Svetlana Belskaya, an actress, for a long time, but the wedding never took place due to various reasons. To this day, Svetlana does not know what would have happened if they had gotten married, because there was no great confidence that they would get along.

In 2010, the magnificent wedding of Gleb and Anastasia Makeeva took place; they lived together for five years. And, despite the fact that they were like-minded people and supported each other in everything, they broke up. It’s just that both spouses were so busy that it was impossible to family life there was no talk.

After the divorce, Matveychuk went on a pilgrimage to Greece, to holy places.

IN lately On the musician’s Instagram you can see a photo with a pretty girl. Perhaps fans will soon find out the name new passion Gleb Matveychuk.

The star of the TV series “News” stole someone else’s fiancé

The personal life of Nastya Chernova, the heroine of the series “News” on STS, resembles a tangled ball. She can’t stand her husband Gleb, but she is forced to live with him for the sake of PR, although she loves a completely different person.

The personal life of actress Anastasia MAKEEVA, who plays this role, is not inferior in drama to the serial script. For example, your current spouse- She literally took Gleb MATVEYCHUK away from the altar, taking him away from charming girl Svetlana Belskaya on the eve of their wedding.

Gleb Matveychuk met Svetlana Belskaya on film set film "Savages". The guy came to visit his mother Olga, who worked as a make-up artist on the project, saw her charming assistant, and asked who she was. After talking, the young people discovered that they had many common interests. By that time, Sveta had graduated from the Moscow Art Theater with a degree in theater and film make-up artist and entered the directing department of RATI-GITIS. The novel developed rapidly. Soon Belskaya moved from her parents’ Moscow apartment to Gleb, who also lived with his father and mother. The future fathers-in-law wholeheartedly accepted their potential daughter-in-law. Olga Matveychuk she immediately invited the girl to call her mom, explaining that she treated her like one of her own: “I always wanted a second child, and definitely a girl. So you came to me.”

The father of the family was delighted with his daughter-in-law - Alim Matveychuk, a well-known production designer in the world of cinema. The lovers lived together for four happy year. Svetlana learned the subtleties of the skill of a makeup artist under the supervision of her “mother,” working with Olga Matveychuk on the same projects. Then she ventured into “independent sailing” in the cinema and theater. She worked on the entrepreneurial musical “Children of the Sun” together with her beloved: Sveta as a make-up artist, Gleb as a performer of one of the main roles. Later, they together created the play “Dog in the Manger” - Matveychuk wrote wonderful music for it. In parallel with her main work, Svetlana took great pleasure in filming episodes. The young couple were practically never separated: they went to work together, went to performances and presentations. When Gleb began playing the leading role in the musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” at the Mossovet Theater, at every performance in the hall two beloved women - his mother and his bride - were worried about him. The role was difficult, especially since Matveychuk had to hang from a seven-meter height. In an atmosphere of universal love and harmony, the family was preparing for the long-awaited lavish wedding. But fate intervened in the person of the famous “conqueror” men's hearts actresses Anastasia Makeeva.

An unexpected romance

Nastya’s acquaintances say that, having set a goal for herself, she will definitely achieve it. Good quality when we're talking about about work. It’s another matter if someone else’s groom becomes the “prize”. According to stories, Makeeva had a very hard time with her breakup with Alexey Makarov, although she branded the actor in an interview. Lesha hit the beauty on the set of the second part of the series “Officers”, which took place in Tunisia, when he read on her mobile a frivolous text message from the composer of the musical “Monte Cristo” Romana Ignatieva. In retaliation ex-lover Anastasia decided to get married as quickly as possible. It doesn’t matter for whom, as long as it’s earlier than at the registry office with new darling Makarov will go. There was no worthy candidate: the film crowd knew too well the love of the young lady from Krasnodar. Partner in the musical “Monte Cristo” Gleb Matveychuk, playing the role of Fernand, turned out to be ideal option. He is so passionate about music that he does not pay attention to gossip. When Nastya threw a test hook and asked for help with the vocal part, the guy rushed to help her. The rest is a matter of technique, in which Makeeva has no equal. At first, her requests related exclusively to creativity, but gradually the conversations became more and more intimate.

Gleb's bride considered her beloved's passion to be a temporary whim. She moved out of Matveychuk’s apartment, but often came to visit his parents, staying late with her mother Olga over a cup of tea. She still attended his performances, and when the man bought a car, it was Sveta who drove around Moscow with him all night. Meanwhile, the artist’s romance with Makeeva developed so quickly that the party even talked about a love spell. After the wedding, which took place in the summer of 2010, Nastya was faced with the fact that ex-girlfriend her chosen one is not going to leave his life anywhere. Svetlana still went to visit, continued to work with her failed mother-in-law, and more recently with Alim: he was the production designer for the film “ Brest Fortress", where she played in the episode.

“She is too actively present in our lives,” Makeeva complained to her friends. - And Olya protects her. She told me that Sveta is a member of their family. Why should I endure this?

What angered Anastasia most was that Gleb’s parents insisted on Belskaya’s presence at the wedding. Maybe they hoped that the son last minute will he come to his senses? As for fellow filmmakers, they have long been betting on how long Makeeva’s marriage will last.

Her men

* Anastasia Makeeva became a woman with a classmate in Krasnodar music school Nikolai Naumenko.

* Survived an affair with the father of three children, Czech opera singer Frantiskom Dyuryach.

* For three years she lived with a graduate of Moscow State University and Baumanka Vitaly Fedorov.

* Tried to build a family with the director Vladimir Nakhabtsev.

* Was the wife of an artist Petra Kislova.

* Almost gave birth to a child for the actor Alexey Makarov, after the scandal with which she switched to a married partner in the program “ Ice age» Alexandra Abt.

* In 2010 she became a wife Gleb Matveychuk.

By the way

This year Gleb Matveychuk and Nastya Makeeva will both turn 30 years old. His date is June 26th, her date is December 23rd.

IN creative biography Gleb Matveychuk has a place for everything. He is a successful film actor famous singer and composer, producer. Fans of various TV shows are familiar with him from his participation in interesting programs, such as “Voice”, “Two Stars”, Exactly”.

Gleb Matveychuk first gained fame after the release of the TV series “Margosha”, where he played a minor but memorable role.


Gleb Matveychuk was born on June 26, 1981 in Moscow. His father's name was Alimzhan Ivanovich, he was a production designer and was a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. Mom, Olga Shalimovna, worked at a film studio as a makeup artist. Gleb’s mother is a native Muscovite, her father was a career military man. Gleb is the only son of his parents, so all the love and attention was concentrated on him. The boy spent a lot of time with his grandmother.

The parents tried to take the child to all the clubs - he drew, went to ballet and figure skating. When Gleb turned 6, he was taken to a ballet studio, but his dad was against such classes and took him away from the choreographic school.

Soon after this, the family changed their place of residence and left for Belarus. My father was invited to work at Belarusfilm and they settled in Minsk.

From the age of seven, Gleb began attending the music studio of the Minsk Theater. He participated in two projects that were in the repertoire - “Puss in Boots” and “Peter Pan”, and he performed all the parts himself. This work was paid, and the boy was able to earn his first money, which he later spent on buying a bicycle.

Gleb Matveychuk graduated from music college, after which he received a diploma as a choir conductor.


At the age of 16, Gleb set off to conquer the capital. He became a student at two institutes at once - the Shchepkin Higher Theater School and the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, and he managed to keep up everywhere with amazing ease. The knowledge gained at two universities will be a good springboard for his development as a creative personality, to realize your ideas in cinema and music.


Gleb Matveychuk’s debut film work was the film “Fire Shooter,” in which he starred in 1994. The boy played in a short episode. Then there were minor roles in the film “72 meters”, filmed in 2004 and the film “Daddy”.

In 2009, Gleb Matveychuk received a supporting role in the film “Margosha”. He was to become Ruslan Khilkevich. This role is the most notable in Matveychuk’s entire filmography.

After this work, Gleb stopped acting; all his attention was given to theater and television projects.


After receiving a diploma from the conservatory, Gleb did not study music for several years, and only in 2006 films were released, the author of the music for which was the young composer Matveychuk. The first notable work was the music for the film “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City”, then there were several more interesting projects.

In 2008, Gleb was awarded the Golden Eagle prize for his amazing music for the film Admiral. The film made an indelible impression on both critics and simple connoisseurs good cinema - this was also facilitated by the wonderful music of the young composer.

They began to talk about Matveychuk as a professional. He is trusted to write music for films of various genres - from dramatic to comedic.

In 2006, Gleb Matveychuk was recognized not only as a composer, but also as a singer. He began performing with the group “Lady Prowler”, and as a vocalist. In 2007 he became one of the organizers of the Flair group. A few years later, his vocals could be heard at the performances of the Renaissance group.

In 2007, Gleb Matveychuk actively participated in the creation of the ethnic musical “Children of the Sun”. Soon after this, he appeared in another interesting project - “Russian Tenors”. Thanks to his voice, Gleb was able to reach the finals and become famous throughout the country. The handsome blond man with expressive eyes and excellent vocal abilities did not leave anyone indifferent - he was applauded by both strict jury members and listeners.

During these same years, Matveychuk actively worked in the theater. He became Jesus in the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar", Fernand de Morcera in the musical "Monte Cristo", John Utterson in the rock opera " Strange story Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde."

Gleb Matveychuk continues to write music for cinema. In 2009, he increasingly appears on television and theater projects. In 2013, he composed his last film tune.

Working on television

In 2012, Gleb Matveychuk applied to participate in the TV show “The Voice,” but failed to pass the casting, and he dropped out of the list of potential participants. This failure did not break young singer, and he continues to follow the intended path.

A year later, Gleb took part in another sensational show - “Two Stars”. His partner was Olga Kormukhina. The young people managed to win and go on a tour of Russia. Literally immediately after this victory, Matveychuk was invited to another interesting project– the “Exactly Exactly” program, where he managed to end up in second place. Besides this, talented singer awarded the Audience Award.

What kind of characters did Matveychuk have to portray on stage as part of this project? He was Shura, Anna Netrebko, G. Leps, K. Maine and even F. Mercury.

In 2016, Gleb performed in Murom with the song “Eternal Spring”. The concert was dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. A. Vorobyova became his partner.

At the beginning of 2017, Gleb Matveychuk went on tour around the country with solo performances. The program is called “Winter Ball”. Residents of the Northern capital, Kolomna, Moscow and the Moscow region applauded him. In March of the same year, Gleb presented his new concert program"Spring Ball".

Personal life

Women have always been present in the personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. This is not surprising, because a tall, handsome blond man with in a beautiful voice It's hard to imagine one.

Photo: Gleb Matveychuk with his wife

The first wife of Gleb Matveychuk was actress Svetlana Belskaya. They lived in a civil marriage for four years, but never made it to the registry office. Their acquaintance took place just before New Year holidays, the girl just dreamed of meeting the love of her life. Only their closest friends knew about their relationship.

Their union broke up in 2008, and Svetlana was the initiator. The mother-in-law made a lot of efforts to reconcile her son and daughter-in-law, advising them not to make hasty decisions, but the young people did not listen and separated. Then in one of the interviews, Belskaya said that it was her stubbornness that prevented them from starting a family, perhaps they would have succeeded harmonious relationships. But what’s done is done, and nothing can be returned, especially since Svetlana is already married to her classmate.

In 2010, Matveychuk married for the second time. Now the actress has become his chosen one.

Their wedding was magnificent and beautiful, the celebration took place outside the city, in an ancient castle. Among the guests was his first wife, Svetlana Belskaya, which became a reason for gossip and gossip. After the formal registration, the newlyweds went to the church for the wedding. In his wife, Matveychuk not only had a beloved woman, but also a reliable friend and adviser.

But suddenly in 2016 the couple filed for divorce. They parted quietly, without breaking dishes or sorting things out. Among the reasons for this decision, the spouses cite their employment and the absence of children, who never appeared during six years of marriage.

After these unpleasant events in Gleb’s life, dramatic changes. Firstly, he completely changed his image. Without regret, he parted with his blond locks and got a fashionable haircut. Secondly, he went to travel around Greece, where for a long time spent in holy places. And thirdly, I started new ones romantic relationship.

He was credited with an affair with the young singer Ksenia Dezhneva, with whom he appeared at the Slavic Bazaar festival. But these rumors remained rumors.

In 2016, a photograph appeared on Gleb’s personal page showing him with a pretty girl. Fans rushed to find out who was depicted in the photo with a romantic heart and soon learned the name of the singer’s new passion. She turned out to be actress Elena Glazkova, she was 29. The girl was offered to star in the films “In the Autumn of ’41” and “None of My Own Business.”

Judging by the happy faces of the young people, everything is in order in the personal life of Gleb Matveychuk. He is happy, loving and loved.

Selected filmography

  • 2004 - 72 meters
  • 2005 - Death of the Empire
  • 2006 - Point
  • 2008 - Damned Paradise-2
  • 2009 - Margosha

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Gleb Matveychuk seems to have begun to emerge from the shadows after his high-profile divorce from Anastasia Makeeva. Previously, the singer rarely published photos and videos on his Instagram page. Fans learned about the couple’s life from Anastasia’s microblog. Now Gleb has begun to delight his followers with fresh photographs more often.

Thus, the artist shared photos from the trip he went on after breaking up with his wife. Gleb travels around Greece in the company of pilgrims. He admires the local nature and visits holy places. In one of the published photographs, Matveychuk is riding in an old minibus, and a happy smile shines on his face.

By the way, ex-wife singer Anastasia Makeeva, with whom he broke up in April, is also in Europe. She is vacationing with friends on the island of Tenerife. The actress's holidays are full of adventures. The star had already managed to get to the police station.

“So a day is not a day if there is no news and adventures. While I was resting peacefully in the evening and, immersed in aching sentimentality, watching the cartoon “Finding Nemo,” my friend managed not to notice how her bag with money, with her license, with two passports was stolen, and her plane and the whole month were stolen. I am scheduled to travel around Europe, and everything is now impossible. But at the same time, this young lady smiles and, thanks to her, we visited the Canary police. This is impressive,” Makeeva shared.

It’s interesting that if life had decreed differently, and the spouses would have found the strength to start everything over again. clean slate, they could fly to Tenerife together. “We planned this vacation several months ago with Gleb, since we had not vacationed together for a long time. But a week before the breakup, he refused to fly. You still need to find time to file for divorce. I think our marriage will be dissolved quickly, we have nothing to divide, all our property is two apartments, country house in the Moscow region - they were bought before the wedding,” Makeeva said in exclusive interview"StarHit".

Unlike Anastasia, Gleb is not so verbose. He does not talk in detail about his everyday life and plans. However, the singer shared the result of a recent trip to the hairdresser. Matveychuk said goodbye to his long blond locks. The artist got a brutal haircut. Fans liked the change in the singer's image.

Gleb Matveychuk is a multifaceted talent who, at his age, achieved heights without the help of anyone. This man can be given a standing ovation, because not every person can do what the singer, composer and actor did.

Even at twenty-five, he was stuck, not knowing what to do next in life. But having got to teachers who know their business, thanks to them it grows every year career ladder. How his work developed and whether the singer was able to combine his work with his personal life, we’ll talk about that.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gleb Matveychuk

Repeatedly, many were interested in the singer’s data, such as height, weight, age, and how old. Gleb Matveychuk is flattered to hear questions related to him, and he even readily answers such details. He was born on June 26, 1981 and in given time he is 36 years old. With a height of 183 cm, Gleb weighs 74 kg, he has an excellent figure, because he takes care of himself, plays sports, goes to the pool and tries to eat healthy food. Although the singer does not hide the fact that sometimes he can allow himself to relax and celebrate his belly.

Looking at the singer’s photographs, one can note the man’s natural stateliness. There is something about him that catches the eye and beckons Gleb Matveychuk with his languid gaze. The photos in my youth and now are not that much different. The man looks as before - handsome, tall and self-confident.

Biography of Gleb Matveychuk

The biography of Gleb Matveychuk began in the city of Moscow, but for family reasons the family moved to Belarus. Father - Alim Matveychuk worked as a film artist who raised a real man. For Gleba, his dad has always been a role model. His mother, Olga Matveychuk, a make-up artist, always approved of her son’s choice and gave wise advice.

After graduating from school, Gleb moved to Moscow and entered two universities at once. Future actor decided to try himself in films, but since he was given minor roles, he decided to show himself from a more advantageous side. He started composing music. “Admiral”, “Chkalov” brought fame to the composer, and he did not stop, writing a dozen more songs for films. He also writes music for theatrical productions"Dog in the manger", "Waiting room."

In 2006, Matveychuk became the vocalist of the group “Flair”, which means instinct. And in 2009, the actor played a role in the TV series “Margosha”, after which his popularity increased. Subsequently, Gleb participates in various television shows, takes part in musical projects- musicals and rock operas. In the musical "Monte Cristo", where he plays main role, Matveychuk met his wife, Anastasia Makeeva.

Gleb Matveychuk became famous person, working tirelessly and winning more and more fans. Although the composer himself is very picky about his work and says that there is no limit to perfection.

Personal life of Gleb Matveychuk

The personal life of Gleb Matveychuk did not go unnoticed and young man novels have been attributed more than once since he became popular. The singer dated his girlfriend for several years before his wedding, but after the breakup they remained on friendly terms. They say that Gleb's chosen one was so loved by his parents that they even called them mom and dad.

Matveychuk married Anastasia Makeeva. They met in the theater, where the young people noticed each other. But after living for five years, everything turned out to be not so simple, Gleb dissolved in his creativity, and not in his other half, and Anastasia kept trying to reach him in order to save the family. But a year later, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva filed for divorce. The reason, according to Nastya, was different interests in family life. The couple gradually began to move away from each other and, as a result, became strangers.

Family of Gleb Matveychuk

Family of Gleb Matveychuk on at the moment- these are his parents, to whom he is infinitely grateful. His mother and father always gave him the right to choose, and although they could arrange his son’s career without any problems, they let him go free. Gleb achieved everything himself through his diligence and hard work. Matveychuk always talks with pride about his parents and his upbringing, spiritual development, life values obliged only to them. Not long ago, the composer was interviewed and asked if he had a car, to which Gleb said: “Yes, he does, and I only bought a car when I personally earned money for it. And this was at thirty years old. And although my family could afford to give me a car, I was raised in a way where the material world should come second.”

Gleb is a very enviable groom and perhaps changes will soon come in the man’s personal life, because the singer is often seen accompanied by a pretty brunette. Gleb Matveychuk and his new girl. Photos of the couple can be seen on vacation, in restaurants and at the theater. It is clear that the couple does not hide their relationship and are clearly passionate about each other.

Children of Gleb Matveychuk

Married to Anastasia Matveeva, although the couple was passionate about their achievements, they immediately decided to continue the family line. Of course, as in any full-fledged family, everyone wants their children to bring joy and laughter. Gleb Matveychuk, as a person who had already gotten back on his feet, was worried about this problem, they worked on it, but nothing came of it. “We even went to the hospital for help,” shares the singer, “But apparently it’s God-given.”

Perhaps this has further aggravated the emotional tension of the spouses, because it is not for nothing that they say that in order for a wish to come true, you need to forget about it.

Gleb Matveychuk's ex-wife - Anastasia Makeeva

Gleb Matveychuk’s ex-wife, Anastasia Makeeva, although she tried to save the marriage, apparently this was only her desire. Although the girl herself took the first step towards separation, it was very difficult, the ex-wife admits. Gleb, according to Nastya, was so indifferent in everyday life that he didn’t care what furniture to buy, what he did in free time his wife. “He was ecstatic about his profession and he didn’t need anything else,” Makeeva said. Nastya suggested that Gleb do some mutual business, spend more time together, but either his feelings cooled down, or he was really absorbed in his work, but the relationship was coming to nothing. They even went to sessions with a psychologist, but the marriage still collapsed.

Since the couple lived with Makeeva, the woman left, asking her husband to pack his things and leave while she was gone. To which Matveychuk quickly agreed. Nastya, of course, hoped that Gleb would come to his senses and try to change something, but she was mistaken - he did not need this marriage. Later, the singer said that the divorce happened quickly, since they had nothing to share, except cats and dogs.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Gleb Matveychuk

Instagram and Wikipedia Gleb Matveychuk pleases his subscribers, and the singer has about fifteen thousand of them, with both his creativity and his personal life. The photo Gleb exhibited with Elena Glazkova aroused especially intense passions among fans. Immediately a sea of ​​comments of different nature began to pour in, followers were divided in opinions, which girl is better - the new one or ex-wife Matveychuk.

Gleb stopped the debate by writing that this was not discussed and gave a lot of hearts to his beloved. Time will tell how serious things are with them. Article found on