How to become a vampire the real way. There are different types of vampires. Methods of becoming a mythological vampire

The very unusual question of how to become a vampire has always caused unhealthy excitement in society and the ardent interest of ordinary people. Books and films about vampires are an impressive and very rich page of world culture, which tirelessly fuels this interest. Since ancient times, retellings and legends about vampires have lived in the human mind.. What is this, myth or reality? What are the signs of a vampire? And how to recognize it? Is it even possible to become a vampire in real life? We will try to figure this out.

If you believe literature and cinema, vampires are a kind of closed society in the middle of ordinary society. They communicate little with ordinary people, do not like sunlight, drink blood and go to sleep in coffins.

Aristocratic pallor and a closed lifestyle - it was these signs of vampirism that attracted people and made vampires representatives of the upper class. The desire to become a vampire was greatly fueled romantic stories in the style of the notorious "Twilight", so languid young girls, passionate boys and mature men and women in any time and era they dreamed of becoming vampires, almost without thinking about the seriousness possible consequences. Besides eternal life, power over people, beauty and wealth, in the everyday reality of vampires there are back side medals. This is hostility and misunderstanding, loneliness and eternal wanderings in search of food.

Exist different types vampires.

  1. Aloneevil and insatiable, kill everyone indiscriminately, for food and entertainment.
  2. Others are quiet and peaceful– live in a closed society and suck blood only when necessary.
  3. And the third are vampire nomads. They travel all the time in search of food and thrills.
  4. There is a fourth type of vampires - energy ones.. They do not drink blood, but they do eat human emotions. And this is no less dangerous.

How to become a vampire in real life: secrets of conversion

Turning into a vampire is not an easy task. If you think that you just need to want or write this cherished desire on the New Moon and everything will happen by itself, then you are mistaken. You need to set a goal on how to become a vampire at home, and then move on to its implementation.

There are four ways to become a vampire

What to do if you can't become a vampire?

First of all, don't get upset. Real vampires do not experience any emotions: they do not rejoice, do not scream, do not swear, but they are not sad either. Act like a vampire.

Put all of the above on yourself and go celebrate Halloween - October 31st. On this day you will meet many of your own kind and will feel in the 7th heaven of your vampire happiness. However, on other days it is not forbidden to wear vampire costumes. It's just that not everyone likes them. It is especially contraindicated to appear in this image near housing offices and clinics, where there is an increased concentration of pensioners. So it’s better to wear your vampire clothes at home, and if you live on the ground floor, you can occasionally appear in a lighted window at night. Yes, for prevention.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

As we have already said, there is a completely different type of vampire - an energy vampire. He doesn’t have to drink your blood in order to really “get” you. He leads the lifestyle of a completely normal person and in no way expresses his intentions. And the intentions of the energy vampire are simple and clear to him: it's sucking vital energy from other people.


  1. Find the victim.
  2. Cause negative emotions in her.
  3. “Feed off” from someone’s irritation, aggression, anger.
  4. Squeeze out all the juices, upset, infuriate.
  5. Leave happy.

What to do when meeting such “slippery types”, or more precisely, how to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

To start you should recognize such a character, which may appear regularly in your life. After all, a vampire needs constant feeding.

A It's very easy to recognize vampires:

  1. Some people constantly complain about life and force others to listen to their whining.
  2. Others deliberately provoke conflicts in order to feed off other people’s aggression and negative emotions.
  3. Still others constantly give out advice and show unhealthy attention to others.
  4. Fourth - manipulate people, turning them against each other.

However, from all these “energy bloodsuckers” there is own defense.

  1. Place a visual barrier: Cross your arms over your chest or hide them behind your back and curl up. You can also look for a few seconds at the interlocutor’s forehead, in the third eye area.
  2. Limit your communication time with such people or completely reduce it to zero.
  3. Communicate with them politely, level-headedly, under no circumstances do not argue or enter into conflict.
  4. Don't be manipulated, change the topic of conversation or say that you need to go.

If the thrill of blood in real life is of no use to you, try becoming a vampire in Skyrim. IN computer game no need to dress up like a scarecrow, put on makeup and try on sharp and uncomfortable fangs. Also, unlike real life, computer vampirism is much safer and cooler.

All you have to do is encounter a vampire in the game, and you can catch the disease “Sanguinare Vampiris”. Unless, of course, your opponent uses the Drain Life spell against you. Then you will have 72 hours to decide whether you want to become a vampire or not. If you suddenly change your mind and refuse the fate of a vampire, then you will have to visit the Altar of the Nine, or drink a potion of healing diseases. For those who decide to continue playing as a vampire, the first stage of the disease will begin, accompanied by the following permanent effects:

  • "Weakness in the sun";
  • "Disease Resistance";

How to become a vampire? Thanks to television, the image of a ghoul, blood drinker, very popular. Many are interested in the question of what advantage these creatures have over ordinary people and how to become a relative of Dracula.

In the article:

How to become a vampire in real life

Having figured it out, some want to join them. There are several ways to turn into one of the minions of Darkness:

  1. A person can be bitten by a vampire.
  2. A ritual is performed during which blood is exchanged with the vampire.
  3. You can become a ghoul if a person is cursed.
  4. Using a special spell, you can awaken the blood of a vampire.

To do this, you need to try. If you decide to use the first option, they look for representatives of ghouls where the evil spirits spend the most time - in the cemetery. You can recognize a bloodsucker by its pallor, unusual eye color and the presence of fangs. Night time is chosen for searches, because undead cannot stand the color of the sun.

The grave energy attracts them, because the creatures are between life and death. There is no need to hope that representatives of evil spirits will turn someone into a vampire. These creatures drink blood not just to profit, but are selective in their choice of victims. It is easier for a vampire to endure hunger than to pounce on the first prey that comes along. If you manage to find a real bloodsucker, there is no guarantee that the vampires will convert and not kill: trusting them is risky, because evil spirits are insidious and do not keep their promises.

How to turn into a vampire through blood exchange

Blood exchange- a ritual that is used in many practices associated with black magic. If you mix your own bio-fluid with the witch's, . The ritual of mixing biological material with vampire blood is familiar to fans of vampire films.

Often in videos (films, TV series) you can see how a vampire first bites the victim, and then gives him a drink of his own blood. In reality, this is not how things happen. There are several ways to mix vampire blood and biological material.

Option one

You'll need a real vampire. Each participant in the ritual cuts his left palm until it bleeds with a ritual knife, after which the hands of both participants are joined. The man and the ghoul must say:

From now on we are brothers by blood. From now on we are one. Our path is hidden from the Light by Darkness.

The key to a successful ritual is large cuts that will allow the human and vampire to exchange biofluids.

Second way

The ritual is more complicated. You will need a ritual cup filled with wine. First the ghoul does own hand large cut with the words:

For I give you my blood.

After which a man makes a cut on his hand with this knife, saying:

And I give you mine.

You need to make cuts so that a little spills out of the wounds into the bowl. Afterwards with the words:

From now on we are one.

A drink is drunk from a bowl. The first half is drunk by a human, the second by a vampire. Each of the methods makes it possible to turn into a minion of Darkness due to the fact that the blood of a vampire will flow in a person’s veins, and after tasting it, it is no longer possible to refuse the drink.

Transformation into a ghoul through a curse

From the records left by ancestors, it is known that witches could curse victims (most often their husbands’ mistresses, homewreckers, men who did not reciprocate their feelings) to eternal wanderings between the worlds of the living and the dead. To exist, the living dead had to drink the blood of people to satisfy their hunger.

It is impossible to ask someone to curse them to wander forever. Even if you turn to a black magician, it is unlikely that the sorcerer will be able to help. If you like the option, the only thing you can do is to anger the sorceress, who has sufficient power and knowledge to curse.

There are no guarantees that the witch will curse him to eternally wander in the guise of a vampire; it is possible that the witch will simply induce . It is not recommended to use this method.

How to become a vampire using a spell

There is an ancient ritual that turns a person into a ghoul. The mechanism of the ritual: a person is not transformed, turning into a ghoul, but the blood of a vampire awakens in the person. The ritual is performed alone or in the presence of other bloodsuckers (this will also become a rite of passage). To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • coal;
  • 5 wax candles;
  • ritual dagger;
  • ritual bowl filled with red wine (symbolizes biofluid).

ritual bowl filled with red wine
charcoal wax candles ritual dagger

It is better to choose an old temple or crypt for the ritual. These are places of power that will fill the magician and allow the inner vampire to awaken. A pentagram (five-pointed star) is drawn on the floor of the selected room and circled. A candle is placed on each of the rays of the pentacle ( the ritual mentions the name of Samael - the angel of death, who was the second husband of Lilith). A person who wants to become a vampire stands in the center of the picture, holding a ritual container of wine in his hand, and says:

Any soul that eats any blood is doomed to wander. Any blood you have consumed in life will be exacted. I said: I will ascend to the heights of the clouds, I will become like the Most High, in half my days I will descend into the gates of the Underworld, I will be deprived of the remainder of my years. And now you are cursed from the earth, which rejected its mouth to receive blood.

Next, the container with wine is placed on the floor, a ritual knife is taken into the hands and the person’s palm is cut. The cut should be such that enough falls into the bowl and a few drops fall on each of the rays of the pentagram. Afterwards, the newly-made vampire continues to read the text:

And he took half the blood and poured it into the cups, and sprinkled the other half of the blood on the altar! And you will dip your finger in the blood and sprinkle it three times before Samael, before the veil!

At these words, the person (or another vampire, if the ritual is not performed alone) dips his finger into a container of wine and blood, after which he applies a cross to the forehead of the new ghoul with the liquid. Now the young vampire continues to read the text:

Defile the land on which you are, for blood defiles the land, and the land cannot be redeemed from the blood shed on it. The earth will no longer give its strength to you; You will be an exile and a wanderer on earth. And this land overflowed with blood, for they said: “The Gods have forsaken this land, and the Spirits do not see.”

The cup rises as if a young vampire is making a toast:

The earth is corrupt, for all flesh has perverted its way on earth! And that blood will be a sign, and I will see the blood, and I will pass by you, and there will be no destructive plague among you when I strike the earth! This is the blood of the covenant that Samael has made with you regarding all these words. There were giants on the earth at that time, and the earth was corrupted before God, and the earth was filled with evil. And like a lion rises; He will not lie down until he has drunk the blood of the slain. And like new wine, they will become drunk with their blood.

After the text, the person drinks wine and blood to the last drop, and then says:

And Cain left the face of the Light and settled in the land of Nod, east of Aiden. My path from the Light is also mysterious, and my judgment eludes it.

This concludes the rite of passage into vampires. The candles are extinguished one by one, starting with the one standing on the left side of the vampire and then counterclockwise.

Is it possible to be a ghoul from birth?

For some it's much easier

Vampires, as mystical creatures, have always attracted people with their mystery, dark charm and incredible power. Attitudes towards them have always been varied: from crazy fear to selfless adoration. Those people who admired these amazing creatures searched their entire lives for the answer to the question “How to become a real vampire?” Some laughed at them, others looked contemptuously at these “crazy people,” but there were also those who, having secret knowledge, shed light and suggested the answer. And then the person realized that all this was not fiction, but the truth, which was hidden under the cover of night.

Many of those who think about it in real life cannot explain their desire. And they often do not even understand the full depth of the process awaiting them and the complexity of their future existence. After all, they think that the children of the night are the rulers of humanity, and everything is subject to them. However, this is not the case. Today, among the elite and the cream of society, if there are representatives of these creatures, then they are few.

In fact, their way of life forces vampires to hide and live away from publicity. Some of them fear for their “unlife”, and some are simply trying to cope with the madness that is on them. long years(century) will now always be a part of their existence.

If you are wondering how to become a vampire's girlfriend because you are bewitched by romance eternal love“forever”, which is preached by many films and books of a mystical direction, then know that this is a myth.

They are bloodsuckers, ghouls, and cruel creatures whose essence is killing in the name of bloodlust. It is blood that is their basic need, and for the sake of it they are ready to do anything.

Often those who are dissatisfied with their life and want to change it dream of becoming a vampire. Such people believe that changing their human essence is what is needed. And only after this can you become truly happy.

But this is only a common misconception, since this creature cannot be happy. Loneliness, sorrow and boredom, from which there is no escape - this is what awaits those who take the path of darkness.

Life of a Vampire

It happens that the desire to become one of the children of the night appears out of nowhere and becomes stronger every day. If you really feel the urge to go somewhere and look for someone, you may have become the target of the “call of the vampire.”

This message, inaudible to others, will be the beginning of a new life for you. Now you don’t need to look for opportunities to become a vampire at home, since your fate has already decided everything for you.

An existence awaits you ahead, which will bring you not only super strength and superpowers, but also a constant thirst for blood and longing for your former life. Don't think that you can become a dark creature for an hour or two, for a day or for a weekend.

Once you choose this path, you can no longer turn back. This life is full of various dangers. It involves hunting for prey, fighting with equal or even stronger opponents.

In order to survive, you will have to learn to hide among people and keep your secret for many centuries. And on the day when loneliness fills your soul with suffering, you will want someone nearby who can understand and share this suffering. It will be a neophyte - a person who wants to become a vampire.

Vampire bite

The main option, which many sources describe, is transformation through a vampire bite. This process is quite complex and painful and involves a deep restructuring of the entire organism.

This can last from several days to several weeks. And during all this time, a more experienced representative of the children of the night should be next to the ward at all times.

If a person has any health problems, he may simply not be able to withstand this agony and die. Painkillers will not help here, since metamorphosis occurs at the level of the brain and spinal cord. You just need to survive these attacks, and the power of the vampire nearby will help with this:

  • First, he will constantly "feed" the new convert with his blood to support the biological changes that occur.
  • Secondly, he will make sure that the transformer does not harm himself.
  • Thirdly, it will protect the convert from external danger, since during this period he is very vulnerable.

The process of creating one's own kind can only be carried out by a real vampire with enormous power. After all, rebirth itself will require incredible efforts from him. Therefore, he will not make a “man from the street” his neophyte.

So if you decide to do this, be prepared for the fact that they will demand something from you in return. For example, you can invite a vampire man to introduce him to a charming woman who dreams of becoming a vampire's girlfriend.

Prohibited methods

Important to remember! Never engage in any of the following prohibited activities:

  • threat of disclosure (a dark creature can give false consent to transformation, but upon meeting it will simply kill you);
  • seduction (the tendency of children of the night to have emotional outbursts is exaggerated; they prefer to choose their own mate);
  • money (these creatures consider themselves higher creatures, and therefore commercialism is an insult to them).

Remember! Most main reason For vampires to transform, it is considered personal gain. If you have what he needs, then he will easily agree to this process. Otherwise you may get hurt.

Nowadays you can find many advertisements on the Internet offering the opportunity to become one of the children of the night. But by responding to it, you will most likely fall into the hands of a fraudster or a madman. After all, vampires have not been looking for victims in this way for a long time, since they have already had problems with law enforcement agencies.

Now they act more carefully and secretly. Therefore, if you were unable to fulfill your cherished dream in this way, you can always use other ways to become a vampire at home.

Quite often you can find mention of a special ritual of transformation into a child of the night. It is claimed that after it is completed you will become a real vampire. And this offer is very tempting, especially considering that the conditions for its implementation are much more accessible and easier than transformation through a bite.

But doubt arises about the truth of such a ritual. And the point here is that only selected ghoul magicians possess real vampire magic, which are very difficult to find today. They are considered hermits even among their own.

This verification can last for years, or even centuries. And only after this is initiation possible, the real ritual of which is known only to dark magicians. They are not used to sharing their secrets, and therefore it is unlikely that public rituals will help you become a real vampire.

However, it is worth understanding that after training with these strong magicians, you will become far from being an ordinary bloodsucker, but part of the elite, whom everyone respects and fears. In addition, you will have access to ancient knowledge and powers that others do not have.

The peculiarity of dark magicians is that they do not just drink human blood, but use the entire body for their needs. Perhaps because of this they are not liked and they try to communicate less with representatives of this group.

There are people who naturally have a certain tendency. These are the so-called “natural vampires”. They are quite rare. But remember that having the inclination to become a vampire and being one are two different things.

A person with such abilities must develop them in himself, which means working tirelessly. With the help of willpower and tedious practice, such a person is eventually able to transform.

These abilities can be revealed in stressful situation or under the influence of some special substances. If, in case of stress, you discover certain abilities in yourself, then they should be consolidated and further developed. Yoga practices will come to your aid.

But only a dark shaman can help your gift reveal itself under the influence of substances. But even in this case, after discovery, abilities need to be developed and improved.

Such self-development may take several decades, but will go much faster under the guidance of an experienced natural vampire. You need to choose your mentor carefully.

As you know, children of the night, born from a bite, really do not like such “talented” and often try to destroy them. The reason for this rejection lies in the belief that the blood of a natural vampire has magical properties.

In addition, “natural” ones have greater strength and capabilities, which provided them with intraspecific envy and competition. So it’s quite difficult to find an adult natural vampire now.

Stories true love between a vampire and a human is rather an exception to the rule. Many representatives of these dark creatures are capable of pretending to be in love in order to achieve main goal- blood. And if the object experiences feelings at the same time, then its taste becomes special, and then the vampire can savor it like a fine wine. And his victim will die in the hands of his lover.

Many children of the night take advantage of such naivety, especially in our time when there is a large number of representatives of the fair sex who dream of becoming a vampire girl.

Scenes filmed in films selfless love between a bloodsucker and a man gives rise to romantic ideas about these terrible creatures. And they give themselves over to the feelings that arise without looking back. And then they die at the hands of a night predator.

However, some vampires are capable of feelings, and they will value above all else the person who sparked love in them. With him you can experience deep passion and unbridled desire. But don't ask him to turn you into a child of the night.

A vampire in love will never wish his life for someone who is thinking about how to become a vampire's girlfriend. He would rather die himself than subject the object of his love to such torment.

How to really become a vampire? This is a question many teenagers ask themselves after watching enough Hollywood blockbusters and reading books. In this article we will try to figure out how to become a real vampire in real life.

We ask the faint of heart to move away from the monitors, as a terrible secret will now be revealed!)

Of course, we don't know how one can become a 100% vampire. Haven't tried it on ourselves. But from some sources we have collected some recommendations for you, future vampires!

Nowadays, being a vampire, as we imagine him based on horror films, is very difficult. Because sleeping in a coffin during the day and walking around the city at night, biting passersby, is not a very fun activity and can cause misunderstanding among the public, with all the ensuing consequences.

You don't have to drink human blood or kill animals to become a vampire. You can simply feed on the energy of others, that is, become an energy vampire. To do this, it is enough to have a powerful life position, show your superiority in clothes, taste and other qualities. The whole world should respect you and feel that you are in charge! Then people themselves will begin to give you their energy, as soon as you appear in society. You will feed on other people's ideas, feelings and even desires...

For greater authenticity, you can sometimes treat yourself to a delicacy - blood, but do not suck it out to the last drop, but only slightly wet your lips during a passionate kiss with a beautiful stranger. You can do something more vulgar and buy spilled blood at a butcher shop...

If you want to know how to become a real vampire, then you should adhere to three basic rules:

  1. Vampire is afraid of sunlight
  2. The vampire doesn't like having an aspen stake stabbed into him.
  3. The vampire is very afraid of the crucifix and holy water

But you can take a simpler approach to garlic. Only Bram Stoker used this plant to scare vampires. So don't be afraid of him.

Alternatively, you can visit a dentist's office and grow vampire incisors, which are guaranteed to frighten any passerby. Although you shouldn’t run into drunken company, otherwise you might end up without fangs, at the very least.

Nowadays, the question of how to become a real vampire is of great concern to young people, especially Japanese ones. There the phenomenon of vampirism became very widespread. People turn to plastic surgeons for help, who change their facial features, creating truly vampire “faces.” In addition, using contact lenses you can achieve a more frightening effect. By the way, if you want to know how to change your eye color without using lenses, here it is. If goths and emo are still in fashion here, then in the East there are vampires and other evil spirits.

Another way to become a vampire in real life is to find a vampire and ask him to bite you. As easy as pie!

After this, your daily routine should change significantly. During the day you should sleep in a dark place, at least in a curtained room. Avoid mirrors. And at night, go for a walk, but do not forget to return home before sunrise, otherwise everyone will understand that you are faking. By the way, there is a very rare disease when a person cannot see daylight and is forced to hide in the dark during daylight hours, and only at night can he relax...

Before you make the final decision to become a vampire in real life, think carefully - do you need it? How will your friends and family react to the appearance of a vampire? Perhaps you will be misunderstood and sent to a room with pink walls covered with foam rubber?

Just like that!

But if you have one thought in your head - “I want to become a vampire,” then nothing should stop you!

Today, millions of teenagers, after watching popular films, dream of becoming a vampire in real life. Some people think this idea is futile. After all, mysticism, paranormal phenomena, fairy tales ordinary life not happening. However, pay attention to the fact that what happens in our lives is what we believe in most. So, if you really want to become a vampire in real life, then this can be done.

First, you need to find out for what purpose you want this transformation? Why a vampire and not someone else? If the thought that you need this transformation has been on your mind for several weeks, then it’s time to get down to business. Secondly, look around, look at what surrounds you every day. Are you ready to part with it all? Vampires not only look different. They see the world around us differently.

You can wait your whole life for a vampire to bite you, or you can start your transformation today. Not the millionaire who keeps a million in his closet, but the one who, by appearance, behavior, way of life, shows that he belongs to a completely different circle of people, that saving is unacceptable to him, that he belongs to a different, chosen branch of life. And which of these two people do you think will be a true millionaire: the one who saves on everything, keeps his million in the closet and constantly flaunts his money, or the person who silently lives the way he likes. He does not look at the reaction of society, but only does those actions that give him pleasure. Naturally, in the second case we will have a true millionaire. And in the first - the person who wants to seem like one.

So, if you have clearly decided that you want to become a vampire, then you should not tell everyone about it. Scream at every corner about every step of your transformation. On the contrary, if you remain silent and achieve your goal step by step, then after a while society itself will pay attention to you, people will understand that a real vampire is standing in front of them.

Silence. This quality is perhaps the most important. Where have you seen a vampire who would constantly talk about something, laugh, have fun, live carefree? The vampire is constantly focused on his thoughts. He does only those things that have a logical basis behind them. It is pointless to do work; a vampire will never say unnecessary words.

How long to be a vampire? Everyone knows that vampires live forever. However, can you withstand such a huge period of time? Before you become a vampire, you need to test for yourself whether you can live a different life. Act, think and live differently? How to do it? Everything is very simple.

Food. What do vampires eat? As a rule, this is blood and live meat. However, let us not immediately surrender to fate. You need to get used to other foods gradually. Try to accustom yourself to the color red first. To do this, eat and drink only things that have a red tint. This could be tomato juice, red tea, tomatoes, bell pepper. In general, all food you eat should be exclusively red in color. You have to get used not to the products, but to the color. It should whet your appetite. However, if cakes, cheesecakes and buns still cause cravings, then try to eat them in smaller quantities, and eventually give up this food altogether.

Atmosphere. The atmosphere in which you live largely determines your character. How do vampires live? They surround themselves antiques, beautifully bound books, antique furniture, heavy, carved cabinets and chairs. You can pour your usual tomato juice into a beautiful decanter and place it in the center of the table next to the glasses. Get ready, in such an environment you will have to live not a day, not two, but several hundred years. If this suits you, then we move on to further transformation.

Anatomy. Every vampire should have an excellent understanding of structure human body. How will you drink blood, how will you bite a person, if you can’t imagine where people’s arteries go? The anatomical atlas clearly shows the places where the arteries begin, how they pass and where they end. Not all vampires have a developed sense of smell, so you simply need to know which places are the most “appetizing” in a person.

Daily regime. Vampires have a significantly different daily routine. Are you ready for the fact that you won't see the sun's rays anymore? Try to gradually rebuild your daily routine. Now you need to lead an active lifestyle at night, and wear as closed clothing as possible during the day dark colors. Hide your eyes behind tinted glasses. Forget about tanning, sunbathing and leisure on the seashore with friends. Now you need to be outdoors as little as possible. The maximum you can afford is to run Fresh air into the house, opening the window sash wide open. However, you need to be careful here too. Avoid exposure to sunlight in the apartment.

Appearance. Would you like to see yourself as a vampire? Maybe this appearance is absolutely not suitable for you. After all, among the nocturnal inhabitants there are both beautiful creatures, and ugly. Take makeup, apply it to your face, look in the mirror at your deathly pale reflection. You like? Then try on the fangs. However, be careful, if you can appear on the street with a little makeup, you can only walk with fangs at night in a deserted space.

Eternity. As you know, vampires live forever. You have already missed a huge amount of time from your history. Now you have time to catch up on all this. To do this, study history, remember great events, pay more attention to the little things. You must study the history of the world as if you lived 200-500 years ago, observed all the events with your own eyes.

If all these conditions not only suit you, but you are ready to let them into your life. Try to change, see how long you can last. And only if this transformation brings you true joy and pleasure, if you feel more comfortable than before, you are truly a vampire at heart. You want to transform yourself not out of a desire to pay tribute to fashion, but because without it, your existence in this world makes no sense.