Entertainment program on March 8 for adults

When preparing for the holiday, do not forget to prepare the necessary equipment in advance: rubber gloves, curlers, decorative cosmetics, wigs, scarves, jewelry, women's clothing, shoes.

There is a sign on the door that says “No men allowed.” All women are invited to the hall

1 PRESENTER: Dear women! Congratulations on your wonderful spring holiday! Let smiles bloom on your faces, and let worries and sorrows disappear forever.

2 PRESENTER: Let's take a break from our daily problems at least one day a year - from washing, cleaning, kitchen chores.

1 PRESENTER: Yes, yes, and from men too! Do you agree?

(At this time there is a loud knock, a roar, indignant voices are heard: “What is this, they forgot about us!” Men dressed as women appear in the hall: some in a robe, a headscarf; some in a wig, shoes; and some with a fan to cover their mustache orbeard.)

2 PRESENTER: Who are you? Maybe we actually forgot about someone? After all, we have a large team.

(A paper airplane with an anonymous message lands smoothly near the presenters: “You thought you ran away from the men? And the men are already in the hall!” Signed: “Well-wisher.”)

1 PRESENTER: Can't be! We decided to do without men and invited only women.

2 PRESENTER: Wait a minute. Don't the new girls arouse your suspicions? Let's do some testing.

(Proposes organizing two teams. One of them is men in disguise, the other is willing women, about 6 people.)


1 PRESENTER: All women are excellent housewives and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Even with eyes closed they are well oriented in their domains.

2 PRESENTER: Our first competition is for good housewives: blindfolded, you have to determine what is in the saucer.

(Pour sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley into a saucer.)


1 PRESENTER: Times are difficult now; a village cannot survive without a cow.

2 PRESENTER: Let's see how our participants can milk a cow.

(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who will milk more?)


1 PRESENTER: Farming is farming, but you don’t have to forget about yourself. A woman should always be beautiful, mysterious, charming.

2 PRESENTER: Not last role The hairstyle plays a role in this. Representatives of which team will curl the curlers faster and more accurately?


1 PRESENTER: This hairstyle requires appropriate makeup.

2 PRESENTER: The task for the participants of the next competition is to apply evening makeup. Choose your assistants from your team - and get to work!

(While the participants are preparing, a musical competition to the very funny ditty. The painted participants come out. They are invited to walk through like fashion models. In this case, men need to prepare high-heeled shoes in advance, the higher the better, at least size 41.)


1 PRESENTER: Life sometimes puts us in the most unimaginable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them. How would you behave in the following circumstances:

1. At a party you notice the man of your dreams. How will you try to get his attention?

2. The store brought the “latest fashion” - a suit, the cost of which is equal to 3 of your husband’s salaries. How do you persuade your husband to give you a gift?

3. At 2 o’clock in the morning, the husband returns from “work” drunk, covered in burrs, with traces of lipstick, and a very intimate piece of women’s clothing is sticking out of his pocket. Your actions?


1 PRESENTER: Not only are women unpredictable creatures, they are also very inventive. Find a use for torn tights.

(Command versions)


2 PRESENTER: And now the blitz tournament!

How much does a loaf of bread cost?

A liter of milk?

How much does a kilogram of nails cost?

A dozen eggs?

Washing powder?


A liter of gasoline?

1 PRESENTER: It seems our suspicions were not justified. We apologize to you (towards the disguised team). We are convinced that you are not men. And so that there are no offenses, we suggest drinking the “world drink”.

(The assistant brings in a tray with full glasses and snacks. Everyone drinks. Men usually gulp, in one large gulp, and women, little by little, in small sips.)

2 PRESENTER: So you gave yourself away. No woman would drink vodka like that. And since we exposed you, tell me, for what purpose were you so eager to get to our bachelorette party?

(Congratulations to the men. Feast.)

“There is nothing higher than the word - mother!”

(Opening script festive concert, dedicated to the Day Mothers)

The stage is festively decorated with flowers, perhaps balloons, as well as photographic portraits of women different ages. Faces laughing, sad, thoughtful, stern, distressed, etc.

The song “Orenburgsky” plays down scarf"performed by L. Zykina. (All sounds in the concert musical works can also be performed by artists, that is, serve as a separate concert number. (Author's note)

The Presenter and Presenter enter the stage.

HOST: I remember what is always new,

And although I’m not singing a hymn at all,

But a word born in the soul

Finds its own music...

This word is a call and a spell.

This word contains the soul of existence.

This is the first spark of consciousness,

Baby's first smile.

This word will never deceive you,

There is a being hidden in it.

It is the source of everything.

There is no end to it.

Get up!

I pronounce it:

R. Gamzatov “Take care of mothers”

On the last day of Russian autumn - November 30, we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. On this day we remember the closest people - our mothers and grandmothers, thanks to whom we exist and live.

LEADING: When I was happy, always

You beamed with a smile.

Suddenly trouble touched me -

You moaned in pain.

And I was accepted into the institute -

You suddenly became winged.

And to the girl that I loved,

You were kinder than me.

Rejoicing with me, mourning...

You have always been walking next to me...

Tell me, mom, for yourself

Have you ever lived?

A. Sahakyan “Mothers”

HOST: I know - on my shoulders

Everything is holding up:

Deeds and things.

I like

Women's care

All life

Cherish your hearth.


To be for a child.

Don't experience


To what you need

Bake and wash.

I like

In the buzz of the day

So tense

Without hiding strength,

To the desired luck

She didn’t dare pass me!

Be a woman

And live lovingly.

And be illuminated by light.

And spend a whole century

What an honor

In this calling!

L. Shchipakhina “Being a Woman”

LEADING: The tears that froze in her eyes,

The sounds that shone on the lips,

They shone like stars in the twilight,

And I was not afraid in the dark.

Mom's songs... modesty and grandeur,

A mother’s heart is a storehouse of secret powers...

“I can’t understand your mother,”

How many times did my father tell us?

People! My brothers!

Take care of your mothers.

Real Mother to Man

Given once.

Rasul Gamzatov wrote:

“Mother is the soul of the world, its beginning and infinity. She - alive soul, great destiny, an object of love and inspiration. The word “mother” cannot but make us shiver, feel warmth and light.”

Hello mother!

Again I dream of your song.

Hello mother!

Your tenderness is as bright as memory.

This world is not so golden from the sun -

It is filled to the brim with your kindness.

You are weakening, your strength is leaving.

All the same, despite any years,

You will be young for me forever.

We worked hard

For ten lives, your hands.


Under this sky are your grandchildren.

You're singing a lullaby again

And suddenly you recognize yourself in your granddaughter.

There are a lot of warm-hearted people.

And yet, the best person on earth is my mother.

My mom!

R. Rozhdestvensky “Hello, Mom”

The soloist and soloist come on stage and perform the song “Mother Dove” (words by Nirkomsky, music by A. Gurilev).

HOST: Our responsibility to mothers is immeasurable. Let us think: are we attentive enough and kind enough to our mothers? And not only will we think...

A Boy and a Girl come on stage and perform a duet of the song “Island of Childhood” (words by M. Ryabinin, music by O. Feltsman).

LEADING: I never get tired of looking at you,

I was waiting for a smile more than any praise.

Since childhood, you have breathed fire into my heart.

I absorbed love with your milk.

I can overcome any difficulties,

Just to know that I will help you.

Look at the bride, at the grandchildren,

Tell me: do you feel warmer in their circle?

We would always meet sunrises with you,

I am glad to protect you from storms.

Let happiness be as bright as a spring.

There is nothing higher than the word - mother!...

K. Zhumgaliev “There is no higher word!”

The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” is played (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Ptichkin) performed by a trio of guys.

HOST: Oh, how wonderful this word is - mother!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She is us, naughty and stubborn,

She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.

Yes, the word “mother” has long been popular among people

HOST and HOST(together): Raised above the brightest stars.

I. Malysheva

"I believe that all women are beautiful..."

This evening should become a hymn to a woman - mother, lover, sister, friend. Teachers, high school students, and their fathers will take part in its preparation. The children will decorate the school hall, learn poems and songs about mothers, and organize a concert.

On the central wall or stage of the school hall there is a poster with poems by J.V. Goethe:

A woman is with us when we are born.

The woman is with us in our last hour.

Woman is the banner when we fight.

A woman is joy, with opened eyes.

Throughout the evening the hall is dark, the stage is illuminated with scarlet or white light.

At the evening, the children recite poems by I.V. Goethe, A. Markov, A. Dementiev, M. Plyatskovsky and other poets.

LEADING: O woman!

They are woven into you like a halo,

And the charms of the awakened spring,

And the generosity of the gold-bearing autumn!

In you alone - all the autumns and springs!

(The work of composer F. Schubert “Ave Maria” is played on the epidiascope screen close-up– painting by Raphael “ Sistine Madonna».)

LEADING: Take a close look at the painting “The Sistine Madonna” by Raphael. What does it show? A beautiful young woman with a child in her arms easily steps on the clouds towards her tragic fate: for people to be happy, Mary must give them her son - little Christ - to suffer and suffer. She in last time lovingly hugs him to her.

Mary stopped at the border of two worlds - heavenly and earthly. There is concern in her wide eyes. Mary is embarrassed by the spectacle of an unsettled world, a world of anxiety and suffering. Before Mary, the bowed Barbara and the enthusiastic Sixtus are angels. Mother's beautiful eyes are sad. She hugs her son tighter, anticipating his sad fate.

Clouds swirl under Mary's feet. She sees the lightning of an approaching thunderstorm. And in the child’s eyes there are reflections of future troubles. The wind tousled her hair. The baby clings to his mother's breast and restlessly peers into the crowd. No matter from which side we look at the picture, Mary’s sad gaze is fixed on us, in which we read the question: “Aren’t you the one who will make me, mother, unhappy?”

Raphael praises the greatness of a woman who is capable of making a sacrifice in the name of a higher duty. Maria is the ideal of motherhood.

(The work of the composer J. S. Bach “E-flat Prelude” is played. On the epidiascope screen are other paintings by Raphael: “Madonna Conestabile”, “Madonna with the Fish”, “Madonna di Foligno”, “Madonna Alba”, “Madonna della Sedia” ".)

The artist glorifies in his paintings feminine beauty, femininity, tenderness, selflessness, selflessness of a mother.

A student reads A. Markov’s poem “The Sistine Madonna”:

I spent hours looking at Madonna,

What immortality gave to Raphael,

On the eyes...

Is it not from them, the bottomless ones,

Even hard souls brightened.

Didn't take his eyes off her,

While the haze of the clouds, draped over the shoulders,

Like a dreamed miracle,

Madonna stepped towards me.

She is not sinless

Not a goddess whom earthly people do not judge.

Just a mother.

And she asked about the son she gave to people.

I didn't hide it.

Everything is as it is, I answered.

He was chained to wild rocks.

But the won fire shines,

Cutting through the midnight distance.

Oh funny ones! Naive creatures

That reprisals were inflicted on him.

Death is like that - it gives immortality...

People are grateful to you, believe me,

They kneel for their son.

STUDENT:“Woman is a great word. She contains the purity of a girl, the dedication of a friend, the feat of a mother,” said N.A. Nekrasov. To each of us - from lullaby song mother gives until her last breath selfless love, care, affection.

I believe that all women are beautiful

And with your kindness and intelligence.

Even more fun if there is a holiday in the house.

And fidelity when there is separation in it.

Not their outfits and not the Roman profile -

We are captivated by the female soul.

And her youth. And motherhood.

And gray hair when the time has come.

And we - men - bow low

To all women home country mine.

No wonder on the soldiers’ obelisks

The memory of the faces of mothers is minted.

A. Dementiev

PUPIL: There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother. Her love for children is boundless, selfless, and full of dedication. A mother always remembers her child, no matter where he is. Many mothers, having received during the Great Patriotic War notification of the death of their son, they did not believe in his death and for the rest of their lives they hoped for a miracle - a miracle of resurrection.

My son, little blood,

You are stolen by war.

My leaf, little blade of grass.

How empty it is for me alone.

Cawed by a crow

Trouble is like a nightmare.

Funeral paper

She came to me.

I am the damned enemy

She cursed desperately.

I cried my eyes out -

And everything was waiting for you.

You will come with a light gait,

The overcoat is wide open.

You will come alive, whole,

With a smile on your lips.

You will come, kissed by fire,

With a military award,

Even if bandaged,

But still alive!

...Week after week,

Year after year goes by.

I'm tired of hoping

Only pain lives in me.

My son, little blood,

So many years have passed.

My leaf, blade of grass,

You are still not there!

M. Plyatskovsky

STUDENT: In vain, mother, don’t wait for a soldier, -

He is not used to lying.

That wind is sad and hoarse

Sings like an old front-line soldier.

He won't chop wood for you,

He won’t come to you with an update,

But your son loves you even if you’re dead

And saves year after year.

He fell in battle, believing in the Fatherland...

Who are you still waiting for?

Then the wind knocked on the door,

Then the wind sweeps the yard.


The student reads M. Plyatskovsky’s poem “Mother’s Eyes.”

The rain will fall to the ground like a tear,

And the road will beckon us into the distance in the morning.

They will look after us affectionately and sternly.

Everything in life can happen - both joy and thunder,

Fate does not favor us at times.

And my mother's eyes, and my mother's eyes

They always watch us with excitement.

In search of a dream, we change addresses,

Rare letters forgive us at home.

And my mother's eyes, and my mother's eyes

Out of habit, we are returned to childhood.

And the girls are getting older...

And my mother's eyes, and my mother's eyes

Over the years it gets kinder and brighter.

LEADING: Eat special works in Russian literature, music, painting, dear and close to every person. The painting “Mother” was painted by the artist K. Petrov-Vodkin in 1915, when the First World War. In it, the artist affirms the idea that life conquers death.

(This picture is shown on the epidiascope screen to the melody from S. Rachmaninov’s “Spring Waters.”)

The painting by K. Petrov-Vodkin, which was also called “Petrograd Madonna,” depicts a nursing mother. There is a war going on. The city where this woman lives is surrounded by blockade. Therefore, the background of the picture is disturbing. But the face of a nursing mother is calm, innocent, she is busy with something that is more important to her than anything. Her lips are compressed, her gaze is stern, full of hope and faith in life.

PUPIL: In Russian women

There are such persons:

You need to take a closer look at them,

So that in their features

I could open up to you

A beautiful and proud soul.

There is such naturalness and freedom in them,

So strict and clear

The stroke of their eyebrows.

They are like our Russian nature,

The longer you look

Even nicer !

STUDENT: A woman has the right and kind heart, radiating warmth, joy, happiness, she has tireless hands.

If the planet suddenly froze over,

I would lie dead and cold,

That, a woman's gaze

Warmed with warmth

She would thaw in an instant...

In nature itself the feminine principle

Stronger, perhaps, than all the others.

Nature generously endowed women,

And people put him on a pedestal.

LEADING: Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is he who knows from childhood mother's love, affection, care... And children should respond to her in the same way - love, attention, care. We treat with respect and gratitude the people who gray hair They reverently pronounce the mother’s name, protect her old age, and give her peace and joy.

PUPIL: In Russian “mama”, in Georgian “nana”,

From thousands of words of earth and ocean

This one has a special destiny.

Our lullaby becoming the first word of the year,

It sometimes entered a smoky circle

And on the lips of a soldier at the hour of death

The last call suddenly became.

There are no shadows on this word,

And in silence, probably because

Other words, kneeling,

They want to confess to him.

The spring, having rendered a service to the jug,

This word babbles because

One hundred remembers the mountain peak -

She was known as his mother.

And lightning will cut through the cloud again,

And I will hear, following the rain,

Like being absorbed into the ground, this word

Raindrops are calling.

I’ll sigh secretly, grieving about something,

And hiding a tear in the clear light of day,

“Don’t worry,” I tell my mother, “

Everything is fine, dear, I am.”

Constantly worries about his son

Holy love is a great slave.

In Russian “mama”, in Georgian “nana”

And in Avar it is affectionately “baba”.

R. Gamzatov

(Using an epidiascope, photographs of the students’ mothers from family albums are shown during reading.)

STUDENT: On the ground good people a lot,

There are a lot of warm-hearted people

But still the best on earth -

Mom, My mom.

R. Rozhdestvensky

LEADING: Everything that is sacred, dear, is illuminated by the name of the mother. The farmer, turning to the land that gave birth to abundant grain, gratefully says: “Thank you, nurse-mother.” A soldier in battle fights with the enemy for the Motherland.

PUPIL: At night there is a hysterical cough,

The old woman fell ill.

She has been in our apartment for many years

She lived alone in the room.

There were letters, but only very rarely.

And then, without noticing us,

She kept walking and whispering:

“Children, you should get together with me at least once.

Your mother bent, turned grey,

What can you do - old age has come.

How nice we would have been

Near this table.

You walked under this table,

Songs were sung until dawn,

And now they have separated and sailed away.

Go ahead and gather you all.”

Mother fell ill, and that same night

The telegraph never tired of shouting:

“Children, urgently, only very urgently,

Come, my mother is sick!”

From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,

Postponing matters until time,

The children have gathered, but it’s just a pity,

At the bedside, not at the table.

Stroked wrinkled hands,

Soft silver strand

How long have you given to separation?

How long will it take to stand in front of her?

Mother waited for you in the rain and snow.

Sleepless nights are painful.

Should we wait for grief?

To come to your mother?

Is it really just telegrams?

Brought you to the fast trains?


Who has a mother

Come to her without telegrams!

STUDENT: In the work of the writer S. Aleksievich “War has no woman's face“We read the following lines: “Everything we know about a woman can be combined into one word “mercy.” There are other words: “sister”, “wife”, “friend”. A woman gives life, she protects. Woman and life are synonymous words. In war, a woman was a soldier, a warrior. She shot and killed to save life.

PUPIL: And how much our mothers survived during the Great Patriotic War! What an immeasurable weight has fallen on women’s shoulders! Women selflessly worked at machines, in the fields, together with the soldiers they forged victory, fed and clothed the defenders of the Motherland. And how mothers worried about their sons who went to war!

When preparing for the holiday, do not forget to prepare the necessary equipment in advance: rubber gloves, curlers, decorative cosmetics, wigs, scarves, jewelry, women's clothing, shoes.
There is a sign on the door that says "No men allowed." All women are invited to the hall.
Presenter 1: Dear women! Congratulations on a wonderful spring holiday! Let smiles bloom on your faces, and let worries and sorrows disappear forever.
2 presenter: Let's take a break from our daily problems at least one day a year - from washing, cleaning, kitchen chores.
1 presenter: Yes, yes, and from men too! Do you agree?
(At this time there is a loud knock, a roar, indignant voices are heard: “What is this, they forgot about us!” Men dressed as women appear in the hall: some in a dressing gown, a headscarf; some in a wig, shoes; and some with a fan to cover their mustache or beard.)
Presenter 2: Who are you? Maybe we actually forgot about someone? After all, we have a large team.
(A paper airplane with an anonymous message lands smoothly near the presenters: “You thought you ran away from the men? And the men are already in the hall! Signed: Well-wisher.”)
Presenter 1: It can’t be! We decided to do without men and invited only women.
Presenter 2: Wait a minute. Don't the new girls arouse your suspicions? Let's do some testing.
(Proposes organizing two teams. One of them is men in disguise, the other is willing women, about 6 people.)
1 presenter: All women are excellent housewives and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Even with their eyes closed, they are perfectly oriented in their possessions.
2 presenter: Our first competition is for good housewives: blindfolded, you need to determine what is in the saucer.
(Pour sugar, salt, millet, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley into a saucer.)
1 presenter: Times are difficult now, in the village you cannot do without a cow.
Presenter 2: Let's see how our participants know how to milk a cow.
(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who will milk more?)
1 presenter: Farming is farming, but you shouldn’t forget about yourself. A woman should always be beautiful, mysterious, charming.
2 presenter: Hairstyle plays an important role in this. Representatives of which team will curl the curlers faster and more accurately?
Presenter 1: This hairstyle requires appropriate makeup.
Presenter 2: The task for the participants of the next competition is to apply evening makeup. Choose assistants from your team - and get to work!
(While the participants are getting ready, a musical competition is held for the most fun ditty. Participants come out with makeup. They are invited to walk like fashion models. At the same time, for men, you need to prepare high-heeled shoes in advance, the higher the better, at least size 41.)
Presenter 1: Life sometimes puts us in the most unimaginable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them. How would you behave in the following circumstances:
1. At a party you notice the man of your dreams. How will you try to get his attention?
2. The store brought the “latest fashion” - a suit, the cost of which is equal to 3 of your husband’s salaries. How do you persuade your husband to give you a gift?
3. At 2 o’clock in the morning, the husband returns from “work” drunk, covered in burrs, with traces of lipstick, and a very intimate piece of women’s clothing is sticking out of his pocket. Your actions?
1 presenter: Not only are women unpredictable creatures, they are also very inventive. Find a use for torn nylon tights.
(Command versions.)
Presenter 2: And now the blitz tournament!
How much does a loaf of bread cost?
A liter of milk?
How much does a kilogram of nails cost?
A dozen eggs?
Washing powder?
A liter of gasoline?
1 presenter: It seems that our suspicions were not justified. We apologize to you (towards the disguised team). We are convinced that you are not men. And so that there are no offenses, we suggest drinking the “peace drink”.
(The assistant brings in a tray with full glasses and snacks. Everyone drinks. Men usually gulp, in one large gulp, and women, little by little, in small sips.)
Presenter 2: So you gave yourself away. No woman would drink vodka like that. And since we exposed you, tell me, for what purpose were you so eager to get to our bachelorette party?
(Congratulations to the men. Feast.)

Scenario for March 8 with competitions for adults

Game program with competitions and prizes for men and women.

Equipment: identical strips of wallpaper (according to the number of participants), skittles with pictures, bottles of wine, cocktail straws, prizes. All words belong to the Presenter.

Dear women! Today is your day! On this day, the male population tries to show special politeness, forethought, and consideration, trying to alleviate women's share. This day is the arrival of special love for the fair half, the arrival of spring, this is exactly how we perceive this holiday.

So that you, dear ladies, tune in to the festive wave, we invite you to answer the question. We probably all know that the holiday appeared thanks to Clara Zetkin. But what year was this? Suggest answers! (The correct answer is 1911.)

Now let's try to remember the old Russian proverbs.I will pronounce the first half, and your task is to remember second.

Baba goes from the stove... (to the threshold).
We can’t expect... (good) from our rib.
Wherever the devil goes, he will send a woman there... (send).

So, dear ladies who turned out to be the most insightful, intelligent and uncomplicated, come to us!

Everyone who gave the correct answer in the quiz and who completed the proverb faster is invited to take part in the game program.

Participants on stage! Let's give them a round of applause! Well, now, before giving them a present and an honorary title, let’s invite them to the competition. Every woman strives for harmony. Towards harmony in everything. Now you, dear participants, will try to “win” the title of “harmonious” woman. For this we have everything you need: a “track” of wallpaper and your ardent desire to fold it like an accordion as quickly as possible. We will find out whose will be made faster and which will have more folds after 1 minute. Ready? Then let's create "Harmony"!

The music plays, the participants complete the task, and the results are summed up.

Here she is - the most “harmonious” lady! Get Harmony chocolate! Every lady wants and strives to be a “correct” lady, that is, to “behave correctly.” Now, blindfolded, you will try to follow the “correct” route, avoiding the intrigues and obstacles that life has in store for us. We set up pins like this - with pictures. The first picture on the pin - a lady with a bottle - is an absolutely unacceptable circumstance. After all, it is known that women get used to alcohol faster than men, but it takes much longer to recover from this addiction. Look at the second drawing - the real Hermitage. Portraits of the fans she pays attention to! So there is no attention left for either the husband or the children! Treason is a terrible thing! Women's happiness is definitely not to be seen! So try to get around this reef too. Well, in the last picture - on the third point - there are tears, and swearing, and irritation! What kind of peace and tranquility are we talking about in the family? Restraint and patience, affection and tenderness, forgiveness and understanding - this is what makes a woman irresistible!

“Repel” all the “attacks” of adversity and be able to behave correctly not only in this competition, but also in life. Is the route planned? Let's hit the road!

Music sounds, blindfolded participants walk from the back of the stage to the front of the stage, try not to hit the “obstacles”, and complete the task.

And here is the winner! The most "correct" lady! Receive a prize - “Rules family relations". This book will never lead you down the wrong road!

Every lady, every woman should be “irresistible”. So, men, do not repel the attacks of our lovely ladies, let them “twist ropes” out of you a little bit. Give our participants ties, laces, handkerchiefs, mufflers, scarves - everything that can be twisted into ropes without bothering you too much. Well, you, dear ladies, quickly collect what you can use to make ropes from. Because sometimes we like it so much!

The music sounds, the participating ladies collect everything they have from the men.they want to give it away. The winner is determined by counting items.

You receive the title of business from us, cool women. Look how many men they “promoted”, look how well they did the job! You get this prize - beautiful yarn! Knit nets for men! Well, the men who agreed to voluntarily accept this fate today, so that the “ropes will be twisted” out of them, come to us! How many “surrendered” to the power of this lady? And this beautiful blonde? How many men supported this lady? Young lady, invite the gentlemen who helped you in this competition... Now let’s award the title of the most “charming” lady. Let's count how many people you have “charmed”! And you?

We count the men who helped each lady, we determine the onewhich “charmed” more men.

For further charm and for your efforts, a prize is a cosmetic set. Use it! Remember us and this holiday! Men! How weak-willed you are! We are ready to give everything to the first lady who rushes to you, down to the last lace! Behold, you, men, are guilty of all the vices of the ladies! And that’s why now we will blame you, impute to you... “Wine!” We will treat you to wine.

Each lady - regardless of her male support group - will be given a bottle of good wine and cocktail straws according to the number of “culprits”.

Men, be able to “drink all the juices” from this bottle, as quickly as possible and with the help of intelligent straws. Try not to offend anyone from your team - so that everyone gets it, and, of course, not to let your lady down!

Music is playing, teams are trying to drink as quickly as possible bottle contents using cocktail straws. For the “visibility” of the competition, participants drink one at a time, passing the bottle to each other.

It turned out to be easier for you to do this, there are so many of you who “fell at her feet.” But we will not assign the title of “Fallen” to her or you. We give it to the lady whom no one offered to treat good wine, a bottle of this champagne, and we give your winning team these keychains so that you don’t forget to find your way home. We award your lady a prize point and continue the competition! Everyone has “warmed up”, now we need to “warm up”. Maybe you will now “knead each other’s sides,” but with a specific goal - to rise in the eyes of your chosen one. Whoever creates the tallest gymnastic sculpture more artistically and professionally, without unnecessary hustle and bustle, can get a prize point for his lady. Ready? "Rise up" in her eyes! How you do this is up to you. But the support group that creates and builds the tallest monument, and, without injury, in compliance with safety precautions, builds a taller pyramid, will undoubtedly be celebrated!

Music is playing. Those who created a higher pyramid receive calendars so that they do not forget about holiday and at least on this day“exalted” themselves in the eyes of the chosen one. Their ladies receive additional prizes - mimosa bouquets. The lady who received the most titles and prizes during the game receives original gift that any woman will like: a set bed linen- for “sweet” nights with your chosen one, or a set of dishes - to the song “We love when guests come” performed by L. Dolina, or anything else that you yourself want, dear ladies!

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