Andrey Chuev year of birth. Biography. Sudden illness after leaving a TV project

Andrey Chuev born in 1980. Hometown Stary Oskol, zodiac sign - Gemini. Andrey showed himself to be quite good at the project tough man. At first, he openly “joked” at young ambitious participants (for example, at Nastya Glushchenko), constantly repeated with bravado that he didn’t care about anyone and was cynical in his statements. On the other hand, in his person the creative team of “House-2” found another talented actor and showman: Chuev took on the role of an “independent” leader, began participating in stage productions... Girls began to fall in love with Andrei: a DVD was even released recently -disc, the name of which speaks for itself: “Ten Women of Andrei Chuev.”

But Andrei did not reciprocate anyone and did not try to build relationships (with the exception of Nastya Yagielova, who refused him). And then a girl came to him, with whom he had been dating for several years: he would make peace, then break up. The lovers reunited in front of all the participants, and then moved into a VIP house. So Chuev, from a full-fledged creative unit of the project, became an exemplary boyfriend. Unexpectedly for everyone, Andrei announced that he wanted to propose to Lera. And did. The wedding was supposed to take place in one of the Moscow registry offices. During the ceremony, Lera decided to raise a question that was very concerning to her: will they leave the project after the wedding or not? Ambitions came to the fore, and Andrei refused to leave Dom-2: he saw himself in this show. Hearing his answer, Lera burst into tears and ran away from the registry office - from the moment she got into the limousine and left, no one saw her again at the project. This episode became one of the most discussed episodes: many were sure that the quarrel between Chuev and Lera was staged, and their relationship was an acting game.

Since Lera left, Chuev had to come to terms with the role of a bachelor, and he again became the most eligible bachelor of the project. True, he didn’t like anyone enough to start communicating closely. After several harsh refusals to his fans, he once again tried to improve relations with Lera (this time outside the perimeter). After they finally decided to break up, Andrei became interested in the new girl, Yana. As he shared with the guys, this is the second girl he “feels.” And “feeling” your soul mate is the most important thing for Chuev important criterion in a relationship. At first, unapproachable and reserved, Yana finally reciprocated his feelings. Not long ago, he and Andrey already went on a cruise around Europe, in a fit of emotion they signed for the ship and came back. Now they are a couple new round relationship, and plans to meet my parents.

But Europe, unfortunately, did not benefit Andrei Chuev’s state of mind - he was plagued by depression and breakdowns. Then came a period of apathy when he simply did not want to get out of bed. Merry pranks and clownery in the House have diminished. Yana remained nearby all the time. As a result, Andrei decided to talk to the guys and gathered the Execution Ground for this. What did he want to say?

(There can be any number of versions here. It is quite possible that he wanted to say exactly what he said. That Roman Tretyakov is scrupulously counting the money and milking the project, and he, Andrei, is disinterestedly playing the audience... Or more simply: everyone around is idiots, but I am D'Artagnan, misunderstood by no one... Or with this nuance: I am D'Artagnan, misunderstood by no one, and above all by the organizers of the show, who gave Tretyakov and Buzova the opportunity to broadcast on the radio, and my talents are wasted, and, in general , nobody needs me...

Andrey also did not have a particularly successful start in the “Superman at Home-2” competition, which also did not improve his Have a good mood... Unlike Roma, whose performance together with Styopa was the funniest and received the most votes in the audience SMS voting. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from...)

Let's dwell on the following version: Chuev wanted to say that he was ready to leave if everyone voted against him. It was all-in. He only reminded Tretyakov of his words “I am ready to leave at any moment.” And he wanted an open but legitimate fight. But... But the conversation spontaneously escalated into a quarrel with Roman, and then into a fight. Andrei and Yana immediately went home. The next day, when Andrei returned, he apologized for his harshness and intemperance. But his soul became noticeably lighter, like every person who has suffered for a long time. by decision, but suddenly everything inside fell into place... “I love you,” he said in front of Lobny to Yana with just his lips... Yana nodded. She was always reliable and calm.

Ksenia Sobchak listened to Chuev... But the rules of the project are the same for everyone - the one who started the fight must leave. The presenter was just about to ask Yana a question... Yana took the microphone and said: “Of course, we are leaving together.” Nobody doubted this.

On the bridge outside the gate, Andrei put Yana behind him, and so they left. They built love, for them the game is over. No one shouted after them, “We are happy!” On the other side of the slammed gate, Mai was crying, covering his face with his hood.

Mass entertainer, animator, actor of small forms and broad soul, Andrey Chuev came to the project for the third time. This time not for relationships, but in order to take control of the DOM-2 cafe. And what about love? And he has already found love in the person of a dark-haired girl with a simple Russian name Tatyana. And not only did he find it, but he also brought it with him to the project, so that one day he could appear to her in the form of an angel and give her a thousand roses and wedding ring in addition. Andrei threatens to turn the life of his chosen one into a fairy tale. Whether he succeeds or not, time will tell.

The television project "Dom-2" won the love of many television viewers and riveted them to the screens on for a long time. The project was going to be closed several times. However, as we see, it continues to exist to this day. Many fans who closely follow current events become participants in Dom-2. The brightest personalities turn from ordinary participants into mega-stars. They are already talked about not just as ex-participants, but as TV presenters, showmen, artists, singers, socialites and so on. Many people also remember the purposeful Andrei Chuev. It will be discussed in this article.

Andrey Chuev as a participant in the television project "Dom-2"

In February 2008, the extraordinary Andrei appeared on the project and became a participant in the show “Dom-2”. Everyone knows that the main goal of the project is: “Build your love.” However, many come not for her, but for popularity, money and fame. Andrey Chuev was no exception. He said that he came to the participant Marina Kriskunas, but did not see this relationship as promising. At that time, he wanted to become a famous showman. He is one of those people who “will not go into his pocket for a word.” He was always distinguished by his directness, sharp mind and tricky questions. Chui (as the participants and he himself often called him) boldly expressed his personal opinion, for which he became famous as a difficult interlocutor. But in addition to his complex character, he had many positive qualities what he used for great success in females.

Andrei Chuev's girls at Dom-2 and after the project

He built a serious relationship on the project with Valeria Shevtsova. It almost came to the wedding. However, the disappointed girl could not come to terms with Andrei’s ambitions, as she found out that he did not plan to leave “House-2” even after the wedding ceremony. Andrei's attempts to return Valeria were unsuccessful, and he was forced to look for another girl.

Chuev’s new passion on the project was the sizzling brunette Yana Zemit. Their relationship developed quite rapidly. After a cruise together in Europe, they were going to meet their parents. However, as they say, it’s not fate. The fight that occurred did not allow him to be on the Dom-2 project any longer. Andrey Chuev was forced to leave. Yana followed him, but they subsequently separated.

After a series of these events, Chuev began dating Tatyana Kioseya. His return to the project took place as a cafe manager at the invitation of the show organizers. Viewers could watch the history of the development of relations with them on their screens.

After the project, Andrey Chuev cemented his relationship with Tatyana through marriage, after which they had a wonderful daughter, Lisa.

The life of Andrey Chuev before and after the Dom-2 project

Before participating in the most popular television project, Andrei Chuev was an entrepreneur in his hometown of Stary Oskol. Specifically, entrepreneurship was associated with the shoe trade. Perhaps it was precisely his entrepreneurial spirit that made his tongue more flexible, which allowed him to firmly gain a foothold on the project.

After leaving Dom-2, absolutely no news was heard about him, which raised relevant questions among many fans about where Andrei Chuev is and how his life is going? Andrey left the project with grandiose plans for the future and an inspired desire to create beautiful life. However, he suffered a setback that lasted a long time.

Sudden illness after leaving a TV project

After leaving the Dom-2 project, it turned out that Andrei Chuev was ill. ruined everything beautiful dreams and grandiose plans for the future. Instead, a lot of pain was experienced and a lot of tears were shed. A sudden illness confined the guy to bed for a long time.

Doctors have made a diagnosis - this disease is different severe pain and dangerous consequences. Andrei’s appearance on the talk show “Let Them Talk” shocked many TV viewers and fans of “Dom-2”. The guy was brought in on a gurney. Then Andryusha kept his fans informed of all the events happening to him, shared the unpleasant sensations that he experienced, and also did not hesitate to talk about his experiences and fears.

Operations of Andrey Chuev

Chuev underwent five operations. After suffering four, he could neither stand nor sit. His first operation was unsuccessful, after which he had to undergo a second one on his spine, which resulted in an infection. The worst thing is that two operations were performed on the wrong vertebra. The hernia, as it turned out later, was on the other side. A third intervention was necessary because he had developed an abscess that posed a serious threat to his life.

The fifth operation radically changed the situation and literally put Andrei on his feet. It took place in an Israeli clinic, with Dr. Ilya Pekarsky. The doctor's name is very famous in Russia. The same doctor performed surgery on the famous figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

The operation in Israel turned out to be very expensive, but effective. According to Andrey himself, it cost him 40 thousand dollars. Participants and organizers of the Dom-2 project helped raise money for it.

A bright light at the end of the tunnel and a white streak in Andrey’s life

Now, one might say, Andrey is having bright days after a protracted period. A certain rehabilitation period has begun. During the fifth operation in Israel with Dr. Ilya Pekarsky, two titanium plates were inserted into his back. Now he is strengthening his back muscles and doing special exercises.

Chuev is currently full vital energy and strength. He talks about his experiences with a smile on his face. heavy operations and about his weight loss of 31 kilograms.

This man cannot help but be amazed. Anyone else in his place would have broken down long ago and given up. But Andrey is not one of the weak people. Although with the strongest inner experiences, but with radiant smile on his face he comments on the events that happened to him.

His plans also include filing a lawsuit against where he had his first operations “in the wrong place,” after which he miraculously remained alive and barely got back on his feet.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the story of Andrei Chuev can serve as a clear example for many people. You should never give up, even in the most difficult situations. The main thing is to believe that everything will be fine.

Andrey Chuev is one of the most bright participants reality show "Dom-2". The young man evokes different emotions among fans of the television project - from sympathy to great irritation. But it seems that this is exactly what Andrey is trying to achieve.

Andrey Chuev was born in Stary Oskol in the first days of summer 1980. Almost nothing is known about the Dom-2 participant’s family and childhood. At school I gravitated toward the humanities and remembered easily new information, but showed indifference to natural sciences and geography. Higher education received at the Modern Humanitarian Academy, which he graduated at the age of 22.

After that I started doing business. Although this is too strong a wording. The young man was simply selling shoes at the local market. Andrei was not in the army, because due to violations of the law he was convicted several times and was registered. Otherwise, the biography of Andrei Chuev received little coverage in the media before his appearance on Dom-2.

"House 2"

Andrei Chuev came to the popular reality show in February 2008. Many social network users who discussed the events of the Dom-2 project immediately decided that main goal the young man chose not to “build love”, but to loudly declare himself and make a career as a showman. Chuev often attracted the attention of viewers and other project participants with harsh statements on different topics. There were no people who would dare to argue with Andrey. Many were afraid of a sharp tongue young man.

As for “building love” on the project, Andrei’s first chosen one was a girl he knew from Stary Oskol, also a participant in the show Valeria Shevtsova. It almost came to marriage, but the bride ran away from the wedding. It turned out that the reason was Chuev’s refusal to leave television show after the marriage. It seems that the young man made attempts to improve relations with the bride. For this reason, he even went outside the perimeter. But he soon returned empty-handed.

A little time passed, and Shevtsova’s place was taken by another participant in the project, Yana Zemit. And again the romance almost ended in marriage. The couple took a cruise around Europe and were going to visit Yana’s parents so that Andrey could meet them. But the plans were dashed by Chuev’s fight with. According to the rules of the project, the person who started the fight must leave the project. And so it happened. Yana followed Andrei. But beyond the perimeter, the relationship quickly ended.

Andrey Chuev returned to the project in February 2009. The young man was invited to a reality show again, offering to become the new manager of the Moscow cafe “Doma-2”. The ex-participant returned, but not alone, but with his girlfriend Tanya Kiosya. Soon the couple left the show and got married. The couple had a daughter, Lisa. Chuev and Kiosya lived in America for some time.

After the project

After Chuev left the project together with Tanya Kiosya, it turned out that the ex-participant was seriously ill. Doctors found Andrei with an intervertebral hernia. The first surgical intervention was unsuccessful: doctors operated on the wrong vertebra. During the second operation, blood poisoning occurred. Andrei Chuev was able to recover only after the following surgical intervention in Israel. $40 thousand for the operation was raised after a response on social networks. The TNT channel contributed a considerable amount.

In the spring of 2013, Chuev began to recover, messages appeared on the official website of the television project.

Personal life

In May 2015, Chuev returned to the TV show and surprised everyone with the statement that he was going to “build love” again. As it turned out, Andrei officially broke up with Tatyana Kiosya. IN " Instagram"Andrey posted a photo of the certificate confirming the divorce.

But "construction" romantic relationships Things weren't going smoothly for the young man. At first, Chuev developed a relationship with Ekaterina Kolomeichuk, but the relationship soon broke off. The same fate befell the established relationship with, who recently returned from the Seychelles. The couple parted almost as enemies.

Andrei Chuev’s personal life began to improve when a participant returned to the project. Soon the young man declared her his girlfriend. Some viewers suspected Andrei of insincerity, because the “Person of the Year” competition was approaching. In August 2015, Chuev actually won the competition, receiving an apartment as a reward.

Andrey Chuev did not take advantage of the capital’s housing, but sold the apartment and began building houses for the project. The success of the cottage construction business in Naro-Fominsk was questioned by many, but Andrey Chuev brought the matter to the end. Having distributed the keys to a number of houses to the participants of “House-2”, and also having settled Olga Vasilievna Gobozova, the oldest participant in the television project, in one house for free, the entrepreneur left a number of mansions for himself. The young man rents out the property to anyone who wants it and receives a monthly rent.

Together with Marina in 2016, he visited United Arab Emirates, which followers learned about from the Instagram of the enterprising participant of Dom-2.

But not everything developed so simply in the relationship between the Chuev-Afrikantov couple. In this union there emerged love triangle, in which a third party appeared - a participant. Chuev invited the girl to become his personal secretary and help in the construction of houses. Many viewers shared their suspicions that in this way Chuev was going to have an affair with Kharitonova love affair at work.

Despite the rumors, Andrei and Marina took part in another competition on the project - “Wedding for a Million”. The final of the competition took place at the beginning of February 2017. Six participants reached the finish line: and, Andrey Chuev and Marina Afrikantova, and. The last couple took the place of the winner through audience voting.

In March, Andrey Chuev left the project. Marina Afrikantova did not follow her chosen one.

Andrey Chuev now

In mid-2017, a fire broke out online new scandal with the participation of Andrey Chuev. Viewers do not believe in the showman’s selflessness in relation to Olga Vasilievna and suspect that the entrepreneur extorted payment from Gobozova, regularly inquiring about the status of the transaction for the sale of Olga Vasilievna’s personal apartment in the city. In addition, the newly minted groom began to be terrorized ex-lover Marina Afrikantova, remembering a debt of 500 thousand rubles.

Outside the perimeter, Andrei did not suffer alone, and soon acquired a lover, who was 17 years younger, a native of Donetsk, Victoria Morozova. Together with his girlfriend, Chuev decided to start a family and have children. In October, the young people announced that in early December, a photo of a certificate about Andrei Chuev and Victoria Morozova appeared on the showman’s Instagram. The girl kept it for herself after the wedding maiden name. Honeymoon the newlyweds went to celebrate on the sea coast.

Andrey Chuev treats his relatives with love and regularly visits his grandmother, who dreams of seeing her great-grandchildren. Now the relative is in a modern boarding house in Valuevo, where she receives the medical care necessary for an elderly person. In response to criticism from subscribers who accused Andrei of sending his grandmother to a nursing home, Chuev posted a video about the boarding house on his microblog.

Andrey Chuev was born in Stary Oskol in the first days of summer 1980. Almost nothing is known about the Dom-2 participant’s family and childhood. At school I gravitated towards the humanities, easily memorized new information, but showed indifference to the natural sciences and geography. He received his higher education at the Modern Humanitarian Academy, which he graduated at the age of 22.

After that I started doing business. Although this is too strong a wording. The young man was simply selling shoes at the local market. Andrei was not in the army, because due to violations of the law he was convicted several times and was registered. Otherwise, the biography of Andrei Chuev received little coverage in the media before his appearance on Dom-2.

"House 2"

Andrei Chuev came to the popular reality show in February 2008. Many social network users who discussed the events of the Dom-2 project immediately decided that the young man’s main goal was not “to build love,” but to loudly declare himself and make a career as a showman. Chuev often attracted the attention of viewers and other project participants with harsh statements on various topics. There were no people who would dare to argue with Andrey. Many were afraid of the young man's sharp tongue.

As for “building love” on the project, Andrei’s first chosen one was a girl he knew from Stary Oskol, also a participant in the show Valeria Shevtsova. It almost came to marriage, but the bride ran away from the wedding. It turned out that the reason was Chuev’s refusal to leave the television show after the wedding. It seems that the young man made attempts to improve relations with the bride. For this reason, he even went outside the perimeter. But he soon returned empty-handed.

A little time passed, and Shevtsova’s place was taken by another participant in the project, Yana Zemit. And again the romance almost ended in marriage. The couple took a cruise around Europe and were going to visit Yana’s parents so that Andrey could meet them. But the plans were dashed by Chuev’s fight with Roman Tretyakov. According to the rules of the project, the person who started the fight must leave the project. And so it happened. Yana followed Andrei. But beyond the perimeter, the relationship quickly ended.

Andrey Chuev returned to the project in February 2009. The young man was invited to a reality show again, offering to become the new manager of the Moscow cafe “Doma-2”. The ex-participant returned, but not alone, but with his girlfriend Tanya Kiosya. Soon the couple left the show and got married. The couple had a daughter, Lisa. Chuev and Kiosya lived in America for some time.

After the project

Best of the day

After Chuev left the project together with Tanya Kiosya, it turned out that the ex-participant was seriously ill. Doctors found Andrei with an intervertebral hernia. The first surgical intervention was unsuccessful: doctors operated on the wrong vertebra. During the second operation, blood poisoning occurred. Andrei Chuev was able to recover only after the next surgical intervention in Israel. $40 thousand for the operation was raised after a response on social networks. The TNT channel contributed a considerable amount.

In the spring of 2013, Chuev began to recover, messages appeared on the official website of the television project.

Personal life

In May 2015, Chuev returned to the TV show and surprised everyone with the statement that he was going to “build love” again. As it turned out, Andrei officially broke up with Tatyana Kiosya. On Instagram, Andrei posted a photo of the certificate confirming the divorce.

But the young man’s “building” of a romantic relationship did not go smoothly. At first, Chuev developed a relationship with Ekaterina Kolomeichuk, but the relationship soon broke off. The same fate befell the relationship with Anastasia Lisova, who recently returned from the Seychelles. The couple parted almost as enemies.

Andrei Chuev’s personal life began to improve when participant Marina Afrikantova returned to the project. Soon the young man declared her his girlfriend. Some viewers suspected Andrei of insincerity, because the “Person of the Year” competition was approaching. In August 2015, Chuev actually won the competition, receiving an apartment as a reward.

Andrey Chuev did not take advantage of the capital’s housing, but sold the apartment and began building houses for the project. The success of the cottage construction business in Naro-Fominsk was questioned by many, but Andrey Chuev brought the matter to the end. Having distributed the keys to a number of houses to the participants of “House-2”, and also having settled Olga Vasilievna Gobozova, the oldest participant in the television project, in one house for free, the entrepreneur left a number of mansions for himself. The young man rents out the property to anyone who wants it and receives a monthly rent.

Together with Marina, he visited the United Arab Emirates in 2016, which followers learned about from the Instagram of the enterprising participant of Dom-2.

But not everything developed so simply in the relationship between the Chuev-Afrikantov couple. In this union, a love triangle emerged, in which a third party appeared - participant Alexandra Kharitonov. Chuev invited the girl to become his personal secretary and help in the construction of houses. Many viewers shared suspicions that in this way Chuev was going to start an office romance with Kharitonova.

Despite the rumors, Andrei and Marina took part in another competition on the project - “Wedding for a Million”. The final of the competition took place at the beginning of February 2017. Six participants reached the finish line: Konstantin Ivanov and Alexandra Gozias, Andrey Chuev and Marina Afrikantova, Evgeny Kuzin and Sasha Artemova. The last couple took the place of the winner through audience voting. In March, Andrey Chuev left the project. Marina Afrikantova did not follow her chosen one.

Andrey Chuev now

In mid-2017, a new scandal broke out online involving Andrei Chuev. Viewers do not believe in the showman’s selflessness in relation to Olga Vasilievna and suspect that the entrepreneur extorts payment from Gobozova, regularly inquiring about the status of the transaction for the sale of Olga Vasilievna’s personal apartment in the city of Lermontov. In addition, the newly minted groom began to be terrorized by his former lover Marina Afrikantova, remembering a debt of 500 thousand rubles.

Outside the perimeter, Andrei did not suffer alone, and soon acquired a lover, who became 19-year-old native of Donetsk Victoria Morozova. Together with his girlfriend, Chuev decided to start a family and have children. In October, the newlyweds announced preparations for the wedding; in early December, a photograph of the marriage certificate of Andrei Chuev and Victoria Morozova appeared on the showman’s Instagram. After the wedding, the girl kept her maiden name. The newlyweds went to celebrate their honeymoon on the seaside.

Andrey Chuev treats his relatives with love and regularly visits his grandmother, who dreams of seeing her great-grandchildren. Now the relative is in a modern boarding house in Valuevo, where she receives the medical care necessary for an elderly person. In response to criticism from subscribers who accused Andrei of sending his grandmother to a nursing home, Chuev posted a video about the boarding house on his microblog.

When he first came to the show, Chuev established himself as talented actor and a cynic, took on the role of the “independent” leader of the creative team of “House-2” and proposed to Lera, a girl he had been dating for several years outside the perimeter. During the wedding ceremony, Valeria decided to raise a question that was very concerning to her: will they leave the project after marriage or not? Ambitions came to the fore, and Andrei refused to leave Dom-2: he saw himself in this show. Hearing his answer, Lera burst into tears and ran away from the registry office.

In the second parish, after the final breakup with Lera, Andrei became interested in the new girl Yana, went with her on a cruise around Europe, during which the couple signed in a fit of feelings. Then came a period of apathy, when Chuev simply did not want to get out of bed. Soon Andrei wanted to leave the project and, by coincidence, had a fight with Roma Tretyakov that same evening. The next day, Andrei apologized for his harshness and lack of restraint, but the rules of “House-2” are the same for everyone - whoever started a fight must leave... On the bridge outside the gate, Andrei put Yana behind his back and left the show.

Mass entertainer, animator, actor of small forms and a broad soul, Andrey Chuev came to the project for the third time in order to take control of the management of the DOM-2 cafe. And what about love? And he has already found love in the face of a dark-haired girl with a simple Russian name Tatyana. And not only did he find her, but he also brought her with him to the project, so that one day he could appear to her in the form of an angel and give her a thousand roses and an engagement ring. Andrey wanted to turn the life of his chosen one into a fairy tale...

Andrey and Tanya lived together for 7 years, they had a daughter, who is now 5 years old. After breaking up with his wife, who, according to Andrei, betrayed him more than once, Chuev returned to Dom-2 and declared that “dad can build a new relationship”!

Andrey Chuev photo