Active entertainment for a large company. Fun games for a group of adults in the open air. Many competitions for the open-air holiday.

It was so hot over the weekend that I didn’t want to go outside at all. And dragging to the beach is simply torture when the thermometer is +35. Therefore, I stocked up on magazines and newspapers at the kiosk and, drinking a cold cola, relaxed my brain with non-straining reading material, including women’s reading.

Bears - boom!

It’s more interesting if no one (or the majority) in the company knows about the rules of the game. The presenter asks the participants to stand in a line, he himself becomes the first and declares: “You are bears. The bears go for a walk (everyone is waddling in place), the bears are tired - they sat down to rest (the “bears” squat down), rested - they went again. They walked, walked - tired, sat down. You can repeat this, providing the story with details in the style of “the sun was shining, the birds were singing,” etc. When everyone relaxes and sits down again, the leader says: “Bears - boom!” and lightly pushes the next one with his shoulder. player. The bears fall one after another like dominoes. Everyone laughs in surprise: indeed, the bears - boom!

Who's going north?
Here it’s the same as in “Bears” - the fewer participants know the rules of the game, the better. Ideally, only the presenter knows them. He suggests going on an expedition to the north. To do this you need to get together. Everyone should offer the things necessary for the trip. Everyone sits in a circle, the move is passed from participant to participant with some object (spoon, fork, pencil - whatever). The leader (he knows the rules and always goes north) begins. He says: “I’m going north and taking with me... a warm scarf,” and passes the move to his neighbor. When passing a move (that is, some object), he says the word “please” and adds “And I’m going north.” The next player, who does not know the rules (usually there are no those who guess right away), says “I’m going north and taking with me... warm gloves” and silently passes the move. The presenter states: “And he is NOT going north.” Actually, the point of the game is that when passing the move, the players must say Magic word“please,” and everyone, as a rule, focuses on the list of things and cannot understand the logic why the leader takes some on the expedition and not others. After some time, those who managed to guess what was going on try to push the others to the right idea, and begin to take with them to the north all sorts of things that are extremely “useful” for this journey.
- swimsuits or tanning products, while saying the word “please” louder. You can also give a hint by saying that only polite and well-mannered people go north. The game ends when everyone has guessed how to go north.

Maternity hospital
All participants are divided into pairs: M and F. Outside the pair - only the leader. All men in the game are mothers of newborns, all women are fathers. The game simulates a situation where mothers in a room behind a closed window try to tell fathers standing on the street details about the baby. Accordingly, they cannot hear each other - they can only use gestures. The pair members sit opposite each other. The presenter hands out pieces of paper to the “mothers” on which details are written, for example, they need to show with facial expressions and gestures that “this is a boy, and his ears are just like your grandfather’s” (it is advisable that each pair have tasks of equal complexity in the display). The presenter gives the “fathers” pens and blank pieces of paper. On command, the couples begin the game: the male “mother” tries to convey to his partner what the presenter wrote to him. The woman “father” writes down on her piece of paper what she saw and understood. Time is limited - for example, a minute. The winner is the couple whose what the woman “father” saw is closer to the leader’s task.

The presenter approaches each player and says: “I am a snake, snake, snake... I crawl, crawl, crawl... Do you want to be my tail?” He answers: “I want!” - and stands behind him, clasping the “snake’s head” around the waist. So they approach everyone else and ask them to join in unison. When the snake gets long and no one else wants to be the tail, the snake says: “I am a hungry snake, I will bite my own tail!” - and tries to catch his tail. Players need to hold on tightly to each other and keep the tail away from the head. Those who broke away leave the game, and the snake continues to catch its tail.
You can make the game more difficult: when new players join the tail, they must crawl on all fours between the legs of the snake, starting from its head. This game has a rule - you can't refuse. If the company is large, you can gather two snakes, each trying to catch the tail of the other. The winning snake “eats” the losing one - it crawls between the winners’ legs.

Swap places!
The company sits on chairs (there is one less of them than the participants) in a circle, the leader is in the center, he announces: “Change places, everyone who has...” - he can name anything, from “who has Blue eyes" to "who has had more than ten lovers" or "who loves blondes (blonds)", "who doesn't wear thongs"... The longer the game, the more frank the questions. The named players (blue-eyed or lovers of blondes) must stand up and quickly change seats to one of the vacant seats. If the selection criterion also applies to the leader, he also takes part in the search for a seat, then the one who did not have enough chair becomes the new leader. If only one person stands up, then he will continue to lead the game, and the old one. The presenter sits in his place. To prevent people from staying too long, you can periodically command: “Change places, everyone who is in a good mood now!”

Ministry of Railways
This requires one “dunno” victim. The rules are explained to him: he asks questions to the players in a circle, the players answer him “yes” or “no”. The task of the “dunno” is to guess who is hiding under the abbreviation MPS. Everyone stands in a circle, “Dunno” (he is in the center) begins to ask questions. The trick is that when answering the question “Is this a man?”, one player can say “yes”, and the next one can say “no” (because MPS is “My right neighbor”, and each player standing in the circle says about your neighbor on the right). Usually the “know-nothing” guesses who the MPS is when he starts asking the same question in a circle. But this happens, as a rule, on the fifteenth lap. There is also a variation on the same theme: a sticker is glued to the “victim’s” forehead, on which any character is written - be it Alexander Pushkin, Pinocchio, or even the victim herself. You can mock him even more and call the victim a pumpkin or swine flu. The victim’s goal is to receive “yes/no” answers to his questions and guess as quickly as possible what is written on her forehead.

Hanging pear
Prank game. You need to choose an artistic couple - preferably a girl and young man, but not required. The two presenters separate them and explain the task. One is told that he will have to go into the room, take a chair and pretend to screw in a light bulb. A partner or partner will interfere with him in every possible way. The goal of the player “with the light bulb” is to use gestures to explain to his friend that he is doing the right thing and soon there will be light in the room. You can't talk. They explain to the second that the first player is portraying a man who has decided to hang himself, and the task is to wordlessly dissuade him from taking an insane step. While they are being instructed, the others are also explained what the essence of the matter is, and when the participants in the game enter the room, the audience is already having fun.

Everyone in the company is given a “snowflake” - a small ball of cotton wool. Participants loosen their “snowflakes”, at the same time launch them into the air and begin to blow from below so that the fleeces remain in the air as long as possible. The winner is the one whose snowflake falls to the floor last.

Noah's Ark
The presenter writes in advance the names of the animals on pieces of paper (each creature has a pair: two hares, two giraffes, two elephants...), folds the pieces of paper and puts them in a hat. Each participant draws out “their purpose,” and the presenter announces that now they need to find their pair, but they cannot make sounds or speak. You need to use facial expressions and gestures to portray your animal and look for “one like you.” The first couple to reunite wins. You can think of characteristic animals like a hare (show your ears - and you’re done), but it’s more interesting to come up with something less recognizable, such as a hippopotamus or a lynx.

Broken fax

Two teams play. Everyone runs after each other, everyone gets a piece of paper and a pencil. Last in both rows, the presenter shows simple drawing, the participants must draw the same thing on their sheet, lying on the back of the player standing in front, who, in turn, reproduces the drawing according to his feelings. The team whose final drawing is more similar to the original wins.

The more pairs, the more interesting. It is necessary that each couple has a guy (even better if it is a guy and a girl). The cavalryman puts on a cap or Panama hat and sits on the stove (on the back) of the “horse”. The goal is to rip off as many hats as possible from the “enemies” without losing yours.
You will need a couple dozen balls of two colors and a lot of space. Each participant ties an inflated balloon(so that the ball lies on the ground, or better yet drags a little). The task is to destroy all the opponents' balls with kicks and protect your own. The player whose ball is tapped is eliminated. The one with the last whole ball left wins.

This prank game is reminiscent of the popular “crocodile” (or “association” - when players are divided into two teams, a “victim” is selected from the group of opponents, a word or phrase, the name of a movie or book is given to her, and she needs to convey this information to her with facial expressions and gestures. to let them guess). But here everything is simpler.
The presenter, calling one player aside, asks him to show the kangaroo. The catch is that absolutely everyone knows what this word is. Their task is to make whatever ridiculous guesses they want, just don’t say “kangaroo.” Usually the game goes on for a long time: the unfortunate kangaroo points at his belly and jumps in front of the spectators dying with laughter, who suggest in bewilderment: “a pregnant hare... a limping dinosaur...” The main thing is to take pity on the unfortunate kangaroo in time, who is waving his arms in despair from the incompetence of his friends and shouts: “I’m showing it again for the idiots!” - and stop.

You need to draw two lines on the ground at a distance of two to three meters. The players' task is to get from the start to the finish line as slowly as possible, but in no case stopping or changing the direction of movement. The slowest snail wins.

Words words
A game for a quiet, rainy evening in the country. There are several variations.
First: No more than three minutes are given for everything. For that a short time participants must write short story, in which all words (including prepositions) must begin with the same letter.

Second: The word chosen is not very long, but not very short either. It must necessarily be a singular noun. The same three, or maybe five minutes are given. During this time, only from the letters present in the word (if there is only one “N” in the word, then the word cannot be used with a double “N”), you need to make as many words as possible (also nouns and also in the singular). The one with the most words wins.

Third: almost man-made "Erudite". A word is invented, and prefixes and suffixes are added to it to form new words. You can assign both horizontally and vertically. Strictly one letter per player.

Princess on the Pea
The participants of the game stand facing the audience, with a chair behind each. The leader places a spoon, a spool of thread or a small cube on it and covers it with a thin pillow. Players take turns sitting on a chair and trying to guess what the object is under them. Time - 2 minutes, no more. Another variation: placed on a chair walnuts(well, almost peas?). In this case, the player tries to determine how many there are - this option is closest to the fairy tale.

Evgenia Mitina, Cosmopolitan magazine (July/August 2009)

Thank you all for your attention, love

The competition participants are divided into teams, each of them lined up. Everyone should put right hand onto the shoulder of the person in front and raise your left leg. With your left hand you need to grab the leg of the person in front. In this position, the team must jump to the finish line. The fastest and most agile team wins.

Twelve notes

This competition is remembered by those whose childhood was in the 60-80s of the last century. Nevertheless, fun tasks, searches full of adventure will also appeal to today's youth. All you have to do is divide into two teams and receive the first guideline from the leader, and already on the spot look for the next note indicating new point search. Only the presenter, in order to create a route and hide the notes, will have to arrive in nature 1, 5 - 2 hours earlier.


The presenter explains quite simple rules: you need to collect more firewood than others in a certain time. For example, 2-3 minutes are given; whoever collects the largest pile of brushwood wins. And after the competition, all the brushwood is collected in one pile and a common fire is lit. Both fun and for the general benefit.

Pioneer bonfire

All those present are divided into two teams, each making their own fire. Everyone sits around the burning logs and the song competition begins. You can suggest recalling pioneer songs, but this competition almost always ends with lyrical bard tourist songs.


A square of approximately 10 by 10 m is formed in the clearing; the competition participants stand in its corners, each of whom is given a ball. A hoop is placed in the middle of the square, and the fifth player stands in it - he is Quinta. At the command of the leader, the corner players try to hit Quinta with the ball, and he dodges, crouches, jumps, but cannot get out of the circle. The one who ends up in Quinta changes places with him.

Guess the artist

One of the participants in the fun stands near the tree with his back to the other players. And they, in turn, choose one who “draws” on the driver’s back cheerful smiley. As soon as the nose is completed, the driver turns around and says some task. Then he tries to guess who drew on his back. If you guess right, the task is carried out by the “artist,” but if you don’t guess, then the driver himself does it.


A circle is drawn on the ground, then it is divided into sectors according to the number of participants in the competition. Each sector is a rich estate, to which you need to add neighboring land. The first participant throws the knife in such a way that it sticks into the ground of any neighbor. Now the invader, without bending his feet, must draw a line from his neighbor to his plot, cutting off an additional plot for himself. If the contestant moves away or bends his legs, then the next player throws the knife. The competition is held until one of the participants takes possession of all the land.

Checkers on a blanket

It is better to hold this competition with men - they are stronger when it comes to alcohol. So, the host brings to the picnic a checkered blanket that resembles a chessboard. Full beer cans are used as checkers. By the start of the game, fans gather around the “table”. The main thing in the game is that the cut checker must be uncorked and drunk. By the end of the fight, the loser still figures something out, but the one who drank 12 cans of beer in a row has much worse spatial orientation.

You are planning a noisy party with many guests or someone will come to your place best friends, godmothers, young relatives, and you don’t know what to do with them after a feast or tea party? Then read this article! Here you will find ideas for a great time, funny games, ideas for entertainment and competitions.

The main thing in the article

TOP games for everyone: fun games for any company

Games for an adult group: what should they be?

Find games for children's party very easy, but what to do with adult party? Eating and drinking is good, but having fun? After all, at heart we, adults, are still the same children, we just laugh at other “jokes.”

What the game should be like depends directly on the company gathered. So, at a corporate party with colleagues it will be enough to be moderately immodest, but funny games. A group of well-known friends can play more explicit games. An excellent solution would be intellectual entertainment for an older group. And the male team will be entertained by a board card game.

Cool table competitions

When all the guests have already eaten, but still don’t want to leave, and there is no room for dancing and outdoor games, you can offer the guests interesting table competitions.

  • Create a story. A letter of the alphabet is chosen and everyone sitting in a circle must come up with a story in which all the words begin with the chosen letter. For example, if the selected letter is “D”, then you can make up a story like this: “Denis (says the first participant) thought for a long time (the second) during the day...”, etc. If the circle is over and the story has not come to an end, start circle again.
  • "In my pants..." They prepare for this competition in advance and make text clippings from newspapers. They can be of different meanings and lengths. These clippings are placed in a box or bag. The host approaches each guest with this package and offers to pull out a piece of paper. The guest must say: “In my pants…”, and then read the text from the piece of paper.” It will turn out funny and fun.
  • What's on your plate? The competition should be held during the feast, when the plates are full. The host asks everyone to fill their plates and begins the competition. He names a letter, and guests must pick up food starting with that letter on a fork and take turns saying its name. Those who do not have such food are eliminated from the game. Next, another letter is called, and so on, until there is a person left who has “the entire alphabet” on his plate.
  • Surprise. The host hosting his friends must prepare for this competition in advance. You will need a large box, you need to put funny things in it. For example: a children's cap, a headband with ears, a bra, family panties and whatever else your imagination can work on. During the competition (it can be held both at the table and during dancing), this surprise box is passed from hand to hand by the participants. When the presenter says “stop” or the music stops, the one who has it in his hands takes out any item from it and puts it on himself. The box goes on from hand to hand.

Exciting board games for a group of friends

Board games are popular not only among children. Adults also enjoy playing with them. There are companies that get together once a week to play a board game. The most popular board games today are:

Playing cards is fun, but sometimes the “overused” fool gets boring. We offer interesting card games, which will diversify the gatherings of card game lovers.

Scottish whist.

Joker. Play up to 500 or 1000 points.




Funny games for friends

When friends gather, it is always fun and pleasant. You can spend an interesting evening not only watching TV with pizza. Invite your friends to play.
  • Twister. An excellent and very popular game among young people. According to the rules, each player steps or places his hand on a circle of a certain color, which was drawn on a special clock. The poses are funny, and at the same time there is physical contact between the young people.
  • Sculptor. A separate room is required for the game. The owner, who knows the meaning of the game, and three guests remain in it. The two must be of different genders (male and female). The third is asked to mold an erotic figure out of the two. After the figure is completed, the host announces that the sculptor must take place in the erotic figure instead of a man or a woman (depending on the gender of the sculptor). The liberated person sits down, and the host-host goes after the next guest and invites him to improve his erotic figure. After the guest finishes, the sculptor again replaces part of the figure. This continues until all the guests are sculptors.
  • Nonsense. To do this, you need to prepare cards with questions and answers and arrange them in different piles. One participant must take a card with a question and choose who should answer. The one who answers takes the answer from another pile. The question and answer are read out. The results are very funny. We provide sample questions below.

  • Guess who am I? Each guest is given a sticker with the inscription on their forehead. Usually the inscriptions are living creatures, animals or well-known personalities, movie and cartoon characters. In turn, each player asks leading questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” Whoever guesses who he is first wins.

Fun games for company in nature

Games and entertainment for drunken company

When the company is already tipsy, it's time for fun games and competitions. People are becoming more liberated and are not trying to get into their pockets. For a drunk company, you can offer the following games.

  • Associations. This game is for warming up. It is played by all men or women present. Participants stand in a row, and the leader asks to make an association with the named word. For example: “a woman is...” The participants say very interesting things “under the weather.” Those who think for more than 5 seconds or do not know what to answer are eliminated.
  • Doll. The players stand in a circle. They are given a doll, which, passing around in a circle, they kiss in some place and comment on where exactly. When the doll makes a circle, the presenter announces that now the players take turns kissing their neighbor in the place where they kissed the doll.
  • Stickers. To do this, you need to prepare stickers - letters in advance. Women and men are invited for the competition in equal numbers. All men are given sticker letters. Now men must stick these letters on those parts of the women's body that are called by this letter. If everything is clear with “n” (nose) or “r” (hand), then with the letters “zh” and “x” you will need to come up with something.
  • Do not offer sex. Prepare papers in advance with the names of body parts. They can be repeated. Each participant draws out two pieces of paper. When the pieces of paper have been distributed to everyone, the presenter suggests making a chain of people, and they will be connected to each other by the parts indicated on the pieces of paper.

What games are suitable for a large company?

IN big company you can play football and Board games, and in cards. We also suggest you try the following games.

  • Who is more accurate? Place banknotes of different denominations in a liter or three-liter jar and close it. Each guest takes a jar and tries to guess how much money is in it. All answers are written down, and at the end the money is counted. Whoever named the amount closest to the real one won.
  • Pulse. A host is selected, and the guests are divided into two teams of the same number of people. Teams stand in lines facing each other. The distance between teams is 1–1.5 m. A stool is placed at one end, and an object is placed on it (money, an apple, a pen). The leader stands on the other side and takes the extreme people from the two teams by the hands. Next, he simultaneously squeezes the hands of the two outer players, they pass the squeeze on to the next one, and the next one even further. So, the impulse is transmitted to the end. The last one, having received an impulse, must take the object from the stool faster than the opponent.
  • Dramatizations. We write couples of interesting things on pieces of paper, everyone famous characters. For example: Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, Othello and Desdemona, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, etc. In the middle of the evening, hand out pieces of paper married couples or single people split into pairs. They prepare for a while and then perform in front of those present, who must guess who the speakers represent.

Team games for a group of guests

Everyone wants to take part in competitions, but usually a few people are chosen from the crowd. We offer you team competitions so that no one gets bored while visiting.

  • Build a castle. All guests should be divided into teams and each should be given a “bag” of candy. Next, the team, with their joint efforts, builds a castle from these candies in a certain amount of time. The team with the highest castle wins.
  • Flotilla. Guests are divided into two teams. Each person is given a pack of tissues. Participants try to make as many boats as possible in 5 minutes. Whichever team has more of them wins.
  • Made up story. The guests are divided into a women's team and a men's team. Everyone is given pieces of paper and pens. Women write briefly what they think about men, and men write about women. The leaves are placed in separate boxes. Each team must now write a story. The first participant takes out a piece of paper and uses the words written on it to make a sentence. The next participant takes the next piece of paper and continues the thought of the first one using the words on the piece of paper. This makes for an interesting, funny story.













As you know, jumping over a fire is very dangerous for health and clothing. But jumping over Valera is a much more enjoyable and safe entertainment. For this game, take Valera, who is fast asleep, who will probably be found near the backpack with drinks, and cheerfully jumps over it. It is important to remember one thing: there must be jumps even number, otherwise Valera will not grow up anymore.

Players playing on cell phones are trying to explain to their comrades how to get to their vacation spot. The one whose partner arrives first wins.

The second team comes to the clearing where the picnic is being held and says that this is their place, after which the players begin to kick each other out of the clearing. The winner gets the clearing and the meat.

All picnic participants, free from barbecuing, excuse the involuntary rhyme, stand in a line and begin to walk slowly across the clearing, heads down and peering into the grass. The presenter rushes on his knees in front of the walking chain and says: “It’s a gold chain, my husband gave it to me, he’ll find out and kill me! Oh, I’m a damned fool!”
The game continues until they are called to eat and drink.

One of the players turns on the car radio at full volume and opens the doors of his car. The remaining participants in the game are divided into two teams: one gets a kick out of the music, and the other gets irritated by it. As a rule, those who enjoy music win.

One of the players is shuffling the chess. There are usually thirty-two pieces, so four bolts or screws are added to play the chess fool. Players hold pieces in their fists, but do not show each other. And they play the fool not with cards, but with chess, like cultured intelligent people. The one who has all the pieces in his hands loses.

This is a decorous and cultural entertainment, in contrast to wrestling in the mud, in a fire, in a barbecue or in a sleigh. Decent women fight dressed, on a clean blanket, and the audience encourages them with applause and exclamations, “Come on, Svetlana Nikolaevna, take over Antonina Sergevna!”, “Come on, Antonina Sergevna, break Svetlana Nikolaevna’s jaws!” etc.

The game begins when daughters of different ages and their mothers go out into nature. Without men. The host begins the game with the words “Girls! Yesterday I saw new boots made of salamander...” Everyone starts interrupting her with all sorts of the same nonsense. And at the same time they still have to laugh shrilly and drunkenly. God forbid a person ends up there.

This game requires several skewers, and exactly one less than the number of participants.
The players walk around the barbecue and pretend that they are playing completely different games. But at the command “The kebabs are ready!” everyone rushes to the grill. The one who does not get a skewer with kebab loses.

While the kebab is being fried, one player (the host) hides a net with bottles of vodka in the river. The rest of the players wait at first, and then they can’t stand it and begin to show where she might be. And the presenter says: “Hot!”, “Warm!” or "Colder!" (depending on how much time has passed). When the kebab is ready and the vodka has cooled, this monster says: “It’s cold!” and takes out the hidden net.

Participants in the game gather at the starting line and drink 30-100 grams of vodka. Then the bottle is moved back 40-80 cm. Participants must take a step and drink 60-120 grams again. The bottle is moved 80-160 cm. Again everyone walks and drinks. The winner is the one who can take the biggest step and then stand up.

To play you will need badminton rackets and a soccer ball. Rules - as in tennis, only instead of a net there is a person. He also serves as a judge in this exciting but complex game.

Game with a girl "ON SPILL"
A pair of players sit opposite each other, pour and drink. Then more. If a girl misses, she takes off some part of her toilet. If he doesn’t miss it, then at the end of the game he allows you to remove them all.

While the men are grilling shish kebab, the women should play “Peeling Potatoes,” “Cutting Salads,” and “Finally Keep the Children Doing Something!” In the morning, as if they had done nothing to prepare the shish kebab, they must collect all the dishes, men lying around everywhere and other rubbish.

The players try to play the guitar all evening, and the presenter, who is also the owner of the guitar, tries to last moment pull the guitar out from under the players and play it. The winner is the one who manages to play the guitar. The presenter loses.

As you know, jumping over a fire is very dangerous for health and clothing. But jumping over Valera is a much more enjoyable and safe entertainment. For this game, take Valera, who is fast asleep, who will probably be found near the backpack with drinks, and cheerfully jumps over it. It is important to remember one thing: there must be an even number of jumps, otherwise Valera will not grow any more.

Fun preparations, games, fortune telling, congratulations for outdoor events

You can celebrate anything in nature - birthdays, professional holidays, promotion, meeting classmates, etc. And if nature was chosen as the venue for the holiday, then the heroine of the day will be none other than Friday.

Starting price - Ten rubles. Whoever buys will make the bargaining more fun!

Dedication to beautiful Friday

Everything was decided unanimously

Happy Friday to recognize you.

Now all the guests will do just that

The newborn's name is today.

There is no Robinson in the world,

Who would refuse such a Friday.

What about Robinson... the prince himself from a fairy tale

If I saw you, I would forget about peace.

You are rich not only in beauty,

You, as a friend, are simply worthless.

And the fact that I received a lot from heaven,

It’s not your fault, (name of the birthday girl).

Accept our gift from the heart

And a holiday bouquet of wishes

(at this moment you can give a bouquet of wild flowers).

Remember this birthday in nature

What a bright, wonderful banquet!

When the whole company is well refreshed, it’s time to spend mobile competitions, relay races, dances. I can suggest the following.

"Olympic Swim"

Three conditions are required:

1) river (sea, lake, pond, etc.);

2) desire to swim, swim;

3) participants who can swim.

Beautiful Friday, having sailed with a lifebuoy 10 meters from the shore, gives a start to all swimmers who need to touch her lifebuoy faster than others. All guests who can swim can take part in the swim. I don’t know if my remark will be appropriate, but I’d rather say it than remain silent: dear Fridays, if your feast was accompanied by a vigorous tasting of high-proof drinks, then it’s better not to hold water competitions, as well as competitions that require increased attention!

Show concert (improvisation)

The entertainment will be a complete surprise for the guests, since the numbers were not rehearsed or agreed upon in advance. Simply, the manager of the festive celebration offers to choose a coupon for good luck, and in it - the role of one or another artist, which must be performed by the “lucky” one who pulled out the coupon.

Texts of coupon advertisements for concert performances

We greet all our idols with applause!

And affectionate

Therefore, I agree to sing to us

Kolya Baskov!

The phonogram of N. Baskov’s favorite song will come to the aid of the “lucky one”, and all he has to do is open his mouth and move, imitating a star.

Now we will all see


And for men, it’s so easy

Can't hold a glass...

Show concert (improvisation)

On the stage there is a woman-ammunition,

Air bomb, anti-tank land mine!

This lady will give everyone a thrashing here -

We invite Verka Serduchka to the stage!

Coupons with this concert number should be received by a couple - a man and a woman.

Philip Kirkorov:

To attend your wedding,

Our super couple

I didn’t ask for a performance

Even a fee!

Masha and I are so pleased

Sing for the public like this

What are we on for a fee?

They gave up on her!

Masha Rasputina:

By contacting me,

King of Pop Philip

This organ

(points to the “pop” organ)

Joseph Kobzon

It will bloom in winter

There is a lawn under the windows,

When Joseph sings

Naturally, Kobzon.

Will last about seconds

And we'll miss

Just a glass bye!

Nadezhda Babkina

Soloist of "Russian Song"

The ignorant also knows - On stage

Babkina Nadezhda!

What wedding

Without a folk song -

It won't be fun

At least crack it!

Boris Moiseev

Having sowed discord,

The singers broke through

Borya Moiseev!

He will sing

For you and to dance,

And into the soundtrack

Hit exactly.

Anastasia Volochkova

To successfully perform this show concert number, you will need a soundtrack of Tchaikovsky’s music from the ballet “ Swan Lake"(dance of the little swans), ballerina tutu. The participant who received a ticket with this task and eats puts on a tutu and portrays a famous ballerina.

Now the fouetté will spin

Ballet star...

Anastasia Volochkova,

Is that you?!

Let's give it a lift, Nastenka,

Three swans for you,

Please with ballet

The assembled people!

"Next feet and no cheating"

Everyone who ends up on the “deserted island” is divided into two teams. Conditions of the game: teams lie on their backs opposite each other and use their legs to pass a “gift” for Friday from one team member to another. Each group should have its own “gift”. The winner is the team that delivers their surprise faster and without using their hands. A small fabric bag of sand, tied with a beautiful ribbon, can act as a “gift”.

Comic quiz for adults

Enchanted from under a compass (circle).

Drink from grounds (coffee).

It is born twice and dies once (egg - chick - bird).

Big fan of fur coats (moth).

An inanimate tailor's client (mannequin).

Finger helmet (thimble).

Bacteria magnifier (microscope).

Angry fingers (fist).

The inedible part of the bagel (the hole).

The sparkling part of the foot (heel).

Who is so white that they drink it black (vodka).

City of random connections (resort).

Companion to the hammer (sickle).

What the musician performs, and the wives throw a (concert).

Whom feet feed (the girl from Tverskaya).

Where are hares found (on the bus, trolleybus).

Small, gray,

Hidden under a bush,

He was looking at the road (a traffic cop with a radar gun).

What notes can be used to measure any road (MI -LA - MI).

What does half an apple look like (the other half).

Citrus with six zeros (lemon - 1,000,000).

Riddle: A woman was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (AND THE BOTTOM) fell, how many were left?

Answer: (none - the bottom fell out).

When people have as many eyes as there are days in a year (January 2).

Unhappy, who served time because of her grandfather (turnip: “Grandfather planted a turnip...”).

Match detonator (sulphur).

Which stiletto heel helps women grow up (heel).

Eggplant caviar will taste better if you replace it with... (black).

Male vocal lowness (bass).

Game "Song Questions and Answers"

As a rule, all participants in this game are divided into two teams: the 1st team asks a question from a song, the 2nd answers with words from any suitable (or inappropriate) song.


“Why, why... why is the accordion singing?”

“My dear, good, guess for yourself.”

“Why do you wander alone all night,

Why don’t you let the girls sleep?”

"I'm just working, I'm just working

A wizard."

“Why do you girls love beautiful people?”

"Don't think down on seconds,

The time will come, you yourself will probably understand...

“Why, why did you meet again,

Why did you disturb my peace?

“Something has happened to my memory:

I remember everything that was not with me...”

“Why are you standing there, swaying,

Thin rowan?”

“And we are rocked, rocked,

Sea wave."

“You’ll come home, and at home they’ll ask:

Where did you walk, where were you?

“And the dark-skinned Moldavian

She answered the guy in harmony:

Partisan Moldavian

We are gathering a squad..."