Scenario of the concert “Musical pictures with folk instruments”

An amazing concert - lyrical, sonorous, filled with positive emotions - was presented to us on December 10, 2013 by the musicians of the Severodonetsk Music School. That evening there was a brass band concert “With rhythm in the heart, with melody in the soul.”

While in the hall, listening to the music, admiring the musicians’ playing, I caught myself thinking: “This is necessary, in such a difficult, non-festive time - a full hall of people! Why does this happen every time? music school? Maybe because real art lives very close to you, it sounds live music! On this December day, the audience was treated to a meeting with a brass band.

On the eve of the New Year, the theme of A. Bazhenov’s “New Year’s Fantasy” could not have come at a better time. Surprisingly, the sound of the melody “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest,” familiar from childhood, brought joy and a smile to almost every viewer.

“Fantasy,” based on the themes of R. Pauls’ songs, somehow tenderly splashed out nostalgic notes for the melodic and touching music of the era of the 80s.

“Crimean Sketches” by A. Spendiarov was received with a bang by the audience. Eastern motifs have always been and remain attractive and mysterious for the listener. And the professional sound of the orchestra only enhanced the impression of the most beautiful

A successful decision was the inclusion of vocal numbers in the concert program. This helped in creating a diverse atmosphere in the hall. The performances of vocalists O. Borschov and D. Shtompel, K. Ignat, Yu. Brazhnikova and the ensemble were interesting ballroom dance"Prestige". Each number was thought out and gave the concert special lyricism and aesthetic charm.

The audience received a lot of pleasure and a charge of energy; they took with them from the hall the light in their souls and the pure sounds of music.

Of course, there is something to congratulate the brass band under the leadership of artistic director and conductor Alexander Pogorely. A lot of work was done and the result turned out to be worthy! The orchestra demonstrated a colorful and colorful repertoire! And the concert program was prepared in such a way that everyone next number turned out to be unexpected, interesting, and unique in its own way.

The final piece of the concert simply blew up the hall!

Nowadays, it has become fashionable to communicate directly with the audience; Western conductors often do this. Alexander Pogorely and his team first surprised the audience, and then simply made them rejoice. The idea was brilliantly simple - at some point the orchestra was left without a conductor! The presenter gave up on all this! But the drummer began to beat the rhythm! The conductor was forced to return to the stage. As a result, A. Pogorely conducted not only the orchestra, but also the audience in the hall! Something like a creative competition began between the audience and the orchestra! By the way, the audience also very competently obeyed the will of the conductor! We applauded with pleasure both “on the piano” and “on the forte”, and received a lot of positive emotions from this!

Luxurious finale! "Bravo!" - brass band under the direction of A. Pogorely, “Bravo” - the host of the concert and the author of the script N. Pasechnik, who, as always, was at her best - smart and charming, and carried out this concert in one breath.

One cannot but express gratitude to the specialists who provide technical support concert. This is Y. Strizhak and N. Bukhov. Thanks everyone!

We know that behind the performance of each concert participant there is a lot of work professional musicians, pedagogical work with students. The result has been achieved! The concert took place, was successful and brought a lot of joy to the Severodonetsk residents!

Good luck to you, dear musicians and concert organizers!

Since I was invited to take part in the concert, I wanted to choose a poem that was in tune with the theme of the concert. Quite by accident, I came across historical material about a brass band that died in 1941, material that touched my heart. At first there were doubts: “Is it necessary at a concert taking place on the eve of New Year's holidays, tell tragic story? Later the decision matured: “We must!” We must always understand that both we and our musicians have a future. Wide creative prospects are open to everyone. But during the war, life was subject to different laws. And we all simply must remember this always.” And, thanks to the people who listened very reverently and attentively to “The Ballad of the Lost Orchestra.”

History holds many secrets.

Black holes can sometimes be scary...

Orchestra from forty-one, play,

Remind yourself with a forgotten march...

There were ninety of them,

In love with the lives of ordinary musicians.

War came, bread and age became bitter,

After all, wars do not need talents...

Autumn is crying... The Germans are near Moscow...

And the whole orchestra goes into the militia.

The orchestra is famous for its ringing brass!

An orchestra that will soon become a shadow...

Saxhorns and clarinet are covered,

Bassoon and flutes, trumpets and horns.

And the musicians have their main concert

They go to play as part of battalions.

"At the crossroads of two centuries." Concert script Time: 05.11.2011 Venue: Krasnodar Philharmonic named after G.F. Ponomarenko Equipment: musical instruments, microphones, music stands. Decoration: philharmonic. Organizers: Administration of the Philharmonic, director of the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra " New wave» Gotlib V.I., teacher organizer Gotlib T.F. Participants: the brass group of the state pop-symphony orchestra of the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko and musicians of the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra “New Wave”. Presenters (4 people) come onto the stage (on a closed curtain). Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends, connoisseurs and lovers of jazz music!!! We are glad to see you on today’s program “At the Crossroads of Two Centuries.” Presenter 2: This is new project Vladimir Gottlieb with the participation of two big bands. The brass group of the State Variety Symphony Orchestra of the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko, which was created with the participation of Vladimir Gottlieb in 1994 at the end of the 20th century, previously called the “Ekaterinodar Band”. 3 presenter: And the big band “New Wave” of the Center Children's Creativity Prikubansky district, which was created in 2007 at the beginning of the 21st century, also by Vladimir Gottlieb. Presenter 4: Works will be presented to your attention various styles and styles of jazz. Presenter 1: Let's talk about what jazz is? For example: some argue that Jazz is a form musical art, which arose at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries in the USA as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures and subsequently became widespread. The characteristic features of the musical language of jazz initially were improvisation, polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythms, and a unique set of techniques for performing rhythmic texture - swing. The further development of jazz occurred due to the development of new rhythmic and harmonic models by jazz musicians and composers. Presenter 2: What do you think of this opinion? Jazz is a style of life... Jazz musician not a performer. He is a creator who creates his art in front of the audience - fragile, instantaneous, elusive, like the shadow of falling snowflakes... Presenter 3: What if I say so? Jazz is a delightful chaos, the basis of which is intuition, taste and feeling of the ensemble taken to the limit... 4 presenter: What are you talking about! Jazz is us in our best hours. That is, when elation, fearlessness and frankness coexist within us... 1st presenter: And what conclusion did we come to? And the fact that Jazz is an international and most democratic art form, where there are no language barriers and musicians communicate with each other and understand each other through music. Presenter 2: This music speaks its own language about eternal problems life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and human soul, about the heights of thoughts and aspirations, about the comedy and tragedy of life. Presenter 3: And then, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and now, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, jazz remains jazz. And so... All together: WE ARE STARTING!!! 1. (The curtain opens. Two orchestras are sitting on the stage on both sides, the jazz composition “The chicken” is performed by two orchestras. The presenters leave). Presenter1: 2. Performed by the brass group of the State Variety Symphony Orchestra of the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko, you will hear “WIND MACHINES” translated as “windmill” from the repertoire of the COUNTY BASIE orchestra, arranged by Sammy Nastico. At the conductor's stand, Honored Artist of Kuban Vladimir Gottlieb Presenter2: On stage are the beginning musicians of the Exemplary Youth Pop-Jazz Orchestra “New Wave” of the Children's Creativity Center of the Kuban District. Orchestra "New Wave": winner of the regional festival-competition of children's creative groups "Collective of the Year 2008", winner of the "Grand Prix of the regional festival-competition "Collective of the Year 2009", winner of the All-Russian competition "Star Express", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Yuri Silantiev , Presenter 3: laureate of the All-Russian Jazz Festival 2009. In the summer of 2010, the orchestra visited GERMANY, as part of friendly relations between the sister cities of KARLSRUHE-KRASNODAR. He performed in the cities of BRUCHSAL, KARLSRUHE, BADEN-BADEN. Artistic director team Honored Artist of Kuban, laureate of All-Russian and international jazz festivals and competitions Vladimir Gottlieb. Presenter 4: 3. The orchestra will perform “D J A – D A” - a traditional jazz theme written by Carlton and arranged by Andy Clark. The theme is based on a popular song from 1918. One of the best recordings on a gramophone record was made by the KID ORI ensemble. Soloists: bass guitar IVAN FILONYCH, trumpet VADIM IORDANOV. Presenter1: 4. Performed by two orchestras, you will hear one of the most popular pieces among traditional jazz musicians, written by James Black in 1896. "WHEN THE SAINTS MARCH" (two orchestras). Presenter 2: 5. “SIR DUKE” is one of popular songs American singer Steve Wonder. It will be performed by the soloist of the Regional Philharmonic Nina Gotikoeva Presenter 3: 6. The comic song of the jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald “A tisket a tasket” (Philharmonic Orchestra) will be performed by Maria Pakshina, soloist of the New Wave orchestra. Support her with friendly applause. Presenter 4: 7. “Swing machines” (two orchestras). Swing is one of the earliest styles of jazz that has survived to our times. Soloists: saxophone DMITRY SKORIKOV, trumpet VALERY NESMACHNY, trombone SERGEY KOLOSOV, saxophone EKATERINA TASHINA. Presenter1: 8. Song “Puttin on the ritz”. orchestra "New Wave") Translated from “Dress smarter” from the movie “Blue Skies.” The song has a story. It was written in 1929 by Irving Berlin (Isidor Beilin), a native of Russia. His contribution to world musical culture is enormous and invaluable. He wrote scores for many films and Broadway musicals, as well as many hundreds, if not thousands, of songs. The song found its second life in the early 80s - thanks to Taco Okerse or simply Taco. Presenter2: 9. The song “Puttin on the ritz” is considered unofficial anthem Hollywood. Now you will hear this song performed by the soloist of the Philharmonic, Laureate of international competitions Nina Gotikoeva and the aspiring singer-soloist of the New Wave orchestra Maria Pakshina. Presenter 3: 10. The Philharmonic Orchestra will perform “The Pink Panther,” written by Mancini for the well-known animated series of the same name. Presenter 4: 11. Bart Howard and Sammy Nestico “Fly me to the moon.” (Philharmonic Orchestra). Translated: “Fly with me to the moon.” Presenter 2: This is such a romantic title of the song. Meet! Performed by Nina Gotikoeva. Presenter 1: 12. On stage is the youngest participant in today’s concert with Sergei Yarushin’s song “Vacation” (New Wave orchestra). Presenter 3: Despite her young age, she is a laureate of all-Russian and international festivals and competitions. Meet! Natalya Gorbenko! Presenter4: 13. Peter Gann - “Theme”. The play was often performed by the Duke Elengton Orchestra. (Philharmonic Orchestra). Soloist: Mikhail Gottlieb. Presenter 1: 14. A modern piece in the style of jazz-rock by Milan Svoboda with the comic title “Monkey Diet” translated as “Diet for a Monkey” (New Wave orchestra). Soloists: trumpet Vadim Iordanov, trombone Roman Borinsky. Presenter 2: 15. What a wedding without a button accordion, What a concert without... Caravan!!! (two orchestras perform “Caravan” by Ravel). The orchestras rise. Presenters and vocalists go on stage. All concert participants are introduced to thunderous applause from the audience. See you again!!!

/The curtain is closed. Music background - voice of the Vedas. behind the scenes/
1Ved. : Glorious deeds to Russia,
Through culture they will be reborn.
And there will be Russian tribes
Again considered high.
And it will fly like a phoenix
From the ashes of years of oblivion
Holy Face of the Virgin Mary
And it will give us inspiration!
/Fanfare. The curtain opens. There is a brass band on stage. Performing music works.
After which voice 1:
An exemplary group of children's brass band, artistic director and conductor of the orchestra; Laureate of the Governor's Prize in the field of culture and art Denis Nikolaevich Durnovtsev./
/music appearance of presenters in classic outfits/
2 Vedas: Good afternoon, dear friends!
1 Ved: We are glad to welcome you to our hospitable hall of the Palace of Culture "Krasnaya Gorka""
2: Will take place today big concert"IN New Year With good friends", where creative teams from our Palace of Culture will take part.
1: People lit the clear fire of art in time immemorial and since then they have been passing it on from generation to generation. Art can change a person's life better side, enrich him with courage, nobility, wisdom and, of course, goodness.
2: The closer we are to the unfading light of art, the brighter the reflections falling on us.
1: Our Palace will always be wide open
For hearts thirsty for meetings and communication!
2: For those who want to reveal their talent,
Dance among the crystal garlands.
1: and just like now, putting aside all sorrows,
Watch the concert in our festive hall!
2: Meet the mature and the young
Singers and dancers!
1: Readers!
2: Musicians!
1: We are glad to meet you again!
2: Long live the holiday
1,2: on New Year's Eve! (folk talents)
1: Exemplary team on stage vocal studio pop song “Charming” by the ensemble “Caprice”. Laureate of the 21st city competition for young vocalists “Silver Bell”. Artistic director: Nelly Nokolaevna Mishkina.

1: There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone takes their turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
Most best holiday New Year!

2: He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty
New Year fills my heart!

1: We wish you all the joys in the world for the New Year,
Health for 100 years ahead to both you and your children.
May joy next year be a wonderful gift to you,
And it’s better to leave tears, boredom and misfortune in the old way!

2: Scholarship holder of the Young Talents of Prokopyevsk Foundation Anna Chumachenko sings for you. "New Year's song".

1: When the folk choir sings,
There is no place for old age and boredom!
To the sounds dear to the heart
The space becomes brighter!

2: While the folk choir is singing,
The people's spring will not dry up!
Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia -
Defy any wind!

1: Meet the people's choir of war and labor veterans. Artistic director Nelly Nikolaevna Mishkina.

1st ved: Song! it captivates us with joy and sadness, infects us with joy, and gives rise to an inexpressible feeling of communication.
The song is a true friend. She is always there - in work, in battle, for festive table, on a hike, by the fire, in the ranks of a marching column, in solitude.

2 ved: You know, Olga, let’s sing with you,
I can’t believe in life without good songs.
Let a smile on your face
It’s as if the sun will shine again!
1: “Lost Soul” Performed by Alisa Pstyga.

1 Vedas: (to the audience) Dear friends, please tell me, on this holiday, does the art and talent of our artists, whom you just saw, make you happy? (answers)
2 Vedas: Great! Since today is a holiday, we will try to do everything so that everyone is in a great mood, so that the laughter does not stop and the smiles on your faces do not fade. Do you agree? (answers)
1: Dear friends, we invite everyone present in the hall to take part in the New Year's auction. It is necessary to name adjectives on the topic: “About what New Year's Eve you are dreaming." I call the first adjective: Cheerful.
/Music background/
Thank you! Let everything you have planned come true!
Dear friends, your applause!

1: The old year is ending, a good, good year.
We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us!

2: Let's remember all the good things that happened!
Let's meet all the best that will happen!

1: Fortune has been shining on us all year!
And may luck never forget us!

2: For the winner of the auction and of course for everyone present, a magical pre... New Year's gift!
1: The oriental dance ensemble, a diploma winner of the Kuzbass Open Championship, gives you its art oriental dances"The Many Faces of the East". For you, choreographic composition “Wings of Love”

1: Our Motherland is generous with talents -
Everywhere Russians are held in high regard as masters.
2: Our free, amazing people,
He has been creating miracles for centuries - he has been creating fairy tales!
1: And art is eternal in the world.
And good things always shine for us!
2: And the soul sings when it notices
That talent lives in our children too!
1: Announce them quickly!
2: Wait, don't rush.
They are making their debut here now!
1: That’s right, Denis, the group that will now appear in front of our audience will be on this stage for the first time.
2: Meet, young stars acting skillstheater group"Surprise". Head Alisa Olegovna Pstyga. "Primitive New Year"

1: In our area the accordion can be heard from all sides,
Walking down the street. Why should she lie there in vain?
2: And the free song is alive and asks in the heart,
And no one can hold this song.
1: Dear friends, your applause to the ensemble of harmonists. Diploma winners of the international harmonica competition named after Gennady Zavolokin - the Sidorov brothers.
1: May the New Year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And at work - let it sound
Cheerful, ringing laughter!
2: Let a true friend be nearby
Both on holiday and in bad weather!
And let it come into your home like a snowball
Happiness always comes!
1: The first part of the reporting concert of the creative groups of the cultural center “In the New Year with Good Friends” is completed.
2: Break_____ minutes.
/Mus. – closing the curtain/

/Mus. – opening of the curtain – exit of the presenter/
2Ved: Dear friends, we continue the program of the reporting concert.
Oh! And then, according to the script, the words of my co-host Olga Where is she?
/Mus. – entrance of the dressed-up presenter (modern outfit with New Year’s paraphernalia, in the form of bunny ears/
2: Well, finally! I was already starting to worry!
1: Dear friends, we are opening the second branch of our program.
2 (interrupts): Stop! Stop! Olga, what kind of outfit are you wearing and what’s on your head?
Cause we need to keep leading concert program report concert “In the New Year with Good Friends”? Have you mixed up all the programs?
1: And Denis, I didn’t mix anything up. You yourself just said that we need to host a concert called “In the New Year with Good Friends.”
Do you know what the New Year 2011 will be like according to the Eastern calendar?
2: No, I'm not into that.
1: And I will answer. 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Therefore, my outfit corresponds to the cheerful festive New Year mood!
By the way, on this magnificent day, I want to give you, Denis, a New Year’s gift. Try it on, please!
(hands over rabbit ears - Ved. puts them on himself)
1: Dear friends, the rabbit is a harmless, cute animal that will definitely bring you and me sincere happiness, true love, good health and good mood.
2: And indeed, my soul became more cheerful! I feel like the new year is coming! Time to sing!?
1: Of course! Greet the soloist of the vocal association “Crystal” Evgeniy Ilyukhin with thunderous applause. The song "Lady Love" is playing

1: Get up, honest people,
A meeting with art awaits you!
2: Now we have arrived for the holiday
oriental beauties!
1: Everyone has their own secret
But there are no secrets for you!
2: The young ladies will tell you everything,
They will show their skills!
1 On stage, the ensemble “The Many Faces of the East” - “Conversation of Drums”

Denis, do you agree that children are a wonder of the world?

Of course, Olga! .. Tell me, what films did you like to watch as a child?
1.You know, Denis, I have always loved watching fabulous, extraordinary, breathtaking, but simply not probable stories. For example – “Pippi Longstocking”
2. Are you thinking the same thing as me?
1Yes, it's time to invite children's ensemble"Grace". They will present a song called “Pippi Longstocking”

1: New Year is a holiday of miracles and magic!
We invite you, dear friends, to verify this once again.
I have a silver lump in my hands that makes a wish come true. I'll throw it into the hall. We ask whoever catches the lump to go up on stage. So, catch it!
/Music background - the one who caught the com comes out /
1: Today our hall is full of wonderful wonderful people. Namely, you were lucky enough to catch the magic ball. And we would like to ask you a few questions.
2- please introduce yourself.
1- do you often visit cultural and leisure programs held in our recreation center?
2- Which team or individual creative personality is our scene more attractive to you?
1- Do you have any big plans or dreams for 2011? (Which?)
1Thank you! And now the fulfillment of your wish - a New Year's gift and applause from everyone present!
/prize presentation. The lucky one leaves the stage/

2 And now it’s like in a fairy tale
The eastern star is dancing!
1: Diploma winner of the Siberian Open Cup in Oriental Dance 2010, soloist of the Jasmine ensemble Svetlana Sivirgina. "Unsolved Magic"

1: First we played,

2: Then they sang,

1: And in a year they will dance

2: Ensemble of girls on stage –

1: It's called "Milady"!

2: Show – group “Milady”, director Tatyana Khaimina. The song “You” plays.

1. And here come the heroes,
The ensemble has long been known to us!

2.Plastic movements
He will surprise us today
He will dedicate his number to you.

1 Meet the break dance team “Proniks” with the dance composition “Street Dances”!


1: Leaving old year its last page rustles.
Let the best that happened never go away, and let the worst never happen again!

2: So that the songs and dances never cease.
Happy New Year!
1: Happy New Happiness!
(in unison): May trouble pass us by!

Evgeny Ilyukhin and the ensemble “Slides” - “Happy New Year, friends”
1 Dear friends, the time has come to invite to this stage the director of the cultural center, an honored worker in the field of culture and art - Galina Nikolaevna Sikorskaya! Your applause!
/congratulatory speech, presentation of gifts to amateur performance participants/
(Final words from the presenters):
1 Yes, great this time
It's a holiday - it's ours!
2: We had a lot of fun,
Together with creativity!
1: We say thank you to everyone,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
2: You, named artists!
You young talents!
1 And of course the audience,
Creativity of connoisseurs!
With coming
(in chorus): Happy New Year!
2: Goodbye!
1: See you again!
/Mus. – the curtain closes/

creative anniversary evening script
dedicated to the 70th birthday
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,
leader and conductor of the folk group -
folk instruments orchestra

The curtain is closed. The phonogram of a slow composition from the repertoire of the Zodiac or Space group sounds. Behind the scenes the presenter reads poetry:

Man, like a star is born
Among the vague, foggy milkiness,
At infinity it begins
And it ends in infinity...
Created by generations
Century after century, the Earth is imperishable...
Man, like a star is born,
So that the Universe becomes brighter!

The curtain opens. Members of a folk group - an orchestra of folk instruments - are sitting on the stage. Festive decoration with a decorative panel with the number “?O” and a laurel branch. The presenter comes out. The soundtrack smoothly gives way to a lyrical melody. It sounds quiet, in the background.

Exactly 70 years ago, in the January sky, which is famous for the twinkling of stars, a new star was born and illuminated the earth with light. And in the city of Chita it was born small miracle, which was affectionately named Kolenka.
No one will dispute the truth that every time gives birth to its heroes, of whom the land that gave birth to them has the right to be proud.
From time immemorial, the Siberian land has cultivated and is cultivating wonderful people, whose hands and labor are worthy of honor and respect. They never allow themselves to “switch off”, do not allow “downtime”, and do not try to “get” a storm of applause. They just know their stuff! They just work! Honestly! Tense! Worthy!

The phonogram “minus” of the song “Maestro” by R. Pauls sounds

Let us greet such a person with applause and express our admiration for our hero of the day and the hero of this evening.
Meet! A man whose whole life was spent with a love of music,
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, leader and conductor of the folk group - the orchestra of folk instruments of the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen - NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH SAMOILOV!

Ceremonial fanfare. Applause.
N.N. comes on stage. Samoilov

Nature quietly flips through the calendar:
The summer thunderstorm has broken out,
Snow has already covered the whole earth, and to the people
January has arrived. And we are FOR it with all our hearts!
We have our own motives for this -
Marked beginning of January
Happy birthday! Because it's beautiful
And it’s festive in the soul! Yes and around for good reason
Blue sky, white flowers...
And we believe - all this is in your honor!
The words today are so simple and short:
“It’s so good that you exist in the world!”
Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich! One of the eastern sages said about human life So:
Look at the world with a reasonable eye,
Not the way you looked before.
The world is a sea. Do you want to swim?
Build a ship out of good deeds!
In my opinion, you managed to create such a ship and achieve an important life milestone on it!
There is a wonderful tradition - summing up a certain life path specific person, tell him kind words of recognition and admiration. And the anniversary is a wonderful occasion to support this tradition!
You have entered a time of vital maturity and wise prudence. Let the best that this wonderful age is famous for help you reach new heights in your future. creative activity!

So let the music fly
Above the world, like the eighth miracle,
And the man will bless her,
When it sounds everywhere!

On stage - folk group- orchestra of folk instruments. Conducted by the hero of the day - maestro Nikolai Samoilov!

1. G. Rossini. Overture to the opera "The Thieving Magpie" - performed by the orchestra
2. Enrique Curtis “I will not forget you” - performed by the soloist of Novosibirsk academic theater opera and ballet Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Oleg Videman
3. N. Valente and Tagliaferri “Passion” - in the same performance
4. Russian folk song“I’ll go out into the street” - in the same performance.

There are many beauties in Siberia,
So familiar and dear to us since childhood,
Where the birches lead a round dance -
It’s impossible to look at them enough!
And surrounded by a green ring,
The city stands in a gentle robe.
For the anniversary - Chita and parental home
They became a start in life, destiny and hope!

As the evening progresses, the host's entire text is accompanied by a light lyrical melody.

“We all come from childhood”... Having once left the parental nest, we try to live independently, study, work, and sometimes we don’t notice that such glorious anniversaries come.
And, no matter what heights in life we ​​reach, they remain in our memory forever bright pictures childhood: the first parental instructions and instructions, the first tests of strength.
Nikolai Samoilov was predetermined by fate itself creative path. After all, he was born into a family where Russian musical culture was an integral part of existence.
Mother, Galina Petrovna, sang wonderfully, and father, Nikolai Ivanovich, was a real genius, masterfully playing the balalaika, unobtrusively, lovingly, they introduced the children to the world of music.
Passion and desire to master the instrument like his father did their job. Kolya often picked up a balalaika and picked out simple melodies by ear.

It would seem one and the same
What day, what year
He, the boy, is worried again
Another day's arrival.
And I can’t contain my excitement in the morning,
It’s as if in these everyday life you
You are waiting for an opening and revelation
And dreams come true...

The phonogram of the song “As you were, so you remain...” from the movie “ Kuban Cossacks" The music is mixed during the presenter's text.

And this day has come! After the release of the film “Kuban Cossacks”, the song “As you were, so you remained...” sunk into Nikolai’s soul.
The dream became a reality when, without even knowing musical literacy, Nikolai spoke publicly for the first time in front of his family. It’s not hard to guess that he performed his favorite melody of the song from “Kuban Cossacks”!
After listening to his son’s speech, the father, realizing that the seed planted in childhood has sprouted, makes a wise decision - Kolya needs to learn and improve. And he brings him to the House of Pioneers, handing him creative destiny boy in the hands professional musician- teacher Konstantin Filippovich Kleinos.
Comprehending the basics of musical literacy, Kolya diligently learned plays and miniatures, honing his performing skills every year. He was on the right track! But I had to assert myself and test my strength...
Nikolai makes a decision and gradually begins to perform at various shows, competitions and festivals held everywhere at that time.
The feeling of joy and the realization that he had reached a certain level came when he, having performed Dobrokhotov’s “Waltz-Caprice” at the regional festival, became the winner!
Thus, having captured the boy’s soul and heart, music became his guiding star in life.

I can't live a day without music!
She is in me, she is around me.
And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,
In the silence of the grass and in the rainbow of flowers,
And in the glow of dawn above the earth...
She is my companion everywhere and forever.

5. Russian folk song arranged by Vera Gorodovskaya “Kalinka”. Performed by: orchestra soloist, Laureate International competition Dmitry Malichenko and Laureate of International competitions Stepan Perebeinos.

6. Franz Suppe. Overture to the operetta "Light Cavalry". Performed by an orchestra.

7. Music by Evgeny Martynov. Words by Andrey Dementyev " Swan fidelity" Performed by soloist of the Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, Laureate of the International Competition Karen Movsesyan.

Now let's mentally transport ourselves to the distant 60s of the twentieth century...
It was a joyful time...
And then you all carelessly
Living by my own amusements,
We hurried forward.
Every day was endless
Like a freight train,
Which is past the barrier
It takes forever.
And they pushed the time!
Free, easy, playful
You treated him
It's like watching something spectacular
Multi-part film.
You couldn't wait:
Burning fire of curiosity
He was insatiable in his chest.
And towards a new day
You rushed like birds
It's so interesting to see:
What is there ahead?

And there were so many roads ahead, calling and beckoning...
But Nikolai Samoilov has already chosen his path, his path of life. After graduating from school, my classmates are going to go to Novosibirsk to enroll and invite Nikolai with them.
And since in those years there was no music school in Chita, with the blessing of his parents and with the help of Alexandra Fedorovna Krushelnitskaya, who prepared him for admission, he left with friends for Novosibirsk.
One friend successfully enters Sibstrin, another - NETI, and Nikolai, having passed solfeggio with a B, becomes a student at the Novosibirsk Music School.
So, apparently, fate decreed that he had to settle forever in the capital of Siberia, take root in it and fall in love with it for life. Novosibirsk became for Nikolai not only his place personal growth, it became a second home for him.

The path to the world of art
Very complicated
After all, it is not easy to serve the muses,
But this work is beautiful and important,
And this is worth cherishing!

Presenter: Having understood this simple truth, Nikolai Samoilov, having graduated from music school in 1961, entered the Novosibirsk State Conservatory in the department of folk instruments.
Graduation from the conservatory occurred at a time when there was a special creative upsurge in the Soviet Union. Countless festivals, shows, competitions, and tours only further honed Nikolai Nikolaevich’s professionalism.
Having started working in a small orchestral group accompanying a Russian song and dance ensemble, led by Alexander Alekseevich Ivanov, first in the Transportnik club, and then in the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen, Nikolai Nikolaevich gradually surrounded himself with talented admirers and connoisseurs folk music and folk instruments. Gradually the orchestral group was replenished with new members, developing into a new creative team. And for the 36th year now, Nikolai Nikolaevich has been the permanent leader and conductor of a unique ensemble, which is rightfully considered the pearl and pride of the city, the region, our native highway and the entire Siberian region! Applause!!!

Presenter: Some people think that leading a large group or writing a score is easy. But in creativity, apparent ease is achieved with great difficulty. Behind the melody, seemingly performed with ease and virtuosity, lies the intense rhythm of rehearsals.
Somehow incomprehensibly Nikolai Nikolaevich knows how to combine the indomitability of his impulsive impulses, emotional experiences, quirks with humility before art, with the awareness of his artistic duty to a grateful viewer.
Now just one number will be heard... But if you think about the fact that behind dry statistics there is something more, then you, dear friends, will now applaud!
Over the years of his creative activity, Nikolai Nikolaevich Samoilov gave more than 16 thousand concert performances!!!


Presenter: Success and recognition come only when a creative and friendly atmosphere develops in the team. After all, this is, so to speak, essentially a second family.
What about the first one? She is where the stage ends and ordinary human life bubbles up.
You've probably heard the following aphorism: “Everything beautiful in life comes from a woman!” And this is true. Nature has endowed women with the ability to create real miracles. Yes, women are a unique and inimitable phenomenon. And this is manifested in everything - in the expression of her face, the movement of her hands, the sound of her voice.
For many years, Nikolai Nikolaevich’s wife, Tatyana Vladimirovna, has been a faithful colleague, friend, adviser and person who worries about everything that happens at rehearsals and concerts.
And today, on this wonderful evening, dear Tatyana Vladimirovna, accept as a gift 2 dedication songs performed by Karen Movsesyan.

8. Music by Arno Babajanyan, words by Robert Rozhdestvensky “Thank you!”

9. Music by Arno Babajanyan, lyrics by Evgeny Yevtushenko “Ferris Wheel”.

I mean nothing without friends.
When I laugh, when I'm sad and cry.
I live for them and it’s clear from that
That without friends I mean nothing.
I'm spinning, spinning in my own affairs,
Meeting success with failure,
I'm not mistaken in the friends I chose,
After all, without friends I mean nothing!

Congratulates the hero of the day on this wonderful milestone in his life...
However, I’ll add a little mystery.
This man has known Nikolai Nikolaevich for more than half a century. They studied together at a music school. He is a famous person not only in Novosibirsk, but also far beyond the city and region. Friend and colleague.
Meet! Musical congratulations to the hero of the day are addressed to People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Gusev!

10. Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson “Golden ABBA”. Performed by an orchestra of folk instruments. Conducted by Vladimir Gusev.

Presenter: And one more friendly musical greeting.

11. Nikolai Kharito. Musical version for balalaika and orchestra by Vladimir Lyamkin “The chrysanthemums have bloomed.” Performed by the soloist of the Russian Academic Philharmonic Orchestra, People's Artist of Russia Andrei Gurevich.

Presenter: Not without the participation of Nikolai Nikolaevich Samoilov and his orchestra took place creative birth in Novosibirsk and one more famous person. A charming woman who captivated listeners with her enchanting voice. When she sings, words of praise seem out of place. He doesn’t perform, he actually sings! You listen to it, and it seems that the songs, like birds, will fly from the stage into the hall, and hug, warm everyone’s soul with their wings.
On stage - Deputy Head of the Department of Culture of the Administration Novosibirsk region, soloist of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, People's Artist Russia Tatyana Vorozhtsova!

12. Music and words by Pashkov. “Don’t leave, you, my darling!”

13. Music by Yuriev, words by Andrezheevsky “Hey, coachman, drive to the ravine”

14. Tomaso Albinoni, lyrics by Simon Asiashvili “Adagio”.


One day great Shakespeare said:
Listen to how friendly the strings are
They get into formation and give their voice,
And the notes, into the hymn, merging young,
They sing in happy rapture!

Once again, I encourage you to plunge into amazing world, where Her Majesty reigns - Music!

15. Arranged by Nikolai and Dmitry Osipov. "Kamarinskaya". Performs unison balalaikas accompanied by an orchestra. Conductor - People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Gusev.

16. Velazquez “Besame mucho.” Performed by People's Artist of Russia Tatyana Vorozhtsova and Honored Artist of Russia Oleg Videman.

17. Imre Kalman. Duet of Theodora and Mr. X from the operetta “The Circus Princess” - In the same performance.

18. Valery Chernikov. Country style play. Performed by a duet of accordion players - Laureates of International competitions Alexander Sirotkin and Andrey Bityutskikh.

Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich!
Are you 70? But is this age?
Your smile is oh, so young!
The same stars are above your head,
Only the years have added wisdom...
Time flies inexorably,
There is no hope of bringing him back
Nothing will happen again
Behind a series of flying years.
But every year is a memory,
It cannot be crossed out
After all, he is not a dream, not a contemplation,
And creative and noble work!
The years pass, changing generations,
But they only add joy to life,
And on this day, a wonderful birthday
Friends and colleagues congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

The congratulations block begins.

Invited to creative evening N. Samoilova

1. Alexander Vitalievich Tselko - head of the Western-Sib. railway
2. Evgeniy Nikolaevich Kulinich - deputy. head of the road for personnel and social issues
3. Alexander Mikhailovich Kuzhelev - Chairman of Dorprofsozh
4. Viktor Mikhailovich Pushkarev - Dorprofsozh specialist
5. Leonid Alekseevich Grishchenko - chairman of the territorial committee of the trade union NOD-2
6. Tatyana Aleksandrovna Vorozhtsova - soloist of the NGATOiB,
7. Alexander Petrovich Balabanov - People's Artist of Russia, consultant of the Department of Culture of the Administration of the NSO
8. Lyudmila Alekseevna Zhiganova - director of the Novosibirsk State Regional House of Folk Art
9. Zinaida Zakharovna Didenko - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, professor of the Novosibirsk State Conservatory. M.I. Glinka, chairman of the musical society.
10. Valery Vladimirovich Romm - musical society
11. Anatoly Ivanovich Baev - director of the Russian academic orchestra.
12. Vladimir Polikarpovich Gusev - conductor
13. Andrey Alekseevich Gurevich
14. Maria Nikolaevna Samarkina - Deputy Director of the Novosibirsk Palace of Culture for Railway Workers
15. Alexander Vasilyevich Ivanov - director of the Novosibirsk Regional College of Culture and Art
16. Vladimir Vladimirovich Kozlov - Head of the Directorate social sphere Western Railway;
17. Anatoly Georgievich Reshetov - head of the department of culture and sports of the Directorate of Social Sphere.
18. Galina Leonidovna Pautova - specialist in the department of culture and sports of the Directorate of Social Sphere.

Everyday stories will disappear without a trace,
Minor of sad days and festive major,
At that moment when, shaking the starched cuff,
The conductor will soar above the console with a sigh...
The bows fly high, the flute has a gentle voice,
The curves of the harps are smooth, and the keys are even in tuning.
And our fingers keep running over them, just like we do in life.
We are running, engrossed in a serious game.
We are all in the power of music, we are passionate about it,
And now it sounds in all its glory,
Palms full of music...
19. Johann Strauss. Polka “Thunder and Lightning” - Performed by a folk group - an orchestra of folk instruments.

20. Valery Gavrilin. March from the suite “Provincial benefit performance”.

Presenter: Dear friends, have you ever wondered why a talented person is often compared to a star? Maybe because talent is given from above. Or maybe because talented person illuminates our life, makes it brighter, more interesting and richer.
So where does he get the strength for creativity, for the music of his soul?
Where do they come from, these Russian talents?

From there, where in the spring, crouching against a birch tree,
Without knowing the price yet,
Drink juice
Russian land boys.
And in the summer, the blessed red summer,
When they pass through the forest with the Tues,
That power to them through bare feet
Their mother conveys them -
land of Russia.
No matter what harsh years come,
Of you, fields,
of you, dense forests,
Russian talents will come to us,
And this is eternal, like Russia itself!

Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich! We once again cordially congratulate you on your anniversary! I wish you health, energy, creativity and grateful applause from admirers of your talent!

The sound of the music intensifies. The curtain closes.

Scenario of the anniversary reporting concert of the people's branch on 04/05/2013.

The Mosaic orchestra is on stage. Play without announcement:

Gladkov "Song of Friends"
Weber "Hunter Choir"

Today there is no empty space in our hall -
We invited our friends to the holiday.
They sat down decorously in a row,
They are talking about a music school.
The music is loud here
And everything burns with bright lights,
And this does not happen in a dream -
You are visiting a starry little country.

Ved. Good evening, dear friends. We are glad to see all of you in this hall, in a hall with which everyone has different feelings: excitement, memories, maybe children's fear. For example, I was very afraid to play on stage. Today we have a gala evening. This year music school turns 55 years old. And on the eve of the holiday, each department of our school holds its own festive concert. The button accordion and accordion class, as well as the piano class, was opened exactly 55 years ago, so popular branch has rich history. The floor is given to the head of the people's department, Nikolai Illarionovich Kolegov.

Kolegov: __________________________________________________________

Ved . Today we decided to show everything we can already do. The concert will be attended by students of different classes - from beginners to high school students. Our concert openedOrchestra of Russian folk instruments "Mosaic", conductor. Epova O.B., conc. Budnikov V.A.

The right to continue our concert is grantedTo my wife Yankov and Kristina Kryuchkova.They are still first-graders, but they are brave people and have already taken part in the International Festival of Children and Youth Performance “Musical Art Forum”. Andantino

Another participant of the Festival Ivan Stepchenko . Kholminov, Song

When it comes to button accordions and balalaikas, very soon the conversation turns to discussions about folk songs. And where there is reasoning, there practical work. Today we asked students of the Russian song ensemble “Rowan” (director S.G. Puchkova) to join our concert. Singing accompanied by a button accordion is a pleasant action in itself, and if the singers are in costumes and the lyrics are cheerful, then the singing turns into a celebration. Now not the masters of the holiday will appear on stage, but already quite professional singers -junior group of the ensemble "Rowan".

"Once upon a time"

"Soldiers, brave boys"

Concertmaster L.N. Zuev

In different historical periods different instruments controlled the hearts of people. Since ancient times classical instruments(piano, violin, wind) played a leading role in the aesthetic education of children and adults. But picking up a piano or an organ and performing at least from house to house, you must admit, is not an easy task. Therefore, in Europe, portable organs were invented - organols. These later became the well-known button accordions and accordions. The guitar is a completely different matter. This instrument is no less famous than the piano, if not more. The history of the guitar is fascinating and very interesting. Suffice it to say that in almost every European state guitars had their own tuning, and in Russia they even invented their own. own view guitar - seven-string. It’s easier with a guitar - pick it up and you can already organize a concert. You can sing, or you can play. Moreover, just like singing, you can play anything on the guitar. Now you will hear “Tango of a Grasshopper in Love.” Will fulfill itKuznetsova Anastasia,graduate III International competition "Musical Art Forum" in Novosibirsk, in 2012 she received a 1st degree Diploma.

Voronov Andrey scholarship holder of the mayor of Usolye-Sibirskoye

"Santa Lucia"

Gordeeva Vlada Giuliani, Rondo for guitar and piano

Conc. Dobryshina M.A.

Ans. Rowan (senior group)“What a couple” conc. Ageev A.B.

"Usolskie ditties"

Where it came from, how and when domra appeared in Rus' still remains a mystery to researchers. IN present moment There are two most probable versions of the origin of the domra. The first and most common version is about the eastern roots of Russian domra. Another version is based on the assumption that domra traces its ancestry to the Europeanlutes. From similar instruments, the domra took the body, neck, strings and playing method - with a sliver carved from scrap material - a plectrum. The ease of manufacture allowed the domra to become widespread in Rus'. Based on the knowledge and research accumulated to date, we can conclude that the domra was a typically Russian instrument, combining, like much in the culture and history of our state, both European and Asian features. Currently, this instrument is considered young and promising. More and more attention is being paid to it at the most different levels. In 2012, the children's and youth ORNI "Talents of the Baikal Region" was created. This year our school took part in this project and, we hope, we will continue to participate. plays for you Idrisov Timur , participant of the regional competition “Talents of the Baikal Region”


Conc. O.I. Roshchikhina

I recently read interesting material on the Internet about the accordion. It turns out that an accordion is an instrument that has a special quality - when you press one button on the left keyboard, a ready-made chord of three sounds sounds. The author of the material expressed the idea that any instrument with similar functions should be considered an accordion, no matter the buttons or keys on its right side. The button accordion, in fact, is also an accordion, because it also has ready-made chords. Maybe, from a technical point of view, this is true, but we are closer to the names accordion and button accordion. In Rus', the storyteller was called Bayan (from the word bayat - to speak). Here Konyakhin Gleb and tell us about the hero civil war, Army Commander Nikolai Shchorsa. (“Song about Shchors”).

The accordion orchestra immediately begins to sit down

The department employs 8 people, 6 of them are school graduates. Having received their education, they returned to their native walls and have been successfully working with children for many years. I would like to ask the graduates: what was your most memorable moment during your studies?

Work is in full swing every day,

But among the seething days

Suddenly a birthday comes,

A wonderful holiday - anniversary!

Accordion Orchestragives everyone present a “Wonder from Düsseldorf”

At one time, the orchestra was my favorite subject. Collective music playing I still love it very much. Our orchestra's repertoire included works by Dunaevsky, Khachaturian, and Bizet. I would like to ask the graduates - what play do you remember most?

R.n.p. "Weigh you, cabbage"

Over the years, I have been making small observations and found out that accordion players are the easiest people to climb. They are ready to perform right the moment you contact them. They also love to conduct experiments and present surprises. This is exactly the surprise that Leonid Nikolaevich Zuev and his graduate Kirill Shalyapin have prepared for you

A. Shalaev “Volga choruses”

And also - the people's department is the most playful department. It was here that two wonderful groups were created - ORNI "Siberian Patterns" and the ensemble "Usolsky Souvenir". Ensemble of Russian folk instruments"Usolsky souvenir"

A. Piazzolla “Libertango”

E. Derbenko “Semyonovna”

We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright days,
So that you smile, no less,
Celebrated every anniversary!
Strength, creative daring and luck,
Youth, light, beauty!
And may it always - not only on your birthday -
Your cherished dreams will come true.