How to remove a tag from clothing. How to remove a magnet (beeper, clip) from clothing? Photo

Almost everyone has come across small magnetic clasps that are attached not only to clothes in boutiques and stores in shopping centers, but also to bottles of alcohol and other expensive goods in supermarkets. Locks of this type are placed on clothing using a thin metal pin that passes through the clothing and is secured on both sides with plates. They are attached to the bottles using a coiled wire attached to the main part of the lock. If you try to take goods equipped with such locks out of the store, the alarm installed in the frames at the exit from the store will go off. These “magnets” prevent theft. The most surprising thing is that there is essentially no magnet in the lock, but that’s not what we’re talking about.

Cases where sellers forget to remove the lock and the buyer does not notice this are quite common. It’s just strange how you manage to pass through the frame without it squeaking, but this can always be attributed to something.

Often you don’t want to return to a store located at the other end of the city, and therefore a legitimate question arises. This is what we will talk about in this article. Let us warn you right away - do not use the acquired knowledge for personal gain, trying, using the methods given below, to remove the lock in the fitting room and take the item away in a bag. The article is intended for honest people who really find themselves in an unpleasant situation, and we decline responsibility for the actions of attackers.

Go to the store for help

So, let's start telling you how to remove magnetic locks from clothes. The easiest way is to return to the store, no matter how far it is from your home. Just don't forget to bring your purchase receipt with you. Otherwise, trouble is possible - the likelihood that the sellers remember your face is not so high, and therefore accusations of theft may fall, and it will come to calling the police. It is not a fact that every store has cameras that could record your honest purchase. And by the time your relatives bring the check, a lot of time and unpleasant minutes will pass. By the way, this is another reason to pick up checks and keep them for a certain time.

If the store is too far from your home and you don’t want to return to it, then there is another option, how to remove magnetic locks from clothes. It will also require the involvement of third parties. Go with the purchased product to the store closest to your home and ask the sales consultants to solve the problem. Fortunately, systems that remove the lock from a magnetic lock are now installed in almost all stores, especially large ones. Again, don't forget to take your receipt with you. This will protect you from unfounded suspicions and unnecessary troubles.

Variety of other options

In the case when both of the above methods of how to remove magnetic locks from clothes are irrelevant for you, you need to turn to the third. You will have to get a little angry at the magnet, imagine that you hate it even more than your own boss, grab one edge of your clothing so that the lock is on the other side, and hit the wall or floor with all your might. The essence of this method is that with a strong blow, you can activate the internal structure of the lock - in particular, a special cylinder with balls, which will press on the spring and separate both parts of the “magnet”. It’s not a fact that it will work out the first time, but with the right amount of effort, the result will come pretty soon.

The main disadvantage of the previous method is that when hitting and waving clothes, you can damage the clothes themselves. Therefore, we will tell you about another method, how to remove magnetic locks from clothes. It is an improvement on the last option. Place the clothing on a hard surface, preferably one that will not break when struck with a hammer. The main thing is to turn the “magnet” out so that as little clothing as possible remains under it. Once you have completed all the preparations, strike the magnet with the wide side of the hammer. This will allow you to break the lock. If you want to keep it safe and sound, take the “magnet” in one hand, and the hammer in the other, and deliver blows that will be much softer, but more targeted and no less effective. Three, maximum five blows will be enough to release the lock, that is, to force the cylinder to press on the springs.

And this method does not suit you? Then another option is how to remove magnetic locks from clothes. There is a small bulge on one side of the locking device. Take any sharp, reliable and strong object (for example, a carving knife) and start picking at the bulge. Be careful not to get hurt; in this case, holding the lock in your hands is not recommended. As soon as the spring comes out through the hole you made, the cylinder with balls will also be unlocked and this will allow you to remove the lock.

Boomerang effect or use a magnet against the “magnet”

The next way is how to remove magnetic locks from clothes, will be virtually identical to what is used in stores. Again, find the face of the lock and the bulge on it that we tried to pick out earlier, and apply a powerful magnet to it. The cylinder will be pulled towards the magnet and press on the spring, which will allow you to get rid of the lock. But the magnet used for these purposes must really be powerful enough, since the cylinder is relatively heavy and it is not so easy to set it in motion. Especially if you decide to use the first magnet you come across, which is a souvenir item attached to the refrigerator. But a DC electromagnet will certainly help you.

By the way, an AC electromagnet used in a compressor that supplies oxygen to the aquarium can come to the rescue. However, first you will have to “break” it a little - remove the end plate, exposing the W-shaped core. Now again determine which side of the lock the bulge is on and bring it to the core. The magnet causes the lock to vibrate, pulling and releasing the cylinder and spring. All you have to do is guess the moment when the cylinder begins to put pressure on the spring and remove the plate blocking the lock.

We hope that from a variety of ways, how to remove magnetic locks from clothes, you will still find the one most suitable for you. Good luck fighting the castle and be careful when purchasing goods. This will save you from having to cheat in order to remove the lock.

Not so long ago, a useful innovation appeared in many clothing and grocery stores - magnetic tags on goods. They help sellers ensure that every item is paid for. Of course, it’s not so easy to remove such a tag without paying for the item.

How to remove a magnet from clothes

Why are magnets needed?

Despite the security measures taken in clothing stores, there are quite a lot of cases of product theft. Neither stern security guards nor video cameras help stores protect themselves from shoplifters. The presence of protective magnetic tags on the clothes sold allows you to at least minimally reduce the number of shoplifting - at the checkout these devices are removed from the clothes, but if this is not done, then when you take out an item with a magnet, a magnetic frame will work at the exit and fill the store with an unpleasant squeak.

How do these devices work?

A magnetic tag is very easy to attach to clothing, but removing it manually without damaging the item is extremely difficult. The magnet consists of two parts - a metal nail and a plastic base with magnetic balls inside. The item is pierced through with a nail, and a plastic tag is placed on top of it. You won't be able to tear the nail off the base with your fingers - the magnetic balls inside the structure will hold it firmly. But when at the checkout the seller puts the tag into a special device, the magnetic balls move around and release the stud.

Conscientious sellers stick tag nails only into the seams of the item, otherwise unsightly holes will form on some types of fabric (for example, thin knitwear or leather). If an item is damaged by a tag, you have the right to request an exchange

Shoplifters usually simply tear out the tag in the fitting room along with the fabric, which, of course, immediately spoils the appearance of the item, leaving unsightly holes in it, so it is not entirely clear how they are going to wear this item later.

For demagnetizing tags, there are both highly specialized (only for a specific type of tag) and universal devices. To use the device to demagnetize a tag, it is placed in the recess with the protruding part - and the tag is easily removed. The tags can then be used again and again.

You brought home a new thing, decided to try it on again, but discovered that the seller forgot to remove the neodymium magnet for clothes. These tags or clips are needed in stores to prevent theft, but many shoppers are puzzled by them at home.

The first way to get rid of the problem is to return to the store with a request to “release” the item, while not forgetting the receipt and the purchase itself. There are other ways to resolve a misunderstanding - “from a crowbar to a subtle trick.” First, we’ll tell you how to deal with this problem for those who still haven’t decided to buy magnets for clothes.

  1. Wire cutters (side cutters) and patience. You should pick out the mark, or rather, the part protruding from the body. Patiently, carefully, for a long time. Plus, this method is suitable if the prospect of damaging the item itself does not bother you, because there may be a can of spray paint in the protective clip tag, which can be easily destroyed, just like the purchase itself.
  2. How else to demagnetize a magnet on clothes? Some also suggest heating the plastic with a lighter “until the hole”, with the help of which you will begin to “break open” the protective mechanism. The main thing in this method (“crowbar”) is to deal with the second half of the “bump”, from which an obstructing rod with a small cap sticks out.
  3. Use a magnet to remove protection from clothing. This way it is possible to ensure the emergence of a sufficient magnetic field of different polarities. The method is safe and optimal, and we will discuss it in more detail.

Using a magnetic field, you can demagnetize the clip, then the mechanism will open on its own. The tag contains a clever “lock” that closes when magnetized and opens when demagnetized. Of course, if you do not have the appropriate device, you will have to go to the store and not necessarily the one where you bought the product. After all, any sales assistant knows how to remove a magnet from clothes in a store legally, and you can ask for demagnetization, but don’t forget about the receipt again.

The easiest way is to buy a magnetic device in advance, which you will always have at hand at home, and with which you can get rid of the security tag at any time. It’s simple: bring the electromagnet to the clip, the cylinder of the mechanism will change its position, press on the spring and the lock will open. But before you remove the magnet from your clothes at home and breathe a sigh of relief, make sure that the device you are using has the appropriate power - the cylinder is not so simple. In addition, there are currently several types of construction of such “locks”. If necessary, specialists will select a product with the required characteristics for you.

That's it, it hurts! This is the second time for me selling an item with a magnetic tag not removed. And already at home you find it in the depths of the thing, and you don’t know what to do with it - either tear it off yourself, or take it back to the store and explain that I didn’t steal anything and didn’t replace the thing on the sly. Below I provide a table to assess the risks and inconveniences associated with this situation.


Withdrawal in store


1) Self-removal takes 2 minutes if the tool is at hand.
2) A souvenir remains - a magnetic tag.
If there are no trust issues at the checkout, they will remove the tag and not spoil the item.


You never know how the work will end - if the fabric is thin, it can be damaged. 1) Waste of time - sometimes going to the store and back is an hour or two of wasted time.
2) Loss of money - transport is no longer cheap, it seems like you bought an item at one price, but now you have to pay 40-80 rubles for metro/bus tickets - it’s a shame!

If you decide to remove the tag yourself, I want to warn you:

  • This article is intended specifically for those who honestly bought the thing, but found an un-removed tag at home. The author in no way encourages theft of things from stores.
  • The author does not bear any responsibility for the consequences of using this information, that is, if you spoil the item by trying to remove the tag yourself, it is entirely your fault (not mine and not the store).
  • There are different types of tags to differentiate between. We are talking about typical magnetic tags, but there are also other types of tags that splash indelible ink onto the item when you try to remove them.

So how do you remove the tag? The first time I encountered this problem was when I brought a backpack from Sportmaster and found a tag on its handle. At that moment, I understood the meaning of the cashier’s phrase, uttered after examining the bag: “what, there’s not even a tag on the backpack”? I paid for the goods, left the store, the gate did not squeak, the security guard did not bother me. Only at home I discovered the tag - in the most visible place - on the handle of the backpack! It would be reckless to walk down the street like that, so I went to the Internet for information. The information on the Internet boils down to the fact that to remove it you need a powerful industrial magnet, the likes of which are not found in everyday life. Someone even suggested using magnets from the hard drive head. I only had refrigerator magnets and they didn't work so I had to improvise. First, I used a thin plate to widen the gap between the thing and the plastic, and tried to saw with a blade from a hacksaw. It turned out that it was not worth doing this - the fibers of the handle began to cling to the blade and flake off, and I discarded this method as unsuitable. Next, I tried to insert scissors into the gap and cut off the pin - in principle, it is not thick. But this method also did not work - the pin was not cut. The third method turned out to be quite effective, but it requires some patience. I would call it breaking out. Its essence lies in the fact that if you insert something between the tag and the item, the pin can be pulled back a little without much effort, but the distance is not large - it cannot be removed further. If you put something into this gap that will not ruin the thing (I used round nose pliers) and loosen the pin, the gap can be increased. You can't remove the pin using this method, but it will bend and elongate, and with enough patience you can simply break it! That’s exactly how, using small pliers, I broke off the Sportmaster tag without damaging the item. It is necessary to widen the gap from the plastic side, and not from the metal fungus side, this is where the pin is most vulnerable.

But the story didn't end there. On the day of writing this article, I brought a jacket from Familia. In front of me at the checkout they charged THREE!!! magnetic tags, I didn’t expect a catch here. When leaving, the fence did not squeak, the guard did not bother me (do these fences even work?). I found the fourth magnetic tag at home, between my jacket and hood. Some people would probably consider this a stylish connection, but I decided to get rid of it. For the sake of experiment, I tried to lean a running hydraulic pump from a washing machine against the tag - there was a strong electromagnet there, but it didn’t work. I had to resort to physical force again, but there was already some risk here - the material of the jacket is delicate and can be easily damaged. But I was lucky: the metal fungus, even without the help of a special tool, was pulled back by hand by 2-3 millimeters, I pressed the fabric as much as possible against the metal fungus and the resulting gap was enough to push the edge of ordinary wire cutters through there! Unlike the scissors in the first story, the wire cutters cut the pin without any problems, without ruining the thing at all. So the second tag was given without any pain at all!

So these tags are not as indestructible as is commonly believed, the only question is what is the likelihood of damaging the item. If the metal fungus can be easily pulled out, and you can remove it by 2-3 millimeters, then there is no point in taking the item back to the store - it’s easier to just bite the pin with wire cutters.

Good luck with your breakout, comrades!

A useful addition. After the publication of this article, people began to share their experiences in the comments. So, as it turns out, many people use another brutal method. They say that if you hit the tag (the plastic part - red in the picture) well against a wall or other hard object, the metal mushroom (blue in the picture) will fall out on its own and release the thing, without the need to use a magnet. I haven't had any new tags to test yet, but based on the number of times that have worked, I think this method is preferable as a first try since it's less likely to damage the item. Well, if it doesn’t help, then we take wire cutters and break it out...

Very rarely, but it happens that after purchasing a new blouse we notice that the cashier forgot to remove the anti-theft tag. There is no point in going to the store anymore, since it will take a lot of time, and it is not clear where the receipt is. There are other reasons why the protective block remains on clothing, not all of them are legal, but this is not what we will talk about. Anyone who has found themselves in such a situation has probably wondered: how to remove a magnetic tag from clothing at home? The question does not seem so difficult if you first become familiar with the types of such tags and how to detach them from clothing.

Types of magnetic tags

All magnetic tags are attached to clothing for one purpose - protecting goods from theft. But despite this, they are divided into three groups, depending on the characteristics and size of the clothing on which they are fixed.

  • Radio tags are small devices that are activated when leaving a store. These clips do not have built-in capsules with coloring pigment, so removing them at home is not difficult at all.
  • Stickers are small plastic devices that are triggered by any physical impact (cuts, etc.). They are often attached to small items and small clothing. They do not contain paint capsules, but they give a reaction when leaving the store.
  • Magnetic-acoustic devices are one of the most reliable anti-theft sensors. They are plastic clips with a metal rod, which under physical impact can close even tighter or break completely. In addition, a capsule with neon dye is built into the clip, so the item cannot be saved.

Each of the above anti-theft tags is reliable and of good quality.

Magnetic tag security mechanism

The plastic tag mechanism consists of the following parts:

  • Two cones of different diameters for balls.
  • A metal rod piercing clothing.
  • Fixing spring.
  • Dye capsules.

The dye capsules are placed in a small cone and tightly hold a metal rod that pierces the clothing. All these parts are located in the outer cone and reliably fix the paint capsules, while protecting them from falling out. The spring holds the entire structure tightly, and when you try to remove the clip, its fixation only increases. You can quickly and effortlessly remove a magnet from clothing only with the help of a special device in the store.

Important! If you have lost your purchase receipt, and the seller does not want to meet you halfway and use his magnet puller, then you will have to do it yourself. It is recommended to first place the item in the freezer so that the dye in the capsule hardens and does not stain the clothes.

How to remove a clip from clothes yourself?

In addition to the fact that you can only remove a tag from clothing with a special remover, there are several popular proven methods for home craftsmen. When using each of these methods, you need to be very careful not to damage your new clothes. Let's look at the removal methods in more detail.

Method 1

To use this method, you will need a regular thin hair elastic:

  1. Place an elastic band between the raised part of the tag and the clothing.
  2. Twist the convex part of the clip in different directions so that the elastic band is tightly secured and the rod is free.
  3. When the elastic band is completely secured at the junction of the two parts of the tag, begin to slowly pull them away from each other until they become detached from each other.

Important! When using this method, do not rush, so as not to tear the clothes where the clip is fixed.

Method 2

When using this method, you will need an elastic band and regular pliers:

  1. We place the elastic band between the clothing and the top of the clip so that it fits snugly against the metal rod.
  2. Break off the raised part of the tag using pliers.
  3. Open the top of the tag and remove the dye capsules from the spring to avoid staining your clothing.

Method 3

To use this method you will need tongs and a lighter or candle:

  1. Hold the top of the tag over the heat to melt it a little.
  2. Open the plastic case and remove the parts (spring and balls) from it with pliers.
  3. After removing the spring from the clip, it will automatically detach without harming the new blouse.

Important! When using a candle flame or lighter, be careful and follow safety precautions. It is recommended to use a low flame to avoid getting burned by the melted plastic.

Method 4

This method involves the use of mechanical force using a hammer or some other dense surface:

  1. Freeze your clothes with a magnetic tag.
  2. Hit the frozen clip with a hammer or onto a concrete floor.
  3. Carefully remove the damaged tag.

Important! This method is not particularly effective if you yourself do not have sufficient physical strength.

Method 5

This option for opening a magnetic tag involves the use of wire cutters:

  1. Using large wire cutters, you can cut half of the tag open and remove the security mechanism.
  2. Select the part of the clip that contains the dye capsules and the spring.
  3. After opening the convex part, it is much easier to remove the retaining spring.

Thus, after removing the protective mechanism, the magnetic tag loses its reliability qualities.

Method 6

  1. Press the cloth firmly against the flat part of the sensor.
  2. Place the non-sharp side of the knife between the clothing and the plastic device.
  3. Carefully begin sawing through the plastic casing with a strong nail file.

Important! This method is completely unsuitable for things made of thin fabric, as there is a risk of damage to them from a sharp nail file or nail file.