How to choose cross-country skis for a child. What should be the length of skis? Cross-country ski length. Ski length

Choosing ski poles is easier than choosing skis or boots. But ski poles also have their own characteristics, which we will talk about in this article: what material, what length, what handles and lanyards are best to choose.

Selection of ski poles by material

Cross-country ski poles are made from several materials:

  • Aluminum. Aluminum ski poles are durable, cheap, but heavy. They have one big advantage - they are almost impossible to break. They bent it, straightened it and moved on. Cons: weight and insufficient rigidity for sport skating. If you like to walk through the forest outside of prepared trails, then choose lightweight ones. aluminum poles .
  • Fiberglass(plastic and fiberglass) - light, cheap, but soft and fragile. Fiberglass is similar in softness and vibration to aluminum, but in strength it is much inferior. Fiberglass poles They will not withstand powerful push-offs, so they are only suitable for skiing on prepared trails.
  • Carbon(carbon fiber) or its mixture – carbon fiber(plastic and carbon). Carbon ski poles are stiff, lightweight and durable. Carbon fiber is easy to break only with a side impact on the stick. There are options from 100% carbon and a mixture of carbon with plastic or fiberglass. Buy poles with at least 60% carbon content. Carbon poles withstand powerful push-offs, making them suitable for training and competitions.

The price for carbon poles starts from 2500 rubles. For example, carbon poles Nordway Carbon or STC Avanti. These poles have a good carbon shaft, but the handles and lanyards are of poor quality.

Better models of carbon poles will cost from 6,000 rubles, for example KV+ Viking or KV+ Tempesta– durable handles and lanyards, more than 70% carbon fiber, quick-release strap system.

The lightest and stiffest carbon racing poles cost from RUR 10,000. For example, models KV+ Elite, Tornado, Bora or Swix Quantum, Team and Triac– 100% high quality carbon fiber, durable lanyards and handles, convenient lanyard release system.

Handles, lanyards and feet for ski poles


Table for selecting ski poles by height

Ski poles by height: FIS table for classic skiing

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The nuances of choosing ski lengths for children and adults. Tables and recommendations.

Winter is an amazing time of year. In addition to the beauty of the landscapes shimmering with snow, we enjoy active recreation in the fresh air.

Fortunately, a lot of activities have been invented for such a purpose. One of them is skiing.

For ordinary people who are far from serious sports, the task of choosing skis sometimes seems simple. However, in this matter there are a number of significant points that require attention. Especially for children's models.

Let us dwell on the nuances of the correct selection of skis and ski poles in more detail.

How to choose skis and ski poles according to the height and weight of a child and an adult: table

types of skiing and the scheme for their correct selection for men, women and children

Before you start selecting skis for your child or yourself, think about whether you will practice regularly. It may be enough to stop at a one-time pleasure and rent them where you plan to ride.

If this option is not for you and you want to introduce your child to healthy winter activities, then take note of a number of parameters:

  • Type of terrain for skiing. For hills you need mountain models, for plains - running or classic ones.
  • Children's weight. If he is above 40 kg, be guided by the selection of skis as for an adult,
  • The height and age of the child.
  • Skating skills.
  • Ski stiffness. “Soft” models are ideal for the beginner athlete. The lower it is, the cheaper and easier the skis to use.
  • Material. Wooden skis don't work well in warm weather, while plastic skis are very slippery and without a sufficient number of anti-slip notches are unacceptable for a child to buy.

Ski poles are not needed at all for preschool children, since the latter’s task is to learn how to stay on skis. If the child is older, take sticks that reach his armpits or, at most, his shoulders.

Be sure to consider:

  • the presence of straps on the handle to secure the hands
  • no sharp tip at the bottom to prevent the baby from getting hurt while riding

When choosing skis and ski poles for adults, consider the following points:

  • Ski length depends on your height. On average, it should exceed it by 20-25 cm.
  • The type of ski depends on the terrain, the conditions on it and your skiing skills. If you want to enjoy the scenery at an easy pace, the classic is your choice. And if you want to drive and master the maneuvers of sharp turns - only sports models.
  • Length of poles. Again, when choosing, the guideline is your height. Feel free to buy poles that are 25-30 cm lower than you.

Below are tables to help with this issue:

table for selecting skis for adults and children depending on weight and height, example 1

Scheme for selecting skis for a child and an adult depending on weight and height, example 2

recommendations and table for selecting ski poles

table for selecting skis and ski poles depending on weight and height, example 3

How to choose the correct length of cross-country skis and ski poles for children and adults?

a child skis on properly selected cross-country skis
  • Age. The younger the child masters the snowy expanses, the easier it is to take on skis. For example, if he doesn’t have the skills yet, short soft skis are suitable, they are also called “fitted”. They do not develop great speed, but they will help the child hone the skills of entering turns and developing the correct position of the knees.
  • Weight. The starting point is 40 kg. If your little one has not reached it yet, choose children's models; if he has crossed the threshold, choose adult models.
  • Skating skills. The higher their level, the more differences in choice. In general, there are 3 types of skis: for beginners, intermediate levels and advanced athletes. This gradation continues for adult models.
  • Ski length. Take the table data from the previous section as a basis. The general rule is that skis in a vertical position should reach the chin or nose for a beginner skier, and rise 20 cm above the head. The second option is acceptable from an intermediate level. If your child skis well, feel free to choose skis that are 15-20 cm taller than his height.

Ski poles are needed from the age of schoolchildren. Before this, the baby hones his skating skills without them. For cross-country skiing, the ideal pole length is shoulder length.

selection of cross-country skis and ski poles for them for adults and children, table

How to choose the correct length of skis and skating ski poles for children and adults?

a group of adults skate skiing on a flat surface

Those who have perfectly mastered the technique of gliding on classic skis can safely buy skate skis. This applies to both adults and children.

As for the length of skate skis, take them 10 centimeters longer than your height. And the poles, on the contrary, are 10-15 cm shorter. In other words, the latter will rise slightly above shoulder level.

For clarity, we add a table:

selection of skating skis for children and adults by height, table

How to choose the correct length of classic skis and ski poles for children and adults?

mother and baby skiing classic skiing without ski poles at a ski resort

For classic skiing, it will be more convenient for both children and adults if:

  • the length of the poles is 25-30 cm shorter and they rest against the skier’s armpits
  • ski length exceeds height by 20-30 cm

We add a table below for orientation:

table for selecting skis and ski poles for classic skiing for adults and teenagers

table for selecting skis and ski poles for classic skiing for adults and children

So, we looked at the features of choosing skis and ski poles for children and adults for different levels of experience and skiing skills. We also added a number of tables for orientation in this matter.

If you are buying skis for your child or yourself for the first time, listen to the recommendations of a consultant in a specialized store. And remember that buying skis and poles for children for future use is a bad idea and just a waste of money.

Enjoy your holiday and skiing!

Video: how to choose the right skis for a child?

The height of an athlete is one of the main factors, which must be taken into account when choosing skis. The ideal length of this sports equipment, as well as ski poles, depends on this parameter.

It is important to take into account that modern models, which are made from new materials, are shorter than those used in previous decades.

Therefore, in the case if you want to buy skis for yourself or your child, you should not rely on figures that were previously considered generally accepted.

How to choose the right skis and poles for your height?

Usually, classic skis must exceed the athlete’s height by 20-30 cm. Skate models much shorter, here the excess is no more than 15 cm.

The ideal ski length for two different skiers of the same height can vary significantly- it depends on the weight, stiffness of the material and riding style.

The higher the weight, the longer and stiffer the skis should be.

Ski types

In order for skiing to be successful, it is important not only to choose the right size skis and poles.

The first thing you need to decide is which skis to choose, what type of sports equipment you need, and for this you need to know where and how are you going to ride?.

For a classic move

Classic skis- the best choice for those who often ski. In the middle part of these models there are special notches that provide excellent grip on snow.

For skating

These skis are designed for skating style., when an athlete walks along a wide snowy road, and his movement technique is similar to the movements of a speed skater.

Skating this way is somewhat more difficult than the classic style.


Alpine skis are designed for downhill skiing from the slopes and for alpine skiing. They come in several types, each of which is designed for a specific riding style:

  • carving skis;
  • for freeride;
  • freestyle;
  • ski touring and ski mountaineering.


Cross-country skiing is perfect for country walks and easy hikes over short distances.

It should be borne in mind that they are intended primarily for moving on already trampled snow, while tourist models are better suited for virgin snow.

For a child

If you want to introduce children to skiing, the choice of children's skis and poles needs to be approached even more carefully.

After all, the child doesn’t have much strength, and if the model is chosen incorrectly, he probably won’t like skating.

Choosing ski boots and bindings

For newbies Systems with automatic boot fastening work well. Advanced skiers prefer to use manual fastening.

First you need to find comfortable shoes, and then choose bindings that fit them. In order not to make a mistake with the size, you need to purchase thermal socks for skating in advance and try on your shoes while wearing them.

It should be borne in mind that there are boots for classics, boots for skating and combined shoes that will suit both styles of skating.

Choosing skis is not such an easy task, as it might seem at first glance.

However, if you arm yourself with knowledge in advance and approach the matter with all seriousness, making the right decision will not be difficult.

With skis correctly selected by type and length your ride or the ride of your children will take place with maximum comfort and safety and will definitely bring a lot of positive emotions.

The video explains how to choose the right skis, boots and bindings:

When you look at the alpine skis in the collections of popular brands, your eyes literally run wild: at least three dozen models only for adults. Finding “your” pair of alpine skis can be difficult even for an experienced skier, let alone a beginner. Among all the variety, the main characteristics of alpine skis, which each manufacturer publishes both on the website and in the catalog, will help you find “your skis” or at least reduce the number of options.

How to choose alpine skis according to characteristics

Ski radius

The radius of alpine skis, or more precisely, the radius of the side cut, simply “radius”, and sometimes you can also find the “radius of the arc”, is measured in meters. A characteristic that determines how sharp the turns will be, which are easiest to perform on such a ski. The smaller the cutout radius (11...13 m), the more the ski is tuned to frequent and fast turns; the larger this parameter is (17... m), the more prone such a ski will be to smooth turns. Of course, an experienced skier will be able to “drive” a ski with a large radius into a short arc, and on skis with a large cutout - that is, with a small cutout radius - he will travel in a long arc. But this will require a little more strength and skill. This means that the pleasure from riding will be somewhat less.

This is not the most important characteristic when choosing. The lighter the ski, the easier it is to control, but at the same time it will be less stable in the direction set by the skier, and it will be easier to knock it off course. This is useful for beginners - after all, skiing speed is still low, but you learn faster on skis that are easy to control. As experience increases, skiing speed also increases; more and more stable skis are required with predictable behavior even on uneven snow - and the skis become a little heavier. Women's alpine skis are shorter and lighter, they have lighter bindings, so their weight is around 4.5 - 5.5 kg/pair, men's skis are longer, more powerful and heavier, their weight is from 5 to 7 kg, you can find more heavy models, especially for high-speed freeride.

Alpine ski width

The width of alpine skis is measured in millimeters. The waist width of alpine skis is one of the key characteristics that determines the all-terrain qualities of skis. A waist width of up to 73 mm is typical for models for skiing on prepared slopes. The narrower the waist, the faster the ski can move from turn to turn and change the direction of sliding on a hard slope. Waist width in the range from 73...75 mm to 85...90 mm - the most universal models ( all-mountain) for skiing on prepared slopes, on broken snow, and on shallow virgin soil. The wider the waist, the better the ski floats in deep snow. Accordingly, alpine skis with a waist wider than 90 mm are chosen by those who have almost no plans to ski on prepared slopes.

Ski geometry

The geometry of alpine skis is given in catalogs in the form of numbers, for example 120/73/103 mm, next to which is the length of the skis - the size for which the geometry is given. The wider the toe in relation to the width of the waist, the more willing the ski begins to turn. And the narrower the heel, the easier the ski goes into sliding. In other words, a ski with 125/73/97mm geometry will dive into a turn faster, and it will be easier to drop your heels on such skis than a ski with 120/73/103mm geometry.

Heel drop is a slang expression. This is a technique that is used to stop or change the direction of movement in the event of an unexpected obstacle - for example, a skier who has fallen in front of you. In this situation, the most natural movement is to place the skis across the slope, for which, with the force of the legs, the skis are released into slipping - they begin to slide sideways, and the heels of the skis slide more than the toes.

Alpine ski stiffness

The stiffness of skis is not standardized in any units, and you can only compare two models in terms of stiffness with your own hands. In general, we can say that within the same line of skis, models for more experienced skiers are stiffer, but you will have to compare with models from other manufacturers either “manually” or by studying the design of the skis - how many layers of metal are in each of them, what the core is made of and so on. The more layers of metal, the stiffer the ski, the wider the ski, the stiffer it is with the same design, and so on.

The distribution of stiffness for different skis may be different - some models are distinguished by uniform stiffness along the entire length, as a rule, these are models for prepared slopes, while others (universal models and skis for freeride - off-piste skiing) have a softer toe and heel, and the middle part is noticeably tougher. The most powerful reinforcement is the layers of metal located below and above the core, or only below. Alpine skis with two layers of metal will almost always be stiffer than models in which one layer of metal is replaced by lightweight fiberglass or carbon.

How to choose alpine skis by height

Alpine ski size

When selecting skis by height, it is important to understand that in most cases a skier can ride on several sizes, depending on how he likes to ski, his level of technique, what slopes he prefers, what model of recommended skis, etc. Skiers try to use sizes that are close to the generally accepted ones. One of the reasons is that all men use alpine skis with a size of 165 cm in slalom, and all women use skis with a size of 155 cm. The most generally accepted “psychological” sizes for piste skiing are: for men (weight 60-100 kg and height 160-190 cm): 165 cm for lovers of short turns, 170-175 cm for medium and large arcs; for women (weight 40 - 80 kg and height 150-180 cm): respectively 155 - 165 cm.

Subtleties when selecting alpine skis by height

A shortening of the height by 5-10 cm should be taken into account: for skiers specializing mainly in carving skiing (on well-prepared slopes), for skiing on short and gentle slopes, if your weight or height is less than the above, for beginners, at the special request of the instructor, girls vacationers who prefer careful and leisurely skiing.

Lengthening the size by 5-10 cm from the main one should be done if: your weight, height is higher than indicated, you are going to ride on steep and long slopes, for carvers who prefer arcs of larger radius and high speeds. Lengthening the size by more than 5-10 cm from the main one is recommended for skiers in deep fluffy snow and radical supporters of traditional techniques (make sure that the geometry of the recommended models is also not too radical).

We wish you successful shopping and great riding!

Skiing is one of the popular sports, as well as a favorite hobby of many people. Some people prefer extreme driving, while others don’t mind a quiet ride around the park. In any case, when purchasing modern skis, it is important to take into account not only the riding style and terrain features, but also such indicators as the height and weight of the skier. It’s difficult to make a choice today, since sports equipment stores offer hundreds of models, both for skating and for walking. Let's try to understand the main indicators that you need to pay attention to when choosing skis.

Selection of skis based on the height and weight of the skier

The selection of skis by height differs depending on the type of product. It is also worth considering the length and stiffness of the ski. For example, novice athletes are advised to choose shorter models. On such products you will be able to move with any convenient equipment, but if a beginner buys skate skis, he will not be able to ride them in the classic style. Therefore, we will consider the most popular types of skis.

Selection of skis for classic skiing

Classic-type skis are distinguished by their configuration, since they must always be parallel to each other when moving along the ski track. As a rule, such products are longer than skate products, but the maximum value does not exceed 207 cm. In addition, they are distinguished by their softness, this is necessary so that when pushing off, the ski block touches the surface of the snow, in this case, during the push, the products will not slip back. But such skis should not be too soft either, otherwise during sliding, the block will sag too much, going deeper into the snow, as a result of which they will slow down.

When choosing the stiffness of a suitable ski model, weather conditions should be taken into account. For example, soft and elastic products are more suitable for cold winters, since in this case you will not need to apply a large layer of ointment. But for above-zero temperatures it is better to choose rigid models.

Professional skiers differ in their riding style; as a rule, they push off from the snow surface with a powerful push, so for the “pros” hard products are suitable, on which athletes can do long-term skiing.

If you choose classic type skis, then their length should exceed your height by 25-30 cm. Poles, unlike Nordic walking poles, on the contrary, it is better to choose 25-30 cm less height, although if you have excellent physical fitness and want to increase the load, then you can purchase longer products.

To choose skis by weight, you need to check how much their stiffness suits your body weight. To do this, just use a flex tester. First you need to find the center of gravity of each ski and put a mark on this place with a marker. After this, you need to place the products on a flat surface and stand on them. In this case, the toes of the shoes should be located on the line marked earlier. Try to relax and distribute your weight evenly on both legs. Have someone take a thin piece of paper or a feeler gauge, no more than 0.2mm thick, and run it under one ski. In this case, the tester should move freely at a distance of 20 to 40 cm forward and backward from the marked center of gravity. If a sheet of paper or probe does not go further than 5 cm, you need to take softer skis.

There is a similar method for determining the rigidity of products. To do this, all the weight must be shifted to one leg. Next, you also need to use paper or a probe, which should move freely 10-15 cm from the control point.

Selection of skis for skating

Skate skis are so called because when moving, a skier uses the same running technique as a speed skater. To do this, he pushes off the snow surface with the inside of the ski, at this moment transferring all his weight to the sliding ski and vice versa. It is worth noting that skating is more suitable for those who have well-trained arms and body.

Skis of this type are shorter in length than classic skis; their maximum length is no more than 192 cm. When riding skate skis, the athlete should not allow the middle part of the ski to come into contact with the surface. Therefore, such models must be tougher than classic ones. And if you plan to use them only for walking, then it is better to choose more elastic and soft products that are easier to maintain balance on.

In order to decide how to choose skis for skating based on height, just remember the following: such models should be 15 cm larger than the athlete’s height, and the poles should be 15 cm smaller. Thus, the size of skis according to height will be optimal.

In order to determine the weight, on skate skis it is also necessary to determine the center of gravity, put a mark on it and stand on the product, distributing the weight. In this case, the probe or paper should move freely 40 cm to the nose of the products and 10 cm from the heel of the boot to the back of the skis. If you stand on one ski, then you need to subtract 10 cm from these values.

Selection of combined skis

This type of ski can be used for both skating and classic skiing. The maximum length of combined models is 200 cm. But to use different riding styles, it is better to choose skis with a length of no more than 192 cm, in this case, during skating, the “heels” will not touch each other. The design of Combi skis is more reminiscent of classic models, but their length should be determined a little differently. Combined skis should be 20 cm larger than the skier's height, and as usual, it is better to choose poles 20 cm shorter, unless you plan to train with increased loads.

Selecting skis based on height and weight, the table of indicators of which is presented below, will not take much time. Most importantly, do not forget to take into account other characteristics. If we talk about mini-skis for children, then there is a different story, which we will look at in more detail.

Skier's height, cm Length of recreational (combined) skis, cm
190 205-210
185 205-210
180 200-205
175 195-200
170 190-195
165 185-190
160 180-185
155 175-180
150 170-175
145 160-170
140 150-160
130 140-150
120 130-140
110 120-130

Selection of children's skis

When choosing sports equipment for young skiers, you must first assess the child’s level of preparation for such training. For children, it is better to choose products that do not develop high speed, are controllable and reliable. If we talk about growth, then:

  • Skis for children 3 years old should be 100 cm long, provided that the child’s height is also 1 m. If it is less, then it is accordingly better to choose shorter models;
  • Children's skis from 4 years old should be no more than 110 cm long, with a similar height;
  • It is better to buy children's skis from 5 years old with a length of 120 cm, while the child's height should be about 115 cm.

You will find the remaining indicators (for children from 6 to 11 years old) in the table.

Child's height, (cm) Ski size, (cm) Approximate age, years
120 130 6
125 140 7
130 150 8
135 150/160 9
140 165 10
145 170 11

As when choosing adult skis, when purchasing products for a child, you need to take into account his weight. The shortest skis, 70 cm long, are ideal for children weighing up to 20 kg. Next, the division occurs as follows:

  • If the baby’s weight is 20-32 kg, then choose models with a length of 90 cm;
  • For children weighing 32-42 kg, products with a length of 100 cm are more suitable;
  • If your child weighs more than 41 kg, then when choosing skis, you need to take into account the height of the young skier (the skis should reach the nose).

Choosing children's skis based on the child's height and weight is very important, since only with the correct ratio of these indicators will children be able to train correctly. If your child has not yet practiced winter riding, then choose skis for him that will reach his chin, that is, shorter models.

In custody

When choosing skis, also consider the manufacturer of the sports equipment. Cheap analogues will have worse grip on snow surfaces, so it is better to give preference to companies that have proven themselves in this industry. Before buying, it is better to try to ride the model you like, since everything in this matter is very individual and depends on your weight, height, level of training and physical activity.