How can you correct crooked legs? Correction of curvature using surgery. Possible complications – when surgery is necessary

Correcting congenital or acquired curvature of the legs is a prerequisite for maintaining the health of the knee joints and ankles. Modern medicine offers a number of methods of surgical intervention and special sets of exercises that allow you to successfully cope with this problem.

Legs that are crooked to one degree or another are a problem not only of an aesthetic, but also a physiological nature, which can be solved with the help of various means of straightening. Depending on the specific case, exercises are used at home, a course of massage is carried out, or surgery is prescribed. Each correction method is discussed in detail in the article.

Curvature of the legs: causes and types

Often congenital factors or bone diseases suffered in childhood or adolescence lead to curvature of the legs. Less commonly, such pathology is observed in adulthood. Most often, curvature of the legs is caused by the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition and birth trauma;
  • bone diseases in childhood (rickets, hip subluxation);
  • Blount's disease - progression of osteochondrosis of the tibia, which serves as a support for the leg;
  • Paget's disease is most common in adults.

Deviations in the shape of the lower extremities can have varying degrees, which is reflected in the course of treatment. The most common classification of types of curvature (in comparison with the norm)

  1. The legs are standard (ideal) - all proportions are met, the feet, calves and knees are completely in contact, and along the entire length of the limbs there are only 3 gaps - this is easy to check if you stand up straight and press your legs together as much as possible.
  2. O-shaped curvature - in this case, the knees do not touch together, if the feet are tightly moved, and an elongated oval is visually visible along the entire internal contour of the lower extremities.
  3. False curvature is characterized by an external violation of the shape of the legs, caused by an uneven distribution of tissue substance on the lower leg - excess fat or muscle. The feet and knees touch freely, but the calves do not close. This situation does not require treatment, so cosmetic procedures have to be carried out.
  4. X-shaped curvature 0 in this case the knees are free to touch, but the feet cannot close together.

classification of types of leg curvature in comparison with the normal state

If bone correction treatment is not started in time, it can not only enhance the visual effect, but also contribute to the development of arthrosis, foot displacement, and premature diseases of the knee joints due to uneven distribution of load.

Correction of curvature using surgery

All methods for correcting curvature of the legs can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Without surgery – i.e. using a special set of exercises that can be performed both in the clinic and at home.
  2. With the help of surgical intervention, these are more complex cases when it is not possible to correct the deviation in any other way. The cost of the operation is always determined by a specific case, but in general it starts from 120,000 rubles (taking into account the full range of services from consultation to rehabilitation).

Note! Choosing a specific treatment method is a responsible decision that should be made only after consultation with a doctor. Self-medication may not produce results or worsen the situation, since the patient cannot take into account all the nuances for choosing a specific type of therapy.

Statistics show that patients with an O-shaped deviation use orthopedic services and resort to surgery much more often (18-20 times) than with an X-shaped curvature. There are several types of surgery, and each of them aims to directly impact the tibia to correct its shape.

Angular correction

Often the operation is aimed at changing the angle - for example, during the angular correction procedure, the tibia is straightened, as shown in the diagram.

As a result of this measure, in practice, satisfactory treatment results are achieved even in advanced cases - examples are shown in the photo.

angular correction in 2 patients: a 19-year-old girl (left) and a 26-year-old young man (right)


This medical term refers to an operation in which not the entire tibia, but only its lower fragment is forcibly shifted towards the perineum, as shown in the diagram.

Often this action is combined with angular correction. The main purpose of such an intervention is to achieve the aesthetic attractiveness of the legs, so it is most often performed on girls. X-rays and photographs of the legs of one of the patients are shown in the figure.

girl (19 years old) before and after tibia medicilization surgery

Bone rotation surgery

Rotation of a bone means its rotation around an axis without displacement to the right or left. This type of intervention is less common, but it is what is used in cases where a simple rotation of the tibia to the inside is sufficient for correction. The essence is also presented in the diagram.
Corresponding photographs of the patients' legs are shown in the figure.

surgery to rotate the tibia in a girl (19 years old)

Ilizarov apparatus

Regardless of the specific type of surgical intervention, its essence is approximately the same:

  1. Small incisions are made on the skin (deep to the tibia)
  2. The bone is brought out in the correct direction - it is shifted along the axis by the required angle.
  3. After this, it is necessary for the bone to get used to the new position - i.e. fixed. The process is shown schematically in the figure.

During the operation, a forced displacement of the axis of the tibia is carried out, due to which the legs acquire the correct shape over time

For this purpose, special straightening devices are used. The most popular is the so-called Ilizarov apparatus, which has been successfully used in domestic medicine for several decades.

This device is a special design made from an alloy of stainless metals. It is implanted directly into the body of the bone using wires that are rigidly fixed into the bone tissue. Thanks to special rings to which the knitting needles are attached, the device is used to stretch or, conversely, tighten the bone, which allows you to customize it for any individual case.

The operation to implant the device is performed under general or regional anesthesia, so the patient will not feel any pain.

Ilizarov apparatus on the patient's leg after surgery

Note! Since the knitting needles penetrate directly into the soft and hard tissues of the lower extremities, it is necessary to carry out constant care of all structural elements: it is necessary to treat them daily with any antiseptic - for example, medical alcohol or ordinary vodka. Specific recommendations for caring for the device and leg during rehabilitation are given by the attending physician.

Due to the fact that with the help of this design it is possible to keep the leg in the same position, it is possible to solve several problems at once:

  • lengthening or shortening the limb if necessary;
  • preventing rotational displacement of the tibia – i.e. changes in its position due to rotational movements;
  • removal of the head of the fibula, which protrudes beyond the normal position and thereby aggravates the curvature of the legs.

The device is worn until complete recovery, which usually occurs after 1.5-2 months. Each case is individual, but in general the deviation from this period is as in b O greater or lesser is observed in no more than 10% of patients. The device allows normal walking - it is worn under clothing, and over time the patient manages to get used to it: the weight of the product does not exceed 1 kg.

Patients often wonder whether it is possible to correct the lower extremities without the Ilizarov apparatus. It should be said here that this method is the most common - it is most often used during rehabilitation after surgery, since without long-term fixation of the bone in a new position, there is a high probability of it returning to its original, incorrect position. Therefore, a device or other means of rehabilitation is always used to consolidate the surgical result.

Questions are also often asked about how much the Ilizarov apparatus costs and where it can be purchased. Such a device can be ordered from specialized medical equipment stores, many of which have their own websites. The cost largely depends on several factors:

  • sizes: children's devices are cheaper than adults;
  • purpose: for the thigh, lower leg (sometimes for the arms);
  • manufacturer (the price of products from different brands may vary greatly).

Approximate prices at which you can purchase an Ilizarov apparatus are presented in the table.

The devices are sold in full configurations and individual parts - knitting needles, half rings, rods and others. In most cases, the design is created on the basis of different elements that are purchased separately.

Correction of curvature of the legs without surgery

Surgery is not always required to correct this defect. There are many cases where surgery is not advisable because the curvature can be corrected with exercises, special devices, or cosmetic procedures.

Exercises to correct O-curvature

Treatment of deviation in the early stages is quite possible with the help of simple exercises, most of which can be performed without special devices. For example, in the case of O-curvature, the following cycle of tasks should be performed on a daily basis:

  1. Walking with support only on the inner sides of the foot.
  2. Walking with support only on your heels (toes pointing outward).
  3. Squats in a position with your heels aligned and your toes pointed out (your feet are almost in line).
  4. Abducting the leg to the side in a free state and using tension on the rubber cord (power abduction).
  5. Raise your legs in different directions and make circular movements while leaning on your side (leaning against the wall).
  6. Raises and circular movements of the leg in a lying position (alternately on each side).
  7. Leg scissor swings (crossing) in a lying position.

Each exercise is performed in several cycles, the number and duration of which are agreed upon with the attending physician. In addition, you should discuss the possibility of engaging in a sport that is optimal for such a deviation: swimming, dancing (ballet), speed skating.

Exercises to correct X-curvature

For this case, the following set of classes is used:

  1. Walking with support only on the outer sides of the foot.
  2. Performing squats while simultaneously holding a ball between your knees.
  3. Yoga classes - long sitting in the lotus position.

Some sports (horseback riding, cycling, and breaststroke swimming) are also well suited for the treatment of this deviation. Particular attention should be paid to yoga classes - it is worth discussing this possibility with your doctor.

Exercises on the simulator

Some exercises on a special leg trainer also effectively help cope with pathology in the early stages of development. The simplest option is to run a loop like this:

  1. Position yourself on the machine so that when you extend your legs, it is at a height of no more than a third of your shin. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Next, you need to press your back to the surface and gradually straighten your knees.
  3. Then also smoothly return your legs to their original position.

In the exercise cycle, you should gradually increase the weight of the load, focusing on your feelings. The correct position on the simulator during exercise is shown in the photo.

The purpose of the exercises on the simulator is to correct the relief and shape of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Application of massage

In some cases, a special massage course can solve the problem of crooked legs without surgery. Only a specialist can carry it out. Typically, the procedure includes not only a massage of the lower extremities, but also the buttocks and back - this allows you to tone the entire body and achieve a better effect.

The massage course is mainly carried out for children and is carried out several times a year (3-4 cycles) in long sessions. Massage is usually combined with other treatment methods to speed up the patient's recovery.

Application of the bandage

This remedy is often prescribed by orthopedists to correct curvature. It is easy to use at home - however, you will not be able to walk at this time, since the therapeutic effect is achieved by tightening the limbs together.

The device is used daily for several hours, and while wearing it you need to perform several exercises:

There are many more exercises with a bandage - you should learn in detail about the full course and mode of their implementation from an orthopedist and follow his instructions.

Correcting false curvature

False curvature is associated with the characteristics of soft tissues, and not the structure of the legs themselves, so the correction methods in this case are completely different. Essentially, these are cosmetic procedures that allow you to bring your legs into the correct shape. In some cases, surgery is necessary:

  1. Fat grafting is an operation to implant your own fat (often from the thighs or abdomen) taken from other parts of the body into certain areas of the lower legs. As a result, the legs acquire the correct shape and look much more attractive.
  2. Treatment with implants, which are placed on the back or inside of the legs, depending on the specific case.
  3. Cruroplasty (correction of the shape of the legs) based on silicone pads are special products that are filled with gel, due to which they become very similar in properties to muscle tissue. They are implanted into the lower legs like regular implants.

Note! When choosing a specific plastic surgery method, it is important to understand that the success of the operation largely depends on the doctor. Good reviews are repeatedly received about Dr. Oleg Gennadievich Teterin, who works in one of the clinics in Volgograd.

Curvature of the legs is not a death sentence, and modern medical technologies have made it possible to achieve successful results even in cases where the angle of deviation was too large. It is important to consult with an orthopedist and begin treatment immediately.

The human body is asymmetrical, and sometimes this leads to curvature of the lower limbs. Leg curvature is divided into types:

  • O-shaped;
  • X-shaped;
  • Wheel legs;
  • False curvature.

Legs in the shape of the letter "O" are noticeable in a person standing with their limbs closed together, but the knees do not touch each other. “X” is determined when the knees touch, the ankles diverge to the sides. “Wheel” - when the knees and ankles do not touch each other. False curvature - the bones are straight, the legs appear crooked. Curvature appears when individual muscle groups develop incorrectly.

It is difficult to achieve the result of ideal legs, but small deviations from the norm are not a reason for tragedy and the development of complexes. For selected people, medical intervention will be a way out of the situation.

In many cases, it is possible to correct the situation yourself, without contacting medical professionals. Creating beautiful legs is achievable at home, without medical help or sports instructors.

Excellent results are achieved with regular physical activity. Before starting the exercise, it is worth determining the deficiency of the limbs. You will need to stand near the mirror, move your limbs together, and have a good look. Often the legs turn out to be straight, just a little weak, without strong muscles, which creates difficulties for the owner. If you constantly do exercises to straighten your legs at home, you still have the opportunity to get a good result and correct the curvature of your limbs.

There are known sets of simple exercises that can be done at home and lead to the desired effect. To achieve success, it is worth remembering:

  • It is prohibited to stand on one leg or cross your limbs;
  • High heels are rarely required;
  • You need to sleep on your back;
  • It is forbidden to redistribute weight on one leg;
  • No need to carry your bag on one shoulder.

Professional simulators have been developed for straightening limbs at home; the exercises are simple to perform and show good results. You can get noticeable results by doing ten standard squats three times a day.

Initially, you will need to remove excess fat located on the lower legs and thighs. It is worth walking more, cycling, rollerblading, and performing more simple active movements.

First exercise

Lie sideways, on top of a hard surface, tense your muscles. Raise the leg on which you are lying up as far as possible and hold it in the raised position for twelve seconds. Then turn the other side, repeat the movement with the other leg.

It is important to perform the exercises constantly, daily, four times per limb. Chosen to become stronger.

Second exercise

Stand up straight, head slightly raised. Straighten your back, pull your stomach in. The muscles of the body should be in a relaxed state. One leg is bent back and held with the hand, the muscles of the other are stretched. Charging continues for one leg for twenty seconds. Then the limbs are changed, the exercise is repeated again. Perform regularly, preferably daily, twice.

Third exercise

Sit on the floor, straighten your back, take the toes of one foot, slowly, without sudden jerks, pull them towards you. Remain in the reduced position for seven seconds. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Exercise four

Take a standing position, placing one leg in front of the other, leaving a walking distance. The back is straight, no need to roll forward or backward. We start doing lunges. Use a special platform for training, this way the load increases and the result improves.

Exercise five

The stance is similar to exercise 4. Slowly bend the front leg at the knee, parallel to lift the heel of the second leg off the floor. Then transfer your weight to the toe of your back foot. You need to take a position where both limbs are bent at the knee at a right angle. Hold on for a few moments and return to the starting position. It is recommended to place your arms in different directions; such a movement helps maintain balance. The exercise is done fifteen times, in two approaches.

It is indicated to treat curvature of the limbs using the Sport-1 simulator. The device provides the ability to perform exercises for specific muscle groups. This includes squats, jumps, lunges and calf raises. By constantly exercising and performing the exercises the prescribed number of times, your legs become sculpted and gradually level out. It is possible to treat curvatures with the help of yoga.

Exercise for “O-shaped” curvature

Many exercises are known for this type of leg curvature. Corrections are possible by performing the following movements:

  • Walking on the inside of the foot.
  • Walking with heels, toes pointing out.
  • Spread your socks as far as possible and squat.
  • In a standing position, move your leg to the side.
  • Raise your leg while lying on your side.
  • Sit down, lean your hands behind you, and lift your straightened legs one at a time.
  • Lie on the floor, raise your limbs up, make crossing movements, slowly, lowering them to the floor.
  • Close your legs with straps and correctors (specially created), then stretch out while lying on a hard surface, then pull your feet towards you. It is possible to do an activity where the body and head do not come off the floor, the legs smoothly rise up and down.
  • Doing the split stretch helps straighten your legs.

Having an “O-shaped” curvature, it is enough to close your legs as tightly as possible when standing straight. The tension should become as strong as possible, fix the position for five to seven seconds.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform squats twenty times, bringing your knees together. Then sit down, legs should be extended. Turn the foot outward with a quick movement, and the muscles are tense at this moment. We do twenty exercises. Then, standing on your knees, spread your socks on different sides, try to sit on your heels, on a hard surface. Twenty approaches are repeated.

With such a curvature, experts advise swimming, figure skating, ballet dancing, and skating.

X-shaped curvature of the legs

The result of the exercises is noticeable at the elongated boot, where the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are located, with a low location, and are on the short side. A short lower leg reveals a high location of the muscle and an elongated tendon, and is less susceptible to correction.

Several exercises have been developed for the curvature of the “X-shaped” limbs. Start jumping rope, gradually increasing the number of jumps, walk with the outside of your foot, and squat with a ball clamped between your knees. It is recommended to cross your legs, sit down, quickly rise without using your hands, and do the exercise thirty times.

New exercise: back straight, feet together. Spread your legs as far apart as possible and hold for five seconds. The back is kept straight, the feet are together and do not leave the floor.

A sitting exercise is suitable for the soleus intrinsic muscle. The handle of a shovel or a similar stick is placed on the knees. You will need to press down hard, at the same time your shins are raised on your toes and lowered. After a number of sessions, the stick should be weighted down and heavy weights should be hung at the edges. Exercises are performed at least three times a week, three sets, fifteen repetitions.

Exercises to correct external hip curvature

Hip deformity occurs when the intrinsic muscle builds up. You will need to sit down and fix a small ball between your knees; a twenty-centimeter ball will do. Squeeze and unclench the ball at a fast pace for two minutes.

If you practice regularly, a small result will become noticeable in a month, and in six months it will become noticeable and visible.

Straightening your toes

Some girls get severe complexes because of crooked toes, more often in the summer, when it is customary to wear open shoes. When straightening your toes, several simple exercises have been created that can be done at home.

Walking on tiptoe will help, it is useful to squeeze and straighten your fingers, tensing your muscles. Orthopedists do not advise wearing shoes in the apartment, or wearing light, open shoes.

Pros and cons of leg alignment exercises

The above exercises are easy to perform and accessible to humans. Curvature can be corrected at any age. With desire and hard work, the work ends with a victorious result. To achieve greater effectiveness from exercise, you will have to gradually increase the number of loads; it is useful to consult with a sports instructor about the chosen set of exercises. Perhaps the trainer will approve the chosen complex or recommend his own set of exercises, created specifically for leg correction, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

There are no disadvantages to the above exercises, but there are many advantages. With the help of classes, your legs will become slender, pumped up, and acquire aesthetic relief. It doesn’t matter whether physical activity, yoga treatment or the “Sport 1” simulator will be useful. Your well-being will improve, benefiting the body.

You can't be lazy! For smooth and beautiful legs you will have to work regularly. Perform exercises twice a week at least. The result will not be achieved in just a few sessions; the temporarily unwanted curvature of the legs will hide under a long skirt, over the knee boots or tights with a large pattern.

An illness associated with deformation of the joints of the lower extremities occurs equally in men and women. This problem causes the formation of aesthetic complexes or leads to deterioration of health.

Causes of curvature of legs

Often joint deformities are inherited due to national characteristics. Curvature of the limbs can be noticed at an early age. To correct the situation, you should consult a doctor to prevent worsening.

The reasons for the appearance of curvature of the legs include the following factors:

  • rickets and its consequences arising due to unfavorable conditions during the child’s growth period;
  • pathological processes in bone tissue, leading to thinning of the bone structure;
  • incorrect postures while standing or sitting;
  • playing certain sports in childhood or adolescence;
  • disturbance of mineral metabolism;
  • excess body weight, inactivity;
  • weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • endocrine reasons.

Types of leg curvature

There are several types of deformation:

  1. True.

Changes when the femur and tibia are shaped like an arch. The main cause of this disease is a hereditary predisposition or a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. To correct the situation, a consultation with an orthopedist is necessary.

  1. False.

With a false curvature of the legs, the bone has the correct shape. The source of the problem is associated with impaired development of muscle tissue. The knees and ankle touch, creating a curvature at the ankle. The condition can be eliminated with a course of exercises.

  1. O-shaped, varus.

This defect has the appearance of an oval, since the disease starts from the hips and goes to the ankle joint. The knee joints do not touch each other.

  1. Valgus curvature, X-shaped.

A defect in which the knees are together but the ankles are not aligned. The legs look like the letter X.

Method for determining the type of curvature

To determine the shape of the limbs and identify possible violations, you must perform the following steps:

  • stand straight in front of the mirror and bend your leg:
  • if the knee has moved inward, this indicates an O-deformation;
  • the kneecap has moved outward - a type of X-curvature;
  • placing your hands on your waist (feet shoulder-width apart), do a squat:
  • with an O-defect, the legs diverge to the sides;
  • X-type – limbs are connected;
  • the correct form is bending parallel to the feet.

To completely confirm or exclude the diagnosis, an x-ray must be taken. The condition of the bones determines the type and solution of the problem.

Correcting false curvature

This deformation does not cause harm to health and has only an aesthetic aspect. To correct the condition, you need to exercise, lose excess weight and build muscle tissue. With the right selection of exercises, cosmetic changes will gradually disappear. You can perform a set of exercises at home and in the gym.

True curvature

True curvature lies in a defect in the bones of the legs; sometimes it is difficult to cope with it only with the help of exercise therapy.


There are two types of surgical operations:

A. Installation of the Ilizarov apparatus on the lower leg.

The procedure has fairly rapid progress, which is noticeable after 2 months. Operations can be performed from the age of 14. After removing the structure, loads are prohibited for several weeks. The technique is traditional and is used in most cases.

Possible complications:

  • inflammation in soft tissues;
  • infectious processes;
  • the appearance of contracture;
  • damage in the area of ​​correction.

B. Plastic surgery – cruroplasty.

The operation is carried out using two methods:

  • installation of an implant in the lower leg area of ​​the desired shape;
  • lipofilling from fat cells of the abdomen or buttocks.

The procedure takes place under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Rehabilitation lasts for 2 months; disadvantages include displacement of the implant and distortion of the shape of the legs. Sports activities are prohibited.


Massage sessions are important from birth to three years of age. The procedure will help correct crooked legs only in early childhood.

For adults, manual therapy and impact on the lower back are used if the essence of the defect lies in the sacral area. It will not be possible to completely remove the deformity, since the formed bone tissue is difficult to massage.

Straightening on the simulator

The principle of the technique is horizontal traction of the spinal column and lower extremities.

Regular practice helps in relieving muscle spasms caused by curvature, restoring blood flow and noticeably lengthening the lower leg.

Correction belts

The procedure consists of fastening the legs at several points with special belts and performing prescribed exercises in this manner.

Manual fix

The technique allows you to eliminate defects:

  • knees that are too close or apart;
  • O – figurative deformation;
  • curvature of the femur.

Restoring functions in the knee joints:

  • It is necessary to pat the areas of the meniscus every day for a minute with a bag filled with a granular substance (salt or sand): on the inside for an O-defect, on the outside for an X-type.
  • It is worth striking with a gradual increase in force twice a day.

Correction of shin curvature:

  • The exercise is performed in the same way - by tapping on defective areas. The essence of the technique is to cause microtrauma and improve blood flow and metabolic phenomena. After the impacts there is a visual improvement.

Elimination of femoral bone defect:

  • Sit on a chair and intensely squeeze a small ball between your thighs.

With this exercise, muscle tissue grows.

The effect of the exercises occurs after about 6 months.


Gymnastics is used to strengthen muscle strength. Elimination of deformation is carried out by a set of special asanas that relax areas of tightness.

Visual effect

Procedures for eliminating curvature of the legs are quite lengthy, so you can correct the cosmetic defect using the following tricks:

  • Overlays.

Special silicone devices are attached to the lower leg, and then tights or tight pants are put on.

  • Cloth.

A correctly selected wardrobe item can correct the problem and visually straighten your legs. For everyday wear, you should wear pants with flares from the hip, boots with wide tops, dresses and skirts of maximum length to the ankles.

A set of exercises for correcting O-legs

The following activities will help you make your limbs straight:

  • walking on the inner and outer sides of the foot, lifting on the toes and moving on the heels when lowering;
  • running with high legs;
  • squat;
  • plie (socks and knees pointing in different directions);
  • abduction to the side with one leg, alternately standing at a support, you can use a sports elastic band;
  • raise straight legs one by one;
  • placing each leg forward in turn with a squat (the weight shift should fall on the heel area);
  • scissors exercise;
  • reduction and connection of the limbs in a lying position.

Do gymnastics at least 3 times a week, after warming up the muscles with a warm-up.

Exercises to correct X-legs

A simple set of exercises to make your legs straighter:

  • walking on the outer part of the foot, on the knees;
  • abduction of the limbs to the side with the foot stretched towards you;
  • lunges left and right;
  • squatting with a ball pressed between the thighs;
  • static exercises;
  • lying on your stomach, make a “butterfly”: connect your feet and spread your knees to the sides. Hold on for 5-10 minutes.

If you have an X-shaped defect, it is useful to go swimming or cycling.

Exercise therapy for varus deformity

A set of exercises to correct curvature of the legs:

  • walking on the heels, the inner part of the sole;
  • quickly raising your knees up and landing on your toes;
  • squatting (knee joints together);
  • swing to the side at the support;
  • raising straight limbs while lying on your side;
  • “scissors” sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall;
  • pedal, simulating cycling;
  • connecting and separating legs while lying on your back;
  • cross twine.

Exercises for hallux valgus

Sample list of activities:

  • walking on the outer arches of the sole;
  • knee walking;
  • swing to the sides with pointed toes;
  • side lunges;
  • squat as low as possible with the ball against the wall;
  • sitting in a “Turkish” position, press on the knee joints or try to reach them to the floor;
  • lying on your stomach, bring your feet together and spread your legs to the sides.

All exercises should be performed several times a week. If you experience pain or other unpleasant sensations, you should report them to your doctor. After classes, it is useful to take a warm bath, adding essential oil to the water.

Exercises for a child

Defects in a child should be corrected before the age of seven. It is necessary to combine regular massage courses with gymnastics.


Walk around the room first on your toes, then on the inside and outside of your feet. For the best effect, perform the exercise with the ball clamped between your legs.

Lying down

Lie on your back, lower limbs shoulder-width apart, feet turned inward.

Clench and unclench your fingers several times. Then connect your feet and imitate clapping.

On knees

Leaning on the palms and knee joints, the child pulls the leg back, straightening the toe.

On the stomach

Bend your knees so that your heels touch your buttocks.


To prevent curvature, several rules should be followed:

  1. Regular walks in the park area, getting enough vitamin D for development.
  2. Timeliness of skills - you should not accustom your child to early crawling or walking, as weak muscle and ligamentous apparatus lead to changes in the shape of the lower leg.
  3. Balanced diet.
  4. Classes in the pool.

To correct false curvature, you should follow the recommendations:

  • Don't sleep on your stomach. In this position, the back is under tension, and this is reflected in the length of the lower limbs.
  • Do not cross your legs over each other while sitting on a chair.
  • Stand straight.
  • Avoid walking in high, narrow or uncomfortable shoes.
  • Timely treatment of diseases.
  • Doing exercises regularly.
  • Proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • Exercise in the pool or cycling.

Elimination of curvature of the lower extremities is not a quick process, and if defects are suspected in a child, it is necessary to begin correcting them without delaying a trip to the doctor.

Exercises for O-shaped curvature of the legs are an effective therapeutic technique that, with a regular and systematic approach to exercise, will help to correct and correct their shape without surgical intervention. How to overcome curvature of the lower limbs with the help of therapeutic exercises? What exercises will be most effective and how to do them correctly?

Characteristics of the problem

Bow legs are a common problem that can have many causes. Experts distinguish 2 types of curvature of the lower extremities:

  1. X-shaped curvature is a leg deformity in which the patient cannot connect the ankles if the hips are closed.
  2. O-shaped curvature is a deformation of the internal contour of the limbs (from the ankle to the perineum). When the patient connects his legs together, they resemble a wheel in appearance.

It is necessary to combat curvature of the lower limbs. The problem not only causes the patient psychological discomfort and reduces self-esteem, but also negatively affects the gait, as well as the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

According to medical experts, curvature of the legs, the appearance of which is due to hereditary, genetic reasons or traumatic injuries, is practically impossible to correct. This problem can only be dealt with through surgical intervention.

However, in all other cases, physical therapy exercises can bring very tangible, impressive results. According to Irina Krasikova, gymnastics will be especially effective in the case of curvature of the legs in young patients, because their bone tissues are soft and highly elastic and respond well to external influences.

Regular and conscientious exercise will also help adult patients. After about a year of training, your leg will become much slimmer and smoother!

When is therapeutic exercise needed?

Curvature of the legs is a cosmetic defect, usually noticeable to the naked eye. However, before starting classes, it is recommended to make sure that you really need correction.

For these purposes, you need to stand up straight, with your limbs closed, and try to relax the muscle groups of the lower limbs as much as possible (it is advisable to perform the test while standing in front of a mirror). After this, take a close look at your feet. According to the established standard, the limbs should touch each other at the following points:

  • feet;
  • knees;
  • middle ankle.

If the legs are deformed according to the 0-shaped type, then they touch in the crotch and heels. In the case of an x-shaped curvature, they are connected exclusively at the knees.

If you have identified obvious defects in the shape of your legs, then you need to deal with this problem. However, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a qualified orthopedic specialist before you begin, especially when it comes to a young child or teenager.

The benefits of gymnastics for curvature of the legs

In most situations, deformation and curvature of the lower extremities are caused by specific defects in bone tissue, weakening of the knee joint, or improper development of muscle groups of the lower extremities. Physiotherapy exercises in this case are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. Strengthening weakened muscle groups of the lower extremities.
  2. Correction of ligament functioning.
  3. Rotate the knee joint into an anatomically correct position.

Thus, exercises help get rid of curvature of the legs. Moreover, according to numerous reviews from patients, with systematic daily training according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist, the results become noticeable within just a couple of months.

If you skip classes and do the exercises half-heartedly, gymnastics will have absolutely no effect. In addition, a preliminary consultation with an orthopedist is necessary, who will help develop an optimal set of exercises taking into account the age category and individual characteristics of a particular patient. Moreover, for some patients this type of activity may be completely prohibited if they have diseases in which any increased load on the lower extremities is contraindicated.

Where to begin?

Experts recommend starting any exercises aimed at correcting the shape of the legs after the muscles are sufficiently prepared and warmed up. The optimal warm-up includes the following types of exercises:

  1. Standing on the floor, lift your toes, as if lifting them off the surface. At the same time, the foot is pressed harder against the surface.
  2. Do the “Bicycle” exercise (up to 10 repetitions).
  3. Sit on a chair and, with your legs apart, place your heels on the floor. Raise your feet and begin to alternately turn them from side to side.
  4. Walk on your toes (3 to 5 minutes).
  5. Stand straight and begin to bend your toes, as if moving them under the foot area.

Corrective gymnastics

Now let's look at an effective set of exercises aimed at correcting legs with an o-shaped curvature:

  1. Walk on the inside of your foot.
  2. Do about 20 squats, keeping your toes as far apart as possible.
  3. Stand up straight, lift your leg and move it as wide as possible to the side. Repeat the same exercise with the second one.
  4. Sit with your hands on the floor and your legs straight. Begin to lift your limbs one at a time, while making sure that the leg remains perfectly level.
  5. Lie on the floor, close your legs and begin to slowly raise and lower them. At the same time, make sure that your torso remains motionless.
  6. Stand on one leg, straighten the other as much as possible and move it to the side. Do about 15 swings, then change the support and repeat the exercise.
  7. Sit on the floor and clasp your leg with both palms, and then slowly lift it and try to hold this position for at least 5 seconds. After this, change limbs and repeat the exercise.
  8. Lie on the floor on your side and alternately lift your straightened legs up.

The average workout duration should be at least half an hour. Start each session with a warm-up. You should train daily, and to achieve the fastest and most positive results, do such corrective gymnastics 2 times a day. When performing any exercises, try to keep your back as straight as possible and your stomach pulled in. Now let's briefly look at effective exercises for x-shaped legs:

  1. Do squats. Start with 15-20 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of approaches. Squats with a rubber ball pre-clamped between your ankles give a good effect.
  2. While standing, lunge with your leg to the side, pulling your toe as far as possible.
  3. Walk on the outside of your foot (10 steps each).
  4. Practice on the wall bars. Raising your legs on the floor stairs allows you to achieve very good results.
  5. Lie on your stomach, spread your knees as far apart as possible, and then try to connect your feet together.

In order for corrective gymnastics to be extremely effective and efficient, it is important to follow the following recommendations of experts:

  1. After each exercise, try to relax the muscle groups as much as possible.
  2. Don't skip training.
  3. Combine physical therapy with a course of corrective massage.
  4. Visit the physical therapy room at least twice a year.
  5. Take up sports such as swimming and figure skating.
  6. Do some stretching and learn to do the splits.
  7. Wear comfortable shoes.

O-shaped curvature is a serious problem that spoils the appearance and causes a lot of trouble. As a rule, this deficiency can be corrected through regular, systematic exercises in therapeutic corrective gymnastics. In order for the training to be most effective, it is recommended to select a set of exercises together with an orthopedic doctor or physical therapy instructor. A good effect is achieved by combining corrective gymnastics with massage and playing certain sports.

Smooth legs are the standard of beauty, so many women and men dream of correcting the shape of their lower limbs. People with crooked legs are embarrassed by their defect and try to hide it with clothes; correcting the defect will help get rid of complexes and become liberated.

But before you start correcting crooked legs, you need to figure out whether there really is a problem, whether you really have crooked legs and what to do if this is the case. In most cases, a small external defect is normal, which does not need to be corrected, and the patient thinks that the deformation is severe.

To determine whether a person’s legs are straight, you need to stand in front of the mirror straight so that your heels are connected. Normally, the heels, knees, and shins will touch in the middle. If the shins are touching and the heels are separated, then an X-shaped deformity is observed, and if the heels are connected, but the rest of the parts are not touching, they speak of an O-shaped deformity.

True curvature is usually associated with deformation of bones and joints, but there is also such a thing as false curvature of the legs. In the latter case, the patient's bones and joints may be in perfect condition, but a cosmetic defect is still present. The reason for this is the asymmetrical arrangement of muscles and subcutaneous fat.

False deformity is more favorable for the patient, since it can be eliminated using a conservative method. You just need to follow a diet and do exercises to strengthen your legs, then the fat will go away, the muscles will become even, the legs will become toned and straight.


Bow legs in men and women are a rather serious problem, so many patients are interested in how to correct bow legs and why they are deformed in the first place. First, let's look at the reasons for curvature of the legs:

  • Disorders in the formation of bones and joints in childhood;
  • Incorrect and tight swaddling in infancy;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Excess body weight can lead to curvature even in adults.

Incorrect load distribution can provoke false asymmetry. If a person carries a bag every day in the same hand or on his shoulder, constantly sleeps on his side, or stands leaning on one limb, eventually the muscles on one side will become stronger than on the other. This point is very important when training in the gym, you need to perform all exercises symmetrically, with an equal number of repetitions on each leg.


It is possible to treat true curvature of the legs conservatively, in which deformation of the joints has occurred, only before the age of 14, while the bones are still growing and forming. But patients are still interested in what to do if they have crooked legs. In adulthood, there are only two options: either undergo surgery to correct the curvature, or hide the defect under clothing.

Let's look at a few tips on how to hide crooked legs under clothes:

  • For girls, there is an easy way to hide crooked legs - long skirts and floor-length dresses. It is not recommended to wear miniskirts and mid-length models, they emphasize the defect.
  • If there is leg deformity, it is not recommended to wear tapered trousers, leggings and breeches. In this case, classic wide trousers are good, and striped clothes visually distort already imperfect legs.
  • You can also wear capris, but only wide ones at the bottom. But it is worth remembering that capri pants visually shorten your legs, so they are not suitable for short girls and women.
  • Pants with vertical stripes strongly emphasize the curvature of the legs, so you should avoid them.
  • Girls need to use thick and plain tights; models with bright prints will create unnecessary emphasis on their legs.
  • Tall girls with crooked legs are not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes.

In childhood, while the legs are still developing, they can be easily corrected; you just need to consult a specialist in time. The baby will be prescribed to wear orthopedic shoes, take vitamins, perform physical therapy, attend massage and physical therapy. As a result, the legs will continue to grow correctly and there will be no problems in adulthood.

For false curvature of the legs associated with muscle asymmetry and excess weight, conservative treatment is indicated. The patient needs to perform a set of exercises to strengthen the legs, as well as lose excess weight by following proper nutrition.

Examples of exercises:

  • Run daily at a slow or medium pace for at least 20 minutes;
  • Exercises bicycle and scissors;
  • Lunges forward and to the side;
  • Squats;
  • Swing your legs up and to the side;
  • Stretching exercises for the muscles of the thighs and lower legs.

Working out in the gym with an instructor is especially effective; he will help you choose a set of effective exercises on the machines. It’s worth noting right away that training must be regular, otherwise there will be no effect.

It is also very important to train the whole body, do not forget about the back, arms and buttocks. You should not do exercises on the same muscle group every day; such training is not effective, since the muscles need time to recover.

Exercises (video)


If weight loss and exercise do not help to cope with crooked legs, then there is only one way out - surgery. This procedure is carried out using an Ilizarov apparatus; for this purpose, special needles made of medical steel are inserted into the limb and the apparatus is installed on them.

After installing the spokes, an artificial bone fracture is performed - osteotomy. On the 5th day after the operation, the doctor begins to correct the shape of the legs using a device, taking into account existing standards and the wishes of the person. This method is very accurate, it allows you to make your legs perfectly straight.

After the device straightens the legs, it is fixed in the correct position for at least a month. At this time, the bones fuse in the desired position. The patient can now move normally with the device on his feet and does not experience pain.

When the bones heal, the doctor uses X-rays to see if the bone tissue has healed well. If everything is normal, the device is removed, and the patient is prescribed to perform therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles. It is worth noting that recovery occurs faster in those patients who moved during the fixation period.


The patient's recovery time after surgery is on average 2 months, if no complications arise. An operation to correct the shape of the legs is not as safe as it seems at first glance; it can provoke serious complications:

  • Infections in the wound, which force repeated operations and removal of the device. This can occur if the patient has chronic inflammatory processes in the body, any kind, even caries. Therefore, before the operation you need to get tested and cure all inflammations. Poor care of a postoperative wound can also provoke infection.
  • Hematomas and swelling that occur when the integrity of blood vessels is disrupted.
  • Loss of sensation in the legs due to nerve damage.
  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia. To avoid them, it is necessary to make sure that the patient does not have severe disorders of the internal organs, as well as an individual reaction to the drugs.

Surgery to correct crooked legs is a serious and expensive procedure, so the patient needs to think twice before going for it. It is quite possible that the condition can be improved with simple exercises and diet, and no surgery will be needed at all.