Evgeniy Papunaishvili showed his Italian bride for the first time. The fate of Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Pair dance between a Georgian and an Italian - Do you get along with children?

Evgeniy Robertovich Papunaishvili was born on December 11, 1981 in Moscow. His parents were engineers and could give their son and his two older brothers the best. In particular, as soon as Evgeniy turned 5 years old, he got the opportunity to get into two sections at once: dancing and football. His parents decided to send him there for the simple reason that even then the boy was restless and did not know where to put his extra energy.

Evgeniy did both with great pleasure. But for some time the boy tried to keep silent about dancing, fearing ridicule from his peers. At that time, there was still a stereotype that dancing was a girl’s activity. However, at the age of 12, he ceased to be ashamed of his occupation, in which he short term was able to achieve serious results. In particular, already at that age, Evgeniy began giving rhythmic gymnastics lessons at school. And at 14, he got his first job so as not to depend on his parents. He got a position teaching dance in various studios. For a man his age this achievement was amazing.

Carier start

Considering the fact that dancing has been Evgeniy’s favorite pastime since early childhood. As a teenager, he began to take part in all sorts of major international tournaments, where he won one victory after another. In particular, Evgeniy won the open international tournament, which was held in Finland. The dancer also managed to win an award in Moscow. At that moment, no one had any doubts that Evgenia would be waiting ahead bright career, full of triumphant moments.

At the age of 21, the young man, who had already become a multiple winner of various festivals, decided to stay in teaching, teaching young boys and girls the skill. He started at Gala Dance. But he didn’t work there for very long, as he was soon able to open his own budget dance studio, D-Fusion. It happened in Russian capital. It was then that he was finally convinced that he was created for this type of activity. And now no one will say for sure that dancing is not an activity for men, because training requires incredible endurance and fortitude from a person. Not everyone can endure the entire journey.

Working on television

Real all-Russian fame came to Evgeny after he entered the show “Dancing with the Stars” as a participant. This happened back in 2007. Papunaishvili’s partners included numerous Russian pop and film stars, such as Natasha Koroleva, Ksenia Sobchak and Glukoza. As a result, Evgeniy took part in almost all seasons, invariably remaining one of the most popular dancers and choreographers in the history of the project.

Personal life

Over the past 10 years, there have been many rumors about Eugene’s relationship with famous stars. However, none of this was ultimately confirmed.

  1. Graduated from the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute.
  2. He got into the Guinness Book of Records by teaching a dance lesson to 1,830 students at the same time.
  3. He founded his own “Evgeniy Papunaishvili Dance School”. It is noteworthy that he built it even before he had his own home. Evgeniy explained this circumstance by saying that dancing is more important to him than any place of residence.
  4. On this moment Evgeniy is one of the most prestigious and highly paid dance teachers in the world. He is able to give lessons in almost any direction, be it tango or hip-hop. The choreographer also monitors modern trends and is always aware of the emergence of new fashion trends, which she is not shy about mastering.

What do you think about Evgeniy Papunaishvili? We are waiting for your comments.

Italian stylist, wife of dancer and TV presenter Evgeniy Papunaishvili.

Biography of Salima Bijaber

Salima Bijaber born in Italy. Several years ago, Salima moved to Moscow to work at the Aldo Coppola salon, where she met Evgeniy Papunaishvili. For the sake of her husband, the girl improved her Russian language and extended her contract with the salon.

According to Papunaishvili, she speaks Russian better than he speaks Italian. In the winter of 2017, in the “Alone with Everyone” program, Salima said that she incredibly appreciates her man and is proud of him.

“What I liked most about him, why I wanted to date him, is that he is mega-positive. He is very humane. He is very kind, warm-hearted, open. He is so kind that he is close to the Italians... Zhenya loves pasta very much. We often go to a restaurant for dinner, and when he is at home, I cook him his favorite pasta. He comes, and the table is set for him. This is a very pleasant surprise for him. I'm very proud of him as a man. I know that work for him is not just a job: for him it is a passion. That’s why I’m happy for him,” said Salima Bijaber.

The lovers got married on July 12, 2017, after a year of dating. “We will remember this day for the rest of our lives! We did it. The two of us came and did it. I'm the most happy man!” - captioned a photo from the wedding on his Instagram Evgeniy Papunaishvili.

On October 20, 2017, it became known that the couple were expecting the birth of their first child. On December 11, the couple had a daughter, Sofia.

The new father shared the happy event on his microblog on Instagram, posting touching photo, where he holds a newborn baby in his arms: “ Best gift for my birthday I couldn't imagine! Sofia Papunaishvili. 3770 kg, 53 cm. 12/11/2017. Thank you, my love."

After giving birth, the girl continued to work as a hair stylist at the Aldo Coppola Novinsky salon.

The bright and charismatic choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili became widely known thanks to the sensational project “Dancing with the Stars”. His partners were famous representatives of show business, and with each of them the dancer was able to create unforgettable and original dance numbers. The amazing lightness and flexibility inherent in this stately man are a consequence high professionalism to which he persistently walked long years.

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Evgeny was born on December 11, 1981 and became the third child in an ordinary Moscow family. His parents Lyudmila and Robert worked as engineers and were not directly related to art. However, when Zhenya grew up a little, at the family council it was decided to enroll him in the football section and dancing, since younger son was extremely restless and mobile. His excessive energy finally found a worthy outlet, so the boy enjoyed both football and dancing.

Having started attending school, Zhenya hid his passion for dancing for some time, but, realizing that this would last for a long time, he even began to lead in his educational institution rhythmic gymnastics lessons. Starting at the age of 14, Evgeniy began to independently earn his first small money by teaching dance art in specialized studios and clubs. Later, along with a decent income, came the first victories at prestigious competitions and tournaments. So, in 2002 the dancer won in Finland, and in 2004 - at the championship in Moscow.

Having won many prestigious titles and becoming a real professional on the dance floor, Evgeniy Papunaishvili suddenly began to doubt the correctness of his chosen path. He decides that the profession of a dancer is not very suitable for a man, and wants to get a higher education in engineering. The young man enters the capital's automobile institute, where his mother and brothers once studied. In 2003 he received a diploma of higher education, but could not completely part with my favorite hobby.

By this time, the talented choreographer was already a co-owner of the Moscow network D-Fusion - popular dance studios economy class. It did not stop either teaching activity, what is the sensational dance lesson worth, which brought together more than 1800 people at the same time. In connection with this event, Evgeniy Robertovich even ended up in the Russian version of the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular teacher. Together with major achievements I also came to the realization that dancing is a completely worthy activity for a real man, requiring enormous hard work, patience and constant training.

Mass fame came to the venerable dancer after he began participating in the popular program “Dancing with the Stars.”

From that moment on, Evgeniy Papunaishvili became a real star, no less bright and memorable than his charming partners. Today he is the owner of his own dance school and one of the highest paid dance teachers in Russia. And this is no wonder, since the young man is fluent in all classical and modern dance styles, as evidenced by his numerous awards and titles.

In 2017, Evgeniy Papunaishvili became a member of the jury of the television project “You’re Super!” that quickly gained popularity. Dancing".

Personal life

The impressive and gallant Evgeniy has the reputation of a heartthrob, but he himself does not like to talk about his personal life. Like a true gentleman, he does not advertise the romantic interests that popular rumor attributes to him with almost every partner in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. Only once did he briefly mention that he was dating Ksenia Sobchak, but this relationship, despite all its seriousness, at some point exhausted itself.

During this time, the ex-girlfriend had already managed to build a family nest, but Zhenya was still searching. In his interviews, he repeatedly emphasized that he does not belong to the category of flighty ladies' men and hopes to meet a real and only love. That storm of passions and emotions that the audience watches on stage should not be confused with real life, because everything is different in it. Evgeniy Papunaishvili claims that he has nothing to do with convinced bachelors who value their freedom and do not recognize the bonds of marriage.

The dancer explained the absence of a family by saying that he had not yet met a woman with whom he would want to spend the rest of his life. To marry once and for many years is the real dream of the famous choreographer. At the celebration of one of his birthdays, the young man announced his serious intention to end his bachelor life in the very near future.

Finally, in July 2017, Evgeniy stunned his Instagram followers with photographs of own wedding. The choreographer found his happiness with Italian stylist Salima Bijaber. And already in December of the same year, Evgeniy became a father - his wife gave birth to his daughter Sofia. Now Evgeniy regularly shares photos of his family happiness and dreams of spending as much time as possible “with my girls.”

Evgeniy Papunaishvili will soon become a father, as his wife Salima is six months pregnant.

The addition to the family of a 35-year-old choreographer and regular guest of the show “ Amazing people"on "Russia 1" is expected at the end of the year. Evgeniy's wife Salima is six months pregnant.
The expectant mother feels great and does not suffer from toxicosis, so she continues to travel with her loved one. Recently, the couple returned from Italy, where they visited Salima’s homeland - the city of Como. They posted photos from the trip on social networks, but in all the frames Evgeniy carefully covers his wife’s rounded forms. " How everyone here remembers and loves you,– Evgeniy commented on one of the pictures. – This is one of the most beautiful places, in which I was" It's good to rest, but home is always better.

« I used to hate being alone in a bachelor's apartment,” admitted Papunaishvili. – I was in no hurry to return from filming, and now every evening I literally fly home, knowing that the food smells delicious there and that my beloved wife is waiting».

« My happiness❤️,” the future father briefly captioned the photo.

Let us remind you that Evgeniy and Salima got married in July of this year. The newlyweds decided not to have a magnificent celebration, but modestly signed their names at the registry office. The couple chose original outfits for the ceremony. Papunaishvili went to the painting in sneakers, and his chosen one wore an informal knee-length dress.

« It was a special day for us. The two of us arrived at the registry office and signed. Nobody knew about this. Only my older brothers arrived. Then we made a surprise. We went to my parents’ dacha, they didn’t suspect anything, for them it was a great gift. We had an amazing time. And the celebration will come later. We want to have a wedding, invite relatives and friends in advance. It will be such an Italian-Georgian holiday"- Evgeniy told StarHit.

The whole country saw this tall, brown-eyed man with a charming smile on the show “Dancing with the Stars.” Now he broadcasts himself and continues to win victories in his favorite pastime. The biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili is as vivid as all his appearances on the screen.

Many people are interested personal life dancer, after all for a long time he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the capital. How is his career and relationships with women going now? Let's find out!

Biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili

Born on December 11, 1981 in Moscow. Despite the fact that his parents were engineers, he chose a completely different path. This is a considerable merit of the mother. The boy had two paths - either football or the floor. Too active and restless at five years old, he came with his mother to sign up for a dance club and a football section. The boy liked both of these activities. But if he proudly talked about football at school, he tried to keep quiet about his second hobby. Dancing was not such a prestigious occupation, and he was embarrassed to tell his friends about it. However, when the boy turned 14 years old, he was offered to teach gymnastics classes at school and was even paid money for it. The shameful hobby began to bring in a good income, and Zhenya was no longer ashamed of his calling.

In those years, he did not yet see much prospects in dancing and tried to follow in the footsteps of his parents and older brother. He honestly studied at the Automobile and Highway Institute, but was unable to do what he didn’t like. Upon reaching the age of 21, he began seriously teaching dance in the studio. Realizing that such work would not bring big earnings, he became a co-owner of several dance halls.

First victory

In 2002, he competes at the championship in Finland and becomes the winner. This was the first achievement in the biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili. In 2004, he performed in Moscow and also became a champion. Then followed a series of high-profile victories international competitions and even a unique achievement in the form of a line in the Guinness Book of Records. Evgeniy conducted the world's largest dance lesson, which was attended by 1,830 people. From that moment on he understands that he has accepted correct solution in life, and no longer regrets his passion for dancing.

A television

Such merits did not go unnoticed, and soon he accepted an offer to participate in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” It was one of the most bright periods in the biography of Evgeniy Papunaishvili - his hot dances became the property of the whole country. It is worth noting that the dancer’s partners were all hand-picked - just screen stars. In the first season, Russians cheered for their couple with Natasha Koroleva, who took third place. These fiery dances forever remembered by the viewer. For the third season, Evgeny danced with singer Irina Saltykova. Unfortunately, the couple did not reach the finals.

But the fourth season was a triumph for Papunaishvili and Yulia Savicheva. Their victory was obvious and no one doubted it. Each dance received the highest marks. Considerable merit Julia herself was in this - a hardworking and capable student quickly mastered the art of dance under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Finished dancing

The fifth season gave the country not only a wonderful show, but also the most discussed topic - the personal life of Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Ksenia Sobchak became his partner, and everyone noticed that the relationship between these two did not end on the dance floor. The romance between the partners began to be discussed faster than it actually began. The dancer did not talk about his relationship, saying only that he and Ksenia were dating. Photos of them together appeared in the media and there were rumors that the “chocolate blonde” would finally get married. But the romance ended quietly, along with the end of the show.

The seventh season again became victorious for Evgeniy. This time his partner was Natasha Ionova. The eighth part began again with the hype around the dancer and Alena Vodonaeva. They finished second, but there were rumors of a closer relationship. The ninth season brought third place to his duet with Svetlana Ivanova, and in the tenth he and his partner did not reach the final.

Long-awaited event

In the summer of 2017, the dancer’s fans became sad - their idol got married. Yes, not on a simple Russian beauty, but on a real sultry Italian! Evgeniy Papunaishvili’s wife was a girl named Salima. Despite the fact that the enviable groom chose a foreigner as his wife, all the fans looked at this beautiful couple with pleasure. Evgeniy, like a true romantic, proposed to his beloved on football match. Thousands of spectators watched him ask Salima to become his wife and how the touched girl agreed. Who would refuse such an offer? On July 11, the wedding of Evgeniy Papunaishvili and his Italian bride took place.

At the moment, the dancer is still engaged in dancing, but now he has his own big school. He tries to attract young people to this type of art through social media. Evgeniy Papunaishvili’s wife works as a stylist and often appears in her husband’s photos on Instagram. Perhaps in the near future the 35-year-old dancer will have an heir who will love dancing no less than his famous father.