What pension reform says about the future of the Russian regime. The guy doesn't talk about the future

Today, dear reader, I will tell you how to understand that a girl wants to get rid of you. Yes, it is painful and unpleasant, but it happens. And it passes. So let me lay some straw out for you - what if they're just about to dump you?

She doesn't talk about the future

“My Aunt Tamara makes excellent dumplings stuffed with pancakes. Try it on new year holidays! Don't be naive, this phrase is not praise for Aunt Tamara's culinary talents. This is encryption. And she means: “Get ready, my friend, we will spend the New Year holidays together!” But if the girl has stopped making references to your joint, I repeat, joint future, be wary. Most likely, she avoids such footnotes, since she already plans to eat dumplings alone or with another connoisseur of Central Russian cuisine. Only the most hard-hearted girl is capable of constructing out loud joint plans for the future, when she herself has already decided to end the relationship.

She kisses you less often

Sex, contrary to popular belief, is not a barometer of relationships. That is, if a girl refuses you sex, everything, of course, is very bad. But the first signs of cooling are the girl’s reluctance to kiss and hug. And all because for us girls, kisses and hugs are extremely important. Sometimes it's more important than sex! After all, sex, no matter how you twist us, is a crude mechanical process (without it, however, it’s also sad). But kisses and hugs - yes, this is the peak of intimacy. Stay alert.

She's not eager to hang out with your friends.

Do you remember how, at the beginning of your acquaintance, her eyes shone as soon as she offered you to go somewhere with your friends. The girl counted them " wonderful people", dressed up for the meeting, joked and laughed, and when you returned home, she reasoned about how deep down Felt Pen is thin and sensitive person(although you know for sure that Felt-tip pen is not like that). Now, as soon as you mention going bowling with friends, she has good reason don't go. Fear of round objects, for example.

She stopped luring you to her parents

One of ours female characteristics(besides the addiction to high-heeled shoes) is closeness with parents. We are not ashamed to share our experiences and fears with mom and dad and confusedly ask them for advice, even if we ourselves already head transatlantic corporations. Therefore, the fact that a girl doesn’t want to show you to her relatives anymore is a dangerous symptom. There may be two reasons for this: either they are already aware of her execution plans for you, or the girl does not want her parents to guess everything, looking at your as yet some kind of couple.

She's making trouble like it's the last time

Of course, you have quarreled before. Small bright flashes of mutual discontent (caused, as a rule, by unreasonable jealousy) preceded a large and bright flash of sex. Now everything has changed. Now everything is so serious. She started hitting your sore spots: salary, mom, early baldness. (Although you are convinced that this is not baldness! Just seasonal hair loss!) In a word, “lost my fear” (yes, this is not one word, but I promised one). But the wonderful tradition of sex after reconciliation has faded into oblivion. She is no longer afraid of offending you once and for all. Or maybe he even strives for this.

She stopped making trouble altogether

And it happens like this with us: the girl doesn’t care. It would seem that this should make you happy: finally you can store unpaired socks in the bread bin and not get reprimanded for it! Don't rush to rejoice. Most likely, her indifference is a sign that everything is over. She no longer sees you in her life, which means she is completely purple (or whatever color is out of date this season) where you keep your socks. She's just hiding and waiting for the moment and courage, that is, a party at which she will drink enough to say goodbye to you out loud.

She has secrets

She defends her independence

Previously, she didn’t mind when you put socks in her drawer (the place in the bread bin is not rubber!) or jumped into the shower after her. Now the girl sternly reprimands you for what she calls for some reason “violating her personal space.” Beware: the desire for partial separation may gradually result in a desire for global separation.

Valeria Dore

IN ideal world every person we want to be with also wants to be with us. But unfortunately, our desires do not always coincide with reality and the desires of other people. If you're worried that the person you're dating doesn't see a future for your relationship, here's how to check. The main signs that this is really the case (forgive me for being blunt):

1. He never makes concrete plans.

If he doesn't see a future with you, then he won't build one with you. And period.

This means that your dates will be sudden and irregular, never planned in advance. And this is not his spontaneity and unpredictability, but his indecision and uncertainty. He is not interested enough, he is waiting for something or someone more interesting to appear, and you are already the last option.

2. He doesn't introduce you to his family.

You’ve been dating for several months now, his parents live in the same city, and getting to know each other seems like the logical next step, especially since there’s a holiday coming up. But no, he didn’t say a word about your acquaintance. Maybe because he doesn’t see the point in it? Why endure the awkwardness and excitement of the first meeting if he has no intention of building a future with you and making you part of his family?

3. He doesn't call you his girlfriend.

He may say that he doesn’t like labeling, that it doesn’t matter to him, that he doesn’t want these difficulties. But in reality, the problem is not with the labels, but with you. How often do such guys say similar phrases to one girl, and then meet a new one and almost immediately marry her? And they are not afraid of any labels or stamps! It sounds harsh, but it's true - it's about you. If he liked you enough, he would build his future with you, he would call you his girlfriend, and then he would call you his wife.

4. He is ready to date you only on the condition that there will be sex.

Guys understand simple arithmetic. If he wants to have sex with you, then he should continue to take you on dates. If he is not interested in you for something more, he will never agree to just meet without continuing.

5. He doesn't meet your friends.

At some level he knows what he's doing is wrong. He knows he's taking advantage of you, not wanting to promise anything more. And so he avoids meeting people who truly care about you. Because they will see through him in an instant, and he doesn’t want to feel guilty.

6. He doesn't communicate.

He is emotionally closed, he doesn't want to get close to you except physically. Not to mention just answering your calls and messages on time.

7. He never talks about the future.

You are adults. You've been dating long enough that talking about the future seems logical and natural. But you can't talk about it. Because you know where this will lead. No use. But don't be afraid of this. It’s better to dot all the i’s right away.

Source: http://www.site/

Frivolous relationships are like weakly brewed tea: no taste, no pleasure.

Every woman from time to time begins to scroll through options in her head. wedding dress, possible names of children, home improvement plans and many other points life together with your other half. And she goes through all this until she wonders: how serious is her relationship and will it go that far?

Doesn’t introduce you to relatives or parents
Usually meeting a girl’s parents occurs at early stages relationships. A family with a daughter rather than a son is more restless. Mother and father want to know with whom their adult miracle rides in the car, goes to bars at night, and who brings her home in the morning. To avoid additional questions and problems, the man, in turn, introduces himself to his parents. Acquaintance with his relatives often takes place much later.

The fact that he is delaying acquaintance can be regarded as frivolous only when the man has an excellent relationship with his parents. This can be determined by stories about joint trips, conversations and, in general, situations occurring in his family.

It is not by chance that we pay attention to this. A family in which misunderstanding and quarrels reign is not a source of pride. This only means that the man does not want his beloved to meet her relatives, because they can ruin the situation. good impression about him, to give him a bad reputation, does not want to discuss his relationship in the family, is afraid of a scandal from a jealous mother or simply unworthy behavior. Therefore, first, find the reason for your reluctance to meet, and only then suspect that they are not serious.

Doesn't introduce friends
Here the situation is completely different. We don’t choose our parents and relatives, but we do choose our friends. A man who is suitable for his companion loves to introduce her to his surroundings. The most important thing is that this acquaintance does not resemble a demonstration in which he boasts of his status rather than the joy of communicating with such a nice person. In a serious relationship, a man wants to introduce his woman only to his close circle.

Rare encounters
A man who can forget about a meeting, rarely calls or shows up to visit you is clearly not serious. After all loving person wants to spend all his free minutes with his other half. And it's not a matter of permanent employment or unexpected matters. As a rule, those who made a big mistake in their previous partner hide from serious relationships. This is just an escape from loneliness, which is necessary in moments when there are no friends nearby. This is a choice between them and you, in favor of the former.

Doesn't come to help difficult moment
Frivolous relationships have a huge disadvantage - the lack of responsibility for their actions between a man and a woman, complete freedom of thoughts and actions. Such relationships are often called friendships with bed elements. However, this “friendship” presupposes help, mutual assistance and respect. The difference between them and serious relationships is the lack of plans for the future, the prospects for starting a family. And if your partner does not want to help in difficult times, then do you really need such a person in your environment? What kind of relationship with him can we even talk about?

Doesn't talk about plans for the future or children
If a man does not talk about the future or children, this does not mean that he is not serious. There is a category of men who do not want to make far-reaching plans in order not to jinx it. And nothing can be done about it. But when, when talking about children or marriage, he becomes irritable, harmful and picky - a sure sign that very little time will pass and your communication will completely stop, because now there is no development in the relationship. They stand still.

However, it is worth considering that a sharp reaction in a conversation about children can also occur when a man already has one child from another woman, and he does not want a second one. And also about the lack of physical ability to have them. This gives rise to complexes.

Often, frivolous relationships are necessary to fill the void created by the absence of a loved one nearby.

1. He avoids all obligations.

He doesn't want to get a dog with you. He doesn't want to move in together. He doesn't even want to agree to go to a concert with you in 3 months because he's not sure if you'll still be together by then.

2. He speaks only hypothetically.

If you try to talk to him about a future together, he laughs it off. He talks about how you will live in a big villa on the ocean and how you will have 10 children. He doesn't take your questions seriously.

3. He avoids meeting your family.

Maybe he accidentally came across your parents when last time accompanied you home, but he never came specifically to spend the evening with them. He’s not interested in why he doesn’t invite you to his parents.

4. He refuses to determine the status of your relationship.

He either doesn’t see it in this sense, or simply doesn’t want to. He never called you his girlfriend and you don't even know who he thinks you are.

5. He still talks like he's a bachelor.

He refuses to use the word "we". He still thinks of himself as one and not part of a couple.

6. He never stays overnight.

He always finds excuses. Once he got what he wanted from you, he immediately leaves.

7. You are not in his online life.

8. He never invites you to go out with his friends.

When you invite him to go out and he says that he has already made arrangements with his friends, he never invites you to join.

9. He refuses to talk about the future.

You've never had serious conversations about marriage and children. You never planned dates in advance. He always lets you know he's free at the last minute.

10. He rarely takes you out in public.

Usually you meet at your or his home. He prefers to hide so that no one knows that he is in some kind of relationship.

11. He never shows feelings for you in public.

Even if you go out somewhere together, he doesn’t take your hand and kiss you so that no one sees it. He keeps his distance.

12. He doesn't introduce you to anyone.

If during such walks you meet his acquaintances, he introduces you as a girlfriend, or does not introduce you at all.

13. He doesn't celebrate holidays with you.

He is always busy, he always has a good reason, or maybe he just disappears these days. Maybe he marks them on the other? Or he just doesn’t want to behave like a real couple with you.

14. He avoids serious conversations.

He never tells you his childhood memories or plans for the future. He is talking about something superficial, unimportant.

15. He tries not to get too involved in your relationship.

He doesn’t want to meet your friends, doesn’t remember your favorite flowers - because it doesn’t matter to him, he’s not going to stay with you for a long time, so he doesn’t make an effort.

Yana, Tbilisi, 29 years old / 02/01/06

Our experts' opinions

  • ALENA:

    There is one good saying: “Do you want to make God laugh? Tell me about your plans for the future”... It seemed to me that the desire to get married is more typical for those who are under 25 and who have never been “there”. And by thirty, and even after a not very successful marriage, the desire for a clear record of relationships in the registry office weakens somewhat, since the experience gained makes one look at things more soberly and rationally. For me personally, this has been for seven years now - a reason for jokes with my common-law husband(who was previously my official spouse). When friends and acquaintances ask us when we will finally formalize our relationship, I nod at Sergei, saying that “he’s not asking me to marry,” and he, in turn, indignantly replies that “she won’t marry me.” wants". Maybe someday it will happen. But, most likely, only due to some technical necessity to officially be considered husband and wife. Are we talking about a future together? Yes, in general, no. We simply live in the present together. We've been living like this for seven years now. I wish the same for you with all my heart. Take care of the good things that exist between you now. Judging by your letter, your man is not ashamed of you, does not hide you from family and friends, and tells you that he feels good with you. Isn't that enough? Why invent difficulties for yourself? Don't push yourself and don't listen to those who are trying to do it. You will have everything, everything has its time.


    Well, this is not the first question about forty-year-old men. And I probably won’t say anything new in my answer. By the age of forty, a divorced or simply single man is quite wealthy and settled, and, above all, has become accustomed to a relatively free life. Therefore, forcing him to marry is not a simple matter and not at all quick. The only thing I can advise is to live and enjoy what you have. at the moment. And without any demands for guarantees, just live together as a family. I think this is the most the right way maintain the relationship and reach the registry office together in the future. If you are truly kindred spirits to each other, then the presence of a stamp in the passport or its absence big role V everyday life doesn't play. You will register someday, tired of hints from friends and relatives who want to drink for free at a wedding. After all, if you live like a family and love each other, then what difference does it make whether there is a stamp. To be honest, I don’t know how much it helps in life, but the fact that it doesn’t save you from divorce has been verified. You are already convinced of this too. So why do you need it in your passport again? By the way, one good man, whom I greatly value and respect as a person, married for the third time at the age of almost 50. Before that, he lived with his current wife for 17 years in a civil marriage. So... Happiness is not in clichés...