Arguments on the topic “Beauty” for the Unified State Exam essay. Arguments on the topic “Beauty” for the Unified State Exam essay. Problems: beauty, the relationship between internal and external beauty, appearance, inner world, character Unity of internal and external beauty arguments

Essay based on the text: “I saw this on a suburban dance floor. Cheerful, hook-nosed, flexible, with a violet tint to his black eyes, he invited her to dance... ” Bondarev Yu. V.

The problem of true and false beauty of a person is raised by the writer Zh. Yu. Bondarev.

An incident that happened many years ago on a suburban dance floor shocked the author and was etched in his memory, as evidenced by the words CANNOT FORGET and the detailed narrative itself. A young man with a bright, attractive appearance decided to make a girl laugh by inviting her to dance. He pretended to be a city gentleman, feeling his own superiority against the background of a timid, inept, ugly partner. The girl, of course, “understood... all his unforgivable baseness” and accepted this challenge. So a miracle happened before everyone’s eyes: the narcissistic, arrogant, cheerful handsome man faded, “changed his face,” trying to hide his embarrassment. And the awkward ugly girl suddenly transformed into a beauty, full of dignity and inner strength.

The problem of true and false beauty is discussed in detail and deeply in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Thus, the soulless, thoroughly “physical” Helen Kuragina is contrasted with the spiritualized, charming Natasha Rostova. Helen is selfish, mercantile, and therefore, according to the writer, she is ugly. What makes Natasha truly beautiful is her intense inner work, naturalness, sincerity, and talent for love.

In my opinion, the beauty of the soul illuminates a person’s face especially brightly at an advanced age (it is more noticeable in contrast with wrinkles). I remember Matryona, the main character of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryonin’s Dvor.” Indeed, a warm, peaceful light emanates from this Russian woman, with her humility, wisdom and love for the world.

To summarize what has been said, it can be noted that the main distinguishing criterion for the truth of a person’s beauty is the perfection and impeccability of his moral character.

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  • I saw it on a suburban dance floor
  • I saw this on a suburban dance floor exam essay
  • the problem of true beauty
O.Henry " "
The most important thing is not the external shine, but the internal content. A person is created by the amount of cash, and his soul. This conclusion can be reached by reading O. Henry's story "". The main character of the story is a young man named Towers Chandler, who once every 70 days pretended to be a rich man. It seemed to him that this was how he elevated himself in the eyes of people, but he was wrong. One day he met a beautiful girl, to whom he spent the entire evening “showing off” by talking about his riches. He thought he had won her attention, but did not take into account the fact that people do not always judge each other “by their clothes.” For wealthy Marian, money was not important; she was interested in the inner world of a person. Later, telling her sister who she could love, Marian described Chandler, but not how he appeared to her on the streets of Manhattan, but who he really was. Hiding behind the “tinsel glitter,” Chandler was unable to show his true nature. As he explained to himself, “the suit didn’t allow it.”

Types of problem

Inner beauty of a person


L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. What makes a person beautiful is the harmonious combination of external and internal beauty. In L. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” the writer’s favorite heroes did not have external beauty. The author wanted to convey to the reader the idea that physical attractiveness disappears over the years, but inner beauty remains in a person forever.
Tolstoy constantly reminds us of Kutuzov’s external shortcomings, but his inner strength of spirit manifests itself all the more powerfully. The commander-in-chief of the Russian army is the personification of “goodness, simplicity and truth.” Supporting Andrei Bolkonsky in a difficult moment for him associated with the death of his father, Kutuzov finds the right words: “...remember that with all my soul I carry your loss with you and that I am not your lordship, not a prince, but I am your father.”

L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. The writer endowed one of the main characters of his work, Andrei Bolkonsky, not only with external nobility, but also with internal nobility, which he did not immediately discover in himself. Andrei Bolkonsky had to go through a lot, rethink a lot before he could forgive his enemy, the dying Anatoly Kuragin, an intriguer and traitor, for whom he had previously only felt hatred.
This example illustrates the ability of a noble person to achieve true spiritual heights.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s yard”. The problem of true and false beauty also appears in the works of writers of modern literature: Solzhenitsyn, Astafiev, Rasputin, Shukshin. The main character of Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryonin’s Dvor” is endowed with a discreet appearance. Only one detail is repeated - Matryona’s “radiant smile”. It is important for the author to depict the inner light streaming from her eyes and to emphasize the idea: “All people always have good faces, those who are in harmony with their conscience.” Only the death of the mistress made the narrator understand her spiritual essence. That is why the motif of repentance sounds so strongly in the story.

A. Platonov “Yushka”. Internal culture is true value. This is the main idea of ​​A. Platonov’s story “Yushka”. The main character is a simple, harmless person who will not respond to rudeness with rudeness, who has not become coarse in a callous world, but who resists his kindness. All his life Yushka was beaten, insulted and offended. But he never showed anger towards people; the old man saw bullying as a strange and incomprehensible form of self-love. He lived by love for nature, people, and especially love for Dasha, an orphan whom he raised and educated in Moscow, denying himself almost everything: he never drank tea, did not eat sugar, and saved a lot. Having become a doctor, the girl came to the town to see Yushka to cure him of consumption, a disease that had tormented him for a long time. But, unfortunately, it was already too late. Yushka died. And only after death did people understand what kind of person the old man was and they became impoverished.

V. Astafiev “Photograph in which I am not present.” The story describes the people of a simple village. They live poorly, their life is very simple. But the main thing is that, living in difficult conditions, they retained warmth within themselves and give it to others. The villagers, as depicted by the author, are illiterate, their speech is simple, they always speak with their souls. Isn't this the beauty of a person? This story is very modern in our time, as we lack the beauty of the soul. Here it is, beauty: in a village where neighbors help each other, mentor the young and inexperienced, do not spare treats for guests, provide support, and do not betray friends. The village women help the teacher and his wife, bring food, take care of the child, and mentor the young teacher. An example of respect, help and mutual assistance. It's very rare these days to see neighbors helping each other. They hem felt boots for a school teacher without any payment. He is respected and loved simply because he greets everyone and never refuses anything. The village lives like one big family, friendly and strong. Let there be quarrels sometimes, but with the power of goodness, helping and forgiving, you can overcome all adversity. He is a kind, open person, everyone always likes him, he brings light to the society he finds himself in. There are a lot of outwardly beautiful people, but some of them may turn out to be cold-hearted, which very often repels and offends others. But a truly beautiful person is one who is beautiful in soul, beautiful in his actions, in the words with which he expresses his thoughts, in his smile. Beauty lies in the heart!

The little prince uttered very wise words that not every adult will understand: “Only the heart is vigilant. You cannot see the most important things with your eyes.” He meant that appearance says nothing about a person. The main thing is what is in his soul. A beautiful person may turn out to be completely immoral, while an unattractive person may turn out to be a person with high moral principles.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Svidrigailov is pleasant in appearance. His appearance does not betray his terrible inner world: the hero is ready to do anything for the sake of his slightest whim. At first glance, it is impossible to see Svidrigailov as a tyrant and rapist.

You can say something completely different about Sonya Marmeladova. Because of her lifestyle, she is pale, thin, and intimidated. But behind this appearance lies a truly beautiful inner world.

Oscar Wilde "The Portrait of Dorian Gray"

As a young man, Dorian makes a wish: he asks that a portrait painted by Basil Hallward grow old in his place. The wish comes true. Beauty becomes the main source of power for a young man. Dorian Gray does not change over the years. His appearance is not spoiled by immoral actions. Behind the beautiful appearance of the young man hides an immoral creature for whom nothing is sacred. People who don't know what this person is capable of don't see anything bad in him. Beauty only outwardly hides moral ugliness. It turns out that appearances are deceiving.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Helen Kuragina is beautiful, but that does not make her a good person. This woman is immoral, selfish, selfish, stupid. Attractive appearance has nothing to do with the moral qualities of the heroine.

Marya Bolkonskaya's appearance cannot be called attractive. The true beauty of this person is manifested in high moral principles and moral actions. The heroes, capable of seeing real beauty, did not attach importance to the appearance of Princess Marya.

  • Category: Arguments for the Unified State Exam essay
  • N. Zabolotsky - poem “Ugly Girl”.

The poet wonders what beauty is. He sees an ugly girl running carelessly around the yard with the boys. But at the same time, she is kind, knows how to rejoice in the happiness of others, and in her movements there is an “infantile facia of the soul.” And in the finale the poet exclaims: “And if so, then what is beauty and why do people deify it? Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness, or a fire flickering in the vessel? And we understand that the beauty of a person’s inner world is just as important as his appearance.

  • L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. In the contrast between a person’s external appearance and his inner world, according to L.N. Tolstoy, there is a deep meaning. This is another illustration of the idea of ​​opposition between true and false values ​​in human life. Tolstoy’s heroine, who does not have a very attractive appearance, is Marya Bolkonskaya. However, she is kind, noble, religious, and has the highest fortitude. Love completely transforms her, making her beautiful, radiant eyes shine, giving grace to her movements. And Princess Marya finds her happiness in marriage with Nikolai Rostov. Beauty Helen, on the contrary, is completely devoid of any internal content. She is selfish, deceitful, immoral. “Where you are, there is debauchery, evil...” Pierre tells her. Her life is empty, meaningless. It seems that for her the very concept of “happiness” does not exist. In the finale she dies, having done nothing good in this life.
  • A.N. Tolstoy - story “Russian character”. The hero of the story, Lieutenant Egor Dremov, was crippled at the front, burned in a tank, then lay in the hospital for a very long time, underwent many operations, as a result of which his appearance changed, his face was severely disfigured. At the same time, he was a very modest person, did not like to brag about his exploits, and tried not to burden others with anything. After everything that happened, the lieutenant thought that now his parents would be afraid of his appearance, his fiancee Katya would abandon him. Therefore, when I came home on vacation, I called myself by someone else’s name. But for the parents and Katya, the most important thing was that he was alive, and not his appearance. The author admires Russian characters in this story. He notices that external simplicity, a person’s modesty, unprepossessing appearance - all this is just the first impression of a person. And the depth of human nature is revealed in moments of severe trials: “It seems that a simple person, but a severe misfortune will come, and a great strength will rise in him - human beauty!”

V. Hugo - novel “Notre Dame Cathedral”. The bell ringer of Notre Dame Cathedral, the hunchback Quasimodo, falls in love with the beautiful Esmeral. He saves her from death by hiding her within the walls of the Cathedral. Thus, an externally ugly and internally contradictory hero turns out to be endowed with beautiful human qualities: kindness, devotion, the gift of strong and selfless love. At the end of the novel, Esmeralda is executed, and Quasimodo dies hugging his beloved.