The influence of the social environment on society. Social environment and personality. Formation of conventional meanings

The formation of a person’s personality occurs in society. These are two interrelated social phenomena. Personality and do not exist separately. They are the subject of close interest and study of the entire complex of socio-economic disciplines: history, economics, psychology, philosophy and sociology.

How do individuals and society interact?

Who is the subject and object of this mutual influence? What are the patterns of personality integration in society? We will try to answer questions and outline modern approaches to the nature of the relationship between man and the world around him.

Man as an individual

The birth of a person is reflected through a set of metric indicators, which together provide information about the individual. Height, weight, health, nationality, place and date of birth are the basic characteristics with which a person comes into the world.

In the process of development, a person as an individual interacts with the outside world. And the path of his development is as individual and unique as his anthropometric portrait.

Each individual has a family or is left without one, was born in an economically prosperous metropolis or in a remote village - all these are factors in the social environment that have a direct impact on the formation of character, views, culture and the method of further socialization.

In the process of becoming a member of society, an individual acquires psychological characteristics, habits, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics. He becomes an individual in society. And only the full right to which is officially regulated by the age of majority transforms individuality into a personality.

Stages of socialization

Socialization is the process of integration of an individual into society, as a result of which at each stage he acquires the qualities of a full member. Personality and social environment are dynamic units. At all stages of their interaction or refusal to interact, a change in subject-object roles occurs.

Three stages of personality socialization can be distinguished:

  • The period of entry into society: mastering norms and requirements, developing communicative methods of interaction with the outside world.
  • The period of self-actualization in society: determination of personal characteristics, one’s position, status, social preferences.
  • The period of integration: the formation of personality and active interaction between the social environment and the individual.

All three periods are not strictly tied to age stages and can be carried out synchronously in each age period.

Entering society

Conventionally, the beginning of socialization can be attributed to the age stages of infancy and childhood. This period is characterized by the acquisition of initial experience of interaction between individuality and society. Social environmental factors directly influence the formation of a person’s attitude towards the world.

If this is a socially disadvantaged environment, then it can form a negative scenario for the individual’s behavior and lead in the future to an antisocial lifestyle. There are other examples: if during the period of personality formation a person makes a choice not in favor of the negative environment around him, he has every chance to change his environment.

In any case, the characteristics of the social environment leave an imprint on the initial experience. An indicator of the level of personality is freedom of choice. Every person has the right to follow the norms of society to the extent that corresponds to his personal nature.

Self-actualization in society

During this period, the formation of a person’s position in society occurs.

In adolescence, when a re-evaluation of the world around us and one’s place in it occurs, an active process of social self-identification takes place, a person declares himself and his place in society.

This is a rather painful process for the individual. Sometimes for the immediate environment. The social environment and the socialization of the individual in it is a two-way process. By declaring his place, a person thereby demands to determine the attitude of other members of society towards himself, to “conquer” his personal space from the world. Often this involves the interests of other people.

The ability to come to an agreement and find a common interest is required by both the individual and the society interested in successful adaptation and receiving social benefit from a new member of the community.

Integration into society

The most important period for society and people is the stage of integration, when an already accomplished person realizes himself. The individual and the social environment are interested in each other. If at the first and second stages of the process of entering society, a person as an individual more often acted as an object of relations, society taught him to be its member, then during the period of integration a person already appears, with an active position as a subject of social interactions.

What does this mean?

  • A person is included in the production, distribution and consumption of a social product.
  • He fully exercises his rights and is responsible for the consequences of his activities to society.
  • Determines his civic position in the state.

Thus, the individual, without ceasing to be an object of society, acts as a subject of management of the community in which he has been socialized and influences it.

Conventions of the stages of socialization

All these stages of socialization are conditional in their horizontal historical orientation. At each stage, the role and status of an individual can change; in different conditions, the same person can perform different social roles and statuses.

The stage of entering society can be repeated at any period of the individual’s social maturity, with the status of either a social community, a professional community, or in other similar cases.

Plays an important role If a person changes jobs or gets married, then he is forced to go through the process of socialization again. Determine to what extent he is satisfied or not with the new socio-cultural environment, and make a choice as a free individual.

Relationships between the individual and society

An individual at birth becomes an individual in the process of interaction with other people and is formed as a socially significant person. Personality is the result of social evolution, limited to the experience of one person from an individual to a full member of society.

The quality of the social environment is an important characteristic for the development of personality.

On the other hand, pure copying and reproduction of the values ​​of society is not enough for the prospects for the development of society. And here lies the potential of the individual.

Personal freedom forces us to change the boundaries of society's ability to ensure this right. This is the purpose of the individual - improving the world around him through active participation both in the method of production of goods and in the architecture of knowledge.

Role and status of the individual

A person in society has a certain social status - a set of social characteristics that determine his place in the social hierarchy.

In accordance with it, a certain social image of a person and an a priori form of the attitude of other people towards him in a limited social circle are formed.

In society, each member performs social roles. This is a model of individual behavior characteristic of the social circle of society. It happens that a person’s individual merits become unacceptable traits for society. For example, a brilliant person is a person who is extremely inconvenient for his immediate environment; his talent neutralizes the interests of his family, and he often finds it difficult to fit into the norms of his immediate environment.

Social paradigm and freedom

Personality is the result of the socialization of the individual into society. Let us ask the question of whether society always corresponds to the level of individual freedom. And where are the criteria, to what extent does society meet her interests, and should she follow the standards set by this society? Personality and social environment - where is the line of freedom at this intersection?

Society is a living organism. And, just like a person, it has a different orientation - humane and inhumane in relation to its members. History provides a lot of examples for this.

Society in relation to a specific person acts as a social paradigm, a model with values ​​given by history and time. The characteristics of the social environment differ significantly within the social paradigm.

Behavior model

The model of Soviet society as a social paradigm set the vector of strict compliance of each member of society with state standards. Freedom was limited by the norms of communist morality - to be like everyone else. Actually, it was a given lack of freedom into which a person found himself at birth. The person was at risk of losing either his head or other important organs.

The fate of lonely heroes who do not give up the right to freedom of choice is, alas, sad. But only they can rightfully be considered individuals, since the main characteristic of these people is freedom of choice.

About society and man

Man is a social being; he cannot fulfill his destiny outside of society.

An important motive for progress is the individual and the social environment in which it could be realized. One of the well-known forms of recognition by society of a person’s merits is the awarding of the title of Nobel Prize laureate. These are people whose personal contributions are recognized as socially significant for the progress of society. These are people who have not only achieved grandiose goals, but are spiritually rich, independent in their ability to be free, worthy members of human society.

Albert Einstein, physicist, author of the theory of relativity, said worthy words: more important than achieving success in life is understanding its meaning. Very relevant words for today, considering that the Internet is littered with ways of “how to become successful,” and this success is measured by the size of your wallet.

The great Irish playwright, a man with a great sense of humor, said: get what you want, or you will have to love what you get. These words have a deep meaning. He encourages a person to develop the world around him, set goals worthy of him and not be limited by what society is ready to give.

On the influence of the social environment on the development of a person’s personality

Modern science has long not rejected the fact that man develops under the influence of both his nature and the external environment.

Research by geneticists shows that biological prerequisites play a very important role in the development of personality. On the other hand, experiments and observations of psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists show the equally important role of the influence of the social environment on the development of a person’s personality.

The individual and the social environment interact all the time. By changing the environment we try to influence the individual, but does our influence always lead to positive results?

Let's start with a description of the famous Cambridge-Somerville Study.

In 1935, American psychologist Richard Clark Cabot (R. Cl. Cabot) developed a positive impact program for boys aged 5 to 13 years. It is important to note that quite a lot of them were considered disadvantaged, having delinquencies, complaints from school and social services.

Experimental and control groups were formed. Each included 250 boys, all from working-class families living in a densely populated area of ​​Massachusetts. The distribution in them was carried out randomly, so that in the future it was possible to compare the fate of those participating in the experiment and subjected to targeted social influence (experimental group) with the control group, which was not influenced in any way.

Boys from the experimental group were influenced by various forms of social assistance for 5 years, namely:

Social service workers visited them twice a month and tried to help them solve their problems, for example, in resolving family conflicts.

For half of the participants, classes were organized with tutors in school subjects.

More than a hundred boys had the opportunity to be under medical and psychiatric supervision.

Most had the opportunity to communicate with members of youth organizations: Boy Scouts, Young Men's Christian Association, and others.

About 25% attended summer youth camps.

Throughout five years boys in the experimental group received various positive social influences. All means at the disposal of the researchers were used. The program was well received by both its staff and the majority of participants.

Then, for 40 years (remember, the study began in 1935), participants in the experimental and control groups were observed. In total, data were collected from 95% of participants. The purpose of the observations was to study how this program affected the life outcomes of the children who participated in it.

The results were unexpected.

  • There were no differences between the control and experimental groups in terms of the level of crimes committed, health status, professional success and life satisfaction.
  • Moreover! In terms of such indicators as repeated offenses in adulthood, cases of alcoholism, obtaining the status of employees and specialists, the comparison was in favor of the control group. This meant that some participants experienced some harm from social assistance.
The work carried out for five years with children and adolescents not only did not bring any benefit, but in some way had a negative impact on the future life path of some participants in the experiment.

There are several explanations for this, for example:
  • Environmental factors contributing to antisocial behavior were found to be much greater than the impact of the program. Conclusion: There is a need to improve the overall socio-economic status of children.
  • Chance plays a big role in the fact that a person commits antisocial or criminal acts.

    But these and other interpretations do not explain why organized help for children did not bring any benefits. Only one thing can be stated: the influence of the environment in which they lived was not overcome. Everything that was done for the children did not bring positive results.

    After all, if participation in the experiment would have helped at least a few children, then the overall positive outcome would have been in favor of the experimental group, but this did not happen.

    And some were harmed, as mentioned above. Here again there are several possible explanations:

  • Some of those who received help might not like it, it might cause them to be rejected.
  • Visits to specialists could be perceived negatively not only by those to whom they came, but also by those around them, which had consequences.
  • Some who received social support relied on it too much for 5 years, and then experienced disappointment when it ended, which increased their lack of confidence in their abilities and ability to cope independently with future problems.
  • Communication with people from a different social class (tutors, peers in summer camps, medical and other workers) could cause them negative feelings about the realities of the existing world and their own prospects.

    Which of these is true? Unknown.

But one thing is clear: the social environment in the development of personality cannot be underestimated.

Various programs, which, according to their developers, seem to have a significant impact in a positive direction, may not be significant compared to the influence of the social environment on human development and life. And sometimes it has the exact opposite effect than originally intended.

The Cambridge-Somerville study provided another unexpected source of thought.

Among the boys from the control group were those who grew up in a fairly prosperous home environment - fathers had regular jobs, mothers successfully ran households. For others, everything was much worse - drunkenness, unemployment, sometimes mental illness of parents, etc.

However, after 40 years, it turned out that the difference in indicators characterizing life outcomes (number of cases of imprisonment, number of mental disorders, income level, belonging to the professional and white-collar class) between men from prosperous and dysfunctional families was either small or completely absent.

It turned out that the situation in the family could not predict people’s future life outcomes.

Some of the members of the control group had decent careers and were good family men. Others became criminals, chronically unemployed and drunkards, and showed aggression towards their loved ones. But all this had nothing to do with the situation in their parental family.

Can we conclude from this that the family has almost no influence on a person’s socialization?

No, such a conclusion cannot be drawn. In addition, during the research process, “fine tuning” of family influence was not revealed; only external signs were taken into account.

But it can be assumed that the influence of the social environment on a person’s development and life may be more significant than any manifestations of family well-being.

In other words, the influence of society on personal development and human life turns out to be so strong that the influence of family relationships against this background may be completely insignificant.

Here is another study conducted jointly by American and Chinese neurophysiologists.

Native speakers of English and Chinese were examined.
All subjects were given the following tasks:

  • Numbers in the Arabic alphabet were presented.
  • It was necessary to answer how much 2+2 would be.
While performing tasks, the subjects' brain activity was recorded using MRI.

The following trend has emerged.

The brains of English speakers and native Chinese speakers worked differently when performing tasks (different areas were activated, and the same areas were activated with different intensities), i.e. The numbers of the Arabic alphabet had a different biological encryption among the subjects, depending on what language they were a native speaker of. A similar trend emerged when solving the problem - what is 2+2?

Let us emphasize that this is a trend. There were some English-speaking participants who did the same as Chinese speakers, and vice versa. But these were isolated cases.

It turns out that it is the differences in Eastern and Western cultures that influence brain development, beginning in the perinatal period and continuing until approximately 20 years of age. This manifests itself at the biological level even with such simple mental actions as recognizing numbers and performing basic arithmetic operations.

The study shows that the environment also influences human development in biological terms. Differences in the cultural environment can manifest themselves not only in the use of different languages, strategies for teaching mathematics, in different educational systems, but also in many other things.

There are many other neurophysiological studies showing that the influence of the social environment on human development is manifested even at the biological level.

More about environmental impact.

For a long time it was believed that a person’s genetic predisposition, for example, to depression, leads to the fact that under the influence of certain environmental factors he will definitely develop a problem.

But everything turned out to be more complicated. New research in genetics has shown that one of the most important genetic characteristics of a person is the plasticity of the nervous system, which determines how susceptible he is to environmental influences. The level of plasticity is determined by a set of genes.

But the same set of them will push a person towards depression if he grows up in an unfavorable environment, and, conversely, make him more stable if he grows up in favorable conditions.

Plasticity genes are multifunctional and there are many of them. Their different groups determine the plasticity of the psyche in relation to the influence of various environmental factors. But whether it will be positive or negative depends on the conditions of this environment.

In more detail about the influence of the environment on the human brain, we invite you to listen to an interesting lecture by one of the leading neurophysiologists, Professor Yu.I. Alexandrova

We asked our consultant, a psychologist with 30 years of experience, a specialist in adolescence and child-parent relations, Ilya Bazenkov, to comment on this article.

Question. How can you comment on the results of the Cambridge-Somerville Study?

IB. Let me tell you right away that I had never even heard of this study before. In Russian-language literature it is described in the translated book by L. Ross and R. Nisbett; I have not seen any other mentions of it. Moreover, I asked quite a lot of colleagues, including doctors and candidates of science, and no one knew about this study. This is the fact. But thanks to the help of a sociologist who studies problems of criminal behavior, I received many links to foreign sources citing this research. It turns out that for foreign colleagues it is of great importance.

Now to the point. Why the positive social impact program did not produce results, and in some ways even caused harm, I do not know. More precisely, you can imagine a lot, but will it be true?
I can only say, based on personal professional experience, that adults tend to overestimate the effectiveness of some of their actions, aimed, in their opinion, at a positive impact on a child or adolescent.
This applies not only to parents, but also to teachers and other professionals working with children and adolescents. I think the main reason for this is that adults proceed from their ideas about “what is good and what is bad” and try to transfer their own worldview and value system to children. And the result is often zero, and sometimes the opposite.

As for the influence of the environment on humans, this has long been known. What can I comment here? Better listen to the lectures of Yuri Iosifovich Alexandrov, there are many of them on YouTube. I will only say that parents can, to a certain extent, somehow organize the environment in which their child lives - the family environment, the choice of school, some extra-curricular institutions.

Question. But the results of this study regarding the influence of family on a person’s future life are also completely unexpected. What can you say about them?

IB. I don’t even know what to say. For me they were simply incredible. After all, the influence of the family on personal development cannot be disputed. After all, the family is a very important element of the child’s environment. On the other hand, external signs of well-being or ill-being in the family may be secondary.

You know, when in consultations you have to deal with the intricacies of parent-child relationships, very different things become clear that are not on the surface. In my opinion, the family has a positive impact when the child first of all feels psychologically safe in it. I mean not only early age, but also adolescence.
Let me say something completely seditious. Even if there is something unfavorable in the family, for example, drunkenness, quarrels and even sometimes physical punishment, but the teenager does not feel psychological violence, then this may be better for him than psychological pressure with external well-being. But this is a separate and long topic.
In any case, family influence plays a big role in the development of a person’s personality. Returning to the unexpected results of the Cambridge-Somerville study, I can only repeat that the family environment in it was determined solely by external signs, and this does not give grounds to draw conclusions about the insignificance of the influence of the family on a person’s future life.
Another thing is that the influence of the environment on a teenager can indeed often outweigh parental influence. This is due to the characteristics of the teenage period of mental development.

I have a proposal. Give me a couple of weeks, I will more carefully study English-language articles on the topic of this research, try to find colleagues who are familiar with it, and we will return to this topic.

In two weeks.

Question. Well, can you add anything else to what you said earlier?

IB. Why the program conducted with children gave such results, there is nothing special to add. Only one thing. One English-language article analyzing this study gives many interpretations. But the main thing that is said there is that the negative results of some programs or studies, as a rule, are not published or their results are not evaluated at all, as was the case in the Cambridge-Somerville study. After all, to evaluate the results of any intervention, a control group and longitudinal study (long-term observation) are necessary.

Regarding the influence of the family on the development of personality and a person’s future life. All the colleagues whom I asked to comment agreed on one thing - one cannot draw conclusions about its impact on a child or adolescent just by the external signs of the family situation. In a family, a much more important role is played by subtle mechanisms of interaction between parents and children, which are not always on the surface..


1. L. Ross, R. Nisbett Person and situation: Lessons from social psychology.

2. Mark Lipsey et al. Improving the Effectiveness of Juvenile Justice Programs: A New Perspective on Evidence-Based Practice (Washington, DC: Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, 2010).

3. Zane, S. N., Welsh, B. C., & Zimmerman, G. M. (2015). Examining the iatrogenic effects of the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study: Existing explanations and new appraisals. British Journal of Criminology, 56(1), 141

4. Nancy Eisenberg et al. Does mindfulness appear in childhood? (Conscientiousness: Origins in Childhood?) Developmental Psychology, December 17, 2012

5.Yiyuan Tang, Wutian Zhang, Kewei Chen, Shigang Feng, Ye Ji, Junxian Shen, Eric M. Reiman, Yijun Arithmetic processing in the brain shaped by cultures

6. Jay Belsky, Michael Pluess. Beyond Risk, Resilience, and Dysregulation: Phenotypic Plasticity and Human Development,” Development and Psychopathology 25, no. 4, pt. 2 (2013), 1243–61;

7. Jay Belsky, Michael Pluess. Cumulative-Genetic Plasticity, Parenting, and Adolescent Self-Regulation,” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52, no. 5 (2011), 619–26.

| The influence of the social environment on human development and health

Basics of life safety
6th grade

Lesson 32

The influence of the social environment on human development and health.

The general development and health of a person depend on the state of his environment - natural, technogenic, social - and on his behavior in this environment in everyday life.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with the main factors of the social environment that influence the social development of a person and the formation of his health (by health we mean a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects).

Social development of a person is his gradual preparation for adult independent life. The level of social development of a person is determined by the level of his education, the acquisition of certain labor skills, the ability to communicate with people around him in the process of life.

The social maturity of a person is usually determined by a number of qualities. This is the completion of education, the acquisition of a certain profession, economic independence and the ability to live independently.

At your age, your system of relationships towards other people, yourself and society as a whole is gradually restructured. You are developing a new level of self-awareness. You begin to evaluate your qualities, focusing on socially significant criteria and standards for you.

At your age, a person is just at the stage of development when he begins to develop an interest in professional activities. You study at a general education institution, where you receive systematic knowledge about the world around you, and perhaps successfully get involved in certain types of activities (modelling, working with technology, household appliances, etc.). All this is the basis for your future professional activity.

Yours social maturation occurs in the family, when communicating with loved ones; at school, when communicating with teachers and peers; on the street, when communicating with friends and acquaintances; Your development is influenced by listening and watching radio and television programs.

Gradually your personal life experience is formed, you determine your place in the world around you and develop life guidelines.

In order to ensure that the influence of the surrounding world does not have a negative impact on your development and health, you must constantly learn to determine what will bring you harm and what will benefit you. You shouldn’t be indiscriminate when choosing your friends, and you shouldn’t watch everything on TV. A mistake in choice can lead to undesirable consequences. There are more than enough examples of this in our time.

Test yourself

■ What should be understood by the social environment?
■ What factors of the social environment influence the overall development of a person?
■ Why should you be careful and careful when choosing the company of your peers? Justify your answer.

After classes

Write down TV shows in your safety diary that really help you in learning, self-development and self-improvement. Next to the title of each TV show, list what new knowledge and practical advice you get from it.

Give an example of how a mistake in choosing friends led to undesirable consequences in the life of one of your acquaintances (or an acquaintance of your friend). Write this example in your safety diary in the form of a short story (10 sentences) with the obligatory conclusion about what the main character’s mistake was.

The influence of drugs and other psychoactive substances on human health

Psychoactive substances are chemical substances of natural or artificial origin, the use of which leads to changes in a person’s mental state. These are narcotic and toxic substances. They cause a person's addiction to them. The distribution and use of narcotic substances is subject to special control. A morbid addiction to narcotic substances is called drug addiction, and to toxic substances - substance abuse.

In our country, the illegal use, production, distribution, and storage of narcotic substances are considered a criminal offense.

Toxic substances include some medications, household chemicals (solvents, varnishes, adhesives, etc.), alcohol and nicotine.

Substance abuse- this is their consumption for non-medical purposes.

If abuse entails a painful condition, then it is a disease. Drug addiction and substance abuse are diseases. In both cases we are talking about a painful attraction to a certain substance.

Drug addiction and substance abuse develop gradually, with increasing manifestations of the disease. At first, the use of psychoactive substances is associated with the desire to simply try. Typically, use begins with isolated cases, then becomes more and more frequent and, finally, systematic. The period of episodic, single use constitutes the onset of the disease, and the transition to regular use of the drug (substance) indicates the emergence of drug addiction, i.e., a deep illness. The main symptom of the disease is desire.

Craving is the need for a drug (or toxic substance), which manifests itself as a craving for it .

How is this attraction formed? Every person has a pleasure center in the brain, which provides a good mood and reacts to certain actions and behavior of a person. We solved a difficult problem - we had fun, met with friends - we had fun, we had a delicious lunch - we also had fun. At the same time, we feel pleasure thanks to special regulatory substances available in the human body - neurotransmitters1. In their composition, neurotransmitters 1 are psychoactive substances. Their concentration in the body is negligible. They provide pleasure as a result of human life.

1 Neurotransmitters are chemical substances whose molecules are capable of reacting with the nerve cells of the body, causing their activity.

A completely different picture occurs after the artificial introduction of psychoactive substances (nicotine, alcohol, drugs) into the body.

Firstly, the body does not regulate the amount of artificially administered substances, an overdose may occur.

Secondly, getting pleasure from artificially administered psychoactive substances does not require any effort from a person, which means it weakens the body and makes it more susceptible to various diseases.

Thirdly, the human body receives less pleasure from its natural behavior.

Fourthly, the body gradually gets used to the dose of psychoactive substances being taken and can no longer cope without their constant administration. This need is the attraction to the drug.

Initially, the attraction to the drug manifests itself at the level of mental dependence: the drug is needed to restore a normal mental state. If you do not take it, there will be a bad mood, irritability, decreased performance, and obsessive desires will appear.

As drug addiction or substance abuse develops further, craving begins to manifest itself at the level of physical dependence, and a painful craving for a psychoactive substance appears. Without a dose of the drug, a person experiences a disorder of the nervous system and internal organs.

With the advent of physical dependence on a drug, a person’s behavior and life interests begin to change. His main concern is satisfying the increasing craving for the drug.

In this state, a person’s lifestyle, behavior and attitude towards others changes. A person at this stage of drug addiction becomes unrestrained, embittered, suspicious and touchy. He is characterized by indifference to the fate of loved ones and to his own fate.

Gradually, the body of a drug addict or substance abuser weakens and becomes physically decrepit. All the body’s defenses are weakened, as a result of which the development of any diseases, infectious and non-infectious, is possible. The life expectancy of a drug addict is sharply reduced by 20-30 years, if you can call it life.

We have described the stages of development of diseases of drug addiction and substance abuse, diseases to which a person dooms himself, voluntarily, by trying a psychoactive substance. This is the price of curiosity to experience the pleasure of intoxication with a psychoactive substance.

To confirm what has been said, we present an excerpt from Sergei Baimukhametov’s book “Golden Dreams. Confessions of drug addicts." Here is one of the confessions:

“The worst thing about drug addiction is the psychological side. Something terrible is happening inside a person. How can I convey this?.. I wrote in my diaries: this feeling is as if a person had fallen into a grave. Now he wakes up, sees that he is alive, he still has strength, but there is no way to get out. You are alive, but you are already a corpse - something like this. When the “roof” is driving, it seems to you that you, a fifteen-year-old girl, are being watched by the special services, rats are jumping out from under your feet, spiders are hanging in clusters - all this is in you, inside, but at the same time, as if externally. then you understand everything... Well, how can I explain?.. The crazy people don’t know that they are crazy. There are paranoids, schizophrenics, but they consider themselves normal people. And when the “roof” goes away, you understand everything, as if on yourself. from the outside you look and see. But you can't stop. Imagine that you, exactly you, start stripping naked in the square, shouting some nonsense, swearing at everyone... You understand that you are doing something terrible, incompatible with the concepts, incompatible with you, you don’t want this, but you do it.

This is what psychosis is, this is what the state of a drug addict is. The whole psyche, brain, soul, the whole person is torn into two parts, going to the breaking point. Can this be sustained?

Experts note that the first try of drugs sometimes occurs at 8-10 years old, but most often at 11-13 years old. In most cases, a person who starts using drugs can no longer get rid of this addiction.

Why are more and more people embarking on the path of voluntary self-destruction??

There are several reasons for this, but the main one is: drugs and their distribution bring huge profits to drug traffickers, amounting to billions of dollars. For this they are ready to do anything.

A whole series of myths have been created to promote drugs:

■ drugs are “serious” and “frivolous”, light;
■ drugs make a person free;
■ drugs help solve life's problems.

In addition, teenagers and young people form the erroneous opinion: even if I try a drug, I will not become a drug addict, I can overcome the habit and stop using drugs at any time.

All this is a terrible deception, its goal is to attract as many teenagers and young people as possible to drug use, earning huge amounts of money from drug distribution.

The cruel truth is this: once you start using drugs, it’s forever. Consider that there is no turning back.

Test yourself

■ Why is drug addiction considered a practically incurable disease?
■ Why do drugs bring huge profits to their distributors? Justify.

After classes

Find on the Internet or in the media, in books from the library, an example of how a young man’s drug addiction practically ruined his family, since the costs of doctors far exceeded the funds that he would need for a decent existence in a social environment. Prepare a message on this topic.

You were invited to a company where there are many guys you didn’t know before. One of them defiantly smokes cigarettes with a smile on his face. When asked what type of cigarettes he smokes, the new acquaintance replies that it is light “weed.” Unexpectedly, he offers to join him, assuring that a couple of puffs will make you feel good and there is no dependence on this “weed.” What are your actions?


The main components of adaptation are a new social environment, a new team, a system of educational relations and a new role, which have a positive and negative impact on the process of adaptation of students. The process of adaptation of students has its own mechanisms and complications.

  • Professional standard of a teacher and quality of training: determinants of modern education
  • Formation of valeological culture of future social work specialists at the university
  • Dichotomy of social responsibility of the intelligentsia: sociocultural analysis
  • The role of parents in shaping a healthy lifestyle for a child
  • Problems of forming patriotic consciousness among the younger generation

Considering adaptation as the process and result of an individual’s adaptation to the environment, it is necessary to note the concept of “environment”.

Environment is:

  • sphere of habitation and activity of mankind;
  • the natural world surrounding man and the material world created by him.

The social environment is one of the factors in the formation and development of personality, this fact has always been recognized. Psychologists, social workers and teachers for centuries, in the process of development of science, culture, and society, have studied the mutual influence and interaction of the environment and humans. K. D. Ushinsky believed that a person is formed under the influence of the entire complex of influences associated with the environment.

The ideas of the 19th Russian democrats V. G. Belinsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov and others are imbued with a deep faith in man, in his development and improvement. Belinsky’s famous statement is that nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.

The problem of the environment was widely developed in the second half of the 20s - 30s. N.K. Krupskaya, A.V. Lunacharsky, S.T. Shatsky emphasized that it is necessary to study all the factors that shape an individual: both organized and spontaneous. The environment and its influence on humans was studied both theoretically and in the form of specific studies of the material, housing, everyday and cultural living conditions of people. There is a relationship between the economic and social status of the family and the level of education; specific features of people’s lives and the impact on their development were identified. Various attempts have been made to bring about certain changes in the environment of people. The study of the environment was carried out from a class position, as evidenced by the terms: proletarian, worker-peasant, socialized, intellectual and other environment.

Since the nature of the influence of the environment depended on quality, the researchers of those years, developing an ideal model of its use, saw the environment as healthy, moral, expedient, rationally organized, etc. It was assumed that this environment should nourish ideals, create good dominants, creativity, develop independence, activity, develop skills of reasonable, disciplined behavior, etc.

From the above, I. A. Karpyuk and M. B. Chernova define the concept of “social environment”.

Social environment is a part of the environment consisting of interacting individuals, groups, institutions, cultures, and so on.

The social environment is an objective social reality, which is a set of material, political, ideological, socio-psychological factors of direct interaction with a person in the process of his life and practical activities.

The main structural components of the social environment are:

  • social conditions of people's lives;
  • social actions of people;
  • relationships between people in the process of activity and communication;
  • social community.

The natural social environment surrounding a person is an external factor of his development. In the process of socialization of the individual, the transformation of a biological individual into a social subject occurs. This is a multifaceted process, it is continuous and continues throughout a person’s life. It occurs most intensely in childhood and adolescence, when all the basic value orientations are laid, social norms and relationships are learned, and the motivation for social behavior is formed.

The process of socialization of an individual occurs in interaction with a huge number of different conditions that more or less actively influence their development. These conditions affecting a person are usually called factors. In fact, to date, not all of them have been identified, and of the known ones, not all have been studied. Knowledge about the factors that were studied is very uneven: quite a lot is known about some, little about others, and very little about others. More or less studied conditions or factors of the social environment can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  1. Megafactors (mega - very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to one degree or another through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth.
  2. Macro factors (macro - large) - country, ethnic group, society, state, which influence the socialization of everyone living in certain countries.
  3. Mesofactors (meso - average, intermediate) - conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by the area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, town); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, etc.); according to belonging to certain subcultures.
  4. Microfactors are factors that directly influence specific people who interact with them - family and home, neighborhood, peer groups, educational organizations, various public, state, religious, private and counter-social organizations, microsociety.

The socialization of a person is carried out by a wide range of universal means, the content of which is specific to a particular society, a particular social stratum, a particular age of the person being socialized. These include:

  • methods of feeding and caring for a baby;
  • developed household and hygienic skills;
  • style and content of communication;
  • elements of spiritual culture (from lullabies and fairy tales to sculptures);
  • products of material culture surrounding a person;
  • methods of reward and punishment in the family, in peer groups, in educational and other socializing organizations;
  • the consistent introduction of a person to numerous types and types of relationships in the main spheres of his life - communication, play, cognition, objective-practical and spiritual-practical activities, sports, as well as in the family, professional, social, religious spheres.

In the process of development, an individual seeks and finds the environment that is most comfortable for him, so he can “migrate” from one environment to another.

According to I. A. Karpyuk and M. B. Chernova, a person’s attitude to the external social conditions of his life in society has the nature of interaction. A person not only depends on the social environment, but also modifies and at the same time develops himself through his active actions.

The social environment acts as a macroenvironment (in a broad sense), i.e. the socio-economic system as a whole, and the microenvironment (in the narrow sense) - the immediate social environment.

The social environment is, on the one hand, a very important factor that accelerates or inhibits the process of personal self-realization, on the other hand, a necessary condition for the successful development of this process. The attitude of the environment towards a person is determined by the extent to which his behavior corresponds to the expectations of the environment. A person’s behavior is largely determined by the position he occupies in society. An individual in society can occupy several positions simultaneously. Each position makes certain demands on a person, that is, rights and obligations, and is called social status. Statuses can be congenital or acquired. Status is determined by a person's behavior in society. This behavior is called social role. In the process of formation and development of personality, positive and negative social roles can be mastered. The individual’s mastery of role behavior that ensures his successful inclusion in social relationships. This process of adaptation to the conditions of the social environment is called social adaptation.

Thus, the social environment has a great influence on the socialization of the individual through social factors. Here we can highlight the fact that a person not only depends on the social environment, but also modifies and, at the same time, develops himself through his active actions. And the way to harmonize an individual with the environment is the strategy of social adaptation.


  1. Albuhanova-Slavskaya, K. A. Life strategy / K. A. Albuhanova-Slavskaya - M.: Mysl, 1991. - 301 p.
  2. Volkov, G. D. Adaptation and its levels / G. D. Volkov, N. B. Okonskaya. - Perm, 1975. - 246 p.
  3. Georgieva, I. A. Social and psychological factors of personality adaptation in a team: abstract of thesis. dis. Ph.D. psychol. Sci. / I. A. Georgieva - L., 1985. - 167 p.
  4. Zavyalova, E. K. Bulletin of the Baltic Pedagogical Academy / E. K. Zavyalova - St. Petersburg, 2001 - 28 p.
  5. Kovalev, A. G. Psychology of personality. / A. G. Kovalev - M.: Mysl, 1973. - 341 p.
  6. Mudrik, A.V. Social pedagogy: Textbook. for students ped. universities / Ed. V. A. Slastenina. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 200 p.
  7. Psychological Dictionary / Ed. V. P. Zinchenko, V. G. Meshcheryakova. -2nd ed., revised. and additional - M: Pedagogy-Press,

Topic: “The influence of the social environment on human health.” Integrated lesson in 8th grade.

Tasks: to form in students an idea of ​​the effects of nicotine, alcohol, and drugs on the human body; consider different ways to resist the negative pressure of the social environment; prepare schoolchildren to make informed, reasonable decisions.

Equipment : tables “Harms of Smoking”, “Harms of Alcohol”, posters “The Effect of Alcohol on the Human Brain”, “Composition of Tobacco Smoke”, on the board there is a poster with an epigraph for the lesson “Each extreme is the fruit of a limited mind and smallness of spirit” (Balzac).

The proposed integrated lesson was taught by biology and social studies teachers in the 8th grade. All students were involved in its preparation. Schoolchildren united in 2 groups and prepared reports on topics proposed by teachers; some children selected illustrative material and decorated the office. The guys from one of the groups represented

“journalists”, interviewed smoking and non-smoking schoolchildren using questions: when did you first smoke? What do you experience when smoking? After smoking? Is smoking harmful or not? Would you like to quit smoking? H DOESN'T ATTRACT YOU TO SMOKING? PARTICIPANTS OF THIS SAME GROUP PREPARED RESPONSES TO SCHOOLCHILDREN'S LETTERS.


I. Introductory speech by biology and social studies teachers, communication of the topic and goals of the lesson.

II. The main part of the lesson.

    Independent work of students in groups on assignments.

    Listening to student reports.

    Exposing bad habits.

    Responses of “journalists” to letters from schoolchildren.

    Practical work: “Smoking as a threat to life.”

III. The final part of the lesson. Conclusions and generalizations .

IV. Homework.

Lesson progress

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.Health is not a personal matter for every person. A healthy person lives a full life and brings great benefit to society. A healthy lifestyle is a system of human behavior, including physical education, creative activity, a highly moral attitude towards people around us, society, nature, therefore, in many respects our health depends on ourselves - proper nutrition, hardening, physical education, skin and oral care , compliance with a rational daily regimen.

Any excess or intemperance causes suffering to a person, leads to illness, and reduces his intelligence. Aristotle said that intelligent people have passions consistent with reason. A good mood arises from moderation in pleasures. Lack and excess usually transform into each other and often lead to physical and moral shock.

Physical, mental, moral, economic damage to a person and society is caused by drunkenness, alcoholism, drug addiction and such bad habits as smoking. All these vices are widespread among young people today. How to protect yourself from these addictions? How to build a wall around yourself that prevents these vices from penetrating into you? And is this possible when there are so many temptations, when there are no visible prohibitions? It turns out that this is possible, and today in our lesson we will try to prove that teenagers can intelligently control their passions.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Independent work of students in groups to complete tasks.

Assignment for the 1st group.

A. Comment on the following words: “Some claim that drinking 100 g of alcohol before meals helps improve appetite.” Do you agree with this? Why do people who abuse alcohol tend to have a blue-purple complexion and nose?

B. Russian psychiatrist Pavel Ivanovich Kovalevsky said that drunkenness is the greatest evil for a person, society, and the state. Explain what the evil of drunkenness is: a) to a person; b) society; c) the state.

V. Vo In many countries around the world, trains have carriages for smokers and non-smokers, and restaurants have lounges for smokers and non-smokers. What do you think is the reason for taking such measures?

G. Using the textbook, find out what effect alcohol and nicotine have on the human heart and blood vessels.

Assignment for group 2.

A. Is a legally responsible person liable if he commits a crime while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs?

B. What measure of responsibility can be determined for persons who induce minors to use drugs?

Q. How do you think drug addiction and crime are related?

D. Is it possible to apply compulsory medical measures to persons who have committed a crime and are recognized as needing treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction?

The issues are discussed and the conclusion is drawn: alcohol, smoking, and drug addiction have a detrimental effect on human health. Bad habits lead to various crimes.

Biology teacher. Today doctors say: human health depends 10% on heredity, 5% on the work of doctors. The remaining 85% is in the hands of the person himself. This means that our health depends on our habits, on our efforts to strengthen it.

The life expectancy of people is influenced by various factors - heredity, environment, bad habits, lifestyle.

2. Listening to student reports.

A. Man and his habitat.

Man is one of 3 million biological species living on Earth. However, he is not only a representative of wildlife, but also a social personality. The human environment is the totality of all conditions of living and inanimate nature, as well as material and cultural values ​​created by him.

In the modern era, the problems of protection and rational use of natural resources have acquired great economic, social and political importance. They affect the interests of all peoples and states.

The smarter the use of natural resources, the greater success industry and agriculture will achieve. Nature protection is one of the most pressing social problems and represents one of the most important national tasks.

Nature conservation activities, within the framework of their competence, are carried out by all parts of the mechanism of the state and its bodies.

Thus, Article 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “Land and other natural resources are used and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis for the life and activities of the peoples living in the relevant territory.”

Man in nature is a powerful environmental factor that changes the appearance of the planet, deteriorates the quality of the environment, which causes the emergence and expansion of diseases such as allergies and cancer. complex social relationships of people lead to the spread of diseases such as alcoholism and drug addiction.

B. The influence of environmental factors on the state of the human respiratory system.

Environmental factors, namely temperature, air humidity, its chemical and bacterial composition, speed of movement, have a direct impact on the human respiratory system. The seasonality of acute respiratory diseases is associated with them. Moreover, the influence of environmental factors has a greater effect when the body is weakened and its protective properties are reduced. The most dangerous carcinogens contained in the air are asbestos and benzopyrene. These substances are part of car exhaust gases, tobacco smoke and are considered to be the cause of the development of lung cancer, the most dangerous disease of the respiratory system.

B. The effect of smoking on the cardiovascular system.

Data from a statistical survey of smoking and non-smoking adolescents aged 15-17 years indicate that smoking experience of up to 5 years does not significantly affect heart rate, but blood pressure is higher in smokers. Even a single dose of smoking caused an increase in heart rate in all adolescents (the more, the younger the age), which persisted for 15 minutes. after smoking. Stroke blood volume immediately after smoking decreased in 15-year-old adolescents and increased in 16-17-year-old boys. Weakening of blood flow in adolescent smokers affects the formation and growth of the body.

D. The effects of alcohol on the human nervous system.

Alcohol and drug use can be considered the most dangerous socio-ecological factors. Their influence should be considered not only from the standpoint of the regularity of their impact on the body, but also from the standpoint of morality and law. A person quickly gets rid of emerging addiction. The child’s body and its not yet formed nervous system suffer especially greatly. Alcoholism is a serious disease caused by addiction to drinking alcohol and leading to complete mental and physical dependence on it, irreversible changes in the body (primarily in the nervous system), and personality degradation.

D. Physical and mental dependence on drugs.

A person is influenced by the social environment in which he lives - society as a whole, family, acquaintances, colleagues. This happens throughout his life. Kids copy adults; for teenagers, the opinions of their peers are important. The influence of others can be positive and negative.

One of the most terrible scourges of our time is drug use. Drug addiction, like a cancerous tumor, as it develops, affects not only the body, but also the soul. The later this disease is recognized, the more difficult the treatment process, which, unfortunately, does not always lead to a complete recovery. Not all young people are fully aware of this danger, believing that adults greatly exaggerate it.

After the speeches a conclusion is drawn : bad habits affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems of a person, and physical and mental dependence on them also occurs.

3. Exposing bad habits.

Biology teacher. One of the most terrible scourges of our time is drug use. Drug addiction, like a cancerous tumor, as it develops, affects not only the body, but also the soul. The later this disease is recognized, the more difficult the treatment process, which, unfortunately, does not always lead to a complete recovery.

A paradoxical fact has been noted all over the world: despite all the efforts in the fight against drugs, young people’s awareness of the true consequences of drug use is declining. This is partly due to the active introduction of a number of myths about drugs into the consciousness of young people.

Each association received the task of exposing one of these myths.

Myth one: try it, everyone tries it. This is not true. Statistics show that most often the victims of such false argumentation are teenagers who are prone to conflicts, deceit, and an unbalanced character. Such individuals are not capable of purposeful activity and do poorly at school. They subsequently become distributors of drugs, which is inevitable, since only in this way can they provide themselves with money for drugs.

Myth two: try it, there will be no harmful consequences.

It has been proven that addiction to some drugs can occur after 1-2 doses. In addition, the individual sensitivity of the body can lead to death at the first injection of the drug. In conditions of clandestine, artisanal drug production, it is impossible to get rid of harmful impurities and accurately dose the substance, which often becomes the cause of severe poisoning.

Myth three: try it, if you don’t like it, you’ll quit. Many believe that there will be no special problems, since a person with a certain will is able to immediately and irrevocably give up drugs. In this case, there is usually a witness who is familiar with someone who, after a period of serious abuse, showed the will, went through “withdrawal” and now has not used drugs for a month (two, shooting range). These are the rarest cases. After all, when using any drugs, “light” or “hard,” the will suffers first of all. What occurs is what narcologists call an energy decline: it is the volitional qualities of the individual that are weakened, the sense of purpose is reduced or lost - the person becomes incapable of productive activity, often stops studying, and loses his job. Everyone should know that medicine, unfortunately, provides ineffective assistance to drug addicts. There are no real means of suppressing mental addiction in her arsenal.

Myth four: the existence of “harmless” drugs. There are no such things! Not all drugs cause physical dependence, but all of them, even with minor use, have a detrimental effect on the individual. Mental dependence often develops even in cases of using such “soft” drugs as marijuana: the will is weakened, interest in life is lost, and a person stops caring about how he looks.

The teacher sums up the performances of the schoolchildren: everyone can become the object of a “well-wisher” who is trying to attract them to the most dangerous “occupation” for humanity. In this case, each person should be ready to resolutely resist such attempts, should know that a “good” friend who will convince you to try “weed” simply out of curiosity, they say, if you don’t like it, then you can quit, as a rule, pursues the most selfish goals , harshly using an inexperienced person. Schoolchildren must remember that none of the dying drug addicts intended to continue taking drugs, everyone just wanted to try it, to satisfy their curiosity. The end for them, as a rule, is tragic: a ruined human destiny, life itself!

Summing up. From the messages we learned that there are no “harmless” drugs, none of the drug addicts intended to continue taking drugs, everyone just wanted to try. But the end is tragic for them.

Social studies teacher . Anyone can become the object of attention of a “well-wisher” who will try to attract to the most dangerous thing for a person

"occupation". In this case, each person must be ready to resolutely reject such attempts and remember that this “good” friend, as a rule, pursues the most selfish goals, cruelly using the inexperienced.

Thousands of teenagers end up in the dock every year. Two out of every three crimes committed by minors are property crimes: theft, robbery, robbery. The number of minors convicted of drug trafficking is growing. Approximately every young offender was under the influence of alcohol or drugs when committing a crime.

Remember: every crime is the money of honest people and they have the right to be outraged by the actions of criminals for two main reasons: first, the criminal threatens their life, health, property; The second is that the fight against crime is carried out at their expense.

Question. What do you think the lack of drugs will lead to for a drug addict?

Suggested answer . The absence of drugs in the body leads to terrible physical suffering. Dementia is on the rise. The body wears out and then dies.

A person at this stage has only one interest in life - where and how to get drugs. And more and more of them are needed.

Question. What are the criminal penalties for drug crimes?

Suggested answer. Based on Article 228. Illegal production, acquisition, storage, transportation, forwarding or sale of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances. Criminal liability arises. It provides for imprisonment for a term of three to fifteen years with confiscation of property, depending on the act committed.

A person who voluntarily surrendered narcotic or psychotropic substances and actively contributed to the detection or suppression of crimes is exempt from criminal liability for this crime.

4. Responses of “journalists” to letters from schoolchildren. The guys representing the “journalists” read the letters and drew conclusions in the form of answers to the schoolchildren’s letters.

Letter one : “Dear editors! We have a football team in our yard. We often play football, but most of my friends smoke and constantly laugh at me because I don't smoke. I believe that sports and smoking are incompatible. And just recently, friends told me that if I didn’t start smoking, they would stop respecting me.

Maybe I should start smoking? I don’t know what to do, what to do. Preserve your health or the respect of your friends? Oleg."

Answer:“Dear Oleg! You are absolutely right that sports and smoking are incompatible, because this bad habit has a detrimental effect on the human body. And, of course, you need to choose health. And friends who give you such an ultimatum are no longer friends, because friendship is not built on any conditions. And don’t worry: you will definitely find real friends who share your point of view on smoking.”

Letter two : “Dear editors! My name is Elena. I am in 9th grade. I recently had a fight with my friend, but we have been friends with her since childhood. Galya invited me to come see her after school. Her new friends are gathering at her house. They smoke and drink. Lately Galya has changed. She told me that I was not modern, and that guys didn’t like that kind of person.

Please advise what should I do?

Answer:“Elena, we, correspondents of the local newspaper, advise you not to follow the example of your friend. It only seems to her that she has become an adult. In fact, if she doesn't change her environment, she will be in serious trouble in the near future. And don’t think that only people like Galya are liked by young people. You will surely meet more worthy people in life!”

    After listening to the letters and the responses to them, we discussed and concluded that if we want to be physically and mentally developed, we need to fight for our health. There are many more people who share this point of view.

5. Practical work: “Smoking as a threat to life.”

Purpose of the lesson: As a result of this lesson, students should be able to describe the physiological effects of smoking and the effects of tobacco tar on living tissue.

Task : Demonstrate to students that resinous substances immediately penetrate the mouth and lungs. The teacher needs to have the necessary equipment and make a smoking device.

Equipment: a clear plastic detergent bottle with a cap; a tube the size of a cigarette, 5-7.5 cm long; cotton ball; plasticine; cigarette; matches.

Contents of the lesson. 1. Prepare the smoking device. To do this, you need to do this: make a hole in the lid the size of the diameter of the tube. Insert the tube and cover the hole with plasticine. Insert a cotton ball into the hole at one end of the tube, and a cigarette at the other. Screw on the lid. Squeeze the bottle and squeeze the air out of it. Light a cigarette and begin to slowly and evenly release pressure on the bottle.

Questions about the work done:

What does the cotton ball look like after the experiment? (When nicotine and other structures of tobacco smoke penetrated into the cotton ball, the color of the ball changed)

What shape does a plastic bottle have? (plastic bottle squeezed)

What effect do you think smoking has on the inside of your lungs? (Components of tobacco smoke affect the lumens of the pulmonary alveoli, the walls of which consist of a surface-active film that protects the lungs from the action of foreign particles.)

Exercise. Read the article “Smoking as a threat to life.” (§ 29 of the textbook)

Question. Describe in detail one of the diseases caused by smoking.

Sample answer. The main cause of the occurrence and development of “tobacco” cough is drops of tar that settle in the lungs. They lead to increased secretion and mucus production associated with sputum production when coughing. Together with other water-soluble substances, nicotine causes spasms of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and reduces the capacity of the lungs. As a result, a constant inflammatory process occurs - chronic bronchitis and constant spasm of the lungs - emphysema. Both of these diseases are typical for smokers and gradually lead to pulmonary failure: shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, and all serious diseases associated with systematic disruption of gas exchange in the body and increasing its susceptibility to various infections.

Conclusion to work: Thus, smoking clearly affects the functional state of breathing.

III. The final part of the lesson. Conclusions and generalizations.

Summary conversation , during which schoolchildren suggest ways to counter bad habits.

Suggested answers.

    Teenagers should devote more time to sports.

    Get outdoors more often, go hiking.

    Tell your friends about the dangers of bad habits and what they can lead to.

    Study the legal aspects related to the use of alcohol, smoking, and drugs.

The lesson ends with the words of the biology teacher. Whether we will be healthy or not depends on you and me, on each of us!!!

IV. Homework.

    Individual assignment: publish a health bulletin “Drugs and AIDS.”