Creative business idea: reproduction of paintings by famous artists on canvas. Creative business idea: reproductions of paintings by famous artists on canvas Business idea selling paintings

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There are quite a lot of talented artists in Russia who, while painting amazing pictures, live from hand to mouth. Why? Because they know how to draw, but they don’t know how to sell at all. And if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to start your own business, pay attention to the painting business. You will not need any specific knowledge or large investments. All you need is to find buyers for paintings and receive your percentage of sales.

The essence of the painting business

This kind of painting is called salon painting and is intended for decorating interiors. Salon painting has a low price, and the fame of the artist does not matter here. The main thing is a beautiful picture that will decorate the room.

Buyers will be people who do not understand painting, but who want to add something new to the design of their living room, bedroom or nursery. And here, an oil painting depicting a beautiful landscape, still life or portrait is ideal.

The essence of organizing such a business plan is quite simple. You find orders for paintings and get your percentage. That is, you act as an intermediary between the artist and the buyer of paintings.

This can be an excellent additional income and bring about 20-30 thousand rubles per month. You will have to work the hardest at first, when you create a customer base. Most of them will become your regular customers, and then you will hardly have to search for buyers.

Many artists sit without orders and are ready to take on any work. In general, there will be no problems finding artists.

But to find customers, you will have to try. You can search for buyers both for finished paintings and accept applications for individual masterpieces to order.

Where to look for painting customers?

Before you go looking for buyers, create a portfolio of your artist's work. It must be in electronic form and in physical form. Here we should take into account the fact that most creators are sloppy and sloppy people. Therefore, you will have to take care of the quality of the photo.

Online galleries

Today there are galleries in electronic form. These are services where various artists exhibit their works, and buyers are already looking for paintings that fully meet their needs. Registration is required on such sites. But still, don’t rely too much on such a service. There are a lot of artists there, but orders are placed infrequently.

Artist's own website

The best option would be to create a personal website for the artist. And here it is important to think about the design and promotion of a web page on the Internet. If the site is not made carefully, and no one works on its optimization, then the traffic will be zero.

Advertising on social networks is breaking popularity records these days. And given that buyers of paintings are predominantly a young and active category of people, social networks will be an excellent way to promote your product. You can create your own group and post there not only finished works, but also a video of how an artist paints a picture from scratch and other interesting information.

Price formation

The cost of a painting depends on its complexity, quality, subject matter, number of details, size. What percentage of sales should I take? As a rule, it is 30% of the price of the painting. But this figure can be even higher, especially if the artist is experiencing an acute shortage of orders, and you can offer several buyers at once.

How to open an art gallery?

If we talk about the further promotion of the art business, then an art gallery will be an excellent continuation of this business.

Such a project should be implemented in a city with a population of at least 350,000 people. As for legal aspects, in Russia there is no service that controls the work of galleries. Therefore, to open it you will need a minimum package of documents. You can register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is also necessary to decide on the form of taxation. That's all!

Finding space for a gallery

For one painting, the artist will receive 25-40% of its price. It is better to place the gallery in the city center, where there is a maximum flow of people passing by. The area of ​​the premises will be from 200 sq.m. and will be divided into the following zones: exhibition hall, work storage room, room for special equipment, office.

How to save on rent? This could be either a joint opening of a gallery with a government agency, or the opening of a hall that has previously been used for such purposes. In the latter case, no special preparations or costs will be required.


To fully operate the gallery, you will need several specialists. This is the project manager, programmer, consultants, and gallery curator.

Income and expenses of an art gallery

It will cost you about 50-70 thousand per month for rent. Repairs with a design project will require about another 1,500,000 rubles. If the room has previously been used as an art gallery, the cost of decorating it will be significantly reduced. Staff salaries are about 15 thousand rubles per employee. Advertising – 40-80 thousand monthly.

Thus, it will take at least 1,500,000 rubles to open a business.

Now about profit. One painting costs from 5 to 120 thousand rubles. And if the work was painted by a famous artist, then its cost will be much higher. For one piece sold, the artist receives 25-40% of the cost. If you sell 10-20 paintings a month, the profit will be from 400 to 700 thousand rubles.

If you are a true fan of this art, do not be afraid to try yourself as an art gallery manager. Such a business will bring you aesthetic pleasure and financial success!

Not everyone can afford to collect paintings. It's even more difficult for artists trying to sell their art. The artist and owner of art galleries in the capital Pavel Chibiskov told a RIAMO observer how to open a gallery in Moscow, what paintings are in demand, and why artists do not undertake to paint after Van Gogh and Monet.

Paintings instead of carpets

Pavel came to the gallery business through his family business. His father began selling paintings by fellow artists at a spontaneous opening day at the Central House of Artists (CHA) in the 90s. According to Pavel, in the late 90s, business took off as the demand for paintings increased, and many wanted paintings instead of carpets for the walls.

My first art gallery "Grisaille" Pavel and his father opened it in the Tishinka shopping center in 2010.

According to him, to start getting seriously involved in the gallery business, you need to have a circle of proven artists who will not let you down and will complete your order on time.

“This is a highly specialized business, which is easier to build if you are from this world yourself - an artist, art critic or gallery employee, if you are able to organize a selection of high-quality paintings, make a decision when artists bring you paintings for sale,” says the gallery owner.

What paintings are in price?

However, it is not difficult to organize a gallery as a sales point for paintings in Moscow. The main thing is to choose the right premises with visitors in mind, because this is not a trade in things or a museum, the gallery owner notes.

“For metropolitan shopping centers, an art gallery is still a rarity, since the rent there is designed for large retail chains, and the audience there is not the same,” explains Pavel.

In addition, the location of the gallery affects the assortment: provincial landscapes sell well on the outskirts of Moscow, city landscapes sell better in the center of the capital, as well as popular Italian motifs - blue skies and exotic trees of Tuscany, or lavender of Provence.

Who buys paintings

For the buyer, the advantage of buying from a gallery is that the sellers are responsible for each painting sold and are ready to provide a guarantee for restoration services.

“If in the 90s, even hack work was sold at the vernissage, since most buyers did not understand art, today clients are more sophisticated, they are the ones who set the final cost of the painting,” notes Pavel.

The main connoisseurs of Russian painting today are not Russians, but Chinese, and not only tourists, but also entrepreneurs who do business in Moscow. There was also a client from the UAE, the gallery owner recalls.

“In the past, the Chinese mostly bought landscapes with green leaves, and the finer the details, the better. Now they have become more demanding - they are ready to spend a lot of money on valuable things, but they like to bargain,” says the gallery owner.

According to him, Muscovites' paintings are bought by middle-aged people with high incomes. Sometimes pensioners also come who have been saving for a painting for a long time. And yet, today’s regular customers are mostly wealthy people.

“Because of the crisis, the middle class has practically disappeared from among our buyers; they began to save money on paintings first of all, because the average price of a painting is 60-70 thousand rubles,” says Pavel.

Seasonal demand

Most often, paintings are purchased to hang at home, so warm colors are held in high esteem, which can easily fit into the interior of a typical Moscow apartment. Pavel's galleries present mainly classical painting - still lifes, sea and city landscapes.

According to the gallery owner, some artists are ready to work in different directions, including in the genre of contemporary art, but the majority of buyers want classics.

“Moscow residents like landscapes most of all. A win-win option - natural beauty. These can be village views, Russian nature - forests, lakes, as well as landscapes of France and Italy,” says the artist.

Still lifes - bottles with wine, cheese and grapes - also sell well.

“Bottles have been in fashion for a long time. Firstly, wine is a noble drink, secondly, many wealthy people have their own wine cellars, thirdly, such a painting can be given as a gift, especially to people who have everything,” explains Pavel.

One of the popular requests from clients is to paint a copy of Claude Monet or Vincent Van Gogh, but not every artist will undertake such work, since the copy will often be very inferior to the original, explains the gallery owner. According to Pavel, there are cases when clients refuse to buy an ordered copy and choose another painting.

Meanwhile, the fashion for paintings is set not by the large exhibitions that take place in Moscow, but by the seasons. “After Serov’s exhibition, no one came to order “Girl with Peaches,” notes Pavel.

According to him, in the summer it is almost impossible to sell a painting with a winter landscape, since people are tired of seeing snow, and green landscapes go with a bang, but in winter everyone wants white hats on Christmas trees.

How much do paintings cost?

Pavel and his father opened another gallery in the Central House of Artists just a year ago, but they buy worse paintings here than in Tishinka. Dozens of painters exhibit at the Grisaille gallery, but their composition is changing, new artists appear. According to the gallery owner, the artist himself must feel which paintings are in demand, and the gallery staff must have experience in selecting paintings.

“If we see a high-quality painting and consider it attractive to our clients, then we are happy to place it in our gallery,” says Pavel.

For any artist, periods of lack of money are normal, since income from the sale of paintings is very unstable. Pavel's gallery had months of downtime and millions of transactions. The artist considers the end of summer and the beginning of autumn to be the losing months, when nothing is sold at all.

“The price of a painting can vary from 5,000 rubles, like an IKEA poster, to several million, which depends on many factors: the artist’s ambitions, his regalia, participation in exhibitions, status in the art field, as well as the cost of materials and the size of the canvas.” , explains Pavel.

Times of crisis for the Central House of Artists

Pavel himself exhibits his paintings at a vernissage near the Central House of Artists, and the most successful of them go to the gallery. According to the gallery owner, for many generations of Moscow artists this is a legendary place, but now it is going through times of crisis. A new generation of artists also wants to exhibit at the Central House of Artists, but all the places here have been occupied since Soviet times.

Several years ago, during the reconstruction of the Crimean embankment, the capital’s authorities wanted to demolish the vernissage, but the artists rallied and preserved the exhibition. As a result, the vernissage was ennobled, the artists now had a roof over their heads and storage rooms, although the volume of exhibition space was reduced by three times, says Pavel.

In the Central House of Artists itself, since Soviet times, any self-respecting artist dreamed of organizing an exhibition, but today this site is going through times of crisis. “Today, pop star concerts are held on this site, exhibitions that are far from art are held, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find new artists for the gallery,” the gallery owner regrets.

According to Pavel, another popular area for artists - the passage from Gorky Park to Muzeon - is now under reconstruction, and it is not yet clear whether artists will be able to return there.

Olga Shvenk

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