Drawing on the asphalt. “I draw on the asphalt...” From the experience of a teacher in organizing work with children in the summer

If you have a boring, nondescript paved area in your yard, then these ideas are just for you! This could be a wide area near the house or in front of the entrance to it, or a wide path in the yard. There are many such areas in schools and kindergartens. If you want to make your children’s lives even brighter and diversify their play, then this post is for you!

Arm yourself with colorful paint, rollers and brushes and turn boring asphalt into fun playground! To do this, you just need to come up with, outline and draw a game on the asphalt.

What can you draw:

  • of course, first of all, the classics;
  • twister;
  • chessboard;
  • beloved's playing field board game, where the chips themselves will be the children;
  • labyrinths;
  • track for driving cars or bicycles.

Here are some tips before drawing:

  1. Before applying the pattern, the asphalt should be washed with water from a hose.
  2. Come up with a plan on paper. Do this with your children to make the game really interesting for them.
  3. Take special paint for external work. Think about clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Don't forget to take a tape measure, tape, and chalk with you.
  4. Make a small but noticeable fence around what you painted so that no one can climb into where the paint has not yet dried.

Drawing with chalk on asphalt is a great way to have some useful fun. Come up with interesting educational games Our collection of ideas will help you.

We recommend stocking up on wet wipes and a portion Have a good mood! Don't forget about the appropriate equipment for yourself and your child (be prepared for soiled clothes, missing heels and dirty faces) - you obviously won't be able to sit on a bench during this walk.

1. Draw a shadow

Purpose of the game: outline someone else's shadow. You can take several “measurements” from the same object/person in the same place, but in different time days.

This experiment will clearly demonstrate how the shadow changes depending on the time of day and the position of the sun.

2. Trace on the stencil

Purpose of the game: circle a letter, number, or any object cut out of thick cardboard. Additionally, you can ask your child to color in the image, trying not to go beyond the outline.

3. Circle the dots

Purpose of the game: circle a letter, number, or any object using dots. You don’t have to tell your child what exactly you depicted with dots, but invite him to guess for himself. Choose a simple, familiar image, taking into account the child’s age.

The game trains motor skills and imagination.

4. Complete the drawing

Purpose of the game: turn geometric shapes (for the little ones they are drawn by an adult) into animals and objects. For example, a circle is an orange, a ball, a fish is a hedgehog, someone’s head, etc.

The game trains motor skills and imagination.

5. Say the letter

Purpose of the game: name a letter/number/geometric figure. An adult draws large letters/numbers/geometric shapes on the asphalt, and the child walks along their outlines and names what is depicted.

The game trains memory and imagination, spatial thinking.

6. Draw a map

Purpose of the game: draw a map of your room/neighbourhood/kindergarten or school.

The game trains motor skills, memory, and develops spatial orientation.

7. We write “hello”

Purpose of the game: write something, send a message to a friend/neighbor. For example, before entering the entrance you can write “Welcome to entrance No. 5!” or “Happy Birthday.”

The game trains motor skills, spelling vigilance (you need to write without mistakes!), and fosters goodwill.

8. Labyrinths

Purpose of the game: draw paths, labyrinths along which you can walk, ride a scooter, or ride a bicycle. You can make stops at specially designated places.

The game trains motor skills, imagination, coordination, spatial orientation.

9. Darts

Purpose of the game: using dish scourers, pebbles, and corks to get into the designated sector.

The game trains motor skills and accuracy.

10. Fashion show

Purpose of the game: using clothes (one that you don’t mind getting dirty) to dress up the fashionistas drawn on the asphalt (parents can help kids draw silhouettes of children). In principle, you can even outline the figures of the fashion designers themselves, only to do this they need to lie down on the asphalt.

The game trains the imagination.

11. Gift for a letter

Purpose of the game: The adult draws a letter with chalk on the asphalt, and the child draws a gift - an object that begins with this letter.

The game trains the imagination and helps memorize the alphabet.

Games for a group of small artists

1. One child draws several animals or objects on the asphalt, and the other must come up with a story about each object separately. This game can be played by any number of players, and stories can be told one at a time.

2. You can come up with a theme in advance and invite the children to draw pictures corresponding to it. There may be winners in this game, but it is better to take care of small gifts for everyone in advance.

3. Together, draw a comic book, an illustration for your favorite fairy tale, or a picture with chalk.


4. If possible, decorate with drawings a boring concrete fence near the house, the wall of an abandoned garage, or even tree trunks.

5. Draw cars on the stones, and a track for them on the asphalt path. Whose car will reach the finish line faster?

6. Circle the puddle and figure out who it looks like, completing the missing details. Each artist chooses his own puddle or takes turns adding his own element to the overall image.

7. Draw traces of an animal on the path with chalk. The players’ task is to determine what is left behind and follow the tracks, pretending to be their “owner.”

8. Playing good old tic-tac-toe on the asphalt doesn’t get boring and teaches you to think logically, accept a loss with dignity and think several moves ahead.

9. Everyone knows the classics. Interpretations can be anything.


10. If there are several players, then it's fun to do the following. They choose a leader, he closes his eyes. One of the children traces his palm on the asphalt with chalk. The presenter must guess whose hand it is.

  • It often happens that there is no space left on the asphalt: the children have drawn so many things! You may not finish drawing something on the first day, and then complete your “masterpiece” in the following days.


  • Water pistols can be used to wash away drawings on asphalt and then paint new ones. Kids will love this fun cleaning activity!

If suddenly a sheet of paper is not enough for you, your creative soul wants to turn around... all the asphalt (!), remember about the colored chalks and boring gray paths near the house. Let's go outside before the rain ruins our plans! Let the asphalt under your feet turn into a canvas, and your imagination knows no bounds.

Flowers on the asphalt. Master Class

Author: Satanova Arailym, 7th grade student, MBOU "Multanovskaya Secondary School", Multanovo village, Astrakhan region;
Head: Kulushev Idayat Kurmanbaevich, art teacher, MBOU "Multanovskaya Secondary School", Multanovo village, Astrakhan region;

Description of work The material is intended for students primary school and middle management.
Teach yourself how to draw on asphalt.
- teach how to create drawings;
- expand your understanding of plants;
- develop fine motor skills, creative imagination;
- get a feel for what asphalt is;
- instill in the child neatness;
- develop technical skills and abilities;
- cultivate artistic taste and a sense of harmony, color and rhythm.

Drawing on the asphalt. This is quite a nice thing! We love creating drawings on asphalt, we hope you will too!

For work we will need:

Markers and colored pencils (or crayons)


We start drawing from the stem of a flower with leaves. In this composition we chose felt-tip pens and pencils; if you want, you can use crayons.

Then we draw a flower, Arailym chose Orange color, mixed with yellow pencil.

So, we colored the leaves. The flower is ready!

We got such a bouquet!
You can add butterflies and anything else that comes to mind. These are the butterflies Arailym drew:

And these drawings are drawn with colored crayons. Rate it!

Drawing on the asphalt
Sergey Kashlev
I'm on the asphalt with crayons,
I paint in different colors,
Sun, sky with clouds,
House and big rainbow.

The river, in the boats of fishermen,
Forest, and there are many trees in it,
Birds flying high
And beyond the river there is a road into the distance.

Next to the river there is a meadow with grass,
And grazing sheep
Brother and sister looked
And they said: “Well done!”

When people praise, everyone feels good
Children, I want to tell you:
To make the drawing clear,
Everyone learn to draw!

Thank you for your attention!

Summary: How to play with crayons on asphalt. Chalks for drawing on asphalt. Outdoor games for children. Summer games on the street. Summer games for children. Games at the dacha. What to do with your child during the holidays.

With the onset of warm days, children spend a lot of time outdoors. Chalks for drawing on asphalt are also an indispensable attribute summer games outdoors, such as a bucket, spatula, cake molds and bubble. Everyone knows that you can draw with crayons, but not everyone is familiar with educational games that can be played on the street using ordinary asphalt crayons. Just don't forget to bring a pack of wet wipes with you - they will help quickly clean children's hands and faces.

1. If you have a group of children, you can organize a drawing competition on a given topic. The complexity of the topic should be appropriate to the age of the participants. Naturally, friendship should win. It’s good if you take care of memorable inexpensive gifts for children in advance.

2. With crayons you can outline various objects that are at hand: sandbox molds, the bottom of a bucket, leaves or, for example, own hands and legs. You can make drawings from the resulting silhouettes and then paint or shade them.

The most extreme option, possible provided that you are playing somewhere in the country and are confident that the asphalt is relatively clean, is to have your child lie down on the asphalt and you circle him, or vice versa. Then the resulting image can be colored.

A more acceptable option is to outline and color the shadow. The shadow can be traced in the same place, but at different times of the day (provided it is a sunny day). This way, the child will get an idea of ​​how the shadow changes depending on the location of the sun.

3. Make stencils from thick cardboard at home in advance. Now you can draw on a stencil different pictures crayons or write words from letters.

4. Mark the contours of the pattern on the asphalt with dots, and have the child draw a solid line around it.

5. You can draw different geometric shapes and invite the child to complete them so that they turn into something recognizable. For example: what does a circle look like? He looks like an apple balloon

, sunshine, etc. >>>>

6. Three-dimensional pictures. Crayola has released colored chalk for asphalt with a 3-D effect. You can also buy them in Russia. See the video describing the crayons at the link

7. Gianni Rodari describes an interesting game that develops imagination and creative thinking in his book “The Grammar of Fantasy”:

I saw how children became captivated by this game, grasping its rules on the fly. The first one draws, say, an oval of the eye. The second, interpreting the oval in his own way, adds chicken legs to it. The third one depicts a flower instead of a head. And so on. The final product interests the players less than the game itself, than the struggle that arises when trying to take over someone else’s forms and impose their own, than the surprises and discoveries that happen at every step, in the form of a movement that Umberto Eco would probably call “migration of content.” However, in the end, an image can also contain an entire story. Inadvertently appears unusual character, a kind of miracle-yudo, or a fantastic landscape. Here the game can be continued verbally, again in the direction from nonsense to meaning."

8. Another one interesting game, which develops coherent speech and imagination.

One of the participants in the game draws 3-4 objects (any) at his own discretion, and the other must come up with and tell a story based on them.

Then you can switch roles.

9. If there is a puddle or any other source of water nearby, then let the child wet the chalk and try to draw with wet chalk. He will get completely new sensations. Note: Pre-soaking crayons in water with added sugar will make the colors more vibrant and the crayons more durable. You can check!

10. If you have a water gun, then your child may like to wash off his art from the walls or asphalt with a stream of water from the gun.

11. You can draw not only on a horizontal surface, but also on a vertical one. For example, on the wall of a house or a tree trunk. Don't worry, the first rain will erase traces of your creativity.

12. It is interesting to draw drawings with a continuation. That is, the next day you finish drawing the drawing you started.

13. You can also draw comics. 14. You can use crayons to write messages on the asphalt for your friends. For example, if guests are coming to your dacha, write some kind of greeting for them at the gate. A lot of

15. Mom draws a winding path, and the child must walk along it without stepping on the boundaries of the lines. It is also interesting to roll a car on a string or ride a bicycle along such a path. You can depict obstacles on the road that you will need to jump over or go around. If the mother is not lazy, she will be able to draw a real labyrinth from which the baby will need to find a way out. To make the maze walls even, take a rope and tie something quite heavy (for example, pebbles) to its ends. Use a rope when drawing the walls of the maze: stretch it and draw a straight line along it.

16. Draw circles on the asphalt and let the child jump like a frog from one “leaf” to “another”.

17. Let’s continue the famous phrase “When I was little...” I also played hopscotch. Back then we did everything ourselves, made our own bats from shoe polish boxes and poured sand into them. The main thing was to make the bat the right weight. Nowadays, children don’t have such a craze for the classics. But this is very good game, develops coordination of movements and a sense of balance. Let's shake the old days, show our children how we played hopscotch and teach them this game. Maybe this game will return to our backyards?

There are many variants of this game, each city, and in fact, each yard had its own characteristics. To start the game you need to draw a field of 10 cells. This table has 5 rows of 2 squares.

For young children, you can come up with simplified options: with fewer classes, with the ability to simply walk from cell to cell.

Gradually, the game needs to be complicated - give the child a bat, let him try to kick it from classic to classic. Then you can teach him to throw the bat into the desired square, etc. When you see that the child has mastered these techniques, teach him to jump on one leg according to the classics. Play this game with your child, I guarantee you will both have a lot of fun.

18. You can also practice your accuracy. Draw a target circle on the asphalt with chalk and throw pebbles or cones at it one by one. Or you can draw a large square and divide it into 9 small squares. Each of the players must have their own chips (these can be decorated pebbles, see article >>>>) From a certain distance, you must take turns throwing stones into the net. The goal is the same as in the game of tic-tac-toe - to occupy the entire row horizontally, vertically or diagonally with your chips. If a chip lands on the dividing strip or on a square already occupied by an opponent’s chip, then it is removed from the field, and the move goes to the second participant. 19. Three-year-olds can be entertained fun game

"Mushroom rain", which is a type

famous competition "Musical chairs" Before the game starts, you need to draw large circles on the playground, the number of which should be one less than the number of children playing. The host announces that the circles are mushroom caps, and the players are forest animals that hide under the mushrooms when it starts to rain. At the command "Sunshine!" letters and numbers on the asphalt (make them different sizes). At your command, let the child find the desired letter (number) and jump on it. Just remember that the letter must be named as a sound, for example, “b” and not “be”. Read more about this at the link. And if the baby already knows the letters well and is just now learning to read, invite him to “write” simple words

own legs. Come on, let's write your name. Masha. What is the first letter? The child stands on the letter “m”, then moves to the letter “a”, etc. This game will teach your child to identify individual sounds in a word, and will train attention and observation.

21. Draw multi-colored ovals (red, yellow, blue, green) and invite the baby to jump from one to another like a bunny, naming the colors. Or you can draw the shapes in one color, but make them different shapes (circle, square, triangle). Let the baby jump and name the shape of the shapes. 22. Draw big letters. Ask your child what letter is drawn here and invite him to walk with his feet along the contour of the letter depicted. You can also play with geometric shapes

(run in a circle, walk along the sides of a square or triangle).

24. 23. Gift for a letter. The adult draws different letters, and next to each letter the child draws a gift for it - an object whose name begins with that letter. For example, the letter "A" can be given an orange, and the letter "B" can be given a bucket. Good idea

- try to draw a map of your apartment or yard with your child. This activity develops spatial thinking and memory.

25. Logical sequences - you draw a logical sequence consisting of two or three elements, and the child must continue it.

Example: AAAABA... 26. You draw a figure, and the child must divide it into 2, 3 or 4 equal parts. 27. Boys will find it interesting to draw

car roads

, parking lots, garages for their toy cars, for girls - houses for dolls (with furniture and other attributes necessary for play) or, for example, a zoo for small toy animals. 28. You can also play tic-tac-toe or gallows on the asphalt. children, dividing them into two teams. Each team fills in its own square. The team that finds all the items the fastest wins.

30. Treasure hunt-2. Hide the “treasure” somewhere in the yard.

Draw arrows with chalk to guide your child to find the treasure. You can draw hints not only on horizontal, but also on vertical surfaces (trees, fences, etc.).

31. Traces of animals and birds. With your child, find traces of different animals on the Internet or in an encyclopedia and draw paths of footprints on the asphalt. The game consists of taking turns walking along these paths, depicting the animal whose tracks you are following. 32. If on the street

rainy weather, then so that the crayons do not lie idle, you can make such a wonderful “Rainbow in a Bottle” craft from colored crayons and sand (or salt):

Detailed instructions