Federal programs for replacing elevators. The project for financing the accelerated replacement of elevator equipment in residential buildings has become a priority departmental project of the Russian Ministry of Construction. Main types of repair work

First Deputy General Director of the Fund for Capital Repairs of Apartment Buildings Dmitry Lifshits said that 8,000 elevators have been replaced in 1,636 apartment buildings since the beginning of the regional capital repair program.

“Replacement of elevators is a key area of ​​implementation of the regional program. Moreover, we are talking about a set of works that includes a complete replacement of elevator equipment: power equipment, control and safety systems, elevator cabins, equipment in the elevator shaft, doors on the floors. As part of the overhaul, residents received have at their disposal new, modern, safe equipment from leading domestic manufacturers, which will serve them for at least 25 years", - noted Dmitry Lifshits.

According to him, diagnostics were carried out on elevators that had been in operation for more than 25 years. After it was carried out, it was decided to include 824 houses in the plan for this year, where 3,988 elevators will be replaced. After replacing them, the program will end.

Dmitry Lifshits clarified that taking into account the changes made, it is planned to install 5,060 new elevators this year. It is worth noting that in the period from 2015 to 2017 in the South-Western Administrative District it is planned to replace 723 elevators in 146 houses.

It should be noted that before the opening of the facility, a stand with information about the timing of the work and the responsible representatives of the customer and the contractor is placed in the entrance next to the elevator being replaced. If there are two or more elevators at the entrance that need to be replaced, it is planned to carry out these works alternately. Upon completion of the installation of the new elevator, commissioning work is carried out, the necessary checks and tests are carried out, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the readiness of the elevator for operation.

New elevator equipment has mandatory certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union Elevator safety(TR TS 011/2011). Elevators are supplied by the largest Russian manufacturers and have mandatory certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union Elevator safety.

/ Monday, June 26, 2017 /

Eight thousand elevators were replaced in 1,636 buildings, including 623 elevators in 146 buildings in the South-Western Administrative District. The replacement is taking place as part of the regional program for capital repairs of the common property of Moscow apartment buildings.

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This year it is planned to replace 5,060 elevators. Old elevators will be replaced by those produced at enterprises in the Moscow region. . . . . . The certificate guarantees compliance of the product characteristics with accepted modern safety standards, as well as quality and energy efficiency.

By the way, the list of works carried out within the framework of the capital repair program for the housing stock has been expanded compared to that established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. We are talking about the repair of smoke removal systems and fire water supply systems, internal drainage, replacement of garbage chutes and windows in the entrances.

On expanding the list of works within the framework of the capital repair program, the newspaper “ Kakhovka” reported in December last year. “It is proposed to make some changes to the capital repair program. Include the repair of window units in the entrances and speed up the replacement of city elevators, so that by the end of next year there will be no more elevators in Moscow with a service life of more than 25 years. In total, about four thousand elevators are planned to be put into operation "", Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin explained then.

Owners can obtain information about the capital repair program in city electronic services on the portal of the Mayor and Government of Moscow (mos.ru) and the portal “ Our city"(gorod.mos.ru).

In Moscow, the program of capital repairs of the common property of apartment buildings continues. Over the past period of time, since the start of its implementation, 8,000 elevators that have reached the end of their service life have already been replaced. This happened in 1,636 houses in the capital.

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In order to complete the replacement of all elevator equipment in 2017, the standard operating life of which is already more than 25 years, the regional program was updated and work to replace 3,988 elevators (in 824 houses) was additionally included in the 2017 plan.

In total, in 2017, taking into account this decision, it is planned to replace 5,060 elevators, which is the highest figure in recent years. The total number of elevators replaced since 2011, when, on behalf of the Mayor of Moscow, a program to replace elevator equipment was formed and began implementation, by 2018 will be 29,236 units, which corresponds to more than a quarter of the entire elevator fleet of Moscow buildings.

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With the adoption of the regional program, the city initially implements an integrated approach to carrying out major repairs of apartment buildings. The list of works itself has been expanded in comparison with the established Housing Code of the Russian Federation; it includes the repair of smoke removal systems and fire water supply systems, internal drainage, replacement of garbage chutes and windows in the entrances.

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Thus, in Zelenograd, as part of the overhaul program for the period 2015-2017. and as of June 26, 303 elevators in 41 buildings had been replaced.

In two years, eight thousand new elevators were installed in residential buildings in the capital.

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According to him, in order to complete the replacement of all elevators with a service life of 25 years or more this year, the regional program was updated and the 2017 plan additionally included work to replace 3,988 elevators in 824 buildings. . . . . .

The regional program was updated with the goal of completing in 2017 the replacement of all elevators that have been in operation for more than 25 years.

The 2017 plan additionally included work to replace 3,988 elevators (in 824 buildings). . . . . .

In two years - since the beginning of the regional program of capital repairs of the common property of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow - eight thousand new elevators have been installed in residential buildings, including 723 elevators in 146 buildings in the South-Western district of the capital.

. . . . . The total number of elevators replaced from 2011 to 2018 will be 29,236 units - this is more than a quarter of all elevators in Moscow.

Modern elevators, which have already been installed in high-rise buildings, are supplied by the largest Russian enterprises, whose products enjoy well-deserved trust in the construction complex, which is confirmed by awards from prestigious international exhibitions. . . . . .

It is worth adding that the installation of the equipment was carried out under the strict supervision of representatives of the Overhaul Fund. To guarantee the high quality of the work performed, the contractor installed elevator equipment without receiving an advance payment - these are the terms of the contract. Payment was made after the completion of the transfer of the elevator to the management company for commissioning. The work was accepted by an authoritative commission consisting of specialists from the Moscow Capital Repair Fund, district prefectures, district administrations, management companies and, of course, representatives of the public.

In the capital, as part of a major overhaul program, eight thousand new elevators were installed in 1,636 residential buildings to replace lifts that had reached the end of their service life.

According to Dmitry Lifshits, First Deputy General Director of the Fund for the Capital Repair of Apartment Buildings in Moscow, replacing elevators is a key area of ​​implementation of the regional program, and we are talking about a set of works that includes a complete replacement of all elevator equipment. . . . . .

In total, 5,060 elevators are planned to be replaced in 2017 - as a result, the total number of elevators replaced since 2011 will be 29,236 units, which corresponds to more than a quarter of the entire elevator fleet of Moscow buildings. . . . . . At the same time, the list of works has been expanded in comparison with the established Housing Code of the Russian Federation. . . . . .

Eight thousand new elevators in 1,636 buildings in the capital have been installed over the past two years as part of a regional program for major overhaul of the common property of apartment buildings.

. . . . . As part of the overhaul program, residents received new, modern, safe elevators from leading domestic manufacturers that will serve them for at least 25 years,” said Dmitry Lifshits, First Deputy General Director of the Moscow Capital Repair Fund.

In 2017, the task was set to replace all elevators that have served for over twenty-five years. For this purpose, the regional program plan for the current period additionally includes almost 4 thousand elevators in 824 houses. They will be updated earlier than planned. In total, by December the number of elevators that will replace worn-out mechanisms will be 5,060 units.

In just a couple of years, as part of the program to replace them, the total number of replaced elevators in the capital will approach thirty thousand. Thus, every fourth lift in the city's housing stock will be updated.

New elevators are supplied by the largest manufacturers in the Moscow region. Each of them has a proper certificate of conformity.

The Moscow government takes an integrated approach to carrying out major renovations of apartment buildings. In Moscow, within the framework of the approved program, even more is being done than is determined by federal legislation. . . . . .

Since the beginning of the implementation of the regional program for the overhaul of the common property of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, 8 thousand elevators have been replaced in 1,636 buildings in the capital, which have served their standard life.

“Replacement of elevators is a key area of ​​implementation of the regional program,” said Dmitry Lifshits, First Deputy General Director of the Fund for Capital Repairs of Apartment Buildings in Moscow. . . . . .

For reference.

In the South-Western Administrative District, according to information on the replacement of elevator equipment in 2015 - 2017 as part of the implementation of the regional program for capital repairs of the common property of apartment buildings in Moscow (as of June 26, 2017), 723 elevators were repaired in 146 buildings.

On behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, in 2011, a program to replace elevator equipment was formed and began to be implemented, within the framework of which 8,000 new elevators were installed in residential buildings in the capital over two years. In particular, 723 new elevators appeared in 146 houses in the South-Western Administrative District.

An elevator is one of the main structural elements of an apartment building (MCD). With its help you can quickly get to the desired floor. Below we will learn about who should replace the elevator in the event of a breakdown, what a major overhaul of elevator equipment looks like and who pays for it.

Main types of repair work

Bodices belong to the class of lifting mechanisms that require specialized care. Any lift belongs to the category of common property in an apartment building, and the maintenance of the functionality of this mechanism should be carried out by the management company of multi-apartment housing. The management company must enter into an agreement with the residents of the house, which stipulates the maintenance of common property.

Important! The replacement of the lift is carried out in accordance with the articles of the Housing and Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The replacement of the lift is carried out at the expense of a special housing fund, to which the residents of the house contribute money every month for major restoration.

Most often, lift maintenance includes the following activities:

  • Technical inspection. Includes a visual inspection of the lift equipment by qualified personnel. If breakdowns are identified, a plan for replacing the elevator is drawn up. During the inspection, the operation of the automation, the serviceability of buttons and lighting equipment, the condition of cables, and so on are checked. The management company pays for such an inspection.
  • Emergency service. Emergency maintenance refers to repairs, which are aimed at restoring the functionality of the lifting mechanism after an emergency caused by a breakdown. The main feature of this service is that restoration of functionality occurs in emergency mode. Most often, emergency maintenance is performed when a person is trapped inside the lift. The management organization must pay for emergency maintenance.
  • Current repairs, which are caused by minor breakdowns of the lift. Such an event is aimed at restoring the functionality of the lifting mechanism in the event of minor breakdowns that do not require replacement of the elevator. Minor breakdowns do not have a serious impact on the performance of the lifting mechanism, and during all necessary work, people can use the elevator. Most often, such repairs are carried out after a technical inspection, and the duration of the repair is limited to several hours.
  • Repairs caused by major lift failures. This repair is similar to the previous one. The main difference is that in the event of major breakdowns, the duration of replacing the elevator is several days, and residents cannot use such a broken elevator.
  • Planned major repairs. Also, in agreement with the residents, the management company must periodically carry out major repairs of the elevator. Major repairs include technical inspection and scheduled maintenance of the lift. If any breakdowns are detected, elevator operators must repair or completely replace the elevator.
  • Unscheduled major repairs. Also, at the request of residents, the management company can carry out unscheduled repairs to the elevator. Such repairs also include technical inspection and scheduled maintenance, and if serious damage is detected, the management company must replace the lift.

Replacement of the elevator under the capital repair program

Most often, a lift is replaced as part of a major overhaul. To carry out major repairs, the management office must notify residents at least 6 months before the planned event. After this, the owners of the apartment building must decide whether they agree with the renovation on the planned date or not.

Important! To make a decision, an in-person, absentee or mixed general meeting is held, the results of which must be voted on (owners have the right to refuse to carry out repairs). The owners can make their decision within 3 months after receiving the notice, and the management office must be notified of the results of the meeting using a special letter that has legal force.

If the residents agree to carry out major repairs, then the management organization must begin work within the established time frame:

  • First, the management company must conduct a special technological examination, which will determine the operability of the lift. The examination involves examining not only the lift itself, but also an examination of the elevator shaft, the starting mechanism, and so on. The examination also involves drawing up a special estimate, where all expenses must be indicated.
  • Based on the results of the examination, a schedule of upcoming work is drawn up.
  • The lift will be replaced within the specified time frame. The main work is carrying out preliminary work, installing a new elevator, connecting electricity, setting up, dispatching, and so on. The duration of the repair depends on the nature of the work and the height of the building. At the end, the workers draw up and submit technical documentation for operation to the head of the owners of the premises. After this, commissioning work is carried out, then workers transfer the new lift into operation.

At whose expense is the elevator replacement carried out?

Let's now find out at whose expense the elevator in an apartment building is being replaced. Every month, residents of apartment buildings must pay money to a special fund for repairs to common property. The elevator is common property, therefore, in the event of a breakdown, the replacement of the elevator is carried out at the expense of funds from the repair fund. It should be understood that all residents contribute money to this fund, so in fact, residents of the first floors also participate in replacing the lift.

Important! If the elevator is broken and there is not enough money for repairs, then residents can take out a loan or collect money to pay (however, taking out a loan and collecting money is carried out only on the basis of a vote of the owners).

Owners can also take part in a federal or regional program for the development and renovation of housing stock (however, such programs are carried out quite rarely). If residents own an apartment on the basis of a social tenancy agreement, then the money for replacing the elevator is contributed by the municipality.

Alternative elevator replacement methods

There are also alternative methods of paying for a new new lift:

  • Elevator replacement as part of unscheduled repairs. The replacement of the elevator can also be carried out as part of an unscheduled overhaul, and in this case the repairs should be carried out by the management office of the building. The replacement will be paid for from the capital repair fund. Unscheduled repairs can only be carried out based on the decision of the residents of the apartment building. To do this, it is necessary to hold an in-person, absentee or mixed meeting, and after the meeting, a vote must be held. To make a decision on the need for repairs, it is necessary to collect more than 66% of the votes of the owners of apartments in a multi-story building (however, it should be understood that the number of votes of each resident corresponds to the area of ​​​​their apartment in the building). After voting and summing up the results, a protocol of the decision must be sent to the management company. If successful, the management company must begin major repairs, and ignoring the owners’ decision is a crime.
  • Lifts can be repaired using federal or city programs. Also, residents, based on the decision of the meeting of owners, can take part in local or federal programs within the framework of which the restoration of apartment buildings is carried out. Programs may vary, and their conditions are determined by local and federal authorities. Most often, such programs are targeted grants that can only be used to finance repairs (however, municipalities or federal governments usually cover only a portion of the costs). In 2007, a federal program was in effect within the framework of 185-FZ, thanks to which many old apartment buildings were restored.
  • To change the elevator, you can also go to court. Apartment building owners can sue the city to get money to replace the elevator (since the city is the current owner of non-privatized buildings and the former owner of privatized buildings). However, not all residents succeed in winning such a court case, and if they win, residents will have to wait a long time for the court decision to be executed, since in most cases local budgets do not have extra money (that is, the city will pay money for repairs, but this will not happen immediately).


Now you know what it means to overhaul an elevator in an apartment building. Let's summarize. The elevator in an apartment building is common property, and the management company, which receives money for major repairs from residents every month, covers the costs of its maintenance. The main way to replace a damaged elevator is to carry out scheduled repairs, and the replacement of the elevator is carried out by the management organization of the building. The repair consists of several stages; the main stages are notifying residents, conducting an examination, drawing up an estimate, dismantling and installing a new elevator, connecting electricity, drawing up technical documentation for operation, and so on.

As part of the program"Major repairs of common property inapartment buildings located onterritory of Primorsky Krai» on 2014-2043 repairs were made andlaunch of four new elevatorsaddresses:"Red Banner"", 133, bldg. 3 and 4 inVladivostok. IN This year, the Fund for Capital Repairs of Apartment Buildings in Primorsky Krai plans to replace more than 180 elevators in Bolshoy Kamen, Arsenyev, Ussuriysk. The work is financed forowner contribution account.

Elevator services are one of the main “headaches” of the Vladivostok housing and communal services sector. The city has a large number of high-rise buildings equipped with elevators. Many of them have long since exhausted the 25-year service life during which lifting devices are supposed to be used. In addition, the technical condition of even relatively new elevators is often terrible due to the actions of vandals. Replacing one elevator costs about 2 million rubles.

The equipment of the Shcherbinsky Elevator Plant is very modern. Frequency converters of the main drive and doors ensure smooth operation of the cabin and, compared to older models, reduce energy costs (and, accordingly, payments for electricity under ODN) several times. All surfaces are metal and have an anti-vandal coating applied to them. The elevator is equipped with a voice device that tells you which floor it has stopped on. The buttons in the cockpit are equipped with inscriptions in Braille for the blind.

Replacing an elevator is a big job. The old equipment was dismantled and new equipment was installed: guides in the shafts, the cabins themselves, lifting mechanisms with electric motors, automated control panels for the operation of elevators. At the same time, the elevator rooms were renovated and fire doors and hatches were installed. A new power cable has been laid and lighting has been installed. Not a single old part remains.

As noted by the master of the Criminal Code"Nice house» Alexey Sitnikov, this year the company replaced six elevators in three buildings: “Krasnoe Znamya”, 133/2, 133/3, 133/4: “All these elevators had long expired and were constantly breaking down. We received many requests from residents - hotel-type houses, “densely populated”, there are many elderly people here, there are disabled people, young mothers with strollers. There was only one elevator left in each building; we could hardly keep them in working order.”

The houses were built back in 1981-1982, and it was difficult to maintain the worn-out elevator system. But attempts to replace elevators at the expense of the budget or getting into co-financing programs failed - only the Capital Repair Fund helped.

Director of Management Company"Nice house» Yuri Mosharov notes: “Our company has been managing these houses for several years. Through the joint efforts of the Management Company, the Capital Repair Fund and the city administration, these houses were included in the regional capital repair program - the program was updated. The issue of replacing elevators has been resolved. Last year, as part of the overhaul program, the elevators in the hotel at Krasnogo Znamya, 133/1 were also replaced. We are grateful to the fund for its support: the owners themselves will not collect the required amount even within several months, the management company does not have money for major repairs, since the debt of the residents of the fourth building to the management company is 1.5 million rubles.”

As experts note, elevators differ for the better even from those that were installed 3-4 years ago. “I think that there will be no complaints regarding the technical part,” says Yuri Mosharov. — Considering that modern technologies are used in elevators. The contractor provides a five-year warranty on installation work and equipment. But the main question concerns, of course, the attitude of residents towards their property. People should take care of what was done for them, because it is their common property. Of course, the elevators are anti-vandal: previously the frames and some elements of the cabins were wooden, that is, they could be set on fire or scratched. Now everything is made of metal and covered with anti-vandal paint. But if people behave irresponsibly, even protection will not help. Elevators can be installed every year, and they will not work for long. It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. It’s not guests who break elevators, but those who live in a particular building.”

Evgeniy Kotsar, head of the company's site"Lift Stroy DV"» : “Our company is the official representative of the Shcherbinsky elevator plant from the Moscow region. We have been installing these elevators for a long time under the overhaul program, they have proven themselves to be reliable and safe. The cabin and doors are covered with anti-vandal paint. Of course, it can also be scratched, but it’s not that easy.”

The equipment was checked by an independent expert organization, Dalekspertcenter. Specialists studied each unit, examined all elements of the elevator system, and compliance protocols were received for the elevators. In addition, within ten days the management company must invite specialists from Rostekhnadzor for inspection. In addition to re-inspecting the elevators, officials will check the competence of the organization’s specialists who will service the equipment.

Resident of the housestreet"Red Banner"", 133/4 Tatyana Artamonova notes the good and prompt work of the installers - the elevators were installed within a month. “The main thing is for neighbors to take care of and not destroy common property,” the woman notes. Vyacheslav Vitkin has lived in the building since it was built in 1982: “We have 600 apartments here, a lot of people, people with disabilities live here, elevators are very necessary, and it is important that two work at the same time.”

Installation foreman Olimjon Zhalilov talks about how Lift Stroy DV installed several dozen elevators in Vladivostok: “We try to work quickly, we are responsible for quality. The elevators are reliable and energy-saving.”

In 2017, within the framework of the state program “Providing affordable housing and quality housing and communal services to the population of the Primorsky Territory” for 2013-2020. renovations were carried out in 514 houses. This year, major repairs are planned to be carried out in 529 houses; work has been completed and commissioned in 23 buildings. Due to weather conditions, emphasis is placed on replacing elevators. Thus, the first building to be renovated was the building at Magnitogorskaya, 24 in Vladivostok, where the Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings installed a new elevator.

In Moscow, the program of capital repairs of the common property of apartment buildings continues. Over the past period of time, since the start of its implementation, 8,000 elevators that have reached the end of their service life have already been replaced. This happened in 1,636 houses in the capital.

“Replacement of elevators is a key area of ​​implementation of the regional program. Moreover, we are talking about a complex of works that includes a complete replacement of elevator equipment: power equipment, control and safety systems, elevator cabins, equipment in the elevator shaft, doors on the floors. As part of the overhaul, residents received new, modern, safe equipment from leading domestic manufacturers, which will serve them for at least 25 years,” said Dmitry Lifshits, First Deputy General Director of the Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings in Moscow.

In order to complete the replacement of all elevator equipment in 2017, the standard operating life of which is already more than 25 years, the regional program was updated and work to replace 3,988 elevators (in 824 houses) was additionally included in the 2017 plan.

In total, in 2017, taking into account this decision, it is planned to replace 5,060 elevators, which is the highest figure in recent years. The total number of elevators replaced since 2011, when, on behalf of the mayor of Moscow, a program to replace elevator equipment was formed and began implementation, by 2018 will be 29,236 units, which corresponds to more than a quarter of the entire elevator fleet of Moscow buildings.

Elevators are supplied by the largest manufacturers in the Moscow region and have mandatory certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “Safety of Elevators” (TR CU 011/2011). A certificate of conformity issued by an accredited organization (certification body) guarantees that the characteristics of the product comply with accepted modern safety standards, as well as quality and energy efficiency.

With the adoption of the regional program, the city initially implements an integrated approach to carrying out major repairs of apartment buildings. The list of works itself has been expanded in comparison with the established Housing Code of the Russian Federation; it includes the repair of smoke removal systems and fire water supply systems, internal drainage, replacement of garbage chutes and windows in the entrances.

For any questions related to the progress of major repairs, including the replacement of elevators, owners can obtain information in the city electronic services on the portal of the mayor and the Moscow Government (mos.ru) and the “Our City” portal (gorod.mos.ru ).

Thus, in Zelenograd, as part of the overhaul program for the period 2015-2017. and as of June 26, 303 elevators in 41 buildings had been replaced.

According to the contracts concluded to date, in the region as a whole, as part of the implementation of a short-term capital repair program, 1012 units of elevator equipment will have to be replaced for a total amount exceeding 1.43 billion rubles, reports the press service of the “RO overhaul of apartment complexes of the Chelyabinsk region”.
The geography of the program is the widest, it involves almost all cities in the region that have buildings equipped with elevators. In addition to Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, these are Kopeisk, Zlatoust, Trekhgorny, Ust-Katav, Asha, Satka, Ozersk, Snezhinsk, Kasli, Troitsk and Yuzhnouralsk.
According to technical regulations, elevators should not be used for more than 25 years, the maximum period of possible operation is 32 years. That is why one of the first to be included in the program was an apartment building in Chelyabinsk at 43 Kopeiskoe Highway, where the dismantling of the old and then the installation of new elevator equipment began.
“The building has been occupied since 1983, and the elevators have never been changed during this time. Now our building is undergoing major renovations; nothing will remain of the old elevator, only the concrete walls of the elevator shafts,” said Vera Chevardina, chairman of the building’s council. - Replacement is underway in all ten entrances of our building. 34 years - the elevators were worn out, people were afraid to use them. They had passed their useful life and we were worried that they would simply be stopped. We organized a general meeting of residents and made this decision.”
This year's elevator equipment replacement program can be called unprecedented.
“Today we see the beginning of the implementation of this large-scale plan. And on October 15 we will see the first results. The work is progressing well, as confirmed by the organization responsible for construction control at this site. But, the most important thing is that residents are satisfied with the end result,” emphasized Vadim Borisov, general director of the relocation operator. “There are a lot of elevators that have already served their service life in the region, there is something to work on, and it’s good that the level of collection of contributions to the capital repair fund is increasing every year, which means there are resources that can be directed to such a priority area as elevator repair.”
The overhaul of elevator equipment, with its modernization, includes the repair or complete replacement of elevator equipment deemed unsuitable for use. Also, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts, replacement of attached shafts, as well as repair of machine rooms, repair or replacement of automation and dispatch elements of elevator equipment, and installation of devices necessary for connection to existing automation and dispatch systems of elevator equipment.

According to the contracts concluded to date, in the region as a whole, as part of the implementation of a short-term capital repair program, 1012 units of elevator equipment will have to be replaced for a total amount exceeding 1.43 billion rubles, reports the press service of the “RO overhaul of apartment complexes of the Chelyabinsk region”.

The geography of the program is the widest, it involves almost all cities in the region that have buildings equipped with elevators. In addition to Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, these are Kopeisk, Zlatoust, Trekhgorny, Ust-Katav, Asha, Satka, Ozersk, Snezhinsk, Kasli, Troitsk and Yuzhnouralsk.

According to technical regulations, elevators should not be used for more than 25 years, the maximum period of possible operation is 32 years. That is why one of the first to be included in the program was an apartment building in Chelyabinsk at 43 Kopeiskoe Highway, where dismantling of old and then installation of new elevator equipment began.

“The building has been occupied since 1983, and the elevators have never been changed during this time. Now our building is undergoing major renovations; nothing will remain of the old elevator, only the concrete walls of the elevator shafts.”, - said Vera Chevardina, chairman of the house council. – Replacement is underway in all ten entrances of our building. 34 years - the elevators were worn out, people were afraid to use them. They had passed their useful life and we were worried that they would simply be stopped. We organized a general meeting of residents and made this decision.”

This year's elevator equipment replacement program can be called unprecedented.

« Today we see the beginning of the implementation of this large-scale plan. And on October 15 we will see the first results. The work is progressing well, as confirmed by the organization responsible for construction control at this site. But, the most important thing is that residents are satisfied with the final result., - emphasized the general director of the operator Vadim Borisov.There are a lot of elevators that have already served their service life in the region, there is something to work on, and it’s good that the level of collection of contributions to the capital repair fund is increasing every year, which means there are resources that can be directed to such a priority area as elevator repair.”.

The overhaul of elevator equipment, with its modernization, includes the repair or complete replacement of elevator equipment deemed unsuitable for operation. Also, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts, replacement of attached shafts, as well as repair of machine rooms, repair or replacement of automation and dispatch elements of elevator equipment, and installation of devices necessary for connection to existing automation and dispatch systems of elevator equipment.