It is correct to use stress in words. Stress Dictionary: Where is the correct stress in words? How to put emphasis on “Wednesdays” when talking about the day of the week

STRESS, stress, cf. 1. Emphasis (a syllable in a word, a word in a sentence) by using stronger voice or raising the tone. The stress falls on something (such and such a sound, syllable, etc.). Syllable, sound under stress, without stress. Expiratory stress. Musical… Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Modern encyclopedia

- (accent) ..1) highlighting a unit of speech (syllable, word, phrase) using phonetic means. It is carried out in various ways: by the force of exhalation (force, or expiratory, emphasis in Russian, English, French, Polish, Hungarian, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Accent- (accent), 1) highlighting a unit of speech (syllable, word, phrase) using phonetic means. It is carried out in various ways: by the force of exhalation (force, or expiratory, emphasis in Russian, English, French and other languages);... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Emphasis, emphasis; poking, bumping, greasing, hooting, hiccup, knocking, tonema, poking, hooting, poking, poking, spanking, excreting, grunting, grunting, grunting, badge, kicking, slapping, dumbfounding Dictionary of Russian synonyms. emphasis... ... Synonym dictionary

emphasis- Stress, emphasis (Accent, Emphasis) A superscript sign indicating the features of the pronunciation of a word, in particular the stressed syllable. In the Russian language, acute is used as an accent mark [one of the upper accents is “sharp” stress] ... Font terminology

- (lat. Ictus = blow, U.). This grammatical term refers to different shades of strength and musical pitch observed in speech. It depends on whether we consider these shades within a single syllable, or within a whole word, or, finally... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

See the language of V.V. Vinogradov. History of words, 2010 ... History of words

Accent- STRESS. Strengthening the voice or raising the tone on one syllable compared to other syllables of the same word or whole phrase. See Exhalation... Dictionary of literary terms

STRESS- STRESS. 1. Isolating a unit of speech (syllable, word, phrase) using phonetic means: in Russian, English, French, Polish and a number of other languages ​​- by the force of exhalation; in Lithuanian, Chinese, Japanese and other languages ​​- by changing the height... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)


  • Stress in borrowed words in modern Russian, Superanskaya A.V.. This book contains a study devoted to stress in borrowed words that make up a significant proportion of modern Russian vocabulary. Shows the changes that have occurred since...

Ignorance of the rules of the Russian language does not relieve one from responsibility for the impression one makes. If a person respects himself and his interlocutor, then this is immediately visible not only by the words he pronounces, but also by the way he emphasizes them. Remember: a primitive language is for those who think primitively.

By WHAT and HOW a person says, you can make a portrait of him. As soon as your interlocutor opens his mouth, his level of culture and erudition becomes obvious. It is curious that more educated people understand each other perfectly and do not ask questions about where to put the emphasis in the words “contract”, “marketing”, “blinds”, “petition” and others. This is a closed club for the “select”, or rather for those who care whether they will be considered cattle or not.

Why do you need to put stress in words correctly?

In Russian the stress is free, i.e. is not assigned to any specific syllable, which frees the hands and tongues of all those who do not know the norms and gives the opportunity to ignoramuses to distort the pronunciation beyond recognition. Flexible stress in different grammatical forms (cases, degrees of comparison, etc.) sets traps for the illiterate. To avoid looking dumber than you really are, just know how to correctly emphasize the most commonly used words.

A person who puts the wrong emphasis on words becomes an object of ridicule.

Have you noticed that people who make mistakes in pronunciation are eternal objects of ridicule from satirists, KVNists and simply more literate “users” of the Russian language? This will never change! It is naive to believe that if most of the street kids speak “Will you call?”, then this has already become the norm. Nothing like this! This continues to indicate their backwardness and generally low educational level. Is it worth following the tail of the locomotive? Maybe it’s better to find out where to put the emphasis in words and speak normally without causing laughter?

For difficult cases, there are dictionaries and reference books that describe pronunciation rules in detail. Orthoepic dictionaries and various information portals, as well as reference books, are designed to eradicate speech errors and teach not only native speakers, but also foreigners the correct pronunciation. Why is this necessary? The simplest answer: to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. However, is this the true goal? For some it will be an incredible achievement. Others clearly understand that in order for the language not to become an enemy, it must be studied thoughtfully and constantly work on oneself.

You can find out where to put stress correctly in a particular word from a linguistic dictionary

To help foreigners and native speakers, numerous Internet resources are being created today, where you can find all possible “difficult” words and expressions. For example, there is a popular Internet portal, where you can not only check spelling and stress, but also hear how familiar words ideally sound (audio dictionaries “Speaking Correctly” and “Russian Oral”). However, it is better to rely on your own brain and write down information there once, than to rely on constant “hints” from the computer.

How to put stress in words: norms for some special cases

There are many mnemonic exercises for memorizing, so choose the ones that are most effective for you. The recommendation for everyone is this: since speech is not just a set of words, but meaningful statements in a specific situation, the associative method always helps out when you are in doubt about where to put the emphasis.

Correct your speech, because speaking correctly is no more difficult than speaking with errors

We suggest you remember these blocks of information. They can serve as a “lifesaver” for the words blinds, contract, cottage cheese, catalogue, quarter, cakes, beets, sorrel, call, pamper, prettier, facilitate, plum, scoop.

  • Better not bite your nails and close the blinds.
  • A thief snuck into our office and stole a contract.
  • The woman baked a pie, but forgot about the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must have been expensive at the market. (both forms are within the norm)
  • He left us a hundred rubles and a catalog as a deposit.
  • The quarter is ending, who is richer now?
  • While putting on shorts, he remembered about cakes.
  • The rain has passed, the beets in the garden got wet. And the falcon noticed how many wet beets there were. The roundabout way is long, the beetroot borscht is delicious.
  • You love sweet caramel, but sorrel is healthier. They talked about the land, the cauldron and sorrel.
  • Who is standing in the square calling on a mobile phone?
  • In order not to shed tears, it is better not to spoil.
  • A blue dress will help you look much more beautiful.
  • To avoid carrying a lot, you need to lighten the load.
  • The sour plum compote was quickly poured into the garden.
  • Scoop cherries with a skull.

If you have your own associative chains that help you correctly place stress in words, then feel free to use this method, which saves you from stupid cramming. Even if these are not entirely decent “sayings” in content (for example, “This is not easy petting for you, but financial marketing”), the main thing is that the desired result is a one hundred percent guarantee of memorization and standard pronunciation.

You can come up with your own tricks for words such as “seal”, “petition” and “not allowed”? Write your options in the comments, we will welcome creative ideas!

Russian language is one of the most difficult in the world. And if you are looking on the World Wide Web for an answer to the question of how to put stress in words, this means that even Russian-speaking people sometimes experience certain difficulties in mastering the norms of the language. And if your profession involves frequent speaking in front of an audience, then you need to speak as correctly as possible in order to convey the information correctly. How to correctly put emphasis in words so as not to distort their meaning? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Features of Russian accent

Where to put the emphasis? A special section in linguistics called accentology will help answer this question. So, according to this science, there are no clearly defined rules for stress in the Russian language. Each word has its own rules. How to put emphasis correctly? When answering this question, you need to remember that the Russian language is characterized by the so-called free or variable stress. This means that different parts of a word can become stressed syllables - a root, a prefix, a suffix or an ending. We decided to highlight several points, the understanding of which will help you figure out how to put emphasis on words.

  • In Russian, stress is free and therefore can fall on any syllable.
  • The accent can be movable or stationary. Where should the emphasis be placed in this case? Let's say that in different forms of one word the stress falls on the same part, this will mean that it is motionless: you speak, you speak, you speak. But if the stress falls on different syllables of the same word, then it is called mobile: grass - herbs, run out - run out.
  • How to put emphasis? It must be remembered that emphasis may change over time. For example, if previously it was considered correct to say: metallurgy, printing, now the norm is: metallurgy, printing.
  • Dictionaries will also tell you where to put the emphasis. In them, you will be surprised to find that sometimes some variants of stress are considered equal. For example: Augustovsky - Augustovsky, Cossacks - Cossacks, Keta - Keta and others.
  • Sometimes, so that there is no doubt about where to put the emphasis, you just need to learn words with fixed accents. Here are some of them: cake, scarf, bows, call and others.

Lexical, grammatical, stylistic differences

Where to put the emphasis to correctly convey your idea? When preparing your speech, remember that the difference in stress is due to the fact that in practice there may be two or even more accent options. They will differ from each other in lexical, grammatical or stylistic terms.

  1. Lexical difference suggests that with a change in the place of stress, the meaning of the word also changes. For example, ugly and ugly or characteristic and characteristic. How to put accents correctly and not make mistakes? Consider the lexical meaning of the word and the context in which it sounds.
  2. Varying stress also allows you to distinguish between grammatical forms. These can be forms of the same word, for example, stress in different places of the words - strings and strings indicates that in the first case we have the genitive singular case of the word stringA, and in the second case it is the nominative plural of the same the word itself. Otherwise, different stresses in the same word may indicate forms of completely different words. For example, pali is the past tense of the verb “to fall”, and palI is already the imperative form of the verb “to burn”.
  3. How to put emphasis? In some cases, the science of stylistics will help you answer this question. Words such as bogatyr, well done or silky may sound differently - bogatyr, well done, silky. The difference in stress is associated with the folklore origin of these words.

How to put emphasis in names correctly? Here you can apply the following rule: in women's syllables the stress is placed on the penultimate syllable - MarIna, Inna, Valentina, etc. But in men's, everything is a little different. In short male names, the emphasis is on the penultimate syllable - KOLYA, ZHENYA. Where should the emphasis be placed in long names? On the last syllable (Mikhail, AntOn, Valentin). True, there are quite a few exceptions regarding accents in names. But that, in general, is what distinguishes our great and mighty Russian language - exceptions to the rules.

How to put stress correctly in other languages? For Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese, there are tonic and musical accents. They involve highlighting a syllable by changing the pitch. How to put stress on words in such an unusual way? This question is best addressed to speakers of Asian languages. There are also dynamic, forceful stresses, when a stressed syllable is emphasized with greater pronunciation force. These types of stress are typical for English, French, Russian and others. To be understood correctly, speak correctly! Where should the emphasis be placed so that the meaning is conveyed correctly? Learn Russian, and if you have questions, look in a special dictionary.

Correct speech is of great importance in our life. After all, even if a person looks decent, but makes a lot of mistakes in stress when pronouncing words, then the attitude towards him cools down. It is much more pleasant to communicate with an educated interlocutor with a correctly delivered speech. But not everyone knows how to correctly place emphasis on a particular word, and this greatly confuses them.

The Russian language is very difficult. It is not enough to be a well-read person to know how to pronounce words correctly. Accents in fiction books, for example, are not marked, so to understand where exactly they need to be placed, you have to turn to Russian language textbooks. Remember that there are the following features of stress placement. For example, in foreign words, the stress when pronounced in Russian remains in the same place where it was originally placed (marketing, blinds, genesis).

It is worth noting that stress in Russian can be of several types. It can be mobile or immobile. If in the same word, when used in different cases, there is always one syllable under stress, then this stress is called fixed (break, break, break). And when, when pronouncing a word in different forms, it “runs” over it, then such an emphasis is considered movable (board - boards, take out - take out).

Orthoepic and linguistic dictionaries, as well as special Internet portals, help in setting stress. Such services provide users with the opportunity not only to see how to correctly place stress in a word, but also to listen to its sound if necessary. This is very convenient, since almost every resident of the country currently has access to the Internet. But hardly anyone will find free time to visit a library or store in search of the right dictionary. Moreover, if a word urgently needs to be checked for the correct accent, then such an Internet resource will be very useful.
  • If you have excellent memory and imagination, then you can come up with a consonant, rhyming word with the one in which you need to remember the emphasis. Write a funny short poem. By associating words, you will forever remember how to correctly place emphasis in a particular case. Here are some examples of funny rhymes:
  • If you can't fit into shorts, it means you like to eat cakes.
  • I lost the contract, it was probably stolen by Or.
  • Someone is standing nearby, his phone is ringing.
  • It's hard to drag the package - you need to lighten the load.

The quarter has already ended, but you haven’t turned in your work.

Work on your speech and try to speak competently always and everywhere. It’s nice to feel like an educated and cultured person. Correct placement of accents will give you the opportunity to gain respect in society, and will also increase your chance of passing a difficult and serious interview when applying for a job in a reputable organization.

An important part of knowing any language is its orthoepy. This is the science that studies pronunciation. After all, it is she who gives the answer to the question of how to correctly place emphasis in various cases. Without such knowledge, competent oral speech will not be possible. An incorrectly placed emphasis not only makes a person clumsy and funny in the eyes of his interlocutors, but it will also seriously complicate his communication processes, because in the end the word can simply change its meaning.

Word stress is the emphasis on one syllable in a word using the voice. Pronouncing stressed vowels requires special stress on the speech organs, as well as phonation.


To understand where the emphasis should be placed, you need to pronounce the word interrogatively. The syllable pronounced with the greatest force is called stressed.

Types of accents

Syntagmic stress

It highlights this or that word as part of the syntagma. There is also phrasal stress, highlighting the syntagma in the phrase and logical stress. It emphasizes a word to emphasize its dominance over others in a particular context.

Word stress

Verbal stresses have their own subtypes. Their division is made taking into account exactly what means or methods of presentation are used in a particular case. They are different for all languages. For example, today we distinguish tonic stress, when a stressed syllable is pronounced in a higher or lower tone. There is a noisy and forceful accent, when the main role is played by the strength of sound. As for quantitative stress, it is provided due to the time of its sound. Simply put, the duration changes at the right place. This subtype is also called quantitative. The qualitative variant of stress represents the loss of vowel sound reduction. You need to understand that several variations of acoustics can be combined with each other in the same type of stress. And in different words from the same sentence the stress may appear more pronounced, or, conversely, it may be almost unnoticed.

Accent notation

In addition to a number of features relating to production, there are also different ways to designate them. For example, if we talk about the international phonetic alphabet, then stress is supposed to be indicated by a vertical line, or a line on top, right before the syllable. In Russian, stress is sometimes indicated by the sign “akut”, it is placed directly above the vowel letter. For the English alphabet, the stroke is used at the very end of the stressed word. In some dictionaries, stress is indicated only by a combination of bold and capital letters.

Stressed syllables in Russian have a much longer pronunciation compared to other parts of the word. As for the height of the vowel being emphasized, it can vary. Among the languages ​​of the world there are many where the stress is always stable and fixed. A striking example of this is French speech, which always emphasizes the last syllable in a word, but only when it is pronounced separately. If this is a whole phrase, then all words except the final one will be unstressed. Only the last syllable in a rhythmic group will be highlighted. For the Russian language there are no such patterns. The stress in Russian phrases can fall on any of the syllables. Moreover, it can even change in word forms. Therefore, placing accents correctly is rarely easy. And if a person is not a native speaker, he will make mistakes and this is inevitable.

Stress for individual words

Difficulties often arise in the word “cottage cheese”. Some pronounce it with emphasis on the first “o”, while others pronounce it on the second. The term itself denoting this fermented milk product was pronounced differently at different times. And nineteenth-century dictionaries described the norm where the second syllable is stressed. While the linguist Dahl still insists on the first. An equally textbook example of frequent and incorrect pronunciation is the word “calling.”


In Russian it is not as easy to place the accent correctly as it seems. In addition to the basic rule, there is also a list of words that it is advisable to simply memorize and not make mistakes in pronunciation in the future.

Accent in Russian