Writer Hans Christian Andersen. Hans Christian Andersen - biography, information, personal life. Andersen's independent life

There are few people in the world who are not familiar with the name of the great writer Hans Christian Andersen. More than one generation has grown up with the works of this master of the pen, whose works have been translated into 150 languages ​​of the world. In almost every home, parents read fairy tales to their children before bed about the Princess and the Pea, the Spruce Tree and little Thumbelina, whom the field mouse tried to marry off to the greedy mole neighbor. Or children watch films and cartoons about the Little Mermaid or about the girl Gerda, who dreamed of rescuing Kai from the cold hands of the callous Snow Queen.

The world described by Andersen is amazing and beautiful. But along with magic and flights of fancy, there is a philosophical thought in his fairy tales, because the writer dedicated his creativity to both children and adults. Many critics agree that under the shell of Andersen’s naivety and simple narrative style lies a deep meaning, the task of which is to give the reader the necessary food for thought.

Childhood and youth

Hans Christian Andersen (common Russian spelling, Hans Christian would be more correct) was born on April 2, 1805 in the third largest city in Denmark - Odense. Some biographers claimed that Andersen was the illegitimate son of the Danish king Christian VIII, but in fact the future writer grew up and was brought up in a poor family. His father, also named Hans, worked as a shoemaker and barely made ends meet, and his mother Anna Marie Andersdatter worked as a laundress and was an illiterate woman.

The head of the family believed that his ancestry began from a noble dynasty: the paternal grandmother told her grandson that their family belonged to a privileged social class, but these speculations were not confirmed and were disputed over time. There are many rumors about Andersen’s relatives, which to this day excite the minds of readers. For example, they say that the writer’s grandfather, a carver by profession, was considered crazy in the town because he made strange figures of people with wings that looked like angels out of wood.

Hans Sr. introduced the child to literature. He read “1001 Nights” to his son – traditional Arabic tales. Therefore, every evening little Hans plunged into the magical stories of Scheherazade. Father and son also loved to take walks in the park in Odense and even visited the theater, which made an indelible impression on the boy. In 1816, the writer's father died.

The real world was a harsh test for Hans, he grew up as an emotional, nervous and sensitive child. The local bully, who simply handed out blows, and the teachers are to blame for Andersen’s state of mind, because in those troubled times, punishment with canings was commonplace, so the future writer considered school an unbearable torture.

When Andersen flatly refused to attend classes, his parents sent the young man to a charity school for poor children. After receiving his primary education, Hans became an apprentice weaver, then retrained as a tailor, and later worked in a cigarette factory.

Relations with Andersen’s colleagues in the shop, to put it mildly, did not work out. He was constantly embarrassed by the vulgar anecdotes and narrow-minded jokes of the workers, and once, amid general laughter, Hans's pants were pulled down to make sure whether he was a boy or a girl. And all because as a child the writer had a thin voice and often sang during his shifts. This event forced the future writer to completely withdraw into himself. The young man's only friends were wooden dolls once made by his father.

When Hans was 14 years old, in search of a better life, he moved to Copenhagen, which at that time was considered the “Scandinavian Paris”. Anna Marie thought that Andersen would go to the capital of Denmark for a short time, so she let her beloved son go with a light heart. Hans left his father's house because he dreamed of becoming famous, wanted to learn the craft of acting and play on the theater stage in classical productions. It is worth saying that Hans was a lanky young man with a long nose and limbs, for which he received the offensive nicknames “stork” and “lamppost”.

Andersen was also teased as a child as a “play writer,” because in the boy’s house there was a toy theater with rag “actors.” An industrious young man with a funny appearance gave the impression of an ugly duckling who was accepted into the Royal Theater out of pity, and not because he had an excellent soprano voice. On the stage of the theater, Hans played minor roles. But soon his voice began to break, so his classmates, who considered Andersen primarily a poet, advised the young man to concentrate on literature.

Jonas Collin, a Danish statesman who was in charge of finances during the reign of Frederick VI, was very fond of the unlikeable young man and convinced the king to pay for the education of the young writer.

Andersen studied at the prestigious schools of Slagelse and Elsinore (where he sat at the same desk with students 6 years younger than himself) at the expense of the treasury, although he was not a zealous student: Hans never mastered literacy and made numerous spelling and punctuation errors all his life in a letter. Later, the storyteller recalled that he had nightmares about his student years, because the rector constantly criticized the young man to smithereens, and, as you know, Andersen did not like this.


During his lifetime, Hans Christian Andersen wrote poems, stories, novels and ballads. But for all readers, his name is primarily associated with fairy tales - the master of the pen has 156 works on his record. However, Hans did not like to be called a children's writer, and stated that he wrote for both boys and girls, as well as for adults. It got to the point that Andersen ordered that there should not be a single child on his monument, although initially the monument should have been surrounded by children.

Illustration for Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"

Hans gained recognition and fame in 1829 when he published the adventure story “A Journey on Foot from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager.” Since then, the young writer did not leave his pen and inkwell and wrote literary works one after another, including the fairy tales that made him famous, into which he introduced a system of high genres. True, novels, short stories and vaudevilles were difficult for the author - at the moments of writing, as if out of spite, he suffered a creative crisis.

Illustration for Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans"

Andersen drew inspiration from everyday life. In his opinion, everything in this world is beautiful: a flower petal, a small bug, and a spool of thread. Indeed, if you remember the works of the creator, then even every galosh or pea from a pod has an amazing biography. Hans was based both on his own imagination and on the motifs of the folk epic, thanks to which he wrote “Flint”, “Wild Swans”, “The Swineherd” and other stories published in the collection “Fairy Tales Told to Children” (1837).

Illustration for Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"

Andersen loved to make protagonists characters who are looking for a place in society. This includes Thumbelina, the Little Mermaid, and the Ugly Duckling. Such heroes evoke the author's sympathy. All Andersen's stories are imbued with philosophical meaning from cover to cover. It is worth remembering the fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes,” where the emperor asks two rogues to sew him an expensive robe. However, the outfit turned out to be complicated and consisted entirely of “invisible threads.” The scammers assured the customer that only fools would not see the extremely thin fabric. Thus, the king flaunts around the palace in an indecent appearance.

Illustration for Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "Thumbelina"

He and his courtiers do not notice the intricate dress, but are afraid to make themselves look like fools if they admit that the ruler walks around in what his mother gave birth to. This tale began to be interpreted as a parable, and the phrase “And the king is naked!” included in the list of popular expressions. It is noteworthy that not all Andersen’s fairy tales are imbued with luck; not all of the writer’s manuscripts contain the “deusexmachina” technique, when a random coincidence of circumstances that saves the main character (for example, the prince kisses the poisoned Snow White), as if by God’s will, appears out of nowhere.

Illustration for Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea"

Hans is loved by adult readers because he does not paint a utopian world where everyone lives happily ever after, but, for example, without a twinge of conscience he sends a steadfast tin soldier into a burning fireplace, dooming a lonely man to death. In 1840, the master of the pen tried his hand at the genre of miniature novellas and published the collection “Picture Book without Pictures,” and in 1849 he wrote the novel “Two Baronesses.” Four years later, the book “To Be or Not to Be” was published, but all of Andersen’s attempts to establish himself as a novelist were in vain.

Personal life

The personal life of the failed actor, but eminent writer Andersen is a mystery shrouded in darkness. They say that throughout his existence, the great writer remained in the dark about intimacy with women or men. There is an assumption that the great storyteller was a latent homosexual (as evidenced by the epistolary legacy); he had close friendly relations with his friends Edward Collin, the hereditary Duke of Weimar, and with the dancer Harald Schraff. Although there were three women in Hans's life, things did not go beyond fleeting sympathy, not to mention marriage.

Andersen's first chosen one was the sister of his schoolmate Riborg Voigt. But the indecisive young man never dared to talk to the object of his desire. Louise Collin, the writer's next potential bride, suppressed any attempts at courtship and ignored the fiery stream of love letters. The 18-year-old girl chose a wealthy lawyer over Andersen.

In 1846, Hans fell in love with the opera singer Jenny Lind, who was nicknamed the “Swedish nightingale” because of her sonorous soprano. Andersen watched over Jenny behind the scenes and presented the beauty with poems and generous gifts. But the charming girl was in no hurry to reciprocate the storyteller’s sympathy, but treated him like a brother. When Andersen learned that the singer had married the British composer Otto Goldschmidt, Hans became depressed. Cold-hearted Jenny Lind became the prototype of the Snow Queen from the writer's fairy tale of the same name.

Illustration for Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Andersen was unlucky in love. Therefore, it is not surprising that the storyteller visited the red light districts upon his arrival in Paris. True, instead of debauching the night away with frivolous young ladies, Hans talked with them, sharing the details of his unhappy life. When one of Andersen’s acquaintances hinted to him that he was visiting brothels for other purposes, the writer was surprised and looked at his interlocutor with obvious disgust.

It is also known that Andersen was a devoted fan; the talented writers met at a literary meeting hosted by Countess Blessington in her salon. After this meeting, Hans wrote in his diary:

“We went out onto the veranda, I was happy to talk with the living writer of England, whom I love best.”

Ten years later, the storyteller returned to England and came as an uninvited guest to Dickens's house, to the detriment of his family. Over time, Charles stopped corresponding with Andersen, and the Dane sincerely did not understand why all his letters remained unanswered.


In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell out of bed, hitting the floor hard, as a result of which he received multiple injuries from which he never recovered.

Later, the writer was diagnosed with liver cancer. On August 4, 1875, Hans died. The great writer is buried in Assistance Cemetery in Copenhagen.


  • 1829 – “Journey on foot from the Holmen canal to the eastern cape of the island of Amager”
  • 1829 – “Love on the Nicholas Tower”
  • 1834 – “Agnetha and Vodyanoy”
  • 1835 – “Improviser” (Russian translation – in 1844)
  • 1837 – “Only the violinist”
  • 1835–1837 – “Fairy Tales Told for Children”
  • 1838 – “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”
  • 1840 – “Picture Book Without Pictures”
  • 1843 – “The Nightingale”
  • 1843 – “The Ugly Duckling”
  • 1844 – “The Snow Queen”
  • 1845 – “The Little Match Girl”
  • 1847 – “Shadow”
  • 1849 – “Two Baronesses”
  • 1857 – “To be or not to be”



Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the Danish island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen (1782-1816), was a poor shoemaker, his mother Anna Marie Andersdatter (1775-1833), was a laundress from a poor family, she had to beg as a child, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor. In Denmark, there is a legend about Andersen's royal origin, since in an early biography Andersen wrote that as a child he played with Prince Frits, later King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among the street boys - only the prince. Andersen's friendship with Prince Frits, according to Andersen's fantasy, continued into adulthood, until the latter's death. After the death of Frits, with the exception of relatives, only Andersen was allowed to visit the coffin of the deceased. The reason for this fantasy was the boy’s father telling him that he was a relative of the king. Since childhood, the future writer showed a penchant for daydreaming and writing, and often staged impromptu home performances that caused laughter and ridicule from children. In the city, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was apprenticed first to a weaver, then to a tailor. Then Andersen worked at a cigarette factory. In his early childhood, Hans Christian was an introverted child with big blue eyes who sat in the corner and played his favorite game - puppet theater. He retained this only occupation in his youth.


At the age of 14, Andersen went to Copenhagen, his mother let him go because she hoped that he would stay there for a while and return. When she asked the reason why he was traveling, leaving her and home, young Andersen immediately replied: “To become famous!” He went with the goal of getting a job in the theater, citing his love for everything connected with it. He received the money from a letter of recommendation from the colonel, in whose family he staged his performances as a child. During his year in Copenhagen he tried to get into the theater. First, he came to the home of a famous singer and, bursting into tears with excitement, asked her to get him into the theater. She, just to get rid of the annoying strange lanky teenager, promised to arrange everything, but, of course, did not fulfill her promise. Much later, she will tell Andersen that she simply mistook him for a madman. Hans Christian was a lanky teenager with long and thin limbs, a neck and an equally long nose, he was the quintessential Ugly Duckling. But thanks to his pleasant voice and his requests, as well as out of pity, Hans Christian, despite his unspectacular appearance, was accepted into the Royal Theater, where he played minor roles. He was used less and less, and then age-related loss of voice began, and he was fired. Andersen, meanwhile, composed a play in 5 acts and wrote a letter to the king, convincing him to give money for its publication. This book also included poems. Hans Christian took care of the advertising and announced it in the newspaper. The book was printed, but no one bought it, it was used for wrapping. He did not lose hope and took his book to the theater so that a performance based on the play could be staged. He was refused with the wording “due to the author’s complete lack of experience.” But he was offered to study because of their kind attitude towards him, seeing his desire. People who sympathized with the poor and sensitive boy petitioned the King of Denmark, Frederick VI, who allowed him to study at a school in the town of Slagels, and then at another school in Elsinore at the expense of the treasury. This meant that I would no longer have to think about a piece of bread or how to live on. The students at school were 6 years younger than Andersen. He subsequently recalled his years at school as the darkest time of his life, due to the fact that he was subjected to severe criticism from the rector of the educational institution and was painfully worried about this until the end of his days - he saw the rector in nightmares. In 1827, Andersen completed his studies. Until the end of his life, he made many grammatical errors in writing - Andersen never mastered literacy.

Andersen did not fit the image of a storyteller surrounded by children, telling them his tales. His isolation and self-centeredness resulted in a dislike for children. When the famous sculptor wanted to depict the already famous storyteller surrounded by children, he became so angry that he kicked him out and said that he had no habit of talking with children. He died completely alone.


List of famous fairy tales

  • Storks (Storkene, 1839)
  • Angel (Engelen, 1843)
  • Anne Lisbeth (1859)
  • Grandmother (Bedstemoder, 1845)
  • Bronze boar (truth) (Metalsvinet, 1842)
  • Mother Elder (Hyldemoer, 1844)
  • Bottleneck (Flaskehalsen, 1857)
  • The Wind talks about Waldemar Do and his daughters ( Vinden fortæller om Valdemar Daae og hans Døttre, 1859)
  • Magic Hill (1845)
  • Collar (Flipperne, 1847)
  • Everyone know your place! (“Alt paa sin rette Plads”, 1852)
  • The Ugly Duckling (Den grimme Ælling, )
  • Hans Churban (Klods-Hans, 1855)
  • Buckwheat (Boghveden, 1841)
  • Two Maidens (1853)
  • Yard cock and weathercock (Gaardhanen og Veirhanen, 1859)
  • Little Match Girl ( Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne, 1845)
  • The girl who stepped on bread ( Pigen, som traadte paa Brødet, 1859)
  • Wild swans (De vilde Svaner, 1838)
  • Director of a puppet theater (Marionetspilleren, 1851)
  • The Shopkeeper's Brownie (1852)
  • Traveling Companion (Reisekammeraten, 1835)
  • The Marsh King's Daughter (Dynd-Kongens Datter 1858)
  • Fool Hans (Klods-Hans, 1855)
  • Thumbelina (Tommelise, 1835) (see also Thumbelina (character))
  • There is a difference! (“Der er Forskjel!”, 1851)
  • Spruce (Grantræet, 1844)
  • Toad (Skrubtudsen, 1866)
  • Bride and Groom (Kjærestefolkene or Toppen og Bolden, 1843)
  • Evil prince. Tradition (Den onde Fyrste, 1840)
  • Ib and Christine (Ib og lille Christine, 1855)
  • The Real Truth (Det er ganske vist!, 1852)
  • History of the Year (Aarets Historie, 1852)
  • The Story of a Mother (Historien om en Moder, 1847)
  • How good! (1859)
  • Galoshes of Happiness (Lykkens Kalosker, 1838)
  • Drop of Water (Vanddraaben, 1847)
  • Bell (Klokken, 1845)
  • Bell Pool (Klokkedybet, 1856)
  • The Red Shoes (De røde Skoe, 1845)
  • Forest Hill (1845)
  • Linen (Hørren, 1848)
  • Little Claus and Big Claus (Lille Claus og store Claus, 1835)
  • Little Tuk (Lille Tuk, 1847)
  • Moth (1860)
  • On the Dunes (En Historie fra Kliterne, 1859)
  • In the Duck Yard (1861)
  • The Silent Book (Den stumme Bog, 1851)
  • Bad boy
  • The King's New Dress (Keiserens nye Klæder, 1837)
  • How the Storm Uplifted the Signs (1865)
  • Flint (Fyrtøiet, )
  • Ole Lukøie, 1841
  • Offspring of the plant of paradise (Et Blad fra Himlen, 1853)
  • The Couple (Kjærestefolkene, 1843)
  • Shepherdess and chimney sweep ( Hyrdinden og Skorsteensfeieren, 1845)
  • Peiter, Peter og Peer, 1868
  • Pen and Inkwell (Pen og Blækhuus, 1859)
  • Twin cities (Venskabs-Pagten, 1842)
  • Snowdrop (excerpt) (1862)
  • The last dream of the old oak ( Det gamle Egetræes sidste Drøm, 1858)
  • The Last Pearl (Den sidste Perle, 1853)
  • The Princess and the Pea (Prindsessen paa Ærten, 1835)
  • Lost (“Hun duede ikke”, 1852)
  • Jumpers (Springfyrene, 1845)
  • Phoenix bird (Fugl Phønix, 1850)
  • Five from One Pod (Fem fra en Ærtebælg, 1852)
  • Garden of Eden (Paradises Have, 1839)
  • Childish Talk (Børnesnak, 1859)
  • Rose from Homer's Tomb (En Rose fra Homers Grav, 1842)
  • Chamomile (Gaaseurten, 1838)
  • The Little Mermaid (Den lille Havfrue, 1837)
  • From the ramparts (Et Billede fra Castelsvolden, 1846)
  • The Most Incredible (Det Utroligste, 1870)
  • Swineherd (Svinedrengen, )
  • The Snow Queen (Sneedronningen, 1844)
  • Nightingale (Nattergalen, )
  • The Dream (En Historie, 1851)
  • Neighbors (Nabofamilierne, 1847)
  • The Old House (Det gamle Huus, 1847)
  • Old street lamp (Den gamle Gadeløgte, 1847)
  • The Steadfast Tin Soldier (Den standhaftige Tinsoldat, )
  • The Fate of the Burdock (1869)
  • Chest-plane (1839)
  • Sausage Stick Soup (1858)
  • Happy Family (Den lykkelige Familie, 1847)
  • Shadow (Skyggen, 1847)
  • Whatever the hubby does is fine ( Hvad Fatter gjør, det er altid det Rigtige, 1861)
  • Snail and Roses (Sneglen og Rosenhækken, 1861)
  • Little Ida's Flowers (Den lille Idas Blomster, 1835)
  • Teapot (1863)
  • What they can’t come up with... (1869)
  • After a Thousand Years (Om Aartusinder, 1852)
  • Darning needle (Stoppenaalen, 1845)
  • Elf of the Rosebush (Rosen-Alfen, 1839)

Film adaptations of works

  • - “Hans Christian Andersen. Fairy Tales" - collector's edition of cartoons:
    • Wild Swans
    • Dung-beetle
    • Jumper
    • Flint
    • Mermaid
    • Whatever the husband does is good
    • Ole Lukoje
    • Airplane chest
    • The Steadfast Tin Soldier
    • Baby Ida's flowers
    • Golden treasure
    • The Professor and the Flea
    • Princess on the Pea
    • Swineherd
    • Galoshes of happiness
    • The king's new dress
    • Bride and groom
    • Old street lamp
    • Bottleneck
    • Gardener and family
    • ugly duck
    • The real truth
    • Sausage stick soup
    • Satellite
    • The Snow Queen (in two parts)
    • Snowman
    • Thumbelina
    • Nightingale
    • Hans Churban

Operas based on Andersen's fairy tales

  • Opera-parable "The Ugly Duckling", Op. 1996, - free operatic version by Lev Konov to the music of Sergei Prokofiev (op. 18 and op. 22) for solo soprano, children's choir and piano. Act 1: 2 Epigraphs and 38 fleeting pictures, duration - 28 minutes.
  • “The Ugly Duckling” Opera-Parable By Andersen For Mezzo-Soprano (Soprano), Three-part Childrens Choir And the Piano *

1 Act: 2 Epigraphs, 38 Theatrical Pictures * Length: Approximately 28 minutes * The opera version (Free transcription) Written by Lev Konov (1996) On music of Sergei Prokofiev: The Ugly Duckling, op. 18 (1914) And Visions Fugitives, op. 22 (1915-1917) * (Vocal score language: Russian, English, German, French)

Photo gallery


  • The Complete Works of Andersen. Fairy tales in 7 languages ​​with illustrations, stories, novels, poems, letters, autobiography, photographs, paintings. (Russian) (Ukrainian) (Belorian) (Mongolian) (English) (French) (Spanish)

Hans Christian Andersen (in many publications in Russian the name of the writer is indicated as Hans Christian, dat. Hans Christian Andersen; April 2, 1805, Odense, Danish-Norwegian Union - August 4, 1875, Copenhagen, Denmark) - Danish prose writer and poet, author of world-famous fairy tales for children and adults: “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Ole Lukoye”, “The Snow Queen” and many others.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in Odense on the island of Funen. Andersen's father, Hans Andersen (1782-1816), was a poor shoemaker, and his mother Anna Marie Andersdatter (1775-1833) was a washerwoman from a poor family, she had to beg as a child, she was buried in a cemetery for the poor.

He grew up as a very subtly nervous child, emotional and receptive. At that time, physical punishment of children in schools was common, so the boy was afraid to go to school, and his mother sent him to a Jewish school, where physical punishment of children was prohibited.

At the age of 14, Hans went to Copenhagen; his mother let him go because she hoped that he would stay there for a while and return. When she asked the reason why he was traveling, leaving her and home, young Hans Christian immediately replied: “To become famous!”

Hans Christian was a lanky teenager with elongated and thin limbs, a neck and an equally long nose, and also out of pity, Hans Christian, despite his unspectacular appearance, was accepted into the Royal Theater, where he played minor roles. He was offered to study because of their kind attitude towards him, seeing his desire. People who sympathized with the poor and sensitive boy petitioned the King of Denmark, Frederick VI, who allowed him to study at a school in the town of Slagels, and then at another school in Elsinore at the expense of the treasury. The students at school were 6 years younger than Andersen. He subsequently recalled his years at school as the darkest time of his life, due to the fact that he was subjected to severe criticism from the rector of the educational institution and was painfully worried about this until the end of his days - he saw the rector in nightmares.

In 1827, Andersen completed his studies. Until the end of his life, he made many grammatical errors in his writing - Andersen never mastered literacy.

Andersen never married and had no children.

In 1829, the fantastic story “A Journey on Foot from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager” published by Andersen brought the writer fame. Andersen wrote a large number of literary works, including the “Fairy Tales” that made him famous in 1835. In the 1840s, Andersen tried to return to the stage, but without much success. At the same time, he confirmed his talent by publishing the collection “Picture Book Without Pictures.”

In the second half of the 1840s and the following years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to become famous as a playwright and novelist.

In 1872, Andersen fell out of bed, was badly hurt and never recovered from his injuries, although he lived for another three years. He died on August 4, 1875 and is buried in Assistance Cemetery in Copenhagen.

List of the most famous fairy tales:

Storks (Storkene, 1839)
Thumbelina, Wilhelm Pedersen, 1820-1859.
The Godfather's Album (Gudfaders Billedbog, 1868)
Angel (Engelen, 1843)
Anne Lisbeth (1859)
Grandmother (Bedstemoder, 1845)
The Flea and the Professor (Loppen og Professoren, 1872)
Will-o'-the-wisps in the city (Lygtemændene ere i Byen, sagde Mosekonen, 1865)
God will never die (Den gamle Gud lever endnu, 1836)
Great sea serpent (Den store Søslange, 1871)
Bronze boar (truth) (Metalsvinet, 1842)
Mother Elder (Hyldemoer, 1844)
Bottleneck (Flaskehalsen, 1857)
On the day of death (Paa den yderste Dag, 1852)
In the nursery (I Børnestuen, 1865)
Cheerful disposition (Et godt Humeur, 1852)
The Wind talks about Valdemar Daae and his daughters (Vinden fortæller om Valdemar Daae og hans Døttre, 1859)
Windmill (Veirmøllen, 1865)
The Magic Hill (Elverhøi, 1845)
Collar (Flipperne, 1847)
Everyone know your place! (Everything has its place) (“Alt paa sin rette Plads”, 1852)
Van and Glænø (Vænø og Glænø, 1867)
The Ugly Duckling (Den grimme Ælling, 1843)
Hans the Blockhead (or Foolish Hans) (Klods-Hans, 1855)
Buckwheat (Boghveden, 1841)
Two Brothers (To Brødre, 1859)
Two Maidens (To Jomfruer, 1853)
Twelve Passengers (Tolv med Posten, 1861)
Yard cock and weathercock (Gaardhanen og Veirhanen, 1859)
Ice Maiden (Iisjomfruen, 1861)
The Little Match Girl (Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne, 1845)
The Girl Who Stepped on Bread (The Girl Who Stepped on Bread) (Pigen, som traadte paa Brødet, 1859)
Moving Day (Flyttedagen, 1860)
Wild swans (De vilde Svaner, 1838)
Director of a puppet theater (Marionetspilleren, 1851)
Days of the week (Ugedagene, 1868)
The Brownie and the Mistress (Nissen og Madamen, 1867)
Petty Trader's House (Nissen hos Spekhøkeren, 1852)
Traveling Companion (Reisekammeraten, 1835)
The Marsh King's Daughter (Dynd-Kongens Datter, 1858)
Dryad (Dryaden, 1868)
Thumbelina (Tommelise, 1835)
Jewess (Jødepigen, 1855)
Spruce (Grantræet, 1844)
Bishop of Berglum and his relatives (Bispen paa Børglum og hans Frænde, 1861)
There is a difference! (“Der er Forskjel!”, 1851)
Toad (Skrubtudsen, 1866)
Bride and Groom (Kjærestefolkene or Toppen og Bolden, 1843)
Green crumbs (De smaa Grønne, 1867)
Evil prince. Tradition (Den onde Fyrste, 1840)
Golden Boy (Guldskat, 1865)
And sometimes happiness hides in a pinch (Lykken kan ligge i en Pind, 1869)
Ib and Christine (Ib og lille Christine, 1855)
From the Almshouse Window (Fra et Vindue i Vartou, 1846)
The True Truth (Det er ganske vist!, 1852)
History of the Year (Aarets Historie, 1852)
The Story of a Mother (Historien om en Moder, 1847)
How the Storm Outweighed the Signs (Stormen flytter Skilt, 1865)
How good! (“Deilig!”, 1859)
Galoshes of Happiness (Lykkens Kalosker, 1838)
Drop of water (Vanddraaben, 1847)
Gate Key (Portnøglen, 1872)
Something ("Noget", 1858)
Bell (Klokken, 1845)
Bell Pool (Klokkedybet, 1856)
Bell Watchman Ole (Taarnvægteren Ole, 1859)
Comet (Kometen, 1869)
Red Shoes (De røde Skoe, 1845)
Who is the happiest? (Hvem var den Lykkeligste?, 1868)
Swan's nest (Svanereden, 1852)
Linen (Hørren, 1848)
Little Claus and Big Claus (Lille Claus og store Claus, 1835)
Little Tuk (Lille Tuk, 1847)
Moth (Sommerfuglen, 1860)
Muse of the New Age (Det nye Aarhundredes Musa, 1861)
On the Dunes (En Historie fra Kliterne, 1859)
At the edge of the sea (Ved det yderste Hav, 1854)
On the Child's Grave (Barnet i Graven, 1859)
In the Poultry Yard (I Andegaarden, 1861)
Dung beetle (Skarnbassen, 1861)
The Silent Book (Den stumme Bog, 1851)
Bad Boy (Den uartige Dreng, 1835)
The King's New Dress (Keiserens nye Klæder, 1837)
The Old Bachelor's Nightcap (Pebersvendens Nathue, 1858)
What Old Woman Johanna Told About (Hvad gamle Johanne fortalte, 1872)
A fragment of a string of pearls (Et stykke Perlesnor, 1856)
Flint (Fyrtøiet, 1835)
Ole Lukøie, 1841
Offspring of the plant of paradise (Et Blad fra Himlen, 1853)
Couple (Kærestefolkene, 1843)
Shepherdess and Chimney Sweep (Hyrdinden og Skorsteensfeieren, 1845)
Peiter, Peter og Peer, 1868
Pen and inkwell (Pen og Blækhuus, 1859)
Dance, doll, dance! (Dandse, dandse Dukke min! 1871)
Twin cities (Venskabs-Pagten, 1842)
Under the willow (Under Piletræet, 1852)
Snowdrop (Sommergjækken, 1862)
The Last Dream of the Old Oak (Det gamle Egetræes sidste Drøm, 1858)
The Last Pearl (Den sidste Perle, 1853)
Great-grandfather (Oldefa"er, 1870)
Ancestors of the bird-keeper Greta (Hønse-Grethes Familie, 1869)
The most beautiful rose in the world (Verdens deiligste Rose, 1851)
The Princess and the Pea (Prindsessen paa Ærten, 1835)
Lost (“Hun duede ikke”, 1852)
Springfyrene, 1845
Psyche (Psychen, 1861)
Folksong Bird (Folkesangens Fugl, 1864)
Phoenix bird (Fugl Phønix, 1850)
Five from one pod (Fem fra en Ærtebælg, 1852)
Garden of Eden (Paradises Have, 1839)
Tales of a Sunbeam (Solskins-Historier, 1869)
Childish Talk (Børnesnak, 1859)
Rose from Homer's Tomb (En Rose fra Homers Grav, 1842)
Chamomile (Gaaseurten, 1838)
The Little Mermaid (Den lille Havfrue, 1837)
From the ramparts (Et Billede fra Castelsvolden, 1846)
The Gardener and the Gentlemen (Gartneren og Herskabet, 1872)
Tallow candle (Tællelyset, 1820s)
The Most Incredible (Det Utroligste, 1870)
Candles (Lysene, 1870)
Swineherd (Svinedrengen, 1841)
Piggy bank pig (Pengegrisen, 1854)
Heartbreak (Hjertesorg, 1852)
Silver coin (Sølvskillingen, 1861)
Seat (Krøblingen, 1872)
Speedwalkers (Hurtigløberne, 1858)
Snowman (Sneemanden, 1861)
The Snow Queen (Sneedronningen, 1844)
Hidden - not forgotten (Gjemt er ikke glemt, 1866)
Nightingale (Nattergalen, 1843)
The Dream (En Historie, 1851)
Neighbors (Nabofamilierne, 1847)
Old gravestone (Den gamle Gravsteen, 1852)
The Old House (Det gamle Huus, 1847)
Old street lamp (Den gamle Gadeløgte, 1847)
Old church bell (Den gamle Kirkeklokke, 1861)
The Steadfast Tin Soldier (Den standhaftige Tinsoldat, 1838)
The fate of the burdock (Hvad Tidselen oplevede, 1869)
Airplane chest (Den flyvende Kuffert, 1839)
Sausage stick soup (Suppe paa en Pølsepind, 1858)
Happy Family (Den lykkelige Familie, 1847)
The Gatekeeper's Son (Portnerens Søn, 1866)
Talisman (Talismanen, 1836)
Shadow (Skyggen, 1847)
The thorny path of glory (“Ærens Tornevei”, 1855)
Auntie (Moster, 1866)
Aunt Toothache (Tante Tandpine, 1872)
Rag (Laserne, 1868)
Whatever the hubby does is fine (Whatever the hubby does is fine) (Hvad Fatter gjør, det er altid det Rigtige, 1861)
Snail and Roses (Snail and Rosebush) (Sneglen og Rosenhækken, 1861)
The Philosopher's Stone (De Vises Steen, 1858)
Holger Danske (Holger Danske, 1845)
Little Ida's Flowers (Den lille Idas Blomster, 1835)
Teapot (Theepotten, 1863)
What can they come up with... (What can they come up with) (Hvad man kan hitte paa, 1869)
After a Thousand Years (Om Aartusinder, 1852)
What the whole family said (Hvad hele Familien sagde, 1870)
Darning needle (Stoppenaalen, 1845)
Rosebush Elf (Rosen-Alfen, 1839).

Biography and episodes of life Hans Christian Andersen. When born and died Hans Christian Andersen, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. Writer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Hans Christian Andersen:

born April 2, 1805, died August 8, 1875


To whom were you dear during your life,
To whom did you give your love?
Those for your repose
They will pray again and again.


The world's greatest storyteller, Hans Christian Andersen, was always a little offended that he was considered a children's writer. After all, he wrote his fairy tales for adults. Andersen's biography is the story of a boy from a poor family who, thanks to his talent, was able to become famous throughout the world, but was lonely all his life.

He was born in the town of Odense. Since childhood, Andersen was in love with the theater and often performed puppet shows at home. As if floating in his own fairy-tale worlds, he grew up as a sensitive, vulnerable boy, his studies were difficult for him, and his less spectacular appearance left almost no chance for theatrical success. But Andersen did not give up - at the age of 14 he moved to Copenhagen to become famous, and he succeeded. At first he was accepted into the Royal Theater - however, more out of sympathy: the boy played minor roles there, but was soon fired. There, in Copenhagen, he continued to study thanks to the intercession of good people who treated Andersen with sympathy. In 1829 he began to write, and until the end of his life Andersen wrote many fairy tales, short stories and stories. Almost immediately he became famous. And when the writer presented King Frederick with a collection of his poems about Denmark, he was able to travel around Europe with the monetary reward he received. Andersen liked to travel - he drew his inspiration from trips.

During his lifetime, Andersen was awarded many awards - the title of honorary citizen of Odense, the knightly order of Danebrog, the Order of the White Falcon First Class in Germany, the rank of state councilor, etc. Andersen wrote his last fairy tale in 1872, and then a misfortune happened to the writer: he fell out of bed and received severe injuries, which he treated for another three years of his life, until his death. Andersen's death occurred on August 4, 1875; the cause of Andersen's death was liver cancer. The day of Andersen's funeral was declared a day of mourning in Denmark - they were attended by the royal family. Andersen's grave is located in the Assistance Cemetery in Copenhagen.

Life line

April 2, 1805 Date of birth of Hans Christian Andersen.
1827 Graduating from Elsinore.
1828 Admission to university.
1829 Publication by Andersen of the story “A Walking Journey from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager.”
1835 Writing of Andersen's Fairy Tales, which made the writer famous.
1840-1860s Andersen's creation of dozens of literary works for children and adults.
1867 Obtaining the rank of state councilor.
1872 Falling out of bed, causing serious injury.
August 4, 1875 Date of death of Andersen.
August 8, 1875 Anderson's funeral.

Memorable places

1. The city of Odense, where Andersen was born.
2. Andersen's house in Odense, where he was born.
3. Andersen's house in Copenhagen, where he lived.
4. Royal Danish Theater, where Andersen played.

6. Andersen Museum in Odense.
7. Museum “The World of Hans Christian Andersen in Copenhagen”. Denmark, Copenhagen.
8. Assistance Cemetery in Copenhagen, where Andersen is buried.

Episodes of life

Even during Andersen’s lifetime, the king decided that a monument should be erected to the writer. Andersen was asked to consider several models, of which he rejected those in which he was surrounded by children - in his opinion, he was not a children's writer, although he wrote 156 fairy tales during his life.

Andersen had a wonderful voice, soprano. When he was still working in a factory in his hometown, he often sang. One day, workers in the workshop pulled down Andersen's pants to make sure that he was actually a young man with such a high voice, and not a girl. Andersen had a hard time withstanding such greasy jokes since childhood.

It is known that Andersen never had romantic relationships with either men or women. Of course, he fell in love and was tormented by the pangs of passion, but, alas, the objects of his feelings did not reciprocate his feelings. When Andersen was in Paris, he often visited brothels, but only to enjoy pleasant conversations with girls.

Andersen was tall, awkward, thin, he was even called “lamppost” and “stork” behind his back. All his life he remained a sensitive person, often suffered from depression, was touchy, vulnerable, and suffered from many phobias - for example, he was afraid of fire and that he would be buried alive. When he wasn't feeling well, he would write a note saying, "It just seems like I'm dead," and leave it on his bed.


“Only while you are not bound by anything, the whole world is open to you.”

Autobiography of Hans Christian Andersen


“It must have been very strange for Andersen to live among ordinary people and yet be so different from them. His explosive temperament required space that bourgeois Copenhagen could not give him, and the demand for warm and direct relationships with other people was rarely satisfied. He didn't fit in with his surroundings. He was a big and strange duckling among the beautiful little ducklings and the cheeky ducks and chickens.”
Bo Grönbeck, literary critic

Hans Christian Andersen was born on April 2, 1805 in the city of Odense on the island of Funen (in some sources the island of Fionia is called), in the family of a shoemaker and a washerwoman. Andersen heard his first fairy tales from his father, who read him stories from One Thousand and One Nights; Along with fairy tales, my father loved to sing songs and make toys. From his mother, who dreamed that Hans Christian would become a tailor, he learned to cut and sew. As a child, the future storyteller often had to communicate with patients in the hospital for the mentally ill, where his maternal grandmother worked. The boy listened to their stories with enthusiasm and later wrote that he “was made the writer of his father’s songs and the speeches of the mad.” Since childhood, the future writer showed a penchant for dreaming and writing, and often staged impromptu home performances.

In 1816, Andersen's father died, and the boy had to work for food. He was apprenticed first to a weaver, then to a tailor. Andersen later worked in a cigarette factory.

In 1819, having earned some money and bought his first boots, Hans Christian Andersen went to Copenhagen. For the first three years in Copenhagen, Andersen connected his life with the theater: he attempted to become an actor, wrote tragedies and dramas. In 1822, the play “The Sun of the Elves” was published. The drama turned out to be an immature, weak work, but it attracted the attention of the theater management, with whom the aspiring author was collaborating at that time. The board of directors secured a scholarship for Andersen and the right to study freely at the gymnasium. A seventeen-year-old boy ends up in the second grade of a Latin school and, despite the ridicule of his comrades, finishes it.

In 1826-1827, Andersen’s first poems (“Evening”, “The Dying Child”) were published, receiving positive reviews from critics. In 1829, his story in a fantastic style, “A Journey on Foot from the Holmen Canal to the Eastern End of Amager,” was published. In 1835, Andersen's "Fairy Tales" brought fame. In 1839 and 1845, the second and third books of fairy tales were written, respectively.

In the second half of the 1840s and the following years, Andersen continued to publish novels and plays, trying in vain to become famous as a playwright and novelist. At the same time, he despised his fairy tales, which brought him well-deserved fame. Nevertheless, he continued to write more and more new ones. The last fairy tale was written by Andersen on Christmas Day 1872.

In 1872, the writer received serious injuries as a result of a fall, for which he was treated for three years. In 1875, on August 4, Hans Christian Andersen died. He was buried in Copenhagen at the Assistance Cemetery.

  • Andersen got angry when he was called a children's storyteller and said that he writes fairy tales for both children and adults. For the same reason, he ordered that all children's figures be removed from his monument, where originally the storyteller was supposed to be surrounded by children.
  • Andersen had the autograph of A. S. Pushkin.
  • G. H. Andersen's fairy tale “The King's New Clothes” was placed in the first primer by L. N. Tolstoy.
  • Andersen has a fairy tale about Isaac Newton.
  • In the fairy tale “Two Brothers” H.H. Andersen wrote about the famous brothers Hans Christian and Anders Oersted.
  • The title of the fairy tale “Ole-Lukoje” is translated as “Ole-Close Your Eyes.”
  • Andersen paid very little attention to his appearance. He constantly walked the streets of Copenhagen in an old hat and a worn raincoat. One day a dandy stopped him on the street and asked:
    “Tell me, is this pathetic thing on your head called a hat?”
    To which there was an immediate response:
    “Is that pathetic thing under your fancy hat called a head?”

Be like children