The graves of saints at the Novodevichy cemetery. Celebrity graves at the Novodevichy cemetery. The most visited monument at the Novodevichy Cemetery

Novodevichy Cemetery is considered the second most important burial place in Moscow. At the same time, it is one of the oldest. The cemetery appeared back in 1898 on the southern side of the Novodevichy Convent. More than a hundred years ago, it was considered an honorable place for the last refuge due to the proximity of the holy monastery.

During the Soviet Union, Novodevichye turned into a real pantheon of national heroes and outstanding figures of art and science. Only burial near the Kremlin wall can be more prestigious.

History of Novodevichy

The very first graves on the territory of the modern Novodevichy cemetery appeared in the 16th century. But then these were isolated cases of burials. Here some of the inhabitants of the monastery found their last earthly refuge. The number of their graves gradually increased. Over time, they were joined by the tombs of noble people.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the territory of the Novodevichy cemetery was actively developed. It was expanded by adding soil on the southern slope. The territory was fenced with a brick wall, which adjoined the ancient monastery walls. Now on Novodevichy there are 11 sites on which more than 26 thousand people are buried. To receive the honor of being buried in this place, during your lifetime you must be an outstanding person, a son (or daughter) of whom the Motherland could be proud.

Who lies here

Novodevichy Cemetery is, in a sense, a Russian historical museum. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register. Some of the first “sovereign” personalities buried on its territory were relatives of Ivan the Terrible: his daughter Annushka, as well as his daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law. High-born nuns also found peace here, and in the past - the princesses Ekaterina and Evdokia of Miloslavsky, Sophia, the sister of Tsar Peter I, and his wife Evdokia Lopukhina.

Later, representatives of famous Russian families were buried here: princes Sergei Trubetskoy, Alexander Muravyov, Decembrist Matvey Muravyov-Apostol, Count Alexey Uvarov, etc. During the years of Soviet power, the ashes of the great author of “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” Nikolai Gogol and worldwide famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin (the latter’s ashes were transported from France several decades after the death of Fyodor Ivanovich).

It is interesting that in a sense, a real “cherry orchard” “grew up” on the old territory of the cemetery. Many famous actors of the Moscow Art Theater are buried here, led by the unforgettable Anton Chekhov and Konstantin Stanislavsky. In addition to the graves of these outstanding people, on Novodevichy you can find the tombstones of the final resting places of Mikhail Bulgakov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Prokofiev, Vladimir Vernadsky, Ivan Sechenov and other world-famous poets, writers, playwrights, composers and scientists.

Who can be buried at Novodevichye in our time?

According to official data, burial places are provided in 2 cases: for special services to the Fatherland and in the presence of ancient family burials. In the first case, the Moscow government provides a place in the cemetery free of charge to a person whose services to the Motherland are undeniable. Such persons include outstanding scientists, figures of art and literature, political figures, etc. The state provides them free of charge with the opportunity to rest in close proximity to the great sons of Russia and automatically replenish this glorious pantheon.

In the second case, you need to be a descendant of an old Russian family, whose representatives already have graves on Novodevichy. Naturally, in such a situation it is necessary to provide documents confirming the relationship of the deceased with those who were previously buried in the historical cemetery. According to the law, new family burials cannot be opened here (Novodevichye is considered a closed cemetery).

At the same time, you can often find advertisements for funeral services that offer assistance in conducting burials on Novodevichy. According to unofficial data, prices for a plot in this historical cemetery start from 150 thousand rubles and can reach an amount of 1.5-1.8 million. Usually such burials are only possible if a very old grave is moved, but this happens extremely rarely.

1. Academician Ostrovityanov Konstantin Vasilievich - Soviet economist and public figure.

2. Zykina Lyudmila Georgievna - Soviet and Russian singer, performer of Russian folk songs, Russian romances, pop songs.

3. Ulanova Galina Sergeevna - Soviet prima ballerina, choreographer and teacher. People's Artist of the USSR.

4. Ladynina Marina Alekseevna - Soviet theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR, winner of five Stalin Prizes.

5. Vladimir Leonidovich Govorov - Soviet military leader, army general, Hero of the Soviet Union.

6. Dovator Lev Mikhailovich - Soviet military leader, major general, Hero of the Soviet Union. Talalikhin Viktor Vasilyevich - military pilot, deputy squadron commander of the 177th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 6th Fighter Aviation Corps of the Air Defense Forces of the country, junior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union. Panfilov Ivan Vasilievich - Soviet military leader, major general, Hero of the Soviet Union.

7. Nikulin Yuri Vladimirovich - Soviet and Russian actor and clown. People's Artist of the USSR (1973). Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Participant of the Great Patriotic War. Member of the CPSU (b).

8. Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich - (December 8 (November 26) 1855, estate in the Vologda province - October 1, 1935, Moscow) - writer, journalist, writer of everyday life in Moscow.

9. Shukshin Vasily Makarovich - an outstanding Russian Soviet writer, film director, actor, screenwriter.

10. Fadeev Alexander Alexandrovich - Russian Soviet writer and public figure. Brigadier Commissar. Winner of the Stalin Prize, first degree. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918. (Novel Young Guard)

11. Durov Vladimir Leonidovich - Russian trainer and circus artist. Honored Artist of the Republic. Brother of Anatoly Leonidovich Durov.

12. Rybalko Pavel Semyonovich - an outstanding Soviet military leader, marshal of armored forces, commander of tank and combined arms armies, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

13. Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov - Soviet physicist, founder of the scientific school of physical optics in the USSR, academician and president of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Winner of four Stalin Prizes. The younger brother of N.I. Vavilov, a Soviet geneticist.

January 1860, July 2, 1904) - Russian writer, playwright, and doctor by profession. Honorary Academician of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of belles-lettres. He is a generally recognized classic of world literature. His plays, especially “The Cherry Orchard,” have been staged in many theaters around the world for a hundred years. One of the world's most famous playwrights.”]

14. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (17)