How to find out okpo by tax identification number - detailed instructions and various methods. How and where to get okpo for LLC

This term stands for All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. Today, the rules for its maintenance are established by Rosstat Order No. 211 dated March 29, 2017. The code is assigned to each organization and individual entrepreneur that operates on the territory of the Russian Federation. Its use is necessary for:

  • identification of economic entities;
  • compatibility of state information resources that contain information about business entities;
  • comparability of statistical data;
  • automated information processing.

If a company has branches, then OKPO is assigned to each of them.

The code is used when filling out many primary documents using unified forms (cash, personnel, sales of goods and other documents). It is also used when filling out statistical reporting, as well as financial reporting forms.

Assigning statistics codes

The responsibility for assigning a code, as well as other related classifiers, is assigned to the state statistics bodies. OKPO is assigned automatically when the statistical authority receives information about the registration of an organization or individual entrepreneur.

Information about the assigned identifier, as well as about other statistical codes of the newly created business entity, is sent to it in the corresponding information letter.

The code does not change throughout the entire period of activity, and its use is impossible for five years after the termination of the activity of the business entity.

What to do if the information letter is lost or it is necessary to check the data provided by the counterparty? For your company, you can contact the territorial statistics office to request a copy of the information letter. But it will take quite a long time. With the development of open information systems of many government agencies and public services on the Internet, it has become possible to obtain such information quickly and completely free of charge.

How to find out OKPO organizations by TIN on the tax website

Since the Federal Tax Service is responsible for registering business entities, the first question that arises is whether it is possible to obtain information about the identifiers assigned to the organization on the website

It is not possible to find out such information on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which can be obtained in the public domain on the website, do not contain such information. An extract can be obtained by TIN or company name in the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service.

How to find OKPO by organization tax identification number for free

There are many companies offering their services to search and provide any necessary information. However, in this case, the easiest and free way to find out statistical identifiers is to contact the service After switching to the service, you must:

  1. Select “Notification Type”: for legal entities, their branches or individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Fill in the TIN.
  3. Enter check numbers.

As a result of the search, you will receive a list of OKPO assigned to the company and its branches.

Clicking the “OK TEI Codes” button will allow you to receive a Notification containing a list of identifiers assigned to the organization by Rosstat.


The service also allows you to obtain a list of statistical reporting forms that the company must submit to Rosstat. To do this, click the “List of Forms” button in the list.

Through some websites of territorial bodies of Rosstat, you can also go to this service if you need to find out OKPO by TIN online. Rosstat Moscow, for example, posted the necessary link on the main page.

Other free services

Let's look at services where you can find information about OKPO of any company completely free of charge, without sending a confirmation SMS.


On the resource you can get basic information about the organization. To do this, you need to go to the “Try it yourself” section and enter your TIN.

OKPO is an abbreviation that almost every one of us has come across. Some directly, by virtue of running a business, while others simply heard about it. One way or another, OKPO is one of the main terms found in accounting, and everyone should have an idea of ​​what it is. In this article we will tell you what it is OKPO, why it is needed, and how to find out the OKPO of an organization.

OKPO is an all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations. In other words, this is a code that is assigned to each organization from the moment of its official registration. Legal entities receive a code of 8 digits, individual entrepreneurs - of ten. This code is individual for each organization and carries all the necessary data about this enterprise: name of the object, field of activity, administrative-territorial affiliation, form of ownership, relations of the organization with the authorities.

How to find out the OKPO of an organization?

As it becomes clear, OKPO is an important indicator that gives us an idea of ​​​​a particular organization. Knowing this code can help us find out information about the organization that interests us. You can find out this code at the company address or through the TIN (taxpayer identification number). This can be done by contacting official authorities or online.

How to find out the OKPO of an organization by address?

Today you can easily find out the OKPO organization, knowing its exact address. To do this, you:

  • first you will need to contact the local branch of the relevant service (Rosstat, Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Tax Service);
  • you will be given a form to fill out in which you will need to indicate your passport details, a certificate of registration of the enterprise and indicate its exact address;
  • Then it’s a matter of time. On average, this procedure lasts five days;
  • upon completion of the procedure, you will be given an official letter in which this code will be indicated.

How to find out the OKPO code by address online?

You can also find out the OKPO code at the address without leaving your home using the website To do this you need:

  • Scroll down the page a little and find the “Try it yourself” section;
  • enter the exact address of the company you are interested in;
  • Click “Find” and in a few seconds you will receive the information you are interested in.

This system is very convenient to use, but it has a certain request limit, after exceeding which the system will ask you to log into the site under your account or register.

How to find out OKPO codes by TIN?

You can also find out OKPO of any organization if you know its TIN. This can be done in two ways:

  • by contacting special authorities;
  • online using special websites.

The first method is no different from the method of obtaining a code using the company address. The only difference is that instead of an address you will need to indicate its TIN. Therefore, we will not dwell on it separately.

How to find out OKPO by TIN online?

Many of us value our personal time and prefer to do everything as quickly as possible. It is precisely for such people that there are special sites that make it possible to obtain an OKPO code online. This is best done with the help of official sources, which will be discussed below.

kodyrosstat.rf is a very convenient site with clear navigation. On the left is a list of regions in which, in fact, the search is carried out. On the right are answers to frequently asked questions from users. You can find out the OKPO code using a simple procedure:

  • Select from the listed regions the region that interests you.
  • Select the desired classifier (legal entity or individual entrepreneur).
  • In the special menu, enter the TIN and captcha code.
  • Click on the “Search” button, and after a few seconds the system will provide the information you are interested in.

If you wish, you can also download and print the information received. Please note that statistics on this site are updated twice a month: on the 15th and 30th. Therefore, in some cases you will not be able to obtain OKPO of the enterprise you are interested in. is a convenient website, the main advantage of which is the ability to obtain an extract from the state certified by the Federal Tax Service. registry or message with code statistics.
In order to use it to find out the OKPO code, you must:

  • click on “Perform a free search in the OKPO Russia directory”;
  • enter the TIN of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur;
  • enter captcha;
  • Click on “Search” and in a few seconds you will receive the information you are interested in.

“Russian Tables” is a site with the simplest possible operating procedure. All you need to learn OKPO is:

  • open the “Directories” tab;
  • Among the proposed options, click on “OKPO Directory”;
  • enter the enterprise tax identification number and click “Search”.

In this article, we looked at only a few sites with which you can find out the OKPO of an enterprise. In reality, there are many more of them, and each of them can help you find the information you are interested in. We cannot talk about which of these resources is the most convenient to use, since this is a purely individual parameter. We can only assure you that on these sites you can find out OKPO by TIN for free. There are, of course, paid resources, such as ERGYUL.som.

Most frequently asked questions

Any organization cannot legally carry out its activities without OKPO

  1. How much does it cost to get an OKPO code?
    Requesting an OKPO code from Rosstat or the Unified State Register is free. Only if you lose this code you will have to pay a certain amount.
  2. Why is it needed?
    Any organization cannot legally carry out its activities without this code. If checked by the relevant authorities, you may be fined or even have your business closed.
  3. Where does the OKPO code appear?
    This code appears in all documents where you need to indicate the details of the organization.


OKPO code is the basis of statistics for any enterprise. The introduction of this code greatly simplified the information exchange system, as well as the object identification scheme. It also gives every citizen the opportunity to find out all the information he is interested in about any enterprise.

When registering as a legal entity, any enterprise receives a code OKPO. Introduced on July 1, 1994 ( Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 297). It determines the type of activity of the enterprise. It is interesting that in some cases it coincides with the codes of similar organizations.

Before you understand the question of where and how to get OKPO, you need to know that it is usually issued to representative offices, branches of companies, organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs (IP). If the types of activities of an enterprise change or new types are added, the OKPO code will also be changed. The latter consists of eight or ten digits. The initial seven or nine digits are the serial number. The last digit is the check number.

How can I find out the OKPO of a private enterprise or organization?

OKPO of any company or organization is available in Rosstat databases. It serves as a kind of identifier in the case of interdepartmental exchange, as well as when merging databases

It is possible to find out the OKPO code by INN. To apply this method, you must know the taxpayer identification number, which in any case is assigned to an individual entrepreneur or company.

Among other things, you can use the Internet resource of the Federal State Statistics Service

This article will focus on the OKPO code. It would seem that every enterprise has many different codes, identifiers, etc. A logical question arises: “what is the peculiarity of OKPO?”

This is one of the most important identifiers of an organization; it is on its basis that other codes are assigned. No legal entity can carry out its activities if it does not have its own OKPO code. Moreover, this applies to the entire territory of the Russian Federation: from Moscow to Siberia. Many people know that it is necessary to indicate OKPO in documents, details and reports, but few are familiar with how this code is generated and what it is used for.

Therefore, our article will be useful to any entrepreneur or company representative. Let's figure out what kind of code this is, where to get it and how to use it to find out the maximum information about the enterprise. After all, as they say, he who is informed is armed.

How does this term stand for?

So, let's start with decoding. OKPO – All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. As we have already said, any enterprise or organization has this code. The presence of a code does not depend on the legal and structural affiliation of a legal entity. This ensures the maintenance of a single national register, which was founded in 1994.

Which entities are subject to inclusion in this register? This includes three categories of subjects, namely:

  • legal entity, including representative offices and branches;
  • IP – individual entrepreneurs;
  • organizations that operate without forming a legal entity.

In accounting documents the code is referred to as OK 007-93.

The OKPO number does not change throughout the activity of the entity. Reorganization and creation of branches in other regions do not require a code change. Changes need to be made only when changing the industry in which the enterprise, organization or individual entrepreneur specializes.

What and where is it used for?

Its main task is to determine the industry in which a given enterprise or organization operates. This is the main state classifier that unites entities by sectors of their activity. Unlike, which carries complete, detailed information about an economic entity, OKPO gives only a general idea of ​​the industry.

It is used for the following purposes:

  • ensures compatibility of state information systems with information about business entities;
  • identifies subjects throughout Russia;
  • promotes information exchange between various departments;
  • development of a unified information space;
  • automated information processing;
  • classification of information, which subsequently makes it possible to make a forecast of socio-economic development in the state and improve the organization of statistical accounting.

Thus, OKPO allows you to conveniently maintain statistics and exchange information between departments. OKPO should not be confused with tax identifiers; it does not contain taxation data. This is a purely statistical registration code.

Legalization of the activities of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur on the market is possible only after receiving the OKPO code. If the code does not reflect the industry of activity, this is fraught with penalties from inspection and regulatory authorities.

Does the individual entrepreneur have OKPO?

Individual entrepreneurs, just like enterprises and organizations that have not created a legal entity, have an OKPO code. There is only one difference - more numbers – 10, instead of 8. It is prohibited to assign identical codes to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The OKPO code itself is contained in the first extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP), issued upon registration of an individual entrepreneur. A similar code began to be issued to entrepreneurs only in 1999, so if you registered earlier, you need to contact the Rosstat Office and receive it.

Individual entrepreneurs have their own section in OKPO, we will talk about this later.

Structure and sections

This classifier consists of 2 sections. The first is dedicated to legal entities, their representative offices and branches, as well as organizations that operate without creating a legal entity. The second consists entirely of individual entrepreneurs.

Each of these sections has three blocks:

  1. Name of objects.
  2. Identification.
  3. Classification characteristics.

So, the first block is Name. Represents the full name of the subject. For the first section, indicate both the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise or organization in Russian. If there is an English name, it is entered as additional information. As for individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the entrepreneur in the nominative case.

In the second block directly contains OKPO code. For enterprises and organizations it consists of 8 digits, and for individual entrepreneurs it consists of 10 digits. The first two digits define 4 types of activities:

  • labor and natural resources;
  • products of labor and production activities;
  • National economy;
  • management and documentation.

The remaining numbers are the immediate serial number of registration. The last digit is the control one. It is calculated according to a special methodology established by the Standardization Rules.

Last block – additional codes of other classifiers, namely:

  • OKATO– the code of objects according to the administrative-territorial division, it is used to determine where a particular subject is located;
  • OKFS denotes the form of ownership of an enterprise or organization;
  • OKOGU represents the code of government bodies, using it you can find out who has jurisdiction over a given government body;
  • OKOPF contains information regarding the legal form of the enterprise;
  • OKVED characterizes the type of economic activity;
  • OKTMO– accurate data on the territory of municipal significance where the business entity is located.

The block contains information about 6 classifiers, other data is not provided.

Please note that there cannot be identical codes. The only possible case of coincidence is when the entity was liquidated, and its OKPO code after 5 years can be reassigned to a new business entity.

If you have doubts, it is quite easy to dispel them. You just need to check the TIN, and everything will fall into place - if it does not match, then we are talking about different organizations.

Where can I get the OKPO code for an organization?

The leading body of OKPO, which is responsible for issuing the number, is Federal State Statistics Service or, more simply put, Rosstat Department. It is Rosstat that maintains the classifier and database that records information and statistics about business entities, that is, it accumulates the collected information.

Upon registration, organizations and individual entrepreneurs are issued a letter from Rosstat, which contains the assigned OKPO code. That is, it is very easy to obtain it for the first time; it is issued along with other registration documents.

If the code is lost, Rosstat will issue it again. By the way, this service is paid.

The number of OKPO IP or LLC can be found out by having documents such as an extract from the register (Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Legal Entities), for joint stock companies - Charter (copy), extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and an extract from the register of shareholders. You can come to Rosstat in person or send an electronic request through the official website. The request must be made in writing.

The company's OKPO is indicated on all legal, tax and accounting documents and reports. For example, in contracts, agreements, licenses, permits, invoices, certificates of work performed, in any reports of inspection bodies.

How to find it by TIN and other methods

There is a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service where you can find out the OKPO code by TIN. There you will find out the exact address of the organization, and then at the district administration you can find out the code itself.

Knowing the OKPO code, it is easier to access other registers and check whether your counterparty is conscientiously fulfilling its obligations to the state, and whether a bankruptcy procedure has been opened against it.

You can find out your code by contacting the tax office itself, submitting a written application for the issuance of an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The official answer will come in 5 days. You can also contact the district administration. You must have documents with you, including your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

There is a website where OKPO is checked. To check, you need to know the full name of the organization, data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or Unified State Register of Legal Entities, OGRN and date of registration.

Thanks to the code, a single, centralized and reliable register of all business entities is maintained throughout the state. A unified information field and statistical database have been created. This classifier is not a static system, it is constantly changing, changes and additions are made to it, so it is not published, otherwise it would take more than one volume, and reprinting would occur weekly.

The current code can be found either in Rosstat itself, or on the Internet through the TIN. You can also find out the codes of large enterprises simply by searching on the Internet. Many of them publish it on their website.

For government agencies, OKPO is a convenient database where you can find out complete information about a specific entity under one number. A single code also simplifies the exchange of information between different authorities.

Upon registration, an individual entrepreneur receives many documents and various codes, including a code from the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. OKPO for individual entrepreneurs is a kind of directory that contains absolutely all the information about entrepreneurs. What is the essence of this code and how is it different from others?

Deciphering the OKPO code

OKPO is a directory that contains all the information about entrepreneurs and their businesses. It was adopted in 1993 by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 297. A code was assigned to each entrepreneur, organization, legal entity and other enterprises.

The directory consists of two sections. Individual entrepreneurs are assigned the second section of the classifier.

For individual entrepreneurs, the OKPO code consists of 10 digits, which contain information about the type of activity of the entrepreneur and the serial number in the classifier. The initial nine digits are a serial number in OKPO, and the tenth is assigned to the individual entrepreneur according to a specially developed algorithm, which contains complete information about the subject (Standardization Rules PR. 50.1.024–2005). Example OKPO code for an individual entrepreneur : 2308771683.

For individual entrepreneurs, the OKPO code is made up of 10 digits, which contain information about the type of activity of the entrepreneur and the serial number in the classifier.

An individual entrepreneur receives all important codes when registering his activities. After submitting documents to the tax office, data systematization begins. Individual entrepreneurs are assigned an OKPO code, enter this information into the database and issue it with all documents.

Why is OKPO needed?

There must be order in everything, and even more so in the accounting of existing companies. The classifier allows you to find information about any individual entrepreneur. After checking the information in Rosstat or the Federal Tax Service, you can draw a conclusion about whether it is worth starting any business with this counterparty. If the OKPO IP code indicated in its documents is not listed in the database or is related to another organization, then the conclusions suggest themselves.

The classifier allows you to find information about any individual entrepreneur.

OKPO is no less convenient in systematizing all data in various departments. It is enough to indicate the codes related to a specific entrepreneur, and the system itself will add the information where it should be. By the code assigned to the individual entrepreneur, you can determine what kind of activity he is engaged in.

This information is unique and is stored until the individual entrepreneur decides to change the type of activity or liquidate its status. When the individual entrepreneur changes direction, the code in OKPO also changes, which will be indicated in the new extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Where to find the OKPO code

So, we found out what OKPO is and why it was created. Now it wouldn’t hurt to know where to look at the OKPO code – your own or your potential partner’s. If you did not find OKPO in the documents issued during registration, you can deal with this issue yourself.

There are several ways to find out the code:

  1. Contact Rosstat.
  2. Contact the tax office where the individual entrepreneur was registered.
  3. Send an electronic request on the specialized OKPO website.

But first you need to collect a package of documents, which includes:

  • passport;
  • number of the state registration certificate;
  • a statement requesting the code in the information letter.

A response to your request will be provided within 5 days. If an entrepreneur contacts the Federal Tax Service, he will be given an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, where one of the items will be the ten-digit digital OKPO code.

Find out the code of another individual entrepreneur

To find out the OKPO code of another entrepreneur, you can look at any payment documents. For example, request an invoice for a product or service or make a request for individual entrepreneur details. Usually in the general information there is a line with OKPO, and all accountant reports must contain a digital code - it is located in the upper right corner of any document.

If this option for obtaining a code is not possible, then you must contact government agencies.

Information for requesting OKPO of another individual entrepreneur:

  • address of the tax office where the individual entrepreneur was registered;
  • type of economic activity.

The more information you provide, the faster the database search will be completed.

The OKPO code does not change unless there is a change in activity. To avoid confusion, a code that has ceased to apply to an individual entrepreneur can be assigned to another entity only 5 years after the first owner renounces it. Therefore, in the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations there are no codes that duplicate each other.

The OKPO code is important for accounting, drawing up contracts, agreements and providing details. It is better to have such information at hand than to waste 5 days to receive a response to a request if the code is required.